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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. You can use the link in this FAQ to get back to the reset password screen. Just remember: It must be between 8-12 letters and/or numbers, no punctuation or special characters, and it’s case sensitive. You also can’t reset it to the current password. You have to make a new one.
  2. As a Diablo player, why not have the smartphone as an artifact, something which landed along with the angel (as per Diablo 3)? Holy artifacts are always a good way to explain tech..
  3. BronxWench


    I would need a story title or pen name for the author to be certain.
  4. I would have to know what the email address is, and it’s probably safest all around to email me with that information. I’m not finding anything for a pen name matching your guest name. You can reach the staff via this email address: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org
  5. You’ll need to be a bit more specific. Which subdomain and fandom is the story for? Are you writing a story for this new category? We generally don’t create unique categories for something covered by a story tag. Furry content is covered under the Anthro tag – Anthropomorphic/Furries/Furry/Plushy/Plushophiles.
  6. You can read about that in our FAQs, which our admins take a great deal of time to write: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63122-how-to-find-the-author-id-and-story-id/
  7. I’ve moved this, since in my slightly brain dead state earlier, I didn’t quite realize that Arrow stories exist in the Television subdomain. However, I was unable to find any records of staff action regarding those stories. I can only surmise the authors removed the stories themselves. I’m sorry!
  8. Without titles, it would be hard for me to say with any certainty, but authors sometimes remove stories for reasons of their own. If you can remember individual story titles or author pen names, I can certainly look into our records and see what I can find out.
  9. If the readers would recognize anything in the story as being from Diablo 2 or 3, then it does need to go in the Games subdomain. We have subcategories for both Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, so I suggest using the one which fits best. You can mention in the summary that the story is an AU, and contains OCs.
  10. This has not been one of my better weeks… :blink: 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      Lachesis: “Hard to top? Hold my wine I got this...”

      Nah, I got my fingers crossed for ya :)

    3. InBrightestDay


      I’m sorry to hear that, and I hope the coming week is better for you. :hug:

    4. Melrick


      Sadly, I can sympathise.  This has been a nightmare 2 months for me and it’s not getting any better.  Now we have to find out why mum has lost vision in her right eye.  Here’s hoping things improve for the both of us!

  11. It’s gone, and thank you!
  12. It took a while to find out what happened--knowing that it had been in Harry Potter would have helped. However, here’s what I discovered. The story was warned via email on 11/7/2016 for an Author’s Note chapter, consisting of a single line (Chapter 48). When the Author’s Note chapter wasn’t removed, the story was hidden on 11/15/2016. The story was finally deleted for noncompliance on 1/16/2017, which was about 62 days after it had been hidden. As I said above, anything deleted is gone permanently, and can’t be recovered.
  13. It would help if you could provide your story title and subdomain, so I can check the status. If the story was deleted, however, it’s gone for good. We don’t retain copies of anything that’s been deleted. Generally, we give 7 days after a warning before we hide a story, and then at least another 30 days before it would be deleted.
  14. The author was kotikzhenshchina, but the author profile and all stories were deleted. I’m not seeing any indication this was done by staff action, so I’m going to assume it was by author request that the account was removed.
  15. Hi, This section of the FAQs deals with how to add stories to your reading list. The story URLs are at the top of the page, in your browser bar, and you want that story ID number at the end of the URL, as is explained here. The same applies to author IDs.
  16. My work laptop, which has a touchscreen, has an extraordinary amount of hissies involving forgetting how to touchscreen, zooming and refusing to zoom back out, and deciding I’m inputting too fast for its miniscule memory to cope with, so I restart a lot. Of course, it doesn’t help that the OS is Windows Hate, and the browser is IE. I even have to use Outlook for my work emails. It’s the damned Dark Ages, otherwise known as being a government employee. I forget how old my desktop is, but I tweak that mercilessly. It doesn’t dare misbehave, or I change out something inside. More power! More memory! Faster HD! ::cackles madly::
  17. Wishing @Melrick the very best of birthdays, and many, many more! :hug: :bday: :birthday: :twirl:

  18. I’ve poked around a bit, and I think it was linked to the previous crash. Firefox has been stable for us lately—there were builds a few years back that were gruesome with our archive code but they seem to have gotten past that. But when a browser crashes, I always recommend a full shutdown of the computer and a restart. I use Chrome, and while it’s very rare that it crashes, if I don’t do the full shutdown of my computer, everything is glitchy until I do so. I’m so sorry this happened, but hopefully you’ll be able to post the edited chapter successfully once you’re done with the edits in Word.
  19. Hi, I’m not seeing any staff action for your story, so that’s not the issue. I’m also not seeing your Chapter 37 either. There isn’t a queue for new chapters to be uploaded, so it isn’t that. And unfortunately, we wouldn’t be able to recover anything you tried to post. As far as the technical details go, which browser do you use? Historically speaking, we have the most issues with Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, but even browsers which generally work can have moments.
  20. I think that’s called being human, if we’ve hurt someone’s feelings at some point in our lives. It’s not a harbinger of being an awful person at all. On the other hand, some people make it a habit to look for hurt in everything that’s said to them. Me, I make it a point to assume the best. I find it terrifies most people when I do that.
  21. I dunno, I always think of you as sort of fluffy, and sweet… ::ducks and runs away::
  22. Thank you! Our forum staff works hard to make sure this is a welcoming place, and I know they’ll love hearing from you!
  23. Okay, let me see if I can clear this up. You’re a new member, and it always takes a little time to adjust to a new site, especially one that’s actively moderated. I’m not particularly concerned about the disclaimer field directing readers to chapter one. That’s fine, if you have a lengthy disclaimer, which you do. The issue here is that your disclaimer, for your Original work, is missing one key element, although you have a great deal else in the disclaimer. Let’s start with what you have: “This a work of fiction and fantasy, is intended for mature readers only. This is not real life and as such is not to be acted on. The author does not condone sex without legal consent between two or more parties. I do not own Cabana 6 or the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. I do not own any characters created by celebraties or any other person, but are included here in small quotes for artistic merit only. I do not make any money from these characters. The Author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.” Now, the review you were left reads as follows: “Please correct your disclaimer. Your disclaimer doesn't have one of the two parts we need to see. It needs to have a resemblance clause. We suggest this format and wording: Any resemblance to person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. What happens if the disclaimer isn't fixed? We allow seven (7) days for the story to be corrected. After that, we hide it, and it will stay hidden until it's corrected or until it's been thirty (30) days since we hid it. At that point, we do delete the story. If we do hide your story, you can always access it through your Control Panel in your archive profile even while it's hidden. If we do hide your story, and you've fixed it, you can contact the ToS team with the name of your story, your username and the fandom where the story is located to have your story made visible again. You can contact us by email at TOS_team@adult-fanfiction.org. Just one thing: Re-uploads of hidden stories are deleted immediately with no additional warning given. Here's a link to the Terms of Service: http://www.adult-fanfiction.org/tos.php This link is to the FAQ about disclaimers, with some examples: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=3560 We also suggest taking a few minutes to read the Content Guidelines: http://www.adult-fanfiction.org/guidelines.php You can remove this review once your disclaimer is corrected. Thank you,” I’ve highlighted the beginning, where we tell you what’s missing and suggest wording you can use to make the disclaimer compliant. The purpose of that statement is the same as it is for any published work of fiction: to ensure no one reading it sits up and says, “Hey, that’s me they’re talking about! I did that last year!” That leads to emails, and a great deal of grief for all of us, and out in the real world, lawsuits. So now that I’ve been hugely boring, how can you fix your disclaimer? Let’s take what you have, add what I need, and you can copy and paste that into your story. I’ve used parentheses to indicate what we actually don’t need for an Original work, since you do own it, and can conceivably publish it for money. That no-profit disclaimer applies to fan fictions, where you don’t have permission to profit from any copyrighted material owned by someone else. ”This a work of fiction and fantasy, is intended for mature readers only. This is not real life and as such is not to be acted on. Any resemblance of characters to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author does not condone sex without legal consent between two or more parties. (I do not own Cabana 6 or the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. I do not own any characters created by celebrities or any other person, but are included here in small quotes for artistic merit only. I do not make any money from these characters.) The Author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.” I hope that helps clear up what we need to see, and a bit about why we ask for certain disclaimer statements.
  24. Wishing the lovely @pittwitch the very happiest of birthdays! :hug: :wub: :birthday: :bday: :twirl:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GeorgeGlass
    3. Melrick


      Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear @pittwitch , happy birthday to you!

    4. pittwitch


      Thank you all!  Another adventure filled trip around the sun indeed!  I’m healing nicely from the surgery.  :)  

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