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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I’ve deleted the submission in the Books subdomain, but you will need to repost it in our Harry Potter subdomain.
  2. BronxWench

    Getting lucky

    All I’ve been able to find is a mention in our records that the author pulled the story back in July 2017. Once a story is deleted from the archive, we don’t retain any copies of it. The deletion is permanent. I’m sorry—I know that’s not what you were hoping to hear, but it’s all I can find.
  3. I want to wish a very Happy Birthday to the amazing Melrick! If it were possible, I’d send you a Key Lime pie from JG Melon’s, but you’ll have to settle for a virtual hug. :hug:


  4. Well, you certainly won’t be able to make a forum profile using someone else’s archive profile, that’s for certain. Do you have an archive profile? If yes, I can find your url for you. If not, you’ll need to create an archive profile before you can join the forum, or you can read this FAQ carefully, and see if you will be allowed to create a forum profile without an archive profile. Remember—this method requires patience—even more now that we’re all in various stages of lockdown and self-isolation.
  5. Wishing the very happiest of birthdays to my dear Pittwitch. Love you!

    :bday: :wish: :cheers: :twirl:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InvidiaRed
    3. Melrick


      Happy birthday to you!  Mine’s on the 22nd, although it’s been cancelled this year. lol

    4. GeorgeGlass
  6. I can confirm that the member in question removed her account at AFF. At that point in time, there were no stories posted under the account, So I can only assume they were removed prior to the account removal. I’m sorry it’s not better news.
  7. Okay, so the default browser for your phone would be Safari. On a Mac, you would open Safari, and go to Preferences > Advanced, and there should be an option for “Default Encoding.” I don’t know if Safari for mobile platforms has this option, but from what I’ve seen, Safari for iPhones doesn’t have the same options under the Advanced settings. Even checking the Dummies Guide for iPhones online didn’t show any options to change encoding/fonts the way you can on a Mac. Now, I don’t know if you can add an extension to Safari on the iPhone like the Chrome extension which allows you to change encoding. The link DG had for that is here.
  8. Are you viewing the stories through a browser, or on a mobile device using iOS? And if a mobile device, which version of iOS? I’m not an iOS user myself, but I can poke about and see what I can find.
  9. Straw, Wood and Brick by KittyRae
  10. Ah, spambots… harbingers of spring break and self quarantine… It’s gone, and thank you!
  11. First of all, I should start by saying I never intended to have quite so long a dry spell, but… It may honestly have been a good thing to have to repost work, because I’m getting a chance to look at it with a fresh eye, and hopefully make it better. And now to business! For Masking Intentions: Thank you! This is one of my favorite worlds, of all the places that live in my head. I’m cleaning it up and tweaking, and that will hopefully put some energy into the remainder of the story. I’ve really wanted to tell Kdis’ story, and I’m excited to be working on it again. Yes, yes, I know. I’ve been a bad author and neglected this one terribly but I hope the edits make it stronger and a better read. I’m telling myself that, anyway. And thank you! Keep poking me!
  12. Thank you! The stories in the wrong subdomain have been moved to the Misplaced category for DemonGoddess to move when she has time. The stories in the wrong fandoms have been moved within the subdomain to the correct fandoms.
  13. Author: fantasyking9000 Title: Conqueror’s paradise Summary: When a young dragon lord claims a new planet with the help of a magical device he knows that the real fun is only getting started as he will tame several girls from different universes as his own. Feedback: Polls and review replies here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/68686-conquerors-paradise/ Fandom: Anime AU Crossover Warnings: 3Plus Anthro BDSM Beast Bond CR Dom Exhib Humil Ms OC Preg Rape Slave Toys WIP Xeno Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered Adding Chapters allowed: Yes URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600056413
  14. Just a small point of order… We don’t allow polls in the archive itself, or on review boards. You can start a thread here on the forums for polls and reader interaction. You might also want to include a link to the archive posting, rather than to your .odt file once you’ve reposted it to the correct subdomain, Anime.
  15. There have been many changes. Most of them were done to make the archive code compliant with new protocols. The last upgrade was to make the site more mobile-friendly, which has had the effect of making it just that bit more difficult for those of us who don’t do everything on a mobile device. I will say that uploading content is easier than when I first joined in 2010, but navigating the categories within subdomains can be a bit awkward, and I preferred the brief appearance of left-side menus, taken from us all too soon by the mobile-driven changes. We are always very happy to hear specific concerns. It may be possible that a specific issue you’re having will be addressed, or could be addressed if we knew about it. If we can’t fix it, we can at least tell you why not, and we can make note for future code updates.
  16. Links for this story: Beginner’s Friday Nights by Selah-Seftali
  17. The last activity on the account was in mid-2019, but I don’t have an exact date when the stories were taken down.
  18. Hi, Is this you? http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296896729 If so, the problem is that there was an archive code update since you last logged in back in early 2012. What you need to do is to reactivate the account. We have a FAQ which explains the process: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29595-existing-users-logging-in-for-the-1st-time-in-the-new-system/ If you have any problems during the reactivation, let us know and we’ll get things sorted for you. I’m also emailing this to the address we have on record. If you don’t get the email, or if the address we have on file is not the email address you want to use, let us know via email and I can update that for you so you can complete the reactivation. EDIT: The email address we have is no longer working, it seems, so I’ll need you to email us with a good email address. You can send that to us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, and just include your pen name, so I know whose email needs updating.
  19. This story in particular had so many devoted readers. Right now, the best I can do is to offer to forward an email to the author, since there is no published email address on that profile. If you’d like to do that, you can send your email to the author to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, and I’d be happy to forward it onward. I don’t know if the author has responded to anyone whose email I’ve forwarded previously, but I know that as an author myself, I would appreciate knowing my stories touched so many people.
  20. The author, also known here as DedicatedQuill, changed their pen name and removed all their stories from the Internet. I’m also going to ask that anyone who might have a copy of this story please DO NOT use our forums to pass that around. AFF respects the rights of authors to remove content, and we do not allow members to distribute hard copies of any removed works.
  21. You don’t want to be too specific. It takes the reader out of the story when they have to work to see exactly what the author is seeing. Unless what you;re describing is something so commonplace as to be universal, like a single-story, red brick factory building with a flat roof that occupies a full city block, readers should be able to invest some imagination into the scene. Your idea of Grandma’s cottage and mine might vary, but the general idea of Grandma’s cottage will conjure up an emotional response in readers that too much detail can obscure.
  22. Nothing to worry about! Willow is our forum moderator, and we have a rule about not allowing stories to be published in the forum—we’ve had people post stories here instead of the archive. So, our forum admin and Willow established a rule about no more than 10 sentences of story text being allowed. However, that really applies mainly to our challenge threads, where people tend to post whole chapters of what they’ve written in response to a challenge, to make sure the person making the challenge is pleased. That’s the sort of excess we try to avoid. In this case, and particularly given the way Japanese works (especially those dratted honorifics), giving a bigger chunk of text was more helpful. The whole idea of this thread is to let writers work out questions relating to language, or terminology. Fortunately, we have Willow, who studies Japanese and keeps me fairly honest when it comes to proper terminology. In return, I’m teaching her to curse in Sindarin.
  23. Actually, in this instance, because the OP is looking for language guidance and not looking to publish a story on the forum, in whole or in part, I think the extra content was needed to get the correct guidance, especially in the murky world of Japanese honorifics (which still elude me after all these years of you trying to teach me). Now, the idiot who keeps trying to publish stories in the Adopt a Story forum definitely needs to be smacked with a very large thesaurus. Repeatedly.
  24. Darling, that’s the fun part of being a writer! See it in your mind’s eye, and then describe what you see: “The gnarled bark of the tree’s trunk formed a series of steps leading upward into the branches, and there, hidden among the green leaves and growing apples was a house. Small and somehow invitingly cozy, it looked like the sort of place everyone’s favorite grandmother might live, if she lived in a tree, of course. The windows were open, and a hint of cinnamon teased the senses, invoking the warmth of apple pie and spiced tea.” You don’t need to measure it out in feet, or meters. Let the reader use their own imagination, and just give them the general shape of it.
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