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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Vale looked at each memory that Yuji showed him, and when Yuji invited him to live them, Vale did so with eager abandon, kissing a toad, tossing cherry blossoms, looking out on a magnificent vista that soothed the turmoil in his soul. When Yuji returned them to a garden filled with cherry blossoms, and left Vale to wander this incredible world, Vale whispered, "I love you, my perfect Yuji. Sleep well, beloved."

    Vale considered his options, and chose to return to the hillside overlooking the old estate, the high perch and its extraordinary view once again acting to soothe him. Vale considered his options once again, his soul-self blurring briefly as his garb changed to the formal finery of the Evermeet Court. Vale nodded, accepting that judgment by his soul, and set about doing what he could in the meantime. He lit incense at the tomb, kneeling and offering prayers to the Seldarine for the keeping of Yuichi's soul. Human though he had been, Yuichi had loved an elven woman and had begun a lineage that had resulted in Yuji's birth, something Vale would honor until time ended. As he finished his prayer, something bright appeared, a piece of something, and Vale picked it up.

    Vale wandered next into the house that had been Sora's, smiling as he saw a faint image of a toad appear. He bowed with great respect to the grandmother toad, and opened the door so that she could hop away on her quest, and where she had been, another bright fragment caught Vale's eye. He retraced his path through Yuji's memories, acknowledging each one, and collecting the bright shards until he was back in the garden where Yuji had led him in the end. Vale curled up under a tree, heedless of his finery, and laid the shards out in front of him, piecing them together with deft fingers. When Vale was finished, a mirror lay on a bed of fallen cherry blossoms in front of him, and he watched as the pieces fused together into a seamless whole.

    Vale lifted the mirror and gazed into it. At first, he saw a somber sun elf, clad in the finery of his heritage, with emerald streaked sungold hair and wide green eyes, The image shifted, and he was gazing at a Japanese man with perfect eyes and lips that begged to be kissed, his fingers dancing over the ivory keys of a grand piano and coaxing forth music that tugged at Vale and drew him inexorably closer. The image shifted one more time, and Vale saw an older sun elf with burnished gold hair and blue eyes, his face serene, standing in front of an archway filled with sunlight.

    Vale stood, and the mirror shrank as a chain emerged from one edge, a fine web of cracks covering its surface once again. Vale hung the now pendant sized mirror around his neck, and raised his face to the sky, letting the cherry blossoms rain down on him like the love that had showered him from his family this night. A radiant smile lit Vale's face, and he let himself fall backward with perfect trust, the cherry blossoms catching him and cradling him safely through the night.

    It was just dawn when Vale emerged from reverie, wrapped in Yuji's arms as Yuji slept. Vale lay there, the emerging sun painting Yuji golden, and Vale watched those plump lips part slightly in a sigh. Even without the monitor, Vale heard Hikaru stir in his crib, beginning to stir as sleep lifted slowly. He could feel the pulse of magic as Kansas and Erion greeted the dawn and drew strength from the rising sun and each other. And in the stillness, Vale heard something else, faint but unmistakable to one who had been raised on Evermeet. Vale heard the heartsong of his family, what Akihito would have embraced as his honne, what Yuji had crafted from the vastness of his heart, and Vale knew that one day, he would be able to share this song with Satoshi, who could translate it into something that the ear could hear even as it flowed through and restored the soul. The thought made Vale smile, and that was when Yuji woke, his perfect eyes a little bleary as Vale reached for a breath mint and slipped it between Yuji's lips.

    "How long have you been awake?" Yuji asked, looking at his beloved elf with a slightly puzzled expression.

    "Not long, a'maelamin, only a few minutes," Vale replied, still smiling as he brushed the hair away from Yuji's eyes with graceful fingers. "Thank you for last night, for everything you did for me, for loving me so well, and so deeply, and for those beautiful memories. I'll cherish them, and walk in them in reverie again."

    Yuji looked at Vale, seeing the shadows under his eyes all but gone, a beautiful smile on his lips, and his eyes a vivid emerald green. The sparkle that danced in them was not as bright as it had been, but it was stronger than it had been since Vale had bared his soul to Yuji, and there was a calm peace in them that made Yuji's heart soar even as his throat tightened with emotion.

    "You look better, my love. You were able to take reverie?" Yuji reached out and cupped Vale's cheek in one hand tenderly.

    Vale nodded, and leaned in to kiss Yuji very gently. "I found both rest and an answer, a'maelamin. When it's possible to travel, I need to return to Evermeet. Only there can I fix this permanently, but I think I've found a temporary fix, and it was your memories that led me to it."

    Yuji looked at Vale, puzzled. "A temporary fix?"

    "A way to hold the worst of it at bay," Vale explained. "Hiding those memories away won't work. It didn't work all along, actually, and what happened was bound to happen, sooner or later. The clerics of Evermeet did this, and they have to undo it, fix what they broke." Vale looked at Yuji with infinite love. "I was never broken. I was an elfling, and terrified, and that should have been addressed, not swept away. Their shame and narrow-minded bigotry is what caused me the real harm." Vale's smile widened a little. "I forgot what Anadan taught me. What I am is nothing to be ashamed of. I'll walk the streets of Drelagara with your collar displayed for all to see, because I'm proud to be yours. If that's more than my House can bear, then I'll renounce my House. I'm Hayashi Akira, and that's all I need. Your name, and your love."

    "But how are you holding those memories at bay?" Yuji asked, his beautiful eyes worried. "I don't want this to be something that's going to collapse and leave you worse than before. I can't bear that, Vale."

    "I don't know if I have the words to explain it. It's like a web, and the pain gets reflected away. I get the memories, but without the pain." Vale kissed Yuji again, sweet and soft. "It'll hold, long enough for us to be able to get to Evermeet. I figure if we go there over the summer, that'll be plenty of time. Erion and Kansas will be done with their exams, and the school will be closed. I just hope Satoshi can get time away from the studio."

    Yuji looked at Vale, feeling the calm confidence that flowed out through their bond. "How did you figure this out?"

    Vale rested his forehead against Yuji's tenderly. "You gave me the answer, or actually, your grandfather did. I'm embracing my honne."

    Yuji just shook his head as Vale slid out of bed and walked over to the ensuite bathroom to warm up the shower, his hips swaying gracefully. Yuji followed, part of him rejoicing that Vale seemed to have recovered his equilibrium after the shock the other night, and part of him hoping that this was not just a temporary respite. They washed thoroughly, Vale shampooing Yuji's hair and massaging his scalp with strong fingers, but Vale did not angle for sex, which would have been something Yuji would have expected. Even when Yuji returned the favor and shampooed Vale's hair, the elf did not bump his ass back against Yuji's cock, one of the reasons that their showers always took so long.

    As they were drying off, Vale gave Yuji a slightly apologetic look. "I don't want to push things too much, a'maelamin. I love you, and I love when you take me in the shower, but I want to make sure this holds."

    "You've taken up mind reading?" Yuji said, shaking his head. He chuckled a little. "I was just worrying about the same thing, my love."

    Yuji dressed and went downstairs to start breakfast, and Vale followed him in a few minutes, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

    "Do you mind if I take today off as well?" Vale asked. "If this works, I'd like to try working on Monday, even for a half-day, if you think it's okay."

    "The school year is almost over," Yuji pointed out as Vale poured himself some tea.

    "I know, and there's all the end of the school year paperwork to do. I don't want to dump all that on Willow. She'll have my head for soup," Vale said, widening his eyes in mock horror. "Besides, work will keep my mind occupied, instead of my sitting at home and dwelling on things."

    Yuji nodded, hearing the sense in that. "If you're still feeling good by Monday, we'll do a half-day and see how it goes."

    "Thank you!" Vale gave Yuji a kiss, grinning happily. His head lifted as he heard Hikaru, and he shot Yuji a plaintive look.

    Yuji shook his head, knowing that Willow would see to Hikaru, and she came down a few minutes later with the half-elf in her arms. Vale had poured tea for her, and he took Hikaru as he passed Willow the tea, Willow still groggy enough not to react to the sight of Vale looking almost normal. Sand and Satoshi came in a moment later, and Sand arched an eyebrow at Yuji as he poured his tea and headed for the garden, Yuji following.

    "How is he?" Sand asked as Yuji lit a cigarette.

    "He's telling me that he's managed to block the pain," Yuji said. "He wants to go to Evermeet, though. He says it's the only way to fix this."

    Sand nodded, sipping his tea, his expression thoughtful. "I think he may be correct in that assumption, although I confess I am not sure about how well he can block the pain. I will keep an eye on him today, since by his state of dress, I am assuming he is not going to the school."

    "I appreciate that, my love." Yuji paused for a moment. "Sand? What can you tell me about elven Houses?"

    "Is there anything specific, or are you asking in general?" Sand looked at Yuji, curious.

    Yuji sighed, running his hand through his hair and tugging on the back a little. "Vale mentioned something about the Houses on Evermeet, noble Houses and non-noble Houses. How does that work? What makes a House noble?"

    "Ah," Sand replied. "Evermeet is much like any other elven land in that respect. The noble Houses are all either descended directly from one of the Seldarine, or can trace their ancestry back as far as the first elves that came to Toril from the Feywild. On Evermeet, my House is recognized as a noble House because my mother is a direct blood descendant of Sehanine Moonbow. You are also of noble birth in your own right."

    "Your mother said something about my being able to form my own House?" Yuji looked at the moon elf. "How do I do that?"

    "It is quite simple in your case." Sand smiled, taking another long sip of tea. "You have Sora, who is the last living member of House Sathoness, a noble House, and you are her blood descendant. House Sathoness was declared defunct, and its property is held by the Council, but our government does not work quite like yours does with respect to property. Sora has had access to funds from her family, and the Council would gladly give her back the estate as well. If you apply to create a new House in your name, Sora can support your request, and could even ask that you be given the Sathoness estate in support of your claim. The Council will record House Hayashi as a noble House, and that declaration will be send by messenger to all the elven homelands."

    "Thank you, Sand. If I think of any other questions, I'll ask you tonight." Yuji finished his cigarette. "And I really do appreciate you keeping an eye on Vale today. I want so much for him to be right, and for this fix of his to work, but I'm afraid that this might just be false hope." Yuji kissed Sand tenderly, knowing that the moon elf would care for Vale with as much love as Yuji himself.

    Sand returned the kiss, his blue eyes warm and gentle. "We will see him through this, my love, all of us together. I will tell you this, though. He loves you so very much, and that gives him a strength that is greater than anything else. He wants to be whole again, and fully yours again, and that is a powerful motivation." Sand smiled. "Now go to work, and call me if you need to. I will keep my phone close."

  2. Rae looked at Jonathan, and then at BW, and a beautifully mischievous smile lit up her face. "Is it just me, or does anyone else want to take Bruce up on that little challenge?" She sniffed indignantly. "Don't leave this room or it'll be worse?"

    BW grinned. "Exactly what I was hoping you'd say. I will tell you one thing, though. He wags his finger in my face again, and he'll lose that arm."

    "What do you propose?" Crane asked, raising an eyebrow at the two women.

    "Whatever it was that Bruce got called away to deal with, odds are that our traveling companions are up to their eyeballs in the middle of it." BW sighed a little. Traveling with a disaster magnet like Foe was proving to be slightly more than just interesting. It was downright reckless and foolhardy, and it had been a long time since she'd had this much fun.

    "My phone!" Rae exclaimed. "Foe has my phone!" She rummaged in her backpack and pulled out a small device. "This is a GPS tracker, and I can use it to locate my phone, and therefore Foe and the rest of his group."

    "And transportation?" Jonathan asked.

    BW chuckled. "This would probably be a good time to move to the parking lot. I'm going to need a little more room. How are you with heights, Jonathan?"

    Rae knew exactly what BW had in mind, but Jonathan looked puzzled as he followed the two women to the parking lot. As luck would have it, it was largely deserted, weddings being not on anyone else's mind at the moment. Aside from their vehicle and the minister's car, there was plenty of clear space, and BW shifted into her dragonic form, her scales glittering like rubies in the light of the parking lot's lamps. She unfurled her wings with a sigh of relief.

    "That feels good," BW purred.

    To his credit, Crane stood his ground, but Rae looked at his expression and burst out laughing. "You're a dragon," he said flatly.

    "Jonathan's immune to fear," Rae said. "It looks like he's not immune to surprise, though."

    "I'm a dragon when I choose to take this form," BW replied, doing her best to keep her voice soft. "I'm also a little noticeable, so if you'd be good enough to climb aboard? Rae, are you flying or riding?"

    Rae clapped happily. "I'm riding, if you can take us both."

    BW nodded her majestic head. "You're both quite light. I'll barely notice the weight."

    "Do you breathe fire?" Jonathan asked as he clambered up BW's foreleg and turned to offer Rae a hand.

    BW turned her head and favored him with a slight glare. "I breathe oxygen, just like you do. I can emit a jet of flame at will, however." She waited until Jonathan and Rae were settled. "I'm going to assume that you're familiar with the concept of the multiverse, numerous universes that exist simultaneously and overlap to some extent. The universe that I frequent numbers dragons among its residents, and most can take human form at will. I seem to have picked up the ability to take draconic form along the way, something that comes in handy from time to time."

    Rae conjured a golden chain around BW's sinuous neck, and grabbed on to it. "Put your arms around my waist and hold on," she instructed Crane.

    "NORAD's going to have a field day with this," Jonathan muttered as he put his arms around Rae. "Not to mention the air traffic controllers at LAS."

    BW chuckled. "I promise not to buzz any airplanes. Now, just tell me which way to go." BW gathered herself and launched with a push of her powerful hind legs, her large wings beating and carrying Jonathan and Rae aloft rapidly.

  3. Yuji sat Vale on the bed, and helped him to take off his hoodie. Vale managed to peel off his t-shirt and the thick socks while Yuji was putting away his hoodie, and Yuji chuckled at the sight of his beloved elf shedding clothing with great abandon. Vale looked up and blushed a little as he caught Yuji's amusement.

    "Do you think I scared them too much, a'maelamin?" Vale asked, his wide green eyes fixed on Yuji. "I don't want them to be afraid for me, or of me. I'm pretty sure that I'm not dangerous."

    Yuji leaned over and cupped Vale's face between his hands, kissing him tenderly. "I think they probably think you're very brave to share your secret. Do you want to brush your teeth?"

    "Yes, please," Vale said, letting Yuji help him into the ensuite bathroom. Vale scrubbed his face and brushed his teeth, and in the brighter light of the bathroom, Yuji could see that Vale's color was a little better despite the shadows under his eyes. When Vale turned to look at Yuji, sensing his husband's perusal, Yuji was pleased to see that the green eyes were not as dull and lifeless, the color a bit darker.

    Vale busied himself brushing his hair while Yuji brushed his teeth, and then Yuji led Vale back to their bed.He pulled back the covers and was about to help Vale into bed when Vale stopped him, and reached up to stroke Yuji's cheek.

    "I know it's too risky for us to try a scene, but do you think we could just make love, just you and me?" Vale's eyes held such pleading mingled with love that Yuji's breath caught in his throat for a moment. "I just need you to love me."

    Yuji leaned in and nibbled a kiss from Vale's lips, half afraid that he was doing the wrong thing, and half afraid that Vale would be worse if he refused. Vale returned the kiss with such gentle sweetness that Yuji moaned a little as he deepened the kiss, his arms sliding around Vale and pulling his beloved elf close, where he belonged. Vale melted into his arms, radiating love and joy through their bond, the pain fading into the background as Vale pressed himself against Yuji, feeling Yuji's cock hardening as they kissed. Vale's hands slid under Yuji's t-shirt, stroking Yuji's back with such tenderness that Yuji moaned again.

    Yuji broke the kiss and stepped back to peel off his t-shirt, his pants tight against his aching erection. Vale's cheeks were beautifully flushed, and his eyes were almost as bright as normal as he watched Yuji undress. Vale slipped his thumbs under the waistband of his sleep pants and pushed them down past his slim hips, stepping out of them and sighing with pleasure as Yuji eased him back onto the bed, plundering his mouth with another heated kiss as he lay next to his husband.

    Vale shifted a little grinding himself against Yuji's cock, his own cock just as hard as it slid alongside Yuji's. Yuji's hands were buried in Vale's silky hair, and he stroked the sweep of Vale's ears, teasing Vale with little tweaks of the sensitive ear tips. Vale moaned softly, his back arching to press himself against Yuji, and then he began to nibble small kisses down Yuji's throat, working his way down to Yuji's chest, his hot mouth closing around one of Yuji's nipples and suckling it until it was hard and erect. Vale moved to the other nipple, Yuji's hands fisting in Vale's hair, and Vale trailed kisses all along Yuji's flat belly until he reached Yuji's cock.

    Almost reverently, Vale swiped his tongue over the head of Yuji's cock, lapping away the precum beaded there, the stud in his tongue running over the slit and making Yuji shiver with anticipation. Vale slid his mouth over the head of Yuji's cock, hot and wet, his tongue teasing the cleft underneath, and he lowered his mouth slowly to engulf Yuji in that sweet heat. Yuji moaned loudly, Vale's talented tongue pressing along the underside of his cock, and when his cock bumped the back of Vale's throat, the elf tilted his head slightly and let Yuji's cock slip into his throat. Vale hummed happily, the vibrations running from Yuji's cock right up his spine, and his hands tightened in Vale's hair as he tugged the elf back upward. Vale released Yuji's cock slowly, and he looked up with sparkling eyes and flushed cheeks.

    Yuji growled, undone as always by the sight of Vale's kiss-swollen lips wrapped around his cock, and the pleasure that Vale took in sucking on his cock. But now, Yuji wanted to be buried in Vale's sweet ass, pressed to the hilt into that tight heat, and he rolled Vale over onto his back as he knelt between the long pale thighs of his elf. Yuji lifted Vale's ass, sliding it onto his own thighs, the head of his cock bumping against Vale's tight little pucker, and Vale mewled softly in anticipation as Yuji pressed past the twitching muscle. Vale bucked his hips, pressing himself further onto Yuji's cock, and Yuji realized he had completely forgotten lube, used to Vale preparing himself each morning.

    Before Yuji could pull out of Vale's ass, Vale managed to press down a little further, and Yuji felt the slickness around his cock as Vale let out a sweet little moan, his eyes fluttering closed with bliss. Yuji shivered a little at the thought of Vale making the effort to prepare himself that morning, and then he remembered how Vale had told both Willow and Sand that he would be good. In his shattered and desperate state, Vale had obviously decided that being good meant preparing himself for Yuji as he had promised to do in their contract, and Yuji's throat tightened a little with the realization of how much that contract meant to Vale. Yuji decided that he could not mention it, could not ask Vale to forgo his morning preparation, could not take that away from his beloved elf.

    Instead, Yuji pressed himself fully into Vale, his cock sliding easily into the tight heat of Vale's ass until Yuji's balls were snug against the warm globes of that sweet ass. Vale moaned softly, rocking his hips to urge Yuji to move, his cock leaking precum onto his tight belly as he looked up with shining eyes, such joy emanating from him that Yuji was once again breathless. Yuji withdrew almost all the way, and then pressed in again, slow and tender, taking his time as he plumbed that sweet ass and watched joy color Vale's ears tips rosy. Vale's legs were wrapped around Yuji's hips and his slim hands were fisted in the bed covers as Yuji's cock churned within him. Yuji tilted Vale's hips just so, and hit Vale's prostate dead on, and the elf mewled in ecstasy, his back arching beautifully into Yuji's tender thrusts.

    One hand left the bed covers and Vale fisted his own cock, stroking it in time with Yuji's deep, sensuous thrusts as he gasped softly, his breathing already ragged. Yuji knew Vale, knew every twitch that his beloved elf would make, and he knew Vale was close even if Vale was not howling his pleasure loud enough to rattle the windows, Vale's thighs trembled against Yuji's hips, and with the faintest of moans, Vale's back arched and he painted himself with ribbons of cum, his ass clenching tightly on Yuji's cock as Vale gasped in helpless abandon, his orgasm carrying him blissfully away. Yuji managed another couple of thrusts into that spasming heat, and his own balls drew up and emptied as he pumped what felt like an endless stream of cum into Vale's ass. With a small roar, Yuji reached down and pulled Vale up into his arms, holding his elf tightly as they rode out their orgasms together, Vale's lips seeking his to claim a kiss.

    When they broke for breath, Yuji looked at Vale, flushed and panting, his emerald eyes sparkling, and his heart soared.

    "Yuji," Vale whispered, his eyes shining. "I love you. I love you so much."

    Oh, my perfect Vale," Yuji replied. "I love you more than I can say, a'maelamin."

    Yuji eased Vale off his cock, both of them shivering a little at the separation, and Yuji cradled Vale in his arms as they lay back against the soft, plump pillows. Yuji pulled the covers over them, feathering kisses across Vale's lips, and Vale smiled so radiantly as he nestled against Yuji.

    "Will you share my reverie?" Vale asked, his voice soft and relaxed.

    "Of course, my love," Yuji replied. "Just tell me what I need to do."

    "Open our bond, and follow me down into reverie. I see it as a golden ribbon between us, and I just follow where it leads until I find you," Vale said. "I'll be waiting for you, and when you open your memories to me, I'll follow where you lead."

    "Then let go, and take reverie, and I'll be with you," Yuji promised, and watched as Vale's breathing evened out and became steady, his emerald eyes shining in the moonlight.

  4. Vale sat up and leaned into the embrace, trembling slightly. "Satoshi eased the pain, a'amelamin, and in its place, he left love. I can't believe he did that for me." Vale let himself relax into Yuji's arms, relishing the contact with his beloved husband. Between Satoshi's gentle gift and Yuji's arms, Vale could feel some of the darkness lifting away and clarity returning.

    "I don't know why you're so surprised, my love." Yuji stroked the silky blond hair tenderly.

    Vale nuzzled closer, radiating more calm than pain. "I know. It's silly, but things I thought I knew, memories that I was sure were real, aren't real." Vale tilted his head up to look at Yuji, his green eyes still too flat and dull for Yuji's liking. "I always remembered my mother loving me, always, and it turns out that she hated me at the end. It makes it hard to trust what I remember, until I can figure out how to tell the true memories from the fake."

    "I promise you, my sweet Vale, that this family loves you, and has since you sashayed your pretty kilted self into our lives on that vacation." Yuji looked right into those wide eyes, and he saw a little flicker of something deep within them, something bright and familiar.

    Vale smiled, and although it was a small smile, it was sweet and loving. "Then I can trust those memories, like I trust you. That's one good thing, you know. I've never doubted that I can trust you."

    Yuji pressed a tender kiss on Vale's forehead. "And you never should, my love. I will not break trust with you, just like you've never broken trust with me."

    Vale sagged a little into Yuji's arms, relief flowing through his bond with Yuji. "I haven't broken trust. That's good. That's good to know."

    Satoshi and Sand came out of the bathroom, and Satoshi looked absolutely radiant as he walked over to Vale and Yuji. "Go help Willow, my love. I'll sit with Vale for a bit."

    Yuji gave Vale a last tender kiss, and then settled him back a bit. "Do you want to eat down here with us, a'maelamin?"

    "Yes, please," Vale said, his voice soft and calm. "I'd like that. It feels good to be with everyone."

    Yuji went to stand, and Vale caught his arm, his slim hand trembling a little. "Yuji? When the children are in bed, I think I need to explain to everyone what's happened. It's not fair otherwise. When I get confused, or when I'm not sure about something I remember, I want them to know why."

    Yuji stroked Vale's cheek gently. "Are you sure, my love?"

    Vale nodded. "I don't want to hide, not from any of you." He looked at Satoshi. "I love you all so much, and I don't doubt that, either. I trust you all, and I want you all to be able to trust me, at least as much as you can until I figure this out, and I know I'll need all of you to help me." Vale held out a hand to Satoshi, and he offered him a shy, sweet smile that made Satoshi sit and pull Vale into his arms.

    "Thank you, mela en' coiamin, thank you so much," Vale said, his voice trembling slightly. "You took away pain, and you left love in its place. I love you so much, my precious Satoshi."

    Satoshi's cheeks were crimson, but his smile was radiant as he held Vale tightly. 'It was nothing, my love. You're welcome, though, and I'm glad if I helped."

    "This helps, too," Vale said, his head resting on Satoshi's shoulder. "It feels so right to be in your arms. I'm not afraid when you hold me, when any of you hold me. I know I'm safe."

    Satoshi choked back a small sob. "You're safe with us, Vale. I promise you."

    Vale nodded, content in Satoshi's arms, and the peace he felt was evident to Satoshi. Sand watched them for a moment, and then smiled and went to set the table for dinner. While he was getting down the plates, Sand leaned over and spoke very quietly to Yuji.

    "Thank you, my love. Vale could not be in better hands than yours. If there is anything that I can do to help, please ask." Sand kissed Yuji's cheek, his blue eyes warm with love.

    Yuji looked at the moon elf, his smile beautiful. "Thank you, Sand. I will ask, I promise."

    Dinner started out subdued, but Vale held out his arms for Hikaru, and he nuzzled the little half-elf with a sweet smile, feeding him small bites of his dinner and making up silly meanings for Hikaru's little shrieks until Ryuu and Aika started to giggle. Vale looked much better than he had that morning, and Yuji was delighted when Vale ate everything that Willow served him, even having a bit more of the curry. Yuji was frankly amazed that Vale was able handle the dinner conversation as well as he was, and even though Vale was still a little pale, he asked Erion and Kansas how their studying was going, and asked Satoshi about his new talent. Yuji could tell that the effort was tiring Vale, but he felt such a fierce swell of love for his brave elf.

    After dinner, Ryuu tugged Vale over to the reverie couch and crawled up to cuddle with Vale, stroking his cheeks and petting his golden hair. Vale snuggled back, and told Ryuu a story he had learned from Adalon, which made Ryuu's eyes go almost perfectly round. Yuji kept peering in to make sure Vale was alright, but the elf seemed to take comfort in his cuddle with Ryuu. Aika then decided that there was more than enough room for her as well, and Vale wound up with a child on either side, his arms around them and the glimmer in the depths of his eyes stronger as Aika and Ryuu told him about their day. For a moment, Yuji could almost believe that Vale was fine, and would rise in the morning with his eyes bright, eager to kiss Yuji awake and steal a sweet moment before he was summoned by Hikaru.

    Kageoshi arrived, and he and Erion hurried off to cram together, both of them looking slightly wrung out from the stress of their first major exams. Kansas also disappeared into his books, determined to get the highest scores and ensure his graduation, and both Yuji and Satoshi watched him go with pride in his growing maturity. Aika and Ryuu sat down together to watch a short video, giggling quietly, and Sand and Satoshi indulged in their nightly ritual of doing the dinner dishes and stealing kisses. Willow was frowning at her laptop, and Vale was watching her with a smile, Hikaru beside him savaging a teething rusk as Yuji came over to sit next to Vale.

    "You look tired, a'maelamin," Yuji said, stroking Vale's hair lovingly.

    Vale looked up, and nodded. "I'm sorry. Neither one of us got much rest last night." He looked down briefly at Hikaru, and then looked back up, his eyes meeting Yuji's perfect eyes. "Do you think you could share reverie with me tonight? I'm not sure if I'll be able to deal with my memories by myself."

    "Yes, of course I will," Yuji replied "If you tell me how, maybe I can share a memory or two of mine with you."

    The relief in Vale's eyes made Yuji shiver a little. He wondered how hard this had to be for the normally self-sufficient battlemage to be reduced to such an emotional wreck. Vale was about to reply, when Hikaru gave a small yelp and looked at his rusk in puzzlement.

    "What is it, sochi-chan?" Vale asked. He teased Hikaru's mouth open gently to reveal a pearly new tooth. Hikaru was deeply puzzled by his tooth, just as he had been with the three that had preceded it, and Vale looked at Yuji with a spontaneous smile. "Hikaru has a new tooth."

    "Will you show me," Yuji said to Hikaru, lifting the small half elf who shrieked happily and tried to eat his tousan's nose. Willow came over, and she got to fuss over the new tooth as well, and Hikaru was carried off for a bottle and bed, looking quite pleased with himself for being so clever as to cut a new tooth.

    Yuji pulled Vale close, and held his beloved elf as Sand corralled Ryuu and Aika and herded them upstairs, negotiating about the duration of bedtime reading and the selections to be read. From the giggles that drifted downstairs, it appeared that Sand had been out-negotiated, and each child would get one story of their choice, although Sand won on the matter of the shelf that was open to perusal.

    "Are you sure you're up to this?" Yuji asked.

    "I am," Vale replied. "It's important, a'maelamin. I need to do this."

    "Yes, but it could wait until tomorrow if you're too tired." Yuji cupped Vale's cheek tenderly. "I don't want you pushing yourself too hard. And before you protest, love, you know you do push your own limits."

    Vale reached up to stroke Yuji's cheek. "I promise I'm not pushing too hard. It just feels like I should, like it will help."

    "Alright then." Yuji kissed Vale and got up to gather everyone in the living room, even Erion, who asked Kageoshi to wait for him in the garden for a few minutes when Yuji promised that it would be a quick talk. When everyone had gathered, Yuji sat beside Vale on the reverie couch, his arm around Vale as the elf looked at his family.

    "Yuji asked me about my past, back home in Evermeet. We discovered, the hard way, that my earliest memories had been blocked, supposedly to protect me." Vale slipped his hand inside Yuji's hand, taking strength and courage from Yuji's presence. "My father killed my lover, and then killed himself. My mother willed herself to fade mostly because she was ashamed of her husband, and of me. My lover was also my dominant, and my parents considered me to be a deviant. I was with my lover when my father killed him, and i went into shock. To help me recover, my memories were blocked, and some were even altered or replaced with manufactured memories. Breaking past that block caused a second breakdown."

    Vale paused to look at Yuji, and Yuji was thrilled to see that Vale's eyes were just that bit brighter. "I'm here, a'maelamin."

    "I'm not sure if everything I remember is real or not, but one thing I do know. I love you all, and I trust you, and I know you'll help me if I'm unsure, or frightened." Vale took a deep breath. "Because I'm telling you, it's incredibly frightening to suddenly not know what's true and what's not. But this, what we have? This is true, and I'll get this sorted out because I have you all beside me." Vale held his head up, looking at his family in the certain knowledge that he had done the right thing.

  5. Vale looked into Yuji's eyes, and each word fell on his soul like cool water, easing the burning pain that had wracked him all morning. Vale reached one slim hand up and touched Yuji's cheekbone, the faintest glimmer appearing in his wide green eyes, the color darkening a little as Vale absorbed what Yuji was telling him. He drew in a deep breath, trembling a little, and then he nodded.

    "I've been so afraid," Vale admitted as Yuji sat up and helped Vale to sit up as well. "I thought I ruined everything between us. But I love you, Yuji, and I trust you, and all I want is to be yours." He took the plate that Yuji offered him, and then accepted a pair of chopsticks, lifting a bite of omelet to his lips.

    "Nothing between us is ruined, and if anything, we'll be stronger than ever." Yuji looked at Vale and smiled approvingly as Vale took a bite of his rice. "You've given me another gift. You trusted me to catch you when you fell. I hope I lived up to your trust."

    Vale looked at Yuji, his face solemn. "You've always lived up to my trust, a'maelamin. I fell last night, and you caught me." He took another bite of lunch, and then another, and Yuji felt something tight inside him relax as he watched Vale eat every morsel on his plate, sipping the cool tea Yuji had brought up for him.

    When they were done eating, Yuji took the plates and placed them back on the tray, looking at Vale tenderly. "Do you feel like a small change of scenery? You stayed in bed all morning for me, my sweet Vale. I thought maybe we could watch a movie downstairs, if you'd like."

    Vale nodded again, his green eyes still pale, and not nearly as bright as they normally were, but still infinitely better than they had been when Yuji left that morning. Even more encouraging, he was looking at Yuji directly, not averting his eyes. Vale opened the dresser and found a t-shirt for Vale, and helped Vale to put it on. Vale was still shaky, but he moved with a little more assurance, a little more grace, and Yuji's heart lifted even more. Yuji brought over thick socks as well, even though he knew Vale did not really like wearing them. Yuji was taking no chances with Vale's health, though, given the shock Vale had been through, and he slid them onto Vale's slim feet tenderly.

    Vale reached out and touched Yuji's cheek lightly, and Yuji looked up, a little surprised.

    "You brushed my hair last night, didn't you? That's a real memory, right?" Vale looked at Yuji almost hesitantly.

    Yuji smiled, and knelt to pull Vale to him. "Yes, I did. You had your hair in a braid, and I know you never rest well with your hair that tight."

    Vale managed a small smile, probably the most beautiful thing Yuji had seen. It faded quickly, but Vale snuggled closer, his voice slightly muffled. "The memories are all jumbled up now. It's hard to tell what's real and what's not. I think I can figure it out, if you help me."

    "Of course I'll help you," Yuji replied, raining kisses on Vale's golden hair.

    Yuji found a warm hoodie, and Vale slipped it on and then took Yuji's hand and stood, slowly and carefully. Yuji put his arm around Vale's waist, and helped his elf downstairs, guiding him into the living room. Sand was clearing up the last of the lunch dishes, and he turned and gave Yuji and Vale a radiant smile.

    "Go and get comfortable in the living room. Willow set everything up for your movie, and I will go and get the tray," Sand said, his voice loving and tender. "Hikaru was sleepy, so Willow brought him up for his nap. But he will be pleased to cuddle with his chichi and his tousan when he wakes, I am sure."

    Yuji smiled his thanks, and guided Vale over to the oversized reverie couch that Vale so loved. There were plenty of pillows piled up on it, and warm blankets folded at the foot, and Vale arranged some of the pillows into a nest, curling up against Yuji and resting his head on Yuji's shoulder. Yuji pulled a blanket up and over Vale, cradling the elf with infinite tenderness. Willow came in a few moments later, bending over to kiss both her husbands sweetly, and then she curled up on the couch with Sand while Yuji pressed the remote to start the movie.

    "This is called 'House of Flying Daggers' and it's a Chinese film. I think you'll like it," Yuji murmured, pressing a kiss to Vale's head. He felt the slightest stirring in their bond, a delicate little burst of love and trust and faith, and he had to blink hard a couple of times to hold back the tears that welled up. "It's very beautiful to watch."

    As Yuji had hoped, the beautiful choreography and cinematography held Vale's attention, and his eyes even widened once or twice during the movie. But for the most part, Vale was content to remain curled up next to Yuji. one arm across Yuji's chest as Yuji held him close. The awful fear that had been radiating from Vale after his broken reverie was all but gone, and although Vale was still in a great deal of emotional pain, he was calmer and less panicked than he had been. Yuji stroked Vale's back tenderly, and opened his bond to wrap Vale in as much love and reassurance as he could.

    As the closing credits were playing, a delighted shriek rang through the baby monitor, and Willow chuckled as she uncurled herself from Sand's arms. Vale looked over at her, a little surprised, since Hikaru had always cooed when he woke before. Willow caught his look and gave Vale a wry grin.

    "This is new, sweetheart. Our son decided this week that he has a voice. He now has a whole vocabulary of shrieks." Willow laughed at Vale's expression. "I'm waiting for his first word, which should be any day now. He's going to look right at me and say 'mama' and I'll be as thrilled as when Ryuu did it and when Aika did it." She laughed again as another shriek erupted from the monitor, and she ran lightly up the stairs to fetch the suddenly boisterous little half-elf.

    Vale had looked a little wistful as Willow was talking, and Yuji gave him a sympathetic hug. "I missed things like that with all the kids. I was at work for so many things, but it's alright. It works out in the end, because they still seem to love us, no matter what."

    Vale tilted his head to look up at Yuji, the tiniest hint of a smile on his lips. "I'll settle for that." He turned again, and pulled himself into a more upright position as Willow came downstairs, crooning to Hikaru.

    "Look who's here, my loud boy. It's chichi and tousan, and they want to have a snuggle with you. What do you think, hm?" Willow laughed as Hikaru let out another shriek of delight. She handed the small half-elf to Vale, who nuzzled Hikaru and pressed kisses to his blond head.

    "Hello, sochi-chan," Vale murmured, inhaling the familiar scent of his son. He settled Hikaru between him and Yuji, and watched the small half-elf with great concentration, as if he was comparing his memories with the real infant. Yuji smiled as HIkaru immediately fisted one chubby little hand in Vale's hair and tried to eat it, as Sand jumped up to find the teething rusks. The small giggle from Vale made Yuji's heart soar, and he hugged his husband and their son with tears of joy in his eyes.

  6. Vale took the soup and dipped up a mouthful, his movements still a little awkward, but something flickered in his eyes as Willow cooed encouragement. He made sure to eat the egg, since Satoshi had left it for him, and the thought made him tear up a bit. He also managed most of the fish and about half the rice, and then he looked at Willow apologetically.

    "I'm sorry, lirimaer," Vale whispered, his voice husky and raw. "Please, you need to rest, too. You're supposed to be making a baby with Satoshi. I remember."

    Willow just stroked his cheek gently. "I'm fine, sweets. Bringing you breakfast isn't going to affect anything."

    "I didn't get Hikaru this morning." Vale looked crestfallen. "I'm sorry, I just..." Vale's voice trailed off, and a few tears rolled down his cheeks as he let his head fall back against the plumped pillows.

    "Oh, sweets," Willow said, dismayed. She moved the breakfast tray away and scooted closer to the elf, pulling him into her arms, his head against her shoulder, and she stroked him while he sobbed forlornly. "Whatever happened, baby, we'll make it better. I promise, Vale. We love you, we all love you, and we'll take care of you, like you try to take care of everyone else."

    Vale could not stop the tears, as much as he wanted to stop, as much as he hated being so weak and pathetic. But Willow was cradling him, much as Ardiel had done so long ago, and he wept like a bereft elfling, hopeless and heartbroken. Willow stroked him until his sobs finally faded, and then she helped him to lean back, and got a warm wet cloth to wash his face.

    "Try and rest, sweets. I'll ask Sand to stop in a little later, alright?" Willow kissed him tenderly on the forehead. "I love you, Vale."

    From somewhere, Vale dredged up a pale smile. "I love you, Willow. I'll rest. I'll be good." He let his eyes close, and he listened to Willow as she gathered the tray and left, her delicate scent lingering in the air.

    Vale let his mind drift, not daring to try for reverie although he felt exhausted. Instead, he just watched the newly uncovered memories crawl across his mind, remembering when he had been able to make his mother smile with pride, remembering when he was not an abomination. His throat tightened, and he felt a wave of despair rise up, and his eyes burned with hot tears that he forced back, the effort exhausting him even more.

    Vale had lost track of time altogether, but suddenly the door slid open and Sand entered, graceful and elegant, and sat beside him on the bed.

    "Anoramin, oh, my love, whatever has happened?" Sand asked, his voice tender and full of love.

    Vale looked at Sand, his green eyes dull with pain. "I broke, ithilamin. I don't know how to fix it."

    Sand cupped Vale's cheek with one faintly scarred hand. "We will find a way, anoramin. You are not alone."

    "I failed him," Vale whispered, his voice breaking a little. "I'm not what he thought I was. I'm a broken thing."

    "You are not a broken thing, my love." Sand's voice held quiet assurance. "You are hurt, yes, but never broken."

    "I remember, ithilamin. I remember, and it hurts so much. Amin uuma merna rin. I don't want to remember." Vale looked at Sand. "Amin hiraetha, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never wanted this to happen."

    "Hush, anoramin," Sand soothed, and he pulled Vale close. "We will help you mend this, and you will be better for getting all this poison out into the open." Sand tilted Vale's face up, kissing him sweetly on the lips. "Amin mela lle, anoramin, ten'oio."

    "How is Hikaru?" Vale asked, as Sand eased him back onto the pillows. "I've failed him, too."

    "Hikaru is fine, and you have not failed him." Sand smoothed the golden hair gently. "When Yuji comes home, perhaps I can bring Hikaru to see you for a bit."

    Vale nodded. "I'd like that. I'll be very good, and stay in bed like Yuji asked. Then I can see Hikaru." Vale let his eyes close again, his throat aching.

    Sand watched him for a moment, his heart aching for his beloved sun elf. Whatever had happened between Vale and Yuji, it was far worse than Sand had feared. Sand knew what Vale had put himself through when Sand was abruptly sent away and forced to lie to Vale about why. Nathe had told Sand about the blinding rage, and the abject despair that had led Vale to drink himself senseless for a month before he could collapse into a true sleep for two days. That had been bad, but this hopeless surrender was far worse, and Sand had to hope that Yuji would be able to pull Vale out of this black pit. Sand vowed to do what he could to assist, but he feared what would happen if Yuji could not help Vale put all the pieces back together.

  7. Vale trembled as Yuji's arms went around him, and then, as he listened to Yuji and realized that Yuji was not about to rip the collar from his neck, Vale crumbled into Yuji's arms, letting himself fall into the embrace and Yuji's words. Yuji was weeping, his tears hot against Vale's skin, but Vale could not cry. His eyes burned, and his throat was too tight to let any more words come out, but his arms wrapped tentatively around Yuji as he lost himself in the feel of his husband's embrace.

    Vale let Yuji lead him upstairs, following docilely, and he cooperated mutely as Yuji helped him out of his jeans and boxers, and into his favorite linen sleep pants. Yuji offered Vale a t-shirt, but Vale shook his head a little, knowing on some level that he needed to feel Yuji's skin against his. When Yuji undid Vale's braid, and began to brush Vale's hair, Vale let himself get lost in the soothing touch, almost mesmerized by the rhythmic strokes of the brush, his head falling back slightly. Then Yuji eased Vale down, holding Vale tightly in his arms, his long musician's fingers stroking Vale's face and trailing through his hair as Yuji feathered kisses across Vale's forehead and head.

    Vale shivered into the embrace, still dry-eyed, not even able to find words to tell Yuji that he was sorry, so very sorry for causing such a commotion. Part of him just yearned to slide away into reverie, and wake to find that the whole night had been an awful dream, but the dull ache in the pit of Vale's stomach warned the elf that this was sadly real, and could not be brushed away in reverie. His slim hand crept up to touch Yuji's face gently, tracing Yuji's lips, and then Vale turned his face away and buried it in Yuji's shoulder, breathing in the scent of his husband until he slipped into a fitful reverie.

    Vale stretched his arms out, extending them fully, his breath hitching a little as Anadan fastened the padded restraints around his wrists. This was new but so far Anadan had not pushed Vale very hard, and it had been easy to submit to his master. Vale found himself looking forward to the challenge, whatever it would be.

    "Very nice, pet. You look delicious like that." Anadan chuckled, his voice dark and rich, sending a jolt of desire straight to Vale's belly. "My rules for today will be a little different, pet, so listen closely. I've been very easy on you, and that will change."

    Vale's green eyes widened slightly, but he remained very still and listened, staring up into the beautiful grey eyes of his master. Anadan's thick black hair hung straight and glossy to his waist, and his skin was as pale as moonlight, his nipples a dusky rose. His cock was substantial, rising up from a nest of silky black curls, and Vale's mouth watered at the sight of it.

    "You are to hold very still, no matter what I do to you. I have not restrained your legs, pet, and that is because I want you to learn to control your body and your impulses. That is the core of obedience. You control how you react, and that is how I know you desire to please me with your obedience." Anadan ran his finger lightly down the inside of Vale's thigh, watching as the skin shivered beneath his touch. Vale held his leg still with an effort, and Anadan smiled. "There, you see? You already seek to master yourself, and in so doing, submit to my will. You please me, my pet."

    Vale's eyes widened as Anadan turned away and considered objects he had laid out on a small table, objects that were masked from Vale's view. Anadan spoke over his shoulder. "Part your legs, pet, with your knees bent."

    Vale obediently raised his knees and parted his legs as fully as he could, feeling oddly exposed. His cock, already hard, twitched slightly as he assumed the wanton pose.

    "Relax and breathe out when I tell you." Anadan placed something hard and cool, something that had been concealed by his hands, at the tight pucker between Vale's cheeks. Anadan laid one hand on Vale's stomach, his face serene. "Breathe out."

    Vale obeyed, and felt the hard cool object press into his ass, slick and sliding past the ring of muscle with surprising ease. Then it came to rest against Vale's prostate, and Anadan gave a small flick of his wrist, and Vale sucked in a harsh breath as white light exploded behind his eyes. Vale managed not to move his legs, but his back arched involuntarily, and Anadan frowned slightly.

    "Explain your disobedience, pet." Anadan held Vale's gaze steadily.

    Vale sucked in another breath and forced his back to relax. "I was unprepared for the sensations that the object you inserted caused in me, master."

    Anadan nodded. "And so another lesson is learned. You will not always be prepared for what I might choose to do to you, but that does not excuse disobedience. This one time, we will forgo punishment. In future, there will be three strokes of the crop for each time you disobey. If you flinch from the crop, another stroke will be added, but I will never give you more than ten strokes."

    Vale nodded his head. "Thank you for your correction, master, and for your generosity."

    Anadan smiled slightly. "Very good, my pet." He reached down and adjusted the object, and once again Vale felt the rush of pleasure as his prostate was prodded. This time, Vale managed not to arch off the bed, but his breathing was rapid and harsh, and a tremble ran up his legs as he forced them to remain in place.

    Anadan feathered his fingers along the underside of Vale's cock, and Vale moaned softly. His ass clenched involuntarily around the object inside him, and his moan rose to a brief scream. Anadan chuckled as Vale watched a dribble of precum run down across the head of his cock to drip on his trembling belly. Vale looked up at Anadan, and the moon elf leaned forward and kissed Vale with great tenderness.

    "You were born for this, my pet," Anadan said as he slid the object carefully out of Vale's ass. "Your desire to submit, to please me with your obedience is greater than I have ever encountered." He kissed Vale again, his grey eyes warm and filled with love and approval. "You may choose how we love, my pet, and whether or not you wish to remain restrained."

    Vale's ass felt empty without the object, and the oil that had slicked it left him feeling more than prepared. His green eyes darkened with his desire to be taken, and he looked up at Anadan. "I wish to be taken by you, my master, like this. Restrained and utterly under your control."

    Anadan opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out. The moon elf stiffened, his expression odd, and Vale registered the flash of something bright as a spurt of blood shot out of Anadan's mouth. Vale screamed as the blood hit him, and Anadan slumped forward, revealing his assailant.

    "No, father!" Vale screamed, feeling something in his throat tear. Anadan's blood burned Vale's skin but with his wrists restrained, Vale could do little except watch the dagger rise and fall, again and again, until everything faded into blessed darkness.

    Vale struggled against Yuji's embrace, tearing free and sitting up, his eyes focused on something only he could see, and his fingers scrabbled at the skin of his chest, leaving bloody furrows behind.

    "N'uma, atar!" Vale cried out, the pleading in his voice wrenching to hear. "Ikotane saiagar... ta naara'amin..." Vale's voice trailed off into choked sobs, and the tears finally came.

    N'uma, atar! (No, father!)

    Ikotane saiagar... ta naara'amin... (So much blood... it burns me...)

  8. Vale ran a trembling finger over the picture, his green eyes wide, Yuji's words penetrating him like a knife. Yuji could feel Vale's dismay washing over him like a cold wave, and something else. It took a moment for Yuji to identify it as fear, but before he could ask, Vale spoke, his voice so soft that Yuji had to strain to understand his words.

    "Can I have a few minutes alone?" Vale looked up at Yuji, his eyes pleading. "Meet me in the garden, and I will tell you everything. I need about fifteen minutes."

    "Vale," Yuji began, but Vale shook his head.

    "No, you're right. You've told me everything, and I need to do the same." Vale took a deep breath, his next words more to himself than to Yuji. "No matter what it costs."

    Vale turned and fled downstairs, stopping only to grab his cigarettes and a full bottle of whiskey. He padded out into the garden and sat on one of the benches, turning his thoughts deep inside, to the place in his memories that he always shied away from. The wall had been there since just before his thirty-ninth birthday, and Vale knew, had always known, that what lay beyond would tear him apart. But he had no choice now. Vale's options were to continue to protect himself, or honor his contract with Yuji, and Vale could not do anything but comply with Yuji's demand.

    Vale reached up to touch the emerald circle at his throat, wondering if he would still be wearing it by the time this night was over. It was out of his hands, though, and Vale carefully raised his shields to protect the rest of his family, only Yuji able to sense him now. He cracked the seal on the whiskey bottle, took a long swallow, and set about dismantling the barrier in his mind.

    When Yuji got to the garden, Vale was sitting with his back to Yuji, his hair still in the tight braid, his skin golden in the dim light. He had drawn his knees up, his skin showing golden through the tears in his favorite tattered jeans, his slim bare feet crossed at the ankle, and his arms around his legs. The open bottle of whiskey was on the bench in front of him, and a lit cigarette dangled from slim fingers.

    Yuji sat facing Vale, whose head was lowered. "I'm here, Vale. Are you ready to talk?" Yuji's voice trembled slightly with his own emotions, concern for Vale warring with his own anger and disappointment.

    Vale took a drag from his cigarette, and then slowly raised his head to look at Yuji, his wide green eyes paler than Yuji had ever seen them. "I'm ready." Vale's voice was absolutely flat, no emotion coloring it at all, and his face was ghostly pale. He took another drag from his cigarette, his movements awkward and almost clumsy, nothing of his usual grace present. "I told you I was born on Evermeet, and that my parents are dead, and that I have one sister. I told you that I left when I was one hundred, and that my uncle is head of our House. At least, I think that's what I've told you. It's not because I'm trying to hide anything from you that I don't talk about my past. It's because my past is something I've tried very hard to forget, to erase as completely as possible from my mind, and I've felt that way since I was younger than Erion."

    Vale paused and took a deep drink of whiskey, the long column of his throat stark in the moonlight. Yuji almost objected, but there was something about Vale's demeanor that made Yuji bite back the words. Whiskey had little effect on Vale, and if it made this easier on the elf, Yuji would not object. He watched as Vale put the bottle down carefully, put out his cigarette, and immediately lit another one before continuing in that same flat voice.

    "On Evermeet, among the sun elves, you have the noble Houses, and the respectable Houses, which are not noble, but hope to have a son or daughter marry into a noble House. So, that means being very scrupulous and observing all the proprieties. House Anorongil is a respectable House with its seat in the city of Drelagara. Unlike Evereska or Suldanessellar, only males are allowed to be head of a sun elf House on Evermeet, and so our House is headed by my uncle Caradur, my father's eldest brother. My father, Ithion, had made a good marriage with a daughter of another very respectable House. Valeriel, my mother. They had a daughter, Ardiel, and their life was ideal for many years. Ardiel was grown and already on her own, a priestess and healer in the temple of Corellon, when I was born. I imagine I was a bit of a surprise, but I was very much loved and wanted, as much as Ardiel." Vale paused for more whiskey and then continued.

    "When I was an elfling of about twenty, it was determined that I was a sorcerer, a natural adept at magic. My parents were quite proud, and they imagined a life for me in one of the mage towers of Evermeet, a very respectable pursuit, and one that might even attract a noble spouse. So, I had the best masters and I learned quickly, and I made my parents very happy." Vale finished his cigarette, stubbing it out with that same awkward care. "Like most elflings, I was curious about life, and love, and the ways of love. I begged my father to take me to the temple of Hanali, to allow me to seek the company of one of the aina'melarim. I don't really know how to translate that properly. Holy courtesans? Sacred whores? They are males and females that worship Hanali by offering themselves as lovers. We elves need the comfort of intimacy, of touching and being touched. For a lot of young elves on Evermeet, an aina'melar will be their first lover. For those who've lost a spouse, or who've never managed to find one, the aina'melarim offer a sort of solace."

    Vale made a small noise, somewhere between a laugh and a sob. "And they're all beautiful. Oh, Seldarine, they are exquisite, sun elves and moon elves and even a wood elf or two. They rarely walk around the marketplace, or at least they don't in their ritual clothing, but when you see them for the first time, it's almost overwhelming. Do you remember those sheer pants I wore, the night I waited for you in my collar? I told you that's what the males wear. Just that, and some jewelry. They don't need anything more. Females wear a long shift that closes at the top of the shoulder and at the waist, but is open everywhere else, in the same sheer cloth. Both outfits are designed to fall away with a gentle tug."

    "I remember," Yuji said gently. "I asked you to wear them for me since then."

    Vale nodded, remembering. "Where was I? On Evermeet, there are a lot of rules, mostly designed to make sure everyone is being respectable, so it's no surprise that there are rules about the aina'melarim. You never ask their name. They don't use names. You also aren't supposed to try to see the same aina'melar more than once, or at least not twice in a row. There aren't so many aina'melarim, but the idea is to try and avoid repeating right away. And even when you do repeat, you have to pretend not to recognize each other. You see, they're supposed to represent Hanali, and so they're not supposed to fall in love with one worshiper, or to let one worshiper fall in love with them.

    "Anyway, when you go to the temple, you're escorted into this room, and the aina'melarim sort of drift in and out of the room. You look at them, and they look at you, and if you both feel a pull to talk to each other, you do. There's wine, and plates and bowls of little things to nibble on, and there's a shallow gold bowl where you can leave notes, or poems, or prayers, or small remembrances. It's all very relaxed, very easygoing and meant to feel graceful and sensual. It's like the rest of Evermeet with all its proprieties doesn't exist when you're there." Vale took another deep pull on the whiskey bottle, and lit a cigarette, his eyes growing even paler.

    "So, my father brought me in, and explained that although I wasn't quite forty yet, I was still very studious and careful and respectable, and would behave properly. The senior priestess on duty agreed, and she escorted me into the room. I could barely breathe. I thought they were eldarin come straight from the Feywild, they were so gorgeous and untamed and wanton. Someone handed me a glass of wine, and I sipped it, and I started to wander around and look at the beautiful paintings and statues and little carved objects. The aina'melarim were just too beautiful to look at for long. Someone laid a hand on my shoulder and I turned around and it was a female sun elf, with pale gold hair that fell to her ankles and eyes the color of a summer sky. She smiled and touched my cheek and I followed her to a private room." Vale went to run a hand through his hair, startled to find the braid. His hand fell away and Yuji went to reach for it, but Vale wrapped it around his legs again.

    "If you do that, I won't be able to go on. Don't make me fail in this." Vale's eyes were as flat as his voice, no sparkle left in them, nothing of his lively joy remaining. "So I lost my virginity at thirty-eight in a temple bedchamber, and I went home with my head in the clouds, and the next morning, I went back to my studies and I worked like a madman. I wanted to prove to my father that I deserved another trip to the temple. Apparently, he agreed, or maybe he decided that he'd found the best way to motivate me, not that I was ever a bad student. Still, with the temple dangled as a reward, I became the best student. Once a tenday, I was allowed to go to the temple, and I'd be escorted to that room, and I'd be lost in that strange and magical world."

    Vale stubbed out his cigarette with those same awkward motions. "I think it was my third time there that a male approached me, and I went with him willingly, and he was gentle and careful, and I enjoyed him. I was always a little shy, not really sure about starting anything once someone would choose me, but I thought it was because I didn't know much about lovemaking, and the aina'melarim didn't seem to think it was unusual. Then, I think it was the fifth time I went, a male approached me, a moon elf, and when we went to a room, everything was different."

    Yuji watched, almost breathless with the need to hold his elf, as a single tear rolled down Vale's cheek. Vale seemed unaware of it, and his voice was as flat as ever when he resumed speaking.

    "Maybe he recognized something in me that no one else did. I don't know. I never got a chance to ask, actually. The first thing he did was to tell me that I was to obey him absolutely, to submit to him. I didn't question him. Why would I? I was used to my masters telling me to obey them. I was used to my parents expecting me to obey them, and to obey the rules of our society. It sounded right, and I thought that maybe I was ready to advance in my learning about lovemaking. I did as he instructed and he praised me for obedience, and when it came, my release was shattering. I think I actually cried. He was very tender with me afterward, and I didn't want to leave him." Vale reached for the whiskey carefully, and he took a very long drink.

    "The next time I went to the temple, I didn't see him, but there was a poem in the bowl that spoke of a grove and of submitting to the will of Hanali, and a shiver ran up my spine. Like the temple in Evereska, our temple of Hanali has a garden with secluded grottoes, and the tradition is to leave a marker just outside the entrance of the grotto to show that it's occupied and sometimes as a signal to a lover. A corner was torn from the parchment of the poem, and I wandered out to the garden and walked through it until I found a grotto marked with a torn corner of parchment. My mouth was as dry as that parchment when I walked into the grotto, where he was waiting for me." Vale looked straight into Yuji's eyes, and Yuji sobbed a little at the hopelessness in Vale's eyes.

    "Being what we are, dominant and submissive, is almost unheard of among elves. The very idea that one person controls another so completely is bordering on concepts that are alien to most elves. One partner might be more forceful, or tend to take the lead, but there's always an underlying sense that it can be reversed at any time. So what we were doing, this aina'melar and I, was certainly not respectable. It was actually perverse, by the customs of the sun elves of Evermeet. He explained this to me, and he told me that he wanted me to understand fully what he offered. He never tried to deceive me, or pretend he was anything other than what he was. He derived his pleasure from dominating a partner, and he sensed in me a need to submit myself sexually. Everything he said felt right on some deep and hidden level, and I forgot all about being respectable, right then and there. I wanted him, and I wanted him to own me." Vale reached clumsily for his cigarettes, his hands trembling badly as he lit one.

    "Sometimes we met in a grotto, and sometimes I would go into that room and let him approach me. Either way, he was the only aina'melar I slept with from that day forward. Anadan was my master, and I was his willing pet. I worked ten times as hard at my studies, not wanting to lose my temple privilege, because then how would I see him? I was so young, and I thought I was utterly in love, and Anadan taught me that what I was was not a thing to be ashamed of, that I was rare and precious, and that my submission to him was a worthy offering before Hanali. That's a heady thing for an elfling, and it's the only thing of worth I brought with me from Evermeet." Vale paused, gathering himself to continue. "Even though it's not supposed to happen, a lot of young elves fall in love with a particular aina'melar, and when that happens, a parent or maybe a priest will speak to the young elf and gently discourage them. The aina'melar might not appear in that room for a bit, or be absent whenever the young elf is around, and the infatuation passes. I suppose someone mentioned to my father that I might be infatuated with Anadan, and he decided to come to the temple one day to speak with me, or maybe to a priest. I don't know. I'll never know."

    "Vale," Yuji breathed softly. His whole body ached with the effort it took not to rush to Vale's side and cradle his elf close, and beg him to scream, curse, anything but this flat, dull hopelessness.

    "I was already in a bedchamber with Anadan. We had been exploring restraints, and he had fastened my arms to the headboard of the bed. I was so focused on him, on listening to him so that my obedience would be perfect, that I never heard my father come in. I didn't realize he was there until I heard him say my name as he drew his dagger and plunged it into Anadan, over and over and over. I remember screaming as Anadan's blood splattered me, and I remember the look on my father's face. I don't remember anything else until I woke in the temple, in the healer's hall. Ardiel was there, and I clung to her like the elfling I still was while she told me what had happened." A second tear traced its way down Vale's pale cheek. "My father had rushed out of the temple, and had gone home to my mother, Anadan's blood still on his hands. He told her what he had done, and then he washed carefully and wrote a letter admitting his guilt as a kinslayer. That's what we call it when one elf kills another. It's unforgivable except in times of war or as punishment for a terrible crime. My father was disgraced, irretrievably, and his only chance to redeem his family was to admit his sole guilt and accept the punishment for kinslaying, which was death. Rather than suffer a public execution, my father killed himself, with my mother as his witness."

    "I'm sorry," Yuji whispered, his own eyes welling.

    Vale took another swallow from the whiskey bottle, which was more than half empty. "My mother never sent for me, or sent anyone to find me. I wasn't found until the next day, still restrained, covered in Anadan's blood and half mad with grief and shock. I had screamed until I had no voice left, but the rooms are designed to keep sound in, and no one even knew I was there until someone came to clean the room. Anadan was on the floor, my father's dagger still in him. I was brought to the temple and word was sent to my sister."

    Yuji stared at Vale in mute horror, unable to imagine what that had been like for the young elf that Vale had been.

    "I had been in the healer's hall for two days, drifting in and out of consciousness, before I recognized Ardiel. She told me later that they feared I would fade. I was so badly traumatized, so broken by what I had seen. Ardiel brought me home, and my mother looked at me with outright loathing. She called me an abomination and told me I had driven my father to his crime by my perversions. Then she retreated to her rooms and faded, the disgraced wife of a kinslayer, mother to an abomination, unable to show her face in public. Ardiel was ordered to turn me over to my uncle, to place me in his care until my majority. She would have taken me into her home, but her husband forbade that, fearing I would somehow poison their son, Darathur." Vale took a shuddering breath, and then drank again.

    "My uncle Caradur is a cold man. He is very proud and very proper, and his name is spoken with great respect among the other sun elves, including those of noble Houses. My uncle's staunch reputation saved House Anorongil. He told me that no blame was attached to me, that I had been taken advantage of by a twisted elf, and that it was my father's moral weakness that led him into the folly of kinslaying. Oddly enough, my uncle was being as kind as he knew how to be, and while I can't say that I love him, I suppose I do respect him. His eldest son and heir is another story entirely. Morcaunen made my life a misery at every opportunity for sixty very long years. I don't know. Maybe it was because my uncle tried to show me kindness, and he'd never done that for Morcaunen. Maybe my cousin is just a twisted bastard. I don't know." Vale took a long pull of whiskey, his fingers bone-white around the neck of the bottle.

    "Those next sixty years were spent in study and apprenticeship, and in seclusion in my uncle's house. The priests of Corellon helped me to wall away those memories so that I wouldn't wake screaming from reverie every night, so that I wouldn't lose my mind. I went nowhere and saw no one unless I was practicing my craft. For all intent and purpose, I was a recluse, or perhaps a prisoner. The only one who ever sought me out was Ardiel." Vale closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them. "There was one master during my apprenticeship who took pity on me, I suppose. He was a moon elf, and he told me about a guild of mages, the Guild of the Many Starred Cloaks, that hired out their services to the goodly human realms. They had towers in Waterdeep and Neverwinter, and there were elves among their numbers, and he suggested that I might find a place with them. I kept that like a bright spark of hope, buried deep in my heart."

    Vale examined the whiskey bottle, and then drank the rest in a single long swallow. He looked straight at Yuji with those dull eyes, his expression bleak. "On the day I turned one hundred, I boarded the first ship leaving Evermeet, which happened to be bound for Neverwinter, and I've only returned to Evermeet twice since then. The elf that I was died the day I left, and I haven't bothered to mourn him. So, that's all of it, my sordid little tale all told. Do you forgive me for not telling you sooner? Or have I broken things between us too badly to be fixed this time?"

  9. Vale wiggled a bit, shifting his head where it rested on Yuji's belly. "So many questions, a'maelamin," he chuckled. "I was hardly there long enough to justify all that."

    Yuji ran a hand across Vale's silky hair. "I want to know, love."

    Vale sighed a little. "I don't remember the house I grew up in all that well. I wasn't quite forty when my parents died, and I was fostered by my uncle, Lord Anorongil. My sister was grown and married, and had her son already." Vale smiled up at Yuji. "I told you she was a healer, right? She's a priestess of Corellon, like Eryn."

    "I think you did tell me," Yuji said. "But I think you said she was a doctor."

    "Mm, probably," Vale agreed. "I was still not all that comfortable with translating concepts. I didn't know how to explain a cleric other than to say that."

    Yuji stroked Vale's cheek, running his fingers along the angle of Vale's jaw. "So she's older than you."

    "Oh, yes," Vale said. "Much older. She was already married when I was born." Vale shifted again, his green eyes clear and bright. "So, the house. I remember my uncle's house fairly well. It was large, very large, like Eryn's but even bigger. It was all white marble, and there was a pool in the center of the house, indoors! In Drelagara, the houses, especially the family estates, are raised by magic right out of the ground. It's like growing a house, literally, and they are formed from a single piece of marble. There weren't many of us living in the estate. Mostly it was my uncle and his son, and me, and the servants. My uncle had more servants than family by that time. We had a few relatives that lived elsewhere, like Silverymoon or Suldanessellar, and we saw then for high festivals and things like that. That's when the house was lively."

    "And your parents were older when they had you?" Yuji pressed.

    Vale chuckled again. "You know, I'm going to get a swelled head from all this attention. Really, it's not all that interesting. My House isn't noble, and we can't trace our bloodlines back to any of the Seldarine. We're just average elves, nothing exciting. Now me, I'd love to know more about Santhiel's family. Even we elves know little about our star elf cousins. They hid themselves away long before the rest of us decided to retreat to Evermeet."

    "Retreat?" Yuji asked, puzzled.

    Vale smiled. "Yes, retreat. It was mostly my people, the sun elves. They thought humans were getting too pushy, too aggressive and settling in elven lands. But, since there were a great many more humans than elves, a war seemed unwise, and instead, Evermeet was created. You can only get there by elf ship, and the island is warded by its High Mages. Only ships that are known can pass. Even elf gates and portals won't work to get you to Evermeet."

    Vale watched Yuji as he chattered on about Evermeet, something stirring in the back of his mind. Vale had thought to answer Yuji, but the questions about his parents had left Vale at a loss. He only had the vaguest of recollection of his parents, and in fact very little before he was thirty-nine was all that clear. He remembered his sister clearly, and her son, and he recalled her late husband well enough to remember that he did not like him. Aside from that, Vale did not care to dig into those memories. His uncle's house had not been a happy one, and he had left without looking back. Vale shivered mentally, and turned his thoughts back to his aimless chatter about elven history, both guilty and pleased to see Yuji's eyes glazing over a bit.

    "I'm sorry, a'maelamin. I didn't mean to give you a history lesson." Vale wriggled up and kissed Yuji sweetly. "Forgive me for being a bore?" His slim fingers traced the shell of Yuji's ear.

  10. "Oh, saiai, this is just magnificent," Sand said, his eyes brimming and his heart overflowing. "And Kohaku, too. I do not know whether to hug him or throttle him." Sand laughed, such a merry laugh that Ryuu flung himself on both his fathers with a shriek of joy.

    Sand then turned his attention to Satoshi's right arm, examining the new tattoo through the film with a look of utter amazement and delight. It was the outline of a koi, extending from Satoshi's elbow and swimming up his arm.

    "This is beautiful, my heart. Is this the same artist that has done Erion's work?" Sand asked.

    "Yes," Satoshi said, pleased. "When it heals, I'm having the color done. Amethyst and blue, I think."

    Sand smiled. "When you return for the color, I think I will go with you. I have an idea or two myself."

    Satoshi looked at Sand for a moment, and then broke out into a radiant smile. "Really?"

    "I have made a few very rough sketches," Sand admitted. "I will show you later, but right now, I believe I have a bedtime story to attend to."

    Ryuu giggled. "And I have to draw my tattoo, for when I am growed up."

    Kansas grinned from where he was laying on the floor with his head on Erion's belly. "I can do the drawings for you if you want, Sand."

    "That would be perfect," Sand said, delighted. "You are exceptionally talented, my love, and it would make them even more special to me."

    Hawk put his hand in his pocket, feeling the delicate mithral ring for what had to be the thousandth time. He sat, and then jumped up again, crossing the sitting room to open a window, only to find that it was already open. Sora watched him, slightly bemused, not bothering to hide her smile.

    "What is wrong with you tonight, faralin?" Sora asked. "You've been jumpy all day."

    "Have I?" Hawk asked. "I hadn't noticed."

    "Of course you wouldn't notice, my beloved idiot," Sora laughed. "Come sit down and tell me what's on your mind."

    Hawk walked over to Sora, but he did not sit. Instead, he ran a hand through his silky black hair, looked completely nervous.

    "I think we need to go back to Evereska," Hawk began, and then faltered. He took a deep breath. "Sora, arwenamin, you are the love of my life. I've told you that. Did I tell you that?" He looked briefly panicked.

    "Hawk, you're making me nervous now," Sora said, the corners of her mouth twitching as she tried to look serious. It was difficult, because Hawk looked particularly endearing as he fidgeted, one hand shoved deep in his pocket.

    "I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Hawk said. "I want to take reverie every night with you next to me, and I want you face to be the first thing I see when I rise."

    "That's very sweet," Sora said, losing her battle not to grin impishly at Hawk.

    Hawk pulled his hand out of his pocket and knelt in front of Sora. He held a delicate mithral ring between his thumb and forefinger, intricate vines surrounding a single perfect moonstone. "This ring has been handed down in my family for generations. Most recently, my grandmother gave this ring to my father, to put on my mother's hand when he asked her to marry him. Now it's my turn, and I would be honored beyond all belief if you would wear this ring as a token of our betrothal, my beloved Sora."

    Hawk's cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were dark with love, and his fingers trembled as he lifted Sora's hand, pressing a kiss on her fingers. Sora's other hand flew to stroke his cheek as she looked at her Graycloak, her fierce elven warrior that she had loved for so long, and she leaned forward to kiss him tenderly.

    "Yes, my Hawk, I will wear your ring and become your wife," Sora said, looking into those blue-grey eyes and seeing them light up with joy.

    Hawk slid the ring onto the first finger of Sora's right hand, still trembling a little as he looked up at her. "I'll make you happy, Sora, I swear it. And if you're willing, and the Seldarine bless us with them, I'll love and cherish our children."

    "I hope you want a lot of children," Sora replied, her eyes bright. "I'd like a house full of children myself."

    "Then we'll go home to Evereska, and we'll tell atara, and we'll start planning our wedding. I want you to have the most gorgeous gown, and we need to have all the family here attend, and –" Hawk fell silent as Sora kissed him again, and this time, he took the hint and forgot about talking.

    Vale jumped terribly when the door to Yuji's office was pulled open so hard that Yuji nearly knocked himself on his ass, and then came storming through Vale's office, ripping open the door to the hallway. Yuji leaned against the doorjamb, the lines of his face smoothing as all stress and worry melted out of him, a small dreamy smile tugging on his lips.

    Vale sat behind his desk for a few moments, a little surprised, then he rose to his feet and joined Yuji in the doorway.

    "What is it, a'maelamin?" Vale asked as he found the hallway utterly empty in front of their offices, and Yuji pressed his forefinger to his lips in a sign of silence.

    "Listen," he whispered and Vale leaned a little forwards, cocking his head a tiny bit.

    And then he heard it. The sound that was making his beautiful husband look so relaxed and gorgeous, his soul flying away on a dream.

    "Those are the third level violin kids, with Kiku. And underneath that you can hear little Yamaguchi-san on the piano with Noboru-san. I love it when they play duet on the piano. Noboru-san is so good with the little kids. This is exactly why I always wanted to open this school. I just love the sounds of music filling the whole school, the laughter of the kids that aren't in classes. It just gives me so much joy." Yuji's eyes shone with such happiness that Vale had to smile back at him.

    They listened in silence for a few more moments, Vale's expression nearly as dreamy as Yuji's smile. When Vale finally spoke, his voice was hushed and reverent.

    "It reminds me of Evermeet. There's music everywhere there, and it all seems to blend together into a perfect whole, just like this." Vale looked slightly wistful. "I promised to take Satoshi there, and you would love it as well, for the music alone."

    Yuji looked at his elf curiously, and he suddenly realized that he knew very little about Vale's past before Neverwinter.

    "You never talk about Evermeet, love, or what your life was like there," Yuji said, leaning a little against Vale.

    Vale looked briefly startled. "There isn't a lot to say. It's very different from Evereska. It's an island, first of all, and much larger than you'd think. There are several cities, but the biggest is the capital city, Leuthilspar. That's where the Moonstone Palace is, the home of Queen Amlaruil, who rules Evermeet along with her Council of Matrons, her personal advisors. The streets of Leuthilspar are paved with crystals and gems, and the main road looks like it's made of diamonds."

    "Is that where you lived?" Yuji asked.

    Vale smiled a little. "I come from a city called Drelagara, a small city not too far in from the coast. All the buildings in Drelagara are made of white marble, and it's small but very beautiful. It sits in the center of an enormous meadow, nearly sixty miles across. The best thing, though, everywhere, is the music. We have small parks, not as lush as Evereska, but every park has musicians." Vale peeked at his watch. "Is that the time? You've got a private lesson in five minutes, a'maelamin."

    Yuji chuckled a little as Vale hurried back to his desk. It was not until he was halfway to his private classroom that he realized that Vale had managed to avoid saying anything about himself.

  11. Sand touched Satoshi's cheek tenderly. "Of course I will go with you. Tell me how I should dress for such a ceremony, and what I must do."

    Satoshi nodded somberly. "Wear that black suit that you bought, the one that doesn't have any shine to it, and a black tie with no pattern or colors in it. And you need a white shirt."

    "Give me just a few moments, saiai." Sand stroked Satoshi's cheek softly and hurried to his closet. He knew exactly the suit that Satoshi was talking about. He had purchased it after Kenji mentioned that Satoshi's mother was ill. Sand had let everyone think he had just liked the fabric, but Vale had looked at Sand a little oddly. Sand had not worn such a stark thing since he had fallen in love with his genasi. He would have preferred the kimono and hakama, but he was not family.

    Sand brushed his teeth and changed quickly, his Egyptian cotton shirt blindingly white, and his suit and tie a flat unrelieved black. Sand carried plain leather dress boots to put on downstairs, and his hair was pulled back into a tight neat ponytail that covered most of his ears and was cinched with a plain black elastic. He presented himself to Satoshi, who nodded and touched Sand's cheek in silent thanks.

    Satoshi drove in silence, not even smoking, and Sand contented himself with merely opening his own bond and letting his love for Satoshi show. He could feel Satoshi's pain and hurt, but there was nothing to say that would help, and Sand did not want to say the wrong thing and distress his beloved husband further. They paused at a traffic light, and Satoshi took a quick glance over at Sand, elegant and slim, his sculpted cheekbones and delicately tilted eyes making him look almost Japanese, if his eyes had not been that radiant shade of blue.

    Satoshi parked at the cemetery, turning off the ignition and lighting a cigarette. Satoshi's hand trembled slightly, but his voice was level when he spoke.

    "You don't really have to do anything. I'm not going to speak to anyone. I just want to see the urn put in the grave." Satoshi looked over at Sand. "Just be there next to me."

    "Always, saiai." Sand took Satoshi's free hand and held it for a moment out of sight while Satoshi finished his cigarette.

    When Satoshi was done, he nodded, and he and Sand got out of the car. Satoshi walked over to the edge of the gathering, staying far back enough to avoid having to speak to anyone. His formal black kimono and hakama and haori marked Satoshi as family, but no one approached him, respecting the boundary he left between himself and the mourners. Sand stood at his side, close enough for Satoshi to feel the heat of Sand's body.

    The grave was a simple stone grave, with a carved marker bearing the kanji for the Mori family name. Faded wooden planks marked with the names of those buried within the grave stood behind the stone. The newest one bore the name of Satoshi's mother, but there were also newer ones with the names of his siblings, three barely faded planks. Near the grave, Sand could see an older man dressed in formal mourning clothing, with an astonishing resemblance to Satoshi, and Sand realized that this had to be Satoshi's father. Not far from him was Kenji, also in traditional clothing, and Yori stood beside him in a black suit and tie, and a white shirt as pristine as Sand's shirt. Kenji saw them, and bowed very sllightly in greeting, and Satoshi returned the gesture while Sand nodded slightly in acknowledgment. To Sand's utter delight, Yori waved very discreetly, with his left hand, and his eyes were clear and bright.

    The Buddhist monk officiating chanted for a few minutes longer, and then the urn was placed into the grave and the stone cover slab closed over it. As the urn was lowered, the older man looked up and saw Satoshi, his eyes widening. Satoshi trembled beside Sand, who pitched his voice to reach only Satoshi as he murmured, "I am here, saiai. My love and my strength are yours."

    A tear shivered on the tips of Satoshi's lashes as his father saw him, and Satoshi bowed quickly and straightened almost immediately. Satoshi's father bowed back, but Satoshi was already turning away to leave, and Sand watched as the older man broke down in tears, Kenji moving to support him. Then Sand turned and walked beside Satoshi, glancing sideways at his husband.

    Satoshi sighed heavily, and then he seemed to straighten and stand a little taller, as if some terrible weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Satoshi took a deep breath, and when they got to the car, he unlocked it and looked over the roof of the car at Sand.

    "It's over," Satoshi said quietly, but he looked better than he had in days. "The bitch is in the ground, and it's over."

  12. "Oh, saiai, I will never be anywhere else other than by your side." Sand looked into Satoshi's sweet, sad eyes seeing the faint glimmer of hope there. "Let me love you, cormamin, as sweetly and as tenderly as you should be loved. Do you know how much I love you, with your great heart that cannot help but love others?"

    Sand feathered a tender kiss on Satoshi's mouth, his strong arms supporting his slender husband easily, Satoshi's muscular legs wrapped around Sand's hips. Sand rocked his hips, shallow thrusts at first to make sure that Satoshi was ready for him, and then deep, languid thrusts, infinitely tender, Sand nibbling soft kisses that were returned with shy sweetness. Sand had his bond open wide, asking nothing of Satoshi while letting his vast love for Satoshi wash over his gentle husband.

    "Do not ever be sorry for loving, saiai, even for loving those who were too foolish to return your love," Sand whispered, his own eyes bright with unshed tears. "You love so well, and ask so little for yourself. Will you take my love, and my strength? It is yours, until time itself ends, my sweet Satoshi."

    Sand could feel the telltale trembling in Satoshi's thighs that signaled that Satoshi was close, and Sand deepened his thrusts, his cock gliding over Satoshi's prostate each time Sand buried himself fully in Satoshi's ass. Satoshi's cock was pressed between them, each of Sand's thrusts creating delicious friction, and Satoshi mewled softly as the heat in his belly built.

    "Come for me, saiai," Sand urged. "Let go, and I will catch you."

    Satoshi met Sand's eyes again, briefly, but the hope seemed a little stronger in their depths, and Satoshi howled softly as his balls drew up, his cum painting Sand's chest and belly as he sobbed his release. Sand groaned as Satoshi's ass clamped down on his cock like a vise, and his own balls emptied as he filled Satoshi's sweet ass with what felt like a never-ending stream of cum. Sand held Satoshi tightly as Satoshi shivered through the last of his orgasm, a small sob escaping him as Sand angled in to kiss him tenderly.

    "I will never let you fall, saiai," Sand promised. "I love you, more with each day, and I will stand by you always as your husband and your lover and your friend."

    Sand eased Satoshi off his softening cock, and helped Satoshi to stand, his strong arms supporting Satoshi until his legs had stopped trembling. Sand helped Satoshi finish washing off, and dried him tenderly, toweling his hair lovingly and supporting Satoshi as he brushed his teeth.

    Sand led Satoshi into the bedroom, and began to rummage for something warm and comfortable for Satoshi to wear. Satoshi only had cotton pajamas clean, and Sand reached into his own dresser to fish out a pair of flannel pajama pants, soft and warm. Sand found a comfortably worn long sleeved t-shirt, and thick socks, and he helped Satoshi to dress, pleased that Satoshi only needed a small amount of help this time. Sand added a warm hoodie to Satoshi's outfit, still worried that the rain and chill of the night before might have settled in Satoshi's lungs.

    "Let us go and see what Ryuu has planned for lunch for us," Sand said with a gentle smile. "I have no doubt that he has cajoled Sora into making her soba for you."

    Sand put his arm around Satoshi as they went downstairs, and Sand could smell Sora's delicious soba as they approached the kitchen. Ryuu heard them and popped his head out of the kitchen with a bright smile, hurrying over to hug Satoshi and press a kiss to his cheek. The gate bell rang, and Sand looked over as Willow answered it, Hikaru nestled in her arms. When her face lit up, Sand released the breath he had not even realized he was holding.

    Willow came over, kissing Satoshi with great love. "It's Matsu and Kohaku, and Matsu said they have a small surprise."

    Sora came out of the kitchen. "We have plenty of food, and they're just in time for lunch." She turned her head to call, "Hawk? Please don't turn on the rice cooker yet. I want to make a little more."

    Sand looked at Satoshi, his blue eyes filled with tender love. "Do you feel up to seeing them, saiai? Even for a little while?"

    Satoshi nodded, his voice very soft. "Yes, I want to see them. They know about my family."

    Sand heard the car pull up outside, and surprisingly, there was a sweet child's voice that carried in to them.

    "Chichi, your friend really lives here? This is perfect! Look at all the places to explore!" the sweet little voice exclaimed, followed by Kohaku's laugh.

    Willow opened the door, and Matsu bowed and came in, followed by Kohaku and two young girls. "Matsu-san, I'm so glad you came, and Kohaku-san, who are these gorgeous girls?" Willow said with a beautiful smile.

    "Ah, Willow-chan, these are the reasons I have to slave my life away in the studio, making album after album," Kohaku giggled. The taller of the two girls tried to look exasperated, but wound up giggling as well, her laugh an exact replica of Kohaku's laugh. "This is Fuji-chan, who will tell you that she's seven, but don't believe her. She's really twenty-seven, by the way she bosses me around. And this is our princess, Kaede-chan, who is three."

    "Three and a half, chichi," Fuji corrected, her eyes sparkling. "I am very pleased to meet you, Willow-sama." Fuji bowed and tugged her little sister into a bow as well.

    Sand and Satoshi came over, and Matsu embraced Satoshi quickly. Kohaku's embrace was a little longer, and his eyes shone with sympathetic tears.

    "Satoshi-san, we were so sorry to hear the news," Matsu said gently. "I know you didn't speak, but it's still bound to be difficult." He turned to Sand and bowed, as Sand returned the bow with a gentle smile. "Masato-san, I wish this was a more pleasant occasion."

    Ryuu was watching Fuji with unabashed awe. Fuji was dressed in blue jeans that already had a tiny smudge at one knee, and her t-shirt and hoodie looked comfortable and relaxed. She had a baseball cap on, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Kaede, by comparison, was wearing a dress and dainty shoes, her hair framing her face in a glossy black curtain, and she stayed close to Kohaku, shy and quiet.

    Kohaku looked at Ryuu, and offered him a bow, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "You must be Ryuu-san. I've seen a lot of pictures of you. My favorite is the one of you playing baseball at school."

    Ryuu bowed back with a little giggle. "Hello, Kohaku-sama," he said politely. "Yes, I play for my school's team."

    Fuji lit up when she heard that. "What position do you play? I'm in the outfield."

    Ryuu's eyes widened a little. "You play baseball?" Sand was quite sure he heard admiration in Ryuu's voice. "I'm a pitcher."

    "Ryuu has a very good arm," Sand said with pride. He would never admit that baseball utterly befuddled him, at least not in his son's hearing. "Perhaps after lunch you can throw the ball a bit together. In the meantime, sochi-chan, would you like to show Fuji the garden by the house while we finish getting lunch ready?"

    "Yes, tousan," Ryuu agreed happily.

    Fuji turned to look at Kohaku pleadingly.

    "Go on, but don't wander too far away. Otherwise, I'll have to eat all your lunch myself." Kohaku smiled as Ryuu led Fuji out into the garden, the two of them already engrossed in a conversation about baseball.

    Satoshi was talking with Matsu, their voices low, but Sand could sense that the conversation was easing Satoshi's mind a bit.

    "I don't want you to even think about coming in until after the funeral," Matsu said, looking at Satoshi with great friendship and concern.

    "I'm not going to the funeral," Satoshi replied. "I spent enough time going to her, just to get pushed away. Besides, we need to work on the album. The label is in a hurry for us to finish."

    "Satoshi-san, trust me, the label will wait." Kohaku looked at Satoshi with a wicked glint in his eyes. "They know I'll only work with you, and I told them I won't work with you when you're not at your best. If they want their album, they need to wait until I say we're ready."

    Sand could feel Satoshi's relief and gratitude, and his own smile grew. Satoshi never seemed to understand that people loved him well enough to do such things for him, but so many people did love his sweet husband that much, and Sand understood it thoroughly. For his part, although he was very quiet, Satoshi seemed calmer and a bit stronger for the company.

    Sora called them in to lunch then, and Sand called Ryuu and Fuji back in. Kohaku exclaimed over Hikaru, and held the little half-elf while Willow prepared his lunch, and he then amused Hikaru thoroughly while he was eating. Satoshi even smiled a bit, the phone staying blessedly quiet.

    Willow excused herself for a short time, taking Hikaru in his stroller down to pick up Aika and when she returned, Aika looked at Kaede with interest. Kaede seemed equally intrigued with Aika's school uniform, although Willow swept Aika upstairs to change. When Aika came down in one of her pretty little dresses, Kaede broke into a dimpled smile.

    "I see we're graced with the presence of more royalty," Kohaku teased.

    Sand chuckled. "Aika is most assuredly our princess, and we all seem to be her loyal subjects."

    Aika giggled a little, and held out her hand to Kaede. "Do you want to see my dollhouse?"

  13. Sand kept his bond wide open as he slipped into a shallow reverie, Ryuu's small body warm between Satoshi and himself. He remained completely aware of Satoshi, whose shields remained down as he slept deeply, exhausted from the emotional storm. Sand could feel the deep grief emanating from Satoshi even as he took reverie, and Satoshi's pain colored his own memories. It was actually a relief when Ryuu woke and wriggled, bringing Sand out of reverie, and he nuzzled his sweet son with a smile.

    "Good morning, my dragon. Did you and buronzudoragon sleep well?" Sand looked into Ryuu's gorgeous eyes, so like Satoshi's eyes, his voice soft so as not to disturb Satoshi.

    Ryuu nodded and wriggled tighter into his spot between his fathers. "We were very warm and snuggled. Dragons like to be warm." He looked at Sand very seriously. "I think I should be home today. Chichi might need a dragon, and buronzudoragon doesn't always listen to him."

    Sand's face was equally serious as he nodded. "I think it is a good idea for you to be home today. I think chichi will certainly need a great many hugs and your hugs are especially healing."

    Ryuu thought for a moment, and then he pulled Sand into a hug. "You need a hug, tousan. It's okay. We can make chichi feel better together."

    Sand's throat tightened a little as Ryuu hugged him, his love for his son and his huge heart taking his breath away. "Yes, I think together we can do that."

    The door to the room slid open, and Vale glided in with a tray holding a pot of tea, two clean mugs, and a glass of freshly squeezed juice. He put the tray down and leaned over to kiss Sand and Ryuu, handing Ryuu the juice as the small boy sat up.

    "Hikaru won't be up for a bit yet. If you two want to grab a shower, I can sit with Satoshi so he won't be alone if he wakes up." Vale brushed a strand of silky hair back from Sand's face, his smile sweet and loving.

    "What do you think, my dragon?" Sand asked.

    Ryuu looked thoughtfully at Satoshi. "We should be fast." He eyed Sand. "So no scrubbing three times behind my ears, tousan." He handed Vale his now empty glass with a sweet thank you and slid off of the bed, scampering to the ensuite bathroom with Sand right behind him.

    Sand and Ryuu washed quickly and thoroughly, and Sand confined himself to only one scrubbing behind Ryuu's ears. When they emerged, clean and wrapped in towels, Satoshi was still asleep, with Vale curled up on the bed next to him so that Satoshi would feel the contact of a warm body.

    "Thank you, anoramin," Sand said, kissing Vale as the blond elf stood.

    Vale returned the kiss with gentle heat. "I'll feed Hikaru and then make breakfast. If you're not downstairs, I'll bring up a tray. Ryuu, you want to help me with otouto?"

    Ryuu nodded, slipping his hand into Vale's hand. "I need to get clotheses, too."

    Satoshi woke not long after Vale and Ryuu left to see to Hikaru and breakfast, his eyes red and swollen. Sand was lying next to him, and brushed a bit of amethyst hair off his forehead gently.

    "Masato?" Satoshi's voice was ragged, and his eyes welled with fresh tears.

    "I am here, saiai," Sand replied, his voice gentle.

    "I'm sorry," Satoshi said, and the tears began to fall.

    Sand gathered Satoshi in his arms, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "No, saiai, you have nothing to apologize for. I am so very sorry that I was not beside you last night when you got the news. But I am here now, and I am not leaving." He let Satoshi weep for a bit, rubbing his back and letting his love pour out through their bond. He could feel all the terrible conflicting emotions that wracked Satoshi, grief and guilt and anger and pain so tangled up that even Satoshi could not tell where one ended and the next began.

    After a couple of minutes, Satoshi's sobs slowed and he lifted his head from Sand's shoulder. Sand reached for a soft linen handkerchief and gently wiped away the tears.

    "Will you drink some tea?" Sand asked, helping Satoshi to sit up. Sand listened anxiously for any signs of Satoshi's lungs being compromised, but it was hard to tell with the last few hiccuping sobs. Sand poured the tea and handed it to Satoshi, his slim scarred fingers helping to guide the mug. "Ryuu went to see about breakfast with Vale. I think he wanted to make sure that Vale would prepare your favorites. Do you think you can come downstairs and eat a little bit?"

    Satoshi nodded, his emotions muted as they filtered through their bond, and Sand kissed his forehead again and went to get Satoshi's warm robe. He carefully slipped it onto Satoshi, who allowed Sand to dress him like he was Hikaru. Hiding a worried heart behind a gentle smile, Sand wrapped his arm around Satoshi's waist as they headed downstairs.

    Vale looked up as Sand and Satoshi walked into the dining room, Hikaru nestled on his hip. Ryuu looked up as well, and hurried over to his father, his arms open and Sand was relieved when Satoshi bent a little to scoop Ryuu up and hold him tightly. Ryuu gave Sand a quick nod over Satoshi's shoulder, and Sand smiled back, letting his love for Ryuu shine forth. It was the closest to normal that Satoshi had been since the phone call the night before, and Sand caught Vale's eye. Vale nodded and began to bring over all of the dishes he and Ryuu had made to tempt Satoshi to eat. Ryuu wriggled to get down, and tugged Satoshi to a seat.

    "You should try this, chichi. Keifu made it just right." Ryuu offered Satoshi some sweet omelette, and then some grilled fish as Vale set a bowl of rice and then a bowl of miso soup down in front of Satoshi.

    "Eat what you can, mela en' coiamin," Vale murmured, pressing a kiss to Satoshi's cheek. Hikaru cooed from Vale's hip, and Satoshi gave a faint smile for the half-elf. Ryuu climbed up to nestle in Satoshi's lap while he ate, and Sand took some rice and fish for himself, and held his arms out for Hikaru so Vale could eat.

    Satoshi managed to eat a little bit with Ryuu's encouragement, but he seemed so distant and so sad that Sand's heart ached. Yuji and Willow came down with Aika, both of them kissing Satoshi tenderly before sitting down to eat as Vale jumped up to get tea for them.

    "I talked to Matsu last night," Yuji said quietly as Vale handed him his tea. "He said not to worry about anything. He's going to stop by later, he said."

    Satoshi nodded, burying his face in Ryuu's hair for a moment. There was a brief yelp, and then Erion dashed into the kitchen, his silver eyes huge. He threw his arms around Satoshi and hugged him tightly for a moment, nuzzling a little and biting back a small sob of his own. Then he hurried into the kitchen to make up the bentos for him and for Kansas, most of which Vale had already done.

    Kansas was right behind Erion, and his eyes were pale and silvery as he threw him arms around Satoshi with a whimper. "I'm sorry, Satoshi," Kansas whispered, kissing Satoshi almost frantically. "I have to go for a bit but I'll be home right after classes, okay? We love you." Then he and Erion raced off to make their train.

    Vale looked over at Yuji. "You don't have any lessons or classes this morning, a'maelamin. I'll go in now and open up, and you come later."

    "Are you sure?" Yuji asked, looking at Vale.

    "I think we can manage for the morning," Vale said with a gentle smile, and kissed Yuji tenderly. "I'll go and get ready. I can take Aika on my way."

    Yuji grabbed Vale and kissed him back. "Thank you, love," he murmured. Vale stroked Yuji's cheek and then ran lightly up the stairs to shower and dress while Willow packed the bento Vale had made for Aika in her backpack.

    Vale was back down in short order, fixing his tie as he came into the dining room. He bent over Satoshi and kissed him very sweetly. "I love you," Vale murmured. "Forever." He took Aika's hand, and they headed off to their respective schools.

    A few minutes later, the phone rang, and Sand felt all his muscles tense as Yuji went to answer it.

  14. The front door had barely closed when Sand leaped off the couch to take off for the door. Vale made an abortive grab at Sand, and the moon elf turned around, his blue eyes blazing.

    "Don't!" Sand snapped, slapping Vale's hand away. Before Vale could even react, Sand was out the door, barefoot and frantic, tearing after Satoshi like an elf possessed.

    Bewildered, Vale turned to look at Yuji. "What in the Nine Hells was that about?"

    Sand tore down the path leading to the gate, the heavy rain soaking him to the skin almost immediately, his thick hair sopping wet. Sand could not feel Satoshi, only a chilling emptiness where his bond should have been. A small portion of his mind that was still rational reminded him that he would have felt Satoshi's death, and therefore Satoshi must have raised his shields, but Sand's heart was pounding as he raced along, heedless of what was beneath his feet. The heavy rain made it nearly impossible to discern sounds properly, and Sand cursed bitterly under his breath as he ran, swift and reckless, out through the gate and onto the street.

    Up ahead, Sand knew, was an intersection that was busy enough to present a danger if Satoshi was running blindly away, as Sand feared he was doing. Utterly terrified, the elf pushed himself past all reason and managed to speed up, half blind himself from the water streaming down his face. Sand had no breath to spare to call out, not that Satoshi would even have heard him, or would have responded if he did. There was nothing for it but to catch him, and Sand knew how fast Satoshi's muscular legs could propel him.

    Up ahead, the intersection loomed, and Sand could make out a wavering figure through the streaming rain. Sand's lungs were burning from the effort to suck in enough oxygen, and his heart was pounding so hard that it hurt, but Sand shoved those distractions aside with brutal indifference and pushed even harder, drawing on reserves he barely knew he had. Not quite fifteen meters from the intersection, Sand intercepted Satoshi, dragging him sideways toward the pedestrian walkway.

    Satoshi lashed out, doing his best to push Sand away, screaming incoherently as he fought to pry the elf off of him. Sand spat, struggling to draw enough breath to speak, but not about to let Satoshi run off again. Sand managed to spin behind Satoshi, Satoshi's right wrist firmly in Sand's left hand as Sand's right hand shot our to capture Satoshi's left wrist. Satoshi screamed again, struggling against Sand's tight hold, but the elf was implacable and hung on grimly, refusing to let go until Satoshi stiffened, and then collapsed, sagging forward against Sand's arms.

    Sand sank to the pavement, Satoshi in his arms, and he wrapped himself around Satoshi as if to shelter him from the rain. "Saiai?" Sand rasped. "I am here, cormamin. Let me in." Sand did his best to cradle Satoshi, the painful sobs now racking his husband's body tearing at Sand's heart. "Satoshi, saiai, please do not do this to yourself. Do not lock me out and try to bear this alone. You are not alone, not anymore, not ever again."

    Sand felt Satoshi shudder in his arms, and he held his husband as close as he could. It was several long minutes that they huddled together on the wet pavement. "I am here, cormamin. I will always be here for you. Let me be your strength," Sand pleaded.

    "Poldoramin?" The one word, choked out between wracking sobs, restored Sand's heart.

    "Yes, saiai, I am here. Come home with me, out of this rain. We will have a hot shower, and I will tuck you up in your thick robe, and we will have some tea." Sand stood, his muscles trembling with fatigue and cold, and held out his hands to Satoshi, helping his beloved husband to stand. Sand wrapped an arm around Satoshi's waist and guided him home, down the rain slick streets to the gate, and down the path to the house.

    Sand went around the back with Satoshi, opening the back door to be greeted by Vale, his green eyes pale with worry, Yuji and Willow right behind him.

    "He is ice cold and soaked through," Sand said as Vale helped to guide Satoshi in. "We need a hot shower. This will go right to his lungs again, I fear."

  15. Erion whispered into Kageoshi's ear. "Of course I was serious, and that sounds perfect." Aloud, Erion said, "Is that the last of the dishes, toror'?"

    "Yes, it is," Kageoshi said, his cheeks a little pink. He showed Erion where to put the dishes, and they finished tidying the kitchen area quickly. Kageoshi tugged Erion by the hand and led him into Momo's tidy bedroom, closing the door behind them and sitting on the edge of the bed, his cheeks quite pink.

    Erion looked at Kageoshi and felt an overwhelming rush of love for his sweet friend. Kageoshi was truly an innocent, despite what he had endured at Taka's hands, and Erion found himself hoping that Kageoshi would find the courage to let Momo know how he felt. Erion was a little embarrassed that he had talked about Momo earlier, but that could not be helped, and Kageoshi had not seemed offended by Erion so blithely discussing the person he loved.

    "Hey, toror', we're not in a lecture. You don't have to sit there like you're going to take notes." Erion grinned and sat next to Kageoshi, pulling his legs up to sit cross-legged on the bed. Kageoshi turned around to face Erion, giggling behind his hand.

    "I think I'm a little nervous, Yuki-chan." Kageoshi's eyes were bright, though, and Erion took heart.

    Erion reached out and took Kageoshi's hand and lifted it to his mouth, guiding Kageoshi's fingers over his lips. Kageoshi looked at Erion, wide-eyed, but he did not pull away, and his fingers traced Erion's lips of their own accord.

    "Soft," Kageoshi said, a little breathless.

    "Can I touch your lips?" Erion asked. Kageoshi nodded, and Erion gently traced Kageoshi's lips with one slim finger, teasing the plump lower lip a little. "You have beautiful lips. They feel like velvet."

    Kageoshi looked at Erion, still wide-eyed. The gentle touch of Erion's finger on his lips was nice, more than nice. It gave Kageoshi a sweet little shiver and Erion smiled at him tenderly.

    "Touching is nice, and it's a good way to warm up to kissing," Erion said. "It feels good when you touch my lips, too. And kissing doesn't have to be this whole big frantic mashing together, either. Sometimes you can just press your lips together, and let your lips touch, and that's enough. Kind of like earlier," Erion said.

    "Oh!" Kageoshi squeaked, surprised. "That was good?"

    "It was," Erion said. "It was sweet and tender, and very perfect. If I was your boyfriend, it would have been such a good kiss."

    "Can I try it again?" Kageoshi asked, and Erion smiled and nodded. Kageoshi leaned forward, his knees bumping into Erion's knees, and he pressed his tender lips against Erion's lips, a little more firmly than in the arcade. When he sat back, his eyes were brighter. "That was nice. Really nice. Okay, your turn, Yuki-chan. You kiss me."

    Erion leaned forward and pressed his lips against Kageoshi's lips, and very lightly closed his lips around Kageoshi's lower lip, just a brief nibble of the lips, but Kageoshi sighed a little, and his eyes fluttered closed.

    "Oohh, the thing you did with my lower lip," Kageoshi said, when Erion had sat back again. "That was nice, too." His cheeks got a little pink. "In the stories, sometimes when people kiss, they use their tongues. Isn't that true?"

    Erion nodded. "Yes, it is, and that's very nice, too." He reached out to tuck a bit of hair behind Kageoshi's ear. "You can run your hands through someone's hair when you kiss, too. That feels incredible, and so does stroking their cheek."

    "Like this?" Kageoshi leaned in and cupped Erion's cheek in one delicate hand, and pressed his sweet lips against Erion's lips. Erion sighed a little and let his lips part just a little bit, and Kageoshi felt bold enough to let the tip of his tongue slip out and touch Erion's lip. Erion gave an encouraging little moan, and Kageoshi got a little bolder, running his tongue lightly across Erion's lower lip. Then Kageoshi broke the kiss and sat back, giggling and blushing.

    "That was nice!" Kageoshi exclaimed, and Erion gave him a radiant smile.

    "It was, and you're very good at kissing," Erion said. "Really, I mean it. It's mostly about showing someone that you really care, and letting yourself open up to them a little. When Tatsuya and I first were together, we used to just kiss. We could cuddle and kiss for ages, and it was wonderful."

    "But what do I do if he wants to put his tongue in my mouth?" Kageoshi asked, feeling suddenly very bold. "What do I do?"

    Erion grinned. "He's not going to just shove his tongue in your mouth, toror'. He'll go slow."

    "Show me?" Kageoshi asked.

    "Okay, but anytime you want to, you just pull away, okay?" Erion said. "If it feels a little too intense or anything. You're in charge, and you can stop anytime." Erion waited until Kageoshi nodded, his beautiful eyes wide. The Erion leaned in and captured Kageoshi's lips tenderly, his tongue gently teasing Kageoshi's lower lip. Erion pressed soft kisses to Kageoshi's lips until Kageoshi sighed a little and let his lips part, getting caught up in the kisses. Erion nibbled softly at Kageoshi's lower lip, careful not to push too fast, slowly letting Kageoshi get used to the feel of Erion's tongue until Erion felt ready to tease Kageoshi's lips further apart, deepening the kiss as Kageoshi opened up to Erion. Kageoshi sighed a little, and then pulled back, looking at Erion with a slightly dazed expression.

    "Um, wow?" Kageoshi said, giggling a little. The trust in his eyes made Erion feel slightly overwhelmed for a moment. "If he kisses me like that, I might forget my own name."

    "Do you want to try it?" Erion offered, and Kageoshi blushed a little as he nodded. Kageoshi pulled Erion closer, and kissed Erion sweetly, and Erion could not help but sigh as he let his lips part. Kageoshi was a little hesitant at fist, but he gained confidence as Erion melted a little into the kiss, and Kageoshi deepened it, his tongue exploring Erion's mouth shyly as his hand reached up to touch Erion's cheek. Erion let Kageoshi kiss him until Kageoshi sighed and broke the kiss, sitting back with a sweet smile.

    "That was..." Kageoshi started to giggle. "Why don't you and Tatsuya do that all the time?"

    Erion started to giggle as well. "We do, at home. Well, not all the time, but yeah. We kiss, a lot."

    "I can see why," Kageoshi teased. "Thank you, Yuki-chan!" He flung his arms around Erion, giving him a sweet hug, and Erion hugged Kageoshi back, delighted to see the sparkle in his best friend's eyes. "But you know what? Now I'm going to think about him kissing me, and I'll have another dream."

    The two friends looked at each other and burst out laughing until the tears ran down their faces, and they had to hold each other up as they went back outside to get another beer and rejoin their friends.

  16. "Oh, toror'amin, oh, my poor sweet angel, don't cry," Erion said, flinging his arms around Kageoshi and cradling him close. "Don't say that. Momo isn't the kind who would ever blame you for something that wasn't your fault." Erion pressed a kiss to the top of Kageoshi's head, his heart breaking for his gentle friend. "Tell me what happened, toror'. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to, but sometimes it helps to talk and let the poison out."

    "I can't," Kageoshi whispered. "I can't talk about it." He clung to Erion, his face buried in Erion's shoulder.

    "Try for me," Erion coaxed gently. "You'll always be my best friend and my brother. Nothing will ever change that."

    Kageoshi shivered as Erion stroked his back tenderly, and his voice was so soft that even Erion had to strain a little to hear it. "Taka touched me. I didn't want him to, but he did, and it hurt so bad." Kageoshi sobbed quietly for a moment, and Erion continued to cradle him close. "I feel so dirty, Yuki-chan, and Momo could never want anyone like me."

    "Oh, Kageoshi, please don't think that," Erion whispered, his own eyes welling. "Momo knows Taka's a bastard. He won't blame you at all."

    "But I let him," Kageoshi whispered back, his voice breaking. He started to talk, as if he just needed to get it all out, his voice barely audible. "Taka had a party, around christmas-time. His parents were gone, and he was alone, and he invited us. I went there with Momo, and it was fun at first, but I don't know what happened. I didn't think I had that much to drink, but I was really dizzy and feeling out of it all the sudden. Momo just sort of laughed at me, and I wasn't too worried because he didn't sound mad or anything."

    Kageoshi stopped for a moment, a sob escaping him, and Erion felt his heart sinking to the pit of his stomach. Erion had seen what Taka had tried with Kansas, and he had an awful feeling that he knew what Taka had done. Erion just continued to hold Kageoshi close and stroke his back lovingly, his cheek resting against the top of Kageoshi's soft hair.

    Kageoshi gulped hard and continued in that same broken little voice. "Taka told Momo to put me in his bed, and let me sleep for a bit, so Momo carried me into the bedroom and laid me down. Momo was supposed to meet someone later, a lover, probably, but I figured he'd come and get me before he left, so I just closed my eyes and fell asleep." Kageoshi pressed harder against Erion's shoulder, like the words hurt him. "I woke up when Taka was taking my clothes off. It was dark, and I was still drunk, and I didn't know where I was at first, or why Taka was pulling my clothes off. Then he started to touch me, and I was so scared, but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even move, Yuki-chan. It was like I was frozen. I wanted to scream, but when I opened my mouth, I couldn't make a sound, and besides, who would have heard me? And then he hurt me. He just kept doing things and saying things, and I couldn't do anything to stop him."

    Kageoshi began to sob again, his tears scalding hot against Erion's shoulder. "So, you see, Momo would never want me now. I'm all used up and dirty. I'm not good enough for Momo."

    "Oh, toror'," Erion crooned softly, pressing another gentle kiss to the top of Kageoshi's head. "Momo loves you, don't you know that? I've seen how he looks at you, and I know he'd never think you were used up or dirty. What Taka did... you didn't want it, and you didn't ask for it, and it isn't your fault. None of it." Erion lifted Kageoshi's tearstained little face and tenderly wiped away some of the tears with the sleeve of his hoodie. "You're such an angel, do you know that? How can Momo help but love you?" Erion smiled at his beloved friend, none of the rage he felt toward Taka showing in his eyes or his voice. All Kageoshi could see was Erion's friendship and love, and he hiccuped a little as Erion stroked away the mess from his face. "You're my brother and my best friend, Kageoshi, always. Forever."

    "Don't say anything to anyone," Kageoshi pleaded. "I don't want them to look at me like... like I'm dirty."

    "I won't tell. I promised, toror', and I'll never break that promise," Erion said firmly. "But they'd never look at you like that, you know, and you're not silly. You've been the best friend in the world to me." Erion smiled a little. "Can I tell you something? I didn't know how to kiss when I met Tatsuya. I'd never kissed anyone like that before in my life."

    "Really?" Kageoshi sniffled a little, but his sobs had stopped. "But you're so beautiful," he blurted out. "Didn't lots of people want to kiss you?"

    "I don't think so," Erion giggled. "If they did, they kept awfully quiet about it. But my first kiss was with Tatsuya, and I was all startled, and I sort of jumped back. Then he got upset and ran off, and I chased after him, and I just... well, I don't know who did it first, but we kissed, really kissed, and it was wonderful."

    Erion was momentarily lost in the memory of that first kiss, his silver eyes dreamy and a little bit unfocused, and he was therefore quite surprised when Kageoshi suddenly pressed his plump little lips against Erion's lips in a sweet little kiss. Kageoshi immediately blushed furiously, but Erion just reached out and stroked Kageoshi's hair with a beautiful smile.

    "I could teach you how to kiss," Erion whispered. "Oh, not here!" Erion immediately reassured Kageoshi, blushing a little himself. "But sometime, when we're alone and in private, if you want me to, that is."

    Kageoshi just ducked his head shyly, his cheeks flaming, but he whispered back, "I'd like that." Than he looked at his watch and yelped a little. "Come with me to the restroom. I have to wash my face, and then we have to meet up with the guys. We can call them and tell them where we are."

  17. Erion gave a breathless giggle as he and Kageoshi made good their escape to the arcade. "You have no idea how glad I am to miss that movie, toror'."

    "Really?" Kageoshi looked at Erion, his gorgeous eyes widening. "You weren't just saying that, Yuki-chan?"

    "I hate horror movies," Erion confessed. "I'd be up half the night, listening for noises outside the windows. I don't mind the action movies so much, but horror movies creep me out for days." He looked around the arcade, his silver eyes bright. "So, what should we do first?"

    "Oh! Look, Yuki-chan, a crane machine!" Kageoshi clapped with excitement. "I love these. Did you ever try one?"

    Erion giggled. "No, never. You go first and show me how."

    The boys fished in their pockets, pulling out coins, and Kageoshi fed some into the machine, moving the crane with deft assurance, the tip of his pink tongue peeking out from between his lips as he concentrated. Erion watched as Kageoshi managed to snare a small plush animal, and he crowed as the animal, a small pink puppy, was dropped into the delivery chute. Kageoshi blushed a little and giggled before spinning around and looking at the people passing. He spotted a small girl walking past with her mother, and Kageoshi bowed very politely and handed the plush puppy to the little girl.

    "Oh, how kind!" the mother exclaimed, beaming as the little girl hugged the puppy happily. "Such nice young men! Thank you!"

    Kageoshi looked at Erion when the woman and child had gone, and hid a small giggle behind his hand. "I only keep the green teddy bears."

    Erion decided that he had to try, and promptly found out that it was not as easy as it looked to snare an animal. After several attempts, Erion managed to bump something into the delivery chute entirely by accident, and he fished out his prize, laughing as hard as Kageoshi. This time the prize was a red bear, and Erion gave it to a little boy in a stroller who was fussing a tiny bit. The little boy stopped fussing immediately, and the grateful mother thanked the young elf as she hurried off on her way home.

    Kageoshi spotted an air hockey machine, and grabbed Erion's arm. "We have to play that."

    Erion grinned, looking at the machine. This looked a little easier and Erion took his position at the end of the table while Kageoshi fed in the correct coins. Air puffed up through the small holes in the table, and Erion looked amazed as Kageoshi tossed him the flat disc that served as the puck.

    "You get to shoot first, and make it good," Kageoshi teased. "I can even beat Momo at this game."

    Erion laughed his beautiful laugh. "I don't know, I might be better at this than you think." Erion floated the puck and slapped it at Kageoshi, startled when it hurtled right back at him. He gave a little yelp as the disc flew into the slot and Kageoshi crowed in triumph.

    "First goal for me!" Kageoshi waited as Erion fished out the puck, his silver eyes narrowing in concentration.

    After several games, they declared a draw. Erion had caught on, and the fast paced game was suited to his quick reflexes. Kageoshi was tough, though, and Erion had to work for each game that he managed to win. By the time they finished the last game, they were breathless with laughter.

    "Ice cream," Kageoshi said, linking arms with Erion. "We need ice cream."

    "Absolutely," Erion agreed, and they wandered through the arcade until they found a small ice cream stall in the food court.

    Kageoshi looked at Erion with a mischievous glint in his gorgeous eyes. "Have you ever tried wasabi ice cream?"

    Erion blinked in astonishment. "Wasabi? Really? We always get green tea or red bean ice cream at home when we order take-out dinners. They make wasabi ice cream?"

    "They do, and it's the best," Kageoshi grinned, ordering two cones from the vendor.

    They found a bench and sat down, Kageoshi taking a bite from his cone with an expression of pure bliss. Erion watched him, and took a small experimental lick, his own face lighting up.

    "It's spicy!" Erion giggled. "Spicy ice cream!" He took a bite himself, letting the flavor explode on his tongue, and enjoying the tingling bite.

    Kageoshi looked utterly delighted at Erion's reaction. "You're the first one to like it as much as I do. You should see the faces the guys make when I order this."

    Erion laughed and took another big lick from his cone. They nibbled for a few minutes, and then Kageoshi looked at Erion shyly.

    "Can I ask you something, Yuki-chan?" Kageoshi began, his voice tentative.

    "You can ask me anything," Erion replied, nibbling the edge of his cone.

    "Was Tatsuya the first person that you ever loved?" Kageoshi's cheeks were pink, and he looked down at his cone.

    Erion smiled, his face lighting up. "Actually, yes, he was. Did I ever tell you about the first time we met?"

    "Is it romantic?" Kageoshi asked, looking up through his long lashes.

    "Very," Erion confirmed. "It was when Yuji-san was so sick, and they brought him to our country to be cured. There was an experimental treatment that they thought might work. Anyway, you know Masato-san is my uncle, right? My mother is his sister. The family was staying at my grandmother's house, and we went over to see them, and there was Tatsuya." Erion paused, smiling so brightly as he remembered.

    "And?" Kageoshi prompted, caught up.

    "Well, he was wearing his favorite shorts, and this tight little t-shirt and a hoodie, and platform boots. His hair was like it always is, black with those gorgeous blue streaks in it, and he was looking down. Then he looked up, and his eyes were this perfect stormy grey, and he looked right at me, and I felt my heart just jump right up into my throat. I couldn't even talk for a minute." Erion sighed a little. "And then, he smiled. It was like being hit by lightning. I just knew, right there and then, that I wanted to fall into those eyes, and kiss those plump lips and spend the rest of my life with him."

    Kageoshi sighed, his face radiant. "That is so romantic. Love at first sight, and he felt the same way?"

    Erion laughed. "Oh, yes. We just knew we belonged together. Masato-san says Tatsuya's the only one who can put up with me."

    "You're not hard to get along with," Kageoshi protested.

    "You didn't hear me whine when I got the outline for my tattoo," Erion giggled. "I was such a brat, and Tatsuya was so sweet anyway." He looked at Kageoshi. "How about you?"

    Kageoshi turned bright pink. "How about me what?" He finished his cone quickly, and then looked at Erion. "Okay, there is someone, and I think I do love him. Well, I like him so much, and maybe more than like. I don't know."

    Erion used his napkin to brush a crumb of cone away from Kageoshi's mouth. "So, when are you going to tell Momo how you feel about him?"

    Kageoshi squeaked in astonishment. "I didn't say it was Momo! Why did you think it was Momo?" His cheeks were flaming red.

    "It's okay, toror', I'm not going to say anything to anyone. It's between us, but you're different around him. Maybe because I'm so in love with Tatsuya, I can see it in you." Erion gave Kageoshi a quick hug. "It's our secret, I swear it."

  18. Erion laughed, his beautiful laugh ringing out as he turned back to his bento. "You hear something? I could have sworn it was just the wind." He sent a powerful wave of love and reassurance out to Kansas. Kansas was watching Kageoshi, and Erion looked at his young friend with a sinking heart.

    Kageoshi was visibly trembling despite Eric's reassuring arm around his shoulders, and his beautiful face was deathly pale. He was gnawing on his lip and his eyes brimmed with unshed tears as he choked back a sob. Ryo slid back into his seat on the other side of Kageoshi, nearly as shaken as the younger boy.

    Eric cleared his throat a little. "Well, it looks like you two didn't come out for the worse in that little encounter yesterday."

    Erion snorted a little. "It's just too bad I forgot what my father taught me, or I'd look better and he'd look worse." He ran his good hand carelessly through his silver hair. "He'd be so pissed at me for forgetting, and letting anger get the better of me. Fighting mad is fighting stupid, he says."

    "Ryo filled me in a little on what happened," Eric said softly.

    "Let's not waste our breath talking about garbage," Erion said. "I have to get the notes from yesterday afternoon. Ugh, I don't want to fall behind already."

    "You're not going to fall behind, Yuki-chan," Kageoshi said, his voice still shaky. Still, he took a deep breath and made an effort to look cheerful. "And you're only here to eat my bento, Eric." He gave the older boy a playful push.

    "You're on to me, Rira," Eric grinned. "I guess I'm stuck with my own poor lunch."

    "Oh, right," Ryo laughed. "At least yours isn't microwaved like mine."

    "You know what we should do?" Kansas spoke up suddenly, his eyes still a little pale but his face calmer. "We should go catch a movie after school."

    "That's a great idea!" Erion enthused. "We haven't been to a movie in ages. We could all go. Toror', call your mother and tell her you'll be late."

    Kageoshi looked doubtful, but Eric grinned. "I think that sounds perfect. I'll drive you home, Kageoshi, so don't worry about it." Eric shot Erion a quick look of reassurance. It seemed no one had missed the way Taka had looked at Kageoshi.

    "We should call Momo, and see if he wants to meet us," Kansas added.

    "So, we all meet here after class, right?" Erion stood up. "And Kageoshi and I have to hurry to make our next lecture." He leaned over and kissed Kansas quickly. "Come on, toror', you can call your mother on the way."

    Kageoshi tucked his arm through Erion's arm, and they hurried off to their class, Erion chattering about all the notes he needed to copy from Kageoshi, his beautiful bright laugh ringing out.

  19. Erion clung to Kansas, stroking his beautiful black and blue hair with his right hand, not caring about anything beyond holding his beloved in his arms. The horrible pain in his head was easing, and Erion did not feel cold any longer. Instead, he felt gloriously warm and loved, and whole once again, and he realized with a sinking feeling what that migraine had been.

    "You have to promise me something, 'lokiamin. No more running away from me like that." Erion pressed a kiss to the top of Kansas's head, not caring about the sting from his split lips. "I love you so much, and we are going to be together forever, okay? Nothing will ever part us, not again, not ever again. I know you didn;t mean any of those things you said, and I know you love me as much as I love you." Erion looked up at Sand. "We need a couple of healing potions, I think."

    "Oh, no," Satoshi said, stepping forward. "People saw you like this? At the university?"

    "Yes, the gang did, and when we signed out at the office," Erion replied, looking puzzled.

    Satoshi sighed. "We don't have healing magic here," he reminded Erion. "You're going to need to go to the hospital, both of you, to be checked and patched up."

    "I'm pretty sure your cheekbone is fractured, aier, and your hand as well. How hard did you hit him?" Hawk asked.

    Erion blushed a little. "I think I broke his nose," he admitted. "I know I yanked out a good chunk of hair, too."

    Hawk grinned wolfishly. "Good job, but next time, forget the hair and incapacitate him faster."

    "Hey!" Kansas protested. "There's not going to be a next time." He nuzzled harder into Erion's neck, and Erion snuggled back, his arms wrapped around Kansas protectively as he pressed more kisses on Kansas's soft hair.

    "I'll get the car. Will you come with us, poldoramin?" Satoshi asked, looking at Sand. "Officially, you're Erion's guardian, so it might be best if there's anything that needs your consent."

    "I will come, of course," Sand replied. "If you two youngsters would be so good at to untangle yourselves? You can cuddle in the car on the way to and from the hospital to your heart's content, but we should get you seen to sooner rather than later." Sand's voice was warm and loving, despite his sharp words. He stopped in the kitchen and packed a cooler bag with cold bottles of sweet tea.

    "I want a cigarette," Erion said. "Come on, 'lokiamin, we can have a fast one before we have to get in the car."

    Sand raised an eyebrow, but decided not to point out how hard smoking was going to be with split lips. Erion would find out on his own, and he was being quite cooperative about forgoing healing potions. Sand saw no need to make things more difficult.

    "I left my boots upstairs," Kansas said. He started to uncurl himself from Erion, the elf stroking his hair as they got to their feet.

    "Wear my platforms," Erion said. "I want my boots from Evereska anyway. I can't run so well in platforms." He grabbed Kansas's hand and tugged him to the foyer so they could tug on their boots. "I'm a mess, aren't I?"

    Kansas looked at him, not quite sure how to answer that, and Erion giggled, and then winced.

    "Okay, that hurt a little," Erion admitted, touching his cheekbone lightly. "I can't believe he got such a good shot in. Atar is going to be disappointed in me. He shouldn't have been able to touch me." Erion tried to frown, and gave that up as too painful as well. He grabbed Kansas again, holding tightly onto Kansas's hand and hurrying outside to light a cigarette.

    "Wait for it," Sand muttered, and Hawk grinned as Erion yelped. "Always interesting, this family. Amazing, really, how well we fit in, is it not?"

    Hawk laughed and gave Sand a quick hug. "As if we were blood, toror'ai. Go take care of the little miscreants. I'll fill Yuji in and we'll order out for food. Call when you're leaving the hospital."

    The car ride was fairly quiet, Kansas and Erion much more interested in cuddling quietly, and Sand send a gentle feed of love and reassurance to Satoshi. At the hospital, both Kansas and Erion simply said that they had gotten into a fight with another student, and since Sand and Satoshi did not seem interested in pressing charges against anyone, the youngsters were cleaned up and assessed. Kansas needed a couple of stitches for the cut above his eye, where Taka's ring had sliced him, and Erion's cheek needed stitching as well. The fracture to his cheekbone was minor enough not to require surgery, and Erion was told to apply and ice pack to reduce the swelling to that and to his black eye, which was covered with an eyepatch to keep out any dust or dirt. Erion's left hand needed a soft cast, and he was given a sling to keep him from moving the arm too much.

    Erion appreciated the pain medication he was given in the hospital, and Sand took the prescription for additional pills with a deep bow. He arranged payment with the hospital clerk while Satoshi double-checked the home care instructions, and they were finally ready to return home. Sand helped Erion into the car, Kansas already in the back seat with his arms open to cuddle Erion, who was beginning to feel sleepy from the medication. Sand phoned the house, and Yuji was glad to hear that the injuries were relatively minor, and said he would call for dinner. Satoshi stopped to pick up the pain medications on the way, knowing that Erion would need them in the morning.

    Ryuu was suitably impressed with his oniisan and their assorted stitches and bandages, and Erion's sling and eyepatch, and Aika insisted on kissing various owies with extreme gentleness. Dinner was fairly subdued, though, and Erion looked ready to take reverie on the spot. Kansas coaxed him into eating a decent meal, however, since neither Kansas nor Erion had eaten since breakfast, and then the two youngsters went upstairs, Erion hugging everyone before he let Kansas take him up.

    Upstairs, Erion took off his sling, and Kansas helped his elf undress and brush his teeth. Erion shook his head at the sleep pants that Kansas took out for him.

    "I know I probably can't do anything anyway, but I just want to feel you next to me," Erion said, nuzzling Kansas sweetly.

    Kansas held Erion gently, avoiding his injured cheek and eye. "I do, too, baby." He helped Erion under the covers, snuggling up against Erion's back and wrapping his arms around his elf, and it was a toss-up as to whether Erion slipped into reverie or Kansas fell asleep first.

  20. Sand came out of the kitchen, Hikaru in his arms, in time to see Kansas race upstairs, shoving Satoshi out of the way, Erion screaming in helpless rage and confusion in the foyer. Hikaru's green eyes widened, and Sora swooped in to take Hikaru, hurrying up to join Willow and sooth Aika and Ryuu. Sand took one look at his battered nephew, and hurried to his side.

    "Erion? What in the Nine Hells is going on?" Sand demanded. Satoshi came downstairs to join his husband, his eyes troubled.

    Hawk was right behind Sand, his blue-grey eyes wide as he looked at the extent of Erion's injuries. The young elf's eye was almost swollen shut, and his lips were split. His cheekbone looked fractured to the older elf's seasoned eye, with a nasty cut across the damaged bone, and Erion was favoring his left hand somewhat. He was smeared liberally with dried blood, and not all of it appeared to be Erion's. To Hawk's eye, Erion had given as good as he got, and Hawk nodded as he patted Sand's shoulder and spun away to get warm water and cloths.

    Erion looked at Sand, slightly puzzled by the worry in his uncle's eyes. "Fucking Taka... ow!" Erion touched a tooth that appeared quite wobbly. "I'm going to find that bastard, and Shevarash guide my hand, I'm going to feed him his fucking liver, raw!"

    "Wonderful," Sand retorted dryly. "Now that you have proved that you can be as vulgar as any Dockside rat, would you mind explaining the events that led to your looking like your Uncle Hawk after a wrestling match with an ogre?"

    Hawk returned in time to snort as his brother's words. "Let the lad get inside first, toror'ai. Get your shoes off, Erion, and we'll get you cleaned up and see what's going on."

    "Fuck that, I need to go upstairs and find out what the fuck's wrong with Kansas," Erion snapped, trying to push past his uncles.

    "Mind your language around the children, if you please," Sand responded, his voice sharp. "Do as Hawk says. You are useless to Kansas in this condition." He looked at the agitated young elf, his voice softening. "We will see to Kansas, I promise."

    "Kansas sent me on ahead with Ryo and Kageoshi, and he went to find the bathroom. Taka got on the same train as us, and Kageoshi was upset, so I was worried." Erion winced as he bent over to slip off his doeskin boots. "I was with the guys, and then I felt Kansas, terrified and upset, so I went looking for him. Taka was all over him in the bathroom, groping him, and he actually challenged me, said he was going to take Kansas away from me."

    Sand sat Erion down in the dining room, and took the cloth that Hawk had wet, carefully washing away some of the blood. Hawk took another wet cloth and looked at Erion's hand, gently feeling along the fine bones and wincing a little when he found a fracture.

    "And so you fought," Sand said quietly.

    "I pulled Kansas away, and Taka shoved me, and I shoved back," Erion said. "It went downhill from there, but I sort of remember Kansas trying to pull me away." Erion's eyes widened with dismay. "Fuck... oh, fuck me blind and sideways."

    "What?" Hawk asked, his voice very gentle. "You defended yourself and your beloved. Why is that a problem?"

    "Why was Kansas pulling me away? Was he trying to protect Taka from me?" Erion's eyes dimmed with grief. "He was so mad at me on the way home. He wasn't even making any sense. He thinks Taka's going to try and hurt the family. He thinks I fucked up, but what was I supposed to do? Taka had Kansas pinned against the wall, and he was kissing Kansas, and Kansas was so fucking scared."

    Hawk looked a little confused, but Sand reached out and ran his hand through Erion's tangled hair. "Kansas does not always react as you would expect to such things, because of his past. He does not prefer Taka to you, Erion."

    "Sand is right, Erion," Satoshi added, his voice tender. "Don't think he doesn't love you. He does, more than he can say sometimes. Trust me on this."

    "I'm so fucking confused," Erion admitted, the sorrow in his voice dragging at Sand's heart as Sand continued to clean Erion's injuries. "Taka was going to do a lot worse, I know it."

    Hawk and Sand exchanged glances, and Hawk looked grim as Sand shook his head almost imperceptibly.

    Erion, oblivious, continued, his voice trembling. "Too bad there's no way to prove that, but if he comes near Kansas again, I'm going to fucking rip his heart out. I'm not giving that filthy piece of shit a second chance. I don't give a fuck if he's my class rep. I don't even give a fuck if Kansas slaps me again. Kansas is the other half of my soul, and I'll fight for him."

    "I am going to go and see to Kansas," Sand said. "I want you to wait here with Hawk and let him finish cleaning your injuries."

    Erion nodded. "I'm not going anywhere. My head hurts so bad that it feels like it's going to explode."

    "The cheekbone?" Hawk asked, stroking Erion's hair gently.

    "Inside my head, and is it cold in here or what?" Erion moaned. Hawk pulled Erion close and held him, and Sand felt his heart sink further. Sand turned to head upstairs, only to see Kansas sitting on the stairs.

  21. Vale returned the kiss, his fingers stroking Yuji's cheek gently as Yuji removed his collar. Vale mouthed something, and then stopped and wrinkled his nose, his eyes bright.

    "What is it?" Yuji asked, alarmed.

    Vale gave an utterly silent laugh and shrugged a little. His green eyes shone with love and bliss, and he rubbed his throat with a rueful grin. Vale leaned forward and kissed Yuji again, and then he pointed at the bathroom with a pleading expression, his lips quirking into a smile. Vale rose to his feet, surprisingly agile after their session, and held out an imperious hand to Yuji, who stood with a concerned expression on his face.

    "I didn't mean for you to scream quite that hard," Yuji said, stroking Vale's face tenderly. He kissed Vale contritely. "The next time, no matter how I phrase it, just scream loudly but not enough to hurt yourself."

    Vale gave another silent laugh and leaned in to run his tongue along the shell of Yuji's ear mischievously as he tugged Yuji toward the bathroom, wanting a shower because the wax was beginning to pull a little. Yuji groaned as Vale assaulted his sensitive ear, his cock already beginning to respond, but Yuji let Vale tug him along.

    "Let me peel off the largest pieces of wax," Yuji said. Vale wriggled happily as each piece was teased off his skin and he flashed Yuji a radiant grin. Yuji shook his head, since he had expected Vale to be exhausted after their session. Vale let Yuji set the temperature for the shower, since Vale tended to make it too hot for Yuji, and they both stepped in to the spacious stall, Vale letting out a silent moan of appreciation as the hot water sluiced over him.

    Yuji washed Vale tenderly, scrubbing the cum and wax from his elf carefully, chuckling a little when Vale's cock hardened under his attentions. "Not satisfied yet?"

    Vale responded by crashing his lips into Yuji's lips, kissing him with fierce abandon.

    "I'll take that as a yes," Yuji replied when Vale let him up for air. Vale grinned and proceeded to reach for some bath oil, one of Satoshi's natural oils that had mysteriously found its way into the shower. Yuji groaned happily as Vale slicked his fingers and began to tease Yuji's tight pucker, which loosened very quickly. Yuji turned around and bent forward, bracing himself on the shower stall's wall, and Vale slid behind him, slicking the head of his cock and pressing it in with a small shiver. Yuji growled a little and pushed back against Vale's cock, urging him on, and Vale buried himself to the hilt in Yuji's tight ass, his fingers curling around Yuji's hips.

    Yuji moaned, grinding back against Vale's groin, his ass feeling deliciously full. Vale gave him a moment to adjust, and then withdrew almost all the way before slamming home hard enough to make Yuji grunt.

    "Oh, fuck, yes, like that," Yuji moaned, feeling Vale's cock ring press against his prostate as the elf plundered his ass. Vale set a punishing pace, the only sounds from him panting as he fucked Yuji hard and fast. Yuji howled for both of them, bucking back into Vale's thrusts, his own cock impossibly hard again. Vale reached around Yuji, his agile fingers wrapping around Yuji's cock and stroking in time with his thrusts. Yuji growled as Vale picked up the pace, his arm wrapping around Yuji's waist to support him as Vale continued to plunder that delicious ass. Vale could feel the heat coiling in his belly and he opened his bond with Yuji all the way, letting Yuji feel how close he was, his balls tightening as he threw his head back in a silent howl. Yuji growled as he felt Vale's cum fill him, hot and plentiful, and his own balls drew up and emptied, his ass closing around Vale's cock like a vise and his howl echoing off the walls as he painted the tiles with ropes of cum. Yuji could hear Vale's gasp from behind him as the elf shivered through his orgasm, and Yuji ground back a final time, milking every last drop of cum from the elf.

    Vale let himself slip free from Yuji's ass, and Yuji turned around to pull Vale into his arms, the two holding each other under the hot water as they kissed lingeringly. They finished washing and rinsed off, and Yuji wrapped Vale in a towel, rubbing the elf lovingly as Vale snuck small kisses in. Yuji dried himself off and he and Vale went back into the bedroom, Vale pouring himself a small whiskey and holding out the bottle to Yuji with a raised eyebrow.

    "You think you should be drinking that with your throat?" Yuji asked, looking concerned again.

    Vale grinned, and dug in his nightstand, pulling out a minor healing potion. He mimed the sun rising, and him drinking the potion, and Yuji just shook his head. He took the whiskey and freshened his drink, and sat in his chair, holding out his arms for Vale to curl up in the chair with him. They sipped their whiskeys in companionable silence, in Vale's case silence being less of a choice than a necessity. Vale snuggled in with Yuji, glowing with contentment. When they had finished their drinks, Vale washed the glasses in the bathroom while Yuji got the bed ready, and they slid under the covers, Vale curling up in Yuji's arms with a peaceful sigh. He drifted almost immediately into reverie, Yuji falling asleep only moment later.

  22. Vale held perfectly still as the first drops of wax landed on the middle of his chest, so warm after the cold of the ice, and he gusted a soft breath as his back arched just a fraction more. The movement made the butt plug in his ass press against his prostate in a new and delicious way, and Vale arched even more, his golden chest the perfect canvas for Yuji.

    The sinuous movement of his elf made Yuji's cock jump a little and it was all Yuji could do not to moan at the beautiful picture Vale made, spread out and so very eager. Yuji tilted the candle again, dripping wax onto Vale's stomach and watching as a delightful shiver ran through Vale. Vale's cock was rock hard, straining against the cock ring and tenting the gossamer fabric of his harem pants. Yuji ran his long slim fingers over the stippling of hardening wax on Vale's chest as the elf sucked in a breath and pushed upwards to encourage Yuji's stroking.

    Yuji considered the perfectly presented chest in front of him, and he let a series of wax droplets fall to form a semi-circle underneath Vale's left nipple. Vale writhed slightly, almost as if he were trying to angle for the droplets to touch his nipple, and Yuji paused, looking at the tight little nub with its golden ring before letting the next hot drop land on the nipple itself. Vale reacted immediately, his lower lip caught gently between his teeth as he suppressed a moan, shivering in eager delight at the warmth coating his cold little nub. Yuji's eyes widened a little as he took in Vale's evident pleasure, and he treated the second nipple to the same tease and coating as Vale ground his ass down on his heels to press the butt plug more firmly against his prostate. Yuji quickly put the candle down and leaning over Vale to plunder that tender mouth, sucking on Vale's plump lower lip and moaning a little when the kiss was returned eagerly.

    More ice followed, Yuji tracing the cube around Vale's navel and from just underneath his chin down to the hollow of his throat and watching as the elf shivered. Wax along the line of his collarbones had Vale writhing, his nostrils flaring as he sucked in another breath and let it out in a faint huff. Vale was moving almost non-stop now, his cock fully engorged and Yuji stood with his feet on either side of Vale's knees, looking down at the wanton elf.

    "Akira," Yuji moaned, and he lifted Vale's head and guided it to his waiting cock, pressing the leaking head against Vale's plump lips. Vale's lips parted, and his agile tongue darted out to lick the precum from the head of Yuji's cock, his tongue stud pressing against the slit before sliding across the tender cleft under the head. Vale's mouth was hot and eager as Yuji pressed his cock in, his hands tangling in the gold and emerald silk of Vale's hair. Yuji's cock brushed the back of Vale's throat and the elf tilted his head, his throat relaxing to take Yuji in to the root, but he did not swallow hard, waiting for a cue from Yuji. Yuji smiled a little at the blindfolded elf, loving Vale's utter surrender to his control. Yuji pulled his hips back, letting Vale's tongue dance along the underside of his cock, the tongue stud delving into the tender cleft as Vale sucked hard on the head of Yuji's cock. Yuji thrust into Vale's mouth again, letting his cock slide into the elf's tight throat. Yuji's long fingers stroked Vale's throat and Vale swallowed hard, the pressure rippling along the head of Yuji's cock deliciously.

    Yuji was so close, and he urged Vale to swallow one more time, the elf's compliance immediate. Yuji felt the tension in his belly reach its highest pitch, and he pulled his cock out of that tight mouth, wrapping his fingers around his cock to guide it as he howled and painted Vale's chest with thick ropes of cum. Vale panted soundlessly, his beautiful face flushed with desire as he ground his ass against his heels, writhing on the butt plug that filled his ass. Yuji shivered as he milked himself of the last drops of cum, his muscles trembling as he sank back into his chair for a moment to take in the sight of his beautiful, perfect elf spread out before him, decorated with tracings of wax and white ribbons of cum.

    As soon as Yuji could stand again, he began to release Vale from his restraints, leaving the blindfold on until he was finished. Yuji removed the blindfold and caught Vale's chin in one hand, tilting Vale's chin up to look into those gorgeous emerald eyes, dark with desire.

    "You're so fucking perfect, my Akira," Yuji moaned, and bent to crash their lips together in a possessive kiss. "Now, I want you to make me ready again, by giving me a little show." Yuji reached down and tugged at the harem pants, pulling them away from the elf. "Tease yourself with the butt plug. Let me see how much you enjoy having your ass filled, but not a sound, Akira," Yuji ordered. He sank back into his chair, reaching for his tumbler of whiskey and taking a swallow.

    Vale's eyes glittered as he straightened to kneel upright, parting his legs and arching backward until he could place one hand behind him, flat on the floor. His cock jutted upward, proud and rock hard as he reached between his legs to grasp the small base in his slim fingers. The tip of his pink tongue darted out to wet his lips as Vale eased the plug out partway and then slid it back in, shivering as he slid it over his prostate. Vale pressed it home fully, and wiggled the base, his eyes fluttering closed as he sucked in a harsh breath, his cock jumping a little from the stimulation of his prostate.

    "Akira." Yuji's voice was slightly rough. "Use this." Yuji handed Vale a thick vibrator, keeping the remote himself. "Move if you need to."

    Vale nodded, and turned around so that his back was to Yuji. He eased the butt plug out, placing it to one side, and then he leaned forward, sinuous and graceful, and reached between his parted thighs to run the vibrator along the cleft of his ass, teasing his twitching pucker. Yuji looked at the perfect globes of Vale's ass, his nostrils flaring slightly, and he hit the button on the remote, clicking it to the second setting. Vale responded by sliding the tip of it into his ass, thrusting just a little to open himself up and draw out a little lube, and then he slid the vibrator in all the way, his back arching as his already stimulated prostate sent a shock of pleasure up his spine. Vale's breath hitched a little, and he withdrew the vibrator almost all the way and then thrust it forward sharply, fucking his own ass as he writhed.

    Yuji looked at the incredibly wanton picture, Vale working the vibrator in and out of his ass, and he reached for the candle, letting a few drops of wax fall onto those golden cheeks. Vale shivered, the heat making him buck harder against the vibrator, and Yuji clicked it up another notch as he trailed was droplets up along Vale's spine. Vale sucked in a breath, and he rose upright again, turning to face Yuji as he settled his ass against his heels, bracing the bottom of the vibrator between his feet and riding it as he tugged on a nipple ring. Nearly breathless with delight, Yuji held out the glass of ice cubes, and Vale took one, his emerald eyes hot with desire as he stroked the ice cube along the underside of his straining cock. Yuji's own cock twitched as it began to thicken and Vale's eyes darkened even more as he watched Yuji's growing arousal. Vale continued to ride the vibrator, teasing his cock with the ice cube and then licking it, as if to taste himself. Yuji swallowed hard, his own eyes locked on Vale as the elf tilted his head back to expose the long column of his throat, running the ice cube along his neck and letting the water droplets collect in the hollow of his throat.

    Vale took the ice cube and placed it in his mouth, letting it melt on his tongue as he leaned forward, his ass pressed tightly on the vibrator. His golden head bent over Yuji's lap, and Vale dragged his now-cold tongue over Yuji's hard cock, the icy stud making Yuji moan loudly as his cock jumped. Yuji fisted his hands in Vale's hair and pulled the elf's head up and back, tilting it so he could look into those green eyes, bright with love.

  23. Vale lit a cigarette of his own. "I'm sorry about your grandmother, Yuji. And I do understand why your father needs that reassurance. Of course you should go for the scan and set his mind to rest." Vale took a deep drag on his cigarette and held the smoke in his lungs for a long moment before exhaling. "As far as Taro, well, I'm not exactly unhappy about his getting into trouble myself. I'm glad your father is beginning to see him for what he is." Vale smiled a little. "Your father told me that Hikaru is beautiful."

    Yuji looked at Vale, and saw the joy in his eyes. "Our son is beautiful, a'maelamin. But you and my mother seem to be getting along very well."

    Vale laughed, his eyes bright. "Your mother is wonderful. And your father apologized to me as well, a very gracious apology. I'm glad that they came today, and saw our school, and that we can see them again."

    They finished their cigarettes and tucked the butts away to dispose of inside, and went back in to close the school for the night, and then they walked home, chatting about the day, and the surprise visit from Yuji's parents.

    "I'm telling you, Yuji, when I opened the door and saw your parents, I thought I was going to collapse," Vale laughed. "That was the last thing I expected. But I'm so glad. The school is a success, and it's going to stay that way. We'll make sure of it."

    "This time last year, who'd have thought we'd be where we are today?" Yuji grinned. "It feels good, Vale, it really does."

    "Yes, it does, but to tell you the truth, I think I need a large whiskey for my nerves." Vale laughed again, his face filled with happiness. "Or to celebrate, I don't know which."

    They opened the gate to the estate and walked in, strolling through the beautiful grounds. The new green leaves of spring and the crisp air washed away the last of the work day, and Vale felt a sweet tingle of anticipation when Yuji paused and pulled him into a kiss, plundering Vale's mouth and making Vale moan with pleasure. They broke for air, and Yuji laced his fingers through Vale's fingers as they walked to the house, being greeted by a delighted Aika who managed to tell them all about her day at school in the short period of time it took for them to remove their shoes.

    Sand came over with Hikaru, and Vale nuzzled the little half-elf happily while Yuji swung Aika up into his arms, complaining loudly about how big and heavy she had gotten now that she was in school. Willow kissed them both, informing them that dinner would be ready shortly if they wanted to freshen up. Vale was already loosening his tie with help from Hikaru, who was trying to eat the end of it.

    "That's not food, sochi-chan. Are you going to eat chichi's tie?" Vale nuzzled Hikaru until he burst into giggles and released the tie to fist small chubby hands in his father's shirt instead. Vale carried Hikaru upstairs with him, sitting him on the floor while he changed and washed up, and then he scooped the little half-elf up and headed downstairs for dinner.

    Dinner was happy and lively, with Yuji sharing the news about his parents. Erion was full of chatter about his classes, which were going well, and Satoshi told a story about Kohaku pulling a small prank on poor Kiyou over his coffee. After dinner, Sand and Satoshi did the dishes as usual, and then helped Willow with getting the children bathed and ready for bed. Vale poured himself a large whiskey and brought one over for Yuji, and as he leaned over to give Yuji the glass, Yuji reached up and cupped Vale's face in one hand. Vale looked into Yuji's eyes, reading the question there, and he guided Yuji's hand to his collar.

    "I am yours," Vale murmured, leaning in to kiss Yuji, pouring out his love and his desire to please Yuji through their bond. Yuji looked up into those sparkling emerald eyes, his own eyes filled with love for his elf.

    "We'll finish our drinks first," Yuji replied, pulling Vale down beside him on the couch. "Then, Akira, you are mine."

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