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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. "Momo-san." Sand's voice was calm, his blue eyes icy. He laid a slim, scarred hand on Momo's shoulder, feeling the fury boiling off the younger man. "I am Mori Masato." Sand bowed politely to Momo's uncle, a calling card in his free hand which he extended to the pudgy man.

    Momo's uncle's eyes opened wide as he looked at the creamy thick paper with Sand's name and the word "Archaeology" in both kanji and English. Below that was Sand's cell number and the words "Tokyo" and "Cornwall" in English. He began to fumble in his pockets, finally producing a creased card that he unbent and offered to Sand in return.

    "I will be taking Sakai-san to the funeral of Murai-san. I regret that this causes you any inconvenience, and I am sure we can discuss this in more detail later..." Sand looked at the somewhat greasy card he had been handed. "Ine-san," he finished, his Japanese cultured and precise.

    Sand did not give Ine-san a chance to regroup, nor did he give Momo an opportunity to throttle his uncle. Instead, Sand pressed on Momo's shoulder hard enough to get his attention, and turned the younger man to the door, guiding him out. Sand ushered Momo up the steps to his loft apartment, taking the keys from Momo and opening the door before urging Momo inside, Kansas and Erion following.

    "Go shower," Sand said calmly. His tone brooked no opposition, and Momo headed for the shower meekly enough. Sand watched him disappear into the bathroom, and then pulled out his cell phone. A quick call to his tailor ensured that mourning hakama and kimono were available, and in Momo's size. Sand made sure his tailor would have a fresh juban, obi, tabi and geta ready as well, and then ended the call.

    Momo came out of the shower, immaculately clean and dressed in neat jeans and a sweater, subdued and quiet, and Kansas hurried over to hug him. Erion was right behind Kansas, and Sand nodded, his blue eyes warm with love for the young man.

    "I need a favor, Masato-san," Momo said quietly. "I was going to shave my head, but when I decided I wasn't going, I didn't bother. I want to have my lock of hair that my tenshi asked for."

    "Is that a tradition here, to shave your head to express mourning?" Sand asked, following Momo into the bathroom to help Momo.

    "No," Momo replied shortly, and then sighed. "It was just... when we would kiss, Kage-chan used to fist his hands in my hair. I was feeling crazy, and I thought maybe..."

    Sand stroked Momo's shoulder in gentle sympathy. "Where shall I cut to get the lock of hair?"

    Momo heaved a breath, his voice trembling a little. "You see this piece here, right above my right ear?" Momo tugged on the edge of a swirl in his hair, where one lock seemed to stand out. "This one piece always sticks out in a funny way when I wake up, and if I cut my hair short, it'd stick straight out. It always made Kage-chan laugh. That's the lock I want him to have."

    Sand very carefully cut the chosen lock of hair, and Momo folded it into a clean tissue.

    "Come then," Sand said, handing Momo his keys so he could lock up, and they headed to Sand's tailor so Momo could change.

    Erion looked at Momo when he emerged from the dressing room, utterly amazed at how perfect Momo looked in the formal clothing. Sand handed Momo a set of juzu with a small nod, and they all got back into the car for the drive to the ceremony. Kansas drove, and Erion sat in front beside him, while Momo sat with Sand in the back, his eyes moist.

    "This is the right thing, Momo-san," Sand said quietly. "You were his husband. It is important that you be with him now."

    Momo nodded, his face etched with grief, and his hand crept over to slide into Sand's hand, his fingers icy. Sand noticed with approval that Momo was wearing the gold ring, and he gently squeezed Momo's hand.

    "You are not alone, Momo-san." Sand held Momo's hand until Kansas pulled into the parking lot of the temple. As they got out of the car, Sand held Momo back while Kansas and Erion entered the temple, Erion paler than usual and staying very close to Kansas. Sand reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a black and silver envelope and handed it to Momo.

    "I can't take this, Masato-san," Momo protested.

    "We will discuss it later," Sand replied gently. "We should go in now."

    Sand guided Momo inside the temple, where the altar was prepared, the coffin resting atop it. The Murai family was already seated in the front row, and there was one seat open. Momo placed his envelope on the offering table, and Sand gently escorted Momo to the open seat in the front row, taking his own seat behind the family in the third row of seats where they had asked the Hayashi-Mori family to sit. Satoshi, Yuji, Willow and Vale were already there, the children at home with Maela, who had come from Neverwinter to watch them. Eric, Mr and Mrs Sjostrand, Ryo, Kansas and Erion were in the second row of seats. Kokoro and Kenshin both managed small smiles for Momo, and Kokoro took his hand for a moment, pressing it gently.

    "Thank you, Sakai-san. It is your place to be here with us today, as his husband," Kenshin said quietly, his eyes sad but kind.

    Kageoshi looked peaceful, his white kimono immaculate, the right side over the left as was traditional. A pair of sandals, six coins and a small notebook and pencil were placed in the coffin with Kageoshi, which made Momo choke back a small sob. The priest looked at the family with great sympathy, waiting while the remaining guests seated themselves. Hiro arrived with his mother and stepfather, and Kojima-sama and Kojima-san seated themselves behind the Hayashi-Mori family. There was a seat for Hiro with the rest of the youngsters, but he sat with his family, his head down. In the very rear of the room, Ogawa-sama and Ogawa-san stood quietly, not wanting to draw any attention to themselves. Just as the priest began his sutra, Matsu and Kohaku slipped in, both dressed in black suits.

    During the recitation of the sutra, each member of the family, in turn, offered incense three times to the special urn for that purpose that sat in front of the altar. It was Kenshin who handed the incense to Momo, and urged him forward to make his ritual offering. Kenshin then gestured for the youngsters in the second row to make their ritual offerings in that urn as well. Erion looked at Kansas, wide-eyed and pale, but he managed to make his offering with trembling hands, tears beading on his thick eyelashes. Kansas made his offerings as well, his eyes pale with grief, and then he helped Erion back to their seats. Ryo was as stoic as ever, although his eyes clearly showed his pain, and Eric wept unashamedly.

    There was a second urn for the rest of the guests to make their offerings, and everyone took their turn, including the Ogawas, who kept their heads bowed and returned quickly to the rear of the room. Hiro too never raised his head, walking between his mother and stepfather, his shoulders hunched in misery. Erion felt a surge of unexpected sympathy for Hiro, remembering how Hiro had come and hugged Kageoshi after the last attacks.

    The priest finished his recitation, and it was time for everyone to move around and offer their condolences to the grieving family. Momo turned as if to move away, but Kenshin laid a hand on Momo's shoulder.

    "Whatever anyone thinks about it, and whether or not the government would recognize it, to us you are Kage-chan's husband, and we would be honored if you stood with us." Kenshin's kind face showed the strain of his loss, and Momo did not have the heart to refuse this good man.

    "Thank you, Murai-sama, for this honor," Momo said, his voice trembling.

    "You honor us," Kokoro said, her voice soft but firm. "You loved our Kage-chan and made him happier than ever. And thank you for wearing hakama. You are a part of our family, and it was proper to do so."

    Momo's breath hitched a little, and his tears threatened to come, but he managed to control them.

    Kokoro held out a small journal to Momo. "This is Kage-chan's journal. I think it should be yours now." Then Kokoro held out the gold ring that Momo had given his sweet husband. "Do you want to keep this?"

    Momo's voice broke a little. "Please, Murai-san, you keep it. It should go in his urn."

    "Then you can put it in tomorrow yourself. I'll hold it until then." Kokoro touched Momo's cheek lightly.

    The small cluster of Kageoshi's friends were the first to come over. The youngsters came up in a group, the Sjostrands behind them.

    "Did you all get your letters?" Kokoro asked, her voice soft. When the youngsters nodded, she managed a small smile. "Kage-chan wanted you all to have a lock of his hair to remember him by."

    Eric reached into his pocket and took out a small piece of paper, neatly folded. "He wanted a lock of my hair, too," Eric said, handing the packet to Kokoro. She took it and handed Eric a small round black-painted box, with a white lotus on the lid.

    Eric looked at the coffin, his tears falling again as he murmured, "Goodbye, Rira-chan. I love you."

    Ryo was next, his lock of hair also folded neatly in rice paper, and he took his box with a bow.

    "Thank you, Ryo-san," Kokoro said.

    Kansas was next, and he handed his lock of hair to Kokoro with a small sob.

    "Oh, Tatsuya-san," Kokoro said, her eyes welling. "Thank you, my dear. Kage-chan loved you so very much." She handed Kansas the small box.

    Erion's hands were trembling as he gave Kokoro his lock of hair. "I'm sorry, Murai-san. I'm so sorry."

    "Thank you, Yuki-chan," Kokoro said, touching his cheek gently. "You spent so many nights at our house that I feel like you're one of my own. Kage-chan thought of you as his brother."

    "I have something I want to put in the urn with him," Erion said, his tears beginning to fall. "It's my family symbol, like the kamon on a haori, but in a pendant. I thought of him as my brother, too, you see..." Erion's voice trailed off.

    "You can put it in yourself, tomorrow," Kokoro said. "All of you, Kage-chan's dearest friends, are invited to come tomorrow to the funeral, and to be a part of the bonepicking ceremony. It was Kage-chan's request, and our wish as well. You would honor us by participating."

    Erion trembled a little, and Kansas put an arm around him to steady him. Erion gave him a grateful look, not caring for the moment who saw them. Kansas guided Erion off to the side with the rest of the youngsters, and they watched as the rest of the guests came over to speak with the Murais. Kansas's eyes widened as he saw who was with Satoshi and Sand as they came over.

    "Murai-sama, Murai-san, I have someone who wants to meet you," Satoshi said. "This is Kohaku-san, and he met Kageoshi-kun and remembers him well."

    Kohaku bowed gracefully, his eyes sympathetic. "Murai-sama, Murai-san, my sympathies to you on your loss. I know your son was good friends with my dear friend Mori-sama. He was truly a gentle boy, with a great heart, and as a father, my heart aches for you both."

    "Thank you, Kohaku-sama," Kenshin said, bowing.

    "Kage-chan loved your music," Kokoro added. "He used to sing your songs in our store, and he was always eager to get each new album."

    "And this is Matsumoto Ren, who produces Kohaku-san's albums," Sand said, introducing Satoshi's boss.

    "It's true," Kohaku said. "Without Satoshi-san and Matsu-san, the world would never hear me. I'm still not sure if that's good or bad. But we are monopolizing you, and there are other guests who wish to speak to you." Kohaku bowed again, respectfully, his eyes warm with sympathy.

    Despite the tears in his eyes, Kichirou looked at Kohaku in awe, his knees almost giving way when Kohaku bowed to him as well. Kichirou vowed right there to be Kohaku's best fan, completely amazed that the singer would take the time to come to the funeral of one fan, even if he knew friends of the family.

    The Kojimas were next, Kojima-sama bowing deeply. Kojima-san began to bow, but Kokoro reached out and hugged her friend, the two women sobbing a little as they embraced. Hiro looked at the floor awkward and uneasy, and Erion stepped forward, pulled by an impulse he barely understood.

    "Hiro-san, stand with us," Erion urged. "Please. I know you miss him, too."

    Hiro shook his head a little, not looking up, and Erion looked at him hard for a moment, wondering what looked so odd about Hiro. The young elf shook his head slightly, putting that thought away for later.

    "You hugged him, Hiro-san, and told him you were sorry. He told me how you were his friend. He told me about the tin cans. He missed you, Hiro-san." Erion put one hand on Hiro's shoulder. "Please. Stand here with us."

    Hiro sobbed suddenly, sagging a little, and Erion threw his arm around Hiro's shoulder, guiding him over to where Eric, Ryo and Kansas were standing. Hiro still refused to look up, but he leaned against Erion, his tears flowing freely, and the other youngsters moved closer, offering silent support as Hiro wept like his heart was breaking.

    It was Vale who watched as the Ogawas came forward at last, hesitant and deferential, waiting to be rebuffed coldly, but Kenshin stepped forward to grasp Ogawa-sama's hand firmly. Kokoro swept Ogawa-san into an embrace, feeling her friend tremble with the effort not to throw herself at Kokoro's feet and beg forgiveness.

    "We're so sorry," Ogawa-sama said, his voice thick with shame and regret. "We beg you to forgive us."

    Kenshin took a deep breath, and Katsurou laid a hand on his father's shoulder. "Of course you are forgiven, Ogawa-san, you and Ogawa-chan. We understand that you did not know. But you must understand that we can never forgive him."

    Ogawa-sama bowed his head in understanding. "No one could ask that of you, Murai-san."

    Slowly the guests began to leave, each taking the small gift that had been prepared for them. Kokoro turned to Momo, her sweet face etched with sorrow.

    "Stay with us tonight, Momo-san. Keep vigil with us, and help us watch over him this last night." Kokoro laid a gentle hand on Momo's arm. "His spirit will rest easier if you're here."

    Momo looked at Kokoro for a long moment, and his walls crumbled yet again, a great sob escaping him as he nodded, his throat too swollen with grief for words to pass.

  2. Sand took the letter from Momo, pressing a tender but chaste kiss to Momo's forehead. Sand took longer to read than Momo had, needing to puzzle out some unfamiliar words, and by the time he finished reading, Sand's cheeks were wet with tears.

    "Momo-san, you gave Kageoshi-kun the greatest gift by loving him, and he loved you in return, without reservation." Sand put his arm around Momo's shoulders, holding the younger man as he sobbed. "I cannot imagine the pain you are in right now, but I hope that you know you can lean on all of us for comfort. You are a cherished friend, Momo-san."

    Momo choked a little, but he leaned into Sand's embrace, and Sand took that as a good sign.

    "I will confess that I am not quite sure I understand this depression that Kageoshi-kun spoke of. It seems similar to what I felt when Akira and I were parted. The world had no color for me then. I even dressed in greys and blacks, with no desire for the brighter things I usually wore, and I cut my hair to show my mourning." Sand stroked Momo's hair gently, as he would Erion or Falon if they were grieving so hard. "I locked my heart away, not wanting to be open to love. That was a mistake, if only because I let it go on for so long. I clung to what I thought Akira and I shared and I did not allow myself to heal. Do not make my mistake, Momo-san. Grieve, yes, but do not hold on to the grief forever. Let your heart heal, and remember that life does go on, whether we want it to or not."

    "It didn't for him," Momo said, his voice cracking a little. "I've been depressed. The first time is when some kid was saying shit about my family. I was about thirteen, I think, and I said stuff back, and this kid told me I'd never be anything but a thug. I was so stupid. I beat him up, which is exactly how a thug would act, and so I proved him right. I felt like shit for weeks after that."

    Sand nodded, not leaving off his gentle stroking of Momo's hair, content to let the younger man talk.

    "The first time it was bad though was when I found out my father wasn't my biological father. That just sucked. He was so pissed at me, like it was my fault, and I was so pissed that my bio dad didn't want anything to do with me." Momo sighed a little, wiping at his cheeks. "I didn't tell anyone. In my family, the only people that get depressed are people with problems. That's what my father always said. If you didn't have a problem, you were just a whiny little shit who needed a good beating. We always had food, and clothes, and a roof over our heads, so I wasn't supposed to be depressed."

    Sand made a soft murmuring noise, encouraging Momo to talk.

    "Kage-chan, he'd be singing and dancing and laughing at everything, and then all of the sudden, he'd be gone. He'd just hide in his room and not come out for days. I never asked him about it. I never said, 'Are you depressed?' Maybe if I did, maybe I could have done more." Momo shivered a little, his voice breaking.

    "You are being far too hard on yourself, Momo-san. Kageoshi-kun said in his letter that there was nothing you could have done to help, that the medications did not work. You gave him your love, and your ring, and that meant so much to him." Sand's voice was very gentle. "He did not die without knowing what it was to be truly loved, and that is something his soul will remember."

    "I should have at least asked," Momo replied sadly.

    "He might not have told you," Sand countered, still with tenderness in his voice. "It is not an easy thing to talk about, and perhaps he too thought he should not feel that way. Kageoshi-kun had a loving family, a good home and friends who cherished him. He had you, who loved him utterly. I think maybe he felt shame about his depression."

    Momo looked up at Sand, his eyes wet with tears. "I would have told him it didn't matter, that I'd have loved him forever anyway."

    "I know, Momo-san," Sand soothed. "I know. But he believes he will be reborn, and he will be happy in that new life. He believes you will meet again."

    "I want to believe that," Momo said, his voice breaking pitifully as his tears began to flow again. "I want to think that we'll meet again in a new life."

    "If your souls are meant to be together, then it will be so," Sand said with perfect conviction. "I believe that Satoshi and I were always meant to be together, and Yuki and Tatsuya believe the same. And Akira has never been so happy as he is with Yuji. Who can say that this will not be the case with you and Kageoshi-kun?"

    Momo sobbed, and let his head fall onto Sand's shoulder. "I want to believe, Masato-san. I miss him so much, and I love him so much."

    "He knew how much you love him, and I think he knew how much this would hurt," Sand said. "I think if there had been any other way, if he thought for one moment that he could have chosen to live, he would have done so rather than hurt you. He knew he could not live with his pain, and he knew we would all be strong enough to love him enough to forgive him for leaving us."

    Momo let out a strangled wail, his shoulders shaking as he cried hard into Sand's shoulder, but some of the tension had left Momo, and his tears came easier as Sand held him, his own cheeks wet as he mourned the sweet teen they had all loved so well.

  3. Erion looked at the letter, the neat small kanji so typically Kageoshi that Erion's heart lurched. He had read Kageoshi's class notes enough times to know that careful calligraphy, and Erion touched the writing gently before reading.

    Kansas had opened his letter as well, and the two lovers sat as close as they could while they each read in silence. Erion's eyes widened a little as he read, and his breath hitched a bit, making Kansas look at his elf in alarm. Erion handed his letter to Kansas without a word, his eyes welling with the tears he had been unable to shed until now. Kansas read it quickly, and then looked at Erion, tears tracking down the young elf's face although he did not make a sound.

    Kansas reached up and touched the tears on Erion's pale cheeks. "Talk to me, baby. Don't shut it away now. Let it out," Kansas urged gently.

    "I saved him once, and I didn't even know it," Erion said very softly, his voice full of grief. "But I couldn't do it again. I loved him so much, but I couldn't fix what was wrong. I never could have fixed it, 'lokiamin." Erion's hands were clenched tightly, his knuckles bone-white against what was left of his tan.

    "Oh, Erion," Kansas said, cupping the elf's face lovingly. "What Kage-chan had, do you understand what he meant? He suffered from depression, and he did long before Taka came along. There are medications, but they didn't work for him."

    Erion looked at Kansas, his eyes perfectly stormy, the silver darkening to a deep grey. "We managed to cure Yuji's cancer, but we couldn't help Kage-chan. What good is all the divine and arcane magic that exists if I couldn't even save one sweet angel? Fuck magic, fuck being an elf, fuck it all! Atar had it right. Don't rely on anything you can't hold in your hands."

    Kansas sobbed, hearing the anger in Erion's voice and knowing that Erion was directing that anger inward, at himself. "Don't, my love. Don't be angry at yourself. Maybe I should never have brought you to Tokyo. Maybe we should have stayed in Evereska, where you'd have been safe."

    Erion choked a little, his cheeks wet. "I wasn't safer in Evereska, but at least there I knew what to do. I knew how to fight the enemy, how to defend my land and my family. Here, I can't do anything. The laws won't let me fight the way I know how, and I'm not a healer or a mage. I'm fucking useless, 'lokiamin. I gave him a reason to live, and look what happened to him. Taka raped him two more times, and when he finally found the courage to reach out to Momo, Taka ruined that as well, and now Momo's torn up, too. I'm useless, and I'm a mess, and I can't even manage to be strong for you even though you knew him better than I did, longer than I did. My heart just aches so badly." Erion ended on a wail, and fell forward into Kansas's arms.

    Kansas let his own tears fall, sobbing as he cradled Erion, letting the young elf cry, Erion's tears hot on his skin. "That's it, baby," Kansas managed to say. "Let it out, my love."

    "The worst part is that he says he'll be reborn, but I won't be," Erion mourned. "Elves don't get reborn, 'lokiamin, so I'll never see him again. I'll never be able to tell him that I love him, and I miss him so much, and I don't know how I'm going to go to class and see his seat empty next to me. I'll never help him rescue his bento from Eric, or hear that sweet giggle when Ryo says something outrageous. I don't hate him, I could never hate him, but I'm so angry, 'lokiamin. On top of all the sadness, I'm so fucking angry, and I don't know how to handle that. And I don't know how to face Momo. I was just his friend, and I hurt this bad. Momo was his husband, and I can't even be strong for Momo."

    Kansas could feel Erion's whole body shaking with the force of his sobs, but Kansas still felt a wave of relief that at least Erion was getting some of the grief out in the open. It had scared Kansas when Erion was so quiet and withdrawn, but even these wrenching sobs were the beginning of healing.

    It took a bit for Erion's sobs to ease up, and the young elf clung to Kansas in quiet desperation the entire time, his bond wide open to allow Kansas to feel the depth of his pain and confusion. Kansas stroked the silvery hair of his lover, not hiding his own grief and pain from Erion. It seemed to comfort Erion to know that he was not alone in his sorrow, and the close contact comforted Erion even more.

    Erion finally gave a last shiver and sat up, scrubbing at his tear-swollen eyes with the heels of his hands. It made Erion look curiously young, and fragile, and Kansas's heart lurched again as he looked at his grieving lover. Erion reached up and stroked Kansas's cheek, his expression forlorn.

    "I'm sorry, 'lokiamin. I'm not being any help to you, and I know you're hurting as bad as I am," Erion said contritely. "I'm sorry for being so selfish." He leaned in and nibbled a little kiss. "Forgive me, baby. I love you so much, and it scares me to think that it could've been me instead of Momo."

    Kansas returned the kiss, a little heat in his response, and Erion nuzzled back hard, making Kansas sob with relief.

    "I forgive you, isilmeamin, a thousand times over. I love you so much, too. I'm not leaving you, my love. Remember my vision, the one I told you about," Kansas sobbed. "We have eight hundred years together, and eternity after that."

    Erion nibbled along Kansas's jaw, working his way back to Kansas's plump lips. "Thank you for reading my letter, 'lokiamin. I think I need to tell Kage-chan something, if he's near and can hear me." Kansas nodded, and Erion tilted his tear-stained face up. "Toror'amin, I love you, and I forgive you for having to leave. I forgive you a thousand times, and I hope we do meet again, so I can tell you again that I love you, and so I can beg your forgiveness for not being there for you."

    Erion looked back at Kansas. "Do you think he heard me?"

    "I know he did, my love," Kansas said. He watched Erion take his letter from Kageoshi and refold it carefully, putting it on the nightstand. Kansas picked up his letter and offered it to Erion. "You can read mine, if you want to."

    Erion looked wide-eyed for a moment, and took the letter from Kansas, leaning into his lover as he read the small precise kanji. Kansas stroked Erion's hair as the elf read, and finally Erion looked up, his eyes bright with tears.

    "I'm glad you brought me to Tokyo, and as much as this hurts now, I'm glad I knew him." Erion looked into Kansas's eyes, his own eyes almost back to their normal silvery grey, the blue ring sharper. "He asked you to look out for me? Even then, he was thinking about all of us. My poor angel." The tears slid down Erion's cheeks unnoticed by the elf. "I don't know if I'll ever really understand why he had to do this, but I'll always love him."

    Kansas stroked Erion's cheek tenderly. "That's all you really need to do, baby. Just remember the love you had for each other."

    "How'd you get so wise, 'lokiamin?" Erion nuzzled in for another kiss, the heat in it unmistakeable, and Kansas eased his beloved little elf back, his heart easing when Erion's arms wrapped around him as Erion pulled Kansas down, Erion's hips rising to meet Kansas's groin.

  4. Erion sat up abruptly, coming out of reverie all at once unlike his usual gradual rousing, his eyes wide and pale. Kansas woke at once, sitting up and wrapping his arms around Erion.

    "What's the matter, baby? Talk to me, my love," Kansas said, stroking Erion's silvery hair. "It'll help to let it out."

    Erion turned his head slowly, and for the first time since they had found Kageoshi in the warehouse, Kansas was sure that Erion actually saw him. Erion's eyes were still nearly colorless, the blue ring faint, but the young elf blinked and the barest frown creased his forehead.

    "I keep seeing it, 'lokiamin. I can't make it go away. Sometimes I can force a memory away, but this one won't leave." Erion shivered a little. "I don't want to see it anymore, so I think I want to stay awake for a while."

    Kansas sobbed with relief when Erion spoke to him. Even though Erion's voice was very small and far too calm, it was better than the awful silence. "Are you sure, baby? Is there anything I can do?"

    Erion reached up and wiped away Kansas's tears, his slim fingers cool but not as icy as they had been. "I can't cry, 'lokiamin. My tears won't come. I want to cry, but I can't. It hurts too much. I should have been there to help him, and I wasn't. I failed him."

    Kansas held Erion tightly, his heart aching. "You didn't fail him, my love. He told you that himself."

    Erion shook his head a little, burrowing against Kansas's shoulder. "Atar trained me to protect those I love, and I didn't. I fucked up with you, and I fucked up with him." Erion made a small noise that might have been a sob. "I'm not breaking, I promise. I just want to sit here with you like this for a bit. Can we?"

    "Of course we can," Kansas said, his tears scalding his cheeks as he cradled Erion.

    "Can he hear me?" Erion asked.

    Kansas rested his cheek against Erion's silky hair. "I don't know, baby. If his spirit is still nearby, I suppose he can."

    Erion nodded a little. "I forgot to tell him that I forgive him for leaving. He asked me to, and I didn't say it to him. But I feel bad because I'm not sure I can forgive him, because I don't understand why he left us. Didn't we love him enough? Didn't he love us enough?"

    There was such pain in Erion's voice, and Kansas sobbed as he held Erion tightly, not having any answers for his lover.


    Sand stroked Momo's back soothingly. "It was not a stupid dream, and you did not fail him, no more than any of us did. You loved him, and you gave him such happiness, Momo-san. He was so proud to be your husband. He never took off his ring. Will you not honor that and wear yours, to remember that beautiful angel who was yours, heart and soul?" Sand did not bother to try and hide his own grief, his cheeks wet with tears for Kageoshi. "I have never doubted the love between you and Kageoshi-kun. It was a pure and radiant thing, and I was honored to be allowed to share in it."

    Momo looked up at Sand, his cheeks soaked with tears. "Do you really believe that, Masato-san? Do you really think I made him happy?"

    "I believe that utterly, Momo-san." Sand stroked Momo's hair gently. "I understand how much this hurts, Momo-san, because I have held someone I loved as she died. I do not know how much it will help, but I will tell you, if you want to hear it."

    Momo nodded, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed, and Sand held the younger man close.

    "Her name was Tae, and she was young, and bright, and I was heartsore and wounded. I had fallen in love with Akira, and we were parted because of lies and politics, and I hid my heart away, until she woke it again." Sand paused, feeling Momo's grief as clearly as if there were a bond between them. "We got caught up in politics ourselves, my Tae and me. The story of that is long and not one that needs telling now, but she was wounded so very badly. It was not physical wounds, though. It was her very soul that was injured, her bright spirit crushed and broken, and that pain was more than she could endure."

    "How?" Momo asked, his voice hoarse.

    Sand continued to stroke Momo's hair gently. "Our enemy used her desire to protect others against her, and taught her to despair. She and I were engaged, and by the time it was over, she refused to marry me. She knew she was losing the struggle, losing her will to live, and she wanted me to be free." Sand sighed. "I stayed, of course. I took her home to her foster father, and he and I watched over her as she drifted further away from us each day. She was in such terrible emotional pain, my Tae. We finally gave her our blessings, and asked her to let go, and I held her in my arms as the light faded from her eyes."

    Momo choked back a sob, and Sand tilted Momo's face up to let Momo see his own tears. "I fought that despair when I lost Akira the first time, and I managed to find reasons to go on. My Tae and your Kageoshi, they were gentler souls and could not fight as I did, or as you can. I can see the same strength in you that I found in myself. My soul eventually found its perfect home with Satoshi, but for all that I love him with everything I am, I will also always love my Tae. Never forget the love you have for Kageoshi-kun, and never forget how very much he loved you, enough to wear your ring and never take it off."

    As he was talking, Sand had cast a silent cantrip, calling the gold ring to him, and he held it out now to Momo. Momo looked at the ring, his tears streaming down his face, and he nodded slowly as he took the ring and slid it back onto his finger, clenching his hand tightly as if he was afraid it would fly off.

    "How long ago?" Momo managed.

    "Oh, quite some time ago," Sand replied. "Long enough that I have learned to live with the loss, and to know that she would be pleased to see me with Satoshi. But I do know how this feels right now, Momo-san, and as your friend, I will be here by your side to help you through this. Lean on me, on all of us. We will be here for you. For now, perhaps it is enough to know that we do not think less of you for grieving. We all mourn for him, and we all care deeply about you, and what you need now is to mourn for your husband. You are not alone."

    Momo turned and buried his face in Sand's shoulder, his sobs hard enough to make him tremble, and Sand held Momo as he cried for his sweet Kageoshi, his little husband for those few perfect weeks.


    Yuji reached out and took Vale's hand as they walked through the estate grounds to pick up Ryuu and Aika from school, his heart aching. Vale looked over at Yuji, reaching out through his bond to send his love to Yuji, puzzled by the realization that Yuji's grief was not just about Kageoshi.

    "What is it, a'maelamin? What's bothering you?" Vale asked, his green eyes full of love.

    Yuji shook his head a little. "I'm probably being stupid, but it was something you said earlier, about getting drunk and breaking the furniture, and it not helping." Yuji shrugged a little, but his heartache came through clearly through the bond.

    "Ah," Vale said softly. "Then I'll tell you about that. You know Sand and I fell in love, and then we broke up for a while." Vale made a small noise. "Actually, it was about twenty-five years, but for elves that's not long. We split because someone I thought was a friend lied to me, and forced Sand to lie to me as well. He threatened my safety to get Sand to write me a letter telling me that he didn't really love me."

    "Why?" Yuji asked, looking at Vale in shock.

    "We found out much later that he'd fallen in love with a woman who was considered a criminal by the Lord of Neverwinter at that time, and he had to kill her. He was afraid that Sand might be an enemy as well, because he'd been working in Luskan, and he figured if he broke us apart, he'd save me the pain of having to kill Sand someday." Vale looked at Yuji with a small sad smile. "It didn't quite work out that way. The letter and his explanation sounded so logical, but my heart kept telling me he was full of shit and the letter was a pack of lies. So, I broke all the furniture in my office in the Cloaktower in a fit of grief and rage and whatever the hells else was going on in my head at the moment. Poor Nathe just stood back and watched me trash the office. Then I grabbed some wine and headed into my bedroom and tried to stay drunk for the next month."

    Yuji looked at Vale, shaking his head a little. "You loved him that much?"

    Vale stopped walking for a moment, and stepped into Yuji's arms, his green eyes locked on Yuji's perfect dark eyes. "Sand was my first real love, and I never thought I'd ever love anyone like that. I was this very driven workhorse of a sorcerer, living and breathing Cloaktower business, and Sand made me feel so alive. You know what he's like." Vale leaned in to nibble a kiss. "He's just larger than life sometimes. He dragged me out of the tower, and made me laugh and he loved me fiercely, and I'd have done anything not to lose that. So, Nathe babysat me while I tried to drink myself stupid, and made me eat every so often, and chased everyone else away until I finally crawled back out of the bottle and decided to give living a try again."

    Yuji ran his hands through the gold and emerald silk of Vale's hair, and pulled his elf into a searing kiss. "I'm sorry," Yuji murmured, cupping Vale's face between his hands. "I seem to always ask you about things from your past that hurt."

    "Oh, Yuji," Vale said, his arms around Yuji's waist. "Don't think that. Sand taught me not to be afraid to love, and to live, and without that, I might never have had the courage to love you. He was my first love, like Satoshi was yours, but Sand isn't the one who holds my soul in his hands. You are, and always will be, and I promise you, I'll never crawl into a bottle and hide from you. I love you so much."

    "And I love you, my perfect husband," Yuji replied, tears of happiness in his eyes. "It was just the way you said it, that made me think that maybe you regretted getting involved with this crazy fucking family and all our heartache."

    "Regret this? Never." Vale's own green eyes were bright with tears of love and joy. "I'm yours, Yuji. Your Vale, your Akira, until time ends. You held me together through the darkest time of my life, and you never left my side, not for a minute. How did I get so lucky?"

    Yuji kissed Vale again, letting the love that flowed between them warm them both. "Let's go get our children, and hold them tight all the way home."

  5. Hello, the title might be a little darker than I needed to be, but I feel I just have to share this somehow.i am 20 years old, 5'9'' and 167 lbs today, last August I was about 145 lbs and I thought THAT was huge. I eat junk every day.:)hope to get to know you guys soon!

    Hi, and nice to meet you! I was all excited thinking I was about to read something new about my fic, but there you have it.... more crushing disappointment for a hapless author.

    Anyway, since relatively few people venture into the dark corner of the forums that this thread lives in, you might want to say hi over here: Introduce Yourself! More people will meet you that way, instead of just one crushed and lonely author! :D

  6. Sand nodded from behind Satoshi. "We all insist, Momo-san. The last thing you need is to be alone right now, and we can all use someone to lean on."

    Momo looked at Sand and Satoshi, and his walls crumpled even more. The simple warmth in their insistence on taking him to their home melted the last of the ice around his heart, and his tears flowed freely.

    "Thank you," Momo choked out. "Thank you, Satoshi-san, Masato-san. I don't think I can look at the loft yet. We were just... He just... Watashi no tenshi, why?" Momo leaned into Satoshi's hug, crying so hard that he shook.

    "We may never know," Vale said gently as he returned from speaking with Eric's parents. "It's the hardest part. Let's just go home, and I think we all need some soup and a stiff whiskey."

    Erion stood next to Kansas, his face pale and his eyes that awful translucent shade of silver. Kansas wrapped his arm around Erion, guiding him forward. "Come on, isilmeamin, let's go home."

    Erion did not turn his head or acknowledge Kansas, but he moved forward obediently, his steps leaden and without his usual grace. His breathing was still a little shallow, and Kansas looked at Vale with worry in his eyes as Vale helped Erion up into the minivan. Vale nodded to Kansas, and stroked Kansas's arm as Kansas climbed in and curled up next to Erion, stroking his hair and pulling him close. Erion moved into the embrace, but made no sound.

    "Isilmeamin?" Kansas turned Erion to face him. At Erion's request, the bond between them was wide open, and Kansas knew Erion was not even close to fading. This was something different, and Kansas had no idea what it could be. Erion was simply broadcasting grief and pain, and absorbing Kansas's grief and pain. "Talk to me, baby."

    "Eller naa n'uma bethea, ere' ungue e' cormamin." Erion's voice was soft and dull.

    Vale leaned in, his voice gentle. "Erion, in Japanese, please. Momo-san does not speak our language."

    Erion nodded. "There are no words, only a hollow in my heart," he translated obediently. "I want to go home."

    "We're going home," Kansas replied, the tears streaming down his cheeks.

    "I don't like the snow anymore, 'lokiamin," Erion murmured, and turned his face into Kansas's shoulder, his eyes still dry. Kansas held Erion tightly, willing his little elf to scream, to cry, to do anything other than just talk in that dead little voice. Kansas looked at Vale again, and Vale reached out to touch Kansas's cheek very gently.

    "It'll pass, alasse'amin. It's hard to be the one left behind when someone dies, especially like this. You never really do know why, and it hurts because you keep asking yourself what you could have done differently." Vale's smile was infinitely sad and gentle. "I've gone through this myself, and I'll go through it again, the next time I lose someone because I sent them into harm's way for all the right reasons. Just hold him and love him, and give him time to forgive himself. He has to forgive himself before he'll believe that anyone else can forgive him. It won't make the guilt go away, but it makes it small enough to live with."

    Satoshi slipped into the minivan, huddling close to Kansas again, and Kansas sobbed a little as he let Satoshi hold him and comfort him. Vale nodded, and turned to help Momo into the minivan, Sand right behind him to cradle Momo against his shoulder as the younger man sobbed.

    "I am here, Momo-san. There is no shame in crying for him," Sand said gently, his own cheeks wet. "Let yourself grieve, and we will be here for you."

    Vale closed the minivan's door and climbed in beside Yuji, reaching out to rest his hand on Yuji's shoulder. "Let's go home, a'maelamin. I meant it about the whiskey, after I hug and kiss our children."

    Yuji looked over at Vale, his face a picture of sorrow. "I can't imagine what his parents are feeling," Yuji said softly to Vale, pulling out carefully onto the snowy street. "I'd go insane."

    "You find reasons to go on," Vale said, equally softly, but the pain in his emerald eyes was deep. "They'll cling even harder to their other children, especially Kichirou-kun, and we'll have to pursue the case against that little shit Taka even harder. I'll ask Sand to call Mori-sama, and he can speak to the Murai family after the funeral."

    Yuji nodded, concentrating on the road, his knuckles white on the steering wheel. "I'm glad Momo-san is staying with us. I'd hate to think what he'd do alone."

    "Drink," Vale replied, his smile bleak. "Drink himself stupid and break all the fucking furniture, only to find out it doesn't hurt any less."

    They arrived at the family estate safely thanks to Yuji's careful driving, and Vale hopped out to open the sliding door on his side. Sand got out and waved Vale inside.

    "Go tell Willow," Sand murmured. "Satoshi and I will get our youngsters inside."

    Vale hurried into the house, kicking off his boots and hanging his jacket quickly as Willow hurried over, Hikaru in her arms.

    "What happened, sweets?" Willow asked, looking at Vale's face as he reached for Hikaru, nuzzling the little half elf's golden hair.

    "Kageoshi's dead, lirimaer," Vale said softly, tears glittering on his thick lashes. "We have Momo with us. He can't be alone tonight."

    "Oh, sweets, how?" Willow hugged Vale tightly, her own blue-grey eyes welling. She had fallen in love with Kageoshi the first time the sweet twelve year old had come into her house, and she thought of him as one of the family. "Did that fucking Taka touch him?"

    "I don't know, but he had to have been involved," Vale replied. "Kage-chan killed himself."

    "Oh, shit," Willow murmured, aghast. "Kansas and Erion are going to be devastated, and Momo? Oh, Vale..."

    "I'm going to put up some soup and rice, and tea, and maybe we can break out some whiskey," Vale said. "I can lend Momo clothing. We're about the same size. He's just devastated, Willow. He's letting Sand hold him, though, which is good. Erion's a little shocky, but he'll be okay as long as he has Kansas. I'm more worried about Kansas. He's so busy fussing over Erion that when it hits, he's going to fall apart."

    Willow nodded, hearing the others approaching. "We'll take care of him, sweets. That's what families do."

  7. Erion looked at Kageoshi, so still and pale, and he began to keen, his chest aching as he registered Momo's cry of grief. He shook Kageoshi's arm anyway, begging his sweet angel to wake, and then he let go, hearing Momo and knowing it was truly beyond hope, at least here on this world, and that he would not be permitted to beg for magic to fix this.

    Behind him, Erion could feel Kansas, equally in pain and trying to wall it away to protect Erion. The young elf crawled to Kansas, his limbs leaden, and he leaned into the welcome contact as Kansas wrapped his arms around Erion.

    "Saes, 'lokiamin, uuma nurta tuulo' amin," Erion begged, unable to formulate words in anything but his native elven. "Leneema'amin yanw'lle. Amin anta'lle, ilya en'lle." Kansas's elven was good enough to understand his elf, and he opened his bond fully, letting Erion feel his pain as well. Erion shivered violently, not from the cold but from the shock of the loss, but he seemed calmer for the contact.

    Erion watched numbly as the firefighters and paramedics did what they could, not even noticing when warm blankets were wrapped around him and Kansas, his eyes nearly colorless and dry, his breathing shallow. It was too much to comprehend, and Erion simply let the pain rule, not wanting anything more than Kansas's arms and knowing that Kansas grieved as much as he did.

    "Ro ilnaa ba," Erion moaned, watching the men gently lift Kageoshi and place him on the stretcher with tender care. "Toror'amin," the little elf keened, his voice breaking. "Amin hiraetha. Amin ilnae quel faarea var'lle. Amin hiraetha, poikaer."

    Erion clung to Kansas desperately as the ambulance pulled away. Ryo was talking to the police, the only one of them able to make any effort to do so, his arm around Eric who was sobbing brokenly. There was a screech of brakes, and the family minivan pulled up, Yuji, Satoshi, and his uncles tumbling out of the van and hurrying over across the snowy ground.

    Satoshi made a beeline for Kansas and Erion, hugging the two youngsters with tears in his beautiful eyes, as Sand stroked Erion's head, seeing the signs of shock in his nephew and his young husband. Erion looked at Sand and fisted his hand in Sand's jacket, his eyes still nearly translucent.

    "Amin ilnae quel faarea var'ho. Amin thare'ho." Erion looked up at Sand, and then turned away and hid his face in Kansas's neck.

    "Erion, aier, you did not fail him." Sand stroked the silvery hair of his nephew, his heart aching. Yuji was talking to Ryo and the police, while Vale held a sobbing Eric who was talking in his native tongue as well, driven to that point by grief much as Erion had been. Then Momo screamed.

    Sand looked at Satoshi, who nodded, his own cheeks tear-streaked. Vale had been released by Eric, who was leaning on Ryo and trying to fill Yuji in. Sand gave Erion a last stroke and hurried over to Momo as Momo slowly collapsed to the ground. Sand slowed, approaching Momo carefully, wondering if his grief would push him to lash out, but Momo just screamed again and again, and Sand laid a hand on his shoulder. Momo did not pull away, and Sand dropped to his own knees and held Momo as Momo screamed again and again until his voice gave out, the screams all the more terrible because there were no tears, not yet.

    When Momo stopped screaming, Sand eased him to his feet carefully. "I am here, Momo-san. I am here," Sand said in a gentle whisper, guiding Momo over to the minivan. Sand looked at Yuji, his face etched with grief as he helped Momo into the van, sitting beside the young man and putting an arm around his shoulders.

    Satoshi was helping Kansas into the van, Erion following with an expression of terrible grief, moving like a puppet and letting himself fall into Kansas's arms. Satoshi sat on the other side of Kansas, cradling the little imp and comforting him as he held his little elf. Vale had settled Eric and Ryo together, and then sat in the front with Yuji, offering his strength to his husband through their bond. Yuji headed directly to the hospital, the only sound in the van soft sobs, and the gentle murmurs from Sand as he held Momo.


    Saes, 'lokiamin, uuma nurta tuulo' amin. – Please, my dragon, don't hide from me.

    Leneema'amin yanw'lle. Amin anta'lle, ilya en'lle. – Let me join you. I need you, all of you.

    Ro ilnaa ba – He isn't dead

    Amin hiraetha. Amin ilnae quel faarea var'lle. Amin hiraetha, poikaer. – I'm sorry. I wasn't good enough to protect you. I'm sorry, angel (pure one).

    Amin ilnae quel faarea var'ho. Amin thare'ho. – I wasn't good enough to protect him. I failed him.


    The police drove to the Murai house, not bothering with lights or sirens. The boy was already dead, and there was no need to alarm his parents further. The officers already had the unenviable job of telling them that their son was dead. They parked carefully, and both officers straightened their uniforms and made sure their gloves were clean before they approached the door and knocked.

    Kokoro opened the door, Kenshin standing beside her, their faces pale with fear, and the officers bowed deeply and with great respect, holding the bows long enough that Kokoro gave a little scream and turned to bury her face in Kenshin's chest.

    "Please come in," Kenshin said, his lips feeling wooden.

    The officers straightened, their faces filled with compassion for this kind looking man and his wife, standing in the doorway of their tidy and respectable home.

    "There is no need, Murai-sama, but thank you for your kind offer. The news is not good, Murai-sama, Murai-san. Please accompany us and we will take you to the hospital." The officer who spoke was aching as he watched Kenshin's face grow paler. Kenshin reached for Kokoro's coat, and helped her to put it on as she sobbed.

    "Please, not my Kage-chan, not my baby," Kokoro sobbed.

    Kenshin had no words to comfort her, his own heart breaking as he thought about how happy Kageoshi had been these last few weeks, his love for Momo and Momo's tender care making him sparkle again like the boy they knew and loved for far too short a time. Kenshin put on his own coat, and helped Kokoro with her boots, and they followed the officers to the car, grief and dread filling their hearts.

  8. Sand and Kenji hurried to get Kansas back into the protected area, the youngster trembling even there.

    "We need to get him inside the house," Kenji said urgently. "These old houses were built to confuse the spirits, so they couldn't follow anyone inside."

    Sand nodded, not finding this strange in the least. "I am with you, my love," Sand said to Kansas, his voice strong and calm. "Draw on my strength, Kansas. You can feel me, I know you can. Draw on me as you would Erion."

    Kenji blinked a little as Sand seemed to glow faintly, mainly where the snow-white juban met at the hollow of his throat. It was a strange moment to begin with, and Kenji tried to dismiss it as a bad case of nerves, but the glow seemed to intensify as Kansas began to tremble a little less.

    "That is good, my love. Take as much as you need," Sand urged in that same strong voice, now overlaid with love and admiration. "You are perfect, just perfect."

    Once back inside the house, the glow was harder to see, but Kenji still felt an odd tingle run through him as Erion hurried over to Kansas.

    "Hey, 'lokiamin." Erion kept his voice sweet and loving. "Let's go sit down a minute. Otooji, can you get us some sweet tea? The sugar will be good right now."

    Erion eased Kansas down onto a soft cushion, curling up next to his beloved imp and taking Kansas's face between his slim hands. Erion turned Kansas's face towards him, the young man still pale, but his eyes were slowly darkening.

    "I'm better, isilmeamin, really," Kansas murmured, leaning into Erion's arms.

    Vale's head had gone up the moment Sand had come back into the house, and his beautiful green eyes raked his elven husband, dark with concern. Vale had felt the powerful surge when Sand had allowed Kansas to tap the Weave through Sand, and despite the differences in their magic, it had been enough to shelter Kansas from the worst of the spirits until they could get him into the house. What concerned Vale was the effects on Sand. Sand had a reckless streak sometimes, and Vale worried that one day the moon elf would push himself too far.

    It was not today, however, and Vale relaxed, flashing Sand a beautiful smile. Hikaru had finally gotten sleepy, and Yori had taken him into the children's room to tuck him in on the big futon, the young man as enchanted with Hikaru as Hikaru was with him. Vale was sure he would be hearing about Hikaru's new onii for days, and the thought made him smile again as he leaned into Yuji a bit. Leaning into Yuji brought other things to mind, and Vale was suddenly grateful for the way hakama could conceal a sudden change in where his blood was heading.

    Judging by the look on Satoshi's face as he watched Sand, Vale was quite sure he was not the only one to be grateful for the benefits of hakama and fundoshi. Vale did not even bother to look at Kansas and Erion. Those two only needed to be on the same Prime. Still, the early afternoon encounter had only made Vale yearn for more, and he leaned over to nibble delicately on Yuji's ear. Yuji's breath hitched a little as Vale whispered, "We could try that stripping again, you know."

    The children were gathered up, Aika and Hikaru not even waking as they were tucked into their car seats. Ryuu was trying not to yawn, but his eyes were struggling to close, and Satoshi scooped him up and nuzzled his fragrant hair. The family hugged Kenji and Yori a final time, and they all piled into the big van, Willow at the wheel, after arranging to pick up Satoshi's car the next day.

    Ryuu fell asleep before they had even left the grounds of Kenji's estate, and Satoshi promptly pulled Sand over and tilted his face up for a kiss, moaning a little as Sand plundered his tight little mouth eagerly. Satoshi's fingers danced across Sand's beaded braid and underneath Sand's hair to find a graceful ear, and Sand moaned into the kiss. Erion and Kansas were barely coming up for air, and Yuji was toying with the delicate emerald circle around Vale's neck. Willow had stuck to tea for the entire night, and she chuckled to herself as she drove her van full of sleeping children and wanton husbands home.

    Once home, Satoshi carried Ryuu into the house, while Vale scooped up Hikaru and Yuji cradled Aika. Sand hovered a little over Kansas, but the youngster seemed to have taken no lasting ill effects from his brush with the spirits earlier, and Erion was adding his strength to Kansas almost unconsciously, the two of them in perfect harmony. Accordingly, Sand turned his attention to Willow, waiting with her while she parked the van and walking arm in arm with her back into the house. Willow kissed him sweetly, smacked his ass, and sent him off in search of Satoshi, to help get Ryuu out of his hakama and into pajamas. Willow went to her room, exhausted and ready to sleep, happy to let her husbands plunder each other while she curled up with her gently curved tummy, the faintest swell beginning to show.

    Sand and Satoshi got Ryuu undressed, the small boy trying to help even though his eyes kept closing. Sand carefully folded the small hakama while Satoshi tucked away the kimono and obi, and they both kissed the sleeping boy before tiptoeing out and heading to their room.

    Sand began to undress, folding his clothing neatly until he heard a wicked giggle from behind him. Satoshi had stripped down to his fundoshi, and was bending over quite deliberately as he folded his hakama. Sand looked at the perfect globes of Satoshi's ass, bisected by the thin strip of fabric, and the elf moaned helplessly.

    "I know," Satoshi said, throwing a smoldering look over his shoulder. "I'm gorgeous."

    Sand growled low in his throat, shedding his juban and reaching for Satoshi. Sand pulled Satoshi to him, pressing his chest to Satoshi's back and grinding his thick cock against Satoshi's ass as he bit and sucked the tender flesh between Satoshi's neck and shoulder, renewing Satoshi's dark mark. It took all Sand's formidable will not to rip the fundoshi away and simply plunge himself into Satoshi. Instead, Sand made sure Satoshi could feel Sand's beaded braids trail over his shoulders as Sand nipped a line of rosy little marks down Satoshi's back.

    Satoshi mewled, Sand's sharp teeth never pressing hard enough to actually hurt, but just enough to send a shiver up his spine. Satoshi felt his cock jump inside his fundoshi as Sand nibbled one firm globe and then the other, long fingers sliding down Satoshi's thighs without ever touching his cock. Satoshi whined a little, but Sand was not so easily moved. Satoshi could feel Sand's hot breath as the elf traveled back up, licking and nipping, and he heard Sand chuckle as the elf casually tossed his own fundoshi aside.

    Sand turned Satoshi around to face him, guiding his beloved husband backward until Satoshi felt the bed against the back of his legs. Sand pushed gently on Satoshi's shoulders, and Satoshi sat, his gorgeous eyes heated as he watched the precum beginning to bead on the head of Sand's thick cock. Satoshi moaned, the tip of his pink tongue sliding out almost involuntarily, and Sand chuckled wickedly as he brought his cock closer, letting Satoshi lap away the salty droplets. Satoshi's lips parted, and Sand guided his cock into that tight little mouth, watching as Satoshi's lips stretched to accommodate him, Satoshi's tongue exploring the tender cleft under the head of Sand's cock.

    Sand buried his long fingers in Satoshi's amethyst hair, his hips moving as he began to fuck Satoshi's willing mouth, Satoshi's eyes fluttering closed in bliss as he felt Sand bump the back of his throat. Sand growled a little at the heat of Satoshi's mouth, and Satoshi tilted his head to let Sand slide down Satoshi's throat until Satoshi's small nose was buried in the soft raven curls at the base of Sand's cock. Satoshi swallowed hard twice, and then gently tapped Sand's hip, the elf pulling back at once to let Satoshi breathe. Satoshi moaned again, and Sand resumed his lazy thrusts, loving the feel of Satoshi's tongue stud as it traveled up and down the underside of his cock. It did not take much longer until Sand felt his balls tighten, and he tilted Satoshi's head up a little to look into his husband's eyes. Satoshi slid his mouth back a little, his hand creeping up to wrap around Sand's cock, and the elf groaned as he felt his balls empty, Satoshi drinking down every drop eagerly.

    Satoshi finally released Sand's cock with a soft little pop, and Sand leaned over to plunder Satoshi's mouth, loving the taste of his own cum on Satoshi's tongue. The elf was hardening again just from that, and Satoshi moaned as Sand dragged his half hard cock along Satoshi's chest, letting his nipple rings drag over the pierced head. Sand straightened and tugged Satoshi to his feet, sitting on the bed and watching with heated eyes as Satoshi slowly began to unwind his fundoshi, his slim hips swaying to the music that danced in his heart, his dark eyes locked on Sand as he watched the elf's cock harden fully. Satoshi loved that he could rouse Sand like this, and he put an extra bit of sway in his hips and he turned slowly to give Sand a perfect view of the thin strip of fabric between his ass cheeks. Satoshi peeled it away with exquisite slowness, and Sand's breath hitched as he reached for the lube. Satoshi shook his head a little, and Sand's cock literally jumped as he realized that Satoshi had prepared himself earlier, the elf licking his lips in anticipation.

    Satoshi swayed over to stand between Sand's thighs, moaning as Sand's mouth closed over his cock while one long finger teased the tight little pucker between his cheeks. Satoshi opened readily, and Sand added a second finger, and then a third, thrusting as he sucked Satoshi's cock down to the root and dragging a wanton howl from his husband.

    Sand brought his mouth off Satoshi's cock, and turned the imp around, his fingers still buried in Satoshi's ass. Satoshi ground down on Sand's fingers, and Sand nipped at one perfect golden globe. Sand withdrew his fingers, and Satoshi mewled a little until Sand wrapped his hands around Satoshi's hips and guided his slender husband down onto his cock, the head pressing past the tight pucker easily. Satoshi howled a little as he was breached, the sensation of Sand's thick cock pressing into him utterly delicious as Sand's piercing rode his prostate. Sand felt Satoshi's strong legs clamp on either side of his thighs as Satoshi began to rock, taking all of Sand's cock within and making the elf moan loudly at the sensation of being engulfed in the velvet heat of that sweet ass.

    "Saiai," Sand moaned, his arms wrapping around Satoshi as his fingers tugged on Satoshi's nipple rings. Satoshi howled again as Sand began to rock his hips in perfect synchronization with Satoshi, riding Satoshi's prostate and making lights explode behind Satoshi's eyes. Satoshi was mewling non-stop, the pleasure building as Sand's cock churned in him, and the mewling escalated to a wild howl as Sand's long fingers found Satoshi's eager cock. Satoshi's head fell back on Sand's shoulder, his pierced lip teasing the sweep of the elf's ear, and Sand howled as Satoshi nipped sharply at the sensitive, rosy tip.

    Sand stroked Satoshi's cock firmly, his thumb sweeping over the head every few strokes, and Satoshi's rocking became a little erratic as he felt his balls begin to ache with the need to spill. Sand moaned as Satoshi's ass clenched a bit, the pressure on his cock just the right side of painful, and the elf bucked his hips hard, grinding himself into Satoshi's ass. Satoshi screamed, his balls jumping as a perfect arc of cum spurted from his cock, and it was Sand's scream mingling with Satoshi's as the elf surrendered to another explosive orgasm, slamming into Satoshi's prostate hard enough to make the slim man see stars for a moment.

    Satoshi gasped, tears beading in his lashes as he shivered in Sand's arms, his ass thoroughly filled with Sand's hot cum and every muscle quivering with the intensity of his release. Sand help Satoshi tightly, nibbling kisses down the side of Satoshi's neck, his own breathing just as ragged as his thighs trembled beneath Satoshi. It took them a couple of minutes before either of them could move, and Sand eased himself backward, letting Satoshi fall back on top of him, Sand's softening cock still buried in Satoshi's ass.

    Sand eased Satoshi to one side, his chest firmly against Satoshi's back, and Sand slowly eased his cock out of Satoshi's ass, leaning over to kiss away the tears of pleasure from his perfect husband's lashes and cheeks. Satoshi's eyes were fluttering closed, the imp thoroughly exhausted from the long day, and Sand eased Satoshi further up on the bed, pulling the covers up and pulling Satoshi over so that Satoshi's head was resting on Sand's shoulder. Sand kissed Satoshi tenderly, his love for his sweet husband flowing through their bond as Sand whispered, "Aishi teru, saiai."

  9. Yori's voice trembled with his own happiness as he replied, "My perfect love, my soulmate, now and forever. I love you, Kenji-san. Kanpai."

    Satoshi's hand slipped into Sand's hand as the four men toasted, and Sand held his husband's hand tightly, remembering the joy of both their weddings, joy that had only grown with each new day of their marriage. Then, as if to remind Sand that life was practical as well as ethereal, Satoshi gave Sand a small poke.

    "Did we bring the gifts up from the car?" Satoshi asked quietly.

    Sand nodded, looking into Satoshi's gorgeous eyes with pure love. "Did I tell you how wonderful you look, saiai? I am sorry, you are most distractingly perfect today." Sand handed Satoshi the two perfectly wrapped presents along with the traditional shūgi-bukuro inscribed in Sand's careful kanji with the Hayashi and Mori family names. "Please honor us by opening these small tokens of our love."

    Satoshi handed Kenji a silk-wrapped box, holding it out on both hands and bowing with great love and respect. Kanji's eyes lit up as he carefully unwrapped the box and opened it to reveal a museum quality antique silk folding fan, the spines beautifully polished strips of hinoki and the silk embroidered with delicate branches of sakura.

    "Satoshi-chan, this is perfect," Kenji said, his eyes bright with tears as he gently opened the fan. "I will treasure this always."

    Sand held out both his hands to Yori, the other silk-wrapped gift presented politely as he too bowed with great love and respect. Yori's fingers trembled slightly as he opened the package to find a book of love poetry that Sand had translated into Japanese from the original elven before commissioning a calligrapher to make the unique volume. Delicate watercolor images began each poem, and Yori looked at Sand with great surprise.

    "Masato-san, this is unbelievable," Yori breathed with delight. "How can I ever thank you?"

    "Be happy and never forget to be in love," Sand replied, smiling radiantly at his beautiful friend.

    Yori looked over at Kenji, and his face shone with adoration. "I don't think I'll have a problem with that."

    The rest of the family arrived shortly after that, and Kenji and Yori held hands tightly as they greeted everyone at the gate. Kenji stopped Kansas and Ryuu, hanging a small Omimari on a red silk string around their necks.

    "Keep those on all night long," Kenji instructed. "Stay in the area marked off by the lanterns, and you will both be fine." Kenji hugged Kansas tightly, and then hugged Ryuu as well, admiring Ryuu's kimono and very grown-up hakama. Ryuu beamed with such pride that he entirely forgot that the hakama were hot and very bothersome when he needed to use the toilet. Aika and Hikaru were hugged and fussed over, and when everyone had been hugged and greeted, Kenji and Yori led them up to the house where Sand and Satoshi were waiting. Ota Jun waited at the gate to direct the remaining guests to the house so that Kenji and Yuji could have some time with the family.

    Sand arched an eyebrow at Vale and Yuji, who were both looking slightly smug, and breathtakingly handsome in their gorgeous kimono and striped hakama. Yuji's kimono was a silk brocade in a shade of blue that brought out the golden color of his skin, and the raven of his hair, and Vale's burnished gold kimono and emerald obi drew cries of admiration from Yori, to Vale's great pleasure. Willow's maroon obi and blue-grey kimono was mirrored by Hikaru's tiny blue-grey kimono and dark red obi, and Aika had insisted on wearing her dark red dress with the matching shoes. Erion's kimono was a silvery-grey with a delicate blue dragon embroidered on one shoulder, with an obi to match the blue of the dragon, and Kansas wore a blue kimono with a tiger in white and silver on his shoulder, with a white obi.

    Ryuu and Aika saw the table with the coloring books and toys, and after a nod from Willow, they made polite bows and hurried over to investigate, giggling happily. Vale held Hikaru, not wanting Willow to have to deal with a slightly squirming half-elf who was watching Yori with wide green eyes. After a few moments of careful observation, Hikaru turned to Vale and touched his father's cheek to get his attention.

    "Onii," Hikaru announced and turned to look at Yori again. Yori giggled, and Vale blushed a little.

    "Hikaru-kun thinks everyone should be his family," Vale explained. "He's figured out most of us, but he likes adding people."

    "Oh, I don't mind being his onii-san," Yori smiled, reaching out to stroke the soft blond hair of Hikaru's head, earning himself a bright smile. "He's so beautiful, and he's getting so big."

    Vale gave Yori a radiant smile. "Thank you, Yori-san. I'm just glad he's finally decided that chichi isn't food."

    "So what's the celebration?" Yuji asked, slipping an arm around Vale's waist.

    Kenji just laughed as he handed Yuji a drink. "Wait until everyone's here. We're expecting a few more people."

    A burst of voices from the door confirmed that as Sadao and two other instructors from the dojo entered, bows and hugs being exchanged. Sadao was alone, but the other instructors had brought their wives and children, and Ryuu and Aika looked up, intrigued at the new potential playmates. Almost as soon as they were settled, a few more friends of Kenji and Yori arrived, and there were more introductions.

    Sand looked up as one more person arrived, Kenji's face lighting up. Mori Satoru walked in, slipping out of his shoes and accepting Kenji's warm hug. Sand started to make his way over to Satoshi, but Kenji got there before Sand could, and the elf stayed back to allow them to speak.

    "Satoshi-chan, I'm sorry, but he's my brother in law. Please don't be too angry with me, but I felt he should be here tonight," Kenji said.

    Satoshi nodded stiffly. "It's fine, Kenji-san. You don't have to worry about me making a scene. It was your place to invite who you chose."

    Kenji nodded, a little dismayed by Satoshi's slightly cold tone, but he nodded, accepting Satoshi's promise and walking back to rejoin Satoru. Satoshi walked calmly enough out to the walkway, and when Sand followed, he found Satoshi smoking a cigarette and staring blindly out at the bright strings of paper lanterns. Ota Jun deposited an ashtray near Satoshi and faded away silently.

    "Saiai?" Sand said gently, laying a hand on Satoshi's arm.

    Satoshi did not turn around, but his voice was level. "I'm not angry because he's here. I'm angry because I can't find it in my heart to forgive him. I can't get myself to talk to him. Not yet."

    Satoshi paused for a moment, still cold and stiff, and Sand was sure he was debating with himself the way he did sometimes. Sand waited patiently, knowing Satoshi would speak when he had reached a decision.

    "If you want to let him meet Ryuu, you can. Just don't tell Ryuu he's his grandfather. Just tell Ryuu he's your friend or something. And don't let him tell Ryuu the truth." Satoshi still had not looked at Sand, but he had not shaken off Sand's hand, either. "I'll be fine. I'll come inside in a few minutes."

    Sand stroked Satoshi's arm lightly. "As you wish, saiai."

    Sand walked back into the party, looking around for Willow. He saw her near the window, and he hurried over to her, smiling as she looked at him quizzically.

    "What's wrong, sweets?" Willow asked. "You look like you've tasted something odd."

    "Satoshi has given me permission to introduce Ryuu to Mori-sama, but not to tell Ryuu who Mori-sama is to him." Sand looked at Willow, so beautiful in her early pregnancy glow. "I would like to do so, but I would like to know that you are willing as well."

    Willow reached up to cup Sand's cheek, her expression one of love for her dark-haired elf. "Thank you for asking, sweets. If Satoshi's fine with it, I won't object."

    Sand leaned in to kiss Willow lightly on the lips. "Thank you, vanimaer."

    Sand made a beeline for the group of children at the table full of amusements, reaching down to touch Ryuu's shoulder lightly. Ryuu looked up, smiling brightly at Sand.

    "Hello, tousan. Did you grow another berry for me in your belly button yet?" Ryuu giggled, and the entire table full of children giggled with him.

    Sand laughed, delighted by Ryuu's humor. "It takes time for a berry to grow, sochi-chan, but I promise I will tell you as soon as I feel one beginning to sprout."

    Ryuu turned back to the rest of the children, triumphant. "I told you my tousan can grow berries in his belly button!" Ryuu turned back to Sand. "Why did you tap me if it isn't a new berry?"

    "There is someone I want you to meet," Sand said, holding out his hand.

    "Okay." Ryuu scrambled up, smoothing his hakama proudly. He had not forgotten how Kenji-otooji had praised him for being old enough to wear hakama now, and one of the other boys was also in hakama, so Ryuu felt very proper. He slipped his small hand in Sand's hand and let Sand lead him over to a man.

    "Satoru-san, I would like you to meet my sochi-chan, Ryuu. Ryuu-kun, this is my friend Satoru." Sand gave Satoru a quick look, pleading with his eyes for Satoru to go along with him.

    Ryuu bowed very politely. "It's nice to meet you, Satoru-san."

    Satoru bowed back a little, his eyes very bright. "I'm happy to meet you, too, Ryuu-kun. You have a very interesting name, you know, a very strong name. Do you know what it means?"

    "Oh, yes," Ryuu said happily. "My name means dragon, and it's a good name because I am a buronzudoragon. I'm only a small dragon right now, but I'm growing very fast, tousan says. He says I'm a very good dragon, and I already have a very big roar, especially when it's dinnertime. Some day I will be a grown-up dragon, but I don't think I'll have wings. That's okay, though because wings are hard when you're in the house."

    "Yes, I imagine wings would be hard to manage in a house," Satoru agreed, drinking in the sight of his grandson, and listening to his sweet little voice as Ryuu chattered away. "I have a son, too, you know, and he was also a very good dragon, with a very big roar."

    Ryuu nodded wisely. "Mama says that my roar is louder than anyone else's, and she always knows when it's time to make dinner because she can hear my roar all over the house."

    "That is very true, sochi-chan, especially when you have to wait for sixty-five minutes," Sand agreed, his eyes dancing with laughter.

    "Sixty-five minutes?" Satoru asked, his eyes widening. "That long?"

    Ryuu nodded emphatically. "I know because I counted the minutes. I can count to sixty-five."

    Satoro looked suitably impressed, and Ryuu beamed at him. Satoru reached out to smooth Ryuu's silky hair and stopped. "How old are you now, Ryuu-kun?"

    "Oh, I am four now, which is a big age. Aika-chan is only two, and Hikaru-kun isn't even one yet, so I am onii-san. It's a hard job, but I'm good at it." Ryuu smiled up at Satoru, liking this man who listened as well as chichi and tousan. Sometimes grown-ups did not listen well, but this one was very nice.

    "And do you like school?" Satoru asked, his heart aching with the need to touch Ryuu's cheek, seeing Satoshi in him so clearly.

    "Oh, yes, I do!" Ryuu stood up tall and proud. "I got an award for being able to count higher than anyone in my class, and I can write my name in romanji and kanji." He looked up at Sand for confirmation.

    "You can indeed, sochi-chan, and your writing is very neat and easy to read," Sand agreed.

    There was a brief lull while Ryuu looked up at Satoru, his eyes slightly wide. "So, you are my chichi's tousan?"

    Satoru opened his mouth to speak, and closed it again quickly, giving Sand a slightly panicked look. Sand himself was so taken by surprise that he simply could not think of a coherent response. Sand did not want to lie to Ryuu, since Sand still hoped that Satoshi and Satoru would be reconciled, but Sand had also made a promise to Satoshi, and Sand wanted to honor that promise.

    "Satoru-san is my friend, Ryuu-kun," Sand said carefully.

    Ryuu simply shrugged a little when his tousan answered. "It was very nice to meet you, Satoru-san." Ryuu bowed very politely. "Chichi loves you very much, you know. He's just hurting in his heart right now. But don't worry, because it will be alright someday." Ryuu turned to look at Sand expectantly. "May I go eat my cream pie now, tousan?"

    Sand smiled at Ryuu, his eyes full of love. "Of course you can, Ryuu-kun. Just one piece though, or Mama will be cross with us both."

    Sand turned to Satoru when Ryuu had walked away, his face a little pale. "Ryuu-kun is a very observant boy," Sand said dryly.

    "Thank you, Masato-san," Satoru said, his voice heavy with emotion. "Thank you for letting me meet my – your son. He looks very much like Satoshi at that age, but I can see his mother in him as well."

    Sand reached out to take Satoru's hand for a moment. "It was my pleasure, Satoru-san. Let us hope it can happen again, and again." Sand sighed a little, noticing Satoshi watching him. The elf bowed politely as he released Satoru's hand and headed over to Willow again.

    "I am a doomed man, vanimaer," Sand told Willow. "Ryuu guessed that Mori-sama was his grandfather. I did not confirm it, but I could not deny it without lying to Ryuu, either, and I am quite sure Satoshi will have my head for soup."

    Willow looked at Sand, her eyes widening briefly.

  10. Sand looked at Yori, his face radiant. "I would be so honored to stand by you tomorrow as your witness, Yori-san. I consider you a dear friend, and a part of our family."

    Sand moved around the table to hug Yori, his blue eyes shining with joy for the younger man. When Yori put both his arms around Sand to return the hug, Sand's heart soared with joy. Kenji relaxed and took a sip of wine, relieved that Satoshi and Sand were both so eager to share their joy.

    "A toast, then, to the wedding of two people dear to our hearts," Sand said, lifting his wine. "To Kenji-san and Yori-san, and may each day greet them with new joy and love that is greater than the day before."

    The four men raised their drinks, Kenji and Yori looking so radiantly happy that Sand had to reach out and take Satoshi's hand for a moment, running his thumb over Satoshi's wedding ring lightly.

    "What time should we be there?" Satoshi asked, lighting a cigarette of his own as he sipped his sake.

    Yori looked at Kenji with his beautiful eyes full of love. "We thought we could get married at sunset, and then have the dinner an hour after the ceremony."

    "Oh, that will be beautiful," Sand replied. "A sunset wedding, that is marvelous."

    The shoji slid open and the waitresses entered, kneeling with perfect grace to serve the meal. The four men waited until all the food have been presented, and the waitresses had bowed and left, sliding the shoji closed behind them, and then they ate and talked happily.


    Sand laid out a kimono on the bed for Satoshi, next to a snow-white juban and Satoshi's best striped hakama. The beautiful purple of the silk and the delicate gold threads woven through the chrysanthemums glowed softly in the early afternoon light. A gold silk obi perfectly matched the threads in the flowers. The elf took down another box, and lifted out a second kimono, this one a deep purple, with a leaf pattern woven through the silk. Sand laid that carefully next to his own best striped hakama, and placed a white juban next to it. His obi was cream silk. A third box was brought down, and Sand lifted out a silk boy's kimono, embroidered with a scene of a hawk sitting in pines with Fuji-san in the background. The obi for that small kimono was gold as well to match the gold edging along the hawk's wings. Ryuu's black unsplit hakama and a small white juban were added to that kimono.

    Satoshi came out of the ensuite bathroom, his hair still a bit damp, and he looked at the kimono on the bed with a bright smile.

    "You've been shopping again," Satoshi laughed. He ran his fingers lightly over the gorgeous chrysanthemums, his eyes going wide. "This is mine?"

    "Do you like it, saiai?" Sand asked. "The color made me think of you. It was in a little shop I found, with the most amazing silks. I bought the panels and then had my tailor make the kimono."

    "I love it, a'mael," Satoshi said, grabbing Sand and kissing him. That was when Satoshi saw the kimono for Ryuu, and gasped as he broke the kiss. "You're kidding! For Ryuu? That is so perfect. He's going to scream when he sees it, and choke you half to death with a hug."

    Sand's face lit up. "Really? I know he thought his hakama were too hot in Evermeet, but it is cooler now, and I thought a special kimono might make the hakama bearable."

    Satoshi hugged Sand hard. "It's perfect, it really is, and we can put it away for our next son, when you and Willow make us a baby."

    Sand's breath caught in his throat as he tilted Satoshi's face up and kissed him passionately. Satoshi was breathless when they broke apart, and he reached for his fundoshi with a giggle. Sand's eyes widened and darkened as he watched Satoshi deftly wind the fabric, and Sand could not stop the soft moan that escaped him.

    "You are..." Sand's voice trailed off, husky with desire.

    "I know," Satoshi said with a sultry look over his shoulder. "I'm gorgeous." He gave a wicked little twitch of his hips, and Sand moaned again. "Hurry up and get dressed. We don't want to be late."

    Sand sat down to finish his braids, one at each temple, lacing dark amethyst beads into his raven hair and finishing each braid with a small mithral band. It was Satoshi's turn to moan a little, the sunlight catching Sand's hair perfectly and bringing out the amethyst highlights in the long black tresses. Sand chuckled wickedly, pleased to have roused Satoshi as thoroughly as he had been roused.

    They finished dressing quickly, both trying to avoid looking at the other too much until they were fully clad. When Sand was ready, he gathered up the clothing for Ryuu.

    "Vale said he would help Ryuu to dress," Sand said. "I will just bring these to him."

    Satoshi nodded, admiring the elegant figure Sand cut in kimono and hakama. A sweet wave of admiration flowed back to him through his bond, and Satoshi blushed a little and shooed Sand with a wave of his hand.

    "I'll get the car ready," Satoshi replied.

    By the time Sand reached the car, he was a little more composed, his eartips not quite as rosy with arousal, and Satoshi's cheeks were not quite as flushed. They headed off to Kenji's estate, their bond throbbing with love as they went to celebrate a new marriage between dear friends and family.


    Vale opened the box containing the exquisite burnished gold kimono with a sigh. He touched the fabric reverently, not even hearing Yuji as he came up behind Vale, looking over his shoulder.

    "You're wearing that?" Yuji asked, his voice husky.

    Vale leaned back into Yuji's arms, feeling the heat of Yuji's skin against his. "Do you mind? Sand and Satoshi said it was a celebration, and Yori and Kenji are both very traditional sometimes. It feels right to wear kimono and hakama."

    "I don't mind," Yuji replied, nuzzling Vale's ear through his thick golden hair. "I'm glad you want to wear it. Do you know how incredible you look in a kimono?"

    Vale could feel Yuji's thick cock, hard and hot as it slid along the cleft of his ass. The elf moaned a little, grinding back, unable to focus beyond the feeling of Yuji against him.

    "Do you remember at the vacation, when you stripped for me?" Yuji said, his long fingers sliding up to tug on Vale's nipple rings.

    "I lost the bet," Vale managed, his eyes fluttering closed as Yuji ground into his ass.

    Yuji chuckled a little. "Yes, you did. The whole time you were stripping for me, I was wondering what you would look like if you were wearing hakama. I was picturing you getting down to nothing but a fundoshi, and then dancing that sweet ass over so I could unwind it slowly." Yuji punctuated his words with lazy thrusts of his hips, and Vale's lips parted as he let out a needy little whimper.

    Yuji fisted his hand in Vale's gold and emerald mane, pushing the elf forward until his thighs bumped the bed, well away from the kimono. Vale moaned, wanton and eager, and he leaned over until his chest was flat on the bed, his ass presented perfectly. Yuji released Vale's hair to grip the firm globes of the elf's ass, spreading them to reveal the dark pucker that had been so sweetly prepared for him. Yuji spit on one hand, slicking his cock with a mixture of spit and precum, and he pressed the head against Vale's ass, pressing in past the tight ring of muscle in a smooth thrust until he was buried balls deep in his elf's ass.

    Vale's back arched as Yuji's thick cock filled him, another wanton moan escaping him, Yuji's hands gripping his ass hard enough to leave bruises in the pale golden flesh.

    "I was ready to bend you over that pool table, just like this," Yuji murmured, and Vale's breath hitched as he ground back. "I wanted to flip that little kilt up and fuck you right then and there, in front of everyone. I wanted to make you scream and come so hard that you saw stars."

    "Oh, fuck," Vale moaned, rocking his hips a little as he tried to get more of Yuji inside him, the burn sweet as Yuji rode Vale's prostate hard. Vale's back arched even more, and he howled as Yuji pounded into his ass.

    "That's it, my Vale, my perfect husband," Yuji growled. "Howl for me. I want to hear that sweet voice of yours break over the pleasure of being fucked until you can't see straight."

    That was all Vale needed to hear, the elf already on the brink of exploding. Yuji had barely wrapped his fingers around Vale's cock when Vale screamed so sweetly and came, his cum arching out to paint his own chest with thick white ropes. Vale's ass closed almost painfully around Yuji's thick cock, and Yuji growled as he sank his teeth in Vale's shoulder, his balls drawing up sharply as he filled his elf's ass with an endless stream of hot cum.

  11. Erion looked at Kageoshi, surprise and sympathy warring in his silver eyes. "I keep forgetting you all used to be friends, before Taka decided to show his true colors."

    Kageoshi nodded sadly. "Hiro's not really bad. He's just scared of Taka, and he doesn't know how to get away from him."

    "Do you think Taka's hurting Hiro, too? Like he hurt you?" Erion reached up and took Kageoshi's hand, trying to warm the suddenly icy little fingers between his own warm hands. "Or maybe he threatens to hurt Hiro if Hiro doesn't follow him around. It's not like Taka has that many friends, it seems."

    Kageoshi's eyes went wide. "You think Taka could be hurting Hiro, too? Oh, I don't even want to think about that." Kageoshi's small face scrunched up in unhappiness.

    "Maybe you're right. Hiro wouldn't hang around him if he did that," Erion soothed, rubbing Kageoshi's cold hands.

    Kageoshi relaxed a little, and then frowned. "But Taka could have threatened to hurt Hiro or his family if Hiro wasn't his friend. That could happen." Kageoshi gave a small sigh. "You know, Hiro and I used to follow Taka around when we were little, before we started school. He used to like that. Taka and Hiro started school before I did, but they still used to play with me even thought I was so much littler."

    "That must have been fun, back then," Erion said gently. He poked at his zippo one last time, and this time it ignited. Erion lit his cigarette and took a deep drag on it happily, making Kageoshi giggle at his expression of bliss.

    "You and Tatsuya-chan, you're like a couple of dragons puffing smoke all the time," Kageoshi teased. "Anyway, it was fun, and when I finally started elementary school, everyone thought Hiro and I were so cool because we had an older friend. They thought Taka was just awesome."

    "I wonder what made him change?" Erion mused.

    Kageoshi looked up at Erion sadly. "We changed. I met Momo and Tatsuya, and then Eric and Ryo. They used to be friends with Taka, too, but Taka didn't like it that I was friends with them, because then Hiro started hanging out with us, too. I think Taka liked that Hiro and I used to listen to him, and do everything that he suggested, and then when we started hanging out with everyone else, we weren't listening to Taka all the time."

    "What did he do?" Erion asked, intrigued at this glimpse in Taka's mind. Santhiel had always told Erion that knowing your enemy meant you had a better chance of defeating him, and Erion was happy to learn what he could about Taka.

    "It was sort of subtle at first. He'd ask Hiro to do something with him, and not include me. I didn't even notice right away, and then all of the sudden, it seemed like Hiro never had time for me anymore, and Taka just laughed and told me not to be a baby, and to go play with my new friends." Kageoshi looked so sad that Erion wanted to hug the small teen. "But I still miss Hiro."

    Erion threw his arms around Kageoshi and hugged him tightly for a moment. "Let's see what happens. Maybe you and Hiro can be friends again, after everything's over." That was the euphemism they used for the court case to keep Kageoshi from panicking too badly. As determined as the little teen was to go through with the case, he still had nightmares, according to Momo.

    Kageoshi nodded, and looked up over Erion's shoulder. "Hey, here comes the gang now!" He wriggled out of Erion's hug and waved enthusiastically, but his eyes were still shadowed with sadness, and Erion was suddenly very glad he hadn't snarled at Hiro.


    Sand slid into the car next to Sadao after putting his dojo bag on the back seat. He was looking forward training, feeling quite refreshed and energetic despite the early hour and a relatively short reverie. Sand smiled a little as he remembered the expression on Willow's face when he had kissed her softly before leaving, her beautiful blue-grey eyes firmly closed and her gorgeous red hair fanned out around her.

    "Good morning, Sadao-san," Sand greeted, buckling himself in.

    Sadao just chuckled. "A good morning to you, Masato-san, although you might not feel like it when I get you on the mats. You're soft after that long summer vacation of yours."

    Sand looked mildly indignant. "I am rusty, I will grant you that, but soft?"

    "Soft," Sadao grinned. "But don't worry. Give me a few more weeks, and you might start looking like you know what you're doing again."

    "Is that a challenge, Sadao-sensei?" Sand said with relish. "I warn you, I do love a challenge."

    Sadao looked over at Sand quickly before returning his eyes to the road. "Tell me that again later, when you're bruised and limping."

    Sand snorted, delighted. "If I am not bruised and limping, I will think it is you who has gotten soft."

    The two men chatted about nonsense the rest of the ride, both quite pleased at being back to their usual training schedule. For all that Sadao liked to tease him, Sand was a good student, quick to learn and not the kind to whine if Sadao pushed him hard. In fact, the harder Sadao pushed, the harder Sand worked, and the two of them had grown into a comfortable friendship.

    Sadao dropped Sand in front of the office, since Sand wanted to drop off his check for the monthly dojo fees. Sand was pleasantly surprised to find Yori already in the office, and the younger man looked up with a bright smile.

    "Masato-san," Yori said. "Welcome back. I haven't had a chance to say hello since you got back."

    "It is good to see you, Yori-san. You look well," Sand said, pleased. "I have my check for the monthly fees. Shall I leave it on your desk?"

    "Perfect," Yori said. "But don't go anywhere. Kenji-san wanted to talk to you, and he was going to try and catch you after training. I'll just tell him you're here." Yori went into the next office and came back with Kenji, who gave Sand a quick hug.

    "Vacation agreed with you, Masato-san." Kenji smiled at his nephew's husband, a man he had come to think of as a good friend.

    "It did," Sand replied with a bright smile. "It was good to see the family again, and old friends as well. But I am still always glad to return home. After a while, I miss my usual routines, including being thrashed with great abandon by Sadao-sensei."

    Kenji chuckled, knowing full well that Sand had not been soundly thrashed since his first weeks at the dojo. "I'm glad to have caught you, though. I wanted to ask if you and Satoshi-san were free to have dinner with Yori-san and me this Friday."

    Sand's smile widened. "I am positive that we are. I will call Satoshi-chan after training and make sure, but I know he will want to have dinner."

    "Wonderful," Kenji said, and Yori looked pleased as well, his beautiful face bright and his eyes clear. "You see I have my manager back?"

    Yori made a little face and then laughed. "It's a good thing, too. You're terrible with paperwork. It's taken me forever to find anything."

    Sand laughed with Yori as Kenji shook his head with a contrite grin. "I fear my desk would make you run screaming for the nearest door," Sand admitted. "But I had best get dressed and ready for my thrashing." Sand was still chuckling to himself as he began to change into his kimono and hakama, binding his raven hair back into a tight braid.

  12. Vale watched Satoshi's deft fingers as he knotted the jute rope in a strangely beautiful pattern that worked the rope over and around Yuji's upper arms, pinioning Yuji's upper arms against his body. Satoshi worked the rope so that it was tight enough that it would leave an impression when it was removed, but not tight enough to leave a bruise behind.

    As he worked, Satoshi gently stroked Yuji's body, and he encouraged Vale to stroke Yuji as well, but Satoshi warned Vale not to stroke Yuji's cock. Vale watched closely as Satoshi made each knot, the elf memorizing the careful way each knot was tied. Yuji's eyes were bright with arousal, and his trembling had nearly stopped, his face utterly peaceful. Vale trailed slim fingers over Yuji's bound arms, stroking gently, his green eyes filled with his love and gratitude as being allowed to share this.

    When Yuji's upper arms were firmly bound, Satoshi gently bent Yuji's elbows to fold Yuji's arms behind his back, one atop the other. Vale watched as Satoshi bound Yuji's forearms together, both Vale and Satoshi stroking Yuji as Satoshi worked the rope around and made his beautiful knots. Vale was almost overwhelmed by the level of trust Yuji had in Satoshi, and in himself, and it brought a few tears to the elf's eyes as he gently stroked Yuji's face.

    Vale helped Satoshi to ease Yuji forward, to lie on his stomach, and Satoshi began to bind Yuji's ankles together. Yuji's breathing was even and calm, and Vale stroked the golden skin of Yuji's thighs and calves as Satoshi finished binding Yuji's ankles. Vale sucked in his breath a bit when Satoshi lifted Yuji's bound ankles and fastened them to his forearms with a length of rope, making Yuji's back arch. Vale had to bite back a moan, the sight of Yuji bound in the intricate pattern of ropes and completely helpless bringing home to the elf how much Yuji loved and trusted him.

    Satoshi eased Yuji over onto his side, Yuji's cock rock hard. Satoshi gently urged Vale to lie down facing Yuji, and Vale reached out to stroke Yuji's face, his green eyes wide in wonder at the gift he was being given. Satoshi lay down behind Yuji, caressing Yuji's shoulders, his fingers light as he petted the golden skin.

    "Yuji," Vale breathed softly. Vale could hardly find words to say what he wanted, so he just opened his bond to let his love and immense gratitude pour out. Yuji smiled at Vale, his face radiant with his love for his elf, and Vale ran gentle fingers across Yuji's lips before he leaned in to kiss Yuji softly. Satoshi's fingers were stroking Yuji's hair, feathering through his ponytail and coming back up to trace the fine angles of Yuji's cheekbones. Vale could feel Satoshi as well, the love between the three husbands pure and perfect.

    Vale felt a single tear trace its way from the corner of his eye, and he whispered, "Aishu teru, otto. I love you, my husband."

    "I love you, my perfect Vale," Yuji replied softly, his perfect eyes shining as Vale feathered another kiss across his lips, long fingers tracing the ropes that crossed Yuji's golden chest. Vale's cock was as hard as Yuji's, but for once the elf did not feel an urgent need to grind himself against Yuji. This moment was too beautiful, too perfect, and Vale savored the gift of utter trust that Yuji had given him. Vale realized that this was what Yuji had been needing, that strange desire that had been present in their bond the past few weeks. Vale's eyes widened as he also realized that Yuji would trust him to do this, to bind him lovingly and render him helpless, knowing with complete faith that he was safe with his elf.

    Vale kissed Yuji again, the kiss deeper this time but still tender, no hurry in Vale's hands as they slowly stroked their way down along Yuji's sides to trace the sharp angles of Yuji's hipbones. Only then did Vale allow his fingers to stroke Yuji's cock, the thick length exquisitely hard, and Vale breathed out a soft moan. Yuji's smile widened as Vale stroked him and then moved on, not wanting to push Yuji over the brink this first time.

    "This is my gift to you, Vale," Yuji said, his voice warm with his love. "My complete trust is yours. I am your dominant, yes, but I do not ask you to trust me completely without offering you the same thing."

    "I understand," Vale replied, his eyes vivid emerald with love and joy. "Thank you. Arigatou."

    "Tell me in your beautiful language," Yuji said, his smile so radiant that Vale's heart soared. "I love to hear you speak to me in elven."

    Vale's smile was equally radiant, and his voice vibrated with love. "Diola lle, verno'amin. Amin mela lle, ten'oio, a'maelamin."

    Satoshi's elegant fingers stroked Yuji's neck gently as Vale kissed Yuji again, their tongues dancing together as their bond overflowed with love.

    "It's time, my love," Satoshi murmured, his voice thick with love for Yuji. Vale helped Satoshi to undo the knots, the impressions of the jute rope clear on Yuji's golden skin, but so skillfully had Satoshi bound him that there was not a single shadow of a bruise.

  13. Erion and Kageoshi tossed their backpacks onto their favorite table, both of them groaning as Eric and Ryo looked up in surprise. Kansas was not there yet, and the two younger boys slumped down into their chairs.

    "Finals," Erion moaned.

    "Only three months away," Kageoshi said mournfully.

    Eric managed not to laugh. "Rira, the semester's barely begun and you're worried about finals already?"

    "We have to worry," Kageoshi protested. "We need to get perfect grades if we want to be able to take the classes we want next semester."

    Erion nodded gloomily. "I already blew one course last semester, so I really need to be perfect this time."

    Ryo just laughed. "You two are going to make yourselves crazy all semester."

    "I know! Call your parents and ask if you can come and study with me," Erion said. "I'll take you home on the bike."

    Kageoshi's eyes widened a little. Erion had shown Kageoshi his bike, beaming with pride, and the idea of getting a ride on it was exciting for the little teen. He whipped out his cell phone and called his mother, his eyes bright. "Okasan says I have to be home for dinner," Kageoshi informed Erion.

    Erion grinned. "Not a problem. We can still get in a couple of hours studying, and we'll be that much ahead."

    Kansas arrived, and Kageoshi practically bounced out of his seat as he explained the plan. Kansas tried to smother a laugh.

    "I hope you like going fast," Kansas snickered. "Yuki-chan's got two speeds. Fast and insanely fast."

    "Hey!" Erion gave Kansas a playful swat on the shoulder. "I can go slower than that. I just like getting you all hot and bothered when we ride."

    That got a hoot of laughter from Eric and Ryo, and Kageoshi blushed so adorably that Erion hugged him.

    Eric and Ryo headed off to Eric's car, and Kansas, Kageoshi and Erion caught the train home to the estate, the three youngsters bouncing in and heading right for the kitchen in search of sustenance. Sand was in the kitchen, avoiding the microwave with great diligence as he sliced some fruit.

    "Well, look who came to visit," Sand said, and wiped his hands to give Kageoshi a gentle hug. "Are you here to study?"

    Kageoshi nodded eagerly. "Yuki-chan and I have finals in only three months, and we're going to get perfect scores."

    "I am glad to hear that. Go on up to the guest room, and I'll bring you something to eat." Sand chuckled at Erion's expression of dismay. "Fruit, sweet rolls, and cool sweet tea, Yuki-kun. Nothing that requires a household appliance, I assure you."

    Kageoshi was watching Sand with great fascination. Sand had tucked his long raven hair behind one ear again, and the elegant sweep of that pointed ear looked so much like Erion's ear that Kageoshi could not take his eyes off of it. Erion completely missed Kageoshi's rapt look, but Kansas caught it, and moved by a sudden mischievous impulse, Kansas decided to wait to see what would happen.

    "Good, that works. We don't need anything hot," Erion began, trying to keep Sand away from anything he could blow up. Between the smell of the burning microwave and Willow's fury, Erion was not eager to see a repeat performance. Erion opened his mouth to ask if there was any custard to go with the berries, when Sand let out a wanton moan, clutching the counter for support as Kageoshi tweaked the tip of his ear between small fingers.

    Kageoshi blushed a little as Sand moaned, and Kansas collapsed in gales of laughter as Erion's jaw just dropped. Sand's jeans were tight enough that his arousal was impossible to hide, and the flush on his cheeks was nearly as dark as the one on Kageoshi's cheeks.

    'I'm sorry!" Kageoshi squeaked, taking a step back in dismay, but Sand took a quick breath and just smiled at the small teen.

    "No, Kageoshi-kun, it is quite alright. You just took me by surprise," Sand said, reaching out to stroke Kageoshi's hair with easy affection.

    Erion had turned bright red as well, as he remembered what he had said to Kageoshi about Sand's ears being just like his. Of course Kageoshi was bound to be curious, and of course Sand had to have his hair tucked behind his ear at just the right moment. Fortunately, Sand was taking Kageoshi's experiment in good humor. Kansas straightened up, still giggling and wiping away the tears of laughter from his eyes.

    "These are something of a family trait, did Yuki-kun tell you?" Sand said easily, distracting Kageoshi from his embarrassment.

    "He did," Kageoshi said, his eyes bright. "Yuki-chan told me about the legends that say you have fairy blood."

    Sand chuckled. "Exactly. Those are just legends, but the older families from our part of the world tend to have certain oddities like pointed ears. Akira-san is a distant relative, and he has the same ears. The older families also tend to marry among themselves, and so our pointed ears begin to breed true."

    Kageoshi nodded enthusiastically. "I've read about things like that!"

    By now, Sand had managed to will his erection away, and as he turned to open the refrigerator, he looked over his shoulder at Erion. "We have custard as well. Do you want some with your fruit?"

    "That's perfect, otooji," Erion said quickly. "If you just put it on a tray, we'll bring it up and I'll make sure to bring it back down."

    Kansas went to his room to read his own texts after having a quick snack with the two younger boys. To their credit, Kageoshi and Erion did study for a solid hour, reading notes back and forth and quizzing each other. However, this early in the semester, there was not a great deal to study, and Erion fell back with a sigh.

    "I can't think of anything we didn't cover, Kage-chan," Erion said, sprawling on the tatami mat floor.

    Kageoshi was curled up on the loveseat in the room, and he looked at Erion with a tiny grin. "I know one thing we didn't talk about, Yuki-chan."

    Erion sat up with a moan and reached for his textbook.

    "Not that, silly," Kageoshi giggled. "Do you remember what we talked about, before you went away for the summer?"

    Erion looked blank for half a second, and then his eyes went wide. "Oh, right! You were going to kiss Momo-chan." Erion kept his voice low, knowing how shy Kageoshi was about these things.

    Kageoshi blushed a little, but his eyes were bright. "I called him, about a week after you left, and I asked him for a date. Sort of." Kageoshi started to giggle, his small hand covering his mouth. "I took food to his house, and we ate and watched a movie, and then I kissed him, and we told each other that we loved each other. Three times each."

    "Kage-chan, that's wonderful!" Erion said, hugging the smaller teen.

    "That's not all." Kageoshi's cheeks were pink, but his eyes were shining. "We took off our clothes, and we kissed some more and we touched and then I... you know, like when I had those dreams. I had Momo-chan's pajama bottoms on, too." Kageoshi giggled a little more. "But I told otousan and okasan before I went there that I was in love with Momo-chan, and that I was gay, and they just hugged me and said it was okay."

    "It is okay, Kage-chan. Tatsuya and I are gay. Neither one of us thinks about girls the way we do about each other, and it doesn't make us any different than Eric or Ryo. We're just us, and that's how we are." Erion gave Kageoshi another hug. "So, you were really brave, though! I can't believe you did that right away."

    Kageoshi beamed, his small face so bright and happy that Erion nearly forgot all the small teen had endured so recently. "I did some other things, too. Oh, Yuki-chan, Momo-chan's so gentle and soft with me that I'm not even scared. He says I give a good..." Kageoshi's voice dropped to the faintest whisper, "...blowjob."

    Erion looked at Kageoshi, his silver eyes huge with astonishment, and then he hugged Kageoshi very tightly. "You are so perfect, toror'amin, do you know that?"

    Kageoshi blushed again, but this time it was from pride.

    They giggled and laughed as Kageoshi let Erion tease him a little about his experiences, until Kansas knocked on the door and stuck his head in.

    "If you're going to get Kage-chan home by dinner, you'd better start getting ready to go." Kansas gave Kageoshi a big grin. "You ready to break the sound barrier?"

    Erion threw a crumpled up piece of paper at Kansas, laughing. "I'm not that bad, 'lokiamin. Come on, Kage-chan, let's get you suited up. I have some leathers that will fit you pretty well, and a spare helmet."

    Erion dragged Kageoshi into his room, and the two youngsters suited up for the ride. Erion's other leathers were a little big on Kageoshi, but Kageoshi looked completely adorable to Erion. They grabbed their backpacks and headed down the stairs, helmets in hand.

    "I'm going to run Kageoshi home," Erion announced. Sand looked up from his book with a bright smile at the sight of Kageoshi in the slightly big leathers.

    "Just be careful, Yuki-kun," Sand said, getting up to hug Kageoshi goodbye. The little teen was still a bit embarrassed about the ear thing from earlier, but Sand seemed so completely unruffled that Kageoshi gave Sand a hug in return.

    "We'll be fine," Erion promised. "I'll go so carefully that I wouldn't even crack an egg."

    That made Kageoshi giggle, and they headed out to the garage to get Erion's bike. Erion showed Kageoshi how to fasten his helmet, and then he wheeled the bike out of the garage.

    "Hop on behind me and hold on tight around my waist, okay?" Erion said. "Just lean with me, If I lean right, you lean a little, too."

    Kageoshi giggled nervously. "Maybe you should give me some gum before we go. Otherwise I'll scream so much you'll be deaf before we even make it to Setagaya-ku."

    Erion grinned and dug in his leathers for the gum he kept there, handing Kageoshi a piece. Erion hopped on the bike, and waited until Kageoshi was properly seated behind him, the small teen wrapping his arms around Erion with another giggle. Erion started the bike, and as he drove slowly down the road out of the estate, Kansas could hear the ecstatic shrieks from Kageoshi over the roar of the bike.

  14. Sand reached out to help Satoshi with his belt, needing to feel Satoshi's skin against his, wanting nothing more than to join with Satoshi as deeply as he could. He slid the cargoes past Satoshi's slender hips and tugged at the tight little boxers, forcing himself to move slowly. Sand needed, yes, but he craved something sweet and tender, not a frantic coupling.

    Sand pulled Satoshi down to the bed, his lips seeking Satoshi's lips in a tender kiss, his tongue teasing at the pierced lower lip as Satoshi moaned into the kiss and wrapped one muscular leg around Sand's hip. Sand slid lower, his kisses trailing from Satoshi's lips along his jaw and down his throat, and Sand paused to lick the tender hollow at the base of Satoshi's throat. Sand's lips moved further down, drifting off to the side to find one pierced nipple, and he caught the steel ring between his teeth and tugged a little before closing his lips around the tight little nub and suckling it firmly. Satoshi moaned louder, his hands fisting in the thick raven hair of his husband as Sand teased the nipple until it was hard and pebbled under his tongue, and his hot mouth moved across Satoshi's chest to tease the other nipple.

    Sand kissed his way down Satoshi's stomach, feeling his husband's muscles tremble, until Sand was poised over Satoshi's cock. Sand gave a delicate swipe of his tongue over the head, lapping up the precum that was beginning to bead there and teasing the slit with the stud in his tongue. Satoshi writhed and mewled, his back arching as he tried to get Sand to engulf his cock, and Sand complied, taking the head of Satoshi's cock into the heat of his mouth and pressing his tongue stud against the tender cleft underneath. Sand sucked on the head for a moment, his cheeks hollowing a little, and then he flattened his tongue and slid his lips down Satoshi's cock, barely pausing when it bumped the back of his throat. Sand tilted his head and let Satoshi's cock slide into his throat as he hummed a little, the vibration making Satoshi moan and shiver.

    Sand drew back slowly, sucking as hard as he could, his tongue stud pressing firmly along the underside of Satoshi's cock. As he sucked, Sand reached for the lube he had taken from his pocket, and coated his fingers, easing one finger into Satoshi's ass. Satoshi arched again, pressing down on Sand's finger, his pucker loosening quickly, and Sand added a second finger and then a third as he continued to suck on Satoshi's cock. Sand drew back slowly on Satoshi's cock a final time, letting the head slip free with a soft pop, and he withdrew his fingers from Satoshi's ass, gently urging the slender man to turn over. Satoshi complied eagerly, presenting his ass to Sand perfectly, his pucker twitching as Sand lined his cock up with it.

    Sand eased the head of his cock into Satoshi's ass, Satoshi's moan of pleasure pure music to Sand, and Sand slowly pressed the full length of his thick cock into that tight ass, his hands wrapped around Satoshi's hips and his eyes fluttering closed in bliss as he was surrounded by velvet heat. Sand's piercing rode across Satoshi's prostate, and Satoshi moaned loudly, pressing back to drive himself even further onto Sand's cock. Sand gasped at the intense heat and tightness, so familiar and yet always so tantalizing.

    "Saiai," Sand murmured, and he reached down and pulled Satoshi upright, settling Satoshi's round ass on his thighs as his arms wrapped around Satoshi from behind. Sand's chest was strong and warm against Satoshi's back, and Sand's mouth found the sweet spot where Satoshi's shoulder and neck met. Sand nipped and sucked, renewing the dark mark that claimed Satoshi as his beloved. Sand rocked his hips, his thick cock churning in Satoshi's ass, Sand's cock piercing riding Satoshi's prostate and Satoshi howled with pleasure as he ground his ass down eagerly. Sand's long, faintly scarred fingers wrapped around Satoshi's cock, and Sand began to stroke in the same lazy rhythm in which his hips were moving.

    Sand's bond was wide open, and he let his love flow out through his bond, feeling Satoshi's arousal building in perfect synchronicity with his own. Satoshi's head fell back onto Sand's shoulder, and he turned his face toward Sand, who pressed his lips to Satoshi's lips, their tongues dancing together in a passionate kiss. Satoshi's hand crept up, delving in Sand's thick hair until Satoshi's fingers found the graceful sweep of an ear, and Satoshi traced the edge up to the point, pinching it between two fingers. Sand's back arched as he pressed into Satoshi with a wanton moan, shivering at the intensely pleasurable sensation.

    Sand felt the heat building in his belly, his cock thickening even more as his balls tightened, and Sand moaned into Satoshi's tight little mouth as he shared the mounting pleasure with Satoshi through their bond. Sand's thrusts were growing a little more ragged, his stroking faster, and Satoshi pressed himself down onto Sand's cock as firmly as he could as he felt Sand's cock hit that perfect spot. With a scream, Satoshi's balls emptied, his cum erupting in a graceful arc as his ass clamped down on Sand's cock like a velvet vise. Sand cried out as loudly as Satoshi as he felt himself let go, his balls almost painfully tight as he filled Satoshi's sweet little ass with his cum.

  15. Sand stroked Satoshi's tearstained face, his own face pale with grief. "I did the same thing, saiai. I used Ryuu to try and manipulate you, as your mother used you to manipulate your father. In my stubborn and arrogant belief that I knew best, I became that which I despise. Can you forgive me that?"

    Sand held Satoshi close, in too much pain to even cry as he realized the enormity of his error. Ryuu, whom Sand cherished beyond words, was far too precious to become a pawn in any of Sand's efforts to reunite Satoshi and Satoru, and the elf felt his heart sink for having stooped to such a level.

    "Your father never tried to stop the way she treated you because she would have only treated you worse if he had. You were the weapon she used to hurt him. And when you left, his heart broke, but he let you go because he knew you had Yuji and Willow. Ryuu would be loved, and that was what he clung to, saiai." Sand took a shuddering breath. "I love you, Satoshi-chan. You are my life, all that I desire. I will only leave if you send me away, if I have failed you beyond your ability to forgive."

    Satoshi went very still for several long moments, and Sand just held him tightly, their bond throbbing with their mingled emotions. Sand stroked Satoshi's hair gently, wondering if he would ever be able to hold his husband like this again, when Satoshi finally spoke, his arms tight around Sand.

    "I forgive you, Masato-chan. I forgive you. You did it out of love, not out of spite and self interest." Satoshi held Sand as tightly as he could. "You are right. I saw the pride in his eyes when he looked at the picture of Ryuu. You meant well, and that is what counts. You did this out of your love for me. You know what it is like to grow up without a father's love. I grew up with a father, but not his love, and you want to change that now. I forgive you, a'mael. I could never send you away."

    Sand shivered a little, and Satoshi could feel the relief that welled up in Sand as he realized that he was forgiven, that he had not ruined things between him and Satoshi. They sat for a few moments longer, holding on to each other tightly and letting the love slowly wash away the worst of the fear and grief. Finally, as it dawned on both of them that they were presenting quite a spectacle for anyone passing by, they untangled themselves carefully.

    Sand managed to stand, shaky at first but gaining strength, and he held out his hand to Satoshi. Satoshi let Sand help him up, and they both leaned against the car for a few more moments, breathing deeply and letting their racing hearts slow down. Sand fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a snow-white handkerchief, offering it to Satoshi with a crooked little smile.

    "Maybe we should take the train home," Satoshi mumbled as he scrubbed his damp cheeks with the handkerchief. He gave it back to Sand, who wiped his own cheeks, and tucked the handkerchief away.

    "That might be wise," Sand agreed, reaching into the car for Satoshi's glasses. "At least I will not get lost if I am with you," he added with that same crooked little grin.

    Satoshi put his glasses on, looking at Sand for a long moment. "Sometimes I wonder how lost you really get." He took out his cell phone and pressed a key. "Kansas? I need a favor. I need you to drive my car home. Can Momo drop you at the mall with the music store? Yes, the key will be in the usual place." He paused for a moment, listening. "No, we're fine. We're okay. I'll explain later. Thanks."

    Satoshi ended the call and reached into the car, opening up the glove box and taking out a small box. He slipped the key into the box and then placed the box under the wheel base, the magnet attached to the box holding it in place. Satoshi locked the car, and he and Sand began to walk to the nearest train station.

    "One thing, Masato-chan," Satoshi said, his voice calm. "Ryuu is your son, too. I'm his biological father, but you love him as much as I do, and out of all of us, he looks to you after me. He decided that. You're his tousan."

    Sand looked at Satoshi, and his smile was stronger this time, his eyes darkening to their usual blue. "Thank you, Satoshi-chan." Sand seemed to stand just a little straighter, his shoulders not drooping, and Satoshi felt a wave of love and gratitude wash over him.

  16. "Satoshi, saiai, please," Sand said urgently. "I am fine, we are fine. Just breathe, saiai." Sand stroked Satoshi's back with one hand and held his shoulder with the other, easing Satoshi back and into his embrace. "Do not apologize to me, cormamin, you are instantly forgiven, always, do you not know that?"

    Sand's voice was heavy with grief, and he let his bond open to pour forth his love for Satoshi along with his own regret for pushing Satoshi this hard. "I love you, Satoshi, with everything that I am. I will always love you, until time ends. I have failed you yet again, and spectacularly at that, saiai, and it is I who should ask for forgiveness."

    Satoshi was trembling violently in Sand's arms, and Sand stroked his back tenderly, his own hands trembling a little, his faintly scarred fingers icy. It took all of Sand's willpower not to scream and let his own grief pour out in a flood of scalding tears.

    "I will say what I have to say, and then you can decide if I have gone too far this time, saiai. Just hear me, please." Sand's breath hitched a little. "He is not using you or your son to decorate his office. Those pictures are there because he is finally free to put them there, free of the need to placate the whims of someone who was not capable of love. He does love you, Satoshi-chan. He loves you as much now as he did when he would stroke your cheeks and hold you close. He used work to dull the pain of a loveless marriage, and she used him, and you, to further her career. Do you remember the fighting? He was going to leave her, saiai, and take you. Then she took that job, and the new company she worked for prized families. She fought him to make him stay. She threatened to keep you from him if he left. He stayed because he would have lost you if he left."

    Sand drew a shuddering breath. "I had no right to do what I did, to use Ryuu's pictures to establish a connection between him and me. I love Ryuu as if he were my own, but you are right. He is your son." Sand's voice broke a little. "His voice when he speaks of you, of Ryuu... Oh, saiai, there is such love in his voice. He regrets his mistakes, and he would take them back if he could, but like me, he is left with only regret for having been a stubborn fool. Can you ever forgive me, cormamin?"

    Sand nuzzled his face into Satoshi's hair, not caring who saw him or what they thought. His entire body was trembling with how close they had come to sudden death, and although Sand was no stranger to facing death, the thought of how close he came to losing Satoshi, how close he still was to losing his beloved husband, made the elf nearly dizzy with fear.

    "Please, saiai, forgive me for failing you," Sand murmured into Satoshi's hair. "And please, just look at him and try to see past all the hurt and pain, just for a moment. I do not ask that you forgive him all at once. I know that is impossible. But please, for your own sake, let him try to make amends."

    Sand's throat tightened suddenly, and he felt the first scalding tears fall.

  17. Sand nodded, his blue eyes dark as he absorbed Satoru's pain and grief. It explained so much to the elf about his beloved husband.

    "The divorce," Sand said very softly. "He remembers the arguments from that time, but not what they were about. What he retains from that time is the conviction that it was all his fault, that it was something lacking in him that had caused such strife. He has spent all his life trying to make up for something that was never his fault, for a lack that does not exist. His demons are phantoms, and that makes them so much harder to fight."

    Sand bowed his head for a moment, a wave of terrible grief running through him. "We are men for whom words are our tool, our weapon when need be, you and I. And yet why is it that when words mean the most, they fail us?" He looked up at Satoru again, and Satoru felt like he was looking into eyes that were older than time.

    "What do we do?" Satoru asked softly.

    "As I have said," Sand replied. "When we leave, he will rail at me, and I will have one chance to explain myself to him. Much of what you have told me is your truth to give to him, but what I can tell him, I will. He gave me a second chance once before, and I know his heart is large enough to give us both another chance now. He gives his heart so freely, and loves us all so very deeply, but it is so hard for him to believe that we can love him as much. If I have damaged things between us too badly to be repaired, I will release him from our vows. I will not bind him to me in a loveless marriage."

    Satoru flinched a little, but he nodded. "I hope it doesn't come to that. I really do."

    "Thank you," Sand replied. "I cannot imagine my life without him, or without our son." He looked over at the balcony, and sighed. "They are coming. Wish me luck." Sand took his phone and slipped it into his pocket, and turned to face the stormy eyes of his husband.

    "If no one has any questions, then I'll be in touch to set a date to go over your testimony, Murai-san," Satoru said, his voice calm. "Thank you for coming today, all of you." Satoru's eyes lingered on Satoshi for a moment, a flicker of pleading in his look.

    Sand bowed politely to Satoru, and turned to Kansas and Erion, who were hovering with Momo and Kageoshi, all four looking more than a little anxious.

    "Momo-san, would you take Tatsuya and Yuki with you in your car?" Sand asked, as calmly as if this was a normal request. "Satoshi and I will follow."

    Satoshi threw Sand a look that could have incinerated a lesser person, and Sand merely nodded slightly, acknowledging that he knew how furious Satoshi was. Satoru himself escorted them back to the elevators, but the conversation was stilted as they made their goodbyes and took the endless ride down to the parking lot.

    As they were leaving the elevator, Erion grabbed Sand's arm, his voice urgent as he spoke in elven. "Are you going to be alright? Uncle Sand, what happened up there?"

    Sand smiled at Erion, and answered in elven as well. "I provoked a storm, did I not? Let us see if I can ride this one out. I love him too much to let him lose his father simply because he is sometimes almost as stubborn as I am. I gambled, aier. Let us see if I have won or lost."

    "If you lost, it could cost you everything," Erion said, his voice trembling. "It could kill you both."

    "Do not be foolish. I will release him from our bond if it comes to that." Sand looked at Erion. "Go now, and wait for me at Momo's house."

    Erion hurried off to get into Momo's car. It was not until they were leaving the parking lot that Erion realized what Sand had not said.

    Sand slid into the passenger seat of Satoshi's car, feeling Satoshi's fury rolling off the slender man in waves. Sand fastened his seat belt carefully, his expression utterly neutral, and his emotions firmly held in check. The first salvo had to be Satoshi's, and Sand waited for the explosion he knew was coming.

  18. Sand looked at Satoru, his blue eyes kind. "I understand weakness, and pride. I have been guilty of both, more times than I care to admit even to myself. It cost me a great deal over the years. That is why I am risking my husband's wrath, rather than see him make the same mistakes I have made."

    Satoru looked at Sand, and raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

    "He does care for you, Mori-sama. I know this," Sand said, his voice quiet but sure. "He respects you, and considers you an honorable man, a man with a great deal of integrity, and underneath his rather spirited defense of you was love. I heard it in his voice, even if he does not hear it himself any longer."

    "I saw you at the funeral," Satoru said quietly.

    Sand shifted slightly, his brow creasing slightly. "Satoshi wanted to make sure his mother was dead. I admit that is a hard thing for me to understand, but from what I have been told, by Satoshi and by Yuji-san, I can understand his feelings. Yet even with that bitterness in his heart, he does not speak of you the same way."

    Sand looked directly at Satoru. "I want for Satoshi to find some peace with you. I want Ryuu-kun to have his grandfather back. I would like very much to be able to invite you to our home, to see the life Satoshi has made for himself. It is a good life, a life that fulfills all the promise of his early days, and he is a man you should be proud to call your son. I know I am proud to call him my husband."

    "How do I reach him?" Satoru asked, and although it was not really a question, Sand answered.

    "I find the truth works best." Sand's voice was dry. "He will rail at me and ask me what I was thinking, and I will tell him the truth. I want him to find his peace with you, to bury the last of the demons from his childhood. But to do that, he needs to know why he grew up in a house where he felt no love. That is the truth you need to give him."

  19. Erion gasped a little, his eyes fluttering closed as Momo's thumb slid up his ear, the tip firmly between Momo's fingers, and his cock jumped and hardened inside his shorts. Erion yelped a little and began to laugh, Kansas doing his best not to scream with laughter at Erion's inadvertent reaction.

    "Um, yeah," Erion managed to get out between laughing. "It's sort of a family trait. We all have these pointy ears. Masato-otooji has them, too." Erion pointed at Sand, who was on his cell phone, his hair tucked behind one gracefully pointed ear as he spoke to Satoshi.

    Momo had let go of Erion's ear when the silver-haired elf yelped, and was looking a bit startled by Erion's reaction.

    "I'm sorry," Erion said, shivering a little as he tried desperately to shift his position to hide his erection. Kansas completely surrendered and grabbed his sides as he began to laugh, collapsing onto the floor in a heap as Erion wriggled and tried to poke him with his foot. "There's a weird family story about them. We're from Cornwall, in England, which is full of all sorts of ancient places. There's legends about the Sidhe, the faerie folk, and some of the old barrows and stuff are supposed to be Sidhe places. Anyway, a lot of the really old families like ours have legends about having Sidhe blood, and ears like ours are supposed to be a sign of that."

    "So, you're part fairy?" Kageoshi giggled, reaching up to tweak Erion's other ear.

    Kansas had just about caught his breath when Kageoshi grabbed Erion's other ear, and the imp screamed with laughter again as the most wanton little moan escaped Erion's lips.

    "Oh, fuck," Erion gasped, his cock jumping as he tried to smash it down with the heel of his hand. Momo's eyes widened, since he had a better view from his seat next to Erion, whose eyes had darkened with heat. Erion managed to reach Kansas with his foot this time, and Kansas roared, his eyes streaming with tears of laughter as Erion blushed furiously. "They're a little sensitive."

    "That's like saying a bullet train is a little fast," Kansas gasped. "Fuck, isilmeamin, your face right now..."

    Erion pounced on Kansas, who was hiccuping with laughter, trying to discreetly hide his tented shorts. Unfortunately, Sand chose that moment to turn around and glare at his nephew.

    "It is impossible to hear Satoshi-san if you are going to bellow like that, Yuki-kun." Sand arched an eyebrow. "And really, that sort of thing is best reserved for behind closed doors, is it not?"

    Kageoshi's eyes widened as he caught Sand's implication, and his slim hands flew up to cover his mouth as he began to giggle helplessly in embarrassment. Erion managed to collect his well-scattered wits, and he shook his head a little as he sat up cautiously. Sand's glare had no effect on Erion's precarious state, but the fact that Kageoshi was embarrassed helped the elf to regain some control over his rowdy cock.

    Momo was all but sputtering with embarrassment himself. "Oh, fuck, Yuki-san, I didn't mean..."

    Erion waved a hand at him, still giggling a bit. "It's fine, Momo-san, you had no idea, and I know they're really different-looking. You were bound to be curious, and it's fine, really. Just warn me next time, okay?"

    Momo grinned a little, slightly worried, but when Erion gave him a quick hug and flashed his usual radiant smile, Momo relaxed. Kageoshi was looking at Sand, who had resumed his conversation with Satoshi, his voice dulcet as he purred into the cell phone. The small teen looked back at Erion's ear, and then his hand flew up to his mouth as he tittered, "Does Masato-san have the same reaction to having his ear touched?"

    Kansas exploded with laughter all over again, and Erion managed to nod his head before he collapsed on top of Kansas, giggling uncontrollably. Sand looked over and shook his head at the antics, and moved closer to the kitchen.

    "Saiai, I know I am asking a great deal of you. It is not something I would do if I had an option," Sand soothed. "We will not all fit properly in Momo-san's car, and it is so important that we be at this meeting for Kageoshi-kun's sake." Sand listened for a moment, and managed a small sigh. "I suppose we could take the train, yes. I think I know which one to take. It is the same one as I would take to go to that tailor I like, yes?" Sand smiled a little as he listened. "No? Then the one I would take to our favorite restaurant?" Sand listened again, his smile growing. "Oh, saiai, I need to change where? Is that not the station I got lost in?" Sand held the cell phone away from his ear as Satoshi let out a shriek of frustration. "I am sorry, really I am. I can try the train. I did not get too badly lost the last time." Sand's smile grew triumphant. "You will? Have I told you yet today how I love you, cormamin? Perhaps we can get away to our little vacation house this weekend, just you and me." Sand's voice had dropped to a throaty purr. "Oh, yes, that can definitely be arranged. Yes, in about a half-hour, then. Aishi teru, saiai." Sand ended his call and looked at the still giggling youngsters in the living room.

    "Satoshi-san will be here in about a half-hour to take us to Mori-sama's office." Sand looked quite pleased with himself. "Now, what was all that fuss about while I was trying to talk to him?"

    Erion looked at Kansas, Momo, and Kageoshi, and started to laugh all over again.


    Satoshi did not look at all put out when he arrived, and in fact, the look he gave Sand promised a great deal of energy would be expended later in the most enjoyable of ways. Momo shook his head a little in amazement at how Sand had managed to cajole Satoshi, but since he was as eager as Sand was to see Satoshi and Satoru make peace, he just got into his car with Kageoshi, while Erion and Kansas hopped in the back of Satoshi's car. Sand slid into the front with a tender smile for his husband, although he behaved impeccably and did not pull his beloved Satoshi into the sort of kiss that look demanded.

    Satoshi drove to Satoru's office without needing any directions from Momo, and Sand wisely refrained from commenting. Momo was right behind them the entire way, and parked next to them in the office building's parking lot. Satoshi lit a cigarette and smoked it furiously on the way to the entrance to the elevators of the steel and glass office tower. He stubbed the cigarette out and tucked the butt away in his little tin, and sucked a breath mint in the elevator, not talking at all, as Sand pressed the button for the correct floor.

    The reception area was plush, as befitted a successful law firm, and a slim and attractive young woman hurried over to greet them, bowing deeply and with great respect.

    "We have an appointment with Mori-sama," Sand informed her in his precise and elegant Japanese, bowing slightly. "He is expecting us."

    She escorted them into the office, taking them to a smaller reception area that served the senior members of the firm and hurried away to fetch tea. The receptionist in this area was an older woman who bowed very deeply to Satoshi, who looked uncomfortable as he returned the bow.

    "It is good to see you again, Mori-san. Please have a seat, and I will let Mori-sama know you are here." The woman returned to her desk and spoke softly into her phone as the younger woman returned with a tea tray. "Take that to the office, would you?"

    Another woman emerged from behind the closed door that led to the offices. "Mori-san, how good to see you." She bowed politely. "Mori-sama will meet you in his office, if you would follow me?"

    Sand sent a wave of love and reassurance to Satoshi through their bond, and Satoshi shot him a quick look, gratitude and mild annoyance mixed. The secretary led them to a large corner office, with a seating area furnished with leather couches and a glass table between them on which sat the tray of tea and small snacks. Satoru's desk was further in, a large and imposing mahogany desk with two leather guest chairs in front of it, and there was a small private balcony as well.

    Sand arched an eyebrow at the opulence of the office, and Satoru crossed to greet them warmly.

    "Murai-san, thank you so much for coming today. Sakai-san, thank you for driving him." Satoru bowed to them as Momo and Kageoshi bowed back, the small teen trembling a little but managing a smile as he sat down next to Momo on a couch.

    Satoru turned to Sand and Satoshi. "Mori-san, Mori-kun, thank you for being here as well. Murai-san needs our support and I'm glad to have you here."

    Sand bowed gracefully. "It is my pleasure to offer any assistance that I can, Mori-sama."

    Satoshi merely bowed stiffly, his eyes darting around the office. There were framed pictures on the credenza behind Satoru's desk, and Satoshi recognized Ryuu in a couple of the pictures, much to his surprise.

    Satoru had turned to Kansas and Erion. "Hayashi-san, and Hayashi-kun, I'm glad to have you here as well." He gestured for everyone to seat themselves, and Kansas and Erion joined Kageoshi and Momo on the couch. Satoru sat opposite them, and Sand seated himself beside Satoru. Satoshi sat on the other side of Sand, his posture stiff as Sand poured a cup of tea for Kageoshi and handed it to the small teen.

    "I have news," Satoru began. "We have a court date set. We will be appearing before the judge in the third week of October, which is very quick. We've been able to put some pressure on to get this case heard quickly, thanks to some of my political contacts."

    "So soon," Kageoshi said, his voice small, and he reached out to take Momo's hand, his fingers icy as Momo's larger hand closed around them.

    "It's a good thing," Satoru said reassuringly. "I expect Ogawa's lawyer to try and push the date back, but I've been assured that won't happen. They will try to say they need more time to prepare, but the truth is that they're hoping to make you lose heart and call this off. We're not going to let them get away with it. We have a solid case, a very solid case, and we are going to make sure that you get justice."

    Satoru reached out to pat Kageoshi's shoulder. "We're going to rehearse a bit, not to try and change anything that you've already told us, but to get you a little more comfortable with the kinds of questions you'll be asked. The judge will ask some hard questions, and this will take all your courage, Murai-kun, but I know you can do this. You've been so brave, and if you just tell the truth like you did at the police station, you'll be fine. I may also call all of you as witnesses. Sakai-kun, you will be our most important witness, since you were the one Murai-kun went to after the attack. The rest of you saw him that same night, and you know Murai-kun well enough to testify as to his character."

    Kageoshi nodded, his small face pale but determined. "I can do this, Mori-sama, I promise."

    "I know you can, Murai-kun. And I want you to know that we intend to use this case and others like it to push to have the laws changed, so that animals like this Ogawa get punished severely, like they do in other countries." Satoru nodded at Sand. "Mori-san knows what I'm talking about. In other countries, rape is not just a crime that women are affected by, and it is treated like a real crime, not an embarrassment that we shouldn't talk about. Treating it like something shameful only gives the rapist power, and you're doing a brave and important thing, Murai-kun."

    Kageoshi's eyes widened a little, but Momo was thrilled to see a little bit of color return to his pale cheeks.

    "Kitamura-sama assures me that there will be protection for your family before, during and after the trial as well, so you don't need to worry about that, either." Satoru leaned forward. "We're still waiting for the DNA results from the police tests, but I'm confident that the results will exactly match what our labs found. Really, there's no reason to worry. We're going to win, and we're going to change things. Now, you can all enjoy a little tea, and talk, and if you come up with any questions, I'll be happy to answer them."

    Sand smiled happily, and laid his cell phone down on the glass table, the screen lit up to illuminate a picture of Ryuu in the garden of the estate. "This is all marvelous news, Mori-sama. I am feeling very confident after hearing this." Sand pretended not to notice as Satoru looked at his cell phone, although he could feel Satoshi stiffen slightly next to him.

    "May I?" Satoru asked politely, gesturing at the phone, and Sand picked it up and handed it to him with an expression of delight.

    "This is Ryuu-kun in the garden at home. I took this picture just a couple of weeks ago, and I do think it does him justice," Sand said. "I will admit, my sochi-chan gets very irritated with me because I do take a great many photographs of him, but he is changing so quickly at this age. Would you like to see more pictures?"

    "I would like that very much," Satoru said, looking at Sand warmly. "He really has grown a great deal, and he has such a beautiful smile."

    "He does, does he not? Just like his chichi," Sand said with great pride in his voice. "He is doing very well at school, too, and he is a marvelous big brother to Aika-chan and Hikaru-kun." Sand looked at Satoru, his blue eyes very bright. Sand could feel Satoshi's tension, and he turned a little to smile at Satoshi with utter innocence.

    Kansas could sense the tension, and he turned around to Satoru with a bright smile. "Would it be alright if I went out onto the balcony for a cigarette, Mori-sama?"

    "Of course, Tatsuya-kun, please be my guest," Satoru said with a warm smile.

    "Satoshi, want to come with us?" Kansas asked as Erion stood up.

    Satoshi stood as well. "Please excuse me," he said with perfect politeness, bowing to his father and walking out onto the terrace.

  20. Erion hooted with laughter as he crashed to the ground, Kageoshi on top of him, his silver eyes bright with joy for the small teen.

    "Let me see," Erion begged, trying to untangle himself from Kageoshi and laughing all over again when they only managed to get even more tangled up. Kansas and Momo managed to get Kageoshi upright, and Erion scrambled to his own feet, grabbing for Kageoshi's hand.

    "Oh, it's gorgeous!" Erion exclaimed, and threw his arms around Kageoshi, hugging the little teen tightly. "I'm so happy for you, toror'amin."

    Kageoshi laughed and sobbed simultaneously, his beautiful eyes wet with tears of joy as he giggled and let Kansas admire his ring. "It's so perfect, isn't it? I love it! I can't believe how perfectly it fits," Kageoshi enthused, and then he shrieked a little. "The washer! You used the washer!"

    Momo started to laugh at Kageoshi's expression. "What did you think I used, Kage-chan?"

    Kageoshi stuck his little pink tongue out at Momo and then burst into giggles as he showed Kansas the engraving inside the ring, the kanji for Momo shining and new. "Isn't that perfect?"

    Kansas laughed, his heart lighter than it had been for days, and he hugged Kageoshi tightly. "It's more than perfect. Congratulations, Kage-chan. You two are meant to be together."

    "Now come inside," Erion insisted, tugging on Momo's hand. Everyone's here, even Ryo and Eric. They're back."

    The Murai family was waiting in the living room, everyone's face bright with joy as Kageoshi skipped in, his happiness making him positively glow. Kenshin and Kokoro gathered Kageoshi in for a tender embrace, and then repeated that embrace for Momo while Kageoshi flung himself at Katsurou.

    "Welcome to the family, Momo-chan," Kokoro said, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. Momo felt his throat grow tight at the warm welcome, and all he could do was smile and hug Kokoro back while Kenshin patted his back.

    Katsurou's wife was vastly pregnant, and she stayed on the couch, but her smile was bright as she watched Kageoshi dance from person to person, his sweet face shining. Her son was curled up beside her, giggling a little at his uncle's antics, and Kiku and her husband hugged both Kageoshi and Momo with sobs of joy.

    Kichirou just let out a shriek of excitement as it was his turn to hug Kageoshi and Momo, so happy that he thought he would burst. Kichirou adored Kageoshi, who doted on him like a second father, and he thought Momo was exciting and glamorous and just wonderful.

    Ryo and Eric hugged the two happy newlyweds as well, wishing them nothing but happiness, and then Kageoshi looked over at Sand and Satoshi. He hurried over and tried to hug them both at the same time, giggling as they all nearly knocked heads.

    "Thank you both, so much," Kageoshi said softly. "Thank you for everything."

    "Oh, Kageoshi-kun, we were glad to be able to help," Sand said, his genuine love and affection for the small teen shining forth.

    "Satoshi-san, Masato-san, thank you," Momo added, and Sand pulled him into a hug as well. "You've done so much."

    "We are family of a sort," Sand reminded him. "The kind of family that is chosen, and that chooses you, Momo-san. You will always have a home here." He gave Momo a wry look. "And yes, I will stop the food deliveries now."

    Momo burst out laughing, allowing himself to fully relax in this house full of people who loved and accepted him. Vale came up behind Momo and draped an arm around his shoulders, handing him a cold beer.

    "Congratulations," Vale said, his smile radiant.

    Momo looked around at the house full of people, and breathed in the smell of good food that filled the air. "You didn't have to do all this for us, you know." He ducked his head a little shyly.

    Vale started to laugh, his gold and emerald hair swinging as gave Momo a one-armed hug. "Don't even worry about it. We love any excuse to have a party, and Kage-chan practically lived here during exams. You're family, and there's no escape."

    "Don't listen to him," Yuji said, raising his own beer in a toast. "I'll show you the emergency exit later."

    Willow was hugging Kageoshi, who was sniffling happily as she admired his ring, and she just looked up at her husbands and shook her head. "Just for that, you two can help bring out dinner."

    "Food!" Erion laughed. "I'll help, I'm starving!"

    Momo and Kageoshi sat together at the head of the table, Kageoshi almost too excited to eat until Vale brought in the platter of perfectly grilled steaks. The small teen's eyes lit up, and he began to tuck in happily, Momo laughing at how Kageoshi's eyes rolled back in bliss as he moaned around the first bite. There was more food than anyone could believe, and the conversation was lively and full of laughter, the Murai family blending in perfectly with the merriment. Ryuu and Aika were excited to sit at a small table with Katsurou's son, and Vale held Hikaru who soon had Kokoro won over with his sweet nature. The little half-elf had expanded his vocabulary of happy shrieks, and now said mama, chichi, tousan, and onii with great glee, exasperating Aika immensely when he insisted she was also onii. Kokoro assured Aika that he would master oneesan soon enough, and Kageoshi giggled when Kiku pointed out that he had done the same thing to her.

    After dinner, Sand and Satoshi went into the kitchen and emerged with a gorgeous cake decorated with cherry blossoms, the branches delicate chocolate stalks with tinted sugar blossoms. The top of the cake bore the kanji for Momo and Kageoshi's names along with two linked gold rings made of sugar. Kageoshi took one look at the beautiful cake and burst into tears of sheer happiness, and Momo hugged him and kissed away his tears to much applause. Bottles of excellent sake appeared and Sand stood up to make a toast.

    "Many congratulations to you both, Kageoshi-kun and Momo-san, and know that we all share your joy today. We are honored to be a part of this special occasion." Sand paused, his eyes bright with love for the young newlyweds. "May you wake each morning even more in love that you were the day before, and may you go to sleep each night knowing how well you are loved."

    Satoshi produced a knife, and let Momo and Kageoshi make the first cut in the cake, and then he took over cutting slices, making sure that Momo and Kageoshi shared the golden sugar rings. There was no room for any sadness as everyone toasted and nibbled cake and hugged all over again, the love between Momo and Kageoshi just shining in their eyes as they fed each other bites of cake.

    When the party finally ended, Kageoshi came over to Sand and Satoshi, his beautiful little face radiant, his small hand buried in Momo's larger hand.

    "Thank you, so much. This was just like a real wedding day, with the beautiful cake and everyone here to celebrate with us." Kageoshi hugged them both tightly. "I hope we're as happy as you are."

    "You will be, Kage-chan," Satoshi said, kissing the little teen's cheek and stroking his soft hair. He looked at Momo with shining eyes. "And you will be, too, Momo-san." He hugged Momo, and Momo let himself relax into the embrace, his face showing his happiness. Satoshi pressed a parcel into Kageoshi's hands. "More cake, for you to enjoy tomorrow."


    The first day back at the university was far less hectic than the previous semester. Erion knew what to expect, and he and Kageoshi had all their classes together this semester, which was a relief for them both. They giggled and moaned a little at the course load, but Erion knew that they would both do well in all their classes. Erion had gotten up a little early, and had cajoled Vale into making bentos for him and Kansas, and Kageoshi had his bento from home, since he was spending school nights at home as he had agreed with his parents. Momo had promised to come to the Murai house for dinner, and Kageoshi was bouncing with excitement about that as he and Erion headed off to their favorite lunch table to wait for Kansas, Ryo and Eric to arrive.

    As Kageoshi and Erion were digging out their bentos, Erion looked up and saw Taka several tables away, looking over at them. Kageoshi's back was to Taka, and he was still bent over his backpack, and Erion took the opportunity to give Taka an icy look that promised a world of pain if he came any closer. The sheer hatred in Erion's eyes made Taka flinch almost imperceptibly, and he turned away and headed to another table on the opposite side.

    By the time Kageoshi got his bento out and on the table, still chattering about their schedule, Erion's face was back to his usual expression of bright interest. Kageoshi jumped up and waved as he spotted Eric and Ryo, and Kansas came over right after them, Eric and Ryo moaning about being tortured by three homemade bentos while they ate their microwaved specials. Eric offered to drive Kageoshi home after classes, and although Kageoshi protested a bit, Kansas convinced him to take Eric up on the offer. The five friends ate and talked, teasing Eric about his girlfriend while Kageoshi fended off Eric's teasing attempts to eat his lunch. It was warm and familiar, and no one other than Kansas noticed that Erion's glance kept wandering off to the other side of the room, making sure that Taka remained aware of his scrutiny.

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