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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Sand offered Kenji his arm again as they walked into the room, and he helped Kenji to sit, mindful of his ribs as well as his shoulder. Yori caught Satoshi's arm at the doorway.

    "Satoshi-san, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Yori said, his voice soft, and Satoshi reached out and hugged Yori.

    "It's already forgiven," Satoshi replied, and the two young men hugged again, their smiles beautiful.

    Yori turned to Sand, the beautiful smile still on his lips. "Thank you." The look in his eyes spoke volumes, and Sand nodded with a sweet smile of his own.

    They sat down to the meal Ota touji had prepared, the food delicious and perfectly presented. Yori tried to eat, but it was obvious to Sand that the pain was bad enough to make the young man nauseated. Kenji ate enough for two, however, having been unable to stomach the hospital food. There was still a sense of things healing, however, and a tranquility to the meal that made them all feel at ease.

    After lunch, when they were sipping tea and nibbling on some fruit and chocolates, Sand pulled out his laptop with a slightly apologetic look. "Kenji-san, if I can be impolite enough to use this now, I had promised Yori-san I would give him some information." Sand flipped open the laptop and powered it up when Kenji nodded. "You know that Yuji's cancer was cured thanks to an experimental treatment. The researchers who developed that treatment have another that might help Yori-san."

    Sand slid the laptop over to Yori, who looked at the first page outlining what the treatment was designed to do. His beautiful eyes widened as he read, and his lip trembled slightly as he slid the laptop to Kenji.

    "The researchers are friends of a friend, and they would be willing to offer this treatment to Yori-san as part of their study. A nurse will be provided to administer the treatment, and they will also supply certain vitamin supplements to enhance the treatment. If Yori-san agrees to allow his treatment to become part of the study, there is no cost to him for participating, and he will only be identified by a number in the study."

    Kenji looked up at Sand. "Are you sure about this?"

    Sand nodded. "I am sure that this group has the best chance of helping Yori-san. Their treatments are on the very edge of what is possible, but they did cure Yuji entirely." Sand looked at Yori. "They do not promise a full cure, Yori-san, but if the pain can be eased and some function restored, that would be a victory, yes?"

  2. Sand moaned and moved far faster that Satoshi would have believed possible in the confines of the front seat of the car. Sand's agile tongue wrapped around the head of Satoshi's cock, his tongue stud teasing the slit before sliding around the entire head. Sand swiped his tongue stud over the sensitive little cleft underneath the head, and at the same time, he cupped Satoshi's sac gently in one hand. Sand let his mouth slide down Satoshi's cock, his tongue pressing firmly along the underside of the shaft, and one long finger slipped behind Satoshi's balls to massage the tender bit of flesh in front of Satoshi's tight little pucker, pressing against the prostate firmly from outside.

    Satoshi's little moan as Sand played with his balls got much louder as Satoshi's cock hit the back of Sand's throat. The elf just relaxed his throat muscles and took Satoshi to the root, burying his nose in the soft curls of Satoshi's groin with a purr that went straight to Satoshi's belly. Sand pulled back up, dragging that wicked tongue stud along Satoshi's cock, and then dove right back down and swallowing Satoshi down. Satoshi's eyes fluttered closed and his hands fisted in Sand's thick raven hair as Sand pulled back up, sucking so hard that his cheeks were hollowed. The elf barely paused before his head went back down, the wicked finger still teasing behind Satoshi's balls as they jumped a little in the palm of Sand's hand.

    It only took another couple of head bobs before Satoshi's balls were tight and heavy, and his belly felt like it was full of magma. This time when Sand slid his lips all the way down Satoshi's cock, he swallowed hard several times in quick succession, humming a little. Between the vibration and the rhythmic contractions of Sand's throat muscles, Satoshi could feel his balls tightening painfully. Sand pressed down even more firmly on Satoshi's prostate, and Satoshi gasped and stifled a scream as white light exploded behind his eyes and his balls emptied convulsively. Sand kept swallowing as Satoshi's cum poured down his throat, the continuing swallowing milking every last drop from Satoshi. Sand drew back slowly, letting the last few spurts coat his tongue, and he savored the taste of Satoshi with a purr of delight. He released Satoshi's softening cock, lapping at it a few times to make sure he had captured every last drop of cum before he sat up, his blue eyes sparkling as he deftly tucked Satoshi's cock back into his boxers and closed his cargoes.

    Sand pulled Satoshi into a kiss, letting Satoshi taste himself on Sand's tongue. They broke quickly, and Sand reached out to tug a few locks of Satoshi's hair back into place.

    "You look delicious," Sand purred, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Have I told you how much I love it when you're wicked and daring?"

    "Not since our motorcycle ride," Satoshi retorted, but despite his pink cheeks, a sweet smile played across his lips, and his eyes were as bright as Sand's eyes. "We'd better get to the hospital, before Kenji's released without us, and we find him sitting on the curb."

    Sand grinned and tucked his own cock away, zipped his jeans and stole one more kiss. "I believe we are ready," he said, chuckling as Satoshi lit a cigarette before pulling out to park properly in the hospital's parking lot.

  3. Sand opened his bond all the way, and let his bottomless love for Satoshi pour out as he pulled Satoshi into his arms. Sand rarely wept, but he had tears streaming down his face as he held Satoshi, and his voice shook when he spoke.

    "In all the long years of my life, I have never known anyone quite like you, cormamin. In one simple stroke, you have done something I did not believe possible." Sand pulled back a little, looking into Satoshi's eyes. "I feared the taint of Luskan. I feared that the darkness of that place had infected my soul, but I know now that it has not. I could never hurt you, or Ryuu, or any of our family because I am so in love with you that there is no room left for the darkness. You are a bright light that bathes every corner of my soul, and banishes the shadows."

    Sand leaned in and kissed Satoshi with infinite tenderness. He nibbled softly on the heavily pierced lower lip, coaxing Satoshi's sweet mouth open, and delving into it in a languid and loving kiss that offered everything that Sand was. Satoshi froze for a moment and then began to return the kiss, until he was delving into Sand equally. Satoshi could feel Sand's soul twining with his as they kissed, and he tasted the salt of Sand's tears on his husband's lips. Sand did not care if they were seen, knowing only that he needed this closeness, needed to hold his husband and kiss him.

    The kiss grew more heated, and Sand's hands slid into Satoshi's hair as he deepened the kiss, moaning a little. Sand's hands drifted lower, his slim fingers tracing over Satoshi's pierced nipples through his shirt, and it was Satoshi's turn to moan into the kiss. They finally needed to break for air, and Satoshi looked into Sand's blue eyes, seeing love and desire and heat mixed.

    "Satoshi, saiai, a'mael," Sand breathed, his cock uncomfortably hard in his tight jeans. "I promise you this. I will spend every day loving you, and making love to you, and arguing with you, and being an idiot and driving you insane, and I promise that every day loving you will be the first thought I have. This is sadly not the time or place, or I would begin this very moment." Sand took Satoshi's hand and laid it on his groin, letting Satoshi feel the thick hard cock beneath the denim. "The things you do to me, mela en' coiamin, love of my life." Sand chuckled a little breathlessly. "Never stop, alright?"

  4. After he had eaten, Sand went in search of Vale, finding him as Vale came down the stairs with Hikaru in his arms, both of them with slightly damp hair from their shower.

    "Good morning, anoramin," Sand said, leaning in to kiss Vale sweetly as Hikaru reached for a handful of Sand's hair. "Do you have a moment?"

    "Just let me get my savage here a teething rusk, and I'm good," Vale replied. He deftly freed Sand's hair and handed Hikaru a rusk, earning a happy shriek. "What's on your mind, ithilamin?"

    "Yori," Sand replied. "He lives in constant pain from his injury, and the doctors have done nothing but make it worse. I have an idea, but I will need your help."

    "Of course," Vale replied, his green eyes wide. "Anything I can do."

    "I will require some fresh troll's blood." Sand looked at Vale with a small smile. "I will also need a small barrel of water from the Shining Spring in Evereska."

    Vale chuckled, amused. "That's what I love about you, ithilamin. You always ask for the most interesting things. What are we doing with the potion when it's done? You know how everyone frowns on our free and easy use of magic." Hikaru looked up from his rusk, his green eyes so much like Vale's and cooed.

    "I had contemplated a small variation on our cover story for Yuji's treatment. Do you think we can arrange to have some research on speculative and highly unorthodox stem cell treatments being used to regenerate damaged nerves and tissue?" Sand arched a brow as Vale's eyes lit up.

    "Easiest thing in the world," Vale replied, delighted at the chance to indulge in a little subterfuge. "We can even see if Hideko will play with us. She's a nurse, after all, and we can have her inject Yori with saline and some vitamins, and then ask him to drink a special supplement to build him up a bit. The potion can be added to the supplement so that we don't get a dramatic and instantaneous cure that will earn us a good dose of finger wagging and scowls. The spring water... hmmm... we can call that a proprietary cleaning solution, and have Hideko bathe the arm with it, maybe even leave it on cotton toweling to soak a bit."

    Sand looked at Vale in admiration as he worked out a very plausible scheme in mere moments. Vale caught Sand's look and burst out laughing, which made Hikaru laugh as well.

    "Don't look so astonished, ithilamin. It's what the Cloaktower's paid me to do all these years," Vale laughed.

    Sand kissed Vale again. "You have an enchantingly devious mind, anoramin. You could give lessons to pit fiends."

    "Where do you think I learned it?" Vale grinned. Hikaru reached out and tugged sharply on Vale's hair until Vale nuzzled him. "Take your laptop with you. I'll have the reports to you by the time you get to Kenji's house. The hard part is going to be convincing Yuji to let me run off and hunt trolls. I could bring him along, though, set him up with a crossbow loaded with bolts of fire and wrap him in some protections." Vale laughed. "We can call it a date."

    Sand chuckled, imagining Yuji's reaction to that. "I do appreciate the help, anoramin."

    Vale waved him off, still grinning. "Go take care of Kenji and Yori. I'll have you some troll's blood before you know it. Just try not to kill the poor boy with the taste."

    Sand went back to Satoshi, finishing in the kitchen with Ryuu as they tidied up from their breakfast.

    "I am sorry I missed cleaning up," Sand said, his love for his husband and their son welling up. "I needed to speak to Vale for a moment. Are we ready to go to the hospital?"

    Satoshi gave Ryuu a last hug and kiss. "Don't be too hard on Hawk. He can't help being a silly elf."

    Ryuu giggled. "I'll try not to laugh at him too much, chichi." He held his arms out for a hug and a kiss from Sand as well. "You'll make it alright, tousan."

    Satoshi started the car while Sand got in, his laptop in his hand. Satoshi looked at it curiously, and Sand smiled as Satoshi drove slowly to the gate.

    "Vale is going to send me some research reports, about how stem cell treatments are being used to repair damaged nerves and tissue. That will be our story, while we slip Yori small doses of a potion that I will make. The potion will hopefully regenerate nerves and tissues in Yori's arm, but not all at once as it would do if he drank the potion down all at once." Sand watched Satoshi's face as he thought about what Sand was saying.

    "This will make his arm whole again?" Satoshi asked, wonder in his voice.

    Sand sighed a little. "It has been so long since the injury, but I am very hopeful that some function will be recovered, and that the pain of the damaged nerves will ease. I am also going to add something that will relieve the addiction to the pain relievers that Yori takes constantly. I have also asked Vale to get water from the healing springs back home. Elves have regenerated lost limbs while soaking in the springs."

    Satoshi lit a cigarette, rolling down the window a bit. Traffic was brisk but moving well, and he kept his eyes on the road as he spoke. "This could be overwhelming for Yori. You get used to having the pain, after a while. I've had it in my heart for so long, and now I'm not sure how to be half the time with it gone."

    "I understand what you are saying, cormamin. That is why I think we need to administer the potion in small doses. Vale said to call it a vitamin supplement. The water from the healing springs will be a special cleaning solution." Sand looked at Satoshi as he drove. "It will give Yori and Kenji a chance to love each other without all the hurt and bitterness between them. Vale thinks we should ask Hideko to put on her nurse's uniform and give Yori injections of plain saline and vitamins, and saying those are the treatment."

    Satoshi nodded, but he looked hopeful, and Sand was relieved, until he realized he would now have to keep his other promise and explain his reactions the day before to Satoshi. Difficult as it was for Sand to talk about his time in Luskan, it was more important to both keep his word to Satoshi, and to be completely open with Satoshi, even if it meant detailing his own past stupidity and arrogance.

    "I told you last night that I would explain what I meant when I said that I hurt myself." Sand looked out the windshield of the car, but he was not really seeing the scenery. "I told you about Luskan, and how my greed for arcane lore led me to serve the Hosttower there. I also told you how I was compelled to use magic to force prisoners to speak, or more often to make prisoners say what Luskan wanted them to say. At first it was the most horrifying thing imaginable, a completely hideous use of magic. After I was punished for refusing to question some poor hapless bastard, after I realized that I could not endure much more punishment like that, it was easier to just do as I was told. Too much easier, in fact, and I found myself falling deeper and deeper into the pit. I was becoming Luskan, or so I believed."

    Sand sat quietly for a moment before resuming. "On the vacation, K and I took you hard. You have reassured me that we did not hurt you, and I will believe you. But part of me enjoyed how hard we took you. Part of me enjoys when I take you hard, even now, and I fear that part of me. I fear sliding into Luskan ways, and I fear what I could do to you in that state."

  5. Sand smiled and undressed quickly, slipping onto the futon and under the covers, sitting beside Satoshi. "I thought it best that I see if Yori had returned." Sand wrapped his arms around Satoshi. "I hoped to be back before you woke, cormamin, but I am glad, in a way, that you know that I have returned. I will always return."

    Satoshi fell into the embrace, his arms tight around Sand, his soft sobs already ceasing. "I could feel you. I could feel your love." He tucked his head into Sand's shoulder, where Sand's neck met his shoulder, and Sand could feel Satoshi relaxing.

    "How do you feel, saiai?" Sand pressed a very soft kiss to Satoshi's amethyst hair. "Are you thirsty?"

    "A little," Satoshi admitted, and Sand reached for a bottle of water, offering it to Satoshi. Satoshi took it and drank, the cool water feeling wonderful on his suddenly parched throat. He finished half the bottle, leaning into Sand's embrace, still amazed by the unconditional love that Sand offered. "Is Yuji still pissed?"

    Sand kissed Satoshi's head again. "No, he is not, my heart. I will let him tell you himself tomorrow, but I believe he regrets his temper earlier." Sand could feel that the effects of the pot had largely worn off, and Satoshi was tentative and unsure. Sand opened his bond and let a wave of love wash out over Satoshi. "We will go to the hospital in the morning, and see how Kenji is feeling. I am hopeful that he will be released tomorrow, and we can bring him home."

    Satoshi sighed a little. "Will Yori be there?"

    "Yes, he will, and I need to talk to Vale tomorrow. I think we may be able to help Yori." Sand took the water bottle and put it aside and laid back on the pillows, holding his arms open for Satoshi to join him. "The damage is extensive, and the surgeries have made it worse. The medications have become necessary in far too many ways, but I think there might be a way to help him."

    "Really?" Satoshi curled up in Sand's arms, snuggling close and letting the warmth of Sand's skin soothe him. "How?"

    "Fake injections and a rather rare and particular potion, with a few modifications of my own." Sand chuckled a little. "I will explain on the way to the hospital, but the story concocted for Yuji's father gave me an idea. There are potions that can regenerate lost limbs, and heal dire wounds. It may not be too late to repair Yori's arm, or at least give him back some function and ease the constant pain."

    "You can do that?" Satoshi murmured, his eyes starting to close.

    "I can try, saiai." Sand listened as Satoshi's breathing evened out, and he cradled his husband close and let himself drift into reverie, pondering an additional treatment that could possibly enhance the potion's effects. He would ask his mother...

  6. Sand reached out and eased the kimono back up over Yori's shoulder. "I do not know if Satoshi ever mentioned to you about Yuji's cancer. Yuji's husband Vale and I have a friend, who knows someone doing some very sophisticated research using stem cells. This person developed a treatment that completely cured Yuji's cancer. I can ask if there might be something in development that would help you." Sand shrugged lightly. "It is very cutting edge research, just barely on the right side of being legal, but the research reports I have seen are extraordinary."

    Yori looked at Sand, not even his tears capable of rendering him anything other than beautiful. There was the tiniest flicker of hope in his dark eyes. "How did the treatment cure Yuji's cancer? There's no cure that I've ever heard of."

    "I am no doctor, Yori-san. All I know is that Yuji was dying and now he is completely free of all signs of cancer. He has not been this healthy in years." Sand brushed some of the tears from Yori's face with a square of soft white linen that he plucked from a pocket of his robe. "If nothing else, if it can relieve some of the pain, it is worth the try."

    Yori gave a derisive snort. "Masato-san, i have tried every possible remedy out there, including many that were outright fucking illegal. If this friend can arrange something, I can come up with the money somehow. I don't want to leave Kenji, but I can't do this anymore. At some point, the hatred is going to become what's real, not the love, and I'd rather die than have that happen."

    Sand nodded. "I would not worry about money. Yuji's treatment was part of a research study, and there was no charge. If you are accepted as a candidate for the treatment, it will most likely be without cost to you."

    "Do it, Masato-san. I'll try anything, I mean it." Yori looked at Sand with such anguish. "I can't bear it any longer."

  7. "Satoshi?" Sand dropped to his knees beside his husband, pulling Satoshi into his arms. "Oh, cormamin. I am so sorry I left you alone. Can you forgive me?"

    Satoshi just buried his face in Sand's shoulder, shaking as he sobbed. "Is Kenji dead?"

    "Kenji is on his way to the hospital, quite alive." Sand pressed a kiss to Satoshi's temple, stroking his hair gently. "He dislocated a shoulder, broke a couple of ribs and has a most impressive knot on his head, but he is alive, and alert, and asked me to tell you not to worry about him. We can visit him tomorrow if that pleases you."

    "Maybe," Satoshi mumbled, pressing his face closer into Sand's shoulder. Sand continued to stroke Satoshi's hair and back for a few more minutes as Satoshi's sobs slowed down gradually. Finally, Satoshi sniffled and murmured, "I'm sorry. I disappointed you. I always fuck up. I ruin everything."

    Sand listened to the litany, the same things Satoshi had been saying when Sand returned. "Satoshi, saiai, you have not disappointed me, and you have not ruined everything. And if anyone has fucked up, it would be me."

    Satoshi got very still when he heard Sand call him beloved, the word falling so easily from Sand's lips and Satoshi dared to open up the barest fraction, enough to feel Sand, and the love that Sand offered. He pulled his head out of Sand's shoulder, but still refused to meet his husband's eyes. "You didn't fuck up, you never do."

    "But I did," Sand replied. "I should not have left you to go and train. I should have stayed with you. You were hurt and angry and upset, and I went off to train instead of being there to listen. I am a poor husband sometimes, saiai."

    Satoshi lifted his head all the way, looking at Sand, looking into the elf's blue eyes and seeing only love. "Why did you call me that?"

    Sand reached out and touched Satoshi's cheek. "The word is beautiful in your language, as beautiful as it is in mine. A'mael, saiai. Both beautiful, but neither as beautiful as you. You are my beloved, now and until time itself ends."

    Fresh tears rolled down Satoshi's cheeks, but these tears were softer. "How can you do that? How can you still love me no matter how I fuck up?"

    "Did we not promise to fail each other spectacularly?" Sand smiled, his eyes warm and tender. "We never asked each other to be perfect. All we asked was that we love each other, always, and so I always love you." Sand took Satoshi's hand and stroked the rose gold braided ring on Satoshi's left ring finger, identical to the one on Sand's left ring finger. "Each day, I love you more."

    "I hurt you," Satoshi said, but he still did not look away.

    Sand drew in a breath and let it out slowly. "It would be more accurate to say that I hurt myself. I am often stubborn, and I cannot quite believe that I do not hurt you when we love so fiercely. I do take what I want, when I want it, and I do take you hard, and part of me fears that I am sliding into my own past, when I was a thrall of the Hosttower in Luskan." Sand held up a slim hand when Satoshi looked puzzled. "I promise you that I will explain, but not tonight, cormamin. Too much already weighs on both our hearts. I am going to call Yuji, and ask him to come for us."

    Satoshi shivered a little, knowing that Yuji would be furious, but he nodded and leaned back into Sand, exhausted and trembling. Sand cradled Satoshi close as he took out his cell phone and dialed Yuji. Sand quickly explained that he needed Yuji to drive out to Kenji's house and collect them, and when Yuji asked if he should bring someone to drive Satoshi's car back, Sand agreed that it would be wise. Sand ended the call, and looked at Satoshi, his eyes still showing the effects of the potent pot. Sand turned his head toward the door and spoke softly. "Ota Jun?"

    The door slid open and the young servant entered, bowing deeply. "Mori-sama, how may I assist?"

    "Hayashi-sama is coming to pick us up, and he will have someone to take Mori-sama's car as well. Please see that they can enter the estate, and if you could, we could use some cool water." Sand bowed a little as Ota Jun bowed again and hurried off to comply. The young servant returned minutes later with bottles of cold water and a pot of tea, leaving the tray with another deep bow and leaving to meet the car.

    "Drink, my heart." Sand opened a bottle of water and handed it to Satoshi, and watched until Satoshi had managed to drink half of it. He poured himself some tea and sipped it, holding Satoshi close until Ota Jun slid the door open to tell Sand that the car had arrived.

    Ota Jun carried the bags for Sand as Sand helped Satoshi to stand and kept an arm wrapped tightly around Satoshi's waist. Yuji had brought Tsutomo with him to drive Satoshi's car home, and Tsutomo embraced Satoshi and Sand with his usual wide smile as he helped Satoshi into the back seat. Sand made sure Satoshi had his water, and then tossed the bags in the boot before getting in next to Yuji, who had a face like a thundercloud.

    Yuji waited until they had pulled out of the gates of Kenji's estate before he growled, "I can't believe you did this, Satoshi. What the fuck were you thinking?"

    Satoshi shrank down in the seat, his eyes welling and Sand leveled a sharp look at Yuji. "Whatever my husband has done is between him and me. This is not your concern." Sand's voice was level and stern, and Satoshi looked at Sand, wide-eyed.

    "Not my concern?" Yuji began, and then he flicked a quick glance at Sand, and subsided. "Fine. He's your husband. You deal with it. It doesn't mean I'm not fucking disappointed in him."

    "Your disappointment is duly noted," Sand said dryly, and then turned to talk to Satoshi. "We will go and see Kenji in the morning, cormamin. Perhaps we will even be able to bring him home."

    Yuji flashed another glance at Sand. "What happened?"

    "We can talk at home." Sand's voice was still firm, and Yuji nodded, lighting a cigarette and concentrating on driving.

    When they arrived home, Sand gave Tsutomo another hug, thanking him for coming out to help with Satoshi's car, and sending his love home to Hideko, Tomio and Sora. Sand helped Satoshi out of the car, Satoshi still wobbly, and he took Satoshi straight up to their room, ignoring Vale's wide-eyed look from the couch.

    "Come, saiai, let us get you into bed. What you need is to rest." Sand helped Satoshi to undress and get into pajama bottoms and a comfortably worn t-shirt.

    "What you said to Yuji," Satoshi began, his voice trembling a little. "That it's between you and me. I thought he'd explode, but he didn't."

    Sand offered Satoshi some more water, and watched as Satoshi drank it gratefully. "I wear your ring on my left hand. You are my first, and I am yours. I do not question that Vale is his first, and I expect him to do the same." Sand helped Satoshi under the covers, and then stripped down to sleep pants and slid in beside Satoshi, holding him close and kissing him tenderly. "You and Ryuu are my life, and I will spend the rest of my life protecting you both, as I know you will do for Ryuu and for me. I love my other spouses and all of our children fiercely, but you are my heart, my saiai."

    For the first time since Kenji had exploded, Satoshi smiled. It was a very tremulous smile, and small, but it lifted Sand's heart and he cradled his husband to his chest.

    "I'm tired, poldoramin. I'm so tired," Satoshi whispered.

    "Then rest here in my arms," Sand murmured. "I have you, and I will never let you go."

    Satoshi smiled again, and let his beautiful eyes slowly close as he gave in to sleep. Sand held Satoshi until he was deeply asleep, and then he pressed a last kiss on Satoshi's head and carefully slid out of bed, dressing quickly in elven clothing and padding downstairs to find Yuji.

    Yuji was in the garden smoking, and Sand sat beside him, pulling on his soft doeskin boots.

    "Going somewhere?" Yuji asked.

    "I need to find Yori," Sand replied. "Kenji told Satoshi that his mother is gravely ill. She is dying, actually, and asked Kenji to approach Satoshi. She is looking for forgiveness." Sand's flat tone made it quite clear how little he thought of that notion. "Satoshi was quite upset, and Kenji refused to let him train. I was foolish enough to train, however, and while I was with Kenji, Satoshi went to drown his anger with Yori."

    "And they smoked pot." Yuji shook his head. "Stupid."

    "But understandable," Sand replied. "I should have stayed with him. I should have taken him home right away, but I did not, and part of any blame should rest with me. Satoshi needed me, and I was not there."

    Yuji looked at Sand. "Don't take it all on yourself. Satoshi does this sometimes. He fucks up royally, and I think it's to see if we'll still love him. He keeps waiting for us to stop one day." Yuji rubbed a hand across his eyes tiredly. "And I scream at him, and he falls apart, and we put him back together the best we can until the next time."

    Sand pulled Yuji close, looking into his perfect eyes. "You have always been there for him. Now it is my turn." Sand kissed Yuji softly. "I will never willingly hurt him."

    Yuji reached up and stroked Sand's cheek and smiled a little. "I know that. It's habit, I guess, to think I need to be the one." He sighed and sat back, lighting another cigarette. "So what happened with Kenji?"

    Sand sighed. "Kenji was furious with Yori, and they fought. Not just words, blows were exchanged. Yori poured out his heart, angry, bitter words, and he walked out. Kenji followed him, there was a scream, and when we got outside, Kenji was at the bottom of the hill, and Yori walked away." Sand's eyes reflected the pain of the memory. "An ambulance was sent for, and I waited with Kenji until it came. His injuries are painful, but they will heal quickly. It is Yori who concerns me now. Such pain in him as well."

    "What can you do?" Yuji asked. "It's between them."

    "I do not know," Sand admitted. "I simply know that I cannot sit here without acting."

    "Do you want a ride?" Yuji asked.

    Sand shook his head, smiling a little. "I think I can manage. I know the training ground well enough to travel there in my own fashion. I will be back as soon as I can."

    Sand murmured his spell and teleported himself to the training grounds on Kenji's estate. The house was dark except for a light burning in the main room, and Sand hurried up to the walkway, sliding the door open.

    Yori was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room on a thick white pad, candles lighting the room gently. The young man was wearing his long white kimono, and a pair of black silk pants, and in front of him was a small table with a tantō resting on it, a strip of pure white cotton cloth wrapped around the blade below the hilt. A beautifully made katana rested by Yori's side, and he was smoking a cigarette, his left arm on his lap. The young man looked up at Sand, his eyes unreadable.

    "Masato-san." Yori bowed without standing, and Sand returned the bow without thinking, his eyes wide as he looked at the tantō. "I'm glad you came, actually. I can apologize for my behavior earlier."

    "Yori-san." Sand marveled at Yori's composure. "I am glad to find you here. Kenji is in the hospital. His injuries are painful but not life-threatening, and I do not believe he will be there for long."

    Yori nodded slowly. "I'm glad to hear that." Something flickered in those beautiful eyes. "I said things earlier, things I shouldn't have said. One thing was true, though. I wish I had died." He gestured at the tantō in front of him, the katana beside him. "I was hoping to fix that, but, as you can see, I can't even do this right anymore."

    Sand's eyes widened a little as he realized what Yori meant. Yori had been contemplating seppuku, ritual suicide, and without thinking, Sand crossed to Yori's side and knelt beside the younger man.

    "I don't suppose you'd be willing to be my second?" Yori asked, and the grief in his voice undid Sand. "You can strike as soon as I pick up the tantō. You don't have to wait for me to make the cut."

    Sand looked at the pale and beautiful face of the young man. "Yori-san, please do not do this. It will kill him to lose you."

    A single tear traced its way down Yori's cheek. "It's killing him to watch me like this, and I love him too much to keep doing this to him. Help me end it."

    Sand shook his head, his own eyes darkening with sorrow, and he reached out to pull Yori close, cradling Yori the way Hawk had cradled Sand when he was an elfling. "Talk to me, Yori-san. I will listen."

  8. Sand was frozen, utterly shocked by what had just played out in front of his eyes, while Satoshi looked down at Kenji in horror, howling. Satoshi's frantic screams had summoned Kenji's housekeeper, and Sand snapped out of his momentary shock as the housekeeper looked him in alarm. He handed her his cell phone.

    "Please, will you have someone take Mori-sama someplace quiet, and then summon the proper authorities? We will require an ambulance, I believe." Sand reached out to touch Satoshi's shoulder, and Satoshi flinched away as he pressed himself against the wall of the house, his fingers in his mouth. Sand felt a wave of grief wash over him, but he needed to see to Kenji before he could take care of Satoshi.

    Another servant materialized, and Sand turned to Satoshi, speaking gently but firmly, his hands at his sides. "Satoshi? Look at me please." Satoshi made a small noise, his fingers darting up to touch his hair before fluttering back to his mouth, but he looked up at Sand, the agony in his eyes unbearable to the elf. "Please follow this person into the house. It will be quiet and safe there, cormamin, and I will return to you as soon as I can. I will take care of Kenji, I promise."

    Satoshi did not answer, but he followed the servant away meekly enough, his eyes back on the ground and his fingers playing around his piercings.

    Sand looked over at the housekeeper, her face still a mask of worry. "The ambulance is coming?"

    "Yes, Mori-sama," the housekeeper replied, returning Sand's cell phone.

    "Very good. I am going to get a blanket and then go to Ishikawa-sama." Sand hurried into Yori's room, snatched up the bag of pot and the ashtray full of finished ends, and shoved them into a towel which he stuck in the dresser after rendering it invisible. He looked around and found some incense, and lit a stick to mask any residual odor from the pot, although with both room doors having been left open in the turmoil, the room had cleared out considerably. Nothing else seemed overly worrisome, and Sand grabbed a quilt from the bed and hurried back outside.

    Just past Yori's room, there were steps leading to ground level, and a path with stairs that led to the school grounds. Sand ran halfway down the path, flying down the steps with heedless grace, and then abandoned the path in favor of tearing down a gentle slope to where Kenji lay.

    "Kenji-san?" Sand dropped to one knee, his eyes narrowed slightly as he assessed Kenji's condition. Kenji's left shoulder was visibly dislocated, and he had an impressive welt on his head, along with numerous cuts and bruises. Sand's slim fingers flew delicately across Kenji's ribcage, and Sand could feel a couple of ribs that were definitely broken, although Sand did not think they had punctured a lung. "Don't move yet, Kenji-san."

    Kenji looked up at Sand, his face pale, and he managed a small nod. "My shoulder..."

    Sand finished checking Kenji for any other broken bones. "Is dislocated, at the very least. Can you move your legs?"

    Kenji flexed one leg, and then the other.

    "Very good," Sand said, his voice calm and crisp. "An ambulance is on the way. Given the welt on your head, I would think you will need observation overnight to make sure you do not have more than a mild concussion. You most assuredly have a couple of broken ribs that will need binding, and there is your shoulder, of course. Do I have your permission to remove your shirt?"

    Kenji looked at Sand for a long moment. "Is everything...?" He waved at Sand to do what he needed, and Sand peeled off his jacket, rolling it before he eased Kenji onto his back with the jacket beneath his head.

    "I tidied up," Sand said simply, and unbuttoned Kenji's shirt enough to look at his shoulder. There was considerable bruising already, and Sand pulled the shirt back over Kenji's shoulder. "I cannot tell how much damage there is to the muscle or tendons, and I think it better if we wait for the ambulance attendants to see to that shoulder. I could attempt to reseat it, but I might do more damage than good." Sand draped the blanket over Kenji, his blue eyes dark with concern as he settled in to await the ambulance.

  9. Sand took in the sight of his beautiful husband, flat on the tatami mat floor of Yori's room, both young men utterly stoned out of their minds on what smelled like very good pot. More than very good, Sand decided. It was abysmal timing, given Satoshi's emotional state, and Sand wondered if he would be able to render Satoshi presentable before the morning. Certainly, driving home was out of the question, and given the laws in Japan governing illegal drugs, laws he had researched, Sand did not think the train was a particularly good idea either. A small part of Sand was actually pissed at Satoshi, for the risk to Kenji should anyone find out. An even smaller part of Sand was a little hurt and stung by Satoshi's words, although the rational part of Sand's mind reminded him that it was the pot talking.

    "A warrior, am I?" Sand chuckled a little. "You did not stay long enough then, to see Kenji trounce me thoroughly."

    Satoshi began to giggle again. "So, I don't get ravished in celebration?" He writhed again, a little more golden skin being revealed, and Yori giggled with him.

    Sand held out his hand to Satoshi, pretending to consider Satoshi's words. "We could perhaps arrange for ravishment later."

    Satoshi reached up his hand, but turned his head to look at Yori, giggling so hard he could barely talk. "Oh, I'm sure he's willing. Sand loves to fuck. And he takes what he wants, when he wants it. Hard."

    "So smoke a little with us, Masato-san. This shit can make even an elf see purple monkeys." Yori began to giggle again. "Or is it Sand-san?" That sent Satoshi into fits of giggles all over again.

    Sand sucked in a quick breath, his stomach clenching almost painfully as he heard Satoshi's words. For a moment, he could hear the roar of the crowds at Carnivale in Luskan, cheering as some hapless prisoner was slowly torn asunder, some prisoner that he might have been forced to question, or risk a beating that would take more than a tenday to recover from, one that might have left him with shattered bones or, worse, shattered hands. Sand had to forcibly remind himself that Satoshi did not know what he was saying, and could not, in this state, have realized how it would hurt Sand. And then the vacation flashed past Sand's inner eye, and a night in the hot tub when he and K had taken Satoshi until he had lost consciousness. Once again, Sand wondered if he was indeed that tainted by Luskan.

    Sand managed a smile, hoping that Satoshi would not notice that it did not touch his eyes. "Very amusing, the pair of you silly young things. Come, my heart. Give me your hand."

    Sand managed to get Satoshi to his feet, and almost immediately wondered why. Satoshi pressed himself against Sand, his hands busily tugging Sand's shirt and trying to pull it out of the waistband of his jeans until Sand's shirt buttons distracted Satoshi. Yori was watching Sand with an intent and predatory gaze, the tip of his pink tongue peeking out to swipe his lips.

  10. Satoshi looked at Sand as Kenji walked away. Sand looked Satoshi in the eyes, his own blue eyes showing only love and concern.

    "He is right, cormamin. You are in no fit state to train, not with Ishikawa-sensei, and not with me. I will not chance it, not when you are this upset." Sand made a small helpless gesture. "I am not upset with you, Satoshi. You know this is true. And I will not question your decision regarding your mother. In fact, I will support you however you choose. But for today, my heart, it is best if you do not go near a weapon."

    "Will you train?" Satoshi looked at Sand, radiating anger and distress. Sand knew it was not truly directed at him, and he had no intention of taking offense. Instead, he reached out to touch Satoshi's arm.

    "I will train, today, yes, with Ishikawa-sensei. And then, my heart, we will go home and I will listen. I am your husband, Satoshi, and I will stand by you. Do not doubt that."

    Satoshi nodded, his lips clamped together as if to bite back any words that might escape, and Sand sighed as he headed into the dressing room to prepare. He changed quickly, donning his hakama and kimono, tying his belt perfectly and tying his sandals with care. He braided his hair quickly into a single thick braid and hurried down to the training ground, where he bowed deeply to Kenji. Satoshi was sitting on the bench in the little garden, waiting to watch Sand and Kenji train, and smoking a cigarette. He had clamped down on his bond, only the faintest of connections remaining open, which was a sure indication to Sand that Satoshi was nowhere near calming down. Sand gave a mental sigh as he held his bow for the correct amount of time, clearing his mind and preparing to focus on the training session alone.

    Kenji returned Sand's bow and handed Sand his practice katana, asking him to assume one of the simpler beginning stances. Sand bowed his head and complied, nodding when Kenji corrected his grip. Kenji demonstrated each movement, and Sand copied each movement, with Kenji correcting him and making him repeat each movement until it was flawless. Only then was Sand allowed to execute them in sequence, and he endured another round of corrections, thanking Kenji for his attention to Sand's mistakes.

    After several repetitions, Sand was allowed to practice the exercise against Kenji. Kenji did not relent in his demand for perfection from Sand, and Sand was forced to work hard to avoid getting smacked with Kenji's practice katana. The exercise did prove valuable, and Sand was able to use some of the movements to parry Kenji's relentless attack, but Kenji got through enough to make Sand narrow his eyes and focus even harder, watching Kenji to see if he could spot any slight movements that would give away Kenji's next attack..

    Sand's braid was damp with sweat by the time Kenji called for a halt, and Sand bowed deeply, regulating his breathing the way he had been taught as an elfling.

    "Masato-san, you are showing progress. You still think of your weapon as what you are used to, however. A katana is not a two-edged weapon, nor is the blade straight. If you use it the way you use your song sword, you will never attain proficiency. You must unlearn what you have learned." Kenji's voice was stern but not unkind, the voice of a master instructing a student, and Sand bowed again in acknowledgment.

    "Yes, Ishikawa-sensei. I thank you for illuminating my errors, and I will strive to correct myself." Sand straightened, and only then did Kenji relax a little and smile.

    "You're doing very well, Masato-san. I meant what I said about what your mistakes, though. But your prior training isn't entirely a bad thing." Kenji took Sand's practice katana. "You understand defense and attack, and the difference between them, and you watch your opponent closely. Those are excellent skills, and I have no doubt that you'll make progress quickly."

    "Thank you, Kenji-san. In truth, I find this style of sword to be both challenging and intriguing. I know I am making errors in my approach, but I am beginning to see why what you show me works so well. That is half the struggle, yes?" Sand smiled, looking at the man he was pleased to think of as a friend.

    Sand looked up at the garden, but Satoshi was gone, and he frowned slightly. Kenji caught Sand's frown, and patted his shoulder.

    "Don't worry about it, Masato-san. Go and shower, and dress. Satoshi is probably with Yori, in his room, most likely listening to music." Kenji smiled. "When you;re ready, I'll show you where Yori's room is."

    "Thank you, Kenji-san." Sand hurried to the dressing room, removing his hakama and kimono and folding them precisely, placing them in his bag along with his sandals. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his hips before heading to the shower, loosening his braid as he went, the thick ropes of scar tissue on his back bunching as he moved. Sand showered thoroughly, scrubbing the sweat from his body and then he dried off and returned to the dressing room. Once dressed, he went back out to the walkway to meet Kenji.

  11. Sora moaned as she felt that delicious heat building again, Hawk's thick cock filling her as perfectly as it had the last time they had made love. He knew exactly how to move, how to push her over the edge and hold her there until she was a quivering ball of sensation. She could feel the first tremors rippling through her, her already tight walls gripping Hawk's cock hard enough to make him groan, and then she remembered Hawk's favorite trick, how he could hold off his own orgasm until he had reduced her to a quivering wreck. Sora bent her head and caught the tip of Hawk's ear between her teeth, nipping lightly and then suckling the delicate point. Hawk groaned, his hips bucking involuntarily, and Sora screamed as that last thrust, combined with Hawk's hot mouth on her nipple, tumbled her over the edge as his cock slid across her clit in just the right way.

    Hawk never had a chance as Sora ground down on his cock at the same time as she nipped his ear. While he had intended to try and hold back his own release, the incredible sensation of Sora's pussy contracting rhythmically around his cock coupled with the ear nip undid him completely, and Hawk howled as his balls tightened, and he came harder than he remembered ever coming before. Sora's back arched at the same time, and Hawk clung tightly to her as she fisted her hands in his hair, writhing on his cock as his cum filled her with liquid heat. Hawk sobbed her name as he clung to her, feeling her shiver through the last of her own orgasm, and he buried his face between her pert breasts as he shuddered.

    They clung to each other for a few minutes, their breathing still ragged, and Sora giggled a little as Hawk nuzzled her breasts. "That was a lot more... loud than I remember."

    Hawk started to laugh. "That was even better than I remembered, and I remembered how no one ever came close to making me feel the way you did."

    "I'll take that as a compliment, faralin," Sora teased, and leaned in for a kiss, her fingers still tangled in his silky hair.

    "Vanimaer," Hawk breathed, and kissed her gladly, losing himself in the taste of her lips. He eased her off his softening cock, and they sank down to the futon, curling up in each others' arms, Sora nestling in close to his chest and falling asleep as Hawk watched, feeling utterly content for the first time since Lord Sathoness had approached him, over sixty years ago.

    Hawk came out of reverie at dawn, and his heart soared anew as he looked at Sora, still curled up in his embrace, her face blissful in sleep. He feathered a kiss on her brow, watching her smile in her sleep, and he smiled with her, loving her more than he had ever believed possible. Something glinted on the nightstand in the first rays of sunlight, and Hawk reached out and picked it up, puzzled for a moment, and then his face grew radiant as he recognized the slender mithral band with the moonstone set in a gentle curve of lotus. It was the ring an Iradil traditionally gave to a betrothed, and he made a note to thank Sand later. In the meantime, Hawk contented himself with watching Sora sleep.

  12. Sand flew out the door, Satoshi on his heels, and they tore around the walkway in the direction of Ryuu's wails. Sand had pulled on sleep pants, and Satoshi had managed a t-shirt in addition to his pajama pants, but the two men had not bothered with anything else in their haste to get to their son. As they got closer to the hydrangea bush, Sand could see the tricycle, and he vaulted over the railing of the walkway without pausing. Satoshi followed with equally reckless haste as Sand pulled the tricycle out of the bush to reveal a howling Ryuu, his face streaked with tears and blood.

    "Ryuu!" Sand dropped the tricycle and bent into the bush, gathering Ryuu up in his arms carefully and lifting him out of the hydrangea. He turned and handed Ryuu to Satoshi, and Satoshi used his t-shirt to wipe away some of the blood and tears from Ryuu's face.

    "Where does it hurt, watashi no ryu?" Satoshi asked, pressing a kiss to Ryuu's head. "Tell chichi where it hurts, my dragon."

    Ryuu buried his face in Satoshi's t-shirt, smearing it further, and his voice was muffled by his father's chest. "My nose, and my chin, and my knees and then the tricycle felled on me and that hurts in my back and my legs," he sobbed, his small hands fisted in Satoshi's t-shirt.

    Sand felt his heart rate start to calm down and approach something normal as he watched Ryuu moving, realizing that nothing was broken. The little boy would have some scratches and scrapes, and an impressive set of bruises, but it was no worse that that, and Sand caught Satoshi's eye and sent love and reassurance through their bond.

    "Well, I think we will need to find mama's first aid kit and pick out some bandaids," Sand said, his voice full of love for his husband and his son. "Let us go inside."

    Sand took the tricycle and Satoshi carried Ryuu, whose sobs were fast dying down to mere sniffles as he burrowed into his chichi and was thoroughly cuddled.

    Hawk had paused when Sand and Satoshi flew past like madmen, but Vale waved him on, Hikaru in his arms. "The bloodcurdling screams have died down, and I'm sure everything's fine because I can feel Sand calming already. Go upstairs, before some other catastrophe happens and wakes Sora before you can."

    Hawk grinned, and hurried upstairs with his laden tray, not needed further encouragement. Vale turned back to the table and picked through the mail after handing Hikaru a teething rusk to gnaw. He pulled out two letters and sat down, taking a sip of his tea before opening the first letter and reading it with a growing smile. Willow was already in the kitchen digging out her first aid kit, with Aika hovering anxiously, ready to take care of her onii-san. Erion was rereading his letter, pointing out bits to Kansas with shining eyes, and Kansas nuzzled Erion's ear happily. Vale read the second letter, and then handed both to Yuji.

    "That's our third scholarship, and an offer to apply for an endowment to buy sound equipment for our recording studio," Vale said happily. Yuji took the letters and read them, his grin as wide as Vale's grin.

    Sand and Satoshi came in with their injured dragon, and Sand hurried to get warm wet cloths to clean off the worst of the mess. In deference to Willow and Satoshi, he did not offer to get a healing potion, contenting himself with cleaning up the mess from Ryuu's nosebleed, and dabbing very gently at the assorted scratches and scrapes Ryuu had amassed. Aika kissed some of the smaller scrapes tenderly, and earned a wobbly smile from Ryuu.

    "Onii-san flyed?" Aika asked, her eyes wide.

    Ryuu's eyes widened as he thought about that, and he launched into an enthusiastic description of his latest attempt at air travel, barely noticing the ointment and bandaids Willow was applying to the bigger scrapes. Yuji chuckled at all the right places, and even Satoshi and Sand were grinning by the end of Ryuu's tale, while Aika stared at him almost in awe. Hikaru let out a happy yelp and went back to molesting his teething rusk on Vale's lap, and the morning got back underway, with Satoshi realizing he needed to shower and get ready for work.

    Hawk slid the bedroom door closed quietly, and retrieved the laden tray from the floor. He set it on the nightstand and perched on the edge of the bed, watching Sora sleeping, her beautiful dark brown eyes closed and a small smile playing on her lips. Sora had retained the human habit of sleep, and Hawk loved to watch her when she was like this, her face unguarded and young and possibly the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Finally, he leaned over and kissed her lips tenderly, watching as her eyes fluttered open.

    "Good morning, faralin," Sora murmured, her smile growing as one slim hand slid into Hawk's raven hair.

    "Good morning, arwenamin, and happy birthday," Hawk replied, nibbling another soft kiss.

    Sora looked at the nightstand, and giggled a little, the slightly goofy giggle that ran straight to Hawk's heart. "What's all this?"

    "Breakfast in bed for my lady, of course." Hawk waited until Sora sat up, her hair loose and glossy as it fell around her shoulders, and then he handed her a cup of tea.

    Sora took the tea, still giggling a little. "Oh, I see. It's spoil the old lady day, is it?"

    "You're younger than a spring breeze, and you deserve to be spoiled," Hawk replied, arranging the various plates and bowls of a traditional Japanese breakfast on a bed tray which he set carefully over her lap. He left his dishes on the larger tray, and poured a cup of tea for himself.

    Sora sipped her tea, watching Hawk as he fussed, loving the graceful efficiency of his movements, and the bright gleam of his blue-grey eyes. "Well, this is a very nice way to be spoiled."

    "Oh, it's only the beginning, arwenamin," Hawk informed her, his own face wreathed in a smile. "I was out walking with Vale and the children the other day, getting my exercise, and we came across the most gorgeous park. It occurs to me that it'd be the perfect place for a picnic lunch and some cloudgazing."

    "Cloudgazing?" Sora laughed. "I haven't done that in so long. But there's a while before lunch."

    "Mm, there is," Hawk agreed, offering Sora a bite of perfectly prepared salmon. "After we eat our breakfast, I propose to help wash your back and then we can take a long and lazy soak in a nice hot bath. After that, I'm fairly sure the children want to snuggle with their sobo a little before I steal you away."

    Sora picked up a bite of the sweet breakfast omelette and offered it to Hawk. "That sounds lovely as well. So, a hot bath, and cuddles from my little ones, and cloudgazing with my faralin. Very nice."

    "I was also hoping to spirit you away for dinner tonight. I made arrangements for us to dine at the Calenlasse in Neverwinter." Hawk watched as Sora's eyes lit up. The Green Leaf was a new and very elegant elven inn that had opened recently in Neverwinter, and had one of the best wine cellars in the city along with an absolute genius of a chef. The rumor was that his dishes were so beautifully presented that several elves had almost wept to eat them and disturb the exquisite arrangements, but the perfectly cooked food had to be savored to be believed.

    "Oh, Hawk, really?" Sora leaned in and kissed him happily. "The Green Leaf? You really are trying to spoil me."

    "Trying?" Hawk laughed. "Hopefully I'll succeed, at least a little." He looked at Sora with love shining in her eyes. "Hopefully, it's the first day of a lifetime of spoiling you, vanimaeramin, my beautiful one."

    Sora's only answer to that was to kiss Hawk again, a lingering kiss that offered a great deal more than mere hope.

    The bath had been wonderfully lazy and luxurious, and Sora had curled up in Hawk's arms as they kissed tenderly. Cuddling with the children had been equally perfect, and Sora rejoiced in the joy her beloved magomusuko had found in their unique and loving family. Ryuu regaled Sora with the tale of his morning flying lesson, and Aika proudly pointed out the bandaid she had put on her onii-san's abused knee. Hikaru had reached out to Sora with a happy coo when Vale brought him over, and that was one of her favorite gifts of the day as the small half-elf nuzzled her.

    The picnic lunch and cloudgazing had been marvelous, and Hawk had made Sora laugh with some of his fanciful descriptions of the puffy clouds that had drifted past in the clear blue sky. The late February day was almost springlike, the sun warm as they nibbled on lunch, spread out on a soft blanket. Sora wrangled a confession from Hawk that he had gotten Vale to play chef for him, and Sora giggled happily. Vale was frequently recruited to help Sora when she cooked, and the sun elf showed a remarkable enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn.

    Hawk and Sora wandered back home in the late afternoon, and Sora cried with happiness when Yuji and the rest of the family had given her a tour of the redesign of the bedrooms she and Hawk had been using. While the bathroom was not completely private, there was now a lovely sitting area and the bedroom had been expanded, with a large tatami bed and beautiful traditional furnishings in both rooms. It was the perfect present from the family, and Sora hugged them all and thanked them for making a home for her in their home. Yuji and Satoshi had both been damp-eyed as well, and Willow hugged Sora tightly with a radiant smile. Vale and Sand got their share of hugs as well, and Kansas and Erion outright bawled with joy at Sora's happiness.

    Hawk had showered and dressed in fine dress slacks and a crisp cotton shirt, one of the ones Sora had picked out for him, she was pleased to note. Sora chased him downstairs, insisting on a woman's prerogative to primp in peace, and once she was safely alone, she rummaged in her dresser, finding the lacy garter belt she had bought so many years before to please Yuichi. In her shopping trips with Willow, Sora had found a shop that had old-fashioned silk stockings, delicate and identical to the ones she had managed to find during the war so many years ago. Sora laid those out as well, along with a lacy bra and panty set and one of her new dresses that flattered her tiny waist and brought out the creaminess of her skin with its springlike blue and white pattern. She chose a simple navy pump to go with the dress, and she brushed her hair until it shone, deciding to leave it loose over her shoulders tonight. She added a single strand of pearls that Yuichi had given her, and touched her lips very lightly with a pale pink lipstick, and then went downstairs to meet Hawk, a light wool shawl over her arm.

    Hawk gasped a little when Sora came into the living room, and she found herself blushing a little, like a young girl about to go on her first date. She gave herself a mental shake, amused by her own reactions. She had already lived a full human lifetime, and here she was, as nervous as if she'd never been kissed. Still it was very flattering to see Hawk's eyes light up when she walked in, and she had to admit that she was hoping what she wore underneath her dress would make those eyes darken with desire.

    "Hello, faralinamin," Sora said, her beautiful dark brown eyes bright. "I'm ready at last."

    Hawk offered his arm with a small bow. "Then shall we go, vanimaeramin?"

    Hawk led Sora through the portal, and their joy in each other made Yuji and Satoshi each wipe away a happy tear.

    The dinner was lovely, the dishes as beautifully presented and as delicious as rumor promised, and neither Sora nor Hawk could have told anyone what they had eaten. Hawk's eyes never left Sora, and his smile was radiant throughout the meal. Sora for her part was enchanted by Hawk's sweet attentiveness, and she basked in the love that shone in his eyes. Her slender work-worn hand was firmly clasped in Hawk's sword callused hand, and the conversation was on inconsequential things, small remembrances of their shared past in Evereska. As lovely as the Green Leaf was, they both only had eyes for each other, and the waiters that attended them smiled to see the obvious love between them.

    When Hawk and Sora finally left the inn, Selûne and her Tears were bright in the night sky. They walked back toward the house, Hawk's arm around Sora as he admired they way she was even more beautiful in moonlight. He paused when they reached the house, tilting Sora's chin up so he could kiss her in the moonlight.

    "What shall we do now, arwenamin?" Hawk asked, his voice a little husky.

    "Take me home, faralinamin. Take me home to Tokyo, and our room there," Sora said, and watched as Hawk's eyes sparkled with joy and desire. They stepped through the portal, and slipped quietly up the stairs to their newly redecorated room, and slid the door closed behind them.

    Hawk gathered Sora into his arms, his lips seeking hers, and he kissed her with all the pent up passion of the years they had spent apart, close to a century's worth of love that had no expression until now. Sora's hands tangled in the black silk of Hawk's hair, and her fingers sought and found the almost forgotten but still familiar sweep of his ears, and Hawk moaned as she stroked the tips. His tongue gently parted her plump lips, and he explored her small mouth with growing passion, remembering how they had kissed every time, from the first time until now, and his heart soared with joy.

    "Sora," Hawk whispered when they finally broke apart to breathe.

    Sora smiled at him, her face radiant. "Yes, my Hawk, yes."

    Sora's fingers worked the buttons of Hawk's shirt, and she pressed soft kisses as she revealed his smooth skin, the scars of his wounds still pink against the pale skin. Hawk moaned again, his hands caressing her back through the fabric of her dress, feeling the heat of her against him. Sora slid the shirt from his shoulders, and stepped back to lift her own dress away, feeling that peculiar shyness again as she stood before him in her delicate lace bra and panties, her silk hose gleaming in the soft light against the lace of her garters. Hawk reached out to touch her cheek, his hand trembling just a little, and then he simply scooped her up and carried her to their new bed, which had been thoughtfully prepared for them, the futon unrolled, the pillows plumped and arranged, and the covers turned back.

    Hawk laid Sora on the bed, quickly stripping off his pants and socks before easing himself down alongside her. He kissed her sweet lips again, and then trailed kisses down the pale column of her throat and along the tops of her breasts above the lacy bra, his thumbs stroking her nipples through the soft fabric. Sora moaned, her back arching as she pressed into his touch, her entire body tingling in anticipation as Hawk slid the satin straps from her shoulders, his fingers no longer trembling as she welcomed his explorations.

    Hawk's deft fingers slid behind Sora to unfasten her bra, and his mouth sank eagerly over one pert nipple as the lacy cups were pulled away from her breasts. He gently stroked and tweaked the other nipple as he suckled, his tongue working until he had coaxed her nipple into a tight nub. He treated the other nipple to the same devout attention, Sora's sweet moans musical as she writhed a little under his caresses.

    Hawk trailed kisses down her flat belly and onto the silk covered mound of her pussy, his breath hot through the skimpy fabric. He needed to taste her, remembering how sweetly she had cried out when he used his tongue to bring her to orgasm, and his fingers eased away the lace trimmed panties deflt as Sora lifted her hips to let him draw them down and off. Hawk slid one finger between the damp folds of her lips, finding her clit and stroking it, and watching as Sora's face grew rosy, the flush spreading down to cover the creamy swell of her breasts. Her silk swathed thighs parted eagerly, and Hawk shifted to crouch between her legs, his tongue replacing his finger as he laved her clit. Sora's small hands fisted in his hair as her hips rose almost involuntarily to meet his tongue, her moans rising in crescendo as Hawk lapped at her clit. He slid one long finger into the wet heat of her pussy, thrusting it gently in and out as he sucked at the hooded nub at the very top of her clit, teasing away the hood with the tip of his tongue.

    Sora cried out as Hawk's tongue stroked the bundle of nerves at the very tip of her clit, and she cried out again as a second finger slipped into her pussy, sliding across the tight little ridges deep within her and making her writhe in pleasure. She could feel the sweet heat building in her belly, begging for release, and she bucked her hips to drive her self down further on Hawk's strong fingers. Hawk moaned at the tightness of her pussy, feeling the muscles ripple along his fingers as he continued to thrust, his mouth hot around her swollen clit as he sucked and licked. His cock was achingly hard, and he could feel the precum weeping already, but Hawk wanted to make Sora scream in ecstasy, wanted to see her beautiful face when she was lost in surrender to the intensity of her orgasm. Waves of pleasure were already causing her tight pussy to clamp around his fingers, and Hawk moaned into her soft curls as he thrust against the tight heat, his tongue busy on her clit. Sora felt the pressure building, and then Hawk thrust one more time, and his tongue lapped firmly, and she screamed as her back arched and her whole body was engulfed by pure electric bliss. Hawk never paused, pushing her into wave after wave of pleasure, feeling her tremble beneath him as she gasped and screamed again, her muscles finally relaxing. Sora fell back against the futon, trembling, and Hawk moved up to cradle her in his arms, kissing her with fierce passion as tears of joy leaked from the corners of her eyes.

  13. Ryuu was feeling slightly better when he woke from his nap, but his tummy was still not quite right, and he whimpered until Sand hurried in to wipe his forehead with a cool cloth and offer him small sips of cool tea that was only lightly sweetened. Sand then curled up in their reading chair with Ryuu in his lap, and he read to Ryuu for an hour while the little boy took tiny sips of tea and then dared to nibble a few bites of plain rice, which seemed to settle his stomach even more. Willow came in a one point, smiling at the picture the two of them made, and she checked Ryuu's temperature, and opined that it was probably a stomach virus rather than too much ice cream. Sand looked briefly alarmed until Willow reassured him that this was quite normal, and that Ryuu seemed to be past the worst of it already. Tea and plain rice was fine for now, and maybe soup later, and plenty of snuggling with tousan would have Ryuu fully recovered by morning, according to Willow, and both Sand and Ryuu immediately relaxed. Eryn sobo had sent several fine books of elven children's stories, and Ryuu was enjoying them immensely, although the espruar was a mystery to him. The illustrations more than made up for the lack of recognizable words.

    Kansas and Erion seemed to have a slightly worse case of the stomach virus, but Sora watched over them, wiping sweaty foreheads and making sure they drank some tea and water to stay hydrated. Hawk joined Sora, and stayed with her through most of the night, the two of them curled up together as they watched Kansas and Erion drop into a fitful sleep. Just before dawn, Hawk persuaded Sora to take some reverie, since both youngsters were sleeping peacefully at last and looking much better, and he walked her to her room, kissing her tenderly as they lay down together to rest for a bit.

    The next day was busy. Both Sand and Vale had received their waivers for the five-year residency requirement, and had been informed that they were both approved for naturalization as Japanese citizens. While the process normally took about a year, Sand and Vale had offered to pay any fees necessary to expedite matters, and their applications were given priority as a result when they both agreed to pay the income taxes for the full five-year period of the residency requirement. They had still been interviewed, their neighbors were interviewed, and their home was inspected, and they were even given a simple written test that had Sand arching an eyebrow. Both had demonstrated sufficient independent means and Vale's position at the Hayashi Academy of Music was an added bonus, showing his ties to the community. Vale was presented as Willow's relative and Sand was Vale's relation by marriage, and both declared that their profound respect for the Japanese culture was their motivation for becoming citizens. Both declared that they were renting rooms from Yuji to explain their presence in the house. Sand made no secret of the fact that he and Satoshi shared their room, but the interviewer did not pry further into their exact relationship and Sand wisely remained silent.

    Aika and Ryuu had impressed the interviewer as well with their perfect manners and behavior, and their obvious affection for their otooji-san. Satoshi had told the children that this was a sort of game, and they had to pretend that Sand and Vale were just uncles. To minimize the confusion, however, Erion and Sora and Hawk had discreetly made themselves scarce, along with Hikaru. Somehow, they feared a blond baby was just more than the interviewer could overlook, or that they could explain away glibly.

    They were scheduled to pick up their newly minted citizenship papers from their interviewer at the Ministry of Justice office, and Willow, Yuji and Satoshi were waiting for the elves to finish dressing and join them downstairs. Kansas and Erion were awake, but still feeling slightly ill, and they decided to stay home with Sora and Ryuu and watch the little ones. Vale had been slightly disappointed by not taking the children, but Willow had pointed out that they could take advantage of the chance to shop for Aika's birthday, which wa coming up fast, as well as pick up something for Sora, whose birthday was right after Aika's birthday. When Yuji added that a nice lunch in a restaurant also sounded appropriate, Vale had admitted that he would enjoy that.

    Yuji had to laugh as they heard the elves descending the stairs, Vale's voice raised in mild complaint.

    "Really, ithilamin, does it have to be that tight?" Vale protested. His slim fingers darted to the knot of his dark jade tie, as if to loosen it, and Sand frowned and tugged his hand away.

    "Leave it be, anoramin," Sand replied. "It is not tight at all, and you look quite handsome."

    Vale made a small noise. "I feel like I can't breathe right." He smoothed his pale jade shirt nervously, his slightly deconstructed black suit fitting perfectly on his slim frame and his black dress boots polished and gleaming. Vale had brushed his glossy hair back into a neat ponytail, held with a plain black band.

    "You will need to dress like this when you are at the music academy, you know." Sand was wearing an elegant charcoal grey suit with a crisp white shirt, and his silk tie was sapphire blue. His Gucci loafers had only a simple gold stirrup buckle over the black silk grosgrain ribbon. He had swept his hair into a ponytail as well, his high cheekbones and slightly tilted eyes giving him a slightly Japanese look.

    Vale sighed a little, surrendering to Sand's tweaks as the moon elf adjusted Vale's lapels and smoothed them. "I feel like a child's dress-up toy."

    "You look gorgeous," Yuji said, pulling Vale into a kiss. Vale returned the kiss with sweet fervor, and then his fingers strayed to his tie again.

    "Is it too tight?" Vale gave Yuji an adorably pleading look, and Yuji loosened the tie fractionally, earning a radiant smile from his elf.

    Satoshi blushed as Sand tilted his chin up slightly in order to kiss him, nibbling gently on the heavily pierced lower lip. "Do I look presentable enough to become Mori Masato officially?"

    Oh, yes," Satoshi said, his eyes filled with love. "Do you have your signature stamp?"

    Sand patted his pocket. "Signature stamp, paperwork, everything we require." He looked at Satoshi, who had also put on a suit for the occasion. "You look gorgeous, cormamin."

    "So let's go get this done," Vale said, taking a deep breath.

  14. Hawk looked at Kansas, immediately concerned by the younger man's nervous pulse in his throat and the tremble in his hands. "Kansas, what are you seeing?" Hawk asked, keeping his voice gentle.

    Sand walked over, having heard what Kansas said and thinking to tease Hawk, who would one day in the future be Lord Iradil. He stopped short when he saw the expression on Hawk's face, and he spun around to look at Kansas. "Kansas? Melamin?" Sand moved closer to his youngest husband.

    Kansas looked at Sand and Hawk, flustered, his cheeks slightly pink. "I'm sorry. I saw... well, I saw our father. Your father. Lord Iradil."

    Hawk looked at Sand, who just nodded. "It is alright, Kansas. Take your time."

    Kansas took a deep breath. "See, usually I can tell right away if I'm seeing a ghost, at least here, on Earth. Most of them look like people, but sort of see-through, transparent. Well, except for the dark ones. Those are the monsters."

    Sand reached out and took one of Kansas's hands, stroking it a little as Erion came up and wrapped himself around Kansas.

    "It's okay, 'lokiamin. We're here." Erion nuzzled Kansas's hair softly.

    "It's just that Lord Iradil always looks more... here. I can't see through him like I can the regular ghosts. He looks real, and I always get a little surprised, and want to bow to him." Kansas still looked a little flustered.

    "You saw atarrim?" Erion asked, awed. "I never met him, but atara has a portrait of him tucked away. Next time we're in Evereska, I'll ask her to get it out."

    Hawk just looked confused. "Why would you see atar here?" Hawk did not seem to doubt Kansas at all, which helped Kansas relax a bit.

    "He's just checking up on you, keeping an eye on how you're doing," Kansas said. "I think he likes to see how you've turned out." Kansas turned to Sand. "I think he really wishes he had gotten to know you. You look so much like him." Kansas blushed as he said that, but Hawk laughed.

    "You do, toror'ai. You look very much like him." Hawk threw an arm around Sand's shoulder and hugged his brother with affection.

    "I do wish I could see him," Sand said, rather wistfully. "I was perhaps Hikaru's age when he died. I do not remember him at all."

    Kansas looked at Sand. "We could try it, if you want," Kansas said, almost shyly. "I think we can do it if we try. If we open our bond to each other, and you join with me, then I can try to open my gift, and maybe you will be able to see him."

    "Only if you feel up to it, melamin. We are all a little the worse for wear after last night," Sand said, stroking Kansas's cheek.

    "Oh, I feel up to it," Kansas said. "I just need you to promise me that you'll be very focused. You have to ignore the whispers and the darkness that will try and distract you. Think only about your father."

    Sand nodded and opened his bond to Kansas, feeling his youngest husband open up as well and delighting in the contact. Sand could feel Kansas's strength, and how much it had grown recently, and his blue eyes widened slightly. Sand let himself fall into Kansas's mind, waiting patiently without pushing to see anything yet, knowing that Kansas would let him know. Sand could sense when Kansas started raising shields, closing his bonds to everyone else except Sand, and Erion gave Sand a reassuring smile as he let go and backed away to keep from distracting Kansas.

    Kansas took a deep breath and cleared his mind of all distractions, pushing back the whispers and shadows. Sand waited as Kansas opened his gift, like a rare and gorgeous bloom opening up, unfolding layer by layer, and when he felt the gentle tug from Kansas, Sand focused all his considerable will on seeing what Kansas saw.

    It took a moment, but slowly and surely a figure emerged, astonishingly solid as Kansas had said, and Sand felt his breath hitch as he gazed into his father's eyes for the first time, blue eyes so like his own, with the same gentle tilt and thick fringe of black lashes.

    "Atar?" Sand's voice was soft, and he could feel himself trembling a little.

    "Sand, utinuamin," Lord Anessath Iradil replied, and he smiled, a radiant smile that bathed Sand in love, and Sand knew he wore an identical smile. "I am always with you, my son, and ever proud. You have grown into a fine man, and you have found an extraordinary family. Tell Hawk to love his Sora faithfully, as he has done all along, and it will be well, for she is his heart, as your Satoshi is yours."

    Sand let his soul-self reach out a hand and he felt his father's touch, dry and strong, a warrior's grasp. "Will you watch over us, atar?"

    "Always, utinuamin, until we meet in Arvandor." Anessath stroked Sand's cheek with deep love and affection. "I had not planned on leaving so soon, but my Eryn has done well on her own. Always so strong, my lady wife, and wiser than I ever was. But we must not stress your husband. His gift has given us this chance to meet, but I would not abuse this kindness. Be well, my beloved son, and we will meet again."

    Sand pulled back, and Kansas let his gift close, Erion swooping in to cradle his beloved and share what strength he could with Kansas. Sand stood there, his cheeks wet and his face lit with a beautiful smile, and he cupped Kansas's face between slim hands and kissed him deeply.

    "Thank you, melamin," Sand murmured. "I have finally met my father." His voice was filled with love and wonder, and Kansas pulled Sand close and held him, glad to have shared his gift in such a positive way.

  15. Erion felt Kansas slide out of bed, and he followed automatically, bumping into Kansas abruptly when Kansas paused in front of the window, flinging it open to wait for the first rays of dawn to lift above the horizon. Erion rubbed his nose and then wrapped his arms around Kansas as Kansas lifted his arms and greeted the day, the first rays of sunlight molten on his pale skin. Erion whispered his own prayers almost inaudibly, his hand straying down to wrap around Kansas's cock as he felt the now familiar tingle beginning on his own skin. The bond between them was so absolute that Erion could feel Kansas gaining strength as the light grew stronger, and he stroked Kansas lightly, adding his own strength to Kansas as he did every morning. When Kansas finished his prayers, he closed the window again and drew the blinds tight before groaning a little and heading back for the bed. Erion followed Kansas back to bed, curling up beside him and pressing his ass against Kansas's groin hopefully, but Kansas just mumbled something unintelligible and fell back asleep. Erion gave a mental shrug and slipped back into reverie as he tugged the covers over them both.

    Erion was roused from reverie by fingers playing over his very sensitive nipples, and he wriggled back against Kansas, grinding his tanned ass against Kansas's thick cock. The young elf mewled happily as Kansas pushed back, his cock sliding between the cheeks of Erion's ass to bump against his pucker, and Erion's mewl went up a notch as he felt Kansas's cock sink in. Erion shifted his leg to give Kansas better access, his own cock stiffening almost immediately as Kansas pushed fully into Erion's tight ass. Erion reached back to grip Kansas around the waist, giving himself leverage to grind down on his lover's impressive length. Kansas growled in Erion's ear, nipping at the tip and making Erion howl as he continued to thrust into Erion's ass almost lazily, one hand finding the elf's cock and stroking in time with his thrusts.

    Erion gave himself over to the languid plundering, writhing back against Kansas as Kansas's cock slid across his prostate and sent sparks exploding behind his eyes. The bond between them was wide open, and Erion howled softly as he felt Kansas's cock being enveloped in the tight heat of his own ass, knowing that Kansas too felt Erion's pleasure at being filled completely. The feedback hastened Erion's release, his balls already tight, and he spilled over Kansas's hand and onto the bed, his ass painfully tight around Kansas's cock, and the imp howled as he stiffened, filling Erion's ass with a surprisingly generous amount of cum.

    They cuddled for a few minutes, enjoying the dregs of their orgasms, and then Kansas gave Erion's pert ass a slap. "Let's go, isilmeamin. We need to shower and pack up and get downstairs."

    They showered quickly but thoroughly, and Kansas packed while Erion straightened out the bed and made sure he collected all the trash. Back in their usual clothing, the two youngsters looked nothing like they had the night before, and Erion checked a sigh as he and Kansas made sure to put their rings back in the customary order before they hurried downstairs. Kansas checked out and they wandered down the street to the cafe Satoshi had named, finding Yori and Kenji already at a table and sipping tea. Sand and Satoshi hurried in several minutes later, Satoshi's face slightly pink as he eased himself into a seat. Erion could not hold back a snicker, although if he was being totally honest, his own ass was a littler tender, and when Kansas snickered as well, Satoshi frowned at the youngsters.

    They ordered breakfast, Kenji and Sand having only miso soup and rice, while Kansas, Satoshi and Yori ordered the full traditional breakfast. Erion thought for a moment, and then decided to forgo the full English breakfast in favor of the traditional breakfast as well when Kansas looked slightly green at the prospect of having to smell the sausages. When Kansas asked for a large carafe of orange juice, Erion looked up and asked for the same.

    Breakfast arrived quickly, and Kansas immediately poured a large glass of orange juice and drank it down, looking slightly better as the juice went down. Erion sipped his and decided it was nice, and then dove into his food like the youngster he was, Kansas eating as well. Satoshi had seated himself next to Yori, but unlike previous times, Yori just opened each bowl himself and put the lids aside before picking up his chopsticks.

    Kenji watched as Yori poked at each dish with his chopsticks, his beautiful face set in a frown. "You need to eat," Kenji reminded his lover softly.

    "Did they get a new cook here? The fish seems greasy," Yori complained, poking at his salmon. "It's cold, too. Is yours cold, Satoshi-san?"

    Satoshi looked a little surprised. "Mine is fine, Yori-san."

    Yori managed a bite of the omelette, and his frown deepened. "Definitely a new cook, and not a good one. The omelette tastes all wrong. It's too sweet."

    Erion had already wolfed down his omelette and looked at Kansas, a little puzzled. Kansas just shrugged slightly and poured himself more orange juice.

    "And look at this rice. It's mushy! It's a disgrace." Yori poked at his rice, disconsolate.

    "Shall I ask the waiter to take it back?" Kenji asked gently.

    Yori waved him off with a sigh. "No, it's alright." He looked at Satoshi, Kansas and Erion, who did not seem displeased with their meals. "Maybe it's just me today, Kenji." He gave Kenji a look from under his long lashes, and Kenji pushed his rice bowl toward Yori.

    "Try some of my rice," Kenji urged his lover, and Yori ate a few bites, Kenji got Yori to eat about half of his miso soup as well, while Kenji picked at Yori's breakfast.

    Sand said nothing, but he watched Yori and found his heart sinking a little. Yori's discomfort was obvious from the way he moved, and the pain that seemed to always hover in the depths of his beautiful eyes was worse than usual. Kenji too seemed subdued and saddened, and Sand ran through the list of books that he had brought with him to Tokyo. He was fairly sure that he had not brought the books he wanted to consult, and he decided to make a list of books for Vale to bring back the next time he went to the Cloaktower.

    They finished eating, Yori having managed another bite or two of rice before he gave up the pretense of eating altogether. Satoshi looked at everyone before turning to Kansas.

    "I really can't take all of us in the car, so what I'd like to do is to drive Kenji and Yori home, and then I can come back and pick you and Erion up," Satoshi said.

    Kansas had finished the last of his orange juice, and Erion refilled Kansas's glass from his carafe. Kansas flashed Erion a grin, the orange juice having done wonders for the dregs of his hangover. He looked at Satoshi and grinned again. "Don't worry about it, Satoshi. I was thinking that Erion and I could take the train over to the university, and I could show Erion where he'll be starting in a few weeks. We can stroll around the campus, give him a feel for the place, and then we'll take the train home."

    "Oh, yes!" Erion agreed eagerly. "We talked about that the other day, and this is the perfect opportunity."

    Satoshi smiled, relieved that he wouldn't have to make the drive back into the heart of the city to collect the youngsters. He did not mind the driving so much, but his ass ached, and he was looking forward to getting home and taking a healing potion and maybe a nap, if Ryuu let him. "Give me your bags, then. I'll throw them in the car with mine," Satoshi offered, and Kansas handed over the bag cheerfully.

    "Do you need money for the fares?" Sand asked. The youngsters had offered to buy drinks last night, and Kansas had insisted on paying for his own room. Sand was not sure how much cash they had left, or if Kansas had even brought his bank card with him. Sand reached into his jacket and retrieved his billfold, pulling out some cash and handing it to Kansas. "Just take this, in case. I will feel better knowing you have it."

    Kansas wrinkled his nose a little, but took the cash. "I'll give it back to you later." He stood and Erion stood with him. "Kenji-san, Yori-san, it was good to see you." He bowed politely.

    "Yes, I'm glad we had this chance to see each other, and I hope we can do it again." Erion bowed as well, his smile sweet, and then he and Kansas left to find the train to the university.

    Satoshi stood as well. "Should we go?" he asked.

    Sand watched Kenji as Yori stood, his face tightening slightly and his nostrils pinched with pain. Sand saw the answering grief in Kenji's eyes, and something else, and he looked away, almost embarrassed to have had such an intimate glimpse of Kenji's inner turmoil. He shifted his attention to Satoshi, and noticed that his husband's right hand twitched, as though he wanted to rub his own left shoulder and was forcibly restraining himself. Sand managed not to let the sharp wave of sorrow that washed through him seep out through his bond. Kenji was fast becoming a good friend, and Sand had never been very good at seeing friends suffer. But Yori seemed to be making an effort not to argue, and Sand held his tongue, unwilling to disturb the fragile peace.

  16. Sand eased Satoshi back on the bed, pressing tender kisses to Satoshi's lips and smoothing his amethyst hair. "So beautiful," he murmured, and was rewarded with a radiant but slightly tired smile from Satoshi.

    Sand eased off the futon and returned quickly with a warm washcloth and a bottle of cold sweet tea. He helped Satoshi to sit up, and Satoshi sipped some tea while Sand gently washed away some of the sweat and cum from his husband.

    "Do you think you can eat something, cormamin? I have some sushi and a Thermos of miso soup, and some rice." Sand stroked Satoshi's cheek lovingly.

    Satoshi chuckled a little. "You're something else, poldoramin. How do you manage to think of this stuff? But I think I might have a little soup, and some rice."

    They ate and drank their tea, and then Sand cleaned up the remnants of their impromptu meal and helped Satoshi slide under the covers. Sand slid in beside him, wrapped around Satoshi's back and cradling him close as he listened to Satoshi's breathing even out, a soft snore signaling that his beloved imp was truly asleep. Sand nuzzled into Satoshi's soft hair, letting reverie claim him.

    Erion and Kansas untangled themselves, both glowing in the aftermath of their orgasms, and Erion reached out to pull the scarf away from Kansas's eyes and undo the belt around his wrists. Kansas's lashes were damp, but his eyes were a wonderfully stormy grey, and his smile was gorgeous and loving, and Erion leaned into kiss Kansas.

    "You okay, 'lokiamin?" Erion asked, nibbling Kansas's plump lips.

    "I'm fucking perfect," Kansas replied, shivering a little, his voice all but gone. He managed a little chuckle. "Or I would be, if I had a fucking cigarette."

    Erion giggled, and slid out of bed, still wearing only stockings, garters and high heels, his pert little ass swaying as he bent over to dig in the bag of goodies from Sand. "Look! Here are the cigarettes we bought."

    Erion swayed back over with the whole bag and Kansas looked at him, shaking his head a little. Erion sat on the bed and took off his high heels, kissing Kansas when he pouted a little. "Come on, baby, let's go have a smoke by the window, and then I want a sandwich."

    Kansas managed to drag himself off the bed, and joined Erion at the window, the two youngsters lighting up and smoking their cigarettes as they watched the people walking past below. Erion leaned into Kansas, tilting his face up for a quick kiss. Kansas nuzzled Erion's ear, and then kissed the elf's swollen lips, smoothing the silver hair back from his face.

    "This was perfect, isilmeamin. You were perfect." Kansas managed a husky little giggle. "You're stronger than you look, baby. My ass fucking hurts!"

    "I'd kiss it better, but I don't think I have another fuck in me," Erion admitted, snuggling into Kansas's arms. "I want to eat a sandwich and drink some tea, and have one more smoke and then I want to curl up with you under the covers until dawn. This room faces east, right?"

    "They said it did at the desk," Kansas replied. They stubbed out their cigarettes and put the butts in Kansas's little tin, and pawed through the bag of food from Sand, finding salmon sandwiches and chicken sandwiches, and bottles of cold sweet tea as well as some cookies and fruit. Kansas took off his Mary Janes, and they curled up on the floor, eating and drinking.

    Erion looked at Kansas's left hand, his expression a little wistful. "I like being husbands, 'lokiamin. I know we have to wait until I'm old enough, even though our souls are older than time, but in my heart, I'm already your husband. I want you to know that. I love you so much, Kansas, and we are never going to let anything tear us apart again, ever." A tear slid down his cheek as he looked at Kansas.

    "I love you, too, isilmeamin, my precious moonbeam," Kansas replied, his eyes bright with both tears and love. He reached out and gently brushed the tear from Erion's cheek. "You're my husband in every way that matters already. The only thing left is the words, and those don't matter when our hearts are already one."

    Erion gave a sob of joy and launched himself into Kansas's arms, kissing him sweetly. "You're right, my blue dragon, and our soul lights agree."

    "So let's have a cigarette and sleep, okay?" Kansas suggested. They cleaned up the wrappers and empty containers and tied up the trash neatly, and then they smoked another cigarette, curled up together, Kansas sitting behind Erion and wrapping his arms around his elf.

    They washed the makeup from their faces, and peeled off the rest of their sweet little outfits, and Erion slid into the bed and held his arms out to Kansas.

    "Come and hold me until dawn, verno'amin." Erion's smile was sweet and drowsy, and Kansas hurried to join him, the two youngsters immediately tangling themselves together and lying, foreheads touching, in a perfect jumble of limbs so that it would have been impossible to tell where one ended and the other began.

  17. "Cock first." Erion swayed over to where Kansas sat, utterly irresistible as he sank to his knees in a graceful motion that made Kansas's mouth go dry. Erion looked at Kansas, his silver eyes dark with both lust and anticipation as he knelt between Kansas's thighs, his pert ass resting on the backs of his high heels. He reached under Kansas's little navy blue pleated skirt and carefully peeled away the skimpy underpants that were strained to bursting by Kansas's eager cock, sighing happily as his prize was revealed, his pink tongue already peeking out from between his plump lips as he tossed the underpants aside. Erion parted his lips, his tongue pressing against the tender cleft underneath the head of Kansas's cock as he stretched his lips to accommodate its girth. Kansas moaned as Erion's hot little mouth sank down over his cock, the elf not even pausing when Kansas bumped the back of his throat. Instead, he tilted his head a little more, relaxed his throat muscles and swallowed his lover to the root without hesitation, humming happily as he sucked in a breath through his nose. He swallowed once, letting his throat muscles ripple against Kansas's cock as the imp's back arched to press even deeper into Erion's clever mouth. Then Erion drew back very slowly, his tongue moving sinuously, until he finally released Kansas's cock with a little moan that ran straight up Kansas's spine.

    Erion rose just as gracefully, swaying just a little as he turned his back to Kansas, the open back of his tight little dress revealing tantalizing glimpses of the outlined tiger beneath. Erion slid the dress off one shoulder very slowly, easing his arm out, the dozens of slender silver bangles on his wrist ringing as they jostled each other. Erion cast a sultry look at Kansas over his now-bare shoulder, and then just as slowly freed his other arm, holding his dress up over his chest for a moment before letting it fall to his waist. Kansas's hand crept toward his cock, but Erion chose that moment to look back and raised an eyebrow archly.

    "No touching, 'lokiamin. That's mine," Erion said with an impish grin, and Kansas moaned loudly as Erion let his hands fall to his hips, tugging the tight little dress over his slim hips with a wanton wriggle. Erion stepped out of the dress, sliding his hands under his hair to the back of his neck and lifting his hair, as Kansas whimpered in frustration, aching to plunder his elf.

    Erion turned around slowly, his long legs gleaming in their silky lace-topped stockings, his black lace garterbelt snug around his slim waist. His wispy little panties barely contained his hard cock, the head peeping out over the waistband, and Erion looked down in mock dismay.

    "Oohh, that won't do," Erion giggled and promptly hooked his thumbs under the sides of the panties. He tugged them down, his cock springing free, and he stepped out of those as well, swaying over to stand in front of Kansas.

    Kansas growled, standing up and crashing his lips against Erion's lips, devouring his elf's mouth hungrily as he ground himself against Erion's cock. "You're such a fucking tease, isilmeamin," Kansas moaned. "Just for that, I should fuck you cross-eyed."

    "I was hoping you'd say that," Erion said, his arms around Kansas's neck as he crashed in for another kiss. Erion finally broke away, grabbed Kansas's hand, sucking on his fingers as his eyes fluttered closed in bliss. Erion turned and bent over the bed, his legs spread and his pert little ass in the air, and Kansas moaned loudly as he thrust a finger into the eager little pucker. Erion howled and pushed back against Kansas's finger, feeling the lube he had held inside him all night slicking him perfectly. Kansas added a second finger, thrusting a few times, until Erion mewled and looked over his shoulder.

    "Just do it, baby," Erion urged. "I'm so ready for you. I've been ready all night."

    Kansas needed no further encouragement, his navy schoolgirl skirt already lifted out of the way as he pressed into Erion's eager ass. Erion let out a shriek of utter abandon as he pushed back, Kansas's hands wrapping around his hips and tangling a little in his garter belt. Kansas sank himself balls deep into that slick heat as Erion's back arched a little with the intrusion.

    "Oh, fuck, you're always so tight," Kansas moaned, pausing to let Erion adjust, but Erion bucked his hips.

    "It feels good, baby. You're not hurting me, so just fuck me stupid before I go crazy." Erion pushed back into Kansas to emphasize his words, and Kansas howled as Erion tightened his ass around Kansas's cock deliberately. Kansas drew back and slammed in, and Erion howled, his back arching even more as Kansas hit his prostate dead on.

    "Oh, fuck, you are such a fucking little slut," Kansas rasped, his breathing ragged as he pounded into Erion's ass. Erion reared up, Kansas's arm sliding around his waist and his other hand finding Erion's cock.

    "Come on, 'lokiamin," Erion urged. "Make me scream, baby. Fuck me like you mean it."

    Kansas obliged, pounding his thick cock into Erion's ass with abandon, slamming into the elf's prostate with almost every thrust until Erion screamed. Erion's cock was hot and hard in Kansas's hand, and Kansas bit into Erion's shoulder as the elf writhed and ground himself down onto Kansas's cock. Erion was panting, his silver eyes almost black, and he moaned non-stop as Kansas punished his ass while stroking his cock. It did not take long before Erion's moans and howls changed pitch, getting louder and more emphatic.

    "Fuck, baby, I can't hold on any longer," Erion moaned, his head falling back onto Kansas's shoulder as his back arched. Erion's cum splattered his own belly and chest, and his ass tightened so convulsively around Kansas's cock that the imp screamed. Kansas managed a few more thrusts before he too came, filling Erion's ass with his cum, the elf moaning and writhing through the end of his own orgasm. Kansas turned his head to capture Erion's sweet plump lips in a kiss as he shuddered, his muscles trembling with the intensity of his release.

    "You're fucking going to kill me one day, isilmeamin, you know that?" Kansas managed, his heart pounding. Erion's only response was a wicked chuckle between gasps, and a credible waggle of his still impaled ass.

  18. Erion giggled helplessly as he kept remembering the look on the the foreigners' faces when Kansas had thanked them for the drinks. His innate elven balance kept him from falling over, but he used his giggling as an excuse to hang on to Kansas's arm without seeming overly improper. He had pushed the boundaries of decent behavior enough tonight between his exhibitionist dancing and his prolonged kisses with Kansas. But it had been so much fun, and exciting, and Erion loved how successful he and Kansas had been in blurring the line between male and female. And speaking of which, his feet felt better, his garter and stockings were making him feel incredibly wanton, and he felt wickedly squishy. Kansas looked utterly delicious and Erion was going to make him stay dressed for the first round.

    "I need to go to the car for a moment, if that's alright," Satoshi said, the fresh air making him feel a bit more focused. "I have a couple of bags in the boot."

    "Do you want me to collect them?" Sand offered, but Satoshi just gave him a radiant, if slightly inebriated smile.

    "I think maybe I need the walk. I'll catch up with you," Satoshi said, his eyes so full of love that Sand melted a little.

    "I'll walk with you," Yori offered, giving Kenji a sweet smile. "We won't be long, saiai." His voice was slightly husky and full of promise, and Kenji gave him a tender look.

    Sand and Kenji walked along, watching Kansas and Erion ahead of them, the youngsters still turning heads as they swayed down the street. Sand kept a light link open with Satoshi, to make sure that he and Yori were alright, and a closer eye on his wanton little nephew and his gorgeous little imp of a husband. Kansas had to stop and buy cigarettes, and that made Erion want some, too, and Kenji picked up some for himself and Yori as well. Sand just laughed and bought more for Satoshi, although he did not share Erion and Vale's fascination with the habit.

    In the meantime, Satoshi and Yori hurried to the car, retrieving the bags and heading back toward the hotel, Satoshi making sure that Yori had a fresh bottle of water. While he was getting the bags out, Satoshi had taken out his wallet and pulled out some money, handing it to Yori without a word. Yori had smiled sweetly and tucked the money in his wallet with a little nod. Yori seemed to have danced off his high, and was just happily buzzed on alcohol at this point, and Satoshi took a deep breath, relieved.

    By the time Satoshi and Yori got to the hotel, Kenji and Sand had sorted out rooms, and Sand handed Kansas a bag with some sandwiches and tea, another bag in his hand for himself and Satoshi. Kenji held a similar bag, and he smiled at Yori with such love as the younger man hurried over to press himself to Kenji's side. Kansas had pouted momentarily when Sand insisted that he and Erion take their own room, but Erion had whispered something in Kansas's ear that made his eyes turn a perfect stormy grey as he moaned softly.

    "Take this," Satoshi told Kansas, handing him one of the bags he had retrieved. "I packed a few things for the morning for you two."

    Erion flung his arms around Satoshi's neck and kissed him sweetly. "Thank you! We didn't think about that."

    "Were you thinking?" Sand teased, and Erion giggled, shaking his head. "We will meet in the morning for breakfast. Be on time for checkout, you two," Sand added, and Kansas dragged a giggling Erion off to their room.

    Satoshi leaned into Sand a little as they located their room, and once inside, Sand pulled Satoshi into a searing kiss. "I have wanted to do that all night, my beautiful, wanton husband. You did drive me wild, and I was very pleased to see how many heartbroken looks followed you as you left with me. My Satoshi," Sand growled, nipping at Satoshi's lower lip and grinding his aching cock against Satoshi. Satoshi moaned and ground back, his fingers busy with Sand's shirt buttons while Sand plundered Satoshi's mouth, fierce and possessive, making Satoshi's knees weak.

    Sand slid Satoshi's beautiful jacket off, and then ran his thumbs across Satoshi's hard little nipples through his sheer shirt, teasing the tight nubs. His deft fingers unbuttoned Satoshi's shirt swiftly and he slid that off with a predatory growl. Satoshi moaned again as Sand reached for his pants, unfastening them and peeling the tight jeans down past Satoshi's slim hips, making sure to run his hand over Satoshi's straining cock through his tight little boxers.

    "Are you prepared already?" Sand asked, his voice slightly rough with desire. "I want you, and I do not want to wait. You have teased me all night long, and I will have you."

    Satoshi shivered a little at the note of possessiveness in Sand's voice. 'I'm prepared," he replied, and shivered happily as Sand chuckled.

    "Lay down," Sand ordered, and Satoshi sank onto the tatami bed as Sand finished removing his jeans and his socks, and then peeled off the tight little boxers, pausing to admire the sight of his naked husband. Sand kept his eyes locked on Satoshi as he opened his own pants, sliding them down and peeling off his own socks, palming his thick cock through his silk boxers. Sand's shirt hung open, and he let it slide off his shoulders, watching Satoshi's cock twitch, a bead of precum sliding slowly down the head. Sand hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers and let them slide down and off, his cock springing free and Satoshi licked his lips a little as his eyes widened.

    Sand leaned over Satoshi, sliding his fingers into Satoshi's mouth. "Wet them for me." Sand kept his eyes locked on Satoshi's eyes as Satoshi swirled his tongue around Sand's slim fingers, slicking them thoroughly. Sand pulled them out and Satoshi moaned again, his cock aching with need.

    "Turn over, on your knees." Sand waited as Satoshi turned over, presenting his sweet ass to Sand, and Sand gripped the firm globes and spread them to reveal the tight pucker. He pressed one finger in, Satoshi's saliva and the lube he had inserted earlier making Sand hiss a little as his eyes darkened with need. "Such a sweet, tight fit."

    Sand added a second finger, thrusting and scissoring to prepare Satoshi, feeling the tight ring loosen quickly. He added a third finger, not wanting to hurt Satoshi, but he could feel how much Satoshi needed to be taken hard. Sand let his fingers hook and press on Satoshi's prostate as he withdrew them, and he slicked the head of his cock with his lube-moistened fingers before pressing the head past the tight pucker quickly and burying himself balls deep in Satoshi's ass.

    Satoshi howled at the intrusion, his hips bucking backwards to grind against Sand, and Sand gripped Satoshi's hips hard enough to bruise as he held his husband still. Sand leaned forward, jeweled braids tickling across Satoshi's back as Sand fastened his teeth on the tender flesh at the back of Satoshi's left shoulder where it met his neck, sucking and worrying a deep purple mark, tasting the faint tang of blood as he sucked. Satoshi was thoroughly impaled on Sand's thick cock, unable to wriggle due to Sand's tight grip on his hips, and Satoshi howled again as Sand claimed him and marked him.

    "Mine," Sand growled, and withdrew only to slam forward again, hammering Satoshi's prostate head on, his cock ring intensifying the sensation. Satoshi's back arched, and Sand released his hips to pull Satoshi upright. one strong arm around his waist while the other found a nipple ring and twisted it sharply. All the while, Sand continued to thrust, hard and fierce, pounding into Satoshi's tight ass relentlessly. Satoshi mewled and moaned almost non-stop, his nipples impossibly hard as Sand tugged and twisted his nipple rings, his cock weeping as Sand slammed into his ass. Satoshi could feel the heat building in his belly, writhing back into Sand.

    "Touch yourself," Sand growled into Satoshi's ear, his breath hot. "Come for me."

    Satoshi moaned, his hand flying to wrap around his cock, his strokes ragged as Sand thrust even harder. It took no more than a few strokes before Satoshi screamed, his cum arching across the bed as his head fell back onto Sand's shoulder, his ass clenching around the thick cock that churned his guts. Sand growled fiercely, his own balls emptying as he filled Satoshi's ass with spurt ofter spurt of cum, Satoshi shivering against him as Sand ground himself into Satoshi's ass, letting Satoshi milk every drop from his thick cock.

    Sand let Satoshi slump forward onto the bed, his cock sliding out of Satoshi's plundered ass, and Sand laid down beside Satoshi, feeling him shiver a little and turn away. Sand reached out and pulled Satoshi close, turning him to face Sand, and he kissed Satoshi with infinite tenderness. "Do you know how perfect you are, cormamin, and how much I love to take you hard like that? You are my heart, my life, and I love you." Sand kissed Satoshi again, gently nibbling at Satoshi's lower lip. "Now let me show you how very much I love you."

    Sand's cock had thickened again, and he rubbed against Satoshi, feeling Satoshi's cock respond as well. Sand rolled Satoshi onto his back, his kisses trailing down Satoshi's throat, and on to one tight nipple, sucking and teasing the nub, Sand's tongue stud swiping across it until it was hard and erect. Sand moved over to the next nipple, repeating his ministrations, and then his mouth traveled down to Satoshi's cock. Sand's tongue swiped across the head of Satoshi's cock, teasing across the slit before delving into the tender cleft. Sand lowered his mouth over Satoshi's cock, relaxing his throat and swallowing Satoshi's cock to the root, drawing back slowly and letting his tongue stud rub along the underside of Satoshi's cock. Satoshi's hands were fisted in Sand's hair, and he mewled as Sand took Satoshi into his throat again, and then again before letting Satoshi slide out of his mouth with a soft pop.

    Sand straddled Satoshi, looking down at his beloved husband, and he guided Satoshi's cock to his own ass, feeling Satoshi breach his pucker and sliding down until Satoshi's balls were pressed against his ass. "As much as I love to take you, cormamin, I love to feel you within me as well," Sand murmured, his voice warm and loving. He leaned forward to kiss Satoshi, their tongues twining lazily as Sand rocked his hips and rode Satoshi's cock, taking his time and enjoying the sensation of being filled. Satoshi bucked upward, pressing into Sand as Sand ground down, taking all of Satoshi within his ass as Satoshi moaned happily, Sand's endless love washing over him in waves as he returned that love in full measure.

    Neither one could have said how long they kept up that sweet slow pace, until finally, Satoshi could feel his balls aching with the need to release. He looked up at Sand, who nodded and Satoshi fell into a perfect orgasm, Sand's ass tight around his cock as he spilled into his husband, howling with ecstasy. As he shuddered with the last of his release, Sand rose up and off Satoshi's cock, and gently parted his husband's thighs, sliding his thick cock slowly into Satoshi's slick ass. It took only a thrust or two for Sand to spill as well, and he lifted Satoshi up onto his thighs as he did, wrapping his arms around Satoshi and kissing him as Sand came, Satoshi cradled against him and their hearts beating into each other.

  19. "I agree with you that this convention sounds like a setup," BW said softly. "But whatever else your friend Jonathan is, he's not stupid, so he's got a plan in mind. My question is this: can we use the dispersal unit against the Sues, and if so, how willing is Jonathan to work with us?"

    BW looked over at where Bruce Wayne sat, headphones in place but his body language indicating, as Rae no doubted suspected, that nothing was coming over those headphones. He is a controlling bastard, isn't he? BW mused.

    "So, how do we protect Jonathan?" BW asked, her voice barely audible.

    The plane his some turbulence, and Rae was bounced out of her seat unceremoniously. BW was able to stay in her seat, but it was a close call, and she cursed the pilot under her breath for not putting on the seatbelt light sooner.

    Rae made a fast call to Kagome, who still had Rae's cellphone, and filled BW in on the newest members of their motley crew. BW chuckled a little at Foe's ability to collect random Authors wherever he went, but in truth, she was glad of the additional allies, if allies they were.

    "Are they meeting us in Vegas, or are we on our own?" BW asked. "I have a feeling this trip is going to end in a lot more than just a convention and a competition over Wayne Industries' newest toy. I smell Sue..."

  20. Satoshi felt a wave of alarm from Sand through their bond, and he realized that Sand had no idea what was going on, but would no doubt be greatly disappointed, not only if Satoshi took the pill, but if he let Erion and Kansas take the pills as well. Satoshi took a deep breath and slipped his pill in his pocket.

    Erion looked at the tiny orange pill, and then looked at Kansas. "What's this, 'lokiamin?" he whispered, leaning into Kansas in the most adorable fashion. Satoshi leaned in between Kansas and Erion, looking for all the world like he was merely giving them a quick hug.

    "Nothing you want, Erion, or you, either, Kansas." Satoshi plucked the pill from Erion's fingers and held out his hand discreetly to Kansas, who promptly dropped the pill in with Erion's pill.

    "He's right, baby. We don't need those to have fun," Kansas purred, putting his mouth right up to Erion's sensitive ear. Erion giggled behind his hand, the music making him sway a bit on his high heels, his hips utterly seductive in his tight little dress.

    Sand and Kenji watched the quartet as they headed out onto the dance floor, Satoshi casting another look back at Sand. Sand raised his glass, sending Satoshi a quick burst of love and reassurance, and then sipped his drink.

    "I am glad you decided to join us tonight, Kenji-san," Sand said, looking at the other man. Sand felt very much as ease with Kenji, their mutual love for Satoshi forming the basis of what Sand hoped would become a deep friendship.

    "I'm glad Satoshi called, Masato-san." Kenji smiled and took a swallow of his own drink. He looked much better than he had at their last meeting, but Sand could still feel an undercurrent of worry. Kenji was watching Satoshi more than Yori, and that puzzled Sand.

    "I do not mean to pry, but you seem a bit preoccupied. If it would help to talk, Satoshi tells me I am a good listener." Sand took another sip of his whiskey.

    Kenji smiled at Sand. "You're not prying, Masato-san. It's my sister, actually, Satoshi's mother. She's been ill, and we're waiting for some test results to come back. The doctors aren't saying much, but honestly, it doesn't look good." Kenji sighed and looked into his drink before taking another healthy swallow. "I don't want to say anything to Satoshi yet. You know that he doesn't speak to his parents."

    Sand nodded. "Because of Ryuu, yes. I can understand that, sadly. Ryuu is a marvelous child, and I love him as much as if he were my own. I cannot imagine anyone not loving a child, truthfully. In my culture, we cherish children."

    "Satoshi has seemed so much happier, and so much more at ease lately, and I don't want to crush that with bad news." Kenji looked at Sand, his eyes serious.

    Sand nodded. "I agree, Kenji-san. I would hate to see him take on more guilt and pain right now. Perhaps you can let me know on one of our training days if there is news?"

    "I would like that." Kenji smiled, and it seemed to Sand that his worry had lifted a bit. Kenji tossed back the rest of his drink. "I have a feeling our presence is desired on the dance floor."

    Sand laughed and tossed back his drink as well, standing up and walking with Kenji toward the younger men. Erion noticed them and turned to Yori, suddenly a bit bashful.

    "Yori-san, would you mind if I danced with Kenji-san for one dance?" Erion dimpled a smile at Yori, who just smiled back.

    "You like pervy old men, Erion-chan?" Yori started to laugh. "Go on, dance with him. Give him a workout."

    Kansas snickered, and pulled Yori off for a dance while Erion swayed over to Kenji, his silver eyes bright with happiness. "Kenji-san, this is a wonderful club!" Erion enthused. "Would you honor me with a dance?"

    Kenji looked at Sand, who merely laughed.

    "Erion, you are incorrigible, do you know that?" Sand observed wryly.

    Erion giggled behind his hand. "Sometimes, but I like to dance and I want to dance with everyone tonight." He turned his beautiful eyes back on Kenji, who surrendered gracefully and let Erion tug him off.

    Sand pulled Satoshi to him. "Hello, cormamin. Is this dance mine?" Sand's eyes were bright with love, and Satoshi decided not to tell Sand about the pills until later, maybe much later. Instead, he gave Sand one of his sweet and utterly enchanting smiles.

    "Of course it is," Satoshi replied, and the sinuous sway of his hips sent a jolt of pure longing up Sand's spine. Erion was dancing happily with Kenji, and was actually refraining from rubbing himself like a cat up and down the older man, although he still managed to attract a great many looks from other patrons as he moved with unselfconscious grace, his beautiful hair shining and his tight dress completing the illusion of femininity. Kansas and Yori were slightly less inhibited, and Kansas's schoolgirl look was attracting no less attention than Erion's slinky clubgirl look. Satoshi turned, his back to Sand as he dipped and swayed, and Sand's hands came to rest on Satoshi's hips as he mirrored his husband's moves, his jeweled braids winking in the lights of the club.

  21. "You are not stupid, cormamin, and I love to take care of you, just as you take care of the rest of us." Sand stole another kiss, lingering a little over Satoshi's sweet lips. "And I want you to let go and enjoy, and dance tonight, and be beautiful and wild and wanton. And afterward, I will take you to a love hotel and I will love you until we both cannot walk."

    Satoshi's gorgeous eyes lit up, and he laughed as Sand swiped an eyeliner pencil and deftly smudged the faintest hint of liner around his perfectly tilted blue eyes. Sand had braided the hair framing his face, and had woven amethyst beads into his braids, perfectly matching his shirt, which was open enough to reveal the hollow of his throat. The fine silk and wool blend of his suit hugged his slim hips and firm ass and the jacket hung from his shoulders as though it had been hand tailored for him.

    "I think we look good enough to escort our young beauties," Sand laughed, and he and Satoshi went downstairs to wait for the youngsters.

    Vale grinned and whistled as Sand and Satoshi walked into the living room, and his green eyes widened as Kansas and Erion came in almost right behind them. "I don't think Tokyo'll survive the combined effect of the four of you," Vale said admiringly, motioning for the youngsters to turn around. Vale found himself wondering if Kansas would dress up for him one night as he admired the way the little skirt flared over Kansas's sweet little ass, and revealed the creamy skin above his stockings.

    Satoshi got the car out of the garage, and the youngsters piled into the back, careful of hair and makeup but sneaking little pets and touches and giggling. Sand sat in the front with Satoshi, actually quite relaxed as Satoshi navigated the traffic expertly and drove them into the heart of Tokyo, parking the car near the train station as they had done the last time.

    Erion thought the neon and lights of Tokyo at night were astounding, and he clung to Kansas' arm and giggled, so absorbed that he was oblivious to the looks directed their way. "It's like a giant party with faerie lights everywhere," Erion said, a little breathless.

    "It is pretty, isn't it?" Satoshi agreed, Erion's enthusiasm adding to his already good mood. "Come on, it's this way." Satoshi led them into the gay section, his hand slipping into Sand's hand and an extra sway creeping into his walk as he led them to the bar where he and Sand had gone for drinks with Kenji and Yori. The bar was very much the same, quiet and understated, and Kenji and Yori were waiting at a table already as they walked to the back.

  22. "Oh, Seldarine," Sand said, and looked at Kansas. "This happens often?"

    Kansas nodded, his eyes pale. "He gets a cold and it goes straight to his lungs."

    "It was riding his bike in the rain," Sand groaned. "He was so chilled when he got home, and then we went to train in that weather." Sand went over to his dresser and rummaged in the drawer where he kept potions. He pulled out a vial with a pale green liquid in it, and Kansas looked at him curiously, Erion draped over his shoulder.

    "That's atararim's Cure Disease potion," Erion told Kansas. "It'll make Satoshi feel better." Erion nuzzled Kansas's ear, reassuring his lover through their bond.

    Sand nodded. "It will cure this instance, although I think the next time we see atara, we will ask her to do something to strengthen Satoshi's lungs permanently. Now, you two go decide what you are wearing, since I know how long that will take. I shall go and pamper my poor plundered husband."

    Erion giggled and tugged on Kansas. "Come on, 'lokiamin. I want to be gorgeous tonight, and make at least one person faint from sheer desire."

    Kansas was still looking at Sand, but his eyes darkened slowly as he felt Sand's reassurance wash over him. "He'll be better? I don't want to drag him out and make him sicker."

    "I promise, Kansas." Sand smiled at the youngsters. "Now go and torment someone else for a bit, you wanton imps."

    Sand hurried into the bathroom with the vial, and looked at Satoshi with mock severity. "Well, cormamin, you are in a fine state. Listen to that cough! I want you to drink this, and then we will have a nice long shower."

    Satoshi gave another rattling cough and looked at the vial. "What is it?"

    "It is my mother's potion for illnesses, and it will have your lungs cleared up by the time we are done showering." Sand handed the vial and watched Satoshi drink it down. "The next time you catch cold, my beloved idiot, ask me for one of these right away, before you start sounding like you have an ocean inside you."

    Satoshi handed the empty vial back to Sand, taking a tentative breath and feeling a little better as the potion began to work. The potion had tasted like a cup of slightly sweetened tea, cool and refreshing, and completely unlike any of Sand's concoctions, much to Satoshi's relief. "I can feel it working," he said, as Sand pulled him in for a hug.

    "Now, how badly did our imps molest you?" Sand murmured, nuzzling Satoshi's amethyst hair.

    Satoshi grinned and wrapped his arms around Sand. "Not as badly as they thought they did," he confessed as Sand swiped his tongue across Satoshi's pierced lower lip. "But didn't Willow wear you out?"

    Sand chuckled wickedly. "I am never too worn out for you, my heart." Sand's thick cock pressed against Satoshi in proof of Sand's words, and Satoshi moaned happily as Sand guided him into the shower, the water just the right shade of hot. Sand listened as Satoshi breathed, each breath coming easier, the steam of the shower helping the potion as it cleared the infection from his beloved husband's lungs.

    Satoshi ground himself against Sand, his own cock hardening as he rubbed his pierced nipples against Sand, making the elf hiss in pleasure. Sand backed Satoshi against the wall of the shower, the tiles still a bit cool as Sand gripped Satoshi's thighs and lifted him, Satoshi's back sliding up the wall until his legs could wrap around Sand's hips. Sand's cock slid between the globes of Satoshi's ass, coming to rest against Satoshi's twitching pucker, already stretched from Kansas, and Sand moved his hips, pressing just the head of his cock in past the tight little muscle. Satoshi mewled a little at the intrusion, and Sand paused for a moment to let him adjust before he pressed forward, his cock sliding easily into Satoshi's tight ass until his balls were pressed against the round globes. Satoshi's legs tightened around Sand's hips as his back arched a little from the fullness of Sand's cock inside him, and Sand groaned in pleasure.

    "So perfect," Sand murmured, his lips seeking Satoshi's lips as he kissed his husband tenderly. "My beautiful, perfect husband."

    Satoshi moaned, his cock pressed against Sand's hard belly as Sand began to thrust, a slow and lazy pace that drove Satoshi wild. Satoshi's fingers found one of Sand's ears, and he traced the sweep of it to the tip, tweaking and teasing the sensitive point and wresting a growl from his elf. Sand's cock slid across Satoshi's prostate as his hips bucked in response to the ear teasing, and Satoshi howled in ecstasy as white light exploded behind his eyes, Sand's thick cock plundering his thoroughly. Sand kept up his sweet lazy pace, letting his love for Satoshi wash over him as his mouth dropped to the tender spot where Satoshi's shoulder met his neck, and Sand worried a dark mark into the pale flesh, licking where he had nipped and sucked, claiming his husband all over again.

    Sand could feel Satoshi's cock twitching as it was ground between their bellies, and he writhed a little to increase the pressure, making Satoshi howl again and sink his teeth into Sand's shoulder, biting and sucking. Sand shifted his hips slightly, and slammed into Satoshi's prostate on his next thrust, and Satoshi howled again, pinned against the shower wall, a willing victim of Sand's loving assault. Sand gave Satoshi a few more deep thrusts, and Satoshi screamed as his balls drew up, the heat that had been building in his belly releasing all at once to paint them both with thick ropes of cum. Satoshi's ass clamped down on Sand's cock so hard that Sand's eyes fluttered shut at the intensity of it, his cock wrapped in velvet heat, and moaned loudly as his own ass clenched and his balls emptied, filling Satoshi's ass with his cum, the elf shuddering as he came. Satoshi's pierced lower lip dragged across Sand's jaw as Satoshi sought his mouth, and their tongues twined together in a passionate kiss as their orgasms slowly ebbed.

    After another minute or so, Sand finally eased Satoshi off his softening cock, Satoshi wincing a little although his eyes were glowing with love and happiness. Sand was pleased to note that the terrible rattling in his lungs was gone, and Satoshi noticed it as well, giggling a little as Sand reached for the soap to wash his husband.

    "So, is that part of the cure? Drink the potion and get thoroughly fucked in the shower?" Satoshi giggled. Sand's hands were strong and gentle as he thoroughly soaped Satoshi.

    "It is more pleasant than injections with a needle," Sand agreed, his eyes filled with love. "So, shall we dance ourselves silly tonight, and stay the night in town as we did before?" He laughed as Satoshi's eyes lit up.

    Erion opened his closet, rummaging through the dresses and outfits hanging neatly. Despite his usually cavalier attitude towards hoodies, t-shirts and shorts, Erion made sure his clubbing clothes were hung properly. His silver eyes were bright as he began pulling things out to examine them, all but bouncing in excitement. Kansas was digging through the drawers of lingerie, finding garters and stockings and sweet lacy wisps of undergarments that made Erion coo when he looked over at Kansas. As Sand had predicted, it took Erion forever to settle on an outfit, and by the time he had chosen, Sand was already sticking his head in the door of their room to remind the youngsters to hurry up.

    "Oh, fuck, 'lokiamin, they wouldn't leave without us, would they?" Erion asked, alarmed.

    Kansas just laughed as he watched Erion slide on a pair of silvery lace topped stockings and fasten them to his black lace garter belt. "Satoshi has to do our makeup and hair, isilmemain. They're not leaving us yet."

    Erion slipped a pair of wispy black lace panties on, tucking his cock in as Kansas moaned a little at the sight. Erion giggled and reached for his little black dress, slithering into it with an impudent wiggle of his slim hips. The golden skin of his back and his gorgeous silver and blue hair stood out even more against the black of the dress, and Erion reached for his shoes and put them on, standing to pirouette for Kansas.

    "Oh, fuck, Erion," Kansas groaned, looking at his beautiful elf, his mouth going dry at the sight. Erion giggled a little.

    "I look alright?" Erion asked, his silver eyes bright with excitement. "You looking so fucking gorgeous that I want to fuck you right now, 'lokiamin."

  23. Sand smiled at Kenji warmly. "You do not need to thank me, Kenji-san. As you have said, we are family now. As for Satoshi, I hope to see him smile that for many years to come. Please give Yori my regards when he is feeling more himself, and there is nothing to forgive. It is merely his injury that got the better of him tonight, and we will not mention it again."

    As they rejoined Satoshi, and Kenji casually mentioned the hour at which Sadao would be picking Sand up, Satoshi worked very hard not to laugh out loud. Sand managed to smother his own surprise and dismay, and instead bowed politely. "Of course, Kenji-san."

    Satoshi did laugh out loud once they were in the car, looking over at Sand with the faintest glimmer of mischief in his gorgeous brown eyes.

    "What are you thinking, cormamin?" Sand laughed, happy to see Satoshi's mood improving.

    "I'm thinking you'll never make it at six-thirty in the morning," Satoshi giggled. He lit a cigarette as they drove along, sneaking a glance at Sand who was carefully watching the road for any sudden obstacles.

    Sand arched an eyebrow. "Oh, I am sure Ryuu will manage to wake me in time," he observed dryly. "And if not, I will simply forgo reverie so that I do not oversleep. I can easily take reverie later, without my training suffering."

    "Oh, okay, as long as you have it all figured out." Satoshi's voice was full of laughter, and Sand gave him a slightly suspicious look.

    As they drove along, Sand thought about what Kenji had told him, about the spirits of the estate, and how Kenji could see them. Sand thought back to his time with Tae'uomi, and what she had taught him about the spirit world. He was fairly sure that he could not actually adapt any of her spells, since they were all based on divinely granted magic rather than the Weave. Still, he decided he would send a request through with Vale the next time he was going to the Cloaktower. There had to be something he could use that would ward Ryuu and Satoshi from harm, and any future children that Satoshi had. In the meantime, Sand intended to pore through Kenji's research, grateful that Satoshi's uncle was curious enough to have collected this information.

    Sand also made a mental note to look into possible ways to help Yori. It was obvious to Sand that Yori was taking far too much medication in an effort to cope with his pain, pain that was strong enough for Satoshi to feel it, even masked as it was by Yori's drug addled state. Whatever the doctors here were doing was insufficient, and Sand wanted to dig into his own books at home to see what could be done alchemically to at least ease Yori's discomfort. Yori had been trying to provoke an argument this evening, and Sand could only surmise that Kenji had reached a breaking point and struck out in sheer frustration. Whatever had happened, Sand had meant it when he told Kenji that it would not be mentioned again. Kenji was upset enough, and Sand genuinely had come to care for Kenji, and Yori. If there was a way to help, discreetly, Sand was determined to find it.

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