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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Erion brought his grief under control with an effort, and reached out through his bond with Kansas to flood Kansas with love and strength. The last thing they needed now was for any of them to frighten Kageoshi with an outburst of anger or grief. Kageoshi needed them strong, but Erion silently promised himself a good session of hand to hand sparring with Sand later. For all that he was a wizard, Sand's martial tendencies could come in handy.

    Kansas came back in, his eyes still pale with his fury, and he handed the cell phone to Momo. "Mori-sama will be here in about half an hour. He wants to talk to us, and then we'll all go to the station."

    Kageoshi nodded, his small face pale but determined. "I'd better get ready then. I should take a shower." His hands fluttered nervously as he plucked at his hair and then his clothing. "I don't have anything nice to wear."

    "It doesn't matter for this part, Kage-chan. The police won't care," Erion said soothingly. "Clean and neat is fine."

    "Momo-chan, will you help me? I'm a little shaky," Kageoshi said, his voice trembling just a little.

    "We'll be in the living room," Kansas said, and held out his hand for Erion. They left quietly, leaning into each other a little and drawing strength from the contact.

    Kansas led Erion to the couch, and they curled up together, Erion wrapping his arms around Kansas.

    "That bastard," Kansas muttered. "That fucking bastard."

    "We didn't know, 'lokiamin. We had no way to know," Erion murmured, holding Kansas tightly. "We'd have stopped him if we knew, no matter what."

    Kansas shivered a little, the edge in Erion's voice unlike anything Kansas was used to hearing from his little elf. Erion sounded more like Sand or Vale for a moment, and Kansas shuddered again as he remembered watching Sand fight for his brother's soul. It was easy to forget that elves were a race of superb warriors, and that delicious grace was as deadly as it was enticing.

    "We can stop him now," Erion continued, his voice softening as he became aware of Kansas's reaction. "We'll just do it the legal way." He nuzzled his face into Kansas's hair with a sigh, his own silver locks tangling in with the black and blue mane of his imp. "What will happen?"

    Kansas sighed a little. "The police will take a statement from Kageoshi. Mori-sama will be with him, and he can present the evidence that Momo took. The police will want to hear Kageoshi tell his story, and they'll ask him questions to clarify things, and then they'll investigate."

    "Will they do anything?" Erion asked.

    Kansas shrugged a little, leaning into Erion. "Depends on what they find. Knowing that fucking Taka, they won't find much. He's smart enough to make everyone think he's just this harmless guy."

    Erion nodded. "You should have seen him at the orientation my first day at uni. He was so smooth, and poor Kage-chan was practically crawling underneath his backpack to hide. I wish I had known then what he did to our angel." Erion took a deep breath. "We'll find a way to get him to show his true face. Enough pressure, and he'll slip up."

    "We have to be careful, though. We can't do anything that would come back to hurt Kageoshi," Kansas cautioned, and Erion blushed a little and nodded.

    "I'll be good, I promise. No crazy elf shit," Erion murmured. "When did Mori-sama say he'd get here?"

    "He'll be here soon," Kansas said. "The food should be here soon, too. Maybe we can get Kage-chan to eat, isilmeamin."

    The food arrived right after Satoru arrived, and thanks to Sand's insistence on ordering enough food for a small army, there was plenty to offer Satoru for lunch as well. Kageoshi picked at his food, too nervous to eat properly, and Momo tried to tempt him with little things instead of making him eat a full plate. That seemed to work, and the conversation was only slightly awkward while they all ate. When they were done, Erion and Kansas cleared away the food and packed everything away for later while Satoru took out his pad to make notes.

    Erion was impressed by the way Satoru questioned Kageoshi. The older man was gentle and patient, but he kept Kageoshi on the topic without leading him or giving him the answers. Kageoshi's own innocence lent his words a strength that nothing could shake, his slight stammer as he repeated the filthy words Taka had whispered in his ear heartbreakingly convincing.

    Satoru filled several pages with notes, and when he was done, he reached out and took Kageoshi's hand between his own hands. "You'll be fine, and I'll be right there with you the whole time. I won't leave you for a moment. The rest of you will have to wait for us outside the interview room, but I'm your lawyer. They will believe you, I promise you."

    Kageoshi nodded, his small face pale but determined. "Can we go and do this before I lose my nerve?"

    "We'll go right now. The station chief is expecting us," Satoru said. "We'll all fit in my car, and I'll bring you back here afterward."

    The station was a little intimidating, and Kageoshi was trembling as they walked in. Satoru went to the desk sergeant and spoke to him in a low voice, and the sergeant bowed with great respect and escorted them all to a small waiting room, promising to return immediately with the station chief. Another officer came in with tea, again bowing with great respect, and Kageoshi calmed down a little at the polite treatment. He was still terribly pale, and his hand was icy cold when he discreetly slipped it into Momo's hand underneath his hoodie.

    Erion could feel Kansas's own emotions, a jumble of rage at Taka and a lingering fear from his own visit to the station when he had been so badly beaten by Takeshi and his gang. Erion concentrated on sending all the reassurance he could muster to Kansas, and Kansas shot him a small smile, his eyes pale.

    True to his word, the sergeant returned very quickly with the station chief, Kitamura-sama, an older man with surprisingly kind eyes who greeted Satoru with great friendship and then greeted the young men with much courtesy. Satoru nodded to Kageoshi as he stood.

    "It's time to give your statement, Murai-san." Satoru waited until Kageoshi stood, the small teen trembling visibly.

    "I will be taking your statement personally, Murai-san," Chief Kitamura assured him. "If you will both come with me?"

    Chief Kitamura led them to an interview room, one that had been furnished with victims in mind rather than criminals. The chairs were padded and fairly comfortable, and the table was bare except for a video camera and a voice recorder.

    "I would like this interview videotaped," Satoru said as he took out his pads and several envelopes.

    "Of course, Mori-sama" Chief Kitamura agreed, and signaled to an officer who had accompanied them to set up the video camera and test it. When he and Satoru were satisfied that it was recording properly, Chirf Kitamura began the interview.

    Kageoshi looked at the video camera, paling visibly as it was set up and tested. He swallowed hard, and Satoru looked at him curiously. Kageoshi managed a weak little nod, putting his hands on the table and lacing his fingers together, his small knuckles white with the tension of his grip.

    Chief Kitamura led the questioning, and Kageoshi described the attacks by Taka in a clear little voice, his cheeks crimson with embarrassment at points. Kageoshi stammered a little again as he repeated Taka's vile threats, and Chief Kitamura's eyes reflected his conviction that the small teen was being utterly truthful.

    Satoru remained quiet as Kageoshi spoke, but his presence was reassuring to Kageoshi. At several points, when Kageoshi's eyes welled with tears, Satoru gently laid a hand on Kageoshi's shoulder, steadying the youngster until Kageoshi could go on. They reached the end of what Kageoshi had told Satoru, and he was about to speak when Kageoshi continued.

    "There's one more thing I need to tell you," Kageoshi said, his voice a little shaky. "He brought a video camera with him. He recorded both attacks at my house. I don't remember if he did the same thing at his house, but I know he did it at my house."

    Chief Kitamura nodded. "This is useful to know, and we can look for that evidence in his house, on his computer. Is there anything else you can remember, Murai-san?"

    Kageoshi shook his head. "No, that's all, Kitamura-sama. I'm sorry, Mori-sama, I forgot about the camera until we came in here, and I saw this one. I guess I didn't want to think about him watching what he did to me over and over." Kageoshi's voice broke a little, and a tear slid down his cheek. Satoru handed him an immaculate handkerchief.

    "Don't worry about it, Murai-san. It happens that way sometimes, and we block out details that come back to us. The important thing is that you remembered and told us." Satoru turned back to Chief Kitamura. "I also have a statement from Furukawa Hideko, the nurse who examined Murai-san the night of the latest attack and who has been treating him for his injuries. The statement is co-signed by two physicians."

    Chief Kitamura opened the envelope and looked the report over, his eyebrows shooting up when he saw the signatures. "Hayashi Norio? The head of Oncology? And the head of the ER as well?"

    "Furukawa-san is Hayashi-sama's daughter," Satoru said. "Murai-san is a friend of the family, and spends time at Hayashi Yuji's house."

    Chief Kitamura nodded. "Is there anything else, Mori-sama?"

    Satoru handed a box to Chief Kitamura. "These are the clothes that Murai-san was wearing the night of the latest attack." He placed an envelope on top of the box. "These are photographs that were taken by Murai-san's friend, Sakai Mamoru, when Murai-san fled to his house after the attack. I have signed a statement that I accepted this evidence personally from Sakai-san and am certifying that it has not left my possession or been tampered with at any time since it came into my possession."

    Chief Kitamura nodded. "Let me have your receipt, and I will sign that I am accepting this evidence from you so that the chain of custody is properly established." He took the piece of paper that Satoru handed him, and affixed his signature stamp and scrawled his name beneath it. "I think we have what we need, Mori-sama."

    Chief Kitamura stood and bowed to Satoru and Kageoshi, who returned his bow. "Murai-san, thank you for coming here today to give your statement. That took a great deal of courage, and I commend you. My nephew was also raped, and where he lives, in the countryside, he was not believed. I will not allow my station to ignore a crime because it is something we do not wish to hear, or prefer to pretend doesn't happen. But we can't prosecute these animals unless we have victims that have the strength to come forward, and so I thank you."

    Kageoshi bowed deeply, his eyes welling again at the unexpected support from Chief Kitamura. "I'm not very brave, or very strong, but I don't want him to hurt anyone else, so thank you for believing me." His voice was small but clear, and he held his head up when Satoru escorted him back to the waiting room to collect Momo, Kansas and Erion.

  2. Erion looked at Momo and Kansas, his silver eyes wide. "Did Kage-chan just say what I thought he said?"

    Momo sagged a little more into Kansas's arms. "Please, Yuki-san, talk to him. Maybe he'll listen to you. I'm losing my fucking mind."

    The admission startled Erion almost as badly as Kageoshi's outburst, but the young elf just reached out to stroke Momo's arm lightly. "I'll do what I can, Momo-san."

    Erion opened the bedroom door carefully, looking at the crazed pane as he eased the door closed behind him. Kageoshi was crumpled on the bed, sobbing into a pillow, looking so small and forlorn that Erion's eyes welled. Erion slid onto the bed, reaching out to stroke Kageoshi's back, feeling the force of the teen's sobs wracking his slender frame.

    "Kage-chan? Toror'amin?" Erion kept his voice very gentle. "It's Yuki, baby. What's the matter?"

    Kageoshi sat up and flung himself into Erion's arms with a wail, his sweet face flushed and tear-stained. "It's awful, Yuki-chan. Momo-chan won't leave me alone about going to the police. I can't go, I can't do it!"

    "Shh, baby, it's okay. Just calm down, and we can talk," Erion soothed, stroking Kageoshi like he would Falon after a bad reverie.

    "There's nothing to talk about," Kageoshi sobbed. "I can't do it. I just can't."

    "I don't understand. Won't the police help?" Erion asked.

    "They'll ask me questions, and I'll have to talk about it," Kageoshi sobbed. "And Momo-chan took all these pictures to show..." His voice broke a bit. "To show how I was hurt."

    "Oh, toror'amin," Erion said, letting his own grief show. "I know, it's awful that strangers will see that. I know, I understand." Erion petted Kageoshi's soft hair gently. "But, baby, we can't let him get away with this. We have to do something."

    "Not that! Not the police!" Kageoshi clung harder, his face buried in Erion's shoulder.

    "Okay, Kage-chan, okay. We'll talk about something else," Erion said. "Are you hungry? Do you want us to make you something to eat?"

    This brought on a fresh bout of wailing, and Erion hurried to cuddle Kageoshi tighter.

    "I threw my water at Momo-chan. I called him a bad word," Kageoshi sobbed. "He must hate me now. I can't believe I said those words."

    "It's okay, baby, you were upset. Momo-san understands. He knows this is hard for you, and he loves you so much. He could never hate you, Kage-chan," Erion crooned. "It's okay, really. We all get mad. You should hear some of the things Tatsuya and I say to each other when we're mad. You'd blush so bad." Erion giggled a little. "Masato-otooji threatened to wash my mouth out with soap once, because I said so many bad words in a row."

    Kageoshi did not quite giggle, but he hiccuped a little and his sobs eased up. "He did?"

    "He did," Erion confirmed. "If Ryuu-kun and Aika-chan were home and heard me, I think he would have done it, too."

    Kageoshi tried to picture the usually calm Sand being that angry, and completely failed, but the effort made a tiny giggle escape him. "That would taste so nasty."

    "I know!" Erion grinned and petted Kageoshi's hair. "I was pretty careful after that, especially when Akira-otooji told me that if Hikaru-kun's first word was 'fuck' I'd be on diaper duty until Hikaru-kun learned to use the bathroom."

    Kageoshi giggled again. "Yuck!"

    "You don't even want to know what Willow-chan said to me," Erion said in a comically mournful voice.

    Kageoshi snuggled closer, calmer and no longer sobbing, and Erion relaxed a little.

    "So, are you hungry?" Erion asked.

    Kageoshi shook his head. "Not really. I'll eat in a little while. I just want to hide in here for a bit, and then I should apologize to Momo-chan for my bad language, even if he was being a poophead and insisting that I go to the police." Kageoshi sat up a bit, looking indignant. "He even had otousan and okasan telling me to go!"

    "They're worried about you, Kage-chan," Erion said gently. "We all are. We don't want Taka hurting you again."

    "He's not going to get a chance," Kageoshi said. "I'll stay here. My parents will understand. Taka can't get to me here, and I'll be going to school a different way, so I won't see him on the train, and you'll be in all my classes this semester."

    Erion sighed and looked at Kageoshi seriously. "So you're never going to go home?"

    "I didn't say that," Kageoshi protested. "But I can't do what they want. All those people, looking at those pictures of me, without clothes and hurt and stuff. I can't do it, I'd die from the embarrassment. And they'll look at me like it was all my fault."

    "But we'll all be there for you, Kage-chan. We'll tell them it wasn't your fault," Erion said, his voice still very gentle. "We know what Taka's like. If we can get him to slip up in front of the police, if we get him mad and he shows that temper of his, they'll believe you."

    Kageoshi was looking upset again, his eyes filling with tears. "I can't stand it, having all those people looking at me and saying that maybe I wanted it, and then got scared and tried to say something else."

    Erion sighed. That was a common theme in some of the manga that Kageoshi read so avidly, although Kageoshi did not buy those particular ones. Kageoshi preferred the more romantic manga, where the star-crossed lovers were parted but managed to find each other again. Kageoshi was so sweetly innocent that Erion's heart ached, but he knew that Kageoshi had to press charges if they had any hope of stopping Taka.

    "We'll all be there with you, and Mori-sama is a very good lawyer. He won't let them say bad things to you," Erion said, trying to keep his voice very gentle. "Your family knows better, and all of your friends know better."

    "I can't talk about it with strangers," Kageoshi whispered, his cheeks crimson. "I can't even say it to Momo-chan, or to you. How can I tell them?"

    "Tell it like a story, like it happened to someone else," Erion suggested. "You can ask to have Momo-san stay with you, or your okasan."

    Kageoshi looked like he was wavering for a moment, and then he shook his head firmly. "I can't. This is the only way I can keep everyone safe."

    The blood in Erion's veins turned to ice as Kageoshi's words sank in. "Did Taka threaten you, toror'amin? Did he threaten to hurt you if you told?"

    Kageoshi's face crumpled again, and the tears began to flow down his pale cheeks. "You know what he's like, Yuki-chan. He likes to hurt people."

    Erion cupped Kageoshi's little face between his slim hands. "Kage-chan, baby, what did he say to you?"

    Kageoshi tried to pull away, but Erion held fast, his silver eyes filled with love and worry. When Kageoshi spoke, his voice was so low that only Erion's keen elven hearing allowed him to understand every word. "He said he'd hurt my family if I told. He said he'd hurt Momo."

    "Oh, Kage-chan, I'm sorry," Erion whispered back, and pulled Kageoshi into a hug. "He's so evil. He's a complete monster. But, baby, think about it a little. How could he hurt Momo-san? Momo-san is strong and tough, and he'd snap Taka in two if he tried anything."

    Kageoshi sniffled mightily. "That's true, Yuki-chan. Momo-chan's very strong."

    "There, you see? Taka's full of shit, Kage-chan. He likes to talk and he thinks he's tough, but he's not that tough." Erion stroked Kageoshi's hair. "We won't let him win."

    "I still can't," Kageoshi mumbled into Erion's shoulder. "I have to protect everyone."

    Erion took another deep breath. He was sure that Taka had threatened the Murai family as well, and Erion knew how devoted Kageoshi was to his family.

    "Kage-chan? The best way to protect everyone is to get that animal in trouble with the law." Erion felt Kageoshi stiffen. "What about Kichirou-kun? He's still at home, and Taka's right there."

    "That's why I can't tell," Kageoshi said, clinging to Erion. "That's why I just have to shut up and pretend this never happened."

    "And then Taka wins," Erion said gently. "And you can hide here with Momo-san, but one day, Taka's going to get bored and he's going to look for someone new to attack."

    Kageoshi sobbed. "No, I can't..."

    "Baby, what if he decides to attack Kichirou-kun? Your parents have the store. They can't be there all the time, and neither can Katsurou-san or Kiku-chan." Erion hated himself for what he was doing, knowing how much Kageoshi adored his little brother.

    "He won't," Kageoshi sobbed. "Not if I don't tell."

    "I don't trust him, Kage-chan, and neither should you. He says he won't do anything if you don't tell, but I think he will," Erion said softly. "I think we have to be the ones to stop him by letting the police know what an animal he really is."

    "He'll just do what he always does," Kageoshi protested, his voice trembling. "He'll do that perfect act of his, and they'll believe him."

    "I don't think so, not this time," Erion replied. "Mori-sama is one of the best lawyers, and he'll figure out a way to trip Taka up. Or we can. We can get him mad enough to make a mistake."

    "I can't..." Kageoshi moaned, but Erion could feel him wavering.

    "This is for Kichirou-kun. Kage-chan, your family just can't sell the house and move away. You know that won't solve anything." Erion held Kageoshi tightly. "You're not alone, and we'll all be here for you. We love you, Kage-chan. Let us help you."

  3. Sand stood up, dusting himself off as well. "I would like very much to see Mori-sama and Satoshi reunited. I know that Satoshi misses his father, and when I spoke a bit harshly about Mori-sama to him, Satoshi was quick to defend his father." Sand sighed a little. "Perhaps pursuing this case against Taka will help us to bring them together."

    "You think so?" Momo asked as they walked around to the stairs leading back to his apartment.

    "Well, you did call us the night of the second attack, and we did see the state that Kageoshi-kun was in," Sand said. "We can certainly serve as witnesses to his obvious distress and to his physical debilitation, although only Hideko-chan can testify as to his actual injuries. And she will, make no doubt about that. She is eager to do so. So, we will need to meet with Kageoshi-kun's lawyer, will we not?"

    Momo smiled a little. "We will, won't we?"

    "And since I cannot drive, I will need my husband to drive me to meet with you and Mori-sama," Sand said with a satisfied grin. "I am sure we can manage to find a way to break the ice, even just a little. Perhaps I could accidentally set my phone down with a picture of Ryuu-kun showing?"

    Momo looked at Sand and grinned wider. "That's fucking sneaky. But, yeah, Mori-sama would probably pick it up and ask you about it."

    "I am known for talking about my sochi-chan, so Satoshi will not be too surprised if I respond," Sand replied with no small satisfaction. "Even if Satoshi is irritated with me, he will wait until later to speak to me about it, and there are always ways to deflect a lecture from one's husband." Sand arched an elegant eyebrow with a wicked glitter in his eyes.

    Momo almost choked as he began to really laugh. "I didn't expect that. You always sound so proper and formal, like some professor. The way you talk and everything."

    Sand laughed as well, looking at Momo with great warmth. "I was a professor of sorts for a while. I do not recommend it unless you hate your liver. That was when I discovered whiskey." Sand cocked his head at Momo. "I may be very precise in my speech, but I assure you, I am far from proper and formal most of the time. My brother takes great pleasure in sharing stories from my youth. You would like him, I think, when you two meet. And Momo-san? You are young, yes, but you are far wiser than many who are much older than you, myself included at times. I am glad we are friends."

    Momo looked momentarily surprised and then pleased by the implication that Sand expected Momo to remain involved that closely with the family. "I'd like that," Momo said, his voice slightly thick with emotion. He opened the door, and he and Sand went inside to rejoin Satoshi and the sleeping Kageoshi.

  4. "Dear gods, Momo-san." Sand pulled the younger man close and held him, his blue eyes dark with pain. "I am so sorry. This man, your father, you can choose not to be like him. You have already chosen, because you protect those weaker than you rather than hurt them."

    Sand stroked Momo's back gently, his thoughts racing. Satoshi was blood type AB, and Satoshi had insisted that Sand, Vale and Erion find out their blood types as well. Sand himself was type AB, which had delighted Satoshi at the time, since according to the Japanese tradition of blood types, it meant Sand and Satoshi were compatible. Momo had not said it flat out, but the conclusion that Momo was Satoru's son was inescapable.

    "You are a good man, Momo-san, and I would be honored to call you my friend," Sand said, his voice gentle. "It seems my talent for delicacy had deserted me, so I will resort to being blunt. Mori-sama is your biological father, but there is nothing between you that encourages that sort of bond, and so you are left with the man who raised you to serve as your father, a man who did little to earn that title. I just want you to know that you have already left that brutality behind you. You are so much more than that, so much more honorable. Do not let the legacy of a small-minded and pitiful brute taint how you see yourself."

    Sand released Momo, leaning back a little so he could look into Momo's eyes. "I have seen how you look at Kageoshi-kun, and both Tatsuya-san and Yuki-san are remarkably perceptive for ones so young and they trust you utterly. You have earned that trust a thousand times over just by being yourself."

    Momo made a small choked noise as he looked at Sand, the elf's face full of warmth and concern for Momo.

    "You have entrusted me with a great deal tonight, and I will not speak of what you told me," Sand promised. "But I want you to know that I am here, and I will always be here when you need me."

  5. "You are very good at this," Sand said with a wry chuckle. "But for a moment, indulge me. So, Mori-sama is not your sugardaddy, and yet you see him regularly. And Kenji-san has been providing him with pictures and video. Part of me is pleased that Mori-sama would like to make peace with Satoshi-san, and part of me is heartbroken, because Satoshi-san would greet that news with the most mixed feelings. He misses his father, and would welcome having a father's love once again, but he is also hurt and angry. This will take a great deal of delicacy to handle."

    Momo gave Sand an amused look. "Something tells me you're good at that. The handling things delicately part."

    Sand shrugged lightly. "It is a necessary skill that I have picked up. In a way, I envy him. My father died when I was a baby, and I never knew him, although I am often told that I look like him. My older brother did his best to fill that role for me, and my mother and I remain very close, but there is something about a father's love that is unique."

    Momo looked at Sand sharply for a moment, and then looked away, smoking in silence. Sand also remained silent for a time, waiting to see where Momo would steer the conversation next.

    "Listen, about all this food that you keep having delivered. It's great, but you don't have to keep doing it," Momo said after a time. "I saw the delivery guy the other day, and I saw the restaurant name on his shirt. That's not a cheap place, and they sure as hell don't do takeout."

    Sand chuckled. "The chef is a friend of mine. I enjoy good food, although I tend to forget to eat on occasion when my research is particularly engrossing. Vale found me passed out from lack of food once when he returned from a short business trip." Sand chuckled again. "As to the money, I have, well, I suppose you would call it independent means." Sand wrinkled his nose a little. "I would rather not have to repeat the tasks that gave me my financial independence, mind you. Political intrigue may pay well, but it is damned dangerous. But that is not a story for tonight, unless we want our husbands to think we have run away." Sand absentmindedly tucked his hair behind on ear. "So tell me, though. You are quite young to be living by yourself, are you not? Was this part of the confrontation with your mother?"

  6. Sand looked at Momo with great interest. "Your mother did not want you to take Mori-sama's offer of help? I find that curious. I cannot imagine why she would want you to use a lesser lawyer. That is foolish."

    Momo just gave Sand a wry look and took another drag on his cigarette.

    "I really know little about Mori-sama other than that he is Satoshi's father, and he is an honorable man, according to Satoshi. Now there is a puzzle." Sand chuckled a little. "Satoshi will not speak to Mori-sama, but he regards him highly. It makes me eager to get to know Mori-sama better."

    Sand leaned back against the wall, his blue eyes bright with interest. "I also find it interesting that Mori-sama was not at all concerned to learn that you are gay, and yet he allowed his wife to reject Ryuu-kun simply because his mother is not Japanese, and was not Satoshi's wife. It makes me regret not having had a chance to introduce myself to her as Satoshi's husband. I think I might have enjoyed seeing her reaction."

    Momo smothered a chuckle at that image, but did not offer any insights. Undaunted, Sand continued in a musing tone of voice.

    "So, you confronted your mother, and then confronted Mori-sama. But tell me, what is a sugardaddy?" Sand looked at Momo with a quizzical expression. "And does Mori-sama have any pictures of Ryuu?"

  7. Sand looked at Momo with vast compassion. "It is difficult to be alone with such pain. I know this all too well from my own rape. I kept everyone at a distance for a year, not that there was a vast line of people rushing to support me. There was only Akira."

    "You didn't want his support?" Momo asked, confused.

    Sand smiled a little, still stroking Momo's arm gently. "I had been pursuing my studies in a city that was full of people very much like Taka, who thought only of their own needs and desires, and who took delight in the pain of others. I was attacked while making my way out of that hellhole, and to be very honest, I was not sure that Akira would not be just like them. I was wary, and not ready to trust."

    Momo nodded a little. "I understand. I don't trust too many people myself, not with this, anyway."

    "Then I am honored to be so trusted," Sand said. He bowed his head with great respect. "I told Kageoshi some of what happened to me. I did not think he needed to hear it all, however. He is still very innocent, and terribly fragile right now. But I would like to tell you, if you would be willing to hear it." Sand smiled a little. "Satoshi knows all of this, of course. I keep no secrets from my husband."

    "If you don't mind, maybe it would help," Momo said, his heart pounding a little.

    Sand nodded. "My rapist was someone I thought would help me get out of the city I was in. I had little ready money, but I offered to trade my services for my passage. I should have been slightly more specific about what services I was offering." Sand paused for a moment, remembering. "The first thing he did was to hit me, hard enough to make me fall to my knees and to stun me a bit. He bound my hands behind me with a leather strap and he proceeded to violate me as painfully as he could. He nearly bit my nipples off, broke several ribs, and broke my wrist as well. He left me bleeding from the violence with which he took me, and I was no virgin. I have always taken male and female lovers with equal delight. But really, as I said, what he wanted from me was my pain. My screams aroused him, and my blood thrilled him. The sex was just a secondary thing. I think that is true of Taka as well."

    Momo looked at Sand, who looked quite composed, as though they were talking about something completely inconsequential. "How can you be so calm?"

    "It has been longer for me, and I have made my peace with it." Sand sighed a little. "It sounds very foolish, but you do heal after enough time has passed, especially when you have found love with someone. That does indeed heal a great deal. I found Akira, and for a time we were lovers, but it is Satoshi who has truly healed me." Sand looked at Momo, his blue eyes steady. "I think that you need to know that you are as important to me as Kageoshi, though. I meant it when I told you that I was here for you, and would always be here, even if only to listen and offer my support. You are worthy of love, Momo-san. And as for the foolishness of judging us by who we love instead of how well we love, I can only offer the fact that Satoshi is my husband. This ring I wear was chosen by him, to show how we are woven together by our love. It is only fear that makes people judge, and I do not fear my heart."

    Momo choked a little at Sand's words, hearing the absolute conviction in Sand's voice. "I'd like to talk, sometime. Thank you. You don't know what it means to hear that, to know that you'll listen and you won't judge me, or maybe you do know."

    "I do know, and I meant it most sincerely." Sand smiled, giving Momo a few moments to master himself. "Sometimes it is the family we make for ourselves that gives us what we need."

    Momo lit another cigarette, his hands steadier. "That's a good way to look at it. Kage-chan's family, they treat me like I'm worth something. They don't judge me, either."

    "Neither does Mori-sama," Sand said quietly. "Tell me, Momo-san, how did you come to know him?"

  8. Sand bowed politely, his smile warm. "I am equally pleased to meet you, Murai-sama and Murai-san, but please, go and see Kageoshi-kun. We can get to know each other later when you have talked to him."

    Kenshin and Kokoro hurried in to the bedroom to see Kageoshi, who woke up when Kokoro slid onto the bed to pull her son into her arms and hold him tightly.

    "Kage-chan,"Kokoro murmured, and Kenshin sat beside her to wrap his arms around them both. Kageoshi teared up as his parents embraced him so tenderly, and in a shaky little voice, he managed to stutter out what had happened to him, carefully leaving out the name of his attacker. Kokoro and Kenshin exchanged a glance when Kageoshi begged to be allowed to stay at Momo's apartment, and Kokoro smoothed her son's soft hair gently.

    "You don't want to come home?" Kokoro asked, her voice a little sad.

    "Oh, okasan, it's not that I don't want to be with you and otousan," Kageoshi said, his voice trembling a little. "I love you both so much, but I feel safe here with Momo, and he's taking such good care of me. Mori-san stays with me, and Tatsuya-san and Yuki-san, and Furukawa-san comes every day to check me."

    Kenshin stroked Kageoshi's back gently. "We'll go talk to Mori-san and Sakai-san. You rest here, Kage-chan. We love you so much."

    Kokoro pressed a kiss on Kageoshi's forehead, and helped him to lay back on the pillows, tucking him in as she had done so many times when he was small. "Don't worry, Kage-chan. Everything will be alright."

    Kenshin and Kokoro rejoined Sand and Momo in the living area, Kokoro trying to brush away the tears that she had held back for Kageoshi's sake. Kenshin spoke first, his voice soft but heavy with grief.

    "Kage-chan told us what happened. Who did this to him? What animal hurt our son like this?" Kenshin looked at Sand and Momo almost fiercely as Kokoro sobbed, and he put his arm around his wife and held her close.

    Momo blushed a little, but he held his tongue. Sand looked at Momo quickly, and then at the grieving parents in front of him. As much as Sand wanted to respect Kageoshi's wish not to disclose his attacker, Sand feared what would happen if Kageoshi went home and his parents remained unaware of the viper two doors away. Momo was still not saying a word, and Sand took a deep breath. He could just pretend to be the baka gaijin that he was.

    "Please forgive me, Murai-sama, Murai-san, but he told me it was a boy named Taka," Sand said very apologetically. "I may be speaking out of turn, and if so, I most humbly apologize." Sand bowed very respectfully.

    "Taka?" Kokoro said, her eyes wide. She turned to look at Momo. "OgawaTakahiro? That can't be. Ogawa-san and I are good friends. She was going to keep an eye on Kage-chan while we were away..." Kokoro's voice trailed off into a sob as her hands flew up to her mouth, her tears spilling over. "It can't be!"

    Kenshin held Kokoro tightly as she sobbed into his shoulder, his eyes on Momo. "Was it him?"

    Momo looked at Sand, who nodded a little, and Momo heaved a huge sigh. "Yes, it was Ogawa Takahiro. Both times. Kageoshi begged me not to tell. I think he's embarrassed and very ashamed of what's happened."

    "Did he go to the hospital?" Kenshin asked, keeping his voice calm. "Is there..." His voice cracked slightly. "Is there evidence?"

    Sand cleared his throat delicately, putting a hand on Momo's shoulder. Sand hated having put Momo on the spot like that, but he feared Kageoshi would try to avoid pressing charges and Sand could not bear to see his rapist walk away.

    "Momo-san was most diligent in collecting evidence of the attack," Sand said carefully. "He did so while we were en route here. He also contacted a lawyer of his acquaintance, Mori Satoru, who agreed to look into the matter."

    "Kageoshi doesn't want to press charges," Momo said. He looked perfectly miserable, both at having to share Kageoshi's secret and at the thought of Kageoshi going through the ordeal of pressing charges, and a trial. "Look, I think Taka probably threatened to hurt someone in your family. He's like that. He's got Little Taka so scared that the kid nearly passes out if you talk to him. That's how he deals with people. He uses threats and intimidation."

    If anything, Kenshin's eyes grew stormier at the thought of his other children being threatened by the animal who had raped his sweet Kageoshi.

    Sand bowed slightly before speaking again. "In my land I am a lawyer, among other things, and I do believe that Kageoshi-kun should be encouraged to press charges of some sort. I realize this is very delicate, and he is a very shy and sensitive young man, but with all of us to support him, I think he could do this."

    "I agree," Kenshin said grimly. Kokoro sobbed but nodded, clinging to her husband. Kenshin looked at Momo. "Kage-chan wants to stay here with you, and quite frankly, I don't think that's such a bad idea, now that I know who did this to him." He turned to look at Sand. "Kage-chan tells me that you come and stay with him when Sakai-san has to work? And your nephew and Tatsuya-san come as well?"

    "We do. Kageoshi has been making a very rapid recovery here. Furukawa-san, Hayashi-sama's sister, is a nurse, and she comes to check Kageoshi every day. She was at our house that night, and came with us to help care for him, so he has come to trust her." Sand let his concern and love for Kageoshi show in his face. "Kageoshi-kun is very dear to us, and we have all come to care for him a great deal. It is no trouble at all for me to spend time with him."

    "He's safer here," Kokoro said, fumbling in her bag for a tissue. Sand handed her an immaculate linen handkerchief with a bow, and Kokoro wiped her eyes and cheeks. "I don't think we should say anything to Ogawa-sama or Ogawa-san, not yet. I don't even know what we could say." Kokoro stifled another sob. "How do you tell someone you've known most of your life that her son raped your son?"

    "When are you seeing this lawyer again?" Kenshin asked.

    "Mori-sama will let us know when he's spoken with the Station Chief," Momo said softly. "They're friends. Then we'll know what to do next."

    "Let us know when you're seeing him, Sakai-kun." Kenshin looked at Momo. "In the meantime, you keep taking care of our Kage-chan as well as you've done so far. He feels safe here, he says, and that's enough for me."


    Momo wanted to cry with happiness when he came upstairs to find Kageoshi sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around himself and the food in the bags that Erion and Kansas were carrying smelled utterly heavenly.

    Momo kicked his work boots off, and excused himself to go and wash his hands, the small smiled that he got from Kageoshi making his heart flutter in his chest, so hard that he forgot how to breathe for a moment.

    Kageoshi reached out a hand to Erion and begged him to sit with him, while Kansas and Sand set out the food for them.

    Erion wrapped an arm around Kageoshi and the small teen snuggled close to the elf, but his eyes sparkled brightly as they followed Momo to the bathroom, and his voice trembled a tiny bit when he whispered, but it was more from emotion than pain or fear,

    "He is so sexy like that, Yuki-chan. It gives me tingles all over when I see him like that."

    Erion smiled brightly, as he looked up and noticed that Momo was wearing stained overalls that he had unbuttoned to his waist and tied the sleeves around his waist, his tank top had once been white, and his muscular, tattooed arms were stained with grease and motor oil, and shining with sweat.

    A leather wristband was buckled tightly around his right wrist, and Kageoshi explained that it was because Momo sometimes got carpal tunnel, from the repetitive motions in his work. Erion snuggled closer to Kageoshi and giggled sweetly when he whispered back,

    "He is very sexy like that. I completely understand why you get tingles all over when you see him."

    Kageoshi giggled suddenly, very low and trembling, but Erion felt like screaming with happiness at hearing the tiny sound.

    Sand and Kansas both heard the small giggle and looked at each other with surprise, but then Kansas smiled his brightest smile and through his bond with Sand there came a rush of relief and hope, and the sadness that had dominated it the whole weekend washed away in a single heartbeat.

    Sand noticed Momo freezing in the doorway to the bathroom, as Kageoshi's tiny giggle filled the living space, and the young man's eyes filled with tears as he wen't back in to the bathroom and closed the door quietly behind himself.

    Sand asked Kansas to take over with preparing the food for them, and knocked softly on the door to the bathroom before he eased it open, and slipped inside.

    Momo was leaning back against the vanity, a hand towel in his hands, and his face buried in the coarse towel as he sobbed quietly.

    "Momo-san? Are you alright? I am here if you need to talk." Sand said quietly as he approached Momo slowly, and reached out to rest a hand on Momo's shoulder.

    Momo sobbed loudly as he looked up, his eyes filled with tears and his voice so infinitely small when he spoke,

    "I've missed that giggle so much. I honestly didn't think I'd hear it again anytime soon. At least I never thought I'd hear it three days after that. But for some reason it hurts to hear him giggle now."

    Sand gently eased Momo into his embrace and held the youngster close as he trembled and sobbed quietly.

    "I think that it hurts, because you can imagine how much pain he is in. How much he has gone through in the last few days. Then it does not feel right for him to be laughing."

    Momo nodded slowly against Sand's shoulder, his breath slowing down and his voice sounded a little stronger when he said,

    "I know how much pain he's in. I can feel it like it were my own pain. Katsurou called me earlier. He's coming over tomorrow night with their parents. They're coming home today, and he's going to tell them what's happened, and then bring them over tomorrow when I'm done working. I wanted to ask if you'd be here with me, for support. I can't do this on my own. I'm just not strong enough."

    Sand held Momo close for a moment more and then made the youngster look him in the eyes, as he wiped a small tear off Momo's cheek,

    "Of course I will be here with you. I will be here for you through this all, as much as I will be here for Kageoshi. You are so very strong, Momo-san, but even the strongest of us need support too sometimes. I will come here tomorrow and meet his parents with you. I am sure that Hideko-san will be willing to meet with them too. But now, let us go and eat. You need your strength."

    They joined the youngsters in the living area, and ate with some light chatter and quiet laughter.

    Momo sat beside Kageoshi and helped him with the food, and everyone was very relieved to see that Kageoshi was able to eat quite well. He did not quite manage a full meal and he ate slowly, but he ate, and that was the most important part.

    Momo helped him get comfortable on the couch once they had eaten and the elves and Kansas took care of the washing up, telling Momo to just sit and relax.

    Kageoshi curled up next to him, while Momo smoked and whispered some silly nonsense into Kageoshi's ear, and twice the small teen giggled quietly, making Momo's heart skip a beat.

    Hideko arrived while Sand was washing the dishes and Kageoshi walked back to the bedroom, with Momo's arms tightly around his waist for support.

    They closed the door and Kansas stood in the middle of the living area waiting anxiously as all three of them heard Kageoshi sobbing quietly on the other side of the door.

    Once she was done checking Kageoshi's injuries, Hideko came back out, leaving the two young lovers alone, and wrapping her arms around Kansas she told them that Kageoshi was healing very well, and that Momo was taking perfect care of his lover.

    A few minutes later Momo came back out of the room, closing the door behind him, and thanking Hideko deeply, he asked if Erion and Kansas would stay until he was done working, and then walked Hideko out as he went back to work himself.

    The next day Momo woke up to the muted sounds of Erion and Kansas moving around in the living area just around dawn, but they had spent the night on Momo's couch.

    Momo couldn't help but smile at the two lovers. He had grown accustomed to Kansas waking up and greeting the dawn, but he thought it was a little funny that Erion had the same odd habit, and yet it seemed only normal that the two shared something so strange because they were somehow so perfectly matched.

    Kageoshi had slept soundly through the night, only stirring once when he had needed the bathroom, which had been difficult and painful, but they had gotten through it, just like they'd gotten through everything else, and Kageoshi had fallen asleep again curled up in Momo's arms.

    Hideko came over for her daily check up around lunch again, and Momo was stunned when food arrived again, and Erion assured him repeatedly that Sand could more than afford this, and that he was only doing this so Momo wouldn't have to worry about food on top of everything else. Momo did relent when the food was pulled out of the bags and filled the small loft with the most delicious smells, and Kageoshi yelled from bed if he was supposed to starve to death.

    Momo actually managed to laugh a little at that, and carried Kageoshi out to the couch despite Kageoshi's shrieking for him to put him down.

    The lunch was more spirited than the day before, and Erion was so happy to see Kageoshi smile a tiny bit that he excused himself and went outside for a cigarette so he wouldn't start sobbing infront of Kageoshi.

    Sand relieved the youngsters a couple of hours before Momo was supposed to get off work, and Erion held Kageoshi for a long time, assuring him that Erion would be back the next day, with Kansas.

    Momo was stunned but happily so to find Kageoshi sitting in the living area with Sand playing video games when he came home from work, and once Momo had showered Sand fed them dinner, and then they waited for Kageoshi's parents to arrive.

    When they arrived Kokoro started by holding Momo close for a long while, Kenshin stroking his wife's back and Momo's shoulder while they embraced.

    Momo's cheeks were faintly flushed when she broke the embrace, but he bowed respectfully and with a very calm voice introduced Sand,

    "Murai-sama, Murai-san, this is my friend Mori Masato. These are Kageoshi's parents, Murai Kenshin, and Murai Kokoro. Mori-san is Mori Satoshi's... uhm, husband."

    Kokoro looked at Sand with curiosity while Kenshin bowed respectfully and greeted him,

    "It's a pleasure to meet you. Yuki-san has told us quite a bit about you, so I almost feel like I know you already. Your nephew has been a very good friend to our Kageoshi these past few months. I hope you will forgive our rudeness, but we would like to see our son now."

  10. Erion moved off the table and onto the loveseat, gathering Kansas in his arms and holding his beloved imp tightly.

    "I know, 'lokiamin, I know. I can feel how scared and hurt you are. I'm here, though, and you can lean on me and draw strength from me. I promise. Whatever this is, we'll get through it together." Erion nuzzled his face into Kansas's hair, pouring out his love for Kansas in an endless stream.

    Erion's thoughts were a jumble, however, as he pondered what Kansas had said. In his vision, Kansas saw Taka doing this again and again, as if he were out of control, unable to stop himself. Kansas had also said it would be more than Kageoshi, and that Momo might get into trouble if he went after Taka. Kansas hadn't seen Erion getting into trouble, which Erion hoped meant that Kansas would not be attacked. That was one less worry ,because Erion knew that if Taka went near Kansas again, Erion would kill him.

    Momo's possible involvement, and the fact that Kageoshi would be attacked again, was what worried Erion the most. The young elf knew it was impossible to be with Kageoshi every minute, and his sweet angel was so fragile. Kageoshi was already reeling from this last couple of attacks, and it had taken every bit of Erion's will power last night to just hold Kageoshi and soothe him without bursting into tears or flying out the door to hunt Taka down and cast him into the shadows. Erion could hear Nim'Cath's irritable snarls in the back of his head, and he silenced his fierce tiger sternly, warning him that this Prime was not a hunting ground.

    They were going to lose someone. Kansas was certain of that, and Erion was certain that Kansas's vision did not lie. The question was who, and Erion was fast deciding that he hated the answer to which he kept returning. All that was left now was to limit the damage, to keep Momo out of trouble and to protect Kansas with all his might. Erion knew that pain and heartbreak lay ahead, but with elven stoicism, he put aside that concern for the future. What was done could not be changed, and the future was not here yet. The now was more important.

    "We should call Momo, 'lokiamin. We should see if there's anything we can do to help today. Maybe he needs to get some things, or just needs to talk." Erion ran a slim hand through his silvery hair. "If we can't change what's going to happen, baby, we need to at least do what we know we can do. We can make sure Momo doesn't do anything stupid, and we can do our best to keep Kageoshi safe for now."

    "We can't say anything, though, not to anyone," Kansas said sadly, his pain still gnawing at Erion through their bond.

    "I'm scared, too, 'lokiamin," Erion said, knowing that to deny it was futile. Kansas could feel Erion's fear as clearly as Erion felt his. "Let's just do what we can. Maybe we'll do something right by accident, and things will change. I don't know. But one thing we can do is to lean on each other, and let Momo lean on us now."

    Kansas nodded, leaning into Erion, and Erion poured all his strength forth along with his love. Erion's eyes darkened as he held Kansas tightly, the realization dawning that Kansas had not questioned or objected to Erion's conclusion that Kageoshi's safety was only a temporary thing.


    It had been decided that Sand, Kansas and Erion would stay with Kageoshi while Momo went to work, and Satoshi dropped them all off in the morning on his own way to work. Momo greeted them warmly, opening the door to let them in.

    "Kage-chan's still sleeping," Momo said quietly. "The pain pills knock him out, but he still wakes up with nightmares." Momo's eyes were shadowed with fatigue. "Furukawa-san should be by around noon again today, and I'll take my lunch break when she gets here. He gets so embarrassed when she has to check him."

    "Do you think it would be okay if I went in and cuddled him?" Erion asked. "Just so he doesn't wake up alone?"

    Momo gave Erion a grateful look. "He'd be scared if he was alone, so, yeah, absolutely. He really loves you like a brother, Yuki-san."

    Erion nodded and slipped into the bedroom quietly, curling up next to Kageoshi and cuddling the small teen close. Kageoshi felt so fragile in his arms, and Erion instinctively stroked his hair the way he used to stroke Falon's hair when the elfling would take reverie in his bed.

    Sand sat on the couch after Momo left to go down to the garage, and Kansas curled up next to Sand, leaning into the elf as Sand put an arm around him.

    "You look exhausted as well, Kansas. Is it your gift?" Sand asked, troubled by the deep circles under Kansas's eyes and the muted bond between them.

    Kansas let out a weary sigh. "I hate it sometimes. I fucking hate it. I can see parts of things, and there's parts I can't see because I'm not allowed to see them. That's when I know that I can't change things, and it hurts."

    The grief in Kansas's voice made Sand ache for the young man. "Why not go in with Erion and Kageoshi, and see if you can nap a bit? I have something to read, and I am quite good at amusing myself. Perhaps I will wash the dishes for Momo, hm?" Sand gave a wry chuckle. "Of course, I am not sure I can wash dishes without Satoshi to bump into."

    That feeble joke coaxed a small smile from Kansas, and he gave Sand a tight hug before going into the bedroom to curl up behind Erion, drawing strength from his beloved and falling into a light slumber.

    Sand did wash the few dishes that were in the kitchen, and examined the contents of Momo's refrigerator with a dubious look. Hideko had brought more food, but it did not look to Sand as if either young man had been eating. Sand took out his cell phone and dialed one of his favorite restaurants, winding up chatting with the chef directly and placing a repeating order to be delivered. For a brief moment, Sand lost himself in a memory, recalling how Tae's foster uncle would send his man over to stock Sand's larder since Sand often forgot about food when deep in his research.

    "How things have changed," Sand murmured to himself. "You would hardly recognize me, sulvanaer, my windwalker. I am quite nearly domesticated." Sand smiled, letting himself remember the young genasi, and then he picked up his cell phone again to phone Satoshi at work and tell Satoshi that he missed him, and to ask if Satoshi would go to dinner with him tonight, just the two of them. The delighted surprise in Satoshi's voice made Sand smile again, his heart full of love for his husband, and he wondered if Satoshi could feel how he made one rather stubborn and thick-headed elf feel so alive.

    Sand had curled up on the couch with one of his tomes, and was quite contently frowning at the graceful espruar when he heard a stirring in the bedroom. He looked at his watch, noting that it was not quite time for lunch, and dropped the book onto the couch as the bedroom door opened.

    "Hey, otooji, is there any tea? Kageoshi-kun's awake, and we could all use a cup of tea, I think." Erion's silver head peeked out from the door.

    "Of course there is tea," Sand replied. "Shall I bring it in?"

    "Perfect," Erion said and went back inside, leaving the door open.

    Sand put together a tray with tea and some sweet rolls that they had brought from home, and brought everything into the bedroom. Kageoshi was sitting up, his beautiful little face pale and a little puffy from sleep, and he looked up at Sand almost shyly.

    "Hello, Kageoshi-kun," Sand said, his voice warm and soft. "Yuki-kun said you might like some tea, and I have some sweet rolls as well, if you think that you can nibble a little something with your tea."

    Sand set the tray down and brought Kageoshi a cup of tea, helping the little teen to wrap his hands around the mug. It took some coaxing, but Sand managed to persuade Kageoshi to nibble almost an entire sweet roll, and the elf sighed inside as he remembered watching Kageoshi eat such a huge steak that he was sure the slender teen would explode. Sand knew all too well how Kageoshi was feeling, and how such darkness could eat away at the heart.

    "Might I beg a favor?" Sand said to Kansas. "I ordered some food, and it should be arriving, but I may not have been clear enough on the directions to this apartment. Would you and Yuki-kun be good enough to go and wait for it?" He dug some yen out of his wallet for a tip for the delivery person.

    "I'm not very hungry," Kageoshi said softly, and Sand gave him a gentle smile.

    "Perhaps not, but we must feed Momo-san, and there might be something that you will find appealing." Sand watched as Erion and Kansas headed out, and he sat carefully on the bed next to Kageoshi, pleased when the slender teen did not flinch away. "We have some time before Furukawa-san gets here, and I thought we might talk. As I told Momo, I myself was attacked and raped, some time ago."

    Kageoshi's eyes grew wide as he looked at Sand. "You were?" His small hands clenched the bed covers tightly.

    Sand nodded. "Momo-san was quite surprised as well, but as I told him, it does not matter how strong you are. Anyone can be taken by surprise, and that is what happened to me. The possibility did not occur to me, and I was not prepared for it when my attacker struck."

    "Did he hurt you?" Kageoshi asked, and then blushed furiously. 'I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it."

    Sand reached out and took Kageoshi's hand and held it lightly. "I do not mind talking about it, not anymore. I simply thought it might help for you to know that you are not alone, in more ways than one. And yes, he did hurt me, quite badly. He cracked several ribs, broke my wrist, nearly chewed my nipples off, and took me hard enough to leave me bleeding. I had male lovers previously, so I was not a virgin, but what he wanted from me was my screams. It was the pain he caused me that gave him pleasure."

    Kageoshi's eyes filled with tears as he squeezed Sand's hand tightly. "I never... before..." He paused and took a deep breath. "Momo and I never, so he was the only one." The tears spilled over, and Sand gathered the small teen close and let Kageoshi sob into his shoulder, stroking his soft hair like an elfling.

    "Do you know what I believe?" Sand asked, his voice very gentle. "I believe that virginity is not something that can be taken away from you. I believe, with all my heart, that you must choose to give it, with your whole heart. This animal who hurt you took nothing from you, because you did not choose to give anything to him."

    "You believe that?" Kageoshi choked out between sobs, his slender frame shaking. "You don't think I'm all dirty and used up?"

    "I think, my dear Kageoshi-kun, that you are still a virgin in your heart, and that is where it counts. I think that one day, you will find it in your heart to offer yourself in love to Momo-san, and he will be your first." Sand cradled Kageoshi as the little teen's sobs eased a bit. "Love is a powerful thing, little one. It can heal many wounds that seem almost impossible to heal."

    "But my heart is so small, and it feels so broken," Kageoshi sniffled. "How can something so small and broken heal?"

    "Your heart is not so very small, as long as it is filled with love," Sand said with a sweet smile. He tilted Kageoshi's face up and brushed away his tears with gentle fingers. "Let us wash your face and make you look sweet for your Momo. He said he would come up for lunch, and we do not want him to think I have been making you sad."

    Sand went to the bathroom and returned with a warm washcloth, wiping Kageoshi's face tenderly. The small teen looked up at Sand, his eyes just that little bit brighter.

    "Thank you, Mori-san, for telling me." Kageoshi gave a last sniffle. "I don't know if I feel any braver, but I don't feel so alone."

    "Please call me Masato, and you are most welcome, Kageoshi-kun. We are family, after all, since my nephew has adopted you as his brother. That would make me your uncle as well." Sand gave Kageoshi a smile. "Do you feel up to eating outside? I will carry you if you would like."

    "Please?" Kageoshi asked, wrapping his arms around Sand's neck. "It'll make Momo happy to see me up."

    Sand lifted the slender teen and carried him to the couch, going back into the bedroom and returning with a light blanket to tuck around him. Kageoshi was no sooner settled when the door opened, and Erion and Kansas came in with bags of food, Momo right behind them.

  11. Sand pulled Momo into another embrace, holding the younger man close. "I have wept bitterly and for far less cause than this. You have no reason to apologize, not to us." Sand rubbed Momo's back gently as he would have rubbed Erion's back. "We will not think less of you for your tears. In fact, we will only hold you dearer because you weep from love."

    Momo crumbled into Sand's arms, still fighting back the tears. "When I saw him like that, just sitting on the steps, so small and hurt..." Momo choked a little.

    "I understand, more than you think," Sand said, his voice gentle. "I was raped myself, and it was a brutal thing. He was savage, and what he wanted was my screams. The sexual gratification was just a bonus. But I survived, and I found love again, and I will not let what he did shape my life."

    Momo drew back a little, looking at Sand in surprise. "You? But you seem, I don't know, so strong."

    Sand nodded, a tender smile on his lips. "I was strong, but I was taken by surprise. It can happen to even the strong. The important thing is that I did survive, and I have found the person who completes my life. Nothing that was done to me can take that away, and nothing that has been done to Kageoshi can take you away from him."

    "Will you talk to him?" Momo asked, his eyes pleading. "I'm so afraid he'll think that everything's ruined. I love him, Mori-san. I can't lose him, not like this."

    "I am Masato, and yes, I will talk to Kageoshi. I will do whatever I can to help. We all will," Sand reassured Momo. "Do you think Satoshi and I can see him for a moment? I will wait to talk to him, of course, until he is feeling stronger."

    Momo took a deep breath. "I'll go see." He went into the bedroom to find Kageoshi still being hugged by Erion and Kansas.

    "Kage-chan?" Momo said softly, and Kageoshi looked up, his small face filled with yearning for Momo. Momo sat on the bed and held out his arms, and Kageoshi crawled into his lap with a little sigh as Momo wrapped his arms around his lover. "Masato and Satoshi want to come in for a moment. Can they come in? Do you mind?"

    Kageoshi cuddled closer to Momo, feeling safe in Momo's strong arms. "I don't mind. But then I want to sleep, I think. I'm so tired."

    "I know, sweetheart," Momo said, all his love for Kageoshi in his voice.

    Erion and Kansas stood up and went out to the living area, nodding to Sand and Satoshi. Sand held the door for Satoshi, and then followed him in, both of them struck by the beauty of Kageoshi being cradled so gently by Momo, the love between them as bright as daylight.

    "Kageoshi-kun, we just wanted to tell you that we're here for you, and we'll help however we can," Satoshi said, his gorgeous eyes full of love for the small teen. "You're a part of our family, both of you, and we want to see you well and visiting us again. We miss you."

    "Even if it is just to talk, we will be here for you," Sand agreed. "For both of you." He scribbled something on the back of a card. "This is my cell phone. Please do not hesitate to call me for anything. I am often up late, puttering about with my books, am I not, saiai?"

    Satoshi managed a small chuckle. "He's a night owl." He took Sand's hand and laced his fingers with Sand's fingers. "But I never fall asleep alone, and I never wake up alone."

    "And now we will let you rest, Kageoshi-kun. You look like you need to sleep for a bit," Sand said, his voice warm and loving. "We will leave you two alone for now, but I would like to come and visit in a few days, if I may."

    Kageoshi nodded, his eyes already fluttering with exhaustion, the strain of the day taking its toll on the small teen. Sand and Satoshi left, and Momo eased Kageoshi down onto the bed, curling up beside him and holding him gently.

    "I'm right here, Kage-chan. I'll always be right here," Momo said in a whisper. Kageoshi's lips twitched into what might have been a tiny ghost of a smile, and he nuzzled closer into Momo's chest as he fell into an exhausted sleep.

    Momo stayed there holding Kageoshi, just breathing in the clean sweet scent of his hair, until he heard someone climbing the steps to his front door. He carefully untangled himself from Kageoshi, and slipped off the bed, heading into the living area.

    Hideko had returned with a paper bag from the pharmacy, and a plastic shopping bag as well. She looked up at Momo with her sweet smile. "I picked up the prescriptions for Kageoshi-kun. Let me explain them to you." She stepped into the kitchen to put down the plastic shopping bag, and then tugged Momo down onto the couch next to her.

    "This is an antibiotic. He needs to take this twice a day, and he should eat when he takes it. These are for the pain. He can have two pills every six hours. They're pretty strong, and he might be sleepy after he takes them, but that's good. Rest is good for him." Hideko handed the pills to Momo. "This is more ointment. You should put it on after he's washed. It'll help things heal faster. You can use these gauze pads to apply it, and don't be afraid to put a lot on."

    Momo nodded, his throat tight. "Is he going to be okay? I mean, is there any permanent damage?" His voice trembled a little at the thought.

    Hideko hugged Momo impulsively, her heart aching. "There shouldn't be any permanent damage, at least not physically. And with your help and your love, the rest will heal, too. I'll come by tomorrow, maybe around lunchtime to check on him and see how he's doing."

    Momo gave Hideko a grateful look. "Thank you, Furukawa-san, but I don't want you to go to any trouble. I can manage."

    "It's no trouble, Sakai-kun." Hideko took his hand and held it for a moment. "I brought a few things. Some miso soup, some fruit, and some sandwiches. You need to eat a little something yourself. You have to stay strong for him. If you can get him to eat a little something, even better."

    The motherly advice and gentle concern made Momo tear up again, and all he could do was nod his gratitude. Hideko smiled again as Sand returned from the kitchen, where he had finished washing up the cups and tea things.

    "This is my number at home, and my cell phone number. You call if you're worried about him, anything at all," Hideko said, giving Momo a card. "Don't even hesitate. Promise me."

    "I promise," Momo said, unable to refuse the small and determined woman with the perfect eyes and sweet smile.

    "Now we should all clear out and let you rest, but we'll be back," Hideko said firmly as she stood up. "Go hug that little angel and get some rest while he's sleeping." She gave Momo a fierce hug.

    Sand held out his arms to Momo and gave him a hug as well. "I will call in a day or so to see if he is ready to talk, but you can call me before then if you need me, even just to talk."

    Satoshi pulled Momo into a hug as well. "Take care of yourself, too." His gorgeous eyes were bright with tears behind his glasses.

    Kansas and Erion hugged Momo together, the three friends clinging to each other for a long moment, not needing words to convey their mingled hurt and sorrow and deep love for each other. When they finally broke apart, Kansas reached for Erion, and Erion slid his arm around Kansas's waist, the two youngsters sharing love and strength with each other through their bond.

    Momo watched them leave and carefully locked the door behind them, and then he went into the bedroom to slip into his pajama bottoms and cradle Kageoshi close to him as he fell into a fitful sleep.

  12. Ugh, the "FLASHBACK!" thing makes me crazy as well. I've used flashbacks, and I've set them apart by the use of italics, showing a deviation from the rest of the chapter without the use of neon or shouting. But those glaring all-caps warnings just ruin the flow of a chapter for me, and act as a turn-off, no matter how good the story might be.

    On the topic, the endless list of how certain forms of dialogue will be shown also bugs me no ends. If you know how to do it, the reader will pick up on it without a clue card.

    And yes, I can do without the often far too intimate details of the author's life. If you're writing to work through an issue from your personal life, I applaud you, but if the story's not well written it's not going to hold me no matter how much I admire your pluck and determination.

  13. Sand hung up the phone, a stricken expression on his face, and Satoshi grabbed his arm.

    "Masato, what is it?" Satoshi asked, his voice urgent.

    Sand's lips felt almost numb, his blood like ice in his veins. "It was Momo-san. We need to get the car, saiai. I have to get Kansas and Erion, and Hideko as well." He looked at Satoshi, his eyes welling. "Kageoshi..." Sand's voice broke a little. "Kageoshi was attacked, and brutally raped. Momo needs our help."

    Satoshi's gorgeous eyes clouded with grief, and he moaned, leaning into Sand for a moment. Sand wrapped his arms around Satoshi, and they took a moment to master themselves, knowing that Momo and Kageoshi needed them to be strong.

    "I'll get the car," Satoshi said, his voice trembling only a little.

    Sand hurried upstairs, knocking first on the door to Hideko and Tsutomo's room. Hideko opened the door, still dressed and she looked at Sand quizzically.

    "Sand? What is it?" she asked.

    "A friend has been injured, Hideko-chan. Could I ask..." Sand's voice trailed off, all his normal composure gone, and Hideko reached out and grasped his hand.

    "Of course. I'll just tell Tsutomo and I'll meet you downstairs." Hideko gave Sand's hand a gentle squeeze and released him.

    Sand went to Kansas and Erion's room next. He knocked, and Kansas opened the door, Erion giggling from behind him until he saw Sand's face.

    "Momo needs us," Sand said. "Kageoshi's been hurt."

    Kansas grew pale, his eyes fading to silver as he moaned and staggered a bit. Erion grabbed Kansas tightly, his own eyes wide.

    "The vision," Kansas moaned, his eyes welling with tears.

    "Hush, 'lokiamin, we don't know that yet," Erion said softly, pulling Kansas into his arms. "Let's just go see what's happened, and do our best to help, okay? Momo and Kageoshi need us."

    Kansas nodded, sniffling hard and pulling himself together quickly. "You're right. We don't know it's the same as my vision."

    The youngsters grabbed hoodies and followed Sand downstairs, where Hideko was already waiting. They hurried outside and Hideko slid into the back with the youngsters while Sand got in beside Satoshi, and they drove off into the night. They stopped at Hideko's house long enough for her to grab her small medical bag, and then they headed to Momo's apartment.

    They parked behind the garage, and Sand was out of the car and up the stairs before Satoshi had even turned off the engine, the door opening before Sand could knock. Sand gathered Momo into his arms and held him for a moment until the others joined him, and then they followed Momo inside.

    There was a man sitting in the living area already, and Sand's eyes widened slightly as he recognized Momo's visitor. Hideko looked at him quickly, and then looked again, but Sand touched her arm lightly and shook his head, and Hideko nodded.

    "This is my lawyer friend," Momo said, indicating the man. His distress was made more evident by the fact that he didn't bother with introductions, but just kept looking at the bedroom door anxiously.

    Satoshi bowed stiffly, not saying a word, and Mori Satoru bowed to his son with equal stiffness. Sand merely turned to Momo to introduce Hideko.

    "This is Furakawa Hideko, Yuji's sister, and she is a nurse," Sand said softly. "I thought..."

    Momo nodded, his throat tight as he bowed to Hideko. "Thank you for coming." He looked over at Kansas and Erion, and Momo's composure crumbled even more. "He doesn't want to go to the hospital, but he's hurt. He's so hurt." A tear slid down Momo's face, and Kansas moaned as he held onto Erion for support. Sand reached out and pulled Momo to him again, just holding the trembling young man for a moment.

    "Let Hideko look at him," Sand urged gently. "We will wait here, and we will see him when she is done. I am sure he does not want us all gawking at him right now."

    Momo nodded, and he and Hideko went into the bedroom. Sand took a deep breath and turned to deal with the awkward introductions. He looked at Satoshi's father, and bowed politely.

    "Momo-san is very distressed right now. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mori Masato, and this is my partner, Mori Satoshi. Our other companions are Hayashi Tatsuya and Hayashi Yuki, close friends of Momo-san and Kageoshi-san." Sand paused delicately, waiting for the response.

    Satoru bowed with equal politeness, the bow of a stranger. "I am Mori Satoru. Sakai-san requested my legal advice."

    Sand looked at the bag on the floor next to where Satoru had been seated, and his eyes darkened with grief as he nodded. "This seems like a rather futile thing, but perhaps I could make some tea."

    Erion made a small noise, somewhere between a laugh and a sob. "You always think of tea at times like these, otooji." He waved Sand off with a small gesture. "I'll do it. I know where Momo-san keeps the tea, and I need to do something."

    Kansas leaned into Satoshi, and Satoshi wrapped a protective arm around his little imp, holding him tightly.

    "Mori-kun, here, sit with Hayashi-kun," Satoru said, moving away from the couch.

    Satoshi nodded, and guided Kansas, pale and shaking, to the couch. Sand looked at Satoru, and then at the bag.

    "Momo-san gathered evidence?" Sand asked quietly.

    Satoru nodded. "For all the good it will do, Mori-san." His voice was bleak. "The law does not address this the way it does in other places. I'm not sure what kind of charges can be brought, or if Murai-san will even want charges brought. It is..." His voice trailed off, and Satoru looked at Sand.

    "I understand, Mori-sama. I have had some experience with the law where I am from," Sand replied. "Justice can be an elusive thing."

    Erion came back with tea, and pressed a cup on Kansas. "Please, 'lokiamin, just drink a little."

    Kansas took the mug of tea and held it, Satoshi's arm still tightly around him. Sand accepted a cup of tea as well, but everyone else waved it off, and they waited in silence for Hideko and Momo to return.

    Inside the bedroom, Hideko's eyes widened as she looked at the small teenager curled up in the bed, looking so lost and broken that her heart ached. She kept her tone very soft as she spoke.

    "Kageoshi-kun? My name is Hideko. I'm Hayashi-san's sister, and I'm a nurse, sweetheart." Hideko turned to Momo and nodded, and Momo slid onto the bed with infinite care.

    "I'm here, Kage-chan." Momo gathered Kageoshi into his arms, and the smaller teen clung to Momo with a desperate sob. "It's okay, I'm right here." Hot tears spilled down Momo's cheeks as he held the fragile teen close. "Let Hideko-san look at you, sweetheart. I won't leave you. I'll be right here."

    Kageoshi nodded, a small and terribly shaky little nod, but he let Momo unbutton the pajama top and ease it off his battered little body. Hideko opened her medical bag, and took out a few things, wetting some soft cotton gauze in preparation for what she feared was coming as Momo helped Kageoshi slip the pajama bottoms past his slender hips. Kageoshi sobbed, both in pain and in humiliation, but Momo stroked his soft hair and eased him onto his stomach with Kageoshi's head cradled in his lap.

    "I'm right here, Kage-chan. I love you," Momo said gently.

    Hideko looked at the bruises mottling the small teen's body, some older and some fresh. His arm and shoulder looked particularly bad, and Hideko checked carefully to make sure nothing was dislocated or broken, her heart breaking as Kageoshi continued to sob.

    "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I know that hurt. I'll wrap that in a moment and it'll feel better, and I can give you something for the pain and swelling." Hideko turned her attention to Kageoshi's lower body, reaching for the moistened gauze to clean away the blood that was still seeping from his rectum. "I had to look, sweetheart, and this may hurt a bit. I'm so sorry, baby." Hideko crooned to Kageoshi like she would to Tomio.

    "Hold on to me, Kage-chan. I won't let go," Momo promised, stroking Kageoshi's head lovingly.

    Hideko checked as quickly and as gently as possible, relieved to find only some external tearing. She cleaned away the blood and dressed the area with an antibacterial ointment, putting on a thick coat. She looked up at Momo. "Do you have any underwear?"

    Momo pointed to the correct drawer, and Hideko found a pair of clean white briefs that looked small enough. She helped Momo to ease them on, and then they pulled his pajama bottoms back up.

    "Can you sit up, sweetheart?" Hideko asked. "I can wrap your shoulder a bit and it might feel better."

    Kageoshi let Momo help him to sit, wincing at the pain of his bruises and tearing, and Hideko carefully wrapped an elastic bandage around his arm and shoulder. She took the opportunity to look at what appeared to be love bites on the small teen's body, but none had broken the skin, and Hideko gave a small inward sigh of relief.

    "How does that feel, baby?" Hideko asked gently.

    "A little better," Kageoshi whispered, his damp cheeks crimson with humiliation. "I can just stay here, right? Please don't make me go to the hospital. I won't go. I can't." Fresh tears spilled down his cheeks, and Hideko looked at Momo, who nodded.

    "You can stay here, baby. I'll explain to Momo-san what he needs to do, and I'll get something for the pain for you." Hideko began to repack her medical bag. "I promise, sweetheart, we'll take good care of you."

    Kageoshi curled into Momo's arms, and Momo wrapped his strong arms around his small lover, pressing tender kisses to Kageoshi's soft hair.

    Hideko opened the door to the bedroom, sticking her head out for a moment. "Is there any tea?"

    Erion jumped up, his silver eyes dulled with grief and worry, and brought over a fresh cup. "How is he?" Erion whispered.

    "I'll be out in a moment, and then you can see him," Hideko promised, and closed the door gently. She handed the tea to Momo, who held the cup to Kageoshi's lips.

    "Take a sip, Kage-chan. It's just tea," Momo soothed.

    Hideko took a bottle from her bag and tipped out two pills. "These are just an analgesic, but they'll help with the pain and swelling. I'll call for some prescriptions when I go outside," she explained. "Now, sweetheart, can you take this for me?"

    Hideko slipped one pill into Kageoshi's mouth, past his trembling lips, and Momo helped him to drink some tea. They repeated it with the second pill, and Hideko smiled sweetly at the small teen.

    "You've been very brave, sweetheart, and I know you'll be fine here. Yuki-chan and Tatsuya-chan came with me. They want to see you. Do you think you can handle that?" Hideko asked. She helped slip the pajama top back on and buttoned it up as Momo cradled Kageoshi.

    Kageoshi nodded. "Yes, please, I want to see them."

    Hideko stroked his hair very gently and went into the living room, her face composed and calm. "Yuki-chan? Tatsuya-chan? You can go in and see him. If possible, see if Momo-san can come out to talk with me."

    Hideko watched as the two youngsters hurried in, and helped herself to a cup of tea. She reached for her cell phone and pressed it, tapping her foot a little as she waited for an answer. "Tousan? Well, who else would it be?" She listened for a moment. "I need two prescriptions, one for antibiotics and one for a stronger NSAID that I can get at the pharmacy. Can you call them in for me? Yes, the twenty-four hour pharmacy." She listened again. "It's a friend of Tatsuya-san. He's been attacked and raped. The damage is mostly bruising and some external tearing, and he really doesn't want to go to the hospital." She paused again to listen, making a small face. "Do you blame him? You know what it'll be like there." Another pause followed. "I know. Thank you, tousan." She ended the call and took a sip of tea, sitting on the couch where Kansas had been sitting. Sand had seated himself on the other side of Satoshi, and was holding his husband's hand.

    Sand nodded. "Thank you, Hideko-chan. I am sorry to have dragged you out in the middle of the night like this."

    "There are times when I really wish I was a big hulking man so I could beat the shit out of people," Hideko sighed. "Do we know who did this?"

    Sand put his arm around Satoshi, who was trembling. Sand knew exactly what was going through his gentle husband's mind, the memories that were plaguing him, and Sand sent Satoshi all his love and reassurance through their bond. "I do not know if he told Momo-san anything." Sand looked over at Satoru.

    "That's not for me to say, Mori-san." Satoru sounded grim. "But even with a name, proving this and pressing charges will be difficult, if not impossible."

    Inside the bedroom, Erion and Kansas crept close to the bed, their hands linked as they looked at their two dear friends, Kageoshi curled up in Momo's lap and looking so small and fragile that Kansas sobbed.

    "Toror'amin?" Erion whispered. "Oh, my little angel." Erion slid onto the bed, and Kageoshi crawled into Erion's arms, Kageoshi's beautiful face soaked with tears.

    "Yuki-chan, you're back," Kageoshi sobbed. "Tatsuya-chan..."

    Kansas slipped next to Kageoshi with another sob, wrapping his arms around both Erion and Kageoshi, and the three friends held tightly to each other. Erion looked up at Momo, his eyes bright with tears.

    "Hideko-chan asked if you could talk to her outside. We'll stay here," Erion said, and Momo bent to kiss Kageoshi's soft hair one more time before he went into the living room.

    Momo looked at the four people in his living area, and the grief-stricken young man's shoulders sagged with the weight of his pain. He looked at the tea things on the table, and crossed to a cabinet to get a fresh bottle of sake and some glasses.

  14. Evereska felt like a homecoming, and Eryn was waiting with Mist and Falon as Santhiel and his Guard flew the family down on eagleback. Vale's radiant glow made Eryn's smile widen, and she hugged the blond elf as he dismounted.

    "It's good to have you back, all of you," Eryn said, stroking Vale's hair gently as she looked at him with her healer's eye. She could feel the wholeness of him, and her heart soared, for she was very fond of her elven son in law.

    Kansas flung himself into Eryn's arms with his usual sweet exuberance, and she hugged her youngest son with great joy. Kansas looked tired still, and a little drawn, and Eryn cupped his face between her hands, looking at him steadily.

    "What is it, utinuamin? You look so tired," Eryn said, pressing a tender kiss to Kansas's forehead.

    Kansas tried to brush it off with a wave. "There's so much going on, jitsubo. I'm fine. I just need a good night's sleep."

    "You know that if there's anything I can do to help, I will." Eryn brushed a stray lock of hair into place on Kansas's head, making sure to tuck it where it belonged.

    "I know," Kansas said, hugging Eryn tightly before bounding over to hug Mist and Falon.

    "Where is Hawk?" Sand asked, hugging his mother. "Did he at least visit my tailor?"

    Eryn laughed merrily. "Hawk is making final arrangements, and he's seen your tailor and your jeweler as well. He's beginning to ask if there's any merchant in Evereska that you don't know."

    Sand's answer was cut off by Ryuu, who raced past his tousan to fling himself at his sobo, Aika right behind him. Eryn managed to scoop them both up, showering them with kisses and hugging them tightly. When she was done hugging her grandchildren, Willow and Satoshi were hugged and kissed, and Yuji was given the fiercest hug of all, Eryn grateful to him for all he had done for Vale. Erion came over, Santhiel's arm around him and Tsutomo both, the elven captain thrilled to welcome his friend back to Evereska. Tomio raced into Falon's arms, and Hideko was hugged and petted over as baby Sora was promptly snuggled by Mist.

    The biggest surprise for Eryn was Maela, the pretty little sun elf maid carrying a giggling Hikaru. Sand had spoken with Caradur, and then offered Maela employment with the family in Neverwinter, as both a permanent caretaker for the house and as help with the little ones. Maela had agreed with great delight, and Aika had decided that her keifu was wonderful because she wanted to keep Maela. Sand was pleased because he hated to impose on Beredir and Nathe all the time, and Maela was looking forward to having a household of her own to care for, so it had seemed the ideal arrangement for everyone. Caradur assured Sand that Maela could always return if she decided she did not like Neverwinter, and that had sealed the matter.

    Eryn insisted that dinner be at her house, and reassured Yuji that his house was cleaned top to bottom and properly furnished if the family wanted to sleep there. Eryn had even arranged for an east-facing room with a balcony for Kansas and Erion, and she had sent for a bed from Suldanessallar after Sand had described the tatami bed that he and Satoshi loved in Tokyo. The elven bed was a firm platform with a woven reed top, and the mattress was a thick firm pad that could be rolled away like a futon. That was a small surprise from her to her son and his beloved imp.

    Dinner was a lively affair, with Sora and Hawk joining them. Santhiel had been charged with arranging a bachelor party for Hawk, and he and Tsutomo exchanged many meaningful glances and smirks over dinner as Hawk tried to pry details from them. All Santhiel would say was that Sora would have no cause to skin anyone, but they were going to have a full day to recuperate before the wedding. Mist did her best to glower at her lover, but Santhiel was cheerfully oblivious, and even Eryn was trying not to laugh. Sora was thrilled to have her family there, and she kept hugging Hideko and Yuji and Satoshi, her sweet goofy giggle making Hawk giddy with happiness. At one point, Hawk dragged Yuji and Hideko on the side to show them the rings he had chosen, the tall elven warrior as nervous as a schoolboy until they assured him that Sora would love her ring.

    Falon invited Ryuu and Tomio to stay in his room at his house, and Ryuu looked at Satoshi and Sand with such shining eyes that they both had to laugh and agree. Falon offered to help him and Tomio pack their things after dinner, as Mist beamed at the thought of more youngsters to liven up her house. Willow and Hideko agreed that they would stay at Sora's house the night before the wedding, to help her get ready, and Mist said she would take Tomio and Ryuu for that night, of course. Maela immediately volunteered to take care of baby Sora along with Hikaru and Aika, and Hideko agreed after Willow's enthusiastic approval. Hawk was staying with Eryn that night, and Tsutomo offered to stay with him and keep him company.

    The bachelor night was an incredible success, and Tsutomo's contribution of pot made the party merrier. Much to everyone's surprise and amusement, it was Santhiel who required assistance in getting home, the silver haired elf having consumed enough whiskey to paralyze a small dwarven clan before suddenly sitting down and declaring that he had misplaced his legs. Erion just stared at his father in utter amazement, and then snickered as he and Tsutomo guided Santhiel back to his house. Mist just laughed and informed Santhiel that he was not getting any potions until the morning, when he would be begging for them. Hawk was walked back to Eryn's house by Sand and Satoshi, who hugged the nervous elf and reassured him that he would indeed survive this process.

    After a day of recovery, the night before the wedding was oddly peaceful. Sora, Willow and Hideko stayed up late talking and reminiscing, and they hugged and laughed and even cried a little before all falling asleep. Hawk sat up with Eryn at her house, and Eryn promised Hawk that he had only thought he was happy until now, and that Sora would bring him the kind of happiness she had known with Anessath, which made Hawk slightly teary.

    The morning of the wedding was gorgeous in the way of Evereskan summer days, with clear skies and the most gentle of breezes, and everyone hurried to dress and meet at the temple. All the men of the family except for Hawk, Santhiel and Falon were resplendent in hakama and kimono and their haori with the five kamon embroidered on them. Even Hikaru wore his tiny kimono and obi, mildly frustrated by not having anything more interesting to chew on than his chichi's hair. Willow wore a gown in jade green that made her hair look simply perfect, and Hideko's pale rose gown made her golden skin look like a vision.

    The vows were spoken, and Hawk trembled only a little when he slid the ring onto Sora's finger, and accepted the matching ring from her, and then they kissed, and it was as though the sun had risen within the temple. It felt like all of Evereska attended the feast afterward, and when the musicians struck up a lovely dancing tune, Hawk swept Sora out onto the dance floor, her pale blue gown swirling as they danced. The rest of the family joined them, and the feast grew so merry that no one noticed when the newly wed couple slipped away to the bower prepared for them.

  15. Sand chuckled a little, that wicked little chuckle that made Satoshi's heart lift. "Perhaps a healing potion would help?"

    Satoshi looked at Sand and then giggled, such a sweet sound that Sand's heart soared. He took the potion and drank it, the warmth of the magic coursing through him, and Sand leaned in to kiss Satoshi with deep passion.

    "You will always be the beauty that my moonlight illuminates, saiai. I promise you that, in this life and in Arvandor." Sand deepened the kiss as Satoshi's leg wrapped around him in their private signal, and Sand obliged, lifting Satoshi and reaching for the oil on the shelf. Their lovemaking was slow and tender, and Sand fell in love with his slender husband all over again, as he did each morning. By the time they left the shower, they were pruned and radiant, clinging to each other with sated passion and ignoring the smirks from their husbands who had been waiting for their own chance to shower.

    They spent a few more days in Drelagara, giving Vale a chance to renew his bonds with his family, and Yuji was overjoyed to see how Vale radiated such pure happiness at discovering that he was loved and cherished by his uncle Caradur. Ardiel and Danathor hosted a dinner for the family as well, and Vale convinced Willow to dance with him when Caradur tugged Ardiel into a dance. Aika demanded her own partner, and Danathor obliged with a beautiful smile which made Aika fall madly in love with her new cousin. Erion and Kansas snuck in another night in Leuthilspar with Haedrith, the three lovers more certain than ever that they would continue to meet. It was with deep regret that the family finally left Evermeet amid promises to return as soon as they could, Caradur accompanying them to Leuthilspar and seeing them off on the elfship that was heading to Neverwinter.

    Once in Neverwinter, Sand, Satoshi and Willow used the portal to return home to Tokyo, both to satisfy Willow's need to confirm her pregnancy and to collect Hideko and Tsutomo and the children for Sora and Hawk's wedding. Tomio was particularly excited, eager to see Ryuu and Falon again and to explore Evereska in their company, and Willow cooed over baby Sora, making Sand and Satoshi share bright smiles. Willow's doctor promised to see them the very next morning, and the three spouses curled up together in Willow's big bed. Willow did not want to make love since they were seeing the doctor early in the morning, but she was more than happy to be kissed and cuddled by her husbands, who promised to make up for the chaste night afterward.

    Sand actually rose early the next morning and headed downstairs to make tea. Willow had insisted the night before that Sand come with them to the doctor's office, and Sand found himself intensely curious as to what the visit would entail. Satoshi had tried to explain an ultrasound to Sand, and had only managed to alarm the elf and reduce Willow to helpless giggles. Willow had also purchased a home test as well, and Sand could hear Satoshi and Willow upstairs, their delighted reaction to that test confirming what they all knew.

    Satoshi was the first down, his face radiant as he threw his arms around Sand. "We're pregnant! We're really pregnant! I knew because of the kaki, but look!" Satoshi handed Sand a small plastic wand with a pale window that had a blue stripe showing. "There's a stripe!"

    "Ah," Sand said, utterly mystified but thrilled to see Satoshi this happy. "There is indeed a stripe. So, the stripe means that Willow is pregnant. Does this mean that the doctor will not need to rub her belly?"

    Willow came in just as the puzzled elf asked his question, and she kissed both her husbands with a happy laugh. "The rubbing is the best part, sweets. We'll see the baby."

    Sand arched an eyebrow, still dubious, and then let Satoshi put him to work setting the table while Satoshi made breakfast for them. Sand found himself missing Ryuu's bright chatter and Aika's sweet giggle, so like Yuji's giggle, and the weight of a cuddly half-elf in his lap. Willow leaned over and took Sand's hand, her smile beautiful and loving.

    "It feels funny, doesn't it? But they're fine, and we'll see them all later, when we go back with Hideko." Willow was pleased when Sand returned her smile.

    "I have become so accustomed to our mornings, with the children all around. It does feel odd," Sand admitted.

    Satoshi brought in breakfast, his own face wreathed in a gorgeous smile. "I'm too excited to even be nervous. We have to get the pictures to bring back, though, because Ryuu wants to see his new brother or sister."

    They ate quickly, and Sand cleaned up while Willow had some more tea and Satoshi went to get the car out of the garage and into the driveway. Satoshi drove with his usual effortless confidence, but he did not smoke while they were in the car, only lighting up after they had parked near the doctor's office. Sand could see a slight tremble in Satoshi's hand as he lit the cigarette, but Satoshi's bond radiated immense joy and excitement rather than anxiety, and Sand relaxed.

    The receptionist greeted Willow with a bright smile. "Hayashi-sama, it's so nice to see you again. If you will just have a seat, the doctor will see you in just a few minutes." She bowed very politely to Willow and her husbands, and gestured to the comfortable couches in the waiting area.

    The three spouses waited patiently for a minute or two before a nurse came out, and beckoned for Willow to come with her.

    "Hayashi-sama, ihaku-sama will see you now." The nurse bowed politely, and Willow followed her into the office.

    Satoshi looked at Sand with a sweet smile. "When Willow was pregnant with Ryuu, we thought he was Yuji's. I missed this part of it, going to the doctor and getting excited over ultrasounds. I have to admit I was a little jealous of Vale, since he got to be a part of everything when Willow was pregnant with Hikaru." Satoshi gave a little giggle. "But I'm so excited now, Masato."

    Sand's blue eyes were equally bright as he looked at Satoshi with infinite love. "Promise me you will be this excited if it is decided that I should have a child."

    "It's when, poldoramin," Satoshi replied.

    Sand smiled brightly, and looked around the cheerful office. There was a wall that was decorated with pictures of babies, precious and adorable, and Sand's eyes lit up when he recognized Ryuu and Aika among them. Satoshi saw his expression, and giggled again.

    "The doctor likes to display pictures of all the babies he's delivered. We should really get a picture of Hikaru for him, even though we were away when he was born." Satoshi looked up as the nurse returned, bowing once again.

    "Mori-sama, would you like to come with me?" She hid a tiny giggle behind her hand. "Hayashi-sama says both of you, please."

    Sand and Satoshi followed the nurse to the examination room, where Willow was stretched out on a comfortably padded table, her head against a pillow and her tummy exposed. The doctor looked up at they came in, and Sand and Satoshi bowed very politely.

    "Everything is just perfect," the doctor said, his eyes sparkling. "It is a little early to tell, but the baby is fine and healthy, as is Hayashi-sama. I would estimate about eight weeks. Would you like to see?"

    Sand's eyes widened as the doctor turned and nodded to a quiet woman who was seated next to Willow, holding a small device in her hand. The woman glided the device over Willow's belly, which was covered with a gel of some sort, and Satoshi gave Sand a gentle poke and gestured at a screen.

    Sand's eyes got even wider as he saw an image appear, a form that was clearly a very tiny body. It looked odd, with an enormous head and very tiny limbs, and for a moment Sand's heart skipped a beat until he realized everyone else was beaming. Behind the screen was a chart with similar pictures, showing the stages of a baby's development within its mother, and Sand felt a rush of relief when he realized that this was indeed quite normal and proper.

    Willow looked radiant, her face lit with joy as she watched the tiny baby on the screen, and Sand and Satoshi both melted a little at the sight of their gorgeous wife. Sand was slightly startled by the sudden fiercely protective urge that swept over him, a need to make sure that nothing harmed this wonderful woman and the precious new life inside her, and he could feel that same fierceness rising in Satoshi.

    "I'm sure it's a girl," Willow grinned. "I know we can't be sure yet, but I feel like I did when I was pregnant with Aika."

    Satoshi's heart gave a huge leap in his chest, and he could not keep the grin from his face. The thought of having a sweet little girl, a little sister for his Ryuu, nearly made him teary-eyed, and he could feel Sand's joy as well.

    "I'll meet you back in the waiting room," Willow told her dazzled husbands, and the nurse led them back out, the two men rendered speechless with happiness.

    "A little girl," Sand breathed, his voice barely a whisper. "Do you think she is right?"

    "I don't know," Satoshi murmured. "It's wonderful either way, though."

    Sand wanted to hug Satoshi tightly and celebrate, but he knew that they needed to wait until they were home, and so he contented himself with a bright smile, his heart filled with joy. Willow came out a few minutes later, and arranged for her next visit, her face shining with happiness, and they headed back to the car, pictures safely tucked in Willow's purse.

    Back at the house, Satoshi hugged Willow, his face so bright that Sand's breath caught in his throat. Satoshi was beyond beautiful like this, totally unguarded and open as he nuzzled Willow's hair.

    "We did it, Satoshi, my love," Willow laughed, hugging Satoshi tightly.

    Sand watched them, his own heart overflowing with joy. He already loved Ryuu utterly, and thought of Ryuu as his own son, and this baby would be as dear to his heart as Ryuu. Sand could not wait to see Eryn's face when Willow told her the wonderful news, knowing that his mother would be overjoyed at the prospect of a new grandchild to love, when they were able to tell her, that was. Willow was adamant that no one be told until she was safely past the three month mark of pregnancy.

    Willow looked up and held out one arm to Sand, beckoning the elf into the hug. "Come here, sweets. You're a part of this, too."

    Sand fell into the embrace, his heart brimming over as he held his husband and his wife close, savoring this perfect moment. Willow finally broke the embrace, excusing herself to run off to the bathroom, and Satoshi looked at Sand, his eyes widening as the reality of things set in, and he began to struggle to catch his breath. Sand immediately dove for the kitchen, rummaging in a drawer and coming up with a paper bag.

    "Here, saiai, breathe into this," Sand said, opening the bag and handing it to Satoshi. He helped Satoshi to position it properly, and rubbed Satoshi's back a little as the slender man's breathing evened out. "Is that better?"

    Satoshi nodded but still held the paper bag over his mouth for a few minutes longer. He pulled it away finally with a sheepish grin. "I just realized that we're having a baby."

    "Yes, we are, saiai. We are having a baby," Sand agreed, hugging Satoshi with a bright smile.

    "And we're not telling anyone right away, outside of us," Willow said, coming back into the kitchen. "I'm a little superstitious that way, sweets." Willow gave Sand a kiss. "We're telling Eryn, though. I want her to deliver this baby, too."

    Sand's face lit up. "You have no idea how happy you will make her, vanimaer. "

    "And speaking of which, Hideko should be here and minute with Tsutomo and the kids. Did you two remember to pack everything on Vale's list of things we needed?" Willow looked at Sand, who nodded and held up a bag of holding. Willow laughed and shook her head. "I'm glad our ditzy blond is back to himself."

    "And I'm glad we have bags of holding," Satoshi muttered, but his eyes were bright.

    "Bags," Sand muttered, and ran into the kitchen to add a stack of paper bags to his bag of holding.

    Hideko and Tsutomo arrived with Tomio and baby Sora, and after hugs and kisses all around they all stepped through the portal to Neverwinter, brimming with excitement.

  16. Sand cradled Satoshi close to him, opening his bond so that Satoshi could feel the love that Sand had for Satoshi. Sand's voice was tender and soft when he spoke.

    "Do you know what you are, saiai? You are music, and wonder, and you drag me away from my dusty scrolls and tomes and into the sunshine so that we can drive up the side of a mountain far too fast, and fuck with all the abandon of lusty youngsters. You are life, saiai, and all the joy of living it, and you make me feel young, and like dancing until dawn as I did when I was Erion's age." Sand kissed Satoshi with vast tenderness, his love for his slender husband pouring out in an endless wave. "You, saiai, are love given form, with a heart so vast and generous that I am in awe of you and your gift for loving. And you are strong, saiai, so very strong. You have endured so much that could have made you surrender, that very nearly did make you surrender, but that inner core of you, that part that knows only how to love is so very strong that you did not succumb. And I am the luckier for it, saiai. Will you laugh if I say that I choose to believe that you waited for me?"

    Satoshi trembled in Sand's arms, his sobs not quite ending but slowing a little. "You really believe that?"

    "I do," Sand said, stroking Satoshi's back gently. "I believe that with all my heart, saiai. There is no one anywhere in the multiverse as perfect as you, not for me. I will not lie to you, my Satoshi. I too can love others, just as you do, but you are always first in my heart. I am Mori Masato, in my heart and engraved on my very soul, until time ends. I may still love Vale, but we would had drifted apart, my sun and I. I could never have been what he needs, and I cannot change that. I do not want to change that. I have no desire to be his dominant partner, and that would have come between Vale and I eventually."

    Satoshi relaxed a little in Sand's arms, his sobs slowing even more. "I hate feeling so afraid like this, but I can't seem to stop."

    "It is alright, saiai. What you fear, that you have somehow come between Vale and I, is not true, and I have never come out and told you that properly. I have failed you." Sand kissed Satoshi again, another tender kiss that asked for nothing. "But let me tell you now. You are the other half of my soul, the only one who could complete me so perfectly, and I am the luckiest elf alive to have found so perfect a lifemate as you. And I will tell you another thing, saiai. You have not lost Yuji. You could not lose Yuji. He loves you so very much, and you love him, and that is as it should be. There has been so much that has happened in so short a time, saiai, and we have all had so little time to properly adjust. But this?" Sand stroked the tattoo of Suldanessallar on his arm. "This is ours, and our alone. I have never brought anyone to that little tree house except you, and I never will. And these?" Sand stroked the koi swimming under the moonlight. "What use is the moonlight if it does not illuminate beauty? I would be the moonlight that illuminates the beauty that is you, if you will permit me."

  17. "Good morning, my beautiful ones, although it may not be a good morning if my deasar decides not to cook for us. I'm told my skills don't go much past fruit, bread and cheese." Haedrith leaned in to kiss Kansas and Erion both very sweetly. "The bath is through that door if you want to wash first, or you can feel free to just help yourselves to sleep pants and tunics if you want to wash later. I'm going to wash now, and I don't mind company."

    Erion looked at Haedrith, his silver eyes bright as his stomach gave a plaintive growl. "A bath," Erion said with a small moan. "Oh, 'lokiamin, I really want a bath."

    Kansas laughed at Erion's expression. Erion was moving cautiously this morning, feeling the aftereffects of the wild sex the night before, but he radiated contentment and joy. Haedrith was already stripping, and Erion followed him into the bath eagerly, sighing happily when he saw the intricate grill in the floor and the waterspout overhead. Haedrith was already turning the taps that would set the water to flowing, and fetching bottles of shampoo and a basket of soaps.

    Kansas grinned at the sight of the elven version of a shower, and the three lovers helped each other to wash, backs scrubbed and hair shampooed in between nuzzles and kisses. When all three were clean and rinsed, Haedrith handed out thick towels, and they dried off and cleaned their teeth.

    As they were dressing, Haedrith cleared his throat gently, not quite sure how to begin. "Last night seemed the wrong time to mention this, and I suppose I probably wouldn't even be telling you right now, or at least not like this, but my son will be joining us for our meal." Haedrith's turquoise eyes begged for understanding, a sweet but sad little smile on his lips. "I'm a widower. My wife died a few years ago, giving birth to our second child. Herenith was just a small elfling, and it's been just the two of us ever since. He was visiting his grandparents up in Taltempla, north of here, which is why I was out last night in search of company." Haedrith took a deep breath, looking at Kansas and Erion. "He wasn't supposed to be home until late this afternoon, so I didn't mention him. I didn't think... I never expected to meet the two of you, and to want to be able to see you again, sometime."

    "How old is he?" Erion asked, his heart going out to Haedrith. Kansas slipped a comforting arm around Haedrith's waist.

    "Herenith is twenty-two," Haedrith replied. "He was not quite twelve when Elenwen died." Haedrith leaned a little into Kansas's comforting embrace. "We were very young, Elenwen and I, and we knew it was too soon for her to be pregnant again, but Herenith was such a joy, and she really wanted another child. I never could say no to her."

    "My brother, Falon, is twenty-five. He's back home in Evereska," Erion remarked, reaching for his breeches. He gave Haedrith a beautiful smile. "So you still want to see us again? We didn't scare you off last night?"

    Haedrith laughed in surprise and relief as he reached into his wardrobe for breeches and a tunic. "I'll admit the way you dropped off so suddenly was a little startling, but Kansas is right. You're completely adorable when you snore."

    "I don't snore!" Erion protested, and then saw Kansas trying to stifle a laugh. "Do I snore? 'Lokiamin! I snore?" His expression was so comically puzzled that Kansas gave up and just burst out laughing.

    "It's the tiniest little snore, and your nose wrinkles a little when you do it, and I love it when you do," Kansas reassured Erion, the silver-haired elf still looking doubtful.

    "And it was our fault for wearing you out so thoroughly, although I don't think you were unhappy about it," Haedrith added, his own laugh sweet and gentle.

    Erion gave up and grinned. "I wasn't, trust me. I feel like I got buggered by a balor, though, like Uncle Vale says." His stomach gave another rumble. "And I'm starving." Erion finished fastening the silver chains around his slim waist.

    Haedrith led the way to his kitchen, a comfortable and homey room filled with sunshine and the smell of good food. The cook was an older elven woman, her smile bright as she turned to greet Haedrith and his guests.

    "Herenith told me we had company, Sit, everyone, and I'll bring the food over." She reached out and grabbed Herenith by the collar of his tunic. "Not you, you little rascal. For all your teasing, you get to help me serve." She shoved a platter of perfectly grilled fish into Herenith's hands. She brought over a tray of perfectly cooked omelet and some freshly baked bread rolls with butter and honey on the side. Herenith went back to the counter to get a large bowl of white rice, and the cook added pitchers of cold tui and iced fruit juice. She seated herself at the table with them, her smile bright.

    "My name is Aira, by the way, since my daft employer seems to have forgotten it this morning," the cook said, her coppery hair bright in the sunny room. She pressed food on Kansas and Erion, who helped themselves gladly, Erion's face bright as he loaded his plate.

    Haedrith just smiled his sweet smile. "Kansas and Erion, I'd like you to meet my son, Herenith, and Aira, without whom we'd all starve and live in squalor."

    Aira gave Haedrith a playful little pat on the shoulder. "Nonsense. You can manage fruit and cheese."

    "And bread," Herenith interjected helpfully, his eyes curious as he looked at Kansas and Erion. "You know, atar, this is why atarim says I should live with him and atararim. Talk about being foreign... a star elf and a human? You are a star elf, aren't you? I thought you were legends or something." Herenith was dipping his bread in honey and nibbling as he spoke, his slim hands deft and nimble.

    "Worse," Erion said cheerfully. "Star elf and moon elf both. I'd give your grandfather holy fits, if I'm understanding you."

    Haedrith shook his head a little. "It's Elenwen's parents, and I'm afraid they're a little conservative."

    "A little conservative? Atar, that's like saying Selรปne is sort of bright." Herenith yelped as Aira gave him a sound smack on the arm. "It's true! He hates Queen Amlaruil simply because she's a moon elf, and he goes on and on about the 'foreign' influence that's corrupting Evermeet. I'm so sick of his ranting, atar, especially when he gets started on you. So I left."

    Haedrith sighed a little. "They still blame me for your mother's passing, utinuamin."

    "Which is completely unfair," Herenith said stoutly. "So, where do you two live, and should I get used to seeing you at breakfast?" The change of subject caught everyone by surprise, and Kansas had to pat Aira on the back as she choked on her fruit juice. Erion was equally speechless for a change, and Kansas answered for them both.

    "Erion's from Evereska, and we also have a place in Neverwinter. But most of the time, we live on another Prime, called Earth." Kansas grinned at Herenith's expression. "As far as seeing us at breakfast from time to time, I think that's between Haedrith and us."

    Aira laughed in delight. "And there's a proper answer for an impudent young rascal. Honestly, you're like this every time you come back from Taltempla. As much as I adored your mother, her parents are a sour pair, and they make you cheekier than usual for days."

    "Sour?" Herenith grumbled. "He could make sisyita seem sweet." The elfling named the bitter citrus fruit that elves loved for its juice, which they sweetened with a bit of honey and served iced.

    "He's still your grandfather," Haedrith said gently. "He loved your mother very much, and he's still mourning her. I can live with what he thinks of me." He turned to Kansas and Erion with his sweet smile. "When do you leave Evermeet?"

    Erion and Kansas exchanged a glance. "Vale wants to have a couple more days with his family," Kansas said. "We're actually staying in Drelagara, but it's easy enough to take the elfgate here."

    "I'd like to see you again before you leave," Haedrith said, his eyes bright with affection. "If that's possible."

    Herenith grinned brightly. "I can stay with one of my friends here in Leuthilspar for the night."

    Aira stood up and went back to the counter to bring over bowls of custard and berries, and sweet little pastries. "Or you can stay at my house, if you want, my rascal."

    They finished eating, even Erion's stomach finally satisfied, and Haedrith walked with them to the front door. "Thank you, both of you, for the most amazing night." He kissed Kansas and Erion lingeringly, his turquoise eyes warm. "Send a messenger and let me know if you can come back for a night. You can always reach me at Tower Reilloch."

    Erion hugged Haedrith tightly. "Thank you for being such a wonderful lover, Haedrith." His silver eyes were bright with deep affection. "Maybe you can even come to Evereska some time. Herenith and my brother would be fast friends instantly."

    Haedrith chuckled a little. "I might be able to do that. I've never left Evermeet, and maybe it's time I did."

    Kansas pulled Haedrith into his arms. "You were perfect, Haedrith. Thank you for being so incredible."

    "My beautiful ones," Haedrith murmured, stroking their cheeks gently. "I'll see you again."

  18. Haedrith returned with a tray with tall glasses of tui, cold and refreshing, and some sliced fruit, bread and cheese. He put the tray down on a nightstand, and handed Kansas a glass of tui, stealing a kiss as he did so. Haedrith handed Erion a glass as well, and took one for himself, curling up on the bed to watch as Erion fed Kansas a berry.

    "You're so beautiful together," Haedrith commented. "Have you been betrothed long?"

    "A little more than six months," Kansas replied, looking at Erion with such love in his eyes.

    Haedrith looked mildly surprised. "I would have thought longer, the way you are around each other."

    Erion just grinned. "How about you? Is there anyone special for you?"

    Haedrith just smiled. "No one special, aside from you two young gods." Haedrith reached out to stroke Erion's cheek. "Would you be terribly offended if I said I'd like to do this again, when you're visiting Evermeet another time?"

    Erion's grin widened as he and Kansas exchanged a look. "Pleased is more like it. We like you, sweet Haedrith, a lot."

    Kansas nodded in agreement, and leaned in to plunder Haedrith's mouth. "Now, let's see if you can make Erion forget his own name."

    Erion drained his glass of tui in a single graceful swallow, tilting his head back as he drank, and Haedrith moaned a little at the sight. Haedrith put his own glass aside and tugged Erion off the window seat and back onto the bed, the younger elf falling into his arms with a giggle as he fit perfectly into the embrace.

    Kansas watched as Haedrith moved atop Erion, nibbling at Erion's ears and making Erion writhe underneath him. The friction had the effect of making Erion's cock harden fully, and Erion moaned as he ground himself against Haedrith.

    "Oh, not so soon, vanimaedhel, beautiful elf," Haedrith chuckled, and he moved down between Erion's parted thighs, leaning over to nip and suck Erion's sensitive little nipples. Erion let out a wanton shriek, and arched his back, striving to make contact with his cock, but Haedrith kept himself just out of Erion's reach, and Erion moaned as he writhed under Haedrith's assault on his tender nipples.

    Kansas watched, his plump lips parted slightly, and his fingers drifted to his cock as he listened to Erion moan so deliciously. Haedrith was working his way down Erion's chest, stopping to nibble the sapphire belly ring and dip his tongue into Erion's navel, as sensitive a spot for the younger elf as his nipples. Erion's cock was dribbling precum freely, and he whimpered a little as Haedrith managed to stay just out of reach of that eager cock. Instead, Haedrith nipped and sucked his way along the sharp angle of Erion's hipbone, and licked a trail along the inside of a tanned thigh.

    Haedrith worked his way up that thigh, and then licked and sucked at Erion's sac, making Erion howl as Haedrith took first one ball and then the other into the hot cavern of his mouth, his tongue wrapping around the tender flesh.

    "Please," Erion moaned, his eyes fluttering closed and then opening, nearly black with desire. "Saes, melindo, sana'amin. Please, lover, take me." Erion's voice was hoarse with his need, and Haedrith released his sac with a last loving lick.

    Haedrith urged Erion to turn over, his sweet ass in the air, and Haedrith gripped the firm cheeks and spread them to contemplate the tight pucker between them. Haedrith bent his head, his burnished gold hair falling forward over his far shoulder so that Kansas had an unobstructed view as Haedrith dragged his tongue across Erion's pucker. Erion howled again, his back arching and he tried to push back against Haedrith, but Haedrith's grip held, and Erion could not move as Haedrith pressed the tip of his tongue against the pucker, laving it with slow strokes.

    Erion moaned loudly, his cock twitching helplessly and dripping precum as Haedrith continued to tease Erion with long, lazy licks. Kansas's hand stroked hs own cock slowly as he watched Erion's face, his cheeks flushed and his eartips rosy with his arousal, but as much as Erion whimpered and writhed, Haedrith was intent on taking his time over that delectable ass.

    Finally, when Erion was moaning nonstop, Haedrith pressed the tip of his tongue past the tight little muscle, and Erion responded with a shriek. Haedrith chuckled a little as he pressed his tongue in again, a little deeper this time, and Erion let out the most wanton and desperate little moan. Haedrith began to fuck Erion's ass with his tongue, the strong muscle entering easily as Haedrith kept Erion in place with a firm grip on his buttocks.

    Erion's eyes closed as he gave himself over to the sensation of being plundered by Haedrith's tongue, and Kansas watched as Erion's arousal and delight played across his unguarded face. Kansas loved the way Erion's every emotion was displayed so openly, the little elf far too lost in his pleasure to guard his expression. Erion's bond was wide open as well, and Kansas kept his connection passive, just drinking in each sensation that Erion experienced.

    Erion screamed, his balls tightening involuntarily, and he shot a thick stream of cum onto the bed covers, his balls emptying as Haedrith continued to tongue-fuck him. Erion gasped, his pucker trying to tighten, but Haedrith's tongue was far stronger than that, and he thrust it fully into Erion's quivering hole, drawing a strangled howl from Erion.

    Erion was ready to sag down to the bed, but Haedrith lifted his head, shifting his grip to Erion's hips and holding the little elf up as Haedrith replaced his tongue with the head of his cock. The slick little pucker parted readily, and Haedrith pressed the head of his cock into Erion's tight little ass as Erion howled again, nearly mindless with pleasure. Erion could not buck backward to take more of Haedrith's cock within himself, and Erion gave a whimper, his tongue peeking out from between his lips as he arched.

    Haedrith took pity on the needy little elf, and he slowly sank forward until he was buried to the balls in Erion's ass. Erion gasped and moaned, the feeling of being filled by Haedrith's cock driving him nearly wild, and he ground himself down on Haedrith's cock, his own cock beginning to harden again. Haedrith withdrew almost all the way, slow and lascivious, and then he slammed forward, hammering Erion's prostate and making Erion shriek in abandon. Haedrith kept that up, varying his rhythm and making Erion incoherent with arousal, his prostate under relentless assault.

    Kansas was stroking himself harder now as he watched Erion, oblivious to anything beyond Haedrith's cock churning his guts as Haedrith drove Erion right back to the edge again. When Haedrith reached around Erion to wrap his fingers around Erion's cock, Kansas had to bite back a moan of his own. Haedrith was flushed as well now, barely holding himself in check as he stroked Erion's cock, and Erion screamed as he came a second time, his cum spurting out and coating Haedrith's hand. This time, when Erion's ass tightened around Haedrith's cock, the older elf surrendered as well, his howl mixing with Erion's scream as he filled the little elf's ass with a prodigious amount of hot cum.

    Erion went completely limp, and Haedrith eased the spent little elf to the bed, withdrawing carefully and spooning up behind Erion to cradle him close as Erion shuddered, his eyes fluttering.

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  20. Vale returned the kiss, sweet and tender, his long fingers tangling in Satoshi's amethyst hair. "But you're so easy to love, mela en' coiamin. I'll never forget how you opened your heart to me when I first came here, or how you took my pain on yourself these past months. You saved me with that. You're incredible, and generous, and loving, and I've missed you, my sweet Satoshi."

    Vale cupped Satoshi's face, letting his tongue swipe Satoshi's piercings, his own tongue stud clicking lightly against the bright metal. Satoshi moaned a little, Vale moving with that easy grace of his to slide his long body against Satoshi in the most tantalizing manner. Satoshi pressed himself against Vale, their pierced nipples sliding against each other, and Vale shivered in delight at the sensation. The elf ground his cock against Satoshi's cock, wanton and loving.

    Vale let his kisses trail lower, careful not to leave any marks that would show, until his hot tongue found a pierced nipple. Vale laved it with great pleasure, nibbling and sucking before tugging the steel nipple ring until Satoshi's nipple was a hard little nub. Vale repeated his caress on the other nipple before kissing and nibbling his way down Satoshi's belly until he reached Satoshi's cock, already hard, precum beading at the tip.

    Vale gave a wanton little moan and dragged his tongue over the head of Satoshi's cock, lapping up the precum with delight before letting his hot mouth engulf Satoshi's cock. Satoshi mewled and fisted his hands in Vale's hair as Vale teased the cleft underneath the head of Satoshi's cock with his tongue stud before flattening his tongue and sliding his mouth down the length of Satoshi's cock until his nose was buried in the soft curls of Satoshi's groin. Vale hummed a little as he swallowed hard, and Satoshi howled at the combined sensation of being squeezed by Vale's throat muscles while the vibration danced up his spine. Vale drew his lips back up, sucking hard enough to hollow his cheeks, and then dove back down to engulf Satoshi's cock once again.

    Satoshi was writhing beneath Vale as Vale continued to suck Satoshi's cock, his bond wide open so Satoshi could feel how much Vale was enjoying making love to his husband. One of Vale's slim hands cupped Satoshi's balls, and the elf could feel them tighten as Satoshi mewled under the ministrations of Vale's talented mouth. Satoshi's hands tightened in Vale's hair, and he howled as he came, Vale pulling back a little so he could taste Satoshi's cum as his mouth was filled. Vale swallowed all but the last mouthful, and he rose up, pulling off Satoshi's cock with a soft little pop as he pressed his lips to Satoshi's lips, letting some of Satoshi's cum trickle into the imp's mouth. Satoshi moaned as he tasted himself on Vale's tongue, his thighs parting to allow Vale to slide between them.

    Vale continued to kiss Satoshi, plundering his tight little mouth with loving kisses as Vale lined the head of his cock up with Satoshi's already loosened pucker. Vale had slicked his cock with a little lube already, and as he pressed forward, Satoshi's ass opened easily for him, letting Vale sink in to the root as Satoshi's muscular legs wrapped around Vale's hips.

    Vale paused to give Satoshi a moment to adjust, and then he began a sweet, slow thrusting, pulling out almost all the way before sliding back into Satoshi's ass, making sure to glide across Satoshi's prostate. Satoshi was still riding the last of his orgasm, and he was deliciously tight around Vale as Vale kept up his languid strokes, nibbling on Satoshi's plump lips. Satoshi's hands slid through Vale's hair until he found Vale's ears, gently stroking the shell and tweaking the sensitive tips as Vale moaned in delight.

    "Mela en' coiamin, love of my life," Vale murmured, his eyes filled with love for his gentle husband. "You're so worthy of love, so perfect." Vale leaned in to kiss Satoshi again, moaning a little as he felt the heat beginning to build in his belly.

    Satoshi let his hands trail down Vale's back until they came to rest on the firm globes of Vale's ass, and Satoshi gripped tightly as Vale picked up his pace a bit, his balls heavy and tight. Satoshi's back arched slightly as he ground himself against Vale with each thrust, taking Vale in as deeply as he could, and Vale howled in pleasure as he felt himself dive even deeper into the heat of Satoshi's ass. It was too delightful, and Vale could not hold on any longer, his balls aching with the need to empty. Satoshi tightened his ass around Vale's cock deliberately, and Vale let out a glorious scream as his balls emptied in a powerful convulsion, filling Satoshi's sweet ass with his cum.

    Vale's muscles were trembling as he lowered himself slowly, rolling to the side a little and wrapping his arms around Satoshi as he pressed in for a kiss.

    "I love you, Vale," Satoshi murmured, his gorgeous eyes so dark and tender, and Vale smiled his most radiant smile, cradling Satoshi close to him as their hearts beat together.

  21. Sand felt Yuji try to dominate the kiss, and he pushed back, just a little, before giving the faintest of sighs and letting Yuji win the small battle, his blue eyes bright with amusement as Yuji plundered his mouth. When Yuji finally let him up for air, Sand chuckled, running his hand through the black silk of Yuji's hair and teasing one of Yuji's ears gently.

    "We do need to talk, do we not? But not tonight, my love," Sand murmured, his voice rich with desire. "Just know that in the end, when all is said and done, I do look to you as head of this combined family."

    Yuji looked at the moon elf, still managing to look elegant even naked and with kiss-swollen lips, and he chuckled, "Do you, then?"

    "Oh, yes," Sand drawled, his eyes glittering as he lay back, his thick cock already hard and eager, and he looked at Yuji with a blatant invitation in his eyes. "This family is something you crafted, from the bottomless love you have in your heart. I may push here and there, but I am well aware of the fact that you hold us together. I ask only two things of you."

    Yuji moved to lean over Sand, his hand sliding into Sand's silken hair. Yuji's lips brushed against Sand's lips as he murmured, "Ask."

    "As you are Vale's primary spouse, I am Satoshi's. Let us respect that between us." Sand arched very slightly, letting himself brush against Yuji. "The second thing I ask is that you do not mark me. I am not yours to claim in that manner."

    "We might need to remind each other, every so often, while we get used to this, I think." Yuji tugged on Sand's hair, pulling the elf into a kiss. "And I won't mark you, if you will show me that same courtesy."

    It was Sand's turn to chuckle, when they broke again to breathe. "Listen to us, circling so carefully around each other." He looked at Yuji with genuine love in his blue eyes. "Yuji, my love, I do not question the decisions you make for Vale, or Willow, or for Aika and Hikaru. I trust you completely, but I do not think I have remembered to quite say that."

    Yuji looked at Sand, and smiled. "And I will defer to you when it comes to Satoshi and Ryuu, and the new baby. You have my trust as well, and I'm honored that you do look to me as the head of our combined family."

    "Then I would suggest we seal our accord properly," Sand said, that wicked glitter back in his eyes. "I am in the mood to be taken, and taken hard, by you, my love."

    Yuji smiled a wonderfully predatory smile, and pulled Sand into a demanding kiss, savoring the moon elf's eager mouth. Sand slid his long finger's into Yuji's hair, teasing his ears and thoroughly enjoying Yuji's groans as Yuji ground his cock against Sand's thigh. Yuji turned Sand over, gripping Sand's hips and pulling Sand so that his feet were on the floor, his legs spread to present his ass perfectly as Yuji stood behind him. Yuji took a moment to savor the sight of that pale ass, firm cheeks just waiting to be spread, and he reached for the lube.

    Sand gave an eager growl as Yuji slicked a little lube over his cock, looking over his shoulder at Yuji as he leaned forward onto the bed. "Do not bother preparing me," Sand rasped. "I prefer the burn."

    Yuji raised an eyebrow, but he gripped the pale globes of Sand's ass and spread them, positioning his cock at the rosy pucker. Yuji pressed forward, breaching Sand's ass and Sand moaned as he bucked backward into the intrusion, until Yuji was buried to the hilt in that inviting heat. Yuji was prepared to wait a moment for Sand to adjust, but the moon elf was have none of that.

    "Move, please, my love," Sand said, his voice thick with desire. "Make me scream."

    Yuji moaned a little, but he complied, withdrawing almost fully before slamming back into Sand's ass, hammering the elf's prostate and dragging a howl from Sand. Yuji watched the scarred back arch as Sand ground himself against Yuji, savoring the sensation of being taken so perfectly. Yuji set a punishing pace, and Sand howled again as his prostate was thoroughly plundered, Yuji's long musician's fingers wrapping around Sand's cock and stroking in time to the powerful thrusts.

    Sand's back arched again, his precum dripping freely and coating Yuji's fingers as Yuji continued to plunder Sand's tight ass. Yuji could feel the heat building in his belly, the sight of Sand so eagerly taking his cock utterly delicious. For his part, Sand pressed back into every thrust, delighting in the feel of Yuji's cock churning within him, thick and entirely satisfying.

    Yuji growled as his balls began to tighten, and he stroked Sand's cock harder, dragging another wanton howl from the moon elf as Sand's back arched even more, muscles rippling under the scarred skin. Another thrust, and Sand screamed as his balls drew up, and Sand came almost violently, thick white ropes of cum splattering across the bed covers as his ass clamped down around Yuji's cock. Yuji left out a howl of his own, his own balls emptying convulsively as he filled Sand's ass with the heat of his cum, grinding himself against the pale globes as Sand milked him dry.

    Thoroughly sated, Sand leaned forward onto the bed, Yuji slumping on top of him as his muscles trembled with the aftershocks of his orgasm. Sand turned his head, twisting a little to let Yuji's lips find his lips, and Yuji lost himself in a fierce kiss as he eased his softening cock out of Sand's ass. Sand twisted in Yuji's arms, turning to face his husband.

    "Amin mela lle, melamin," Sand murmured into the kiss, his blue eyes full of passion.

    Yuji looked at his fellow alpha, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of equality between them, the feeling that they had reached an understanding that would satisfy them both. "Daisuki desu," Yuji replied, and Sand's delighted laughter rang out as he reached for Yuji to pull him into another kiss.

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