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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Sand held his temper firmly in check as he listened to Momo, and watched both Ken and Kenta with icy disdain, waiting for the first signs of violence to erupt. Sand sent a powerful surge of love through his bonds with Satoshi and Kansas, and a subtle reminder that he could and would protect them all should it come to that.

    Erion's focus sharpened as well as he felt Momo bracing for the possibility of a fight, and his training with Santhiel kicked in as he regarded the two men levelly, not a shred of fear in his silvery eyes. They were both large, and strong, and he had seen Kenta's speed firsthand, but anger had robbed them of all finesse, and Erion shoved his own rage to one side as Santhiel had taught him.

    As Momo continued to pour his feelings out to his father and brother, Erion kept his head high. It was not until Momo slammed his fist into the table hard enough that Erion's keen ears heard a snapping sound that the little elf moved, jumping a bit and wincing in sympathy even as Momo utterly ignored the pain. He listened as Momo disowned his family, and when Momo held out his hand, Erion took it with confident pride, standing with fluid grace to follow his lover.

    Sand paused while the rest stood, his blue eyes colder than the heart of a glacier as he remained vigilant for any threat. Moving with the same striking grace as Erion, Sand turned his back on the furious men and followed Momo. Through his bond, he sent gentle assurance that the family would be there for Momo, to help him through this newest trouble. Momo had named Sand gikei, and that was a bond Sand welcomed and would honor for all the long years of his life.

    Once outside, they separated into their respective cars, Satoshi driving Sand and Kansas back to the estate while Satoru followed in his car, Erion curling up with Momo in the back seat. Momo was withdrawn, his face a mask, and Erion tried to rouse him with small kisses and gentle touches, but Momo did not respond. Erion contented himself with taking Momo's uninjured hand and holding it tightly as he leaned into Momo a little, Momo's fingers icy in Erion's slim hand.

    Erion watched Momo as they drove, wondering what was going on in his lover's mind. Erion had been so proud of Momo, his refusal to cave in to those two orcs absolutely magnificent. From his research for his classes, Erion knew Momo had been utterly correct when he told his father about their culture, and how Western thinking had changed it. Coming from a culture that did not disdain homosexuality or bisexuality himself, Erion had wondered why the Japanese had latched on to that narrow view. It was a question unlikely to be answered anytime soon, though, and Erion sighed and rubbed Momo's cold fingers gently.

    They pulled into the estate and Momo took Erion's hand as they got out of the car, lighting a cigarette. He veered off and settled himself on a chaise longue, his eyes unfocused as he smoked, and Erion moved to settle down next to Momo, when Momo pushed him away gently.

    "Don't. Please. I just need a few moments. Just give me a little while to think. Please just leave me be." Momo's voice was shivery, but it held no anger.

    "Of course," Erion said, his voice gentle and full of love. "I'll be waiting, watashi no koibito. Take all the time you need."

    Erion walked away, further into the garden and towards the training ground, lighting a cigarette of his own. He reached up and pulled the band from his hair, freeing it from the loose ponytail and shaking his head to settle his thick mane over his shoulders as he pulled out the ashtray he kept tucked under the bench. As much as he wanted to be wrapped around Momo, reassuring his lover that he was not alone and would never be alone, Erion knew Momo needed to work his way through to that conclusion himself. This was not like what had happened when they first made love, and Erion was not overly worried. He knew with a certainty that his time with Momo was not over, and they had a way to go yet in healing each other.

    Erion finished his cigarette, and wandered back to the house by another path, giving Momo his time alone. As he came in, the sounds of the family settled around him, and Erion wandered into the living room, where Sand and Kansas were filling the rest of the family in on what had happened. Satoshi was in the garden, far too restless to sit still, and he had pleaded the need for a cigarette as his reason for not coming in. Satoru had stayed outside with Satoshi as well, concerned for both his sons. Erion curled up next to Eryn, settling into her embrace as she wrapped an arm around her grandson.

    Eryn could feel the young elf's concern for his lover, and she stroked his silver hair gently. Pressing a kiss to Erion's temple, Eryn led him into the kitchen. She had made hot chocolate for the children earlier, and there was some left, and she heated it for Erion, pressing the warm mug into his hands.

    "Tell me, utinuai," Eryn said, sitting next to Erion with her own mug.

    Erion looked at his grandmother, his silver eyes just a shade darker than usual. "I don't know what to say. I love Momo. I know it's not forever, and that we're meant to have each other just for a short while, barely a moment as we measure time. But he's healing something in me that needs healing, and I'm meant to teach him how to love again. Kansas has seen it in his visions, and the spirit of my sweet Kage-chan came back to give us his blessing, although Momo doesn't know that part. Kage-chan will tell him when it's time, when he's ready to listen."

    "And when it comes time to let him go, can you do that?" Eryn's quiet voice held all the love she had for her oldest grandchild.

    Erion nodded. "I can, and I will. I'll send him off to the one he's supposed to love, who'll fill that empty place in him permanently. I'm just a stop on his journey, but it doesn't mean I don't love him well enough not to let him go. And I have Kansas, and forever, waiting for me."

    "And right now?" Eryn looked at Erion as she sipped her hot chocolate.

    "He's hurting, but Momo needs time to understand what he's feeling, and why. He just turned his whole life upside down, and as much as I want to be at his side, he needs me to be waiting instead." Erion looked at Eryn seriously, and she saw a glimpse of the elf he would be one day. "I'm fine, atararim. I don't need a bond between us to know that Momo loves me, and I love him fiercely. But he's just lost his family, and even if it was by his own decision, it hurts. He's working through his hurt until he can figure out how to share what he feels with me."

    Eryn reached out and stroked Erion's hair gently. "I'm proud of you, utinuai, you and Kansas both."

    Erion's cheeks darkened a bit. "I'm just growing up a bit, I think. It's about time, though. I asked to be granted the right to bond with Kansas, far earlier than I should have. It's time I started acting like I deserve to be treated like an adult, and not an elfling."

    "You're doing fine," Eryn reassured the young elf. "Let's wash our cups and go back inside, shall we?"

  2. Erion tugged at his buttery-soft black leather blazer as Momo rang the doorbell. His royal blue shirt and slim black jeans were immaculate, and his hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, a few strands of hair framing his face. Erion bowed politely to Sakai Maki when she opened the door, but when he heard the disdain in her voice, his heart sank a little. He straightened slowly, his silver eyes darkening slightly.

    Sand had looked at the street as they approached the house, immediately realizing that this part of Setagaya-ku was comprised of people who did not care, who had lost even the minimal pride that would make them clean up the trash in front of their houses. Sand had been in enough slums and back alleys in his life to know the difference between those who were poor but still proud, and those who no longer gave a damn. Sand wore a pleasant expression, carefully hiding his thoughts behind that as he too bowed to Sakai-chan slightly.

    The inside of the house was as shabby as Sand had expected it to be, although he noted Erion's slight surprise. Sand was also quite disturbed by Sakai-chan's demeanor, and he flashed Satoru a quick look of sympathy as they entered, understanding his friend's dismay.

    Momo's father was also not a surprise to Sand, his barely civil greeting precisely what Sand expected. Ken barely nodded at them, and Sand did not even bother with that much, since his social status dictated that Ken bow lower and it was simply impossible to do less that Ken's nod. Kenta was very much as Erion had described him, and Sand found the comparison to an orc to be quite apt, although Sand might have given the orc a slight advantage in terms of both appearance and intelligence.

    Momo's mother urged them to be seated at the greasy and worn dining table, and Sand sat next to Satoshi, accepting a cup of bitter tea and a stale cookie with as much politeness as he could muster in the face of Ken's contempt. He could clearly feel Satoshi and Kansas's apprehension, and Sand attempted to radiate calm assurance to them, his eyes fixed on Ken and Kenta, greatly disliking the look on Kenta's face as Kenta sized up Momo and Erion.

    Erion sat next to Momo, his head held up as he too looked at Ken and Kenta, utterly alert and focused. The silence dragged on as Momo's mother and a heavily pregnant woman who could only have been Kenta's wife scurried in to serve tea and cookies, and then fled back to the kitchen. Finally, Ken broke the silence.

    "Now, what are you doing here, Momo-kun? And why did you have to bring these gaijin into my house, not to mention that uke. You know that I don't tolerate that kind of deviance in my house." Ken flashed a contemptuous look at Erion and Sand, and Erion lifted his chin slightly, refusing to be intimidated. Ken might call him a uke, but Erion was not going to rise to the provocation.

    It quickly deteriorated. Momo informed his family that he was going to attend university, and they responded with derision. When Momo further explained that he intended to go to law school, Kenta howled with laughter.

    As Momo snarled back, Erion's silver eyes darkened further, and he took a careful breath. Kenta's filthy words infuriated Erion, but he was not here to provoke a fight, and so he laid a hand on Momo's arm as Sand spoke up.

    "I beg to differ. I have engaged in the practice of law in my home country, and Sakai-kun will be an excellent lawyer." Sand's cultured Japanese sounded out of place in the shabby house, and his blue eyes were icy as he regarded Kenta. "Sakai-kun is intelligent and determined, a formidable combination."

    "I agree," Satoru said. "I'm entirely sure that Sakai-kun will be able to obtain both scholarships and grants, and I can recommend him for internships with law firms, including my own."

    "Taking care of your own kind?" Kenta said, looking straight at Sand.

    Sand favored Kenta with the sort of look reserved for an interesting new species of insect. "It may surprise you to learn that I am quite aware that I am foreign born, despite being a Japanese citizen now. I am also quite aware that I am bisexual, something that I do not find nearly as disturbing as you do. Neither of those things is at all relevant to this conversation, however."

    "You should know that I would never recommend anyone for law school or for an internship if I wasn't absolutely sure that they could handle it. Sakai-kun has earned my respect and my recommendation." Satoru's voice was sharp, and he frowned slightly.

    Erion could feel Momo trembling with anger and he could also feel Ken's eyes on his hand as it rested on Momo's arm. "I know you'll do well, Mamoru-san. You've helped me immensely with my general law class this term." Erion turned his head slightly to meet Ken's eyes, his head up proudly. "I have faith in you."

    Sand could feel Satoshi and Kansas's outrage through his bond, and he sent back reassurance and calm. As much as Sand would have loved to have loosed some particularly nasty magic on Ken and Kenta, he knew that Momo needed his support and not more headaches. He caught Momo's eye and nodded, trying to let the younger man know that he was not alone.

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  4. Erion managed to get Kansas into the house, his silver eyes dark with worry for his beloved. "You're so weak, 'lokiamin. Does it always drain you so much?"

    "Not always," Kansas managed to say. He sighed as Erion managed to get him into the living room and onto the couch, his eyes fluttering closed.

    Erion stood up, feeling Sand's hand on his shoulder. Erion turned and looked at the older elf, biting his lip a little.

    "What happened?" Sand asked, as calm as ever. He cupped Erion's cheek gently, stroking his nephew's face tenderly. "Was it his gift?"

    Erion nodded. "He used his gift so Kageoshi could say goodbye to me properly." Erion's eyes welled with tears. "I'm glad I got to see him again, but it took so much out of Kansas. How did you know it was his gift?"

    Sand smiled a little, his eyes filling with love as he looked at his youngest husband, resting peacefully on the couch. "We have been working on strengthening our relationship, and our bond is growing. I am quite attuned to him now, as much as I am to Vale, although not as much as I am to Satoshi. I could sense his gift opening, and there was also a ripple in the Weave. Kansas's gift stretches across the multiverse. He may be one of the most powerful seers I have encountered."

    Erion's eyes widened a little. "I don't care how powerful he is, this was hard for him." He ran a slim hand through his loose silver hair. "Can you help me get him upstairs to his room? I'm going to try and see if I can share a little energy with him."

    Sand scooped Kansas up in his arms, lifting the slender imp easily and following Erion upstairs to Kansas's room. At least, that was how Erion was thinking of it these days, feeling a little strange returning there. Erion had taken over the guest room for his weekends, studying there and spending his nights there with Momo. Erion shrugged it off and hurried ahead of Sand to turn down the bed, fluffing the pillows a bit and watching anxiously as Sand laid Kansas down with the same tender care he used for Ryuu.

    As Erion watched, Sand sat beside Kansas for a moment, brushing a stray lock of black and blue hair off Kansas's face and letting some of his own strength flow through his bond with the exhausted imp. There was such love in Sand's gesture that Erion felt a small shiver travel up his spine, and some of his lingering doubt about his separation from Kansas dissolved. For however long Momo needed Erion, Kansas would not be alone. Erion had always known that Satoshi would be there, and both Yuji and Vale loved Kansas profoundly, but seeing Sand's tenderness was the final touch that gave Erion a renewed sense of peace.

    Sand looked up and saw Erion's expression, and smiled. "He is so very easy to love, is he not? And he loves with such fierce devotion in return. His soul is truly beautiful."

    "You've seen it?" Erion asked, thinking about that pure white chrysanthemum, and the perfect blue core hidden under those pristine petals.

    "It is something my windwalker taught me." Sand did not elaborate, and something told Erion not to push for more. Instead, he waited until Sand stood, and then the young elf dove into his uncle's arms, seeking the security of Sand's embrace. "Open your bond, hold him, and love him with all your heart if that is what he needs. He will be fine, aier."

    "I know, toror' en atara'amin. I just... Lye naa nardane, fëalle ar' haba vee' er." Erion took a shaky breath. "I know, I think too much, when I'm not too busy not thinking at all."

    Sand chuckled and pressed a kiss to Erion's forehead. "For now, just feel, and live in the moment. What is past cannot be undone, and the future is not ours to know. Do not try to live too hastily. The centuries will weigh heavily if you do." He gave Erion the gentlest of pushes, toward the bed and Kansas, and left silently, sliding the door closed behind him.

    Erion looked at Kansas for a long moment, and then he stripped quickly and began to ease Kansas's clothing off. The imp stirred a bit and did his best to cooperate, and Erion feathered a tender kiss to Kansas's plump lips as he pulled off Kansas's tight little boxers. The young elf slid into the bed and pulled the covers up, wrapping himself around Kansas and opening his bond wide to let his endless love and energy bathe over his beloved Kansas. Erion was rewarded with a sleepy smile, and Kansas let his own bond open to receive Erion's strength and to return his love a thousandfold.

    Erion did not take reverie, instead letting himself fall into a light meditation, the elven equivalent of a doze, as he thought about Kageoshi's words, and then about Momo. Erion was actually relieved to know that Kageoshi approved of what had sprung up between Erion and Momo, and he felt another wound on his heart heal and fade. Erion knew he had changed, and perhaps it was not a change that he needed to fear, but Erion still wondered what his family at home would say. But that, too, was the future, and Erion let it slip away from his thoughts as he nestled closer to Kansas, their hearts beating in the same rhythm.


    toror' en atara'amin – uncle (literally brother of my mother)

    Lye naa nardane, fëalle ar' haba vee' er – We are entwined, his soul and mine as one.


    Vale looked up as Sand came downstairs, Hikaru making a surprising fast dash toward the gate that was frustrated when Sand carefully closed it behind him.

    "How are they?" Vale asked quietly, his green eyes showing concern.

    Sand touched Vale's cheek lightly. "They are young and resilient. Kansas used his gift and tired himself, but he has healed Erion further. Now, Erion will hold Kansas and offer his strength and love to restore his soulmate." Sand smiled. "I wager they will be down in time for dinner."

    "Five hundred says they're not," Vale retorted, reaching down for Hikaru who was tugging on his leg.

    "Five hundred that they're late," Yuji said with a grin, as he came in from the garden.

    Sand began to laugh. "Well, then, we might as well just pay Yuji now, anoramin."

    "Were we betting yen or gold?" Vale asked innocently, the glint in his green eyes mischievous as Yuji nearly choked.

    As Sand patted Yuji's back helpfully, Yuji looked at Sand, his expression equally innocent. "Isn't your mother coming tomorrow?"

    Vale yelped, his green eyes wide, and Hikaru squeaked indignantly as Vale's arms tightened a little too much for the half elf's comfort. Yuji and Sand could not help laughing at Vale's reaction, since for some reason that none of them could fathom, Eryn still made Vale feel like an awkward elfling.

    "Do you need a paper bag, anoramin?" Sand asked, his blue eyes sparkling with merriment.

    Vale was saved by Hikaru, who put one small hand on his father's cheek in a bid for attention. "What is it, sochi-chan?" Vale asked.

    "Chichi, onii-san," Hikaru said, looking at the stairs mournfully. His little chin wobbled a bit, and Vale nuzzled Hikaru tenderly.

    "Your onii-san will be down for dinner. They needed a nap, just like you do," Vale said soothingly.

    "Iye nap," Hikaru replied firmly. He promptly gave the lie to his words by tucking his head into the curve between Vale's shoulder and his neck.

    Vale smiled and rubbed Hikaru's back. "Hai, nap, and when you wake up, we can take a walk in the garden."

    Hikaru made a contented noise, his green eyes closing as Vale continued to stroke the little half elf's back. Sand opened the gate, and Yuji pressed a kiss to Hikaru's soft curls as Vale took him upstairs to tuck him in.

    Hikaru had moved to the nursery this week, in preparation for the newest baby, and he was quite proud of being such a big boy already, his toddler bed his new favorite possession. Aika had been equally thrilled with her big girl's room, and Ryuu had watched both moves with the patient indulgence of an older brother.

    Willow was resting better with Satoshi beside her, and not having to worry about waking Hikaru every time she needed the bathroom during the night was a great relief for her. All of her husbands were more than delighted by anything that made Willow happy, much to her amusement, and watching them scurry around like busy worker ants had her snickering for days. Still, she was looking forward to the end of the pregnancy, not only to meet her newest child, but also to see her own feet again as she had grumbled to Sand. Sand had promptly offered to massage Willow's feet, resulting in her being far too busy purring to grumble any more.

    Still, everyone, including Willow, was relieved that Eryn would be arriving the next day. Willow was given a due date of around the last week in the month, but due dates were unpredictable, almost as unpredictable as Willow's moods these days. Eryn's calm efficiency and her deep friendship and love for Willow would do a lot to soothe all of the family, and Kansas and Ryuu were particularly excited.


    Erion was startled out of his meditation by his cell phone playing the Kohaku ringtone he had set for Momo, a driving rock beat with Satoshi's guitar the perfect compliment to Kohaku's supple voice. Momo had found a batch of ringtones mastered by Satoshi as an Easter egg on the limited edition DVD Kohaku had given him, and Erion had promptly downloaded them for Momo, Kansas and the posse, each getting their own song.

    Erion fumbled on the nightstand for his phone, still a bit disoriented as he answered. "Moshi-moshi, koibito."

    "Hey, sexy," Momo said. "You fall asleep studying again?"

    "Mmph, something like that," Erion said, his voice husky with the remnants of his nap. "Are you still at Mori-sama's?"

    "Yeah, I am. The tutor just left, and I have a shitload of stuff to study. Mori-san's thinking about getting some takeout. Is it a big deal if I eat with him?" Momo asked.

    "No, I don't mind," Erion said, stretching and rolling over onto his stomach. Erion knew that Satoru wound up rattling around his big empty house far too often, and he enjoyed it when Momo would stay and eat with him. "Honestly, I was thinking of spending the night with Kansas, koibito."

    Momo chuckled a little. "I understand completely, baby. I'll drive over to the estate in the morning."

    "Are you staying at Mori-sama's or are you going home?" Erion asked. It did not matter either way to the young elf, but he just liked hearing Momo's voice over the phone.

    "I don't know. It depends on whether or not I have a few drinks with Mori-san." Momo paused. "I'll miss you tonight, sexy."

    Erion could not help the grin that lit his face. "I'll miss you, too, koibito. I'll make it up to you tomorrow night."

    Momo's chuckle sent a thrill up Erion's spine. "I'll hold you to that, watashi no yuki no erufu. I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

    Momo ended the call, and Erion put his phone back on the nightstand, turning his head to see Kansas looking at him. "Hey, 'lokiamin. How are you feeling?" Erion turned and snuggled back against Kansas.

    "Was that Momo?" Kansas asked, feeling Erion warm against him, his silver hair tickling Kansas's arm like it always did when Erion snuggled close.

    "Yeah, he'll be by in the morning," Erion replied. He looked at Kansas, who still had a few shadows under his eyes. "You still look tired, baby. You scared me a little, getting so weak."

    Kansas nuzzled his face into Erion's thick hair. "I don't usually do that, bring someone together with a spirit. It was a little harder than I thought it would be. I'm feeling better, though."

    "That was just amazing, what you did. Could you hear what Kageoshi said to me?" Erion asked.

    Kansas nodded. "I told him I would be able to see and hear him when he talked to you, but he said it was fine, that it wasn't anything I shouldn't know. So, I guess we have a date back here in a couple of centuries, huh?"

    "I guess we do." Erion turned his head, angling for a quick kiss. "But I wanted to thank you, 'lokiamin. Seeing Kage-chan and knowing that he knows what's going on between Momo and me, and knowing that he's okay with it helps a lot. I kept thinking, in the back of my mind, that maybe I was somehow betraying Kage-chan, you know?"

    "I know, isilmeamin. We know we have forever together, so I can wait until it's time for you to come home to me, but he wasn't here to tell you that like I am." Kansas kissed Erion again, a tender kiss. "I know it's a little weird, baby, but I'm sort of glad to know that there's an afterlife, for everyone, I mean."

    Erion nodded thoughtfully. "You've always had your world, and I was raised knowing that Arvandor waited, so I always looked at death as just a temporary parting. But with Kage-chan, I wasn't sure what would happen to his soul. I just knew it wouldn't be going where I'm going eventually." He looked at Kansas, his expression serious. "You know I'm not going to Arvandor, don't you?"

    Kansas reached over and touched Erion's cheek. "Are you okay with that, baby?"

    "Yeah, I am. I think I always knew I wouldn't end up there. It was more knowing that I'd go on that mattered, but that part of me that never felt complete? I had no idea where the missing piece was, but I knew it wasn't in Arvandor." Erion put his slim hand over Kansas's hand, his diamond and sapphire ring winking in the light. "My soul belongs beside your soul, on our world, forever, and I'm happy with that." Erion tilted his face up again, and Kansas obliged, the two lovers kissing lazily and sweetly for several minutes.

    They broke for air, and Erion moved to straddle Kansas, his silver eyes shining as he looked down at his beloved. "Later on, I want to go to our world. Take strength from me there. But for now, 'lokiamin, I just want you. Let me love you, slow and tender, baby."

    Erion reached for the lube that was always in the nightstand, slicking Kansas's cock with a small amount. Erion lifted himself up and in a single fluid motion he impaled himself on Kansas's generous cock, his head falling back with the pleasure of being filled. Kansas moaned loudly, the sweet tight heat perfect. They made tender love, their bond wide open as their soul lights blended into a seamless whole above them.


    Momo pulled up to the gate of the estate around mid-morning, using the remote the family had given him to enter. He parked his car by the garages in back of the house and got out, coming into the house from the garden, and Vale saw him first, hurrying over like a man who had seen his rescue.

    "Momo-san, you're here," Vale said, looking uncharacteristically jumpy. "Wonderful! Did you have breakfast?"

    "I grabbed something on the way, Akira-san," Momo replied, puzzled. "Is everything alright?"

    "Oh, no, everything's fine, really," Vale said quickly, sounding less than convinced of that himself. He took a quick breath, and then ran a slim hand through his hair. "It's just that Masato's mother is here," he added in a conspiratorial tone. "She's lovely, really. Very gracious, and kind, and for as long as I've known her, I turn into an awkward child around her."

    Momo's eyes widened slightly. "Yuki-chan's sobo is here?" He felt his heart skip a beat. Erion had always talked about his family with great love, although Momo remembered his referring to his grandmother as Lady Iradil. "Oh, shit." He looked down at his faded and comfortable jeans and his thick long-sleeved shirt. He never needed to dress up around the family on the weekends, but this whole notion of meeting some Cornish titled lady was definitely making him wish he'd worn less faded jeans.

    Vale nodded gravely. "You probably don't have a thing to worry about. She'll adore you because Yuki adores you. Hells, she adores me, and has since she met me. I just keep wanting to call her by her title and bow, and that just pisses her off no ends, but it's how I was raised." Vale shuddered a little as he heard Sand call out to him.

    "Did you find the wine, anoramin?" Sand sounded absolutely happy. "Aier, would you go see what is keeping Vale?"

    Erion came into the living room and looked around when he did not see Vale by the cabinet where Sand kept the wine. Spotting Momo, Erion's face lit up and he hurried over.

    "Hi, baby," Erion said happily, wrapping his arms around Momo. "Did you hear? My grandmother's here."

    Vale made a small and desperate noise, and snatched Erion's cigarettes from his hoodie pocket. "I'll just be outside for a moment."

    Erion just shook his head in amazement, and then tilted his face up for a kiss. Momo obliged, but it was a fairly chaste kiss, and Erion looked briefly puzzled. Shaking his head a little, he grabbed Momo's hand. "Come on, since Vale's being a lunatic, let's grab the wine and I'll introduce you."

    "I wish you told me," Momo said, hanging back a little. "I just threw on whatever after my shower."

    Erion looked down at his own comfortable sweatpants, hanging low on slim hips, and his t-shirt and hoodie. "Atararim won't care, I promise. Please, baby? You'll really like her."

    Momo sighed, but he helped Erion grab the wine and followed him into the dining room. Erion tugged Momo over to where a slender woman was standing, her raven-black hair hanging just to her shoulder blades. She looked as young as Sand, and Momo blinked a little as Erion grinned happily.

    "Sakai Mamoru, I want you to meet my grandmother, Eryn Iradil. Atararim, this is Momo, my boyfriend."

    Momo bowed with great respect. "It's an honor to meet you, Iradil-sama."

    Eryn held out her hands to Momo, her blue eyes sparkling with interest and her smile radiant. "I'm so glad to meet you, Sakai-san. My grandson hasn't stopped talking about you since I arrived, and I'll confess that I've been curious ever since we got his letter. But please, you have to do one thing for me."

    Momo looked at this small and vibrant woman, watching as she tucked her hair behind one elegantly pointed ear, the gesture exactly the same as Sand.

    "Please tell me how I can help," Momo said politely.

    "Call me Eryn?" Her smile widened.

  5. Erion looked over at Momo, grinning a little. "You know, in about twenty years, you better watch out, because I'll kick your ass at pool."

    "Fuck you will," Momo laughed, aiming a playful punch at Erion's head and laughing harder as the elf ducked slightly.

    They were just at the top of Momo's street, on their way home after a quick dinner at the ramen shop and a couple of games of pool. They had each had a couple of beers, but since Erion had classes the next day, and Momo had work, they had made an early night of it. Erion was still a profoundly lousy pool player, according to Momo, and the young elf had to admit, after getting soundly trounced, that Momo might possibly be right.

    Just as Erion ducked, something hard hit him in the back of the head, and he yelled, his hand flying up to grab the back of his head near the crown. Momo turned to see why Erion had yelled, and as he went to look behind them, a rock hit him on the side of the head, staggering him slightly.

    "What the fuck?" Erion spun around, his hand coming away bloody and he looked at the three men that had come up behind them.

    "Aniki-san?" Momo sounded less than surprised, a note of resignation in his voice.

    "Don't call me that, faggot-boy." Sakai Kenta glared at Momo, his face hard. "There's no faggots in my family, you little ass-wipe."

    "This is your brother?" Erion asked, his silver eyes narrowing slightly. He looked at the other two men with Kenta. One was short and heavy, and moved a lot like the sumo wrestlers Erion had seen on the television. His weight was deceptive, and Erion was sure there was plenty of muscle behind that stout body. He held a chain in his hands, spinning one end, and he glared back at Erion. The other was not so stout, and taller, and he held a baseball bat in his hand.

    Kenta was taller than Momo, and heavier, and moved with the grace of a boxer. Erion quickly assessed him as the greatest threat, since he would be fast and agile. Erion had watched Momo's moves when Momo pretended to box with him, and his years of training with Santhiel kicked in as he took a few deep breaths. Still, if this went the way this sort of thing usually did, Kenta would let his bullies start the fight, and then he would step in when Erion and Momo were softened up.

    The sumo wrestler spoke first. "What's the matter, bitch? You get your period?"

    "Good one, Hirose-san," the bat wielder snickered. "Look at the hair on that little ass-cunt. Looks like a fucking woman with all that fucking hair."

    "Oh, great," Erion snarled. "Comedians."

    "Shut the fuck up, you little uke," the bat wielder growled.

    "You sure he's a uke, Noda-san?" Hirose said with a nasty giggle. "Maybe they're both uke. You a uke, ass-cunt?"

    Momo looked at Erion. "Go back to the loft. I can handle this."

    "The fuck I will," Erion growled. "I'm not leaving you alone to deal with this. There's only three of them."

    "Ooo, is the little ass-cunt gonna stamp his faggot foot, and put his hands on his little faggot hips and pout at me?" Hirose taunted, swinging the chain a little faster.

    That was it for Erion, and his temper flared. "What's the matter, big man? You need a chain to handle a little faggot like me? Don't worry, sweet thing. I like sucking cock, but you don't have one, so you're safe."

    Momo nearly choked as Erion grinned at Hirose, cocking one hip a little and beckoning. "Are you out of your fucking mind, Yuki-san?" He turned around in time to see Noda moving closer.

    "Go on, Hirose-san, Noda-san. Have yourselves a little fun," Kenta urged, folding his arms over his chest and aiming a nasty grin at Momo. "These faggots should go down fast."

    "I'm gonna rip your head off, bitch," Hirose howled, dropping the chain and flexing his hands.

    Erion blew a kiss at Hirose, his silver eyes sparkling, and Momo wondered how hard he had been hit on the head. "Oh, come on, sweet thing," Erion urged. "Show me how a real man does it."

    "I'm no fucking faggot!" Hirose roared, and he charged the young elf.

    Momo realized at that moment what Erion had done. Hirose was strong and nasty, but he was slow, and his anger was going to throw off his reactions. If Erion could keep out of Hirose's clutches, he might have a chance. Of course, that would only work if their attackers played fair, and that was unlikely. Momo resigned himself to a fight, hoping Erion would not get too badly injured.

    Erion watched Hirose running at him, the way the man planted each foot as he ran, and he rose up on the balls of his feet a little, poised and ready. Hirose closed on Erion, and as he got within grabbing range, Erion sidestepped, fast and lithe, his hand snaking out to grab Hirose's wrist. Before Hirose could bring his other hand around to grab Erion, the elf had spun behind Hirose, still holding on to the squat man's wrist tightly. Erion brought his foot up and planted it in the small of Hirose's back, straightening his knee at the same time as he yanked back on Hirose's arm, and the man screamed as his shoulder was dislocated with an audible pop.

    Noda moved in on Erion, his bat raised, and Momo swore under his breath as he moved to intercept Noda before he could club Erion. Momo grabbed Noda's arm, and Noda spun around, his elbow catching Momo on the jaw. Momo grunted a little, the pain making his eyes tear a bit, but his hand shot out and gripped the bat as he wrestled Noda for possession.

    Erion sidestepped again as Hirose fell to his knees, retching from the pain of his dislocated shoulder. With almost casual grace, Erion grabbed Hirose's elbow with his free hand, still holding tightly to Hirose's wrist with the other. Erion slammed his knee up hard, and there was a horrible snapping sound as Erion broke Hirose's forearm. Kenta moved in on Erion, his foot slamming into the young elf and sending him sprawling.

    The sound of Hirose's arm breaking distracted Noda for a split second, and that was enough for Momo. Momo wrested the bat free and swung it low and hard, connecting with the side of Noda's knee. It was Noda's turn to scream as his knee bent the wrong way, and Momo dropped the bat and drove his fist into Noda's jaw. Noda's stopped screaming abruptly, and he collapsed, unconscious.

    Momo turned to look at Kenta, his knuckles aching from the punch. "Why the fuck are you doing this? What the fuck does it matter to you what I do?"

    Erion watched Kenta carefully as he got to his feet, his ribs aching from the kick, his silver eyes narrowed again. He limped a little as he moved clear of Noda's sprawled form, and Momo's heart sank a little. Erion's speed was his advantage, and that was clearly gone.

    "You think I want everyone on the pit crew talking about my faggot brother and his little ass-cunt?" Kenta sneered. "Not just any ass-cunt. You had to go find a fucking gaijin to fuck?"

    Momo growled low in his throat. "Don't do this, aniki-san. Just walk away."

    "Fucking coward," Kenta snarled, and he moved far faster than Erion anticipated, his fist snaking out to connect with Momo's eye.

    Momo staggered back, but his fists came up fast, and he shook his head a little to clear it, his eye already swelling. "Get the fuck back to the loft," Momo told Erion.

    Erion shook his head. "Fuck I will." He sucked in a breath, ruthlessly shoving the pain to one side as he put weight on his aching knee, his lips compressed in a thin line.

    Kenta danced forward, a boxer's move, and he feinted, one fist crashing into Momo's ribs. Momo grunted, his breath knocked out of him, and Erion realized that Kenta would try to finish Momo off fast before turning on Erion. Stooping, Erion snatched up the chain that Hirose had dropped, wrapping it around his hand and swinging it low to catch Kenta's ankle. As the chain wrapped around the taller man's leg, Erion threw himself backward, using all of his weight to pull Kenta off balance.

    Momo took full advantage of the chance Erion had given him, and he stepped into his punch, driving his fist into Kenta's stomach and driving the wind from his brother. As Kenta fell to his knees, Momo stumbled over to Erion and yanked the young elf to his feet.

    "Come on, move it, Yuki!" Momo half dragged Erion down the street, fumbling in his pocket for his car keys, Erion managing a limping run. They tumbled into the car, and Momo started the engine, peeling out and roaring down the street past Kenta and his friends.

    "Why the fuck did you do that? Why did you egg them on?" Momo demanded, his eyes fixed on the road.

    Erion touched the back of his head gingerly, his hand coming away with more blood. "They would have done worse to us, Momo-san. They weren't just going to smack us around a bit. They were out to break bones and more."

    Momo shot a fast look at Erion, the young elf pale but remarkably composed for someone who had just been in a fight. "Where'd you learn that trick?"

    Erion winced a little as his seatbelt pressed his ribs where Kenta had kicked him. "I'm not exactly helpless. My father thought it was a good idea if I knew how to take care of myself." He fumbled his cigarettes out. "Want one?"

    Momo shook his head, utterly exasperated, but he held out his hand for a cigarette anyway, coughing a bit as he took a deep drag.

    "Where are we going anyway?" Erion asked.

    "The hospital," Momo answered shortly, and he refused to speak again until they arrived at the emergency room. They went inside, Erion limping, and Momo pulled out his cell phone and called Kansas, merely asking Kansas to meet them at the hospital, and to bring Sand if he was around. Erion got a mulish expression on his face, but he slumped into the seat next to Momo and waited, his arms folded over his chest.

    By the time Kansas and Sand arrived, Momo and Erion had been seen and patched up. Momo's head required a couple of stitches, and his ribs were taped. His assorted scrapes and bruises had been cleaned, and his black eye had been thoroughly examined to rule out serious damage to the eye itself. He was holding an icepack to his jaw and looking grim.

    Erion's head had not required stitches, thanks to the thick mane of hair that had cushioned the worst of the blow, but his knee was in a soft brace and his ribs were taped as well. His left hand was wrapped in gauze to protect where he had ripped his skin off with the chain, and he was looking nearly as grim as Momo.

    "Thanks for coming," Momo said, refusing to look at Erion.

    "What happened?" Sand asked, his voice utterly calm. Kansas was stroking Erion's cheek softly.

    Momo gave a bitter laugh. "Someone objected to our relationship. I need you to take Yuki-san back to the estate. It's not safe for him to stay at the loft."

    Erion glared at Momo. "What? Not a fucking chance, Momo-san. I'm not going back to the estate."

    "Language, please, Yuki-kun," Sand said mildly.

    "I can't guarantee Yuki-san's safety at the loft. Those thugs could come back." Momo took a deep breath. "Maybe it's better if we don't see each other anymore."

    "No!" Erion all but exploded out of his chair, and Kansas reached out to hold him. "Don't you dare, Momo-san, don't you dare do that to me. Don't break up with me to protect me. Break up with me because you don't love me, or because you don't need me anymore, but don't you dare tell me it's for my own good, because it isn't." Erion twisted free from Kansas's arms and slammed his fist into a stack of laundry bags on a trolley, a sob escaping him.

    Momo stood up and grabbed Erion by the upper arms, spinning the young elf around to face him. Erion glared at him, his silver eyes brimming.

    "I've failed once already. I couldn't protect him and I lost him... I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you." Momo looked into Erion's eyes, his own eyes filled with pain. "I need you like air, Yuki-chan, but I would rather live my life unable to love than lose you. I can't live with it if I lose you, and I know Kansas would never forgive me if I lost you." Momo reached out a trembling hand and stroked Erion's hair, feeling some of the tension drain out of Erion.

    "What do you think I'll be doing at the estate, Momo-chan?" Erion's voice was softer. "I'll be worried sick about you the whole time, and wondering every minute of the day how you are. I'm not going to be able to think about anything else." He bit back a sob. "It goes both ways, you know. What makes you think I can lose you? I'll never be able to forgive myself if something happens to you. I can handle myself, Momo-chan. I'm not defenseless, and I think I proved that tonight."

    Momo managed a small smile. "You were pretty good there, Yuki-chan," he admitted. "But I'm afraid they'll come back, when I'm not there. You don't know Kenta."

    Erion lifted his chin stubbornly. "He'll come back whether I'm there or not, if that's what he decides to do. And I promise you, if he does anything to you, I'm going to flay him alive and tan his hide for book covers."

    Momo laughed a little, looking at his stubborn little lover. "Maybe not book covers, that would be an offense to the books. Porno magazines, now those might be more appropriate."

    "This Kenta, is he that dangerous?" Sand asked.

    "He's a fucking orc," Erion retorted. "If I can't take down a fucking orc, then I don't deserve to be Santhiel's son."

    "Dina, aier," Sand said sharply, his eyes flashing. "Be silent! Mind your manners and your language, or you will return to the estate on my word."

    Erion bristled, refusing to back down. "I'm not a child, 'toror en atara'amin. I can choose my own path." Erion glared at Sand for a moment longer before subsiding, and sinking back down onto a chair next to Kansas. Kansas put an arm around Erion, rubbing the young elf's back tenderly.

    Sand looked at Momo. "Yuki-kun is able to defend himself. His parents would not have let him travel here if he were not. And for what little it is worth, I do believe that his mind would rest easier if he remained with you."

    "He's already gotten hurt," Momo said, looking Sand in the eye. "I'm so afraid to risk worse happening."

    Sand nodded a little, looking at them both. "You both need to understand that sometimes, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much we may wish otherwise, we cannot always protect a loved one from harm. Dwelling on what you could have done or should have done does nothing except destroy you. It is far better to honor your loved one by living, and making something of your life that would make them proud."

    Erion nodded a little, and turned to Kansas, who was looking at Erion with a deep sorrow in his eyes. "I'm sorry, 'lokiamin. What I said before... I'm just an idiot, with a bad temper and a mouth that doesn't know when to quit."

    Kansas smiled and pulled Erion into a hug. "I know, isilmeamin, I know, and I'm sorry, too. But I was pretty stupid back then, too, and you know that'll never happen again." He looked into Erion's eyes, the sorrow replaced by his endless love for his little elf. "We'll never lose each other, I promise you."

    Erion nodded, holding tightly to Kansas for a moment longer before Kansas released him. Erion turned around to Momo, and looked at his lover. "Let's go home, koibito."

  6. Vale roused at dawn, coming out of reverie and looking around with a moment's confusion until he remembered going back to Cho's apartment the night before. Vale could not help but smile, recalling the night with pleasure. Kai had been delicious, and Vale's first public appearance as Yuji's submissive had been exciting and successful.

    Vale snuggled a little closer to Yuji, reveling in the warmth of his husband and enjoying the quiet of the early morning. Yuji stirred a bit, one hand sliding down to cup Vale's ass, and Vale made a soft noise as Yuji's hand slid over the welts, still warm and slightly swollen. It was not as painful as it had been the night before, but Vale realized ruefully that the car ride home would feel a lot longer. Still, it was well worth the discomfort when it was compared to the incredible levels of pleasure Vale had felt at the club and afterward.

    Vale was content to snuggle a bit longer, but Yuji turned his head and pressed a kiss to Vale's temple. Vale tilted his face up for a deeper kiss, and Yuji obliged, plundering Vale's mouth for a long minute until he broke the kiss and put his mouth to Vale's elegantly pointed ear.

    "Go and shower, my love. It's in the hall." Yuji looked at Vale, his perfect eyes full of love, and Vale gave him a radiant smile in return as he nodded.

    Vale slid out of the bed, and Yuji watched as Vale collected his toothbrush from the overnight bag Yuji had brought. Vale's ass was still reddened, Yuji noticed, although Vale was moving easily enough, and the elf's back and thighs were already almost faded back to normal. Yuji knew Vale would tell him if it was too uncomfortable, and he also knew that Vale's tolerance for such things was quite high.

    Vale padded down the hall to the bathroom, running the water in the shower and jumping underneath before it was quite hot. The cooler water on his ass made Vale squeak a little, but it felt soothing as it cooled down the warm skin, and Vale reached out to adjust the water temperature to keep it less hot than he usually preferred.

    There was an assortment of hair products in the shower, which made Vale grin. He reminded himself with a small giggle that Kai was a hair stylist, after all, and he selected a shampoo and began to lather his hair, his eyes closing in bliss. Vale rinsed his hair quickly, and heard the bathroom door open, grinning again when Yuji joined him in the shower.

    They washed quickly but thoroughly, Vale squeaking again when Yuji soaped his ass and then apologized with a sweet kiss. Cho had left a pile of thick soft towels out, and they dried off after rinsing the shower to clean it. Vale toweled his hair while Yuji brushed his teeth, and then Vale brushed as well, feeling refreshed and content. Yuji had brought in clothing for them as well, and they dressed, stealing small kisses but not wanting to monopolize the bathroom for too long. Vale was happy that Yuji had brought more silk boxers for him, and a more discreet shirt to wear over his jeans. Yuji looked concerned when Vale pulled up his jeans and winced just a little.

    "I'm sorry, my love, I'll bring looser pants next time," Yuji murmured, and Vale leaned in for a quick kiss.

    "Don't worry about it, a'maelamin. It just took me by surprise for a minute. I'll be fine," Vale assured Yuji, his green eyes bright.

    They headed out to the open living area, to find Cho awake and in the kitchenette, making tea and breakfast. Kai was nowhere to be seen, and Yuji just handed Vale a mug of tea with a smile.

    "I need to talk with Cho for a bit, my love," Yuji said softly. "Could you wait in the bedroom while we talk?"

    "Of course," Vale replied, taking the tea and wandering back down the hall to the bedroom.

    Kai was sitting in the window, smoking a cigarette, and he looked up with a bright smile when Vale walked into the bedroom. Vale had not noticed how the window was designed the night before, but it had a wide ledge and a railing, making it look like a miniature balcony. Vale grabbed his own cigarettes as Kai waved him over.

    "Good morning," Kai grinned. "Grab a seat and have a smoke with me. We'll be in here for a bit before they come for us."

    Kai looked utterly wonderful, his handsome face relaxed and happy, his long raven and pink hair framing his face beautifully in the morning light. Vale curled up opposite him, sitting with just the barest hesitation, and Kai grinned in understanding and sympathy.

    "Sore, huh?" Kai asked.

    Vale chuckled. "Just a little bit," he admitted, lighting a cigarette and taking a deep drag happily. "But it was wonderful."

    Kai laughed a little, and then leaned forward, his dark eyes sparkling. "I just want to thank you for last night. It was utterly fantastic, and you were just amazing."

    Vale gave Kai a radiant smile. "And I should be thanking you for helping to make my first time out in public as a sub so perfect. And afterward, well, I'm really glad they let us play. You were delicious."

    "That was your first time out in a club like that?" Kai asked, looking a little surprised. "You seemed really comfortable for a first time."

    "We've played, but only at home, so yes," Vale replied, shaking his hair back. The emerald circle at his throat caught the light, and Kai reached out a little shyly to touch it.

    "Is that your permanent collar?" Kai asked, still a bit shy.

    Vale nodded. "It is. Yuji put it on me nearly a year ago." Vale paused, not quite sure of the etiquette of these things, but Kai rescued him by sweeping his hair to one side and showing Vale a tattoo on the back of his neck. Vale remembered seeing it the night before, but in the haze of pleasure, he had not focused on it too clearly. Now he did, reading the elegant and simple kanji.

    "This is mine," Kai said softly. "Can I ask, are you and Yuji in a twenty-four seven relationship as submissive and dominant?"

    "I only submit to Yuji sexually," Vale replied. "I'm his permanent submissive, though, and he can trigger a scene whenever he wants. I can also ask for a scene, but only in certain ways that we agreed upon."

    "Cho and I live in a permanent relationship as dominant and submissive. It's what I need, and it's actually given me the greatest freedom I've ever experienced." Kai smiled at Vale, his eyes filled with that wonderful calm acceptance, and Vale nodded his understanding. "I got the tattoo six years ago, but Cho gave me my collar eight years ago. The first two years were spent working out our contract."

    Vale nodded again. "Yuji and I have a contract, but since we're only sexual, it was easier to write."

    Kai lit another cigarette. "To tell you the truth, if Cho hadn't brought me into the dominant and submissive lifestyle, I'd probably have become a hikikomori. I was on my way to that, starting to withdraw more and more from society."

    Vale's green eyes widened slightly. He had read about the phenomenon of young Japanese males, some in their early teens, shutting themselves up in a room in their parents' house and only emerging for a quick meal or a monthly trip to buy CDs, if even that. Some had remained in that self-imposed seclusion for ten years or more, and the issue was just beginning to be addressed. Kai seemed willing to talk about it, and Vale waited for him to continue, his expression full of warm friendship as he watched Kai.

    Kai's face was sad as he went on. "Cho and I knew each other in high school, but she moved away before the last year, and things just started to fall apart for me. The previous year had been really bad, with all the drama of Satoshi being burned and being in the hospital, and then Yuji getting cancer for the first time. Yuji and Cho and I, we're all the same age. In fact, Cho introduced me to Yuji."

    Kai smiled a little, but it was still sad. "Anyway, I felt so lost without Cho. You know what she's like. She's decisive and sure of herself, and she always knows what to do. I just barely managed to graduate high school, and of course that meant no getting into university, and my father was disappointed in me, which made me want to withdraw even more."

    Kai finished his cigarette, stubbing it out. "I should probably explain that my family was a little different. My parents never put the kind of pressure on me that most parents do. They never hovered over me about school work, and if I stayed out late, it was no big deal. My mother caught me smoking when I was sixteen, and all she did was start buying my cigarettes. Same thing with beer. My father bought beer that was just for me." He sighed. "They wanted me to be happier than they were, without the pressure they had. The thing is, I needed to have the rules laid out for me. I needed the pressure. So, I fell apart."

    "It's hard to imagine you like that," Vale said gently.

    "Believe me, I was a mess. But when I was twenty, Cho moved back to Tokyo. The first thing she did was show up at my house, and at the time it felt like she was just pushing herself right into my life. She'd show up at all hours, and drag me off, sometimes with me kicking and screaming, but Cho doesn't take no for an answer." Kai laughed a bit, and his expression looked slightly brighter. "There was this one party, at a friend's house, and I was drunk and loud and being really obnoxious because I didn't want to be there, but Cho dragged me anyway. I must have hit just the right button with Cho, because she just turned around, grabbed me by the shoulders, shoved me in a chair, and told me to sit on my hands and shut the fuck up."

    Kai laughed again, and this time it was his usual happy laugh. "I sat there for three fucking hours and never made a sound. Cho and I started dating after that party, and we started to explore the whole dominant-submissive thing, and it was like a bright light going off for me. This was exactly what I was missing in my life. Cho turned all the chaos and fear into order and security. It was even Cho who ordered me to go to trade school to become a hair stylist. I've been coloring my friends' hair since I was sixteen, and I used to love to braid and brush my little sister's hair, and Cho's hair, too."

    Kai's smile was so beautiful that Vale wanted to hug him. "I think I understand, Kai. I only need this sexually, but it was the same thing when I met Yuji, that feeling like a bright light went off, and it all suddenly made sense. I'm so happy for you both, really. It's so obvious how much you love each other, and I feel so grateful to be allowed to share this with you both."

  7. Vale slid his long fingers up and tangled them in Kai's hair, savoring the slender man's delicious mouth, his own cock hardening again as he lost himself in the kiss. He was slightly breathless when they broke for air, his green eyes wide.

    "Akira." Yuji's stern voice made the elf turn, always alert to any order from his dominant. "From this moment, you will be completely silent until you come. When you come, you may scream, but I don't want to hear a sound from you until then."

    Vale nodded, expecting this restriction. Yuji knew it was hard for Vale to remain utterly silent, and Vale relished being challenged to meet this order.

    Cho looked at Yuji. "Your pet is ready again so soon," she commented. "He really is very responsive, isn't he?"

    Yuji nodded, pleased. "Yes, Akira is quite delicious that way." Yuji turned his attention back to the pair on the bed, idly palming his own cock through his pants.

    Vale dipped in to nibble Kai's right ear, teasing the banana barbell with his tongue and pearly teeth, and Kai shivered in Vale's arms. Vale nipped his way down Kai's jaw, careful to leave no marks, and dragged his tongue over Kai's Adam's apple and down to the sweet hollow at the base of his throat. The swallows tattooed on Kai's chest intrigued Vale, and he used the tip of his tongue to trace their outline again before covering one of Kai's nipples with his hot mouth, sucking and teasing the tight little nub with his tongue stud until it was hard and erect. Vale accorded the other nipple the same treatment, and then kissed a trail down Kai's flat stomach, feeling Kai shiver beneath his lips.

    Vale's goal was that substantial cock that rose proudly from its nest of raven curls. Vale paused for a moment, just admiring the sight of that cock, a few beads of precum oozing from the slit, the heavy steel ring utterly captivating. Vale's tongue flickered out to swipe at the precum, and he savored the taste, slightly bitter and a bit salty. Vale's lips parted, and his hot breath ghosted over Kai's cock, and the tattooed stylist shuddered a little with anticipation.

    Vale did not keep Kai waiting too long, licking his lips and sliding them over the head of Kai's cock as his tongue stud delved into the tender cleft under the head. This time Vale allowed himself the pleasure of sliding his mouth slowly down Kai's cock, his slim fingers cupping Kai's balls and feeling their heaviness. When Kai's cock hit the back of his throat, Vale tilted his head and pressed forward, feeling Kai slide into his throat. Vale would have loved to have purred, but he had been ordered to remain silent, and he did not intend to disappoint Yuji by being disobedient. Instead, Vale swallowed lightly, enough to tease without pushing Kai over the edge, and then he withdrew his mouth with infinite slowness, finally releasing Kai and looking at the slender man with a beautiful smile as he silently begged to be fucked.

    Vale's ass, while not as reddened and welted as Kai's ass, was still well striped, and the additional blows on his back and the backs of his thighs made for a lovely pattern. However, they also made it unlikely that the elf would be comfortable on his back, and so Kai used his hands to guide Vale onto his stomach. Vale rolled over, and brought his knees up obligingly, presenting the globes of his ass, his chest resting on the bed and his thighs parted slightly to reveal his tight little pucker. Kai dipped his head over that perfect ass, his tongue swiping gently over the pucker as Vale shivered in delight.

    Kai ran his tongue over Vale's pucker again, more firmly this time, his tongue stud teasing the tight muscle and feeling it quiver. Kai pressed the tip of his tongue against Vale's pucker, his strong tongue demanding entry and Vale's pucker opened a little, letting Kai delve in. If Vale could have moaned, he would have, the sensation of being breached by Kai's tongue utterly perfect. Instead, Vale rocked his hips upward, letting Kai know that Vale wanted to be breached again, and Kai obliged, pressing his tongue firmly past that ring of muscle. Kai too was required to be utterly silent until his cock was buried in Vale's ass, or he would have moaned at the way Vale loosened as Kai tongue-fucked him, the elf writhing a little, wanton and eager.

    Kai could not wait any longer, and he rocked back and reached for the oil, slicking his cock and pressing the head against Vale's loosened pucker. Vale licked his lips and turned his head to watch Kai's face, green eyes dark with desire, and Kai pressed the head of his cock into the velvet heat of Vale's ass. Vale's back arched, his hands clenching in the sheets, and his pearly teeth caught his lower lip as the elf pressed back again, wanting all of Kai.

    Kai drove forward until his cock was fully engulfed in the tight ass of the elf, Vale's eyes fluttering closed as a sweet smile curved his lips. Vale's cheeks were flushed, his eartips rosy with his arousal, and Kai shivered, the barest whisper of a moan escaping his lips, permissible now that he was fucking the blond elf. Kai's fingers wrapped around Vale's hips, and Vale shivered a little as the slight sting of the whip marks that wrapped around his hipbones blended with the pleasure of being thoroughly filled by Kai's generous cock.

    Kai withdrew and plunged in again, his heavy steel piercing riding Vale's prostate and sending white light exploding behind Vale's eyes, his back arching as his mouth opened in a silent scream. The sweet ache of Kai slapping against his welted ass and the relentless assault by that piercing on his prostate was almost too much for Vale, and tears beaded in his golden lashes as Vale reached for a pillow to bite, fighting the urge to howl his pleasure to the ceiling.

    Kai was making soft sounds, little gasps of pleasure, and somewhere in the back of his mind, beneath the delirious feeling of Vale's tight ass, Kai remembered that he could not scream until he made Vale come. Kai released one of Vale's hips, leaning forward enough to reach around the elf and find his cock. Precum was beginning to bead the head of Vale's cock, and Kai used that to slick his hand as he began to stroke the elf's cock in time with his thrusts. Vale was rocking back to meet each thrust, not caring about the sting in his ass, wanting only to feel Kai in him, hard and deep.

    Vale was panting silently, his chest heaving as he struggled to get enough oxygen, his whole body quivering with the intense sensations sweeping over him. Even with their bond muted, Yuji could feel how close Vale was, the elf's balls heavy and beginning to tighten, and Yuji licked his lips in anticipation.

    Kai's thrusts were growing more ragged as Kai too approached orgasm, feeling his own balls drawing up. Kai sucked in a breath, slamming into Vale's ass, and he felt Vale stiffen beneath him, the elf's cock jumping in his hands, and then Vale's ass clamped around Kai's cock forcefully as Vale's cum erupted in a series of powerful spurts.

    "Akira, let me hear your voice," Yuji ordered, and Vale complied, letting out a scream of pure pleasure, his lashes beaded with tears of pure joy as he slammed his ass backward, grinding himself down on Kai's cock, oblivious to the pain from his welts. Kai's scream joined Vale's as he emptied himself in the heat and tightness of the elf's ass, his cock buried as deeply as it could go. Their voices blended into a single wanton note, and Yuji's cock jumped under his hand as he watched Vale rear up. Kai's arm wrapped around Vale's waist as the elf turned his head to capture Kai's mouth in a searing kiss, tears of bliss tracking down Vale's cheeks as he shuddered through his release. Spent, Vale sank down to the bed, and Kai followed him down, his cock still buried in Vale's ass as they tried to master their breathing.

  8. Oh, well, yes. It doesn't have to be nasty. Constructive criticism was what I was refering to, but some people take a helpful review as a mean one. Bringing someone down doesn't do anything, but rewarding them instead of helping them is just as unproductive.

    ::nods:: I adore concrit, I really do, and it has made my writing stronger. And even if you really want to write a review praising a story, having no concrit to offer, tell the author what you liked about the story or even the chapter. Directed praise can be as useful as concrit.

  9. Vale had hissed a little in the shower, and again when he pulled on his tight silk boxers and dress pants, but when Yuji looked at him, Vale had just nodded to indicate that he was fine. His tight sheer shirt had elicited a small wince, but Vale's back was not stinging anywhere near as much as his well-striped ass. Yuji wrapped the beautiful scarf around Vale's neck, covering his collar, and then arranged Vale's hair over his shoulders so that he looked as delicious as he had when he entered.

    Vale followed Yuji to the front desk, waiting in perfect silence, his head high but his eyes lowered as Yuji paid for their drinks. Vale followed Yuji down the stairs and out to the street, blinking a little at the transition from the intensely private world of the club to the very public world of the streets.

    Yuji got them a taxi, and Vale swallowed hard when he realized he was going to need to sit. He took a deep breath and got in the taxi, his eyes watering a little when he sat down, but he managed not to make a sound. He snuck a glance at Kai, who was in a similar state of discomfort, but who was remaining equally stoic during the trip to Cho's apartment. The ride took only a little more than ten minutes, but it felt longer to the elf as he tried to brace himself against moving when the taxi made a turn or passed over a speed hump in the road.

    The taxi pulled up in front of a very nice, very modern building, and Vale discovered that getting out of the taxi was even less pleasant than getting in. His breathing was a little shallow by the time he emerged, and he took a quick moment to surreptitiously shiver a little. If his walk was a little less graceful than usual, only Yuji noticed.

    Yuji and Cho chatted quietly as they rode up in the elevator to her floor, and both Kai and Vale remained silent, eyes on the floor. Vale was still admiring how Kai maintained his perfect composure, flawlessly submissive even though Cho had removed his black leather collar. Vale had assumed that Kai was a permanent submissive as well, although he had not quite figured out how Kai marked that.

    Cho led them into the apartment, and Vale snuck glances from under his golden lashes as Yuji reached out to remove his scarf. The living area was large and open, with modern light-colored furniture, and a floor to ceiling window opened out onto a balcony with a marvelous view. There was a small kitchenette in the open living area, and Cho stopped there to get drinks for her and Yuji before leading them into the bedroom.

    The bedroom was also large, with a bed big enough to hold all four of them, and a small loveseat was positioned to give a perfect view of the dark wood bed. The sheets were a dark burgundy silk, and Vale felt a tingle of anticipation at how nice those would feel against his skin.

    Cho and Yuji settled themselves on the loveseat, watching as Vale and Kai stood there, with lovely stillness and poise, waiting to be instructed. The golden-haired elf and the slender tattooed man looked utterly delicious standing together, and Yuji and Cho exchanged pleased smiles.

    "Akira," Yuji said, and Vale stepped over to stand in front of Yuji, and then knelt gracefully, his golden head bowed a bit. "I am going to allow you to play some more with Mistress Cho's pet, since you have done very well tonight. Would you like that, Akira?"

    Vale nodded, and Yuji caught Vale's chin in his long fingers, tilting the elf's face up. Vale's eyes were shining with pleasure, and Yuji stroked Vale's cheek lightly before letting go.

    "Pet." Cho waited until Kai had knelt at her feet, his supple movements never betraying how sore he was. "Would you like to play some more with Akira? You may use your voice, pet."

    "Yes, mistress, I would like to play some more with Akira-sama," Kai replied, and the desire in his voice sent a shiver up Vale's spine.

    "Stand up, pet. Help Akira to remove his clothing." Cho leaned back to watch, Yuji's hand trailing over her shoulder lightly.

    "Akira, stand and let Mistress Cho's pet assist you," Yuji instructed. Vale nodded and rose to his feet in a single fluid motion, ignoring the twinges from his ass.

    Vale turned to face Kai, and let his eyes rise up to look at the slender man, his own green eyes darkening with desire. Kai began to unbutton Vale's sheer shirt, his fingers deft and sure, and Vale arched his back fractionally into the touch as Kai's fingers brushed against him. Kai slid the shirt carefully off Vale's pale golden shoulders, folding it neatly and placing it on a small bench.

    Kai reached for the waistband of Vale's dress pants, opening those swiftly and easing them down past Vale's slim hips, revealing the tight silk boxers that barely contained Vale's straining erection. Vale stepped out of his pants, and Kai folded those as well and placed them on the bench. Vale's silk socks were next, and then Kai carefully slid Vale's boxers over his welted ass, sighing soundlessly as Vale's cock sprang free, still encased in the cock ring Yuji had placed on the elf at the club.

    "Very nice, pet." Cho sipped her drink. "Pet, do you want Akira to help you undress? You may nod or shake your head."

    Kai nodded, and Vale turned to Yuji.

    "Akira, you may help Mistress Cho's pet to undress." Yuji watched as Vale nodded and turned back to Kai.

    Kai had left his peacoat in the entryway, and Vale reached for the buttons of Kai's black shirt, opening them deftly, letting his long fingers trail over the tattooed skin that was revealed. The stinging in Vale's ass was completely forgotten as he slid Kai's shirt off, following Kai's example and folding it neatly before placing it on the bench. Kai's tight leather pants were next, and Vale was as careful as possible in easing them over Kai's ass, revealing tight short boxers. Vale let his hot breath ghost over Kai's cock as he lowered the pants, letting Kai step out of them and then folding those. Vale reached for the little boxers almost reverently, his eyes shining when Kai's substantial cock was freed, the heavy gunmetal ring in his cock making Vale sigh a little in anticipation.

    "Very pretty," Cho complimented, looking at the two naked submissives. "Now play nicely. You have both been very good pets."

    "Akira." Yuji waited until Vale was in front of him, and then Yuji removed Vale's cock ring. "Play with Mistress Cho's pet, but you must be quiet."

    Vale nodded to show his understanding.

    "Pet, you will remain utterly silent while Akira fucks you." Cho removed Kai's cock ring as well, and Kai led Vale over to the large and inviting bed.

  10. Vale bit back a moan of pleasure as the hot wax landed on his chest and ran down his taut stomach toward his abdomen, and his eyes opened as the feather tickler teased his ribs before moving around his side to his back. Vale's back arched fractionally until the elf mastered himself, Kai's hot breath on his cock setting off waves of anticipation. Vale could feel a drop of precum forming at the slit on the head of his cock.

    Cho watched carefully as she stroked the feather tickler across Vale's skin, the elf sucking in a breath as he exerted his will and kept himself from flinching away from the maddening touch. The wax on Vale's chest had cooled, and Cho reached out to peel off a strip, admiring the slightly reddened skin beneath it. That earned her a small sigh from Vale as the wax came away, and Cho's eyes glinted a bit as she stepped back for a moment to consider her options.

    Cho reached for the candle again and moved to one side of Vale, her beautiful eyes liquid heat as she looked at the pale golden skin of the elf. This time Cho let the wax fall on Vale's stomach, and Vale could not help a hissing breath as the hot wax ran down almost to his groin. Cho held the candle closer than Yuji had when he had done something similar, and the wax was hotter, and Vale gusted a soft moan at the pain that was just the right side of pleasure. Vale's reaction seemed to please Cho, and she ran the feather tickler along the outside of Vale's thigh, watching as he quivered helplessly at the touch.

    While Vale was distracted by the tickling along his thigh, Cho tipped the candle again and coated one nipple with hot wax. Vale let a soft but very wanton moan slip, his eyes fluttering closed again as the hot wax heated his golden nipple ring, the sensation shooting up his spine and making his back arch. Cho coated the other nipple and watched Vale's cheek flush beautifully, a few more drops of precum running down the head of his aching cock.

    Yuji pressed a little through their bond, and Vale lowered his shields enough for Yuji to sense his level of arousal. Yuji stood with liquid grace and reached around Vale to fasten a cock ring firmly around the base of Vale's cock and balls, and Cho smiled at Yuji as he returned to his place on the couch, his perfect eyes dark with lust.

    Cho reached out and peeled the now cool wax from Vale's nipple, the nub ruby red against his golden skin, and Vale whispered a moan as the cool air hit the even more sensitive flesh. His back arched even more as Cho ran a piece of ice over the tender nipple, blowing softly on it to watch it tighten to pebble hardness. Just as Vale was adjusting to the coldness, another bath of scalding wax coated his nipple, and his soft moan was bordering on a wail.

    "Pet, do you think Akira's cock is pretty? You may answer, pet." Cho looked down at Kai, still waiting with perfect stillness on front of Vale.

    "Yes, mistress, I think Akira-sama's cock is very pretty," Kai replied, his voice slightly ragged with need.

    "Would you like to taste Akira's cock, pet?" Cho asked. She reached out and peeled the wax off the other nipple, and Vale ghosted a moan.

    "Yes, mistress, I would like to taste Akira-sama's cock." Kai's breath was hot against Vale's cock, and Vale fought the urge to buck his hips forward, managing to remain still.

    "Akira, you will let Mistress Cho's pet taste you, but you will be quiet." Yuji smiled a little as Vale managed a nod to show that he understood, and Yuji tugged, the sheer pants falling away and leaving Vale gloriously naked.

    Kai's mouth was soft, and hot, and his tongue stud teased the tender cleft under the head of Vale's cock, and if not for the cock ring, Vale would have fallen over the edge and filled Kai's mouth on the spot. As it was, the slender man's talented mouth merely made Vale's arousal heighten to near unbearable levels as he lightly caressed the length of Vale's cock with his lips, not sucking, merely teasing his tongue stud along the underside. Vale had raised his shields again the moment he had felt Yuji withdraw, and judging by Vale's reaction to Kai's teasing mouth, it was a good thing for Yuji that he had. The soft sound that escaped Vale carried such wanton abandon that Yuji felt himself harden even more as he watched his elf flush with pleasure, his eartips scarlet.

    The ice that cooled Vale's abused nipple made him hiss, and when Cho twisted his nipple ring sharply, Vale's green eyes fluttered open, darkening visibly with his surrender to the sensations wracking him. Yuji's breath caught in his throat when Cho dribbled more hot wax on Vale's nipple, the elf's knuckles white as he clenched the bar and bit back a scream of ecstasy.

    Cho put the candle down and considered the assortment of spreaders available. She chose a wide one, and offered it to Yuji with a smile.

    "Your pet is beautifully responsive, Yuji-san," Cho said, ripping the strip of wax from Vale's stomach. The skin beneath was a lovely rosy color, and Cho trailed her fingers across it lightly, watching Vale's stomach quiver. "Pet, stop teasing Akira now. You did very well."

    While Yuji fastened the spreader to Vale's ankles, Cho poured a bowl of sake and instructed Kai to kneel by the couch. She placed the bowl of sake on the floor in front of him, watching as he sat on his heels, his hands flat on his thighs and his eyes on the floor, perfectly still. "You may drink, pet, but no hands."

    Yuji had finished attaching the spreader, and Vale held the bar, his back straight as he prepared himself for the next round of play. Cho stroked the handle of the emerald green cat of nine tails, and looked over at Yuji. "What is his maximum, Yuji-san?"

    "No more than fifteen, Cho-san," Yuji replied, pouring a tumbler of whiskey. "Akira. Do you object? Nod or shake your head."

    Vale shook his head to let Yuji know that he had no objection to receiving his maximum number of strokes, and Yuji felt a surge of pride in his beautiful submissive elf.

    "You may mark him, Cho-san, but do not break skin," Yuji said, walking around to stand in front of Vale. "Akira."

    Vale looked at Yuji, his emerald eyes shining. Yuji held the tumbler to Vale's lips.

    "Sip, Akira." Yuji watched as Vale took a sip of the whiskey, watching Vale's long throat as he swallowed with pleasure. "You make take one more sip. You are pleasing me very much, Akira."

    Vale's eyes shone with pride as he took the second sip.

    "You will be quiet, Akira, while Mistress Cho plays with you," Yuji instructed, and Vale nodded once. Yuji placed the tumbler on the table, and poured himself a tumbler of whiskey, and sat back to watch Cho play.

    Cho walked around Vale once, examining the elf carefully. His legs were spread wide enough to allow Cho to whip each thigh individually without the whip tangling, and she ran one hand over the sweet curve of Vale's ass as she circled him. Cho reached up to move Vale's hair forward, falling over his shoulders and around his face, and leaving his back fully exposed. Vale sucked in a shallow breath as he waited for the first blow, holding himself perfectly still and keeping his muscles relaxed.

    The first blow landed on Vale's ass, slightly harder than Yuji's blows, the sting making Vale gasp. The second blow followed immediately, crossing the first blow, and Vale's ass tightened involuntarily at the sting, his cock jumping a little. His golden skin was perfectly reddened, and Yuji took a sip of whiskey as he admired the precision of Cho's placement. The third and fourth blows were to the side, the tips of the cat wrapping around Vale's hip bones and coaxing a soft groan from Vale as he struggled not to move.

    Cho placed the fifth stroke on the back of Vale's right thigh, watching the skin redden with a smile. Vale's muscles quivered and Cho paused before marking his left thigh with her sixth blow. Vale hissed a little, and sucked in a ragged breath.

    The seventh and eighth blows landed on Vale's ass again, and his back arched a bit as he clenched the bar tightly and gasped with the sting, more intense on the already welted skin.

    The ninth blow left a diagonal pattern of stripes on Vale's smooth back, and Cho crossed those stripes with her tenth blow. Vale could not suppress a wanton moan, his head falling forward a little and exposing his back even more.

    Cho stopped for a moment to admire her handiwork so far. Vale was trembling slightly, but his legs were firm and his breathing was only barely ragged as he let himself fall into the sensations raised by the whip on his skin. Cho draped the whip over Vale's shoulder and dragged it backward, letting the leather tease over his chest and shoulder, and then she laid a horizontal row of stripes on Vale's back that made Vale bite back a groan.

    Tears were beading in Vale's golden lashes, and his pearly teeth worried his lip gently as he caught his breath. Eleven blows, and four to go. Cho was indeed a master of the whip, Vale realized, somewhere in the haze of mingled pain and pleasure, and the elf hoped that he was pleasing Yuji despite the soft moans and groans that he could no longer hold back.

    Cho's next two blows were to Vale's thighs, and his groans were still soft but quite heartfelt as his legs quivered with the effort of holding the elf up. The fourteenth blow reddened Vale's lower back, and Vale arched a little, his muscles shivering as he hissed at the new sensation coursing through him, another part of him stinging.

    Cho saved her final blow for Vale's ass, this one not as hard as her previous blows, but Vale's ass was already beautifully sensitive, and Vale choked a little as he moaned, his legs shivering as he clung tightly to the bar with both hands.

  11. Vale ghosted a small moan as Kai's hands brushed over his nipple rings, the sheer shirt a barrier to the skin to skin contact that Vale craved. Kai's mouth was wickedly delicious, and the slim man could do things with his tongue that made Vale shiver, although Kai was the one whining when Vale sucked on Kai's tongue.

    Kai was straining against his leather pants, and Vale's loose golden pants were well tented, his black shirt providing some modesty as it draped over his lap. The two submissives broke their kiss, both slightly breathless, and Vale looked over at Yuji, waiting until he had Yuji's attention before looking at his glass of whiskey with a questioning look. Yuji smiled that tiny warm smile again, his eyes showing his approval.

    "Akira, do you want a drink? Nod or shake your head." Yuji spoke firmly although his voice was soft.

    Vale nodded, his gold and emerald hair gleaming in the dim light. His eyes shone with the happiness that came from submission, and his cheeks were slightly flushed from his arousal, and Yuji paused a moment to admire his elf.

    "Very good, Akira." Yuji watched a tiny shiver of pleasure run through Vale. "When you wish a drink, look at your glass. If I decide to permit you to drink, I will nod. Otherwise, you will return to your play without drinking."

    Vale nodded again to show his understanding of the rule, and Yuji waited for a moment before nodding. Vale took a small sip of his whiskey, and turned back to Kai, his lips curved in a beautiful smile as he leaned in to nibble Kai's right ear, teasing his tongue along the earrings and the banana barbell that decorated Kai's earlobe, and sweeping his tongue along the edge of the shell to the ring on top. Kai shivered with pleasure, his dark eyes hooded, and he whined softly as Vale moved down Kai's throat to nibble along the edge of his collarbone.

    Vale had reached that perfect state where he was fully aroused but able to hold back, just letting himself enjoy the feel of Kai's tattooed skin and the taste and scent of the slim man. Kai's head had fallen back, his hands on Vale's shoulders, and Vale dipped his head lower, tracing the outlines of the swallows tattooed on Kai's chest, just below the collarbones. Kai gasped a little at the sensation, and gasped again as Vale's slim fingers ghosted over his nipples, the barest of touches that still managed to make Kai's nipples tighten.

    Yuji and Cho watched with great appreciation as Vale and Kai continued to explore each other, Vale having the advantage since Kai was bare to the waist. Yuji looked at Cho with a small smile.

    "Do you think your pet would like to feel more of Akira's skin, Cho-san?" Yuji asked.

    Cho smiled at Yuji before turning to Kai. "Pet. You may answer my questions." Kai turned to Cho, his eyes dark with arousal. "Do you want to touch Akira's skin, pet?"

    "Yes, mistress, I would like to touch Akira-sama's skin." Kai looked at Vale with such heat that Vale nearly purred.

    "Akira, would you like mistress Cho's pet to touch your skin?" Yuji did not really need to ask, knowing how Vale craved skin to skin contact even when he was not in a scene. Still, it was appropriate for him to ask. "You may nod or shake your head."

    Vale nodded, his own eyes as heated as Kai's eyes, and Yuji leaned over and unbuttoned Vale's sheer black shirt halfway.

    "Akira. The shirt must remain over your lap. If you allow it to slip off your lap, you will be punished." Yuji's voice was very firm, and Vale nodded to show his understanding of the order. "Let mistress Cho's pet touch you, Akira."

    Vale turned back to Kai, his head falling back a bit as Kai slid the sheer black shirt off Vale's shoulders. Vale caught it as it slid down, making sure to keep his lap decently covered although the shirt was quite tented. Kai's eyes trailed over Vale's pale gold skin, his tight little nipples already hard as pebbles and the new gold rings bright even in the dim room.

    Kai's deft hands stroked over Vale's nipples, and Vale let out a soft breath as Kai caught his nipple rings between his fingers, twisting them sharply and making Vale's back arch. Kai leaned forward and feathered a kiss over Vale's already kiss-swollen lips, and Vale's hand came up to slide along the back of Kai's neck as he parted his lips, feeling Kai's skin slide over his own bared chest. They moved sinuously, tongues dancing and their skin gleaming softly as they writhed against each other, careful not to let any part of their bodies below the waist touch.

    They broke apart only because of the need to breathe, and Vale reached up to run his fingers along the side of Kai's face while Kai cupped Vale's cheek with one hand, their eyes locked as they shared their joy at having submitted so well to the will of their dominants.

  12. Vale was utterly curious as he entered the undistinguished building with Yuji, immediately removing his scarf when Yuji instructed him to as they walked down a long, dimly lit corridor. Yuji led, and Vale followed, his head held proudly high to display his collar, but his eyes were focused on the floor, as was proper for a submissive.

    They rounded a corner, and two very large and muscular men stood near a door, behind a tall desk. Vale was not surprised when they greeted Yuji respectfully, but he was slightly taken aback when they regarded him with suspicion. Vale remained utterly silent, though, since Yuji had told him he was to respond normally but had not told him to make conversation with strangers. Vale was greatly relieved when Yuji merely introduced the elf as his submissive, pleased that he had guessed correctly.

    Yuji and Vale were allowed to enter, and went up a beautifully decorated flight of stairs, quite unlike the nondescript corridor. A lovely kimono-clad woman greeted Yuji with great respect on the second floor, and Vale was once again introduced merely as Yuji's submissive. Vale felt a delicious tingle run up his spine. It was intoxicating and very arousing for Vale to be simply Yuji's, no name or identity beyond that, and his chin lifted fractionally to better display his collar and the lovely dark mark on his throat.

    Yuji handed over what appeared to be a substantial fee, and he was given two key and two tokens. The lovely woman asked Yuji's permission to give something to Vale, and Yuji granted it. She handed Vale a perfectly folded set of small towels and washcloths, the cotton pristine and velvety in his hands. Yuji was moving again, and Vale followed immediately, waiting as Yuji unlocked a door whose number matched that on the keys he had received.

    The room contained nothing more than a small closet and a shower in the adjacent bathroom, and Vale stripped and folded his clothing neatly, placing it in the closet as Yuji had instructed him. Vale then showered quickly without wetting his tousled mane of hair, and when he emerged, his eyes widened fractionally in bliss.

    Yuji was dressed in buttery-soft black leather pants that accentuated him perfectly, and a black shirt that was nearly transparent. His golden skin gleamed against the dark clothing, his raven hair and dark eyes finishing the picture to perfection. On a stool near the closet lay Vale's sheer golden pants and his emerald leather wrist and ankle cuffs.

    "Dress in that, Akira, and then we'll play. Are you ready to play with others?" Yuji's long fingers touched Vale's permanent collar, his voice a seductive purr.

    "Yes, I am, Yuji." Vale let his confidence color his voice. "I am ready to play with others."

    Yuji touched Vale's chin, and Vale looked into those perfect eyes. "Who do you belong to, Akira?"

    Vale shivered, and did not try to hide it, his pleasure showing in his own green eyes. "I am yours." Those three words were all Vale needed, and he knew beyond any doubt that he would never need to be more than that. Vale was Yuji's.

    Yuji watched with undisguised appreciation as Vale slipped the sheer pants on, fastening them at the hips and ankles, and then swiftly buckled on his leather cuffs. Finished, Vale stood straight and proud, his eyes still slightly downcast, all shades of gold and emerald as he awaited his dominant's inspection. Even when Yuji reluctantly instructed Vale to put his shirt back on, Vale was barely the right side of decent, his long legs bare on the sides from hip to ankle when he moved, and his golden nipple rings showing clearly through the sheer black shirt.

    The bar was another flight of stairs up, and dimly lit, and Vale followed Yuji, who had attached his matching leash to the green leather collar. Yuji nodded to several people, but did not introduce Vale, his collar and leash clearly marking him as Yuji's, and Vale felt a wave of pride as he darted discreet glances from under his golden lashes, seeing the respect shown to Yuji.

    Yuji chose a small leather-clad booth and ordered drinks, permitting Vale to sit beside him. They sipped their drinks, until Yuji suddenly signaled to someone who had just come in, and Vale's green eyes widened just a little as he saw Cho approach, Kai following her, his chain leash in her hand. Vale greeted Cho when Yuji instructed him to so do, his bow very low and graceful, and Vale could sense Yuji's pleasure.

    Vale was a little surprised when Cho had Kai kneel on the floor, but he found himself admiring Kai's perfect grace and stillness as Kai held his position, his eyes trained on the floor at Yuji's feet. Cho seemed to pay Kai no mind, and then Yuji instructed Vale to sit in the booth. Yuji and Cho seated themselves, and Yuji told Vale he was permitted to join in the conversation and drink his drink. Vale bowed his head gracefully to acknowledge the order, and took a small sip of his drink.

    Part of Vale remained completely focused on Yuji, alert to the slightest gesture from his dominant, but Vale continued to observe Kai with great interest. Vale made sure none of his thoughts escaped through his bond with Yuji, though, keeping it firmly tamped down as they always did during a scene. Kai looked content, his head bowed, and Vale could feel the bond of trust between Kai and his dominant. Vale shivered imperceptibly, suddenly wanting to be so perfectly submissive, to be allowed to kneel in front of Yuji and to do it with such flawless grace.

    Because it was Yuji's wish, Vale contributed a few small remarks to the conversation, and he took small sips of his drink from time to time. Vale sat as still as was possible, and unless Yuji directed a remark at him, Vale kept his eyes on his drink, or darted admiring glances from under his lashes at Kai. Vale found himself wondering just how fully tattooed Kai was, and if he would be permitted to touch that fascinating skin. As much as Vale wanted to observe Cho, however, he did not surrender to the impulse to look directly at the other dominant. While he was not utterly sure if it would be allowed, Vale was sure it was better to err on the side of caution and behave with proper respect.

    As they continued to chat, Vale could feel the golden rings in his nipples being tugged a bit by the tight, sheer shirt he wore, and the small tease was beginning to arouse Vale almost as much as the proximity of Yuji in his tight leather pants and equally sheer shirt. Vale wondered what lay in store, but Yuji had already told the elf that he would not tell Vale what they would be doing. Anticipation added to Vale's growing arousal as he took another small sip of his drink and breathed in a little of the smoke from Cho's cigarette.

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  14. Erion felt a warmth inside him as he listened to Momo, not the heat in his belly that Momo could ignite so easily, but a healing warmth that spread throughout him. Erion knew with a certainty that this was the place he belonged, here with Momo, where he could find hope as much as he could give it. Kageoshi's death, the funeral, and the trial had sapped a great deal of Erion's usual resilience and optimism.

    As Erion watched, Fukuda reached out and cupped Momo's cheek with infinite tenderness, and Momo leaned his head into the touch with a soft smile. Momo turned his head slightly, and pressed a kiss to the inside of Fukuda's wrist. It was wonderfully affectionate, and spoke of the love and friendship that existed between Momo and this older man, and Erion found himself liking Fukuda instinctively.

    Erion realized that he could not just walk over from where it was. It would be far too apparent that he had heard the conversation that way. Erion took a few steps backward, staying in the shadows and drawing in a little more shadow to conceal himself further. Once he was back in the corridor, Erion stepped out into the open and walked over to the alcove where Momo was seated with Fukuda, the two men in casual conversation. As Erion approached, both men stood, and Erion bowed with great politeness.

    "My apologies, am I interrupting?" Erion smiled a little as he spoke, his voice soft and respectful.

    "Not at all," Momo said, gesturing Erion to join them. "Allow me to introduce you. Hayashi Yuki, this is Fukuda Yohei-sama, a very dear friend of mine. Fukuda-san is in business, in Osaka."

    Fukuda bowed slightly to Erion, who responded with a deep and respectful bow.

    "I am very pleased to meet you, Hayashi-kun." Fukuda's voice was warm and very kind. "It's always a pleasure to meet a friend of Sakai-san."

    "The pleasure is all mine, Fukuda-sama," Erion replied. "I have never been to your city, but I hope to travel there one day. Japan is so very beautiful, and I would like to see more than Tokyo."

    "Shall we have a drink?" Momo said, and gestured for Fukuda to sit. Momo sat on the couch, gracefully guiding Erion to sit beside him, and Momo poured more sake for them all.

    "What are you doing here, Hayashi-kun?" Fukuda asked in a tone of genuine interest.

    Erion found himself understanding why Momo considered this older man a friend. Fukuda had a way of making one feel interesting and important, and Erion smiled a little as replied.

    "I am a student, Fukuda-sama, at Nihon University here in Tokyo." Erion let his hands rest quietly in his lap, not reaching out to Momo.

    Fukuda nodded, his smile warm. "It's always wise to get a good education, Hayashi-kun. That's very commendable."

    Erion smiled shyly, and let the conversation move back between Momo and Fukuda. It gave Erion a chance to look at Fukuda discreetly. Fukuda had a warm and friendly face despite a few frown lines, and his hair was graying slightly at the temples. It was hard for Erion to estimate his age, but he seemed a bit older than the judge Erion had met earlier. Fukuda was tall and slender, with golden brown eyes that sparkled with lively interest as he and Momo chatted for a few more minutes. Only a slight bit of extra weight around his waistline gave a clue as to his age. He was quite handsome, the force of his personality adding to his attractiveness, and Erion found himself liking Fukuda a great deal because of the obvious love he had for Momo.

    "I should take my leave now, though, Sakai-san." Fukuda stood, and Momo and Erion stood as well. "I'm glad I saw you tonight, and I'm glad to have met you as well, Hayashi-kun."

    "It was an honor, Fukuda-sama," Erion replied, and meant it.

    "Thank you, Fukuda-san, and I hope it won't be so long before we see each other again," Momo said.

    They all bowed, and Fukuda walked back to the bar. Momo sat and Erion sat beside him, a little closer this time but still appropriate. Momo chuckled a little, and pulled Erion closer, tilting the young elf's face up for a gentle kiss. Erion could not help melting into the kiss a bit, his eyes fluttering closed briefly and then opening again as Momo cupped his cheek tenderly.

    They broke the kiss, and Momo looked into Erion's eyes, his own dark eyes utterly entrancing. His voice was very soft as he gently lowered his hand from Erion's cheek. "How much did you hear?"

    Erion just looked at Momo, not sure how much he should say, his cheeks turning slightly pink. He lowered his eyes, ducking his head in that small quick gesture that Momo was learning to read as confusion over what Erion should do.

    "You heard everything, didn't you, Yuki-kun?" Momo's voice was still very soft, and Erion looked back up, taking a small quick breath.

    "Yes. I didn't mean to listen, but I did hear you speaking to Fukuda-sama." Erion touched Momo's arm very lightly. "I really am sorry, Mamoru-san. I didn't realize if I walked the way I did that you wouldn't see me right away." He looked down, his cheeks flushing with shame.

    "It's alright, Yuki-kun. In a way, I'm glad you heard. Sometimes it's easier for me to talk to other people about my feelings, rather than the one I have those feeling for." Momo brushed the backs of his fingers along Erion's cheek tenderly. "And I meant what I said to Fukuda-san."

    Erion nodded, reaching for his cigarettes to give himself a moment to gather his thoughts, and once again, Momo lit his cigarette, touching Erion's hand lightly and making the young elf relax.

    "I'm not the best at saying things in a proper way, so I'm just going to say what I feel." Erion looked into Momo's eyes. "I will be with you until you don't need me anymore, and every day that I'm with you, I will love you completely. We'll laugh, and love, and fight, and make up epically, and we'll wring every bit of living out of every day that we have together. And each night, I want the last thing I whisper to be your name, and each morning, I want the first thing I see to be you."

  15. Erion looked around the bar as he entered with Momo, staying close as they walked to the bar. This was a new side to Momo, one that Erion had not encountered before, a confident and poised side that Erion found very sexy. The bartender greeted Momo with familiarity, but also with great respect, and he took Momo's black card and left to Erion's surprise.

    Erion did not have long to think about that, however, because an older man approached and greeted Momo, again with great familiarity. Momo introduced him to Erion as Judge Nakahara Tetta, and Erion bowed deeply to show his respect. Nakahara-sensei made a small joke about Erion being lucky to have turned Momo into a boyfriend, and Erion smiled a little shyly.

    "Thank you for your very kind words, Nakahara-sensei," Erion replied. "I think I am the lucky one to have found Mamoru-san." Erion bowed again, all elven grace, and Nakahara-sensei smiled, pleasantly surprised at the young foreigner's fluent Japanese and good manners.

    The bartender returned then with a bottle of sake that Erion recognized as being of superior quality, as well as two glasses and Momo's black card. They wished Nakahara-sensei a good evening, and Momo led Erion to a small alcove. There was a small couch at the back of the alcove, with a table in front of it, and a chair to one side, and Momo seated himself on the couch, leaning back and lighting a cigarette as he draped his arm over the back of the couch. There was an open invitation in his eyes, and Erion moved around the table to sit next to Momo, in the open curl of his arm. Erion sat close, but not overly close, his thigh just barely touching Momo's thigh.

    "This is very elegant, Mamoru-san," Erion said, his silver eyes slightly wide as he looked through his lashes at the other patrons, not wanting to seem rude as he satisfied his curiosity. He realized that this was a discreet meeting place for men of high position who did not want it known openly that they took male lovers. Most of the other young men were obviously companions of the members, although there were two who acted more like members, greeting the older men and speaking with them much like Momo had spoken to Nakahara-sensei.

    Momo poured them each a glass of sake, and Erion took a small sip before taking out a cigarette. Momo leaned in and lit Erion's cigarette, touching Erion's hand lightly as he did, and Erion shivered a little. There was something so profoundly arousing about that small touch, and Erion realized this was a lovely game of seduction, played by very different rules.

    "I've been coming here for some time," Momo said quietly. "I like it."

    "The bartender seemed very surprised when you introduced me as your boyfriend." Erion also spoke quietly. The general hush of the bar seemed to invite that, with the dim lighting and the soft music playing at a low level. Everything was designed to make the night relaxing and serene, and Erion let himself get caught up in the flow.

    Momo chuckled a bit, his dark eyes warm. "That would be because I'm known here as a player, which is why everyone is so surprised that I have a boyfriend." Momo said it in the tone of a joke, but the part about having a boyfriend brought a small bit of color to Erion's cheeks.

    In an equally lighthearted voice, Erion replied, "Sadly, I'm a person of very limited experience."

    Momo laughed this time. "Oh, you could have fooled me, Yuki-san."

    Erion's blush grew darker. "I can count my lovers on one hand, Mamoru-san." He looked up at Momo through his lashes, and Momo's heart skipped a beat.

    "Well, experience doesn't come from the number of lovers you've had," Momo said teasingly. "It comes from the skills each lover can teach you, and you've had some very talented teachers."

    Erion's voice dropped to a throaty little purr. "I hope you're including yourself, Mamoru-san."

    Momo laughed again, and they took a sip of their sake. Erion looked around again, the dimness of the room not really an issue for his elven vision, and he was surprised to see how many men were wearing wedding rings. A few had removed them, but there was always a clear mark where the ring had been that was as good as a neon sign to Erion.

    "You know, I thought this might be a good way to get to know each other a little better." Momo let his hand slide over Erion's neck, teasing the little elf and feeling him shiver ever so slightly under the touch.

    "There's not a lot to tell about myself," Erion said. "I'm not much of a mystery."

    "Oh, I think you are," Momo replied. "For example, I know your Japanese name, and I know your first name but I don't even know your family name."

    Erion lifted one hand to hide a giggle, his cheeks still sweetly pink. "It's sort of a mouthful if I say it in my own language, the whole thing, anyway. The English short version is Erion Iradil."

    "And the long version?" Momo smiled and Erion thought he could fall into those mysterious dark eyes.

    "Just remember that you asked," Erion said. "It's Erion en Nosse Sulandorn ar' Iradil. It means Erion of House Sulandorn and Iradil."

    Momo chuckled. "That's a mouthful, alright. Why two last names?"

    Erion shrugged lightly. "My mother has steadfastly refused to marry my father. She says it works as it is, so why mess with things?"

    Momo looked a little surprised. "That's not an issue? That your parents aren't married?"

    "Not really." Erion carefully stubbed out his cigarette in the fine crystal ashtray on the table. "We don't make a big deal about whether or not two people marry, and we don't differentiate based on sexual orientation."

    Momo was silent for a moment as he lit a new cigarette. "Does that mean two men could get married? Legally?"

    Erion nodded. "It's pretty common, actually." He looked up at Momo fully, his silver eyes gleaming like a cat's eyes in the dim light. "My parents are deeply in love, and that's all that matters to my mother. Besides, if they married, he'd take her name anyway, and she thinks his is pretty."

    Momo's eyes widened. "Men take the family name of the women?"

    "Oh, not always," Erion replied. He took a small sip of sake, savoring it. It was really excellent, better even than the quefirre Sand bought. "My mother's family has a very ancient lineage, back to the beginning of our family history. Traditionally, such an ancient name is the one that the couple will use."

    "That seems complicated," Momo said, his fingers stroking Erion's neck lightly.

    Erion smiled. "I suppose it is. I'm just used to it. My grandmother, my mother's mother, is Lady Iradil."

    "That's Masato-san's mother?" Momo asked.

    Erion nodded. He leaned a little closer to Momo, tentative, not sure if it was appropriate, but Momo just turned his head and pressed a gentle kiss to Erion's temple.

    "Cornwall seems very complicated." Momo's voice was very dry, and Erion could not help a small nervous laugh slipping out.

    "Old families, weird traditions." Erion looked up at Momo, his eyes bright. "But we shouldn't be so serious tonight. Or at least, I just want to enjoy drinking this very nice sake, and sitting here with you, and having everyone know that I'm your boyfriend."

    "You like the sake?" Momo asked.

    Erion nodded enthusiastically. "It's gorgeous, really. I'm just savoring it." He grinned a little impishly, ducking his head a bit. "It's special, like tonight."

    "I'm glad you think tonight is special." Momo put his hand under Erion's chin and tilted the young elf's face up, pressing a chaste kiss to Erion's lips. "I think you are pretty special, Yuki-san."

    Erion shivered again, the heat in Momo's eyes going straight to his belly. "Oh, I don't know if I'm all that special, Mamoru-san. I'm young, and I'm sometimes silly, and I worry about all the wrong things and forget about all the important things."

    "And you have a beautiful smile, and when you laugh, it makes me want to laugh with you." Momo leaned back into the couch again, smiling and nodding at another man who walked past their alcove. "I'm feeling things I didn't think I'd feel again, because of you, so I'd say that makes you pretty special."

    Erion blushed furiously, and he fumbled for a cigarette to try and collect himself. Momo lit his cigarette again, and waited with a small smile for Erion to take a deep drag.

    "I don't even know if I have the right words to say this, so forgive me if I sound like an idiot for a moment." Erion looked at Momo, his cheeks still flushed. "Will it sound hopelessly stupid if I say I like coming back to the loft after class, and knowing you'll be home from work soon, and we'll spend the night together?"

    Momo's fingers tickled the back of Erion's neck again, and Erion pressed back into the touch, the contact comforting. "It's not stupid. I like coming home, and having someone there. I like seeing you on the couch with all your textbooks around you, and your nose doing that little wrinkly thing it does when you're concentrating really hard. Most of all, I like feeling you next to me when I go to sleep." Momo paused, and then he leaned in a little closer, his next words very soft. "And the sex is really nice, too."

    Erion started to giggle, his hand flying up to cover his mouth so he would not make a huge noise in this quiet place. "Okay, you're right, I was getting all serious again."

    "I meant it," Momo said, with a smile that made Erion's knees go quite weak. "We could make a real night of this, and go to a love hotel or a hattenba later, whichever you prefer."

    Erion looked into Momo's eyes, his own a little wide. He knew Momo would not offer to take him to a love hotel if he could not afford it, and the young elf also knew Momo would be deeply offended if Erion offered to pay even part of the cost. A small voice in the back of his head reminded him of all the men that had nodded to Momo, or smiled at Momo as they had walked to the bar, and Erion was quite surprised to realize that he really did not want to encounter any of them at a hattenba. This was something very new, this sudden twinge of jealousy. It passed as quickly as it had come, and Erion smiled at Momo, a sweet and radiant smile.

    "A love hotel would be a little more private," Erion said, and he laid a slim hand on the arm of Momo's beautiful granite-colored jacket, his touch feather-light. From across the room, Erion could clearly hear someone murmur something about how happy Sakai-san looked with his new boyfriend, and he blushed a little, embarrassed that his keen elven ears had picked up a private conversation. Fortunately, Momo did not realize that Erion was able to hear the bartenders and other patrons quite well, and he attributed Erion's blush to his sudden attack of shyness.

    "Then that's what we'll do later. But for now, let's have a little more sake." Momo refilled their glasses.

    "I think I might go and freshen up," Erion said, leaning forward to barely murmur the words.

    The restroom was as elegant as the rest of the bar, and utterly immaculate. Erion made sure to wash his hands scrupulously, and he tweaked one of the tendrils of hair framing his face back into place before going back out to rejoin Momo in the alcove, his every nerve tingling with anticipation of the rest of the night with his delicious lover.

  16. Posted for Willow Darkling:

    Momo roared a little after Erion, as the elf ran up the stairs for the third time, yelling that he'd forgotten something, and using his own key let himself into the loft to get it.

    Momo rolled his eyes and got in to the car, lighting up a cigarette and starting up the car. He set the stereo a little loud and tapped his hands on the steering wheel as he waited for the youngster.

    It was after work on the first Friday since they started living together, and Momo was trying to get Erion to the estate, as they had agreed on.

    They were going to stay there for dinner, but then Momo would have to go home and stay at the loft for the night, because he had promised his uncle he would work that Saturday, to make up for all the days he had been MIA, after the trial.

    Erion wasn't altogether happy about it, but he had said that it was not his place to tell Momo what to do, and then added that he would see whether he would spend the night at the estate, or go back with Momo.

    And now he was taking for fucking ever to get his ass moving, so Momo could drive them to the estate.

    Finally Erion came hurtling down the stairs, yelling that he had found it, waving a notebook as he ran, Momo recognizing the book as the one he used for his psychology notes.

    They finally made it to the estate just as Vale, Yuji and Satoshi were starting to bring the food to the table, and Sand laughed at them as he took note of the fact that Erion still managed to arrive just in time to sit down and eat.

    Momo laughed with Sand, while Erion just frowned at them, and then threw himself into Kansas' arms with a wide smile, proclaiming how much he had missed him, which made Kansas laugh since they had met each other at school that morning.

    Erion kissed his imp for a few minutes, his heart hammering with his love for Kansas and the rightness of being in Kansas' arms, but then he heard Ryuu talking to Momo and ran to save Momo from the first degree interrogation that he was being subjected to by the four year old, Ryuu demanding to know why Momo had stolen Erion away, and whether he was going to leave him at home this time, or steal him again.

    The three youngsters sat down with Ryuu and tried to explain the situation as best they could without going into too much detail, but that only ended up with Ryuu going wobbly chinned and demanding that Erion return home, at which point Willow stepped in and soothed her son, while she explained to him that Erion and Momo were in love and wanted to be together for a while, but that Erion would come home again some day.

    Ryuu seemed to reluctantly accept that, and Willow whispered to the others that Ryuu would get over it in a while, he just needed to get used to the situation.

    The dinner was happy and loud, and Momo rolled his eyes in pleasure once or twice as he ate the grilled salmon and soba noodles.

    Satoshi praised the soba and proclaimed that Vale was getting very close to matching Sora's soba noodles, to which Vale blushed heavily and shook his head, answering that it would take him hundreds of years to make as good soba as Sora did.

    After dinner, Sand, Kansas and Erion cleared the table together and then Satoshi joined them to do the dishes with Sand, while Momo stepped outside with Vale and Yuji for a cigarette.

    They all sat down again for dessert, some pudding and berries, and Momo agreed with Erion that it was probably the best pudding he had ever had.

    In the middle of dessert Satoshi suddenly got up and disappeared upstairs, returning a few minutes later with a pretty paper bag, his cheeks faintly pink and his voice a little shaky.

    "Uhm, edo, I wanted to give you guys something, since we're all here. I was asked to deliver this to you, with great love and friendship." Satoshi said with a small nervous giggle and pulling out a rectangle box with a black bow around it he handed one box to Momo, and another to Erion and Kansas, and then put one on the dining table, saying,

    "This one is for you, and this one is for the two of you. This one is for the whole family. And then Kohaku made these for you. He said you don't have to accept them, but if you want to he would be honored if you accept them."

    Satoshi finally pulled out a pair of framed photographs, of himself, Matsu and Kohaku sitting in the studio and smiling brightly. He handed the frames to Momo and the youngsters, and Momo whistled a little bit when he saw the personal message and autograph from Kohaku.

    After looking at the photograph for a bit Momo turned his attention to the box and opened it with a curious smile, while Kansas and Erion helped each other opening theirs.

    Momo was quicker and pulled out of the box a very decorative and fancy CD and DVD set, Kohaku's signature logo on the front, and the name of his new album.

    Momo shivered as he stared at the album title and then looked up at Satoshi with wide eyes,

    "This is his new album. But it hasn't been published yet. It's not supposed to come out until on the Chinese New Year."

    Satoshi nodded his head and smiled shyly,

    "Yes, I know. This is actually a special collectors edition of the new album. Only one hundred sets like these will be published and then there will be a different special edition set made. These are numbered, and Kohaku wanted you to have the very first one, Momo. Kohaku kept the second one for himself, Kansas and Erion got number three and the family got number four. There are a lot of bonus features on these, that will not be on the special edition, but there are easter eggs and bonus tracks on both. The bonus track will be on all versions of the CD, even the regular ones."

    Momo nodded his head as he scanned the song list on both the CD and the DVD, taking note of all the extra material that was included on the DVD. There was concert footage, music videos, studio sessions, featurettes, and behind the scenes footage.

    Momo rose slowly and asked if he could put the DVD in, suddenly driven by some need to look at it, and Erion followed him to the living room.

    The whole family trailed after them out of curiosity, but Satoshi trailed far behind them and stood at the edge of the living room, as Momo and Erion explored all the features on the DVD.

    Suddenly Momo gave a small yelp and yanked the remote out of Erion's hands, saying loudly,

    "Stop. Look, you see how the sakura tree in the background highlights? That's a hidden easter egg."

    Erion hooted a little bit with surprise since he had not noticed the drawn tree in the background wallpaper light up, but when Momo hit play, they all jumped a little bit, as Kohaku's face suddenly filled the entire screen of their large flatscreen.

    The rock superstar laughed into the camera as Matsu's voice told him, from behind the camera, to move back and stop being such an idiot, and then the camera backed away and Satoshi came into the frame, standing behind Kohaku and saying with a giggle that Kohaku couldn't stop being an idiot because he was just stuck that way.

    Kohaku frowned at Satoshi and playfully yelled that he was only being an idiot because someone wouldn't give him his coffee, and at the same moment a voice off camera said,

    "Kohaku-sama, your coffee."

    Kohaku hooted and took a large swallow of his coffee, rolling his eyes at the camera and moaning sexually.

    The sounds made Satoshi blush and he swatted at Kohaku's head, yelling at him to shut up.

    Kohaku laughed at him and then cleared his throat, he grabbed Satoshi around the shoulders and spoke directly to the camera,

    "Hello, everybody, my gorgeous wonderful fans. Since you are watching this, you obviously found the easter egg on this DVD and I sincerely hope that you will all enjoy this little show of my idiocy. This lovely, gorgeous little man is Mori Satoshi, my sound engineer. He's the one who makes me sound so pretty when I sing."

    Kohaku squeezed Satoshi and kissed his cheek playfully which made Satoshi scream a little bit and try to pull away, but Kohaku held him tightly and continued,

    "Sadly he's married, and his spouse is the luckiest frigging person in the world. I mean, look at him, he's the cutest little thing."

    Kohaku gasped as Satoshi elbowed him lightly in the ribs and growled at him, and Kohaku mock coughed loudly, gasping as if he'd just had the wind knocked out of him.

    Satoshi shook his head and growled at the superstar, his cheeks flaming red and his hands tugging the neckline of his hoodie up to his nose to try and hide his face,

    "Are we going to do this, you idiot, or are you waiting for me to die with embarrassment?"

    Kohaku giggled but then turned to the camera again, his face suddenly very serious, and his eyes dark with sadness.

    "Well, yes. As I was saying, to you my fans. This little easter egg is supposed to be very serious and now I'm going to try and be serious. This passed spring I had the privilege of meeting a wonderful young man, at Mori-san's birthday party, and I could not help but feel a great deal of admiration for this young man because he was so very full of life and happy. He was a little angel, and his friends loved him so very much. Sadly this young man died this past October, by his own hand and I was blessed with the privilege to be allowed to attend his funeral. I watched my dear friends grieve for their beloved friend and I grieved myself.... oh, hell, now I'm crying like an idiot...."

    Kohaku paused as he drew a shaky breath and brushed tears from his lashes, then looked back into the camera, his voice stained with his tears.

    "I wrote a song about this experience and this horrible tragic loss, and Mori-san here wrote the music. The song is on the CD as well, in it's final version, this is more of a demo. This is for the beautiful angel, Kageoshi. I hope you will all enjoy this."

    Bowing slightly to the camera Kohaku turned around and put on headphones, Satoshi already standing by the the microphones, with headphones, and the classic guitar that Sand had given him for his New Years present the year before.

    Low and delicate the notes of the guitar filled the air, and then Kohaku's voice rose out of the music in a beautiful wave.

    Momo's eyes filled with tears as he recognized the words from the letter that Kohaku had given him at Kageoshi's funeral, and Erion curled against his side, tears falling unchecked down his cheeks.

    Kansas bowed his head and sniffled, so Sand moved up behind him and wrapped his arms around the little imp, smiling at Satoshi over his shoulder as Satoshi smiled shakily back and tugged the neckline of his hoodie up to his nose and tried to hide his face in it.

    Vale, Yuji and Willow all sat together on the couch and cuddled with the children, Ryuu whispering to his mother how amazing his father looked on TV.

    Sand felt something surge through his bond with Satoshi, and looked over his shoulder at the imp, as Kohaku finished the first verse of the song.

    Satoshi was breathing shallowly and his face was crimson, his eyes sparkling with shyness and fear, and then Satoshi's voice mingled with Kohaku's voice and Sand whipped around to stare at the screen.

    Sure enough, there the two artists stood, in front of their microphones and sang together, their voices mingling and complementing each other so beautifully and perfectly and there was not a single sign of embarrassment in Satoshi on the screen. His face was radiant with joy, and his spouses all stared with wide eyes as they sang the song to the end.

    Sand let go of Kansas and almost stumbled when he walked over to Satoshi, wrapping his arms around his husband tightly and whispered into Satoshi's ear,

    "Saiai, aishi teru."

    Satoshi nodded against Sand's shoulder, unable to speak with the overwhelming emotions that poured through their bond from Sand, the elf for once in his life speechless with wonder.

    Momo had sunk down on the floor with Erion in his arms as he cried through the song, and his legs were shaky when he struggled to his feet, and walked over to Satoshi, embracing Satoshi tightly,

    "Thank you, Satoshi-san. Thank you so much for this gift. Please tell Kohaku-san that I love the song and I am absolutely certain that Kageoshi is thrilled about it too. Thank you both so much for this amazing tribute."

    Satoshi nodded his head, his voice shaky when he answered,

    "Both Kohaku and me feel honored to have known Kageoshi, even though Kohaku only met him that one time, and we are honored to know you. Kohaku said that if you approve and do not mind, he wants to dedicate this album completely to Kageoshi's memory, as well as the tour that will follow. He has also taken aside these sets for the Murai's, and then for your friends. If they want one you just let me know and I'll tell Kohaku. He wants to use this tour to draw attention to victims of sexual crimes and the need to change the law, so that boys and men can get justice too."

    Momo nodded his head and hugged Satoshi again, telling him to tell Kohaku that Momo would be very honored if Kohaku dedicated the album to Kageoshi's memory and used his tour to draw attention to the crimes that had driven Kageoshi to take his own life.

    The three youngsters sat together on the couch for the rest of the night and watched some of the DVD, and then moved up to the youngster's bedroom to listen to the CD.

    Momo left late in the evening, and slept badly because he was alone in the bed for the first time in a week.

    He spent the following Sunday at the estate with the family and Erion decided to spend the night at the estate, wanting to ride the train to school with Kansas the next morning. So Momo spent another night alone in his bed, and he lay awake for hours realizing that he missed the elf.

    But before he left the estate, he asked if Kansas was alright with him taking Erion out on the following weekend, and when the imp said he was fine with it, because he was planning on going away with Sand that weekend anyway, Momo raided Erion's closet, to find suitable party clothes.

    A week later Erion found himself all jittery with nerves and excitement as he dressed up in the fancy black jeans that Momo had taken him shopping for the previous Thursday after school, dress shoes and a white, skin tight, button down shirt, and a nice navy blazer over that. Momo had helped him pull his hair back into a pretty ponytail which allowed a few strands of hair to escape and frame his face perfectly, making him look utterly androgynous, but at the same time the clothes made him look masculine, even if it was a little on the feminine side of masculine.

    Momo himself was dressed in very fancy black jeans with a black leather belt, the curve of his ass utterly perfect in the tight jeans, his snow white shirt setting off his golden skin so perfectly that Erion could not help but stare and over it all he wore a granite blazer, the sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows and his wrists adorned with a couple of bracelets, a beautiful steel watch and a leather cuff.

    On his left finger he wore the golden ring he had given to Kageoshi, and on his right hand he wore a thick silver ring with a buddhist mantra engraved around it.

    A slender golden chain hung around his neck and below his neckline, only the top button of his shirt unbuttoned.

    Finally Momo wore nice black dress shoes, and his hair was made up to perfection, not a single strand out of place.

    They rode the train to Shinjuku station and then walked through the tunnel to NiChome.

    Erion felt a small thrill run down his back as they walked past the club where he had gone with Kansas, Satoshi, Sand, Kenji and Yori, when he and Kansas had been dressed up in girl's clothes.

    But Momo walked purposefully past all of the clubs and bars that Erion knew, and past all the most well known places as well.

    Erion couldn't help but admire Momo as he strode through the crowd, that bad boy swagger that he usually used nowhere to be seen. Now Momo walked with his back straight, his head held high and a very strong stride, which for some reason reminded Erion of the way that Yuji walked when he was at the academy.

    Erion also noticed a lot of men nodding a greeting at Momo, and Momo nodded back at them all, with a familiarity that seemed to go beyond mere acquaintance.

    But Momo did not stop to talk to any of these men, and he did not explain anything to Erion, so the elf just followed beside Momo, his heart hammering in his chest with excitement.

    Deep in the heart of NiChome Momo suddenly walked up to what looked like a tiny apartment building, and pulled his wallet out to find a small black card.

    Erion stood close behind Momo as Momo handed the card to a man who stood by a door with black glass windows, and a golden sign on the wall beside it, the name in kanji.

    Momo bowed respectfully as he introduced himself and the doorman bowed back, looking at the card that Momo had given him.

    "And your guest, Sakai-sama?" the doorman asked, and Erion bowed deeply as Momo introduced him,

    "Hayashi Yuki-san. Give him your ID."

    Erion gave a small surprised sound as he patted his chest to find his wallet, and pulled out a fake ID that Kansas had convinced Sand to make for Erion. The ID said he was already twenty, and therefore legal to drink, and the fake had been a compromise for the youngster since the family had registered him as a youngster in Japan, which made him too young to drink, while on Toril he was already at drinking age.

    The doorman looked closely at the ID, which stated Erion's Japanese name, and his age as a year older, and then the man handed the ID back and pressed a button beside the door.

    There was a small buzzing sound and the doorman pulled the door open for them.

    Momo bowed again before entering and Erion imitated him, then followed Momo up a narrow, dimly lit staircase, to the second floor.

    At the second floor landing there was another doorman, and he bowed as he welcomed them, greeting Momo by name, and opening a black door with the same golden kanji on it.

    Beyond the door was a rather large room with a beautiful wooden bar in the middle, chairs lined up against the bar table and three very handsome bartenders catered to the small crowd.

    The patrons were mostly men in their forties, and all dressed in nice suits and fancy clothes, which made them look like lawyers, doctors, judges and other such well off professionals.

    In between the older men Erion noticed younger men, neatly dressed and pretty, and obviously there with the older men that they were sitting with.

    Momo walked confidently across the room to the bar and slid the black card across the table to the bartender who came to service him.

    "Good evening, Sakai-san. What a pleasure it is to see you again. It's been a very long time since last time. And who is this?" the bartender said with a friendly tone as he bowed and smiled at Erion.

    "This is Hayashi Yuki, my boyfriend."

    "Your boyfriend?" the bartender exclaimed with great surprise and then muttered as he took the black card off the table, "I never thought I'd see the day..."

    Momo made a small face at Erion who stared a little wide eyed back, and then a very handsome older gentleman laid a hand on Momo's shoulder.

    Momo bowed respectfully as the older man bowed only slightly, and said with a pleasant but surprised tone,

    "Sakai-kun. I haven't seen you in months."

    "Judge Nakahara-sensei, how pleasant to see you. I am sorry. I have been going through some personal things lately, and not really been in any condition to come."

    "I am saddened to hear that, Sakai-kun. I hope your health has not suffered from this."

    "Oh, no. I am getting better, thank you very much."

    "Why don't you come and join me at my table. I have a couple of friends with me."

    "Thank you, Nakahara-sensei for your generous offer, but I must decline. I am here with my boyfriend, you see."

    "Your boyfriend?" the judge exclaimed in surprise and finally his eyes turned to Erion, and the young elf bowed respectfully when Momo introduced him,

    "Yes, my boyfriend. Allow me to introduce you. Hayashi Yuki, this is my friend, Judge Nakahara Tetta."

    "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Hayashi Yuki-kun. You are one lucky boy to have turned Sakai-kun into a boyfriend." the judge said with a teasing tone and Erion bowed again as he thanked the judge.

    Momo smiled as he bowed to the judge, then turned back to the bar to take the bottle of very fine sake and two glasses that the bartender had left there along with Momo's black card.

    They both bowed again to the judge as they bid him have a good evening, and then Erion followed Momo to a small couch nestled in a small alcove, and looking around Erion realized that the entire bar was partitioned off into small alcoves, that were occupied by small couches and tables, and all around the bar there were bar stools where the patrons could sit and chat with the bartenders.

    A corridor lead to the right of the entrance and Momo whispered to Erion as he poured their drinks, that the corridor lead to the bathrooms and another seating area that was even more private than the one they were already in.

    Momo leaned back in the couch and draped an arm over the back of it, lighting a cigarette, the look in his eyes inviting Erion to sit back and snuggle against him.

  17. Erion reached out and rubbed Momo's back a little. "Well, there's not a whole lot we can do except hope your mother can shut him up." Erion slid in closer to wrap his arms around Momo from behind, enjoying the contact with his lover. "Come on, you want to eat?"

    Momo's stomach growled a little at the mention of food, and he straightened up and turned around to hug Erion close for a minute. "You don't have to cook every night like a housewife," Momo teased, nuzzling Erion's hair.

    "Mm, there's a thought. Maybe I'll cook dinner in nothing but an apron one night." Erion started to laugh when Momo moaned a little.

    "You do that and we'll never fucking eat." Momo dipped down to kiss Erion. "But, yeah, I am hungry, baby."

    Still laughing, Erion gave Momo a quick kiss and went into the kitchen, while Momo ran into the bathroom to take a fast shower. The rice was still warm in the cooker, and he filled the electric kettle to make the soup and set the beef curry to warm up. It only took a few minutes before Erion was putting a plate of curry, a bowl of osuimono soup and another bowl of rice in front of Momo, along with a cold beer. He fetched his dinner and sat down with Momo to eat, delighted when Momo dug in with an appetite. It was not exactly perfect, but it was better than Erion had expected it to be, and when Momo had a little more curry, Erion was ecstatic.

    After dinner, Momo lit a cigarette and finished his beer while Erion put away the leftovers for Momo's lunch and set the dishes in the sink to be washed. The young elf wandered back over to find his own cigarettes, bending over the coffee table and looking for a working lighter, and Momo watched the sway of that pert little ass, the sweatpants hanging low on slim hips and Erion's sweater riding up to reveal the white tiger tattoo that covered most of Erion's back. Momo shook his head a bit, remembering when he had brought his old weight bench to the estate so that Erion could relax a bit in comfort while his tattoo healed. He had been surprised that the artist had done as much work as he had, and he remembered being more than a little impressed with the young elf's endurance.

    But now, that sweet ass was far too inviting, and Momo growled a little as he rose up and spun Erion around, crashing their lips together in a possessive kiss as he backed Erion over to the workbench by the kitchen. Erion's arms slid around Momo's neck, and he returned the kiss with equal heat, moaning into Momo's mouth and bucking his hips forward to rub himself against Momo wantonly. Momo tugged at the sweatpants, and they slid over Erion's slender hips with the merest of tugs, and as Momo's strong callused hands curled around Erion's ass to lift him, the elf kicked the sweatpants free.

    Momo sat Erion on the cool metal of the workbench, Erion peeling off his sweater as Momo gripped Erion's thighs and spread them apart. Erion arched his back, displaying himself with utter abandon, his plump lower lip between his pearly teeth as Momo looked around a little frantically.

    "Fuck the lube," Erion growled. "Just do it, baby. Make me scream your name."

    Momo spat into his hand, his own sweatpants pooled on the floor as he shoved them down unceremoniously, and he lined his cock up with Erion's pucker as he pulled the elf forward on the workbench. Momo's cock pressed into Erion, his strong hands gripping Erion's thighs as he slammed himself home, dragging a sweet howl from Erion as he was filled. Erion's legs wrapped around Momo's hips, and he let himself fall back against the wall, his slim hands gripping the edge of the table for leverage as he ground his ass down on Momo's cock, feeling Momo's hands slide around to grip his ass.

    Momo pulled back and slammed forward, setting a furious pace as he pounded Erion's ass, slamming his cock into Erion's prostate as Erion arched his back, his panting breaths coming out as small screams. Erion had no idea what was underneath, and even less concern, his whole world shrunk to the feel of Momo's cock deep inside him. Erion's ass was clenching from the relentless assault, the burn just the right side of painful, and he managed to rear up, fisting slim hands in Momo's hair, his head falling back to let Momo sink his teeth into the tender flesh of the elf's neck. Momo bit hard and then sucked, working a deep mark into Erion's neck, the sensation so delicious that Erion howled.

    Momo's mouth was hot as he moved his assault to Erion's ear, licking his way up the sweep to the tip, and Momo bit down and sucked hard on that sensitive point. Erion came undone, his cock twitching against Momo's hard stomach as his balls spilled, and his ass clenched so tightly on Momo's ass that Momo screamed.

    "Momo, oh, fuck," Erion screamed, breathless with pleasure. His back arched as he ground down, wanting all of that cock as deep within him as possible, and Momo buried his face in Erion's neck and screamed again as his own balls tightened sharply, his hot cum spilling into that tight little ass. Momo managed another couple of ragged thrusts, letting Erion milk him dry, the elf shuddering with pleasure as he clung to Momo, tears beading in his silver lashes.

    "Oh, fuck, Momo," Erion moaned, going slightly boneless in Momo's arms. Momo's knees were trembling as well, and he hung on to Erion for support as much as for anything else, his breaths harsh and raspy.

    "Fuck, Yuki, you are too fucking hot," Momo managed. "Shit, I can't move."

    Erion laughed a little, just as breathless. "Me? You're too sexy for your own good, koibito."

    Momo shivered a little, loving the way that name just rolled off Erion's tongue, so sweet and wanton at the same time. Lover. That was how Erion saw him, someone Erion wanted to wake up next to every day, and Momo held the slender body of the silver-haired teen a little tighter. He was falling so in love with the way Erion moved, his bright smile, his ability to make sweet love one minute and fuck like the most depraved little pervert the next. Momo loved that Erion liked it hard and rough as much as he liked it gentle and slow, and he was momentarily overwhelmed by Kansas's utter generosity in sharing this gorgeous youth with him.

    Erion's breathing had quieted down a bit, and he nuzzled his face into Momo's hair, angling for a kiss. Momo obliged, plundering that sweet mouth thoroughly, feeling his cock beginning to slip out of Erion and feeling a pang of loss. It was apparent that Erion felt the same way as he mewled into the kiss.

    Momo looked at the young elf for a long moment, his face utterly expressionless. "Nice dessert," he said at last, and Erion threw his head back and laughed, such a carefree and joyfilled sound that Momo could not help but laugh with him.

    "Fuck you, you pervert," Erion giggled. "When did I wind up on the menu?"

    "When you waggled that pretty ass at me," Momo mock-growled, and Erion laughed again.

    "Daisuki desu, koibito." Erion nipped at Momo's lower lip playfully.

    Momo's knees felt stronger, and he stepped out of his sweatpants before lifting Erion and carrying the naked elf to the couch. "Daisuki desu, yuki no tenshi. I love you, Yuki-chan, my snow angel."

    It was a little chilly in the loft, but Momo had no desire to move long enough to collect their scattered clothing. Instead he just snuggled closer into Erion, who did not seem to notice the chill. Erion's long thighs were folded on the outside of Momo's thighs, and he slid his arms around Momo's neck and leaned into Momo, their chests pressed together, the heat of Erion's skin penetrating the long sleeved shirt that Momo still wore.

    Momo's eyes fell on Erion's bookbag, resting on the floor next to the coffee table. "You get your homework done, baby?"

    Erion nuzzled Momo's ear. "Mm, yes, all finished, and I read the next chapter for each class already."

    "You're really serious about this school stuff, aren't you?" Momo's hands traced Erion's spine lazily.

    Erion sat up a bit, his silver eyes serious. "Yeah, actually, I am. I'm studying to work with abused kids, just like Kansas is. I want to help the kids that fall through the cracks, the ones everyone wants to pretend don't exist." Erion reached for the thin blanket that was folded along the top of the couch, and pulled it around his shoulders, leaning forward again so that Momo was wrapped in it as well. "You know about Kansas, right?"

    "Yeah, I know," Momo replied.

    "That's the shit that I care about. I mean, all that he went through, and he had to put up with being called a dirty little kagema when Satoshi rescued him, like any of it was his choice." Erion sighed. "Parents are overwhelmed, or just don't give a fuck, and then these kids pay the price for the rest of their lives. How many of them wind up dying from drugs or diseases, or working the streets as rent boys and getting the shit beat out of them by the men that pay to fuck them?"

    Erion fell silent, and Momo held him tightly, rubbing the velvety skin of Erion's back under the blanket. After a few moments, Erion sighed and sat up, twisting to look for a cigarette.

    "Sorry about that rant," Erion said a little sheepishly, as Momo snagged the cigarettes and offered Erion one, lighting it for Erion before lighting his own. "I get a little worked up about that shit. I just can't get myself to believe that no one cares."

    "You don't have that where you're from?" Momo asked.

    Erion shook his head. "Not where I'm from. It happens in other places around us, but not there. We cherish our children, and trust me, if someone were to hurt a child, they'd die for it."

    "Where exactly are you from?" Momo wrapped his arms around Erion's waist, looking into the beautiful silvery eyes, entranced by the blue ring around them.

    Erion chuckled a little. "You know where I'm from. Cornwall. It's a county in England."

    Momo made a small noise. "So why did you send your parents a letter instead of calling them?"

    Erion looked briefly startled. "There's no phone service where they are. There's a lot of moors and cliffs, wild land, and they don't run phone lines or cell towers around there." He shrugged a little, leaning back in and resting his head on Momo's shoulder. "It's easiest just to write to them. They don't get to town often."

    Momo cuddled Erion for a moment longer while they smoked, the ashtray resting in easy reach on the couch next to them.

    "So, is your older brother single? He's incredibly hot. I wouldn't mind meeting him the next time he comes." Momo grinned a little at Erion, who was looking slightly puzzled.

    "I don't have an older brother," Erion said. "I'm the older one and I have a younger brother."

    "He didn't look younger," Momo said casually, his fingers rubbing along Erion' spine.

    Erion looked even more puzzled for a moment, and then his expression cleared and he grinned, his eyes bright. "You mean at the trial?" When Momo nodded, Erion's grin grew a little. "That was my father."

    "No fucking way!" Momo's eyes went nearly round, and he sat up, nearly dislodging Erion and dumping him onto the floor. Erion whooped and threw his arms around Momo's neck, hanging on as he snickered. "He wasn't anywhere near old enough to be your fucking father!"

    "I'm not joking, koibito," Erion giggled. "He's going to die when I tell him my boyfriend thinks he's hot."

    Momo went pale, and then turned bright red. "You wouldn't. Tell me you fucking wouldn't."

    Erion leaned in and stole a kiss, loving the taste of Momo, all smoky and with the hint of beer in there as well, just Momo. "He knows I'm gay. No one gives a fuck back home. My whole family knows, even my grandmother."

    Momo shook his head trying to imagine what it would be like to live in a place where no one gave a fuck that he liked men, and gave up. "I can't believe I said your father was hot. You must think I'm some kind of pervert." He moaned playfully and tried to hide his face in his hands. "I feel so dirty," he added comically.

    Erion grinned wickedly as Momo peeked out from between his fingers. "I'm the pervert here, since I sleep with Yuji."

    "Lucky bitch," Momo murmured, and Erion burst out laughing.

    "Come on, baby, it's getting late. Let's go to bed." Erion crawled off Momo and wandered over to collect their clothing that was scattered around the workbench, Momo watching Erion's ass sway as he walked. He put the ashtray back on the coffee table and followed Erion into the bedroom, pulling off his shirt and laying down to wait for Erion to crawl in next to him.

    Erion snuggled up close, one slim hand dropping down to stroke the panther that ran along Momo's hipbone and down to his thigh. "I love this tattoo. Does it mean anything special?"

    Momo looked slightly embarrassed. "It's a panther." He looked at Erion for a moment and then looked away, his cheeks slightly pink, and Erion fell in love with Momo all over again just for that moment of sweet awkwardness. Momo was so seldom anything other than confident and strong, and being allowed to see this made Erion's heart soar.

    "It's a very nice panther." Erion snuggled closer. "I guess you can tell I like big cats." Erion stroked the panther again, and somewhere deep in the back of his mind, Nim'Cath rumbled with approval. "Mine has a name. I call him Nim'Cath, which means White Cat. Not terribly original, huh?" Erion snickered a little. "The dragons on my hips are for Kansas's dragons."

    "My panther doesn't have a name," Momo said, and there was something in his voice that made Erion bite back any silly comments. Instead, he just wrapped his arm around Momo and waited.

    "Sometimes, I see a panther. I know I'm wide awake when it happens, but everything feels sort of unreal, like a dream. It happens when I'm trying to figure something out, and the panther leads me where I have to be to find the answers I need." Momo looked at Erion to try and gauge the elf's reaction, seeing nothing but calm understanding on his lover's face. "I know it's real, because what I'm figuring out is real. It's shit that actually happens." Momo paused. "So you don't think I'm crazy?" Momo asked. "Please, yuki no tenshi, I don't want you to think I'm fucking crazy."

    "I don't think you're crazy at all, edanamin, my man." Erion looked into Momo's eyes, willing him to see the truth. He took Momo's hand and guided it to let Momo feel the four parallel scars on his back, hidden by his tattoo. "You feel those? Nim'Cath made those, when I took him as my power totem. Not everything that happens in that place in between dreams and being awake is a dream. A lot of it is real. Satoshi is an empath, and he can absorb people's pain. I've seen him do it, when Akira was in trouble and needed help. He does it with Ryuu-kun. And Kansas has visions that are true."

    Momo nodded, an odd expression on his face. "That explains a lot, actually, about Satoshi-san, they way he always seemed to know what was going on with all of us. We'd be over the house, hanging out with Kansas, and he'd just know shit. Like when Eric's grandmother died, back in Sweden. Eric didn't tell any of us, but Satoshi-san just hugged Eric and told him how sorry he was."

    Erion smiled, relaxed and comfortable, and close to reverie. "We're all bugfuck crazy, or else we're all the sanest people we know and the rest of the world is crazy. Take your pick, but I'm going with my crazy and the hell with the world. Like Yuji says, embrace your honne."

    Momo chuckled a little, astonished at how easily Erion had accepted what Momo told him. He wrapped his arms around Erion and pulled him closer, nuzzling his face in the silky hair of his young lover, feeling one long thigh being flung over his.

    "Sounds good to me," Momo murmured. "Embrace our honne and fuck the rest of it."

  18. Erion tucked his clothing away in the dresser and closet after Kansas left, feeling slightly nervous now that his living with Momo as Momo's lover was a reality. He unfolded the soft blanket he had brought from the estate, and made the bed up neatly, and then he wandered back out to the living room.

    Momo had cleared away the empty beer bottles and sake bottles, and put everything away neatly to be brought down to the recycling station, and he was busy washing some glasses and cups in the kitchen when Erion came out. He stood there for a moment, just lost in admiring the sight of Momo, strong and well muscled, his jeans hugging the curve of his ass perfectly. Shaking his head a little as his own silliness, Erion walked into the kitchen and grabbed a dishtowel, drying the glasses and cups as Momo washed them. It made Erion think of Sand and Satoshi for a moment, and he smiled to himself.

    "Are you hungry?" Erion asked as they put away the last of the dishes, Momo showing Erion where everything was kept. "Willow sent some food. She figured we'd be too busy to think about that." Erion looked at Momo with a wry grin. "She's also been teaching me a few simple recipes. She's got some strong opinions on people trying to survive on instant ramen and takeaway meals. I don't promise my cooking will taste anywhere near as good as Willow's or even as good as instant ramen, but hey, it'll be an adventure."

    Momo looked at Erion for a long moment before starting to laugh. "That's the first time anyone's referred to dinner as an adventure." He pulled Erion into his arms and when Erion tilted his face up, Momo kissed him deeply. "I'm glad you came, watashi no yuki no tenshi. This feels right."

    "I'm glad I'm here, watashi no koibito," Erion replied. "This is where I belong." He nuzzled his face into Momo's neck for a moment, breathing in the scent that was so uniquely Momo's scent. Momo's arms were strong and well muscled, and they fit around Erion so comfortably. It was not the perfect fit that was Kansas, but it was the fit that was right for this moment in time, and Erion let himself melt into the embrace a little.

    They ate, and cleaned up, and then Erion pulled out his textbooks and curled up on the couch with Momo while Momo watched a movie. Momo's hand was buried in Erion's thick hair, toying with the nape of Erion's neck, and the young elf purred a little as he pressed into the touch. Momo peeked every now and again as Erion filled page after page with notes in his neat kanji, biting his lip a little from time to time in the most adorable way. Periodically, Erion would make a mark in the margin that looked very unusual, nothing like either kanji or romanji.

    Finally, Erion closed his books with a sigh, and tucked everything in his backpack for the morning. He curled back in the curve of Momo's arms contentedly, watching the rest of the movie and stealing small kisses every now and then. Momo kept looking at the silvery head resting on his shoulder, still amazed that Erion was here with him. When the movie ended, Momo turned his head to press a kiss on that silver hair.

    "I want to show you something." Momo stood up and held his hand out to Erion. He led Erion over to the coat rack by the front door, opening a door that Erion had never really noticed before to reveal a flight of stairs. There was another door at the top of the stairs, and Momo led Erion up and through the door, and out onto the roof.

    "You can come up this way to see the sunrise," Momo said, almost shyly, and Erion turned and hugged Momo tightly.

    "This is perfect. Thank you, my koibito. You're perfect." Erion lifted his chin, angling for a kiss, and Momo obliged, plundering the willing mouth with passion. Erion ground himself into Momo, and then giggled a little. "It's cold, Let's go back inside."

    They went back downstairs, heading into the bathroom to brush their teeth, Erion's toothbrush laid out neatly beside Momo's, and Momo's breath hitched again at that small reminder that Erion was here, and his. They kissed and stroked and nuzzled as they undressed, and then Momo fell on Erion with a small growl, Erion opening up and welcoming his lover with fierce abandon.

    It was still dark when Erion rose from his reverie, grabbed a pair of sweatpants, and moved silently through the darkness of the apartment to slip up the stairs to the roof. The first rays of sunlight made Erion's skin tingle with the familiar rush of power, but he missed the feel of Kansas in his arms, the heat of Kansas's power dancing with his. Nim'Cath was there, at the very edge of his consciousness, and Erion could feel his restlessness as the white tiger paced a world away. And for a moment, just a brief moment, Erion felt the weight of his collar grow greater as he shared his strength willingly with Tatsuya, his god and his loved.

    "Guard him, Nim'cath," Erion whispered. "Whatever it takes, you will do. His life is more precious to me than anything." He could feel Nim'Cath's consent, and a weight lifted from his heart as he turned to slip back downstairs, his cock hard and aching.

    Erion slipped back into bed, his sweatpants discarded and his cock pressing against Momo, and Momo pressed his ass back against Erion sleepily. Erion's lubed fingers pressed into Momo's ass briefly, and then it was the young elf's cock as Erion pushed Momo's leg forward and up to give him better access. Momo moaned a bit as Erion buried himself in Momo's ass, one slim hand reaching around to fist Momo's cock, and then Erion found Momo's prostate and white lights exploded behind Momo's eyes as Erion took him hard and fast, pulling out when Momo came, Erion's cum hot as it painted Momo's ass and back.

    Momo shuddered and gasped as his orgasm wound down, and he turned to pull Erion close, remembering squeaking springs on the pull-out couch on those mornings when Kansas and Erion had greeted the sunrise together. For the briefest moment, Momo wondered how either Kansas or Erion ever managed to walk or even sit, and then he looked at the clock and sighed.

    Erion started the tea while Momo ran the water for a shower, and they scrubbed themselves thoroughly and dressed quickly, each grabbing a cup of tea and a sweet roll that Willow had sent as a hasty breakfast. Erion made a note to pick up a few things on the way home from school so he could make a bento the next day, resigned to a cafeteria bento for lunch. He rinsed his cup and grabbed Momo for a last kiss, nibbling Momo's lower lip before shrugging on his jacket and swinging his bookbag over his shoulder.

    "See you tonight," Erion called and dashed down the stairs to head off to school, Momo watching him from the window with a smile.

    Vale looked at Kansas, a beautiful smile curving his lips. "Adalon was right, you know. You are going to be a most magnificent dragon." Vale guided Kansas back into his room and out of the cold. "The second step on the path to wisdom is to understand that the question is more important than the answer."

    Kansas looked at Vale for a moment, his nose wrinkling just a little as he pondered that. "It makes sense, and at the same time, it doesn't."

    Vale nodded, his green eyes so warm and gentle that Kansas moved closer to the elf. Vale reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag of holding, fishing around in it for a moment before pulling out a creamy pale box. "This is yours, or so Adalon tells me." He reached into the pouch again and pulled out a scroll of parchment, handing that to Kansas as well.

    Kansas sat on the bed, the blanket sliding off one pale shoulder as he unrolled the scroll. Kansas was only slightly surprised to see that it was written in meticulous kanji, but with a boldness and power that Kansas could feel. He read it aloud, his voice filled with wonder. "My greetings to you, young dragon becoming. I trust that Vale has given you the box I entrusted to his care. What lies within is my gift to you, to aid you on your journey. Use it wisely, and it will serve you well. The box itself was carved by me from a fang I shed during growth. It will keep my gift safe." Kansas paused to look at the box, wide-eyed. Then he returned to reading. "We will meet again soon, young one, and the small bronze dragon will be welcomed as well. Adalon."

    Kansas opened the creamy box carefully, and inside, nestled on a bed of black velvet, was a perfect miniature crystal orb in a delicate net of mithral, suspended from a mithral chain. Kansas touched it lightly, and then looked up at Vale, his face showing his confusion. "A crystal ball?"

    Vale shook his head gently, an expression of great reverence on his face. "Those are called Dragon's Tears, and they are among the rarest artifacts on Toril. They really are formed from a dragon's tears, you know, and they're one of the most powerful charms of protection in existence anywhere in the multiverse. When you walk among spirits, like you do, this will protect you, It can utterly destroy weak spirits, and even more powerful ones will be pushed back. They say they shine with the light of the sun itself to protect the wearer." Vale leaned in to kiss Kansas's temple with great tenderness. "I don't know where your path is leading, but wherever it is, she wants you to be safe."

    Satoshi coughed as he sat up, and Sand sat up next to him, an expression of concern on his face.

    "It is your lungs again, saiai," Sand said, and slid out of bed to open his closet, bringing down his basket of potions. "This one, my heart, the yellow one. When you feel your lungs growing tight, please drink the yellow potion. Eryn makes them, and she would be sad to know that you do not use them."

    Satoshi made a small face at Sand. "I've been dealing with this all my life, Masato-chan. It's not a big deal. You always make such a fuss."

    "And that is because I love you, cormamin, and we fuss over those we love. If it were Ryuu coughing so, or me, would you not insist we drink the potion?" Sand opened the vial and handed it to Satoshi. "Do you not yet know that your life is more precious to me than anything else? When you hurt, I hurt for you."

    Satoshi looked at Sand, and the love in Sand's blue eyes left him briefly speechless. His own gorgeous eyes welled with tears of love, and he smiled that beautiful smile of his and drank the potion to please his husband.

    Erion stopped on the way home from school, picking up a few things on his way home to the loft. He did not stop in the garage, not wanting to bother Momo at work so soon after his return, figuring Ine-san would not be very happy to have Momo distracted, but he smiled as he ran lightly up the steps and opened the door to the loft.

    Erion set up the rice cooker he had bought, and busied himself cutting the vegetables for the soup he was planning to make. He also had some fish to grill, and some shrimp dumplings that only needed to be steamed. Willow had recommended a good soup base, and with the vegetables and some firm tofu, it would make a good dinner as well as a warm breakfast in the morning. After cleaning up from his preparations, Erion curled up on the couch with his textbooks, until the door opened and Momo came in. Erion dropped his book and stood up to hug Momo.

    "Hey!" Momo laughed in protest. "I'm filthy! Let me wash up."

    "I like the way you look when you've been working on the engines," Erion replied, his silver eyes bright. Still, he stepped back and let Momo head off to the bathroom to wash up.

    When Momo came out, he was holding an envelope. "Did you ever read your letter from Kohaku?" Momo asked, curious.

    Erion blinked a little. "I didn't, actually. It was hard enough to read the letter from Kageoshi. I just didn't feel up to any more letters, and then things got busy with the trial, and I forgot."

    Momo opened his letter and sat down next to Erion on the couch. "I'm guessing they're pretty similar, so we can read mine together, if you want."

    "I do," Erion replied, and curled up in the curve of Momo's arm to read with him.

    The letter was simple enough, Kohaku expressing his profound sympathy to Momo on the loss of his young husband, and recounting how Kohaku had met Kageoshi at the estate and had been struck by the innocence and delicate beauty of the young teen. There was a second sheet of paper, and Momo and Erion looked at each other in surprise.

    The second sheet was lyrics to a song, written by Kohaku about Kageoshi's tragic death, and the terrible grief that had wracked all those who loved the beautiful teen. It was written from the point of view of Kohaku as he witnessed the aftermath of that sad death, and how moved he was by the pain of those left behind. There was a note at the bottom from Kohaku, telling Momo that he had written that song in memory of Kageoshi, and he hoped that it would be a fitting tribute.

    Erion and Momo read the lyrics twice, Erion's eyes shining with tears at the sheer beauty of the words. He looked up at Momo, his voice trembling just a little.

    "It's perfect. It's something he would have loved, a song just for him written by Kohaku." Erion moved closer to Momo.

    "It is perfect, and wherever he is, I hope Kageoshi is singing it." Momo brushed his hand across his eyes and wrapped his arms around Erion, holding tightly to the young elf, and the future.

  19. Erion grabbed Momo after dinner and handed him his warm jacket. "Come into the garden with me. We need to talk about something."

    Momo's eyes widened slightly, and he took the jacket. "Maybe I should grab a beer, too."

    Erion grinned and patted the pockets of his own jacket. "I already did, but don't worry. It's just something I need to tell you, but it's not the end of anything."

    Momo felt something in his gut relax a bit, and he followed Erion into the garden, past the spot where they usually smoked to the training ground. There was a bench in a sheltered corner, and Erion pulled Momo down beside him and tugged him into a kiss.

    "Mm, you taste good, koibito," Erion murmured when they finally broke apart. He pulled a beer from his pocket and offered it to Momo, opening the other beer and taking a swallow before lighting a cigarette.

    "So what's this about?" Momo asked, looking at his silver-haired lover. He lit a cigarette of his own, and Erion reached under the bench to bring up the ashtray he had stashed there earlier.

    "You've been staying here long enough to have figured out that this family is more than a little different. Fuck, you've known everyone longer than I have." Erion looked into Momo's eyes, and Momo was reassured by the love in Erion's look. "We sleep with each other. Not all of us with everyone else, but it's got to be pretty obvious that the kids all have different fathers, and the same mother."

    Momo shifted a little on the bench. "Yeah, that's a little hard to miss, especially with Hikaru-chan."

    Erion laughed. "Willow likes having a blond in her horde of husbands. Anyway, there's a couple of things you need to know. The first is that even though Kansas is my betrothed, I also sleep with Satoshi and Yuji."

    Momo blinked, and took a swallow of beer. "Just them?"

    Erion nodded. "Masato's my uncle by blood. My mother is his sister. And Akira, well, I've known him all my life and I think of him like I do Masato, so that would be too fucking weird to even think about sleeping with him." Erion shuddered a little. "We're pretty open about loving more than one person, but we're not into creepy shit."

    Momo laughed a little nervously, wondering how Erion would react when he found out that he was Satoshi's brother, and then he realized he was thinking about that as "when" and not "if." He took a deep drag on his cigarette. "Yeah, well, that's good. Creepy shit isn't my thing, either."

    Erion leaned in and kissed Momo again, his eyes warm. "Sorry, koibito. You're mixed up with a bunch of crazy perverts, and I just thought you should know that up front, sort of." Erion laughed and blushed a little. "Well, almost up front, anyway, but better a little late than never. Anyway, the thing is, it works for all of us. Everyone has a primary spouse, and that's the pairings you're more used to. Yuji's primary spouse is Akira, and Satoshi's primary spouse is Masato. Willow is their queen, they say, and even though Kansas and I are exclusively gay, we think of Willow as a big sister, and she loves us as fiercely as she does the rest of her husbands."

    "You know Yuji used to teach at my old high school," Momo said. "I swear at least ninety percent of the girls there had a crush on him. So did the three gay boys."

    Erion started to laugh again. "Yuji's very hot, isn't he? Did you have a crush on him, too?"

    Momo nearly choked on his beer. "Fuck, Yuki!"

    Erion patted Momo on the back. "Sorry, I have a habit of just coming out and saying what I think. Never mind, I'm being a little silly to try and make this easier."

    "It's okay," Momo said, shrugging lightly. "I'll just tell you that you're a lucky bitch and leave it at that."

    Erion gave a whoop of laughter and hugged Momo impulsively, his eyes shining. "I must be, koibito."

    The love in Erion's eyes made Momo suck in a quick breath, and he crashed his lips into Erion's lips in a passionate kiss. "I'm the lucky one, yuki no tenshi." He kissed Erion again, feeling the younger boy melt into the kiss a bit. "Was that all you wanted to tell me? Because it's fucking freezing out here."

    Erion took a deep breath. "We have sort of a rule in the family. Sleeping with each other is one thing, but if we sleep with someone outside the family, we tell everyone about it. Not the actual details," he said hurriedly, seeing the look of alarm on Momo's face. "We just let the family know that there's been someone else that we were intimate with."

    "Is it a problem?" Momo asked, lighting another cigarette, his fingers trembling just a little.

    "Oh, fuck, no!" Erion reached up to cup Momo's cheek. "It's just sort of a full disclosure policy. Like when we were back home, and Masato was getting his tattoos, he and Satoshi slept with the tattoo artist, and then they came home and Satoshi told us all that they'd done that. That's all. No one is going to flip out, but it's just the way we keep it all straight. Kansas and I slept with someone when we were away last summer, and we told the family about that, too."

    "So they know about after the funeral?" Momo asked.

    "No, actually. The way it ended that morning, Kansas and I figured we'd see how things worked out, so we never said anything." Erion shrugged a little. "But now, I really think we need to tell the family about us. You and me. Because I don't know about you, but I want to be with you."

    Momo looked at the young elf, his face glowing with his love for Momo, and he choked a little. "I want to be with you, too, Yuki. I'm going to tell you, though, I'm fucking scared to death to go back in there and tell everyone."

    Erion flung his arms around Momo. "Kansas will sit with us, and the three of us will do this together. As long as Kansas is fine with it, everyone else will accept it. Trust me, Momo. And this way I can actually hug you and kiss you in front of everyone else without worrying. It's bad enough we have to be careful in public. I'm not going to fucking sneak around at home. Daisuki desu, watashi no koibito."

    Momo wrapped his arms around Erion, holding the slim elf tightly. "Daisuki desu, watashi no yuki no tenshi." He kissed Erion, a long and tender kiss, leaving the little elf breathless when he was done. "Now I have something to tell you. Masato knows. He was the first to figure it out, from some things I told him. I also told Kansas, and Satoshi. When I was fourteen, I was in the hospital for my appendix. They did blood work, and I found out that my father wasn't actually my biological father. It took a while, but I finally managed to get the truth out of my mother. Mori Satoru-sama is my biological father. He had an affair with my mother, but he wouldn't leave his wife and Satoshi to marry my mother, so she just passed me off as my father's kid." Momo let go of Erion and lit a cigarette.

    "But that's good, isn't it? I mean, you get along well with Mori-sama, and you've known Satoshi for a long time." Erion tilted his head a little.

    "I don't think of Mori-sama as my father," Momo replied. "He's been a friend, and he's helped me out, but he didn't raise me. Not that my father was all that spectacular, unless you call beating the shit out of a kid good parenting, but he was the person I knew all my life." Momo shrugged a little. "And I'm not ready to think of Satoshi as a brother. I don't know if I'll ever be ready to do that."

    "What did Satoshi say?" Erion leaned back into Momo's arms, offering the comfort of a hug.

    Momo smiled a little. "He says he understands, and for now we'll settle for being friends, but if I'm ever ready, he'd be more than happy to call me brother. I just don't know how to feel about that, though. I met him once, when I was seven, but I had no idea who he was, or who Mori-sama was. I just thought he was so incredibly cool and amazing, and I wished I had an older brother like that." Momo snorted a little. "I don't know, maybe this is one of those things. You know, like it's meant to be. But whatever happens, I have to think about getting back to work, and maybe going to school to become a master mechanic. That's what I was planning to do, before everything went crazy. Now, I don't know. I need to think about that."

    "Just don't forget that you're not alone, okay?" Erion nuzzled into Momo's neck a bit, his nose cold, and Momo yelped a little.

    "I promise, I won't forget. I'm not the best at leaning on other people, though." Momo stood up and held out his hand to Erion. "I'll try, okay? Now, can we go inside and get this over with? It's fucking freezing out here."

    Erion laughed, and they finished their beers quickly as they walked, arms around each other, back to the house.

    Sand pulled Satoshi into a kiss, fierce and passionate, pouring all his endless love into the kiss as he plundered Satoshi's mouth. "And now we are all better," Sand said when they finally broke to breathe. "Or we will be, later, when I show exactly how much and in how many ways I love you."

    Satoshi blushed a bit and laughed, but he ground himself against Sand hard enough to let Sand know that he was more than happy to spend the night howling in Sand's arms. They both looked a little surprised when Erion stuck his head into the kitchen with a grin for the pair of husbands. "Family chat in the living room, you two, if you can manage it."

    "Such an impudent scamp," Sand laughed. "Go on, we will be right there."

    Erion stuck his tongue out at Sand and darted away, laughing.

    Momo was sitting on the couch next to Erion, Kansas on the other side of him, and they waited until the family had assembled, tea and fruit and chocolates set out on the low table for everyone. Ryuu led Aika and Hikaru to the corner to play while the grown-ups talked, Hikaru pausing to stare wistfully at the gate that blocked the stairs from his exploration. Willow had instructed Vale to search the storage attic in the garage and see if the gate from the old house would work here, and he and Yuji had dutifully installed the gate that same day. Not an hour later, Erion had gotten his head handed to him by Willow for vaulting over the gate as he came downstairs, and she drew him a very vivid picture of Ryuu coming to a horrible end as he tried to imitate the young elf's easy grace. Erion had turned bright red, apologized endlessly, and been hugged by Willow for being wonderful and setting a good example.

    When everyone was settled, Erion looked at his family and took a deep breath. "In the interest of full disclosure," he began.

    "Oh, fuck," Yuji snickered, and Erion blushed a little before he picked up again.

    "In the interest of full disclosure, I need to tell you that I'm seeing Momo-san. As my boyfriend." Erion looked up at Momo and gave him a radiant smile. "We realized we both had feelings for each other that went deeper than just friendship, and Kansas and I talked, and then we all talked, and we decided that I should take some time and explore this. So I am, and I'm telling you now." Erion snagged a chocolate and sat back.

    "Kansas?" Satoshi said, looking at the young imp.

    "I'm completely fine, Satoshi, really. Like Erion said, we all talked about this." Kansas gave Satoshi a beautiful smile, and Satoshi's eyes filled with tears as he realized how much Kansas had matured. He had become a young man that anyone would be proud to know and love, and Satoshi had to bury his face in Sand's shoulder for a moment until he regained his composure.

    Yuji too had tears of pride in his eyes as he looked at Kansas, and then he turned to Erion. "I'm glad you told us, and you know that we're fine with things as long as no one is getting hurt. If Kansas agrees to this, then there's no reason for us not to agree as well."

    Sand leaned forward, and Momo felt his heart skip a beat. "I do have a few questions, Yuki-kun. Do you plan on staying at the loft with Momo, or are you both going to stay here?"

    Erion looked at Momo, who cleared his throat nervously. Both Kansas and Erion reached out to take Momo's hands, offering their love and support.

    "I need to get back to work at some point, and it's a rough commute from here to the garage, so I'd rather stay at the loft during the week." Momo gave Erion a quick look.

    "I can get to university easily enough from the loft by train," Erion added. "But if it's okay with everyone, I'd like to stay here on the weekends." He looked at Momo, who nodded. "I'll study all week at Momo's and I won't slack off, I promise."

    "That would have been my other question," Sand said dryly. "Your studies need to be a priority, Yuki-kun, and I would not like to see your grades decline. You have made us all proud so far, and I know that you will continue to do so."

    "I'll make sure he gets out on time every morning," Momo said. "You have my promise, Masato-san."

    "Well, this is your home, and it always will be, so if things change, you know you're both welcome here," Willow said. "And I'm glad you'll be staying here on weekends. I'd miss you both otherwise."

    "You'll need to let your parents know," Vale said, curling up against Yuji. "The last thing I need is your mother after my head. I get in more than enough hot water on my own, and she's scarier than your grandmother."

    Erion nodded eagerly. "I'll write them a letter. Will you give it to Nathe for me?"

    Momo looked a little surprised at that, but Erion just squeezed his hand and gave him a look that promised an explanation later.

    "So, is that it?" Yuji asked. "Are we good?"

    "We'd be better if we put a warning label on certain people," Satoshi muttered so softly that only Sand heard him, but he smiled at the three youngsters on the couch.

    "We're good," Erion said happily, and snuggled into Momo.

    "Then I think it's time to get some young rascals to bed," Vale said, standing up with that careless grace of his. "We're an unusual family, Momo-san, but the one thing we can offer is abundant love. Don't be afraid to reach out and talk to any of us. We're still figuring out how this works ourselves, mind you." He flashed Momo a beautiful grin. "You'll figure us out quickly enough."

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