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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Sand looked at Kenji. "Do you sense it as well? Satoshi is quite empathic, as is Ryuu, and I have begun to wonder if it is a family trait."

    Sand turned his attention to Satoshi, watching as Satoshi rubbed his left shoulder. "What do you feel, cormamin? Can you speak of it?" Sand reached out to offer Satoshi his strength through their bond.

    "My shoulder just hurts a little, like a ghost pain," Satoshi replied, but his face looked pale and his voice was shaky. "The feelings are more upset, and anger, and spite."

    Sand put his arms around Satoshi, one hand slipping up to stroke Satoshi's hair. "Try to close them out a bit, my heart. We will enjoy a meal with Kenji-san and have a pleasant conversation."

    Kenji nodded, still a bit shaken himself. "If you draw on your Zen training, Satoshi-san, you will be able to do that." He gave Sand a small smile, but his eyes were still terribly sad. "But what you said, Masato-san, about empathy and it being a family trait, well, that is interesting. I seem to remember having some notes about that. I'll have to get those out after dinner."

    As if on cue, Kenji's housekeeper slid the door open and brought in dinner, setting out the various dishes with quiet efficiency, along with tea and warm sake. Sand had a dcent appetite after the training, and once Satoshi had managed to block some of the empathic feedback, he too managed to eat. Kenji picked at first, but as Sand managed to keep up a bit of light chatter about Ryuu and Aika and Hikaru, Kenji relaxed a little and ate a bit himself.

  2. Sand looked at Yori, his expression friendly. "It is called a songsword. It is similar enough to the weapon I trained with as a boy, and like a superior katana, each is made by hand. As to whether or not I ever master Kenjutsu, well, that is something that remains to be seen, yes? But I do feel honored to have been accepted as a student of Ishikawa-senpai. I have spent enough time training with a sword to recognize a master." Sand shrugged lightly. "A single-edged weapon is very different from what I am used to using."

    Sand took a sip of tea. "Kenji-san, I meant to thank you for your stories about your family earlier. I am fascinated by family lore and legends, actually, and if you have any other stories to share, I assure you I would be an eager audience." Sand's smile was warm and genuine. He sent a quick wave of reassurance to Satoshi, hoping that his husband realized that the drugs were fueling Yori's rage as much as anything else.

  3. Sand and Satoshi exchanged a lightning fast glance, both instantly masking their concern as they looked at Yori. The delicately beautiful young man had done nothing to hide the damage, his purple eye and bruised jaw livid through the curtain of raven hair, and the translucent skin of his chest making the bruises on it look darker. Sand had already seen Yori, but Satoshi was shocked, although he hid it perfectly under the guise of polite manners.

    "Yori-san, it's good to see you," Satoshi said, his voice as calm and steady as if Yori had been unmarked.

    "Satsohi-san, Masato-san." Yori bowed, his damaged arm resting in his lap, the other slim hand flat on his thigh. "I apologize for walking away so abruptly before, Masato-san." Yori smiled warmly as he waited for Satoshi to translate for Sand..

    Sand returned the bow, his answering smile just as warm. "There is no need to apologize,Yori-san. It was quite chilly and damp."

    Yori's eyes widened briefly at Sand's respectable Japanese. "You're too kind, Masato-san. Your Japanese has improved greatly."

    Satoshi laughed a little. "Masato's been studying like crazy. He insists I speak to him in Japanese all the time."

    "It's the best way to learn," Yori agreed.

    Kenji's housekeeper came in with a fresh pot of tea and bowed politely to Kenji. "If I may ask, will it be four for dinner tonight?"

    "Will you stay?" Kenji asked, looked at Sand and Satoshi in turn. "It would be my pleasure."

    "We would enjoy that, Kenji-san," Sand replied. "I will just phone home and let them know we'll be late. With this weather, I would not want them to think we had car trouble."

    Kanji looked up at his housekeeper. "We will be four tonight, thank you." The housekeeper left the tea and departed to see to the meal.

    Yori reached over and lifted the pot of tea, his hand a little unsteady as he poured. Kenji watched, but made no move to help Yori, that sadness back in his eyes. Sand placed a quick call to the house, speaking to Yuji and telling him that they would be having dinner with Kenji and not to wait for them, and to tell Ryuu that keifu would be happy to read to him tonight. Sand then handed the phone of to Satoshi with an apologetic grin so that Ryuu could tell Satoshi something terribly urgent, and Kenji smiled as he watched Satoshi's face light up.

    Sand watched as Yori rubbed his bad shoulder a little, his eyes almost black due to the dilation of his pupils. Sand had seen users of black lotus back on Toril who did not look as glassy-eyed as Yori did, and he wondered what sort of medication Yori was taking. That was a question that did not bear asking, though, and Sand merely leaned forward just a little, his blue eyes very gentle. "Yori-san, are you feeling alright?"

  4. Sand looked at the pictures with Satoshi, at a loss for anything to say that would not sadden Satoshi further. Instead, Sand sat close enough to Satoshi to touch him, and let his love for Satoshi just emanate forth. It did not seem to help much, and Sand decided he could not stay silent any longer.

    "Do you remember them at all, cormamin?" Sand asked, laying a slim hand on Satoshi's arm. "I would hear about them if you wish to talk. It seems a lonely place for a child."

    Satoshi did not answer right away, but made that low humming sound in his throat again as he looked at the pictures. "No, I don't remember them. I was too young to remember."

    Sand took a deep breath and plunged in. "You have met my family, and seen how I grew up. I think I would not have emerged from such a childhood nearly as well as you have. Perhaps I am speaking out of turn, but it does not appear that your mother truly desired to be a parent. That is... difficult to comprehend for me."

    Satoshi looked briefly stricken, and he closed the album quietly and handed it back to Kenji. Without looking at Sand, Satoshi spoke in a quiet, devastated voice. "No. I guess she didn't. Not that I blame her." He fell silent for a minute, and Sand's breath caught in his throat as Satoshi continued. "Who would want me, anyway?"

    Satoshi stood abruptly and went outside, lighting up a cigarette. Sand rose to follow him, Kenji looking as heartbroken as Sand felt.

    "I'm sorry," Kenji whispered, his dark eyes filled with grief, and Sand nodded as he went outside to stand on the porch with Satoshi.

    In a quiet, almost conversational tone, Sand said, "Who would want you? Let me see. I want you, but of course you know that. Our family wants you, and I do believe, judging by his reaction just now, that Kenji wants you." Sand paused for a moment, hating himself a little for what he was about to say, knowing that it was almost too cruel. "And then there is Ryuu. He wants you, and more than that, he needs you, cormamin. Willow and I can never take your place in his heart or in his life."

    "I know, poldoramin. I'm sorry, I'm just being mean. I love seeing pictures of myself as a kid, but it also hurts because I remember my nannies better than I remember my parents, and it hurts because it reminds me of how much they never wanted me." Satoshi drew a shuddering breath, taking a deep drag of the cigarette, then he nodded his head as he spoke. "I swore that I would never let Ryuu feel the way I did. I swore I would love him a thousand times over. And I do. I truly do. Don't ever doubt that. I want him to grow up to be the happiest man on Earth. Him and if I ever have any more children. I just wish I could put that behind me, and never think of my childhood again."

    "You are hardly being mean, my heart." Sand's voice was tender. "It hurts, and I wish that I could take that pain away myself. All I can offer is my ear, anytime you need it, and my love which is yours until time itself comes to an end." Sand looked out at the bleak weather. "Shall we have another cup of tea, and then perhaps go home? Or do you wish to stay longer and perhaps speak with Kenji?"

  5. Sand looked at the picture of Satoshi alone, his eyes lighting up at the sight. The second picture was a bit more surprising. As far as Sand knew, Satoshi did not have an older sibling, and Kenji had never mentioned having a child. Sand reached out to stroke the picture of the two small boys.

    "Who is this with Satoshi?" Sand asked, looking up at Kenji. Then he turned to Satoshi. "I did not know you had an older sibling, cormamin."

    Satoshi's look was so sad that Sand's heart sank, and he reached out instinctively to pull Satoshi into his arms as Satoshi murmured, "I don't."

    "I am so very sorry, my heart. I never meant to cause you pain." Sand could feel Satoshi trembling against him a little.

    Kenji looked over at the album. "Oh, I'd forgotten that one was there. That is Yuki. He was a year older than Satoshi. A little more than a year older, he was born in January of the year before," Kenji corrected himself. "He died when Satoshi was just two."

    Sand cupped Satoshi's face between his hands, faintly scarred and slender fingers sliding into Satoshi's amethyst hair. By some trick of the light, Sand's hair flared amethyst as well, and sorrow shone in his blue eyes. "Amin hiraetha, melamin." In his grief, Sand slipped into his own language, correcting himself almost immediately. "I am sorry, my love."

  6. Sand watched as Satoshi cleared his mind, focusing only on the task at hand, and he suppressed a smile at Satoshi's incredible strength of mind. Satoshi was not even aware of how extraordinary his ability to focus that intently was, Sand knew. It was the first thing he had been taught by his weaponsmaster, and it was a vital skill for a bladedancer.

    Sand and Satoshi bowed deeply to each other to signal that they were each ready to begin training. When they straightened, Sand indicated that Satoshi should draw his songsword.

    "A songsword is a unique weapon," Sand began. "Even without my abilities, it has a power that can be tapped. The song that your blade will play creates a level of distraction in your opponent, and it is then up to you to capitalize on that distraction. I will be training you to do just that, to learn certain bladedances that are highly offensive in nature, and quite unlike the defensive dances I generally employ. You saw a more refined form of one that I will be teaching you when I went after Hawk."

    Satoshi's eyes widened slightly, and Sand offered a small smile.

    "You are not a defensive fighter. I watched you closely as you trained with Kenji. You are strongest when you press the attack, and I intend to train you to use that strength." Sand shifted his grip on his sword, nodding as Satoshi copied his grip. "Very good. We will practice a few simple attacks in tandem, and then you will use them against me. I want the sword to become an extension of you, much as your katana is when you train with Kenji."

    Satoshi looked at Sand and nodded, watching carefully as Sand demonstrated a series of light, fast steps accompanied by a graceful feint and thrust with his sword. Sand repeated the movements, and then nodded to Satoshi to join him. It was awkward at first, the combination of movements very aggressive and unlike what Satoshi was used to with the katana, but his confidence increased with each time he repeated the attack.

    "Good, very good. Now this." Sand demonstrated a new combination, and together they repeated it until Satoshi had it down. A third combination was also repeated, and then Sand instructed Satoshi to combine them, stepping back to watch, his blue eyes intent. Sand did not tell Satoshi how to combine them, but it was obvious to Satoshi that the movements were not taught in order of use, but in order of ease of mastery. Satoshi hesitated, replaying each in his mind as he tried to decide which combination was the strongest opening gambit. He jumped a bit when Sand spoke abruptly.

    "You are thinking too much. Feel it." Sand looked at Satoshi intently. "The sword is part of your arm, and your feet know the dance. Feel it."

    Satoshi took a deep breath and cleared his mind again. He raised his songsword and then he began to move, using the second combination as his opening move, and stepping right into the first and then the third combination without pausing. As he did, he heard a delicate series of notes from his sword, but he remained focused and just let the music wash over him. When he was done, he looked at Sand, who gave him a radiant smile.

    "You felt it, and when you stopped thinking about it, your body knew what to do." Sand looked very pleased. "You are learning quickly, but I am not surprised. Some of this you already know from Kenjutsu. Now, we will practice another set of combinations."

    Satoshi was pleasantly sore when they were done, and despite the chilly damp weather, he was warm but he knew he would not stay that way for long. Sand seemed to be of a like mind, and they hurriedly collected their swords and headed back to the dressing room to peel off their wet hakama and kimono. Sand copied Satoshi as he laid out his wet things to dry a bit, and they both grabbed a towel and wrapped it around their hips as they headed for the shower. No one else was in the room, and Sand took advantage of their solitude to sneak in a kiss as he shampooed Satoshi's hair, but he behaved after that one kiss and they washed quickly and thoroughly, and then hurried back to the dressing room to put on their clothing.

    Kenji met them in the hall as they were about to go in. "Leave your hakama to dry, and meet me for a hot drink when you're dressed." Sand still thought there was more sadness in those dark eyes than usual, but he kept his thoughts to himself as he and Satoshi dressed and went into the main portion of the house.

    Kenji had steaming hot tea waiting, and a tray of warm dumplings and sliced fruit. Sand knelt gracefully at the low traditional table with a warm smile, Satoshi beside him.

    "Thank you, Kenji-san. The tea is very welcome on such a damp day." Sand spoke again in Japanese, and Kenji shook his head a little.

    "You've really learned the language quickly. Do you have some secret?" Kenji asked.

    Sand shook his head. "Other than immersing myself in Japanese as much as possible, there is no secret. I have always been good with languages, though." He turned to give Satoshi a loving look. "And there is the added motivation of needing to apply for citizenship papers, which requires fluency in Japanese." Sand looked around the room, pleasantly reminded of the serenity of the bedroom he and Satoshi shared.

    "Have you set a date for that yet?" Kenji asked.

    "No, not yet," Satoshi replied, sipping the hot tea. "We've been so busy with the new music school."

    "Kenji-san, may I ask something?" Sand said. When Kenji smiled and nodded, Sand continued. "You mentioned this estate had been in your family. I had not realized your family was from Tokyo."

  7. Sand watched as Yori walked away, ethereal and as graceful as an elf despite his obvious intoxication, and Sand shivered a little. This was a side of Yori he had not expected, since when they had met previously, Yori had been charming and seemed devoted to Kenji. Sand knew from Satoshi what Yori had referred to, and it was obvious to anyone who had grown up with a healer for a parent that Yori was in constant pain, which made the drinking understandable. What Sand could not understand was the terrible bruising on that translucent skin, the damage to that hauntingly beautiful face. Watching Kenji train with Satoshi revealed Kenji's incredible self-control, his deadly precision held in check by his utter mastery of his body. Yet who other than Kenji would have beaten Yori?

    Sand was still lost in his troubling thoughts when Satoshi came up beside him, his beautiful face flushed from exertion and his eyes shining. Sand stood gracefully, and stroked Satoshi's cheek lightly.

    "You were incredible, you and senpai," Sand said, his pride filling his voice. "Watching you two was like watching the bladedancer masters back home."

    Satoshi blushed and ducked his head a little, but he grinned at the compliment. "It's your turn now, and he's in a brutal mood, so pay attention to what he says."

    Sand frowned slightly. "I rather expected that. Yori came out for a bit. He seems to be having some trouble with Kenji. I do believe they had a physical altercation."

    Satoshi looked at Sand in surprise. "They've both got a temper, I know, but that's unusual. Maybe he'll come out and we can talk."

    "Perhaps," Sand agreed, not wanting to tell Satoshi what Yori had said to him. "I had best get myself down to the training ground before senpai thinks me disrespectful."

    Sand hurried down to the training ground, and bowed with deep respect before Kenji, his uniform perfect. "I am honored to train with you, senpai. I can only hope I will prove a worthy student."

    Kenji nodded briskly, and gestured for Sand to get his training weapon, and Sand could not fail to see the fresh bruises on Kenji's knuckles. He carefully masked his growing dread as he picked up his weapon and presented himself to Kenji in an appropriate resting stance. Sand listened carefully to Kenji, and managed to make only a few minor errors, which he corrected quickly. It was, as Satoshi had warned, a brutal session, however. Kenji was not holding back, and he pushed Sand to his limit more than once as Sand forced himself to forget what he knew from bladedancing and to focus on the differences in using a single-edged weapon. The session was grueling, but Sand relished the opportunity to fall into the rhythm of training, something he had done far too little of lately. When Kenji called a halt, Sand was actually mildly startled, so engrossed had he been. Sand bowed deeply again with profound respect and Kenji bowed back.

    "You did well, Masato-san. Continue like this, and I believe I can train you to be a credible fighter." Kenji watched Sand, his eyes so like Satoshi's gorgeous eyes except for the deep sorrow in them.

    "I am honored but unworthy of praise, senpai. I will strive to deserve such words in future." Sand held his bow for the proper amount of time, and then straightened. He watched as Kenji walked away, his back ramrod straight, and then he sighed and put his training katana away properly and retrieved his songsword, and waited for Satoshi to join him. The chilly drizzle has not let up, and Sand was slightly worried about Satoshi catching cold after his earlier soaking. Elves did not seem to be susceptible to that particular illness, and Sand had trained in worse weather and far worse conditions, so he was less concerned for himself.

  8. BW curled up in the very comfortable seat of the private jet, having chosen to morph her drow leathers into something that would fit better in this world. To the eye, she appeared to be wearing a pair of tailored chinos and a sleeveless silk top, patent ballet flats discarded as she tucked her feet up. Her elegant leather bag held her daggers, among other things, and she paused to consider the way the antidote felt as it coursed through her system. Normally, BW would have waved off the shot, relying on her draconic form's nearly impervious immune system to handle matters, but there was no assurance that shifting would be any more feasible in this 'verse than it had been in the last.

    "It seems odd to be heading away from where we need to be," BW murmured to Rae when Bruce stepped away to confer with the pilot. "Sanura seems more than capable, though, and if anyone can track the Sues, my gold's on her. And Apollo's more than formidable herself. But whatever's going on here, I want a piece of it."

    BW uncurled and slipped her feet back into her shoes. "So, what's the story with you and Brucie here? He's not half bad looking, my draconic side covets adding to the hoard, and he's apparently not adverse to a romp. Anything else I should know, seeing as this 'verse seems to have more than its fair share of people who are more than they seem?"

  9. Vale shivered as Yuji plundered his mouth, every muscle in his body trembling form the effort he had made to stay silent. Yuji was holding him up, strong arms wrapped around Vale's waist and the elf let himself get carried away by the kiss. He lifted one arm almost tentatively, letting his hand drop onto Yuji's shoulder, feeling the silky skin beneath his hand.

    Yuji noticed the tumbler of whiskey on Vale's nightstand, and he remembered Vale freshening his drink before going upstairs. "Akira. Nod yes or no. Is that the drink you brought up with you?"

    Vale nodded, his green eyes darkening a little. He let Yuji guide him to the edge of the bed, sitting as Yuji pressed his shoulders down. Yuji picked up the tumbler and handed it to Vale. "Drink, Akira. You were perfect," Yuji repeated, watching Vale's eyes brighten once again. Yuji got his own tumbler, refilling it from the bottle he had brought up with him and watching as Vale took a sip of his whiskey, shivering a little as he watched Yuji. Yuji took a healthy swallow of his own whiskey, his perfect eyes warm with love and pride. "No one has ever given me what you give me, Akira. I am very pleased with your obedience, and your eagerness to please."

    Vale smiled at Yuji, his face radiant, and he took a bigger drink of whiskey. Yuji reached up and cupped Vale's face with one hand, pulling him into another kiss, this one tender and very sweet, and Vale melted a little into the kiss. Yuji put his whiskey down and reached under Vale's hair to unbuckle his leather collar, and Vale sighed a little as it came away.

    "I like the swing," Vale murmured, his voice slightly ragged from his screams. His smile, however, was utterly beautiful.

    Yuji chuckled. "Do you?" He took another sip of whiskey, running his hand through Vale's silky hair. "Are you tired, love?"

    "A little bit," Vale admitted. He took a swallow of whiskey, and managed to stand, swaying a little but recovering himself quickly.

    "Where are you going, love?" Yuji. asked, concerned.

    Vale smiled his radiant smile. "I'm a little itchy," he confessed, gesturing at his stomach and chest, as Yuji chuckled.

    "I fucking love you, my beautiful blond ditz." Yuji held out his arms and Vale sank back into them, his lips already seeking Yuji's lips.

    They kissed until they were breathless, and then they finished their whiskeys, sitting back against the headboard of their bed, Vale curled into Yuji's shoulder. Yuji went to pull him closer, and Vale winced a little bit as Yuji's hand brushed against the love bite under his shoulderblade.

    "What hurts?" Yuji asked, instantly worried. "Should I get a healing potion?"

    Vale shook his head, his smile tender. "I'm fine, a'amelamin. I promise, by the morning, most of the marks will be faded, but if they're not, you can make me drink a potion then. I'm just... I don't know how to describe it, other than to say that every nerve is tingling right now, in the best possible way." Vale laughed a little and leaned in to kiss Yuji again, loving the feel of his husband's mouth on his. "I feel wonderful, completely and thoroughly well fucked and happier than I've ever been."

    Yuji relaxed, feeling the utter truth of Vale's words through their bond. Vale was radiating a pure and utter happiness, and contentment, and a quiet pride in his ability to please Yuji. His green eyes were completely tranquil and he nuzzled into Yuji's neck, one long thigh draped over Yuji's leg as he cuddled.

    "How did you ever come up with that swing?" Vale murmured, and then laughed. "No, don't tell me. Just promise me that you'll keep surprising me for the rest of our lives."

    "That I can promise, my love." Yuji felt himself relaxing even more, his eyes growing heavy. Vale yawned as well, stretching a little and setting his now empty tumbler on his nightstand as Yuji followed suit. Yuji slid down under the covers, Vale beside him, and he could not resist kissing his wanton and loving elf one more time, marveling again at how well Vale had adapted to being his permanent submissive. Vale snuggled in with his back against Yuji, his pert ass tucked against Yuji's groin, and Yuji's arms wrapped tightly around him. Yuji watched as Vale relaxed into reverie, his eyes growing unfocused and his breathing evening out, and only then did Yuji fall asleep, his cheek against a warm shoulder.

  10. Vale writhed and moaned as Yuji inserted the bullet, and he moaned even louder as Yuji tugged the cord gently to make sure it was in position. The bullet was vibrating against his prostate in the most arousing way, and Vale was actually glad that Yuji had reached around to slip a cock ring on him, or he might have spilled just from that sensation alone. When Yuji tickled the cat across his back, dragging it from his shoulders and down across his ass, Vale shivered in delighted anticipation.

    As Vale expected, Yuji ordered him to be silent, but Yuji added another instruction that had Vale tingling even more than the bullet in his ass. Yuji instructed Vale that he could not bite until he bled to keep silent, and Vale nodded in silent assent, acknowledging the instruction. It would make it harder to remain silent, Vale knew, but part of the game was the challenge, and Yuji had upped the stakes for his elf.

    Almost immediately, the whip struck Vale's ass, and his back arched a little but he made no sound as Yuji stroked the cheek of Vale's ass appreciatively. Vale could well imagine the rosy flush that the whip left behind, and his cock twitched in denied pleasure. A second blow striped his lower back and a third his other cheek, and Vale's back arched even more, his wrists firmly held by the restraints. Yuji moved, and the vibration in Vale's ass increased as Yuji adjusted the setting of the bullet, and Vale breathed in sharply through his nose, his prostate sending fireworks exploding behind his eyes. Two more strikes landed on Vale's ass and he writhed, his ass stinging perfectly, hoping for some small amount of friction for his cock and finding none. Vale could feel his pucker twitching, and his nipples were so hard that they felt like pebbles against his chest, his nipple rings adding to that sensation. He licked suddenly dry lips, not even daring to ghost a sigh, his eyes bright with tears from the combination of the sharp sting of the blows and the unbearable pleasure of denied release. A shiver ran up Vale's back as he waited for the next blow, his ass tightening reflexively around the bullet and making him take another careful breath.

    Yuji stepped back to admire his handiwork, the pattern of stripes on Vale's ass perfect, the skin reddened to exactly the color Yuji had wanted. He reached out, knowing that the tender globes would be warm, almost hot to the touch, and he feathered his fingertips over one perfect cheek. Vale twitched under his hand, the flesh incredibly sensitive, but the elf still managed not to make a sound, and his arms were free of any marks. Yuji waited another moment, letting the anticipation build and watching Vale's pucker quiver as his ass clenched around the bullet. Yuji knew Vale was on the edge, and it would take very little to push the elf into a howling frenzy, and while he did not want to deliberately push Vale over the edge, he did not want to make this too easy, either. Yuji considered carefully for a moment longer, and then his arm drew back and he laid the whip with all his strength across Vale's lower back a second time.

    Vale's back arched so sharply that his wrists jerked against the restraints, his head falling back so that his glossy hair slid down to nearly touch the reddened flesh. Yuji did not give Vale a chance to react any further as he laid the final blow against the back of Vale's creamy thighs, and the elf jerked again, falling forward into the straps as he sucked another sharp breath in through his nostrils, his hands clenched into fists and the hot tears tracking down his cheeks. Vale managed to breathe out slowly, trying to keep it silent as he shuddered, his knees trembling with the effort to keep his legs under him. Yuji watched the golden head loll forward, and he walked around the swing, putting a hand under Vale's chin and lifting the elf's head. Vale's cheeks were wet, but his eyes shone with pride mixed with desire, and Yuji was pleased to notice that Vale had not bitten his lips, either.

    Yuji kept his face still, but he allowed his voice to register his approval. "That was seven strikes, Akira. You did well. Stay, and remain silent." He released Vale's chin, and the elf managed a single nod to show that he understood his instructions.

  11. Vale looked up at Yuji, his green eyes fixed on Yuji's perfect eyes. "I wish to serve you as your submissive aina'melar, and to fulfill your every desire with love and perfect obedience."

    When Yuji pulled Vale into a kiss, trickling whiskey into his mouth, Vale swallowed it while kissing Yuji, hearing Yuji moan loudly. Yuji slid his boxers down, and Vale's mouth watered at the sight of Yuji's cock, hard and throbbing. When Yuji instructed Vale to use his mouth, Vale's lips curved in a beautiful smile as he moved to comply.

    Vale rose up slightly, his head dipping over Yuji's cock as his tongue flicked out to swipe delicately across the head of Yuji's cock, the taste of Yuji's precum making Vale shiver with delight. He ran his tongue around the head of Yuji's cock, letting his tongue stud slide over the sensitive cleft underneath the head, pressing a little and feeling Yuji's cock jump slightly as he moaned. Vale repeated the slow circuit of his tongue around Yuji's cock, and then he flattened his tongue and let his lips slide over the head to engulf it, sucking lightly as he slowly moved his mouth lower until the head of Yuji's cock was bumping the back of Vale's throat.

    Vale drew back up, pressing along the throbbing vein on the underside of Yuji's cock with his tongue stud, making Yuji moan again. Vale tightened his lips as he reached the head, swirling his tongue to tease the tender cleft and swipe across the weeping slit, and then Vale slid his mouth back down until Yuji once again hit the back of Vale's throat. This time Vale let his throat relax, and he took Yuji in to the root, his nose brushing the black curls of Yuji's groin. Vale hummed lightly, the vibrations traveling down Yuji's cock, and Vale could feel Yuji's cock harden even more as he drew back again to tease the head of Yuji's cock.

    Yuji's hands fisted in Vale's thick hair, pulling it back so that Yuji could watch his elf suck his cock, and Vale let his mouth travel back down Yuji's cock slowly, letting Yuji get a perfect view as Vale once again swallowed Yuji's full length, humming lightly and feeling Yuji shiver a little as he moaned. This time, Vale swallowed as well, letting the rippling muscles of his throat press along Yuji's cock. He could feel a trickle of precum slide down his throat as he swallowed, and although he had not been specifically instructed that he could use his hands, Vale brought one slim hand up to caress Yuji's sac, feeling the weight of his balls and the tightness. Vale rolled Yuji's balls delicately with his fingers, dragging another moan from Yuji's lips as he swallowed again, harder this time. One slim finger slid under Yuji's balls, pressing hard on the tender flesh and prodding Yuji's prostate, and Vale swallowed and swallowed again as he pressed, dragging a wonderfully loud moan from Yuji as white light exploded behind his eyes and his belly filled with heat.

    Vale felt Yuji's balls jump in his hand, and he drew back, the first spurt of hot cum hitting the back of his throat with surprising force. Vale swallowed the thick cum, and kept swallowing as Yuji moaned loudly, spurt after spurt of cum filling the elf's mouth as he drank it down greedily, feeling Yuji shudder with the force of his orgasm. Vale licked every last drop of cum from Yuji's cock, and sat back on his heels, his hands flat on his thighs, catching his breath as he savored the taste of Yuji on his tongue and waited patiently for his next instruction.

  12. Vale crawled over on all fours, moving like a hunting cat, all sinuous grace. His back was arched, and his ass undulated gently from side to side as he moved with deliberate ease, his cock swaying slightly in the sheer golden pants. He stopped on the precise spot Yuji had indicated, just between his knees, and settled back onto his heels, his hands lying flat on his thighs, and when he spoke, his voice was a throaty seductive purr.

    "As you desire," Vale said softly. "In Evermeet, it is the custom for some to serve Hanali Celanil, to offer the gift of love to those newly come of age, or those who are without a lover of their own. This is the customary garb for a male in Hanali's service, and marks one as an aina'melar, a holy lover. It was in my thoughts that such clothing might please you."

    Having answered what was asked, Vale fell silent, his beautiful emerald eyes bright and confident, and shining with the knowledge that he had pleased Yuji so far. He waited with perfect patience to be instructed, his trust in Yuji absolute.

  13. It was nearly time to put the children to bed by the time Kansas's friends left, promising to return soon. Kageoshi gave Erion a hug before he left, and then blushed and hid a giggle behind his hand, but Erion grabbed him and gave him a hug back, and Kageoshi beamed happily. Dinner had been raucous and full of laughter, and the youngsters had insisted on helping with the clean up, although Sand and Satoshi insisted on doing the washing up, the two of them grinning like fools as they planned their next outing on the bike.

    Aika and Ryuu were worn out by the excitement, having been made the center of attention by the youngsters in the garden and then petted over dinner, and when Sand suggested that it was time for baths and bedtime reading, neither of them fussed even a little. Hikaru was even livelier than usual through dinner, giggling and munching on a bit of mashed up rice and broth, and some mashed kaki, which he loved as much as Willow and Satoshi did. Since Vale had taken care of feeding Hikaru, Willow took him up to bathe him and tuck him in, Hikaru nuzzling drowsily and in the mood to nurse himself to sleep.

    Erion was sprawled out on the floor on his back, with Kansas lying nearby. Erion's loose shirt had ridden up, exposing his flat belly, and Kansas was admiring the sweet hollow of his navel, the sapphire belly ring winking invitingly.

    "I'm so full I can't move," Erion announced, stretching a little. His back had healed nicely, and he no longer had the itching or stinging of the first few days.

    "You sure?" Kansas asked, his eyes wonderfully stormy. He reached over and tickled Erion's belly a little, making the elf giggle. "Your back seems to be feeling better."

    Erion's silvery eyes got wider. "Really, 'lokiamin?" The elf scrambled to his feet, lithe and graceful.

    "I thought you couldn't move," Kansas laughed, looking up at Erion, his eyes shining. His friends had all taken to Erion, the young elf's sweet nature and cheerfulness as well as his obvious love for Kansas winning them all over. Even Momo, the most reserved of the group, had spoken to Erion directly a couple of times instead of ignoring him completely. Kansas stood as well, throwing an arm around Erion's waist and pulling him in tightly. "Let's go have a smoke first." Kansas flashed satoshi a quick grin and sauntered out to the garden with his elf.

    Yuji looked at Satoshi curiously, and Satoshi flushed a little, but his voice was full of love as he answered. "Kansas said Erion's been talking about his bike all day, and wishing he could get fucked on the bike, too. Sand and I gave him ideas." Satoshi giggled a little. "So Kansas asked if he could take Erion out to the garage tonight. They know they can't ride yet, either of them. I just told them to lock the door and have fun."

    Vale threw his head back and laughed, the emerald circle at the base of his throat sparkling in the lamplight. "You don't think they'll be in there all night, do you?" He got up and brought back the whiskey and soda, and some tumblers with ice, pouring for Yuji first and then for Satoshi before pouring a drink for himself. "Did Sand soundproof the garage?"

    Satoshi giggled again. "Only the garage with the bikes. He figured the rest were safe,"

    The three men drank in comfortable silence until Willow and Sand rejoined them. Willow went to her desk to work on her latest chapter, taking her whiskey and soda with her, her four husbands talking about inconsequential things as they all relaxed. After a while, Vale poured himself a fresh drink and excused himself, heading upstairs, a slight sway in his walk.

    Erion and Kansas slipped into the garage, Kansas carefully locking the garage door behind them. Erion's eyes were wide and bright, and he launched himself into Kansas's arms the moment the door was locked, his lips seeking Kansas's lips eagerly. Kansas plundered that willing mouth, his hands sliding under Erion's loose t-shirt and tugging it up. They broke apart long enough for both of them to lose their shirts, and then Kansas crashed their lips together again, his shorts tented as he ground himself against Erion, his fingers sliding into Erion's hair to find his sensitive ears. Erion moaned, slamming his hips forward, his own cock rock hard and needy.

    "Oh, please, Kansas, on the bike," Erion moaned, breaking away and peeling off his shorts and his tight little boxers. He straddled the bike, leaning forward over the gas tank, his pert little ass perfectly presented, and Kansas moaned himself, his mouth watering at the sight of the firm tanned globes and the sweet pucker between them. Kansas dug his lube out of his own shorts before shedding them as fast as Erion had, mounting the bike behind the young elf. Erion moaned again, desperate to feel Kansas inside him, his cock throbbing as he bent over and snatched up his t-shirt, laying it in front of him.

    Kansas slicked his fingers, trembling a little in anticipation. He had not sought release with any of his husbands while Erion was unable to enjoy sex, thinking it unfair, and right now, Kansas was as pent up as his elf. He slid one slicked finger into Erion's willing ass, and the elf howled happily at the intrusion, pushing back and wriggling a bit. Kansas added a second finger, thrusting and hooking a little to rub against Erion's prostate, and Erion screamed in delight. Kansas worked quickly, loosening Erion's tight little pucker, his cock aching with the need to be buried in that perfect little ass.

    "You ready for me, baby?" Kansas rasped, his fingers already slicking his generous cock.

    Erion flashed a look over his shoulder, his silver eyes nearly black with desire. "Fuck me hard, 'lokiamin. I want to scream for you."

    Kansas groaned, pressing the head of his cock against Erion's pucker as the elf stretched himself across the gas tank, sinuous and wanton, and Kansas pressed in, plunging to the hilt in a single thrust as Erion howled, his ass pushing back against Kansas to take his lover in fully. Kansas gripped Erion's hips hard enough to leave bruiises, his feet planted firmly, and he set up a punishing rhythm, pounding Erion against the steel of the gas tank as the elf howled, his prostate being pounded by Kansas's impressive cock. As pent up as he was, it did not take much for Erion to feel the beginnings of a powerful orgasm building, the smell of gasoline and motor oil tickling his nostrils, the smooth leather of the seat between his thighs, and the polished steel of the gas tank chilly against his sensitive nipples.

    Erion managed to push himself up enough to grab his t-shirt, holding it over the head of his cock as Kansas continued his relentless plundering of Erion's ass. Erion's moans grew louder as he felt the tension build within him, and then he screamed as his balls emptied in a convulsive burst, his cum spurting into his crumpled t-shirt as his tight little ass closed around Kansas's cock. Kansas screamed with Erion, his head falling forward and he sank his teeth into the untattooed shoulder of his elf as he spilled his cum into that willing ass. Erion sobbed with pleasure as Kansas wrapped his arms around him, their hearts both hammering as they struggled to control their breathing.

    "Oh, fuck, Kansas," Erion gasped. "I missed that, 'lokiamin. I missed you."

    "I know, baby, I know," Kansas replied, resting his cheek against Erion's back and feeling the heat of his elf against his skin. "I missed you, too, but it's going to be worth it."

    "I know." Erion turned his head a bit, angling for a kiss. "I can handle it, Kansas. I can handle anything I need to, for you and for our world."

    Kansas just held Erion for a long moment, loving his elf utterly.

    Vale reached into the nightstand drawer, removing his leather collar, his hands trembling with anticipation as he buckled it on. It had been a good day, between the scholarship news and the visit from Kansas's friends, and Yuji was in a terrific mood. Vale was sure that this would be the perfect night to initiate a scene.

    Vale had prepared himself properly this morning, and he had checked to make sure that he was still ready. He had stripped carefully, and put on a special garment he had asked Beredir to obtain for him, a garment worn by the elves of Evermeet who chose to serve Hanali by offering their services as courtesans. It was a sacred profession in Evermeet, and the male elves who served wore loose transparent pants that fastened at the hips and ankles, leaving the leg bare along the outside, designed to be removed with a simple tug. Vale had obtained a pair in sheer golden gauze, and his creamy golden skin showed through the cloth as well as along the sides. His hair was loose and brushed until it shone, and he crossed over to the bedroom door, kneeling carefully so that he would be on Yuji's right side when Yuji entered. Vale bowed his head and waited with perfect patience for his dominant.

  14. Prompt: Sheep

    From JayDee:

    WOW! When you start adding sex, you don't mess around! The second part of the story was hot. Very intimate and arousing. That's not to suggest the first part was lesser, with you building the tension of the challenge like that. I've not played the game of course, but from the story so far I hoped Wraith would come out on top or it would surely be ending.... (and so he did... twice!)

    Thank you! I'm glad it all worked, from the challenge to the claiming of the Chantry boy. That challenge actually did happen in one of my games, and it was a jaw-dropper! :rofl:

  15. Prompt: Dream

    From JayDee:

    It was really sweet that it started with such warm intimite kissing, and Wraith's remaining fear of rejection in the kiss proving unfounded. I gotta say when I saw the HJ tag on the fic codes I though "YAY!" and I wasn't dissapointed, the jumbled heat mutual pleasure comes across really well and it's so great when you have Wraith's thought 'Alistair, mine.' pushing him over the edge.

    A real true five-plus stars effort.

    Wow! :blush: Thank you! You've stuck with this through the seemingly endless series of NoSex tags, and I'm glad that the sex, now that it's arrived, didn't disappoint! And Wraith's not the possessive type, nope, not at all... :lol:

    From bloodravyn:


    Thank you! :D

  16. Prompt: Nightfall

    From JayDee:

    [smutty remark] I bet Alistair has a place Wraith would fit right in [/smutty remark]

    With the jokey comment about sudden molestation in the slumber part, I figured Wraith was dropping a hint that he quite fancied some - so when he makes a similar reference here followed by the note that he doesn't dare for more, it's almost like he's a little frustrated the hint didn't get taken. Although I might be trying to read too much into it!

    I don't know the game plot so I don't know whether Zathrian's thirst for vengeance was justified, but I can certainly see from what you've shown of Wraith's character why making the choice would be tough for him.

    "She was beautiful, and yet an undercurrent of savagery ran through her words,"

    That sounds rather like it applies to the forest itself, too... after all the beauty of nature often seems to have a right nasty side to it. Did I just totally spell out an obvious subtle comparison?... eep.

    Thank you! Well, Wraith is a little frustrated, but he's being patient. As for Zathrian, it's really a coin toss. You can argue for it either way, really. Nature, well, nature can be crueler more often than kind, so yeah...

  17. Prompt: Slumber

    From Sanura:

    Very awesome, the more i read of him the more I like Alister. Great prompt.

    Yes, well, the Chantry boy grew on me. I didn't like him the first few times I played, but he wore me down. :lol:

    From Darkling Willow:

    Very good. I like the feeling of hesitant attraction in that kiss.

    Alistair is quite innocent, so he's not one to rush into bed, but I think Wraith will wear him down!

    From bloodravyn:

    lol, loved!

    Thank you!

    From JayDee:

    Whoohoo, back again!

    It's great how casually Wraith tosses out the idea of Alistair sleeping in his tent, although from the kisses and hugs and their growing relationship it seems as if that might actually increase his chances of sudden molestation. If their kissing is annoying the witch, they ought to do more of it :D

    Also works in enough about what they're doing, and why, so those of us who haven't played the game can follow it all.

    Oh, yes, Wraith is trying to be subtle. :lol: And yes, annoying the witch is way too much fun. I'm glad that I'm at least making this somewhat intelligible for those who haven't been seduced by the CRPG!

    From Shadow Knight:

    I have to congratulate you on your subtlety. The way you have the Dalish Warden discern all the implications (in tone, mood, attitude, etc.) between Zathrian's clan and his own is simply inspiring. You can definitely tell that Wraith is a Dalish through and through, and that he's intimately familiar with his race's customs. I do like the interactions, as always, though I'm less than pleased with Zevran's appearance (though I'm grudgingly surprised you managed to include him in such a seamless, natural way under the word limit). I think that the bit about what exactly awoke from its slumber could be expounded upon (as an aside, AWESOME use of the prompt. VERY subtle and appropriate), but as usual we have this pesky word limit to worry about. I find it a little disappointing we don't get more about that crucial step between "first kiss" and "kisses and embraces are now commonplace" but like I said just now, I really do hate that word limit. :P

    I honestly don't have much else to criticise here. I like their dynamic. It stays close to the game and even the briefly-seen companions remain true to their selves (awesome dig on Morrigan at the end!). Keep it up!

    Wow... :blush: Thank you! Given that you've played the game and know it probably even better than I do, this is really wonderful! I'm glad to know I'm not too far off the mark, and even being subtle!

  18. Prompt: Embrangled "Haven"

    From Sanura:

    I love the prompt, the banter was brilliant. I love how the assassin complains about climbing and yet has it in him to enjoy his job. Also the relationship between Wraith and Alistair is wonderfully passionate.

    Thank you! I actually love writing interparty banter. To me, it's one of the best parts of writing, if I can use banter to cover exposition as well. :D

    From JayDee:

    Very first line - made me think I know how she feels, so many $%{:content:}quot;£%ing games have a similar thing. At least the Princess isn't in another castle, similar thing with "Not climbing every mountain we find would be nice." It's like they're getting self aware on all the quests :D

    "Is that even a word?" Alistair asked.

    bwa ha ha... I'm with Alistair!

    They seem comfortable in their relationship now, more than just at ease, but secure enough making jokes about the cold feet and that. It's sweet.

    Thank you! Yes, I always imaging that about halfway through all of the games I play, my party should be bitching about the endless slogging through quest after quest, some of which really do feel pointless. And yes, the Chantry boy and his elf are definitely settling into their relationship, which is a good thing considering what lies ahead. (Yes, the other constant of these games...it's always going to get worse!)

    From bloodravyn:


    Thank you! :D

  19. Prompt: Callipygian "Sycophant"

    From yukihime:

    Very Morrigan. Great job!

    Thank you! I have to admit, I'm quite fond of Morrigan. She's a bitch, but she's certainly fun to have around.

    From JayDee:

    This is one of those stories where I suspect not having played the game lets me down a little in the background, especially as Morrigan's been something of a bitparter in your prompt stories! That said, I can at least enjoy the finely crafted phrasing :)

    Thank you! I hope to have a little more fun with Morrigan this quarter. Having an apostate witch with a serious deficit in people skills as part of your party keeps it interesting.

  20. Prompt: Adduced "The Gamble"

    From JayDee:

    You did it! You gave dialogue to the mage that allowed adduce not to be out of place - with everything from conundrum to apostate keeping it company - and then followed it with a new type of sex from the previous encounters (unless I somehow missed creative use of boats before :) ) Can almost hear the lap of the water, and other slightly fluid sounds reading it... Go you!

    Thank you! Pulled this one out of my ass, actually, since I was struggling to think of how I'd fit this one in. To make it a real chalenge, I try to use the actual prompt word, and this quarter looks to be challenging! :lol:

  21. Erion slid his arm around Kansas's waist after he had bowed to everyone politely, grateful that Sand had insisted that they study spoken Japanese intensively with the aid of his modified permanency spell. Even as rapidly as Kansas and his friends were speaking, Erion could keep up fairly well, missing only a word here and there, and he was able to chatter back a bit, although he was a bit shy at first, sort of the way Kansas had been with his friends in Evereska. Kageoshi was the first to warm up to Erion, his sweet charm and beautiful smile putting Erion quickly at ease.

    The six youngsters chatted happily as they devoured the sliced fruit and sweet rolls, and drank the tea that Willow prepared for them earlier. Vale and Yuji excused themselves to give Kansas and Erion a chance to talk a bit. When they boys found out that Erion was starting at university in April, he was hit with a storm of advice and opinions, and before he knew it, he was giggling and chattering like he had known them all forever. Momo was a little reserved, but even he warmed up a little when Erion and Kageoshi seemed to hit it off perfectly. Kageoshi seemed to like having someone who was apparently close to him in age, and he kept touching Erion's silvery hair, just amazed by the color.

    "So how did you two meet?" Kageoshi asked, smiling his beautiful smile.

    Erion looked over at Kansas and grinned. "We met when everyone came over with Yuji, to get him healed. It was kind of funny, because Satoshi met my uncle at the same time, well, met him again, sort of, and now they're together, too."

    Kansas smiled, his face absolutely beautiful as he looked at Erion. "It was just one of those things. I saw Erion, and that was it. We just knew we were supposed to be together."

    "Are you going to take a Japanese name, too?" Kageoshi asked, ignoring Momo's tiny frown.

    Erion beamed. "I am! I will be Hayashi Yuki. For now, I'm going to get my papers so I can stay and study here, and then when I turn twenty, I can take my citizenship test. Until then, my uncle will be my guardian, and my parents have given him permission to take care of me until then."

    Kageoshi grinned. "Wait, how old are you?"

    "Eighteen," Erion replied, having figured out that this was the equivalent for this world.

    "We're the same age! I'm December, so I'll be nineteen then." Kageoshi looked overjoyed. "This is so great." He looked over at Momo, who smiled at his enthusiasm.

    "I'm in November, right before you." Erion laughed as Kageoshi pouted a little, and then relented and began to giggle.

    The conversation was interrupted by the door opening, and Sand and Satoshi came in, laughing and windblown.

    "Mori-san!" Kageoshi jumped up, followed by the rest of the youngsters, as Satoshi and Sand left their boots, jackets and helmets in the entryway. They bowed respectfully, and then Satoshi gave Kageoshi a hug, pulling him in tightly. The rest of the boys got one-armed hugs.

    "How have you all been? I've missed seeing you around," Satoshi laughed, looking at the eager faces. "Let me introduce you to my partner, Mori Masato."

    Sand bowed to the boys, and they all bowed back with great respect.

    "We're pleased to meet you, Mori-sama," Ryo said shyly.

    Sand smiled at him, his blue eyes bright. "Masato-san is fine, please. You will make me feel old."

    "And I thought you were all going to call me Satoshi-san," Satoshi teased.

    Kageoshi smiled his beautiful smile. "Of course, Mori-san."

    Sand looked at Satoshi and laughed. "I'll get us some tea." He sauntered off into the kitchen.

    "So how did Masato like the bike?" Kansas asked, trying not to snicker. Erion just giggled.

    Satoshi broke out into a gorgeous smile, his brown eyes lighting up behind his glasses. "Oh, I think we may be taking the bike out a lot more often, especially now that the weather is getting warmer."

    Sand came back with tea and handed a cup to Satoshi. "That would be wonderful, actually." His face was radiant as he looked at Satoshi, and Erion gave up and hooted with laughter.

    "Come on, I'll show you the garden," Kansas said eagerly. "I want a smoke, anyway."

    The youngsters went out into the garden, and a few moments later, Willow slipped back in through the portal, Ryuu holding on to Aika's stroller and Hikaru in his sling. Vale and Yuji hurried over to help her, looking a little surprised that she was alone.

    "Where are Hawk and Sora?" Yuji asked in a low voice.

    "They decided to stay," Willow replied equally softly. "It might be a little hard to explain a great-grandmother who looks like your sister, sweets." She grinned as Yuji made a face. "They'll have dinner at The Greymist, and they have the house to themselves. It's fine. Where are the boys?"

    "In the garden," Vale replied, a drowsy Aika settled on his hip.

    "Chichi! Tousan!" Ryuu ran into the dining room to tell Satoshi and Sand all about his day with Hawk-otooji and Sora hibaba, his small face bright and happy. Sand fetched him a sweet roll and some fruit while Satoshi listened intently.

    "The boys staying for dinner?" Willow asked Yuji.

    Yuji laughed a little. "Do you mind?"

    Willow snorted a little. "When have I ever minded having a house full of starving boys? They're great kids, and we were going to order in food anyway, so it's no trouble." She put Hikaru in his portable seat so he could watch all the goings-on with his wide green eyes, smiling as he cooed happily.

    "I'll go tell them," Yuji said, and headed out into the garden.

    Vale looked over at Sand, grinning a little. "So, how was the ride?" He was a little surprised by the smile that came over Sand's face.

    "It was amazing," Sand replied, his ear tips getting a little rosy. "I think I would like to make that a regular treat, actually. Honestly, I have no idea why I made such a fuss this morning."

    Vale snickered, and swung Aika up to kiss her soft cheeks. "Your keifu is a very silly man, my lady, do you know that?" Aika giggled a little, nuzzling into Vale's neck a bit as she woke up. Then the garden door slid open, and Ryuu shrieked happily as he flung himself at his onii-san and their friends, Aika wiggling to be put down so she could follow and be hugged and petted. Sand and Satoshi slipped upstairs to change, and Vale and Willow began to clear away the tea things on the table, both of them very glad that Sand had soundproofed the rooms.

  22. Sand reached out and stroked Satoshi's cheek tenderly before pulling him into his arms. "Thank you, cormamin, for telling me. Such despair must have been hard to endure, but you are so very strong, and your heart is so very large. Whether she was a ghost, or real, or perhaps even a goddess drawn to your beautiful soul, I owe her a great debt. Without her, we might never have met, and I would never have found the other half of my soul in this life."

    Sand kissed Satoshi tenderly, his blue eyes warm with love as he looked into Satoshi's gorgeous brown eyes. "Will you think me odd if I say that you have given this dark forest new meaning? For many, it is indeed a world that they enter, never to return, but for you, it was the place where you found the will to continue. Had you not come here that day, had you not been touched by that mysterious girl, you might have found another place, or another way. You might have used drink or drugs to drown the pain, and lost your soul that way. You might have used one of these infernal machines to end your life as Kenji's partner did."

    Sand kissed Satoshi again, this kiss deeper, hungrier, as he poured out his love for Satoshi. "Instead, you walked out, and eventually into my life, and my heart, and you have given me a gift that I will cherish for eternity. And I will ask you for one more gift, my heart." He laid a slim hand on the crotch of Satoshi's leather pants, palming his cock and feeling Satoshi respond. "Take me. Love me in this place where you were strong enough to choose life. Let me worship our love with my body."

    Satoshi's eyes widened a little, but he stood and took Sand's hand, leading him into the bushes. "You're crazy, you know that. Anyone could walk by."

    "Then we will be quick, and we will be quiet." Sand's eyes glittered with desire, dark and wild. He unfastened his pants, sliding them down over his slim hips along with his boxers as he grabbed Satoshi's hand and sucked on two fingers, slicking them. Sand bent over, gripping the trunk of a tree for support and presenting his ass to Satoshi.

    "Oh, fuck," Satoshi whispered, but he unzipped his pants and tugged his fundoshi to one side, freeing his cock, already hard and eager. Satoshi gripped one of Sand's hips tightly, and slid his spit-slicked fingers into Sand's ass, thrusting a few times as Sand bucked back into the intruding fingers with a tiny sigh of pleasure. A soft breeze rustled past, and Satoshi withdrew his fingers, lining his cock up with Sand's loosened pucker and driving in with a single powerful thrust.

    Sand hissed, gripping the tree trunk tightly as he pressed backward, grinding his ass into Satoshi's groin, his husband's cock filling him wonderfully as it pressed against his prostate. Sand's own cock jumped a little, a bead of precum forming at the tip as Satoshi grabbed Sand's other hip, the tight heat of Sand's ass pressing around his cock.

    "Hard and fast," Sand whispered, bucking a little to let Satoshi know he was more than ready.

    Satoshi complied, a tiny moan escaping him as he pounded into Sand's ass, watching Sand's back arch with pleasure. A stray shaft of light caught Sand's hair in just the right way, and the raven darkness gave way to amethyst, spilling down across the padded leather of Sand's jacket, and Satoshi felt his balls tighten a little at the sight. Satoshi leaned forward, his breath hot against Sand's ear as he whispered to his elf, "Touch yourself. Spill for me."

    Sand made an almost inaudible noise, somewhere between a purr and a growl, and he took one hand off the tree and fisted his own cock, stroking it with rough urgency, his legs spread for balance. Satoshi slammed into Sand even faster, punishing Sand's prostate with brutal thrusts as Sand's back arched even more, starbursts of white light exploding behind the elf's eyes, pleasure radiating out through his bond. Satoshi could almost taste the heat that coiled in Sand's belly, and his own balls tightened even more, Sand's ass clenching around his cock as the elf approached release.

    Sand's breath hitched, and he let out a gasp as he stiffened, his cum arching out to splatter against the pine needles on the ground, and his ass clenched like a velvet fist around Satoshi's cock. Satoshi managed a few more thrusts before he too came with a breathless mewl, his cum liquid fire as he filled Sand's ass with spurt after spurt as the elf shuddered beneath him. Finally spent, Satoshi leaned forward and pulled Sand upright, wrapping his arms around the elf as they both caught their breath, their hearts pounding and their cheeks flushed.

    Satoshi let his softening cock slide out of Sand's ass, and Sand moaned a little at the loss, his voice soft. As Satoshi quickly adjusted his fundoshi and zipped up his pants, Sand tugged up his own boxers and pants before turning and pulling Satoshi into a searing kiss.

    "So very wicked," Sand murmured, laughter dancing in his eyes.

    "Look who's talking," Satoshi retorted, his own eyes bright with love for his elf.

    Sand chuckled, utterly content. "Do you think the rice is still warm? All this fresh air and healthful exercise has given me an appetite."

    Satoshi and Sand ate quickly, not needing to say much, just basking in the beauty of the day and their love for each other. As they ate, they watched a couple of hikers pass by, and they nodded and bowed in greeting, Satoshi silently offering a small prayer of thanks that the hikers had not come sooner. After they ate, Sand and Satoshi tidied the area, making sure to take their empty tea bottles with them. They walked back to the parking area where Satoshi's bike waited, gleaming in the sun.

    Satoshi smothered a small grin as Sand put his helmet on with considerably less reluctance than back at the house and swung his leg over the bike as though he had been doing this all his life. Satoshi got on and started the bike, the powerful engine rumbling between their legs as Sand leaned forward to wrap his arms around Satoshi.

    Satoshi went sedately down the road until he finally reached the country road that led back home. Sand leaned forward, raising his voice a bit to be heard over the engine's roar.

    "Do you think we can go very fast again?" Sand's helmet hid his expression, but the raw lust and excitement in his voice made Satoshi's cock twitch and begin to harden even more than the vibration of the powerful bike between his thighs. As if reading his mind, the elf's hand brushed over his groin, and Satoshi groaned a little, hoping that Sand had restocked their room with healing potions. He had a feeling they were both going to need one come the morning. Satoshi opened up the engine, and the bike took off, both men moving in perfect unison as they sped home.

  23. "This place is beautiful," Sand said quietly, looking at the gorgeous landscape with shining eyes. "The forests, that jewel of a lake, and Fuji-san looking over it all. This feels like home, cormamin."

    Satoshi looked a little surprised. "I always picture you in a city, or surrounded by books somewhere. I've seen you fight, and I know you're more than just a scholar, but I just never picture you as the type to be comfortable out here."

    Sand chuckled a bit, sipping the sweet tea appreciatively. "I have spent years living among ruins while I studied them, sleeping under the stars and trading with passing caravans for supplies. While I did often miss the sound of another voice, there was a simplicity and peace that was compelling. This forest below us, for example. One could walk in there and be lost in another world, a green and quiet place. It reminds me of the forests of Tethyr. There are places in there that no human has ever seen, that I will show you one day." Sand leaned over, taking quick advantage of the fact that they were alone to sneak a quick kiss. "Thank you, my heart. This restores me in ways I cannot begin to describe."

    Satoshi blushed a little, amazed as always by the many sides to Sand. Vale had called Sand mercurial once, and Satoshi was beginning to think that was a perfect word for the moon elf. One thing was always constant, though, and that was his love for Satoshi. It sang out through their bond no matter what, just like it did at that very moment.

  24. Sand just looked at that inviting little ass in front of him, and he thrust one spit-slick finger in past the tight pucker, encountering an unexpected but utterly delightful sensation of slickness. "How very foresighted," Sand murmured, sending the second finger finger in to join the first, thrusting a bit to loosen the tight ring of muscle, drawing out a little lube to slick the pucker further. Satoshi pushed back against Sand's fingers, panting a little as he writhed and Sand growled softly.

    Sand rubbed his slick fingers over the head of his thick cock and leaned forward, pressing his cock into Satoshi's ass and breaching him, continuing his thrust until he was fully seated in Satoshi's ass, his balls snug against pale golden cheeks. Satoshi hissed a little at the intrusion, and Sand waited a moment, wanting nothing more than to pound Satoshi through the gas tank of the bike, but knowing his husband needed that moment to adjust. He rubbed the small of Satoshi's back where his jacket had ridden up.

    "Are you ready?" Sand whispered, and Satoshi pressed backward in response. Sand stood, bracing himself with both feet on the ground and he withdrew slowly, admiring the sight before him. Satoshi's sweet ass was quivering with need and Sand's thick cock was still partially buried in that tight heat, glistening with the lube Satoshi had used to prepare himself. Sand gave another barely audible growl and slammed back in, his hands wrapping around the leather clad hips of his husband as he punished that pert ass with furious thrusts. The clean sweet air filled Sand's lungs, and he shifted his angle slightly, his cock ring dragging across Satoshi's prostate. Satoshi bucked, driving himself backward onto Sand's cock so hard that the elf nearly lost his balance.

    The hot engine between his leg and the hot ass around his cock combined to push Sand to the limit fairly quickly. The thrill of knowing that they could be caught at any moment only added to Sand's excitement, and he let a small moan escape his lips as he continued to plunder Satoshi's ass, his thrusts increasingly erractic as the heat grew and coiled in his belly. Satoshi's back started to arch a bit, but Sand pressed him back down onto the gas tank, wanting to watch as his cock pounded the beautiful pale ass in front of him. Sand could feel Satoshi's own arousal through their bond, and he knew Satoshi was close to coming himself, his cock rubbing against the bike's seat as Sand hammered him. Satoshi writhed helplessly beneath Sand, that gorgeous flush of arousal painting the back of his neck and creeping across his cheeks.

    With a grunt, Sand's balls drew up and the coiled heat in his belly exploded as Sand came, filling Satoshi's tight ass with what felt like an endless stream of cum, and Satoshi mewled softly as his ass tightened around Sand's cock hard enough to hurt, his back arching again. This time, Sand wrapped strong arms around Satoshi and pulled him upright, settling back down onto the seat as Satoshi writhed, impaled on Sand's cock. Satoshi's fundoshi was the recipient of his orgasm, and Sand dipped one finger into the folded fabric and pulled it out, licking it to taste Satoshi as he shuddered through his own orgasm.

    "You are amazing, cormamin," Sand murmured, his breath hot against Satoshi's ear. Satoshi trembled, his muscles relaxing all at once as he milked the last drops from Sand. Sand nipped lightly at Satoshi's jaw, careful not to leave any visible marks, but when Satoshi turned his head to offer his sweet little mouth for a kiss, Sand dove into the offered kiss, tugging at Satoshi's lip piercings as the imp mewled a quietly as possible.

    "Do you know, you are the most wicked person I have ever met?" Sand murmured, his breath hot against Satoshi's ear. "And I assure you, if this is how you intend to punish me, I shall be sure to misbehave regularly."

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