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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Sand was grateful for the helmet that hid his expression, since he was sure that terror and panic were a large part of what that expression would be. His arms were wrapped so tightly around Satoshi that Satoshi had to loosen them twice, and the roar of the powerful engine had him nearly deaf, his sensitive elven ears overwhelmed. Still, he had lost enough face bolting back toward the house, and Sand was grimly determined to survive this ride and then never go near the infernal machine again.

    Satoshi took a sharp turn out of the gate of the estate, and Sand's heart gave a convulsive leap. It was sheer instinct that made him follow the movement of Satoshi's body, that and the fact that he was clinging so tightly to his husband that he almost had no choice. The powerful engine vibrated between Sand's legs, and even through his thick padded leathers, he could feel the heat of the engine. Satoshi screamed something to Sand that was largely unintelligible through the roar of the engine and the pounding of Sand's own heart, but he picked up a few words about relaxing and closing his eyes. Sand snorted to himself. The very last thing he planned on doing was closing his eyes. If death awaited, Sand intended to stare it down.

    The trip through the city streets was utterly unnerving, cars going past and Sand very aware of the fact that only a thin layer of leather stood between him and those lethal metal bodies. Satoshi seemed completely at ease, and Sand growled inwardly. While he had to admit, at least to himself, that this really was the equivalent of his ease with the arcane and Satoshi's fear and mistrust of it, Sand was still inclined to think that what he had done inside the telkiira was nowhere near as rash and foolhardy. That was when Satoshi turned onto the country road leading toward Mount Fuji.

    Satoshi accelerated and and Sand's mouth went dry with terror as the bike hurtled along at unimaginable speeds. Sand had thought driving with Wench had been the pinnacle of insanity. He was not too proud to admit that he was wrong. The wind buffeted him, and he clung to Satoshi with renewed fervor, trying not to crush his husband since that held the promise of certain death, but his eyes did flutter closed for a moment as he muttered a quick and very fervent prayer to Labelas Enoreth. Then he lapsed into Ilythiiri, swearing fluently and savagely for nearly a full minute before lapsing back into terrified silence.

    It was peculiar, though, because Sand began to notice an odd sensation. The vibration of the powerful engine beneath him, coupled with the heat of his husband's body against him was becoming more than a little arousing. There was almost a feeling of exhilaration that teased its way along the elf's nerves, a reckless embrace of mortality that was thrilling and wanton. Sand could feel the increasing pressure of his cock against the thick leather of his pants as it hardened, and his curses were slowly replaced by soft mewls each time Satoshi hit a section of straight road and opened the bike up again, the engine screaming between his legs. Sand was quite sure he had either gone entirely mad from fear, or he had just crossed that threshold into euphoria that resulted from an overdose of adrenaline. Either way, Sand was sorry that his helmet prevented him from doing anything more than moaning as his cock throbbed with anticipation.

    Vale collected the mail, leafing through it on his way back into the kitchen, and his eyes widened as he saw one envelope in particular, addressed to Hayashi Akira, Assisant to the Headmaster, Hayashi Academy of Music. Vale laid the rest of the mail on the table for Willow and Yuji to sort through, and opened the envelope carefully, his slim fingers tugging the stiff stationery out. He opened the letter, reading the lines of kanji quickly, and a whoop of joy escaped him.

    "Yuji!" Vale yelled, his green eyes shining. He raced into the garden, where Yuji was having a quiet cigarette and chuckling to himself over the look on Sand's face. Vale hurried over and dropped onto the bench next to him, all but trembling with excitement.

    "What is it, a'maelamin?" Yuji asked, looking at the radiant face of the blond elf.

    Vale took a quick breath. "We got one. We got one!"

    Yuji looked at Vale, utterly confused. "We got what?"

    "Do you remember when I told you that I thought I might be able to get companies to give us money for scholarships and endowments?" Vale asked, watching Yuji's eyes glaze over a bit. "Okay, never mind. But look!"

    Vale thrust the letter into Yuji's hands, watching as Yuji read it, his perfect eyes widening. "They're giving us money?"

    "Yes, to pay the tuition for a student that's good enough but can't afford our fees," Vale confirmed. "And this is just the first, Yuji. If we got one, we'll get more. We'll get funds for equipment, technology and even uniforms for performances, and we'll get more scholarships, too. And if the Juilliard School decides to partner with us..." Vale threw his arms around Yuji's neck. "We are going to have the best and most incredible music school in all of Tokyo!"

    Yuji just hugged Vale, reeling a bit. His dream was not only becoming a reality, it was becoming a success before it had even opened its doors.

  2. BW looked the paper over, frowning slightly. "Wonderfully obscure, which is the point of prophecies, I suppose. I think the bulk of these refer to the characters here, more than to any of us." She handed the paper to Apollo.

    The stir fry had been more than good, and BW was surprised to see that she had cleaned her plate. She had not thought she was hungry, but she did feel better for the meal. She got up to get herself more coffee, grabbing Apollo's cup to refill it at the same time.

    "You can't even guess?" Sanura asked, curious. Her dark green eyes seemed to bore into BW, missing nothing, a hunter on her game.

    BW shrugged. "I can see the bit about the strangers from beyond applying to the Sues, but that could also be about us. After all, we're not here to warp this 'verse. But the rest? Probably the locals, and I don't know enough about the intersection of characters here to guess with any accuracy."

    BW handed Apollo her coffee, and took a drink of her own. "Point me at the hostiles, and I'll do my best to take them down. Aside from that, I'll rely on the judgment of those who know this 'verse better."

  3. Hey I'm ViperSagara I have been a long time reader of the site and a writer outside of it. I have finally got the courage to post a story on AFF and this will be my first story published for the people to read. But my problem is its a DBZ yaoi story and I can't find the catergories for it...plz help me :(

    The following FAQ should be helpful: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/3552-how-to-add-a-story/

    For more information on categories within a subdomain: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/5381-how-to-move-your-stories-around-within-a-zonesubdomain/

  4. Sand looked at Satoshi with great trepidation. "You are going to take me on your bike?" he repeated, looking wide-eyed at his husband. "Oh, I do think you have found the perfect revenge. And here I thought I was the one who ran headlong into places any mortal should fear to tread."

    Satoshi's grin widened. "Oh, I promise I won't go too fast. Well, not fast enough to break the sound barrier, anyway." He burst out giggling at the look of horror on Sand's face, curling up with his husband happily.

    Hawk looked at Sora, not quite daring to believe his ears. "I know this may be hard to believe, but I never stopped loving you either, Sora. Sending you away that day was the hardest thing I've ever done." Hawk sighed a little. "I didn't want to, believe me."

    Sora looked at Hawk, her beautiful eyes seeing him easily in the gloom. "Then why did you?" There was no accusation, no bitterness in her voice, only honest curiosity.

    Hawk reached out and stroked Sora's cheek. "I am an Evereskan Graycloak, and while that is a worthy position, it doesn't pay a great deal. My family is noble enough, but certainly not wealthy, at least not wealthy enough to provide properly for the only child of Nosse Sathoness. Your father wanted you to have the best of everything, and I could barely promise to be home one night in ten. He wanted the very best for you, and so did I, and I wasn't it."

    Sora put her hand around Hawk's hand. "Foolish, both of you, not asking me." She sighed a little herself. "But the truth is, I probably would have agreed with my father. I was used to getting everything I desired. I barely had to ask. If I looked at a thing, it was there the next day, waiting for me."

    "It didn't spoil you," Hawk said quickly. "Seldarine, you were never one of those prissy little things that thought she belonged on the throne in Evermeet."

    Sora giggled a little at the picture Hawk painted. She remembered those elflings well, beautiful and empty-headed, dressed in exquisite gowns and jewels, and only interested in fripperies and elven princes. Sora had always thought them silly bits of fluff, and her parents had agreed. She might have been given anything she desired, but her parents had seen to it that she was well tutored. That had served her well when she had wound up on the other side of the portal, alone and knowing nothing of the language or the culture. The intelligence her parents had encouraged in her allowed her to adapt, and there was Yuichi. She had managed to put Evereska and Hawk and her parents out of her mind, and she had made a life, a full and often rich life.

    But now here was Hawk, once again, and Sora realized how much she still loved her dashing rogue, her Graycloak in his tight leathers, with his easy laughter and his jeweled braids. Even more astonishing, he still loved her, had always loved her. He had loved her enough to walk away when he thought it was best for her.

    "Hawk?" Sora looked up into his wonderful blue grey eyes. "Do you think you could stay with me tonight? Just maybe hold me? I don't want the nightmares to come back." She smiled a little as she stroked his hand that cupped her face so tenderly. "I don't think I'm ready for more than just that, not yet. I want to take this slowly, and do it right this time."

    Hawk smiled, a beautiful smile that made him look surprisingly young. Sora had seen the same thing happen with Sand, how their faces could light up and all the years would drop away. Even Eryn could do it, so perhaps it was just a trait that all the Iradil shared, but it was astonishing all the same when it happened.

    Hawk carefully slid into the bed next to Sora, and gathered her in his arms, holding her very tenderly as she rested her head on his strong shoulder. He felt to familiar, so warm, and Sora could feel herself relaxing. Hawk tilted her face up, looking into her warm brown eyes, and he kissed her lightly on the lips. It was sweet and loving, asking nothing of her except to accept the kiss and the love behind it, and Sora smiled at her Graycloak as she let herself fall asleep, the nightmares far away.

  5. "I promise you that I will not overuse magic here on Earth, at least not for things that can be done well enough without magic. I cannot promise that I will not use magic at all." There was a faintly mischievous glint in Sand's eyes. "Without my healing potions, none of us would be able to walk most days, and the silence spell for our rooms is most useful. But I agree, using magic carelessly would be a problem, and I will refrain."

    Sand leaned in and nibbled Satoshi's lower lip, teasing his piercings. "And I do promise that the next time I decide to take full leave of my senses and attempt something no living mage in his right mind would try alone that I will tell you every detail, and if it is at all possible, I will keep you by my side."

    Sand's eyes widened slightly when Satoshi asked about the new telkiira, but he smiled as Satoshi's fingertips ghosted over his skin, tracing a heart shaped path where the telkiira rested. "It is a new telkiira that I created in the time I spent as part of the Weave. It seemed terribly simple when I was part of the Weave, although I am not sure I could recreate what I did again. I took from the Weave the most powerful protective and beneficial magics and placed them within the telkiira, and I crafted it so that I could attune it to others as well. A telkiira protects itself, and it is dangerous to touch one unprepared, but this telkiira will know my loved ones and not harm them. I have often feared that the telkiira would appear, and you or Ryuu might touch it inadvertently, but I need fear that no longer." Sand's skin glowed and the telkiira appeared, glinting with its many colors: evergreen, cool silver, amethyst, and sapphire blue. He took Satoshi's hand and guided Satoshi's fingertips, letting them brush over the glittering telkiira. It was warm to the touch as Sand laid it in Satoshi's hand.

    "None of the magic in there is harmful. I think I can safely say that I am done with my life as a battlemage. I will, of course, always protect my family, but I want to be a husband and a father before all else." Sand watched Satoshi's eyes light up as he turned the telkiira, watching the colors play across its facets.

    "Those are all my favorite colors," Satoshi said, looking up at Sand with wonder in his eyes. "I was even thinking of getting a tattoo, another koi on my right arm in blue and amethyst."

    "You were in my heart when I crafted this," Sand admitted, his blue eyes gentle. "I am not surprised it took your favorite colors, cormamin, and I think your new tattoo would be beautiful. You are beautiful." Sand kissed Satoshi again, this kiss lingering and loving. "It is late, and cold, and we should rest. You are shivering a bit, even with two hoodies and a spell to warm you. Go inside, and I will tidy the table and follow you directly."

    Satoshi slid off Sand's lap after giving him one more loving kiss. "You should be freezing, poldoramin. I've got your hoodie and all you have are sleep pants."

    Sand shrugged and laughed a little. "I do not feel cold as readily. Go warm up and I will be right there."

    Satoshi went in, closing the sliding glass door behind him and Sand spoke again without turning. "How much did you hear?"

    Kansas slid back the divider between the balconies and looked at Sand. "Most of it, but I promise I won't tell anyone what I heard. But there's something I need to show you." Kansas looked a little nervous, and Sand walked over to stand beside him, cupping the imp's face in one hand.

    "Whatever it is, you know that you can trust me, Kansas." Sand looked at the beautiful stormy eyes of his youngest spouse. "Is it Erion?"

    "No, nothing like that," Kansas said quickly. "Erion's fine, just a little restless. Give him a day or two, and he'll be his usual self. No, this is something else. You know I can see soul lights? Like Santhiel?"

    "Can you? As clearly as he does?" Sand was intrigued, his eyes widening with curiosity.

    Kansas nodded. "Satoshi's soul light, well, it's easier if I show you." Kansas reached out through his bond with Sand, and he could see Satoshi as Kansas saw him, beautiful and smiling, with two koi swimming around him in lazy circles, one evergreen and silver, the other sapphire and amethyst. "That's Satoshi, and you appear to me as a full moon, with her trail of stars, shining over still water, all blue and silver. And Satoshi's koi are swimming just beneath the surface, where the moonlight touches the water. They have a place to swim now, with you. They're home. That's how deep your bond is. His koi can't live out of your water, and your water is lifeless without his koi."

    Sand smiled, his face radiant as he leaned in to kiss Kansas. "Thank you, my love. That is such a gift you have given me, that beautiful image. You have a healer's gift, you know, much as our mother does."

    Kansas looked relieved. "Don't shut him out. No matter how scary it is, or how bad, don't shut him out. You two are too closely bound to ever do that to each other. You're like I am with Erion. I wish I could show him like I showed you. I'd even show him my world, if I could. He saved me a thousand times, from everything, most of all from myself. I owe him so much. There's parts of my world that are so beautiful, and that he'd love, and I want to show him so badly."

    "There may be a way," Sand said. "I would have to discuss it with Satoshi first, of course. But I can bring Satoshi into my reverie, and from there I can bring us both to our world. It is easiest in that state for him."

    "Really? You could do that?" Kansas's face lit up with one of his beautiful, innocent smiles.

    "It would not even involve magic, merely my inherent elven ability to link our souls," Sand replied.

    Kansas nodded. "Can I let you know when I want to do this? Does it take a lot to prepare?"

    "Tell me before we sleep, that is all," Sand said. "Whenever you are ready, I will bring him."

    Kansas threw his arms around Sand and hugged him tightly. "Okay, that's perfect. Now go warm up your husband, and I'll go check on mine." Kansas blushed a little, looking utterly adorable to Sand. "I know Erion's not really my husband yet, but in my heart that's what he is."

    Kansas slid the divider back, and Sand went back into his room, looking at his beloved Satoshi waiting for him on their futon. He slipped his sleep pants off, sliding under the covers to nuzzle his own precious imp, the one who had guided him home safely and always would.

  6. Sand stood and pulled Satoshi into his arms, not giving Satoshi a chance to pull away. "When did I ever think that you were stupid? Have I ever said such a thing to you?" His voice was sharp, sharper than he had intended. Sand took a deep breath and let it out slowly, holding tightly to Satoshi. "You are sometimes so perceptive that I forget that you were not raised with magic as part of daily life. I assumed you understood what I am, and what I am capable of, and I assumed incorrectly."

    Sand led Satoshi back over to the loveseat, taking off his own hoodie and wrapping it around Satoshi for extra warmth. "Will it help if I try to explain now?"

    Satoshi nodded, not quite trusting himself to speak yet, his anger and pain still radiating off him through his muted bond.

    "I suppose the place to start is to tell you what I am. I am a wizard, which means that I can access a pool of raw magical power that we call the Weave. This Weave exists everywhere, reaching across the multiverse, which is why I can use my magic here as easily as I can on Toril." Sand stroked Satoshi's back gently, feeling his husband shiver, and he murmured something in elven and Satoshi began to feel warmer. "Just now, I cast a spell to protect you from cold. I am a creature of my magic, and have been since I first felt its touch. I left Evereska to learn more than merely elven magic, because the magic that humans use on my world is less conservative, less rigid. Humans live such a short time compared to elves, and they take more risks with magic, and they achieve more than we elves ever could in centuries of study."

    Sand waited while Satoshi lit a cigarette before he continued. "Both Vale and I have reached a proficiency with magic that has earned us the title of archmage. It means we can dip into the Weave and use it with greater ease and use more of it that most wizards and sorcerers. But I have also studied the high magic of my people, an ancient magic that we brought with us to Toril from the Feywild, the home plane of my people. It is elven high magic that created something we called mythals."

    Sand ran a hand through his hair. "Do you remember the statue of Hanali Celanil, in the heart of the gardens at the temple? The very old and somewhat shabby one? I will tell you something that many Evereskans do not know. That statue is the mythal that protects Evereska. It was damaged thousands of years ago by the phaerimm, and no one has ever known how to repair it. We have lost the ability to create new mythals because it takes far too many high mages working in unison, and there are not that many left among us. A mythal is simply a way to hold a piece of the Weave and use it to power the defenses of a city, or power a network of portals. My telkiira was a very minor application of that power. A gem is crafted that can hold lore or spells, primarily, but it can also function as a miniature plane of its own, if you will."

    "You want to know what I did. I pulled the phaerimm that had Hawk in its thrall into my telkiira, a world I could control, and I battled it there, and when it was weak enough, I split the telkiira into two segments. I imprisoned the phaerimm in one, and then I simply reached out and crushed it. There are two things that can happen when you shatter a magical artifact inside itself, for I was still inside the telkiira in reality." Sand took Satoshi's face between his hands, looking into those gorgeous brown eyes. "The first thing that can happen is that you die, which is what happened to the phaerimm. It is truly dead, ripped apart by the raw magic as it returned to the Weave. The second thing you can do is to ride that raw power back into the Weave, which is what I did. I would not have done that if I did not think I would be able to withstand it. Yes, I became a living mythal for a few moments. I was joined with the Weave, a part of it. I was living magic, much as Mystra, the goddess of magic must have felt when she was called to take up her power. Time is different in the Weave, and I do not know how long I appeared to you as a column of light. For me it was both a matter of moments and an eternity."

    "It didn't matter how long," Satoshi said, his voice breaking. ""Whether it was one second, or one day or forever, I lost you! You were fucking dead, and I didn't know how I was going to go on without you."

    Sand kissed Satoshi with great tenderness. "I felt you, even in the heart of the Weave, with magic filling me utterly. You were always there, and that is what gave me the strength to shed the Weave, to fling myself through the portal to Kansas's world. Nothing mattered to me except returning to you. I promised you that, did I not? I promised you I would not leave you, that I would not die. I was offered a chance to become a demi-power, a lesser god, to serve Mystra, and it had no appeal because it would have meant losing you. What can being a god offer me, without the love that sustains me? You are all that matters to me. I paused in the Weave long enough to gather what I needed to create a new telkiira and then I left, knowing that you waited."

  7. Erion was waiting upstairs for Kansas, his silver eyes cloudy. "Oh, 'lokiamin, I think my t-shirt is stuck." Erion looked so abject that Kansas rushed over to kiss him tenderly.

    "I'm sure it's not stuck, isilmeamin, really. There's enough ointment and plastic film." Kansas guided Erion to the bed, and carefully peeled up his t-shirt. The plastic film on his back was a little bloody, but Erion's t-shirt was not stuck at all. Kansas realized that it had been the film tugging on the skin that had bothered the elf. "Masa put a lot of ointment on, but it always bleeds a bit, baby. I'm going to wash your back off, and then put more ointment on, okay?"

    Erion looked up and nodded, his face absolutely crestfallen. "I knew it would hurt, but I'm not sure I can even reverie."

    "Shh, baby, it's okay." Kansas helped Erion peel off his tight jeans and little boxers. "Lay down on your stomach and let me clean you up a bit."

    Kansas carefully peeled the plastic film away as gently as he could. A couple of scabs pulled away, and Erion twitched a little, but the young elf held very still and Kansas pressed a kiss to the unmarked skin of his shoulder. Kansas wiped away the old ointment and the dried blood, shivering a little when he saw some blood welling up from the scabbed areas that had pulled away. Kansas dabbed gently at the fresh blood until it stopped, and then he patted Erion's back dry with clean gauze. The water had eased some of the pulling and tightness, and Erion sighed a little in relief.

    "That feels better already, 'lokiamin." Erion turned his head to smile up at Kansas, and Kansas smiled back, his face beautiful as he looked at the drawing on Erion's tanned skin.

    "This is going to be gorgeous, isilmeamin," Kansas told his elf. Kansas used a clean gauze pad to apply a thin layer of ointment to Erion's back. "This is ointment, and it will help protect the skin where it's broken, and let the tattoo heal without any infections, plus it keeps it from getting too tight. How does it feel?"

    Erion moaned a little, but it was a moan of pleasure rather than pain. "A lot better, love. I knew it was going to hurt, and I don't mind that so much, but we're not going to be able to fuck, are we?"

    Erion sounded so mournful, and Kansas flopped on the bed next to him and kissed him very tenderly. "Well, not for a couple of days at least, and even then we'd have to be very careful. Your back needs to heal slowly. But we can still snuggle a bit. You can lay on your side and maybe cuddle up to my back?"

    "The no sex part is going to be hard," Erion admitted with a rueful little smile.

    Kansas stroked Erion's cheek. "I know, but it will be worth it."

    Erion reached out and tugged at Kansas's pants. "Let me see Migime and Hidarime?"

    Kansas peeled off his jeans, wriggling his hips a bit, and then he discarded his tight boxers. Erion ran slim fingers over Kansas's gorgeous tattoos, his eyes thoughtful.

    "Will Nim'Cath look like this? Like he's looking back at you?" Erion asked.

    "I think so," Kansas replied. He stroked Erion's silver and blue hair, the elf still thoughtful.

    "Kansas? Did you feel almost like you were having sex when you got your tattoos?" Erion looked into Kansas's beautiful stormy eyes. "I felt like I was fucking and getting fucked. I really thought I was going to cum all over the chair."

    Kansas smiled and kissed Erion's plump lips gently. "I did," he admitted. "It was fucking incredible." He kissed Erion again. "You were perfect tonight. You were so still and brave in the chair, and you looked so fucking hot."

    Erion sighed a little. "I think I want to try and get some reverie."

    Kansas arranged the pillows, making a comfortable nest for Erion so he could rest on his side without rolling over onto his back. Erion waited until Kansas had settled down next to him, and he slipped one arm around Kansas's waist, his cheek against the back of Kansas's shoulder. It took a while, but Erion finally slipped into reverie, Kansas's warmth and steady breathing comforting him.

    Erion came out of reverie just before dawn, and managed to climb out of bed, stiff and sore. Kansas was already on the balcony, the sky beginning to brighten in the east, and Erion took up his usual poistion behind Kansas, wrapping his arms around Kansas's back. His cock was hard and throbbing, and he pressed it against Kansas's ass with a small sigh. Erion let one slim hand trail down Kansas's belly until it brushed Kansas's thick cock. As the sun began to lift over the horizon, the first rays painting Kansas with light, Erion wrapped his fingers around Kansas's cock and stroked lightly. Kansas raised his arms, offering his prayers, and Erion murmured his own in elven, feeling an odd tingle as the sun reached him as well.

    Once the sun was fully risen, Kansas turned and kissed Erion, lifting the elf's fingers away from his cock. Erion nibbled Kansas's lips a little, his own cock bumping Kansas's hip. Kansas smiled a little at the look of pleading on Erion's face. "Come inside, isilmeamin. It's cold today."

    Erion followed Kansas inside, and Kansas turned around and kissed Erion again, a much more lingering kiss this time. "We can touch, baby, if that helps, like we did before, when we first met." Erion's happy yelp was the perfect reward.

  8. Vale slid his slim fingers into Yuji's hair and tugged him in for a kiss, moaning a little as Yuji's cock rubbed against his thigh. "We don't have a word for jade, because that beautiful stone doesn't occur on my world. But if you want, you can call me calenanor, green sun, and I'll know the game is ended. As far as punishments, I accept a limit of seven strokes of the cane, and I also accept your additional punishment for serious mistakes."

    Vale's eyes were bright with love as he looked at Yuji. "I will always be prepared for you unless you tell me otherwise, and yes, it's his lube trick. I think the teasing sounds like a good challenge for me. I'm sure I can manage to refrain from touching myself, but you might be a little harder to resist." Vale grinned happily. "But that's the fun part for both of us. As far as calling you something else, I don't know. How do you feel about it? You are always Yuji to me, and that doesn't change when I'm Akira, but if you're uncomfortable with it, I'd be happy to use a special name for you."

    Vale pressed his own hard cock a little more firmly into Yuji's hip. "Satoshi said I can initiate a game by kneeling with my collar on, just inside the door to our room. Am I permitted to put out a few things as well, like my restraints or the cat if I want to play with them? That's not so much a contract point as just for my own understanding. Oh, and on that line of thought, I think maybe I need to keep our games just between us for a little while, until I'm comfortable with my role. But I don't think it will take me long, and I promise to tell you as soon as I feel ready to include our spouses. In fact, it might be fun to go clubbing as Akira once I'm ready to include more than just us. I promise, all the other dominants will be very jealous of your obedient and very wanton sub."

    Vale's fingers teased Yuji's ears gently. "In fact, it's probably a good thing that I prepared myself while I was in the bathroom, just in case." His green eyes were dark with desire. "Not Satoshi's trick, but I am ready."

  9. Vale smiled at Yuji, his love shining in his green eyes. "Satoshi was wonderful, and I'm so glad you told me to talk to him. There were some things that he cleared up for me, and I know now that I am ready to be your submissive on a permanent basis."

    Vale snuggled in closer to Yuji, utterly content. "The most important thing, I think, is something Satoshi mentioned. When we're out in public, we need a trigger that lets me know that the game is on, something that's discreet enough so that no one else notices, but that will let me know at once. Satoshi suggested that you touch my collar and say my name, and those two things combined will let me know that I am to immediately become Akira. If that works for you, then I agree to add that to our contract."

    Vale snuck a soft kiss in, stroking Yuji's cheek gently. "We've already agreed that my punishment is to be struck with a tawse when I break a rule or don't obey properly or quickly enough. I'd like to set a maximum of fifteen strokes. If my transgression is very serious, then I agree that my punishment is to be caned. Aside from those two implements, all other spanking are play, and not punishment."

    Vale looked Yuji straight in the eyes, loving the warmth in those perfect dark eyes. "The last thing I wanted to include is that you can tell me when you want me to be prepared for you. I can't ask when you'll take me, or where, but I must be prepared to be taken at any time after you've given me that command. If I'm not, I must accept the punishment you decide is appropriate." Vale was blushing slightly, but his smile was beautiful. "I was going to offer to be prepared at all times, but Satoshi said that sometimes you like to prepare me, and he suggested this as a good compromise."

    "So, that's what I wanted to include in our contract, if you agree, and I'm ready to hear what you want from me." Vale waited with great joy and anticipation to hear what would please Yuji.

  10. Sora looked over at Hawk, who seemed a bit restless. She had asked Willow earlier if there was any place nearby where she could buy suitable clothing, and Willow told her about a clothing shop that had casual wear for both men and women. Hawk was sure to draw enough attention without his elven clothing, and Sora found that she missed the clothing she had worn for so long here in Japan.

    "Hawk?" Sora had to smile as he looked up eagerly. "I was wondering if you might want to take a walk."

    Hawk all but bounded off the couch. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. Shall we walk in the garden?"

    Sora did laugh. "I thought we might be a bit more ambitious. There's a small shop down the road where we can get some proper clothing. It's not that far, and it's really a lovely day for a walk."

    "That is a perfect idea," Sand said, looking up from a scroll he was perusing. He stood, graceful and somehow still elegant in a t-shirt and tight jeans, and went to the entryway, fishing his billfold out of his jacket. He handed the entire thing to Sora. "There should be enough yen there, I think."

    Sora tried to wave him off. "That's not necessary, really. I do have money of my own."

    "Of course, but you have not had a chance to exchange it for yen yet. And my money is Hawk's, after all, since he is my brother." Sand smiled at Sora. "It is the least I could do for you, since you have come all the way here to look after my utinualta."

    Sora relented, but only because she really had not had a chance to obtain yen. She promised herself that she would pay Sand back for anything she spent on herself, at least. She slipped on a coat that Willow had loaned her, and Hawk pulled on one of Sand's jackets, although it was a bit tight at the shoulders.

    Hawk offered his arm to Sora as they walked through the estate to the gate. She took it with a shy little smile, her cheeks faintly pink and Hawk felt an odd tingle run up his spine. It felt right to be walking with Sora like this, though, and he could not keep a smile from his face. Once they left the estate, though, she released his arm, walking next to him without touching him.

    The shop was small, as Willow had said, but it did have quite a nice selection of casual wear. Sora chatted with the shopkeeper, her Japanese utterly fluid, and Hawk watched her with a mixture of pride and amazement. The pampered daughter of House Sathoness would have had the tailor come to her, but this Sora, this competent and strong woman, was both gracious and efficient. The shopkeeper brought over a selection of slacks for Sora, and some lovely silky blouses that would flatter her delicate skin and her beautiful eyes. They chatted and laughed as Sora made her selections, and added some undergarments and a coat to her pile.

    Then it was Hawk's turn, and Sora turned to him, speaking English. "What were you thinking of? Jeans and t-shirts like Vale, or perhaps pants like Satoshi wears?"

    Hawk looked slightly taken aback, but recovered quickly. "I do like the jeans and t-shirts, and perhaps some of the shirts like Sand wears, with the collars?"

    Sora nodded, and turned back to the shopkeeper. There was a good sized pile in front of Hawk in no time at all, and he selected some jeans and several solid colored t-shirts. He was slightly more flamboyant in selecting shirts, though, and chose a beautiful plaid shirt as well as some striped shirts and a lovely chambray shirt that complimented his eyes perfectly. Sora added another shirt or two, brighter colors that would suit him, and she also added boxers and socks, giggling a little with the shopkeeper. Hawk did flush a little when Sora chose the boxers, but she shot him a sidelong glance that made him wonder if he might not have a chance after all.

    The shopping had been a little more tiring than Hawk expected, and Sora looked at him as they left the shop. "Do you feel like eating something? There's a ramen shop over there, and we can sit for a while."

    "Ramen?" Hawk asked, puzzled.

    Sora's laugh was so adorable that Hawk could not help but grin. "It's a soup with noodles and vegetables and sometimes meat or shrimp in it. It's very tasty, and because it's inexpensive, it's very popular as a quick meal here."

    "Oh, well, then, I'd like to try it." Hawk let Sora lead him into the tiny shop, and she called out their order politely as she found them a table. Tea was brought over, and they both sipped gratefully as they waited for their ramen.

    Hawk looked down at the chopsticks in front of him, and grinned a little ruefully. "I still haven't quite mastered these yet."

    "Oh, you'll get the hang of them quickly." Sora deftly broke them apart, and set them on the chopstick rest for Hawk. "Think of them as extensions of your fingers."

    Hawk picked up the chopsticks and tried settling them into position. Sora reached over to adjust them, and Hawk bent his head at the same time, and their foreheads touched sweetly for a moment. Sora moved back fairly quickly, for propriety's sake, but her cheeks were sweetly pink again. For his part, Hawk was sure his cheeks were flushed as well, but the feel of those cool small fingers was just intoxicating.

    The ramen arrived, and Hawk started to eat, getting progressively more assured as he managed to get some noodles to his mouth. He tried very hard not to make a mess, and reached up to tuck a braid behind one graceful ear. Sora's eyes widened slightly, and she looked at his ear and shook her head a little, hoping Hawk would take the hint. Fortunately, no one else was eating at the moment, and the cook and server were talking quietly in the front, so Sora reached over and pulled Hawk's hair over his ear.

    "Oh!" Hawk said softly, startled. "Did I do something improper?"

    "Your ears," Sora murmured very quietly. "We don't have elves in Japan."

    Hawk blushed even more, and dipped into his ramen to cover his embarrassment. He ate in silence for a few minutes, until Sora spoke up.

    "Hawk, it's alright." Sora's voice was very gentle. "It was hard for me at first, too. I didn't know anything, not the language or the customs, nothing. I wasn't trying to make you feel awkward, but I don't know what Sand or Vale or Erion have said if anyone saw their ears."

    "True, and I never did ask my little brother." Hawk looked up at Sora, his blue grey eyes solemn. "How did you manage, all alone?"

    Sora just smiled. "I managed. I met a man, and he brought me home to his family's estate. I was given a place to live and food, in exchange for working for them as a servant. I know that's hard to imagine, but I learned the language, and the customs, and I learned how to work hard."

    Hawk shook his head slightly. "You're an amazing woman, Sora, do you know that?"

    "Amazing? I thought I was too young," Sora replied, but there was no anger of bitterness in her voice. "The truth is, I was too young then."

    "And I was too blind." Hawk smiled a little. "I think maybe I'm wiser now, and not quite as blind."

    Sora colored even more, but her smile made Hawk think that maybe she was not entirely displeased. They finished their ramen in silence, and Sora paid as Hawk gathered their parcels.

    "Can you manage all that?" Sora asked, concerned.

    "I can manage," Hawk replied. "I promise I'll let you know if it becomes too much."

    Hawk walked beside Sora back to the estate, reveling in the thought that perhaps she might not think of him as just some fickle rogue, flitting from bed to bed. In truth, it had never filled the void, all the endless pursuit of partners for a night or two. That emptiness had a shape, and a scent, and a sweet giggle, and wore a glass lotus in her hair.

    Vale and Satoshi did make it down to dinner, and the wonderful air of love and confidence that surrounded them both made for an enjoyable evening. Hawk and Sora talked quietly through dinner, and although they tried to be discreet, their furtive touches did not go unnoticed. Sand was delighted for both their sakes, since Hawk looked happier than he had in a long time, and Sora seemed quite pleased by his attention. Sand was quite surprised by how tentative Hawk was, though. He was used to his brother being much more bold, and Sand could only speculate that his interest in Sora was far too serious for Hawk to behave in his usual cavalier manner.

    Sand and Satoshi did the dishes after dinner, Satoshi's glow of happiness making Sand feel especially delighted, and they managed to bump into each other and rub hips and shoulders almost non-stop as they cleaned up. Aika had reclaimed Hawk as her chosen patient, and Ryuu watched her carefully and offered suggestions on proper ways to kiss away the owies, much to Sora's amusement. Willow fed Hikaru, whose green eyes were half closed in sleepy satisfaction, and Vale curled up next to Yuji on the couch, radiating a peacefulness that made Yuji feel calmer himself. Even when Vale murmured quietly that he wanted to talk later, his slim fingers straying to the emerald circle at his throat, Yuji did not feel any distress from his elf, only a sweet joy.

    It was quite late, and the children were already in bed, when Kansas and Erion returned, laden with twice as many parcels as Hawk and Sora had brought home. Erion was slightly pouty, twitching at the slightest touch of anything against him, and Kansas hovered over the young elf protectively, taking his parcels and easing his jacket off.

    "Itai," Erion whined, and Kansas kissed his forehead sweetly.

    "I know, isilmeamin. Go upstairs, and I'll be right up to put something on that will help." Kansas hurried in to the kitchen to find some of the gauze pads that Willow kept in her first aid kit.

    "What in the Nine Hells did the pair of you get up to?" Sand asked, his tone mild. "Do you need a healing potion?"

    "Erion started his tattoo," Kansas explained. "Thanks for the offer, but it needs to heal the old-fashioned way. I have some ointment that will help, and I'll take good care of him."

    Satoshi laid a gentle hand on Sand's arm. "Kansas went through this with his own tattoos."

    "Ah." Sand smiled slightly, understanding what Satoshi meant quite clearly. He had seen Kansas's dragons unveiled in his world, and he made the correct assumption that Erion was getting a similar tattoo, one that would live in that magical world where Tatsuya was a god. "I know you will care for Erion properly, melamin."

    Kansas flashed Sand a beautiful smile, his love for Erion shining in his eyes, and he ran lightly up the stairs to his elf.

    Vale finished brushing his teeth and sauntered into the bedroom, where Yuji was already waiting in the bed.

    "You wanted to talk?" Yuji asked.

    Vale nodded. "I spoke to Satoshi, like you suggested. I think I'm ready to talk about our contract now, if that's alright with you. If now isn't good, then let me know when." Vale looked completely peaceful and he radiated a calm love as he watched Yuji with his wide green eyes.

  11. Vale looked into Satoshi's gorgeous eyes, his own green eyes widening. "A living mythal? Fuck... and I understand. If it was Yuji, I wouldn't have given a shit about anyone else either."

    Vale nibbled another kiss before adding, "I'm glad Eryn helped. She's a very powerful healer, but then again, she's had centuries to hone her skills. But you know, I've always thought you were pretty hot." Vale pulled Satoshi into his lap, kissing him again, sweet and loving, his long fingers trailing through Satoshi's hair. "I love you, mela en' coiamin. You made me welcome when I came here, and you opened your heart and home to me, and you understood, maybe more than I did, what was happening between Yuji and me. You'll always have a piece of my heart that's yours and yours alone."

    Vale nuzzled Satoshi tenderly, holding him and nibbling kisses on his pierced lower lip. The kisses deepened slowly, becoming more and more heated, and Satoshi moaned a little as he felt Vale's hard cock pressing against him. Vale's hands slid under Satoshi's shirt, and Vale broke the kiss long enough to pull the shirt over Satoshi's head, his own shirt following. It was a little chilly on the balcony, and Satoshi wriggled out of Vale's lap and led the elf inside, a sweet smile lighting his face.

    Vale helped Satoshi unroll the futon and arrange the covers and pillows, and then Vale was pulling Satoshi down onto the futon, kissing him with the same languid sweetness, his green eyes bright with love for his husband. Vale palmed Satoshi's hard cock through his cargoes, his tongue swiping over the piercings in Satoshi's lip, and Satoshi moaned a little as he reached around to cup Vale's firm ass, sliding his hands into the back pockets of Vale's jeans and pulling the elf closer against him.

    Vale nibbled light kisses down Satoshi's throat and over his chest until he found a pierced nipple, his tongue flicking the ring a bit until he caught it between his teeth and tugged playfully, Satoshi's hand buried in his thick gold and green hair. Satoshi's other hand toyed with Vale's nipple rings, tugging and twisting until Satoshi had coaxed a wanton little moan from the elf.

    Vale looked up, his green eyes dark with desire. "I want to taste you," he said, his fingers busy with the waistband of Satoshi's cargoes. Satoshi moaned and lifted his hips, letting Vale tug his cargoes down. Vale pressed a kiss to Satoshi's cock as it strained against his tight little boxers, mewling as he breathed in the scent of Satoshi's arousal. Vale peeled the boxers down, discarding them as he ran his tongue from the base of Satoshi's cock up to the head, swiping his tongue stud across the cleft under the head. Vale slid his lips over the head of Satoshi's cock, savoring the taste of Satoshi's precum before sliding his mouth down until Satoshi's cock was bumping the back of his throat. Vale pulled back up, sucking hard enough to hollow his cheeks, his tongue flattened against the underside, and then he slid down again, still not taking Satoshi in fully, teasing just a little as he listened to Satoshi's happy whimpers.

    Vale cupped one slim hand under Satoshi's sac, cradling his balls gently, and he pressed one finger firmly against the tender flesh under the sac, probing Satoshi's prostate from the outside as he continued his lazy sucking of Satoshi's cock. Vale's free hand dug in his pocket for his tube of lube, and he slicked his fingers and teased Satoshi's tight little pucker with one finger as his mouth slid down Satoshi's cock again. This time, Vale relaxed his throat and took Satoshi in to the root, his nose buried in the soft black hair of Satoshi's groin as one finger breached Satoshi's tight little ass, finding his prostate and stroking it. Satoshi moaned loudly, his hips bucking a bit, and Vale swallowed hard as he slid a second finger into Satoshi's ass, loosening the tight muscle as he hummed a little. Satoshi's hands were fisted in Vale's hair, and he tugged to draw Vale back up a bit, the elf sucking hard again and thrusting with his fingers at the same time.

    "Oh, fuck, that's so good," Satoshi moaned.

    Vale chuckled a little around Satoshi's cock, and swallowed him to the root again, swallowing hard and feeling Satoshi's balls tighten. His free hand crept up to grip Satoshi's hip, and vale swallowed again, pressing on Satoshi's prostate at the same time. Satoshi howled, his balls drawing up sharply, and Vale pulled back a bit, Satoshi's cum filling his mouth as he drank his husband down, saving the last mouthful. Vale withdrew his fingers and rose up over Satoshi, his lips finding Satoshi's lips, and Vale let the last mouthful of cum trickle from his mouth into Satoshi's tight little mouth, the imp moaning as he tasted himself while Vale plundered that sweet mouth.

  12. "I promise you, Satoshi, I'll never say a word to Yuji." Vale leaned in and kissed Satoshi, an undemanding kiss, just loving and tender. "Whatever happened, I don't need to know. But you've helped me more than you know, really. There was so much I really wasn't sure about, and I didn't want to make Yuji any crazier than I already did. But this trick sounds really interesting, and I'd appreciate your teaching me."

    Vale pulled Satoshi into an embrace, just enjoying the feel of his husband in his arms. "You think drinking the Puff in Evereska gave it an extra kick?" Vale asked with a giggle. He nuzzled Satoshi's hair, breathing in deeply.

    "I think the sexual submission is plenty for us. I can't see Yuji wanting the rest of it, and it's not really something I want, either." Vale sipped the whiskey and lit a cigarette. "But my head feels much clearer. And thank you for last night. I needed that time with Sand. I'm not asking you to tell me what happened. I know some of it, and I can guess the rest pretty accurately, being an archmage as well. I was mad as the hells at him for not taking me, and scared to near madness when I felt some of what he was doing in the Weave, the pool of magic we both tap into." Vale kissed Satoshi again, teasing his pierced lower lip with his tongue. "He loves you so much, and I'm so happy for you both. And for what it's worth, I don't know what else happened in Evereska, but you seem so much more relaxed and you look so very much at peace. You look more beautiful than ever, actually."

  13. BW grinned at the thought of a shower. "I think I'll claim a bathroom myself."

    It was wonderful to peel off her leathers and stand under the hot water. Rae had thoughtfully stocked the bathroom with a lovely assortment of shampoos and conditioners, and wonderfully scented soaps, and BW was all but purring as she washed the grime of the battle in Sanctuary from her skin. It also gave her a chance to think. They had picked up a few new people, and certainly the fae, Jem, looked like she'd be a good addition. She was a healer, and she also had the scent of other magics about her, but nothing dark, which was comforting. Sanura certainly looked like she could handle herself, and that sword rifle of hers was a nice little toy.

    The thought of facing multiple versions of Sues was a little unnerving, and although BW wasn't all that familiar with this 'verse, it remained to be seen how the local heroes would react to a group of outsiders hunting here on their turf. It wasn't as though their Author was going to be any help, either. This motley little band of 'verse-hopping Authors was on its own, most likely.

    BW finished showering and grabbed a towel to dry off. She muttered a quick cantrip that one of her elven lovers had taught her, her hair drying perfectly, and she morphed her leathers into a fluffy robe. BW headed for the kitchen, not so much hungry as in the mood for a nice large, strong coffee. Rae had a very nice coffeemaker on one of the granite countertops, and BW found a bag of French roast coffee in the refrigerator. Humming happily to herself, BW set up the coffeemaker and brewed a nice large pot of strong coffee, and waited for the rest of the team to show up.

  14. "This is helping a lot, Satoshi," Vale replied, his green eyes bright with love. "You're wonderful, mela en' coiamin. I hadn't even thought about a trigger for public use. I really do have a lot to talk to Yuji about, don't I?"

    Vale smoked for a moment, thoughtful but very peaceful. "I think I know why I need to submit to Yuji. I can talk to you about this, but maybe not to him as easily. What I do at the Cloaktower, as a battlemage... I risk my life and the lives of those I choose to go with me, or those I send on a mission without me. I deal with devils and demons when I need to. I do whatever it takes to defend Neverwinter." Vale reached out and touched Satoshi's cheek very gently. "I'm in control and I have to be in control, all the time, or people die. Hells, people die anyway. Missions go wrong, or someone is in the wrong place at the wrong moment, and they don't come back. When I submit to Yuji, I'm not Vale any longer. I'm not someone who has to decide who lives and who dies today."

    Vale finished his cigarette and stubbed it out carefully, putting it in his tin. "I need to put that part of me away. I need to give up control entirely, and I choose to give control to Yuji because I trust him utterly, on the most intimate level. As far as boundaries, well. That's harder. When it's just Yuji and me, alone, I have none. But when other people are involved, I am still Yuji's, so what you said helps a lot, knowing that I can say my safe word and Yuji will stop everything. But now I'm wondering about something else. You said I only submit to Yuji sexually. Are there other ways in which I could submit? Are they ways that he would want?"

    Vale paused, and his cheeks darkened a little. "I don't know why I'm feeling a little awkward about this part, but one thing I was thinking about was that if I'm wearing a permanent collar, that gives Yuji the right to request a scene anytime, or compel my obedience whenever he wants. I was thinking it might be good if I was always prepared, as in ready to be taken by him, anytime. Is that something I can offer him in our contract? That I will always be ready to be taken?" Vale laughed a little. "I do sound like such a wanton slut, don't I? I just always want him. I want all of you, very much so, but Yuji just does something when he looks at me, and I melt inside. I followed him across Planes to a new world. I'm happy just being here with him, and now I want to make him happy."

  15. Vale's green eyes were serious for a change as he looked at Satoshi. "I really scared Yuji when I sat in the garden thinking all night, but I'm confused about some things. I don't know how much of this I can initiate, or how I do that, or even what I call Yuji when I'm Akira. I mean, for me, it's clear. During the scene, I'm Akira. But Yuji isn't just Yuji anymore, is he? Is there something special I should call him?" Vale shrugged. "At least, for when I'm allowed to talk, that is. He likes me to be silent because he knows that's hard for me, and it shows him how much I want to obey him when I do it."

    Vale took a sip of tea. "I'm also not sure about having other people in our scenes yet. I loved being collared in front of you and Sand, and I loved the sex in the onsen, I really did." Vale grinned. "I'd do that again even without a scene, seriously. But how does it work when others are involved? And if we were at a club, wouldn't that break my promises to my spouses if someone else fucked me?"

    "I'm happy when I'm submitting to Yuji, and I love the way he looks at me when I've pleased him, and obeyed his orders perfectly. It just completes me. And then, when he holds me afterward, and I'm Vale again, it's amazing." Vale sighed a little. "This is hard, though, but it's been on my mind, and I think you might understand it. I don't want the rest of my spouses to think of me as Akira when I'm not Akira. I don't want the line blurred for all of you. I don't care if it blurs with Yuji, because I am his submissive all the time, and that's by my choice. How do I do that? How do I keep it straight?"

  16. Sora watched Aika fuss over Hawk, which mostly involved sitting Kuma-kuma next to him and patting his leg. To his credit, Hawk was a wonderful patient for Aika, and Sora smiled as he nibbled on his pocky thermometer, to Aika's giggles. But nursing was tiring work, and when Sand came by to sweep Aika off for a nap, she went willingly, Kuma-kuma under her arm where he seemed to have taken up residence.

    Sora sat down next to Hawk, who did look better than he had in the night. "I was thinking that you might want to take a proper bath." Sora had to smile at the way Hawk's face lit up at the thought of bathing. "I do want to check the wound first, of course. But given how well you've been healing, I don't think there'll be a problem."

    "Do you need a hand?" Vale offered, looking up from his paperwork hopefully.

    "I think Sora can handle me," Hawk replied dryly. "I don't want to drag you away from your paperwork."

    "It's no problem," Yuji said quickly, but Hawk waved him off.

    Sora smothered a giggle as Hawk stood up on his own, managing to make it look fairly effortless. Sand was coming back down the stairs, and arched an elegant brow at Hawk, but held his tongue when Hawk shot him a stern glance.

    "I would suggest the bath upstairs, utinualta," Sand said, catching Satoshi's eye, his own blue eyes bright with mischief.

    Sora stood up, unable to muffle her giggle this time. Vale looked up, grinning at how like Yuji Sora sounded when she giggled.

    "Lead the way," Hawk said, and held out a hand to Sora, who took it with a small blush.

    Once upstairs, Hawk managed to get his tunic off, and Sora deftly unwound the bandages around his chest. The wound did look better, and able to withstand a bath, and Sora smiled happily.

    "That really does look good. I'll go and start the bath." Sora gathered up the old bandages and hurried off to run the bath, and Hawk watched her go, smiling a little at the tingle on his skin where her hands had brushed against him. He had never had such a strong reaction before, not to any woman, and he truly hoped that those shy smiles and almost accidental touches meant that Sora had not totally given up on him as a hopeless bastard.

    Hawk unlaced his breeches and managed to skin them off, and reached for the towel Sora had left on the bed. He wrapped the towel around slim hips and walked down the hall to the bath. Sora had run the water in the tub until it was full enough to cover Hawk to his waist when he was sitting, not wanting to soak the wound too much, and she had placed a stool by the shower so Hawk could sit.

    "Here in Japan, we have a tradition of scrubbing thoroughly and washing our hair before we get into the bath," Sora said. Her cheeks were slightly pink. "But like we do at home, it is not uncommon for men and women to bathe together. I don't think I'll be joining you in the bath today, but I will scrub your back for you."

    Sora took her dress off, leaving her bra and panties on, and Hawk looked at her slim figure with appreciation. She looked every bit as lovely and youthful as he remembered, her skin creamy where the sun had never touched it, her waist tiny as ever and the swell of her hips the most enchanting thing he had seen in years. Hawk sat on the stool, shifting a little quickly, and the quick stab of pain from his wound helped to convince his cock to behave.

    Sora started the shower and helped Hawk soap himself thoroughly, using a scrubbing sponge to clean his back and giggling when he rumbled in pleasure. She used her hands to carefully clean his wound, pausing when he shivered a bit.

    "Did I hurt you?" Sora asked, concerned.

    "No, not at all," Hawk reassured Sora. "It actually felt... pleasant." Hawk knew his ear tips had to be bright red, and he felt the telltale warmth in his cheeks.

    Sora was a little pink herself as she busied herself rinsing Hawk's back and wetting his hair. "As long as I didn't hurt you," Sora murmured. She massaged some shampoo into Hawk's hair, her fingers rubbing his scalp and working the lather through the long raven mane. She rinsed Hawk's hair thoroughly, and pronounced him fit for the bath.

    Hawk got into the tub, easing himself down into the hot water with a moan of delight. "Oh, I can't tell you how good this feels."

    "I'm sorry it's not deeper," Sora said, sitting on the side of the tub, cross-legged. She was still in her bra and panties, and Hawk could not help letting his eyes linger on her lovely shape.

    Hawk's interest became increasingly obvious, and Sora pretended not to notice but her smile got a little wider. Her beautiful brown eyes fixed on his blue grey eyes, and later on, Hawk realized that he could not remember a single word of the conversation. He did remember the way Sora's eyes sparkled in the light, and the sweet little dimple that formed when she giggled. When Sora suggested that this might have been enough of a bath for one day, Hawk's face fell so dramatically that Sora could not help laughing again, and she promised Hawk that he could bathe again tomorrow.

    Downstairs, Yuji finally pushed the paperwork back at Vale with a small moan. "Please, Vale, love. Just deal with this fucking mess and tell me where to sign. You and Willow understand this shit. I just get a headache."

    Vale started to chuckle, and he leaned over to kiss Yuji sweetly. "Go have a cigarette in the garden. I'll put this away for now, and we can sign whatever needs it tomorrow."

    "This is why I love you," Yuji said gratefully, and fled to the garden without a backward glance. Willow looked up and grinned at Vale, shaking her head a lilttle.

    Vale put the papers back in their proper folders, and tidied everything away. He was rummaging for his advanced grammar book, thinking to work on some lessons for Erion, when he saw Satoshi coming in from the garden, and Vale went over to intercept him.

    "Hello, mela en' coiamin," Vale said, dipping in for a sweet kiss. He gave Satoshi a radiant smile, his green eyes brilliant. Vale kept his voice soft as he asked, "Do you think we could talk a bit? I had some questions about this." Vale touched the gold and emerald necklace around his neck, and Satoshi's eyes widened.

  17. Hawk looked up at Sora, her hand warm in his. "I was back in the ruins."

    "You're safe now," Sora repeated, the loving smile never leaving her lips as she looked at Hawk. "If it helps to talk, I could listen."

    "Are you sure? It's not very pretty." Hawk held tightly to Sora's hand.

    Sora nodded. "I've seen a great deal that wasn't pretty, Hawk. I wouldn't ask if I wasn't willing to hear whatever it is."

    Hawk smiled. "I keep forgetting how much you've lived while we were apart." His blue grey eyes were locked on Sora's brown eyes. "There were reports of a mage in the ruins, and the Bedine asked us to help track him. It was bad luck that he was in my section. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that he was in thrall until too late."

    Sora stroked Hawk's hand with her free hand. "You had no idea what you were facing, then?"

    "Not a clue," Hawk admitted. "I'm more than a match for most mages, at least the ones you'll finding hiding in the Anauroch. I didn't think it would be a problem. But the mage was just a shell, a hollow thing. The phaerimm was using it as a distraction, and I fell right into its trap."

    "You had no way of knowing," Sora soothed.

    "It was an apprentice's mistake," Hawk said. "I was overconfident, and it cost me, very nearly my life." He looked at Sora, and a small smile curled his lips. "One good thing, though, is seeing you again."

    The moon was bright enough for Sora to see the blush that colored Hawk's cheeks, and she could feel her own cheeks growing warm. "Oh, so you think that's a benefit, do you?"

    Hawk's smile got a little stronger. "Yes, I do." His heart was beating a little faster, and he hoped his hands weren't sweating from nervousness.

    Sora just shook her head, trying not to giggle at Hawk's shyness. "Do you think you can sleep?"

    "Can you sit with me a while? While I try to fall back into reverie?" Hawk sounded very young and uncertain, and his hand tightened briefly around Sora's hand.

    "Of course," Sora promised, and she felt him relax under the quilt. Sora waited until Hawk's breathing had evened out, and his eyes had gotten that faraway look that signaled reverie, and then she reached out and smoothed his glossy hair back a bit. Satisfied that his reverie was more peaceful, Sora worked her hand free and returned to her room, feeling hopeful about what the future would bring.

    Sand came out of reverie when Vale rose, just as dawn broke. "Have you gone completely mad, anoramin? It is still the middle of the night."

    Vale turned around and gave Sand a radiant smile. "This is when I normally rise, ithilamin. Really, it's not my fault you're a slug." Vale leaned over and kissed Sand, a lovely, lingering kiss that made Sand think of the night before, when he and Vale had made love until neither of them could possibly have spilled one more time.

    Sand reached for Vale, and pulled him back down for another kiss, his fingers sliding into Vale's hair. "Stay a while, my Vale."

    "Hikaru will be up soon, and Aika won't be far behind." Vale slid out of bed, somewhat regretfully. "Yuji has a lot of paperwork for me for the school, and I can get a start on that while the tea is brewing, before I need to start breakfast."

    The thought of breakfast made Sand groan a little. "I think I may retreat to my room, in that case." Sand looked up at Vale. "How can you possibly be so cheerful after last night?"

    "Healing potion, ithilamin. Do you want one?" Vale finished putting his laundry together and opened his wardrobe, looking for clean clothing.

    Sand sat up, his ass slightly sore, and shook his head. "I think not, anoramin. I am not very sore at all, and I think I would rather just sleep a bit longer." Sand slid out of bed and pulled his jeans on, gathering the rest of his scattered clothing. He kissed Vale again and headed to his room

    Sand was utterly delighted to find Satoshi in their bed already, his arms around Sand's pillow, looking as thoroughly plundered as Sand felt. Sand quickly put his laundry in the basket, and slid into the bed, replacing his pillow with himself and pulling Satoshi's head onto his shoulder.

    Satoshi opened his eyes a little, and smiled at Sand, still barely awake. Sand kissed Satoshi tenderly, and nuzzled his hair, feeling himself beginning to relax into reverie again. "Was your night enjoyable, cormamin?" Sand asked, content to hold Satoshi close.

    "I'm getting too old to play with those two young things," Satoshi replied, and then yawned hugely. "What time is it?"

    "It's the middle of the night," Sand replied. "Come, let us rest a bit longer."

    "Mmm..." Satoshi agreed as he fell asleep again, Sand's strong arms around him.

  18. BW watched as the fae shifted to human size, looking a bit confused as she looked around, and then began to talk to Rae. BW was inclined to treat all fae as welcome until they proved otherwise, given her own preference for elven males when she had the choice, and this particular pixie had a definitely beneficent feel to her.

    However, the young man who walked up, one hand on what appeared to be a gun, an insincere smile on his face, was another story entirely. He smelled like another shifter as well, and BW watched closely as he spoke to the fae, mentioning both Sues and 'verse hopping. Then the fae asked if anyone was a lawyer, and BW managed to smother her grin as the fae looked at her warily.

    BW strolled over, noticing that her drow leathers had somehow managed to shift to a rather unattractive bikini, and she did what Rae had told her and morphed them back to their proper form, tight leather breeches and tall doeskin boots with a flat heel to allow for stealth, and a tightly fitted leather tunic with long slim sleeves. Whatever in the Nine Hells was going on in this 'verse, skin made for lousy armor, and BW was not sure yet if shifting to her draconic form was a good idea. She patted her hips, making sure her daggers were sheathed, and looked to ensure that her boot knife was in place as well.

    BW looked at the young man, sensing no threat as of yet from him, more of a wariness about who they were. Understandable, BW mused. They had appeared out of nowhere in the middle of a battle, and that was never a good thing. For now, he was a neutral party, but BW had no intention of letting down her guard, either.

    "You seem more than passing familiar with this place. Why is it so dangerous, and what exactly did you mean about Sues?" BW waited to hear what he had to say. If he wasn't another Author, then she was not about to start messing with reality by discussing Mary Sues and their ability to warp canon across the Multiverse. Which reminded BW...

    BW turned to the fae with a warm smile. "I don't think we need to worry about lawsuits, not at the moment anyway. I'm BronxWench, but you can call me Bronx if that's easier. Who are you, and how did you get caught up in this fine mess?"

  19. Vale slid up behind Sand, and wrapped his arms around Sand's waist, his breath hot against Sand's ear. "Come to my bed tonight, ithilamin. It's been too long since we had a night together, and I want you."

    Sand leaned into Vale, his smile wide. "Oh, I would love that, anoramin." He turned and held Vale close, just breathing in the familiar scent of his elven husband. "I think Satoshi has other plans tonight anyway, if I am not mistaken, and I have missed you in my arms."

    They stood together for a few moments, just holding each other, and then Vale untangled himself and pressed a fleeting but tender kiss to Sand's lips before going back into the house to help with dinner.

    Dinner was a joyful meal, with the family together again. Hawk and Sora sat beside each other, and Hawk found himself a little tongue-tied and as awkward as an elfling in the face of her beautiful brown eyes and sweet smile. There was a deep wisdom in those eyes, hard won and profoundly attractive to Hawk. Sora had endured years away from her people, a pampered and petted daughter of an ancient and noble House thrown into a harsh world and a life that she was not prepared for, and yet it had honed her into an astonishingly strong and secure womanhood. There was no way Hawk could ever tell her that she needed to find someone her own age again, and in fact he wondered if he were mature enough to measure up for her.

    Still, Hawk had lost her once, and he was not about to let this chance slip away. He was a warrior, a fearless guardian of his people. Surely he could find the courage to talk to a slender elven woman with the most amazingly infectious giggle, whose hands were graceful and deft despite being more work-worn than silky. Yet those hands had been gentle and sure when they changed his bandages, and his skin had tingled with their touch.

    And Sora had worn the glass lotus. Hawk remembered stopping at the stall, enchanted by the delicacy of the little trinket. It was a trifle, a small thing, but Sora's face had lit up when he gave it to her, and her kisses had been as sweet as honey and as intoxicating as Feywine, and he had lost himself in her arms that night, and the next, and then next after that. And had Lord Sathoness not spoken to Hawk, had he not informed the Graycloak warrior that Sora deserved more than he could offer, those might have been the first nights of many. But that was Hawk's secret to keep for now, that he had parted from her at her father's request, to let her wed someone who could give her all the things that Hawk could not.

    Sora had been watching Hawk as he tried to master the chopsticks that he had insisted on using. Her smile was small, but her eyes danced as Hawk's tidbit fell again onto his plate, and she took pity on the stubborn elf.

    "Like this," Sora murmured, and she put her small hands over his, and guided his fingers into the proper positions. Then she helped him pick up the shrimp and guided it to his mouth, and the look in his blue eyes made her blush.

    "Thank you," Hawk said softly once he had chewed and swallowed. "I might have starved otherwise."

    "You could just use the fork," Sora pointed out, watching his sidelong, still smiling that small, shy smile.

    Hawk wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss those lips, taste that smile and see if her eyes would light up like they had on a night in Evereska when the gardens perfumed the air. But that would have been impolite, and so he just shook his head a little, jeweled braids winking. "I'm not very good at giving up."

    "Is that so?" Sora asked quietly.

    Hawk dared a light touch, his fingers brushing hers delicately. "I still haven't given up, you know. I made a mistake once, and said a foolish thing, but I can hope for a chance to undo that mistake."

    "Hope is never a bad thing to have," Sora agreed, her own voice soft, and the faintest pink colored her cheeks as Hawk's heart skipped a beat and his breath hitched a little. Then Sora turned to answer a question from Ryuu, and the rest of the voices around the table seemed to rush in, and Hawk answered a question from Yuji, but his eyes kept returning to a sleek black ponytail and a pair of beautiful brown eyes.

    Vale sat and sipped his whiskey, watching Sand and Hawk talking after dinner. They were so much alike, and yet so very different, these brothers. Hawk was a warrior to the bone, fierce and proud and quick to laugh and jest. Sand was outwardly more reserved, elegant and composed, but his heart was no less fierce, and there was a passion in him that Vale knew well.

    As if Vale's thoughts had called him, Sand looked up, and the love in those blue eyes made Vale's own green eyes widen and shine a little brighter. Sand turned and murmured something to Hawk that Vale could not quite hear, and then Sand was standing, lithe and beautiful, and holding his hand out to Vale.

    "Anoramin?" Sand said softly, and Vale rose and slid his hand into Sand's hand, his fingers lacing with the faintly scarred fingers of his first love. Sand turned back to his brother. "Do you want to walk up with us?"

    Hawk shook his head, smiling a little. "I think I'll wait a bit, and go up with Sora. I'm actually not that tired yet. She was right, you know. There's something about the laughter of children that restores you."

    Vale's smile was radiant. "I know. When Hikaru looks up at me and laughs, the world is just perfect."

    "It is the same with Ryuu," Sand said. "He is astonishing, and I cannot imagine a day without him. One day, utinualta, you will know how that feels."

    "I hope so, utinuai." Hawk laughed, his eyes bright. "Now go to bed, you two."

    Sand's arm slid around Vale's waist, and they stopped to kiss their spouses before making their way upstairs. They closed the door to Vale and Yuji's room behind them, and then Vale was in Sand's arms, his lips seeking Sand's eagerly.

    Sand tugged Vale's t-shirt out of the waistband of his jeans, his fingers sliding up the golden skin of Vale's back, and Vale moaned into the kiss, his cock hard and eager against Sand's groin. Vale ran his fingers through the black silk of Sand's hair, dancing lightly along his elegant ears and teasing the tips with light strokes, and it was Sand who moaned as his cock throbbed in the tight confines of his boxers and jeans.

    "Oh, Seldarine," Vale said, releasing Sand for a moment and tugging at his clothing almost frantically. "I need to feel you... please..."

    Vale stripped quickly, already reaching for Sand as the moon elf was pulling off his boxers, and then Vale was in Sand's arms again, pressing against him, his skin warm where it met Sand's skin. Vale's lips sought Sand's lips and the kiss was hungry, demanding that Sand plunder Vale's mouth and Sand complied, grinding his thick cock against Vale.

    "I was so afraid," Vale murmured when they broke for air. "I felt you as part of the Weave, and I thought you were gone. I thought I lost you, and the last words between us were angry and bitter, and my heart ached, ithilamin."

    "How could I leave, anoramin?" Sand cupped Vale's face between his hands, looking at the shimmer of tears in the wide green eyes. "How could I leave you like that? It was a risk, yes, but it was not done blindly. You know what lay inside the telkiira."

    Vale shook his head a little, not letting the tears fall. "High Mages have died doing what you did."

    "They were not me," Sand replied. "They had not also mastered human magic, as we have done, you and I, and they did not wield telkiira."

    "You made a new one," Vale whispered, his fingers stroking the pale skin below Sand's collarbone. "In the Weave, you just reached out and took what you needed, and you did what hasn't been done in so long. Will you show me?"

    Sand smiled, and Vale lifted his fingers away as a gem shimmered into view. The telkiira that Sand had worn had been violet, but this one shimmered with many colors, silver and evergreen and amethyst and sapphire blue, its facets shifting hue. Vale looked back up into Sand's eyes, and nodded slowly, and the gem faded back into Sand's skin.

    Vale's lips met Sand's again, and this time the kiss was slower, sweeter, and their tongues twined as they simply reached for each other through their bond. It was welcome and understanding all in one, and love that did not need more than a look or a touch to fan its flames. It was all the history between them, and it was coming home.

    Sand moved Vale to the bed, laying back and pulling Vale atop himself, feeling Vale's cock slide against his with sweet heat. Sand's fingers slid into Vale's thick gold and emerald hair, sliding along the familiar sweep to tease the tips, already rosy with Vale's arousal, and Sand lifted his chin to let Vale nibble along the pale column of his throat. Perhaps by instinct, Vale did not mark the pulse point, leaving that as Satoshi's place. Instead, Vale nipped at Sand's collarbone, his sharp teeth worrying the tender skin as he suckled a dark mark on translucent skin, tasting the tang of Sand's blood.

    Sand let his fingers toy with Vale's nipple rings as Vale marked him, tugging and twisting on the gold hoops until he coaxed a wanton moan from the sun elf. "Taste me, anoramin," Sand urged, and Vale nipped and kissed his way across Sand's stomach until he was crouched between Sand's parted thighs.

    Sand's thick cock was already weeping precum, the ring through the slit catching a bead or two, and Vale swiped his tongue across the head to taste the slightly bitter flavor that was Sand. Sand's cock twitched, and Vale ran the tip of his tongue along the ring and down to tease the cleft beneath the head, and Sand's back arched a little as Vale used his tongue stud to increase the teasing. Sand's hands slid back into Vale's thick hair, and Sand hissed in pleasure as Vale slid his lips over the head of Sand's cock. Vale flattened his tongue and took Sand's cock in fully, his throat relaxing as he swallowed hard and let Sand slide past the back of his throat. Sand moaned as Vale purred, the vibrations making Sand shiver with delight. Then Vale swallowed, hard, his muscles rippling along Sand's cock as one finger slid beneath Sand's sac to press on his prostate firmly.

    Having anticipated this all day, Sand was more than ready, and Vale could feel Sand's sac tighten as it rested in the palm of his hand. Vale purred louder and swallowed again, and Sand arched beneath him and spilled, his cum thick and hot as Vale pulled back to that he could taste Sand as he drank his cum, Sand's moan sweet in his ears. Vale sucked until Sand had no more to give, and then he released Sand's softening cock with a soft pop, his head lifting as he looked into Sand's blue eyes.

    Sand pulled Vale up to him, rolling Vale onto his back and sliding down a little to nip at Vale's ringed nipples, teasing them and tugging on the rings with his teeth until they were hard nubs, Sand's cock already hardening again as he played with his sun elf. At the same time, Sand's fingers coaxed Vale's tight little pucker to open, teasing the muscle and pressing hard on Vale's prostate as Vale's back arched. It did not take Sand long to prepare Vale, and he moved between Vale's thighs to press his cock against Vale's eager pucker. Vale wrapped his legs around Sand's hips, urging him to enter, and Sand pushed into Vale's ass is a slow and steady thrust until he felt his balls rest against Vale's ass.

    "Oh, Seldarine," Vale moaned, his back arching as he was thoroughly filled with Sand's thick cock. "Ithiliamin, love me."

    Sand moved languidly, drawing back and then thrusting forward, gliding across Vale's prostate and coaxing deliciously wanton whimpers from Vale as his cock churned in Vale's ass. Vale arched his back to press his own weeping cock against Sand's flat belly, moaning at the friction and leaving glistening streaks of precum across the web of scars that marked the moon elf.

    "You are so tight, anoramin," Sand murmured, leaning forward to nip at Vale's kiss-swollen lips, plundering Vale's mouth with tender kisses as he plundered Vale's ass with lazy thrusts. They moved together with sinuous grace, skin sliding against skin, and Vale tightened his legs to give himself better leverage as he ground his cock against Sand's belly, feeling the heat coiling within his own belly. Vale opened his bond with Sand all the way, letting Sand feel what he felt, and knowing how he felt to Sand, all tight heat and silky skin. It was enough to push Vale over the edge, and he felt his balls empty in a single convulsive leap, his cum liquid heat between their bellies and his ass tightening even more around Sand's thick cock. Sand moaned, pressing himself fully into Vale, grinding against Vale's ass as he spilled, filling Vale with spurt after spurt as Vale let out a wanton howl and let his eyes flutter closed in bliss.

    Sand shuddered with the last waves of pleasure, and fell forward to rest on Vale's chest, nipping at the sweet curve where Vale's neck and shoulder met and worrying a livid mark into the golden skin. Vale moaned , his legs relaxing slightly, his arms wrapping around Sand as he buried his face in Sand's raven hair with a small sob of happiness, all his fear and grief washed away by the tender lovemaking and his heart beating in perfect synchronicity with Sand's heart.

    "Amin mela lle, ithilamin, melayeste'amin, my first love," Vale whispered, nuzzling Sand's ear.

    "Oh, my beautiful elf, vanima edhelamin, I have never stopped loving you, not since we met," Sand replied, his blue eyes warm. "Never doubt that, and never doubt that I will always love you."

  20. BW looked at Apollo and chuckled. "This is a little more flagrant than a nice kilt, huh? There's not a whole lot left to the imagination, which, given that I'm an Author, is probably not the best thing, but it certainly is a change of pace."

    Apollo nudged Foe, inquiring about the probably location of Sues, while BW looked around to see who else had decided to come for the ride. Rae was adjusting her pack, and Kagome was trying to manage the meadow in high heels. Sanura was trying to clean her bloodied sword rifle, and there was a slightly puzzled looking pixie hovering near Sanura's shoulder. BW was surprised, since the smaller fae usually were not seen alone. This was either an extremely brave pixie or one that had wandered into Sanctuary at a very bad moment.

    BW looked around again, hoping to get a better idea of what this 'verse was about. She vaguely recollected the Justice League, and the more obvious characters were familiar, of course, but they were not here to have tea with superheroes. There were Sues about, and the sooner BW got tooth or claw into a Sue, the better. One thing was at least working in her favor. The drow leathers fit right in, and becoming a dragon was not likely to raise too many eyebrows. BW's smile widened. She was also unlikely to run into many irate gods in shorts, and the liquor here was pretty damned good, too. She wondered whether she would have a chance to pick up a decent Armagnac.

    BW sidestepped neatly as a chunk of machine landed where she had been standing. On the other hand...

  21. "Ryuu is right, cormamin. Your smile is so pretty now." Sand held Satoshi, his cheek resting against Satoshi's soft hair. He could feel the changes in Satoshi through their bond, his husband more at peace than he had been for all the time Sand had known him.

    "You will learn how to shed it, my dear Satoshi," Eryn told him, her face radiant with happiness. "You are so very strong, to have carried that for so long without giving in utterly to the blackness. But then again, you have the best motivation in the world to fight your way past it, and I'm left to wonder if there will be any sweet rolls left for us between Ryuu, Falon and buronzudoragon."

    "So you are finally going to admit that you are as fond of Taren's sweet rolls as the rest of us, atara?" Hawk's eyes were bright with laughter, although he looked a little pinched around the nostrils. Eryn watched as Kansas and Erion walked him over to his bed, watching as Hawk sank gratefully onto the mattress. "Before you fuss, I'm just a little tired." Hawk skinned his tunic off. "No blood on the bandages, atara. The aier'rim were very careful."

    Eryn shook her head, still smiling. "And I thank them for their diligence." Eryn crossed the room, enveloping Kansas and Erion in a hug. "I know you'll be well looked after in Tokyo."

    "You could come, too, jitsubo," Kansas said earnestly, hugging Eryn tightly.

    Eryn kissed Kansas with great love. "Oh, sochi-chan, I will come and see your Tokyo one day, but for now I have duties here that I can't neglect. I won't be senior priestess forever, though, and then I can travel as I wish. Besides, Sora is also your jitsubo, isn't she? You're never without family, Tatsuya en Nosse Iradil."

    Kansas smiled, his face positively beautiful. "No, I'm not, am I? Not anymore." His arm slipped around Erion's waist.

    Eryn turned back to Hawk. "Well, then, my foolish little bird, put your tunic back on. We can't have you wandering the streets of Evereska showing off your latest misadventures. Then we can all go home and see if there's any food left in the kitchen."

    Hawk's face lit up. "Now that's what I hoped to hear, atara'amin. Home sounds exactly perfect. The temple has been marvelous, but there is nothing quite like being home."

    When Hawk said that, Sand felt a pang of homesickness as well. He missed Tokyo, and Aika's sweet chatter and Hikaru's beautiful smile. He missed Yuji's giggle, and Willow's quick wit and sarcasm. And Sand missed Vale, especially with how they had parted. He looked at Satoshi, and could see the same thoughts in his beautiful eyes.

    "Do you think we can portal back to Tokyo tomorrow, atara?" Sand asked. "While it has been good to be here again, there are things we need to attend to back in Tokyo. Yuji is opening his own music school. Is that not marvelous?"

    Eryn looked delighted. "Music? How perfect! And yes, I think Hawk is ready." She brushed off the front of her robe, which was immaculate. "Let's go home, shall we, and then you'll all set off in the morning."

    The Academy of Magic had the portal to Neverwinter open already, and the mage waited while Eryn hugged everyone a last time, giving Ryuu an especially long hug. She gave Satoshi very firm orders to go out soon so that she could mind the little ones, and Satoshi laughed and hugged her and promised most seriously to swoop Sand off for a night very soon. Erion and Kansas exchanged quick looks, both of them grinning, and Eryn pretended not to notice the glint in their eyes, or the way their shorts were tenting ever so slightly. Mist and Santhiel had their round of hugs, and Falon clung to Kansas and Erion until Santhiel drew him into his arms and stroked his hair.

    The portal in Neverwinter was waiting as well, and this leavetaking was much easier, the prospect of being home lightening everyone's hearts. Even Hawk seemed eager to get to Tokyo, and Sand shot his older brother a speculative glance. Hawk merely grinned.

    "What's on your mind, utinuai?" Hawk asked, straightening his tunic a little. His braids were jeweled and bright, but his eyes were brighter.

    Sand shrugged, one elegant eyebrow raised. "You seem more eager than we are, utinualta. I wonder why that is."

    "It's been a long time since I had time away from my duties." Hawk smoothed his glossy hair, watching Kansas and Erion head through the portal before following them through.

    It was a joyous reunion, with Yuji and Willow enveloping Ryuu and Satoshi in hugs, Yuji looking slightly puzzled by the smile on Satoshi's face, and the air of peace around him. Aika shrieked and launched herself at Kansas and Erion, Kuma-kuma in her arms, and Vale scooped Ryuu up for a hug and nuzzle. Sora stood back a bit, watching the reunion with a bright smile, the love among the members of the family so evident. Hawk watched Sora for a moment, turning away only when Vale embraced him.

    "Seldarine, Hawk, it is so good to have you here!" Vale stepped back a little to look at Hawk, his green eyes taking in the moon elf. "You look surprisingly good for someone who was almost a phaerimm's dinner."

    Hawk laughed, and pulled the sun elf into a hug. "It's good to see you, too, Vale. I feel surprisingly good for someone who was almost a phaerimm's dinner."

    "Oh, stop it, you two," Willow laughed. "Hawk, I'll show you your room, and give you a chance to get settled in peace."

    "I'll show him, too, mama," Ryuu said, taking Hawk's hand. "Then I'll show you where we keep the pocky."

    Vale was watching Sand, his green eyes wide, and Sand walked over and gathered Vale into his arms, kissing him tenderly. "I missed you, anoramin."

    "And I missed you, ithilamin. Are you alright? Really alright?" Vale looked into Sand's eyes, his face solemn. "I felt it, melamin. I felt you, in the Weave. I was so frightened."

    "Oh, Vale," Sand said gently. "Amin hiraetha, anoramin. Amin uuma now, amin cronelle, melamin. Lle rangwa tanya amin merne var lle?"

    "Amin rangwa, ithilamin. Ta naa tereva. Amin mela lle." Vale kissed Sand, his arms going around Sand's neck as Sand held him tightly.

    "And I love you, anoramin, and I always will," Sand murmured, burying his face in Vale's thick golden hair.


    "Amin hiraetha, anoramin. Amin uuma now, amin cronelle, melamin. Lle rangwa tanya amin merne var lle?" -- I am sorry, my sun. I didn't think, I hurt you, my love. Can you understand that I wanted to protect you?

    Amin rangwa, ithilamin. Ta naa tereva. Amin mela lle. -- I understand, my moon. It's fine. I love you.

  22. Sand cradled Satoshi in his arms, nuzzling his face in Satoshi's gorgeous amethyst hair. Their bond was wide open, their souls entwined, and Sand just basked in the total love between them.

    "I feel so blessed, my heart, to be here and holding you in my arms, and knowing that our love grows deeper each day." Sand chuckled a bit. "That itself amazes me, that each day I love you more. At this rate, our love will be vaster than the Multiverse itself."

    Satoshi giggled a little at Sand's extravagant words. "My favorite idiot," Satoshi tittered. "But you're right. Our love does grow more every day, and it doesn't seem possible."

    They lay curled against each other for a while longer, neither wanting to be the first to move, even though Sand knew that Satoshi wanted to see Eryn again. It was peaceful and warm and they fit so perfectly together, but finally Satoshi stirred, and they untangled themselves with a dozen sweet kisses. Satoshi saw their clothing just outside the grove, and he began to laugh.

    "We have a guardian imp, I think," Satoshi grinned.

    They dressed, and with arms around each others' waists, they strolled off to the temple of Corellon to find Eryn.

    Ryuu roared with laughter as he rode on Erion's strong young shoulders, his small fists tangled in the thick silver hair. "Go faster!" Erion obliged, holding tightly to Ryuu's legs as he raced in circles around Kansas and Falon, lithe and swift. On one circle, Ryuu pretended to be rounding up Falon, and the younger elf immediately pretended to veer off, sparking more shrieks of laughter. The elves passing them all smiled and laughed as well, Ryuu's bright laughter music to their ears.

    It was something Kansas found amazing, how elves adored children without reservation. Elflings were loved and treated gently, and yet seemed to grow up well without harsh discipline. It made Kansas all the more determined to make his dream a reality, to work with children who had no idea that such love could exist. He caught Erion's eye, and knew immediately that his lover knew his thoughts and shared his dream, and Kansas smiled, his heart full of love for his elf.

    Falon chose that moment to swoop in and pluck Ryuu from Erion's shoulders, giggling himself as he spun around with Ryuu. "Come on, Ryuu! Let's fly like buronzudoragon," Falon laughed, and he swung Ryuu up and onto his own strong shoulders. Then he raced off, leaping over absolutely nothing, simply for the joy of being briefly airborne, Ryuu safely held as the elfling gave in to a burst of high spirits. Erion slipped his hand in Kansas's hand and leaned in to steal a kiss, his face radiant.

    "When we get home to Tokyo, I want to ask Cho about that tattoo artist she and Kai know, and I want to start on my tattoo. I want to make sure Nim'Cath is well bound," Erion said. "And I know, 'lokiamin, no pestering Sand for magical healing. I have to heal naturally for the tattoo's own magic to take hold."

    Kansas kissed Erion in return. "It will be beautiful on you, isilmeamin."

    "And we can go to a club. I want to wear garters and a corset and heels." Erion gave Kansas a sidelong look full of mischief. "I want to be so pretty that no one knows if I'm male or female."

    Kansas moaned a little, feeling his cock jump at the thought. "We can get Satoshi to do your make-up. He's a fucking genius."

    Hawk was delighted by the company of the boisterous youngsters, and Eryn let them take Hawk out into the garden for a bit, to everyone's delight. Ryuu told Hawk about how buronzudoragon was splashing him in the Pond, and flicking water off his wings just everywhere, and then he ate two whole sandwiches all by himself because he was a growing dragon and very hungry. Eryn watched for a moment from the wide window, seeing how Hawk thrived on the company. He had been alone for far too long, her eldest, and this exposure to a large and loving family, no matter how unusual it was, could be the best healing for Hawk.

    Eryn turned when she heard Sand and Satoshi arrive, and she greeted them both with warm hugs and kisses on their cheeks. "It looks like you both enjoyed your swim," Eryn teased gently, and for once, Satoshi did not blush in embarrassment. Instead, he looked over at Sand with boundless love.

    "It was perfect," Satoshi said, and it was Sand who colored a little, his ear tips a little rosy.

    "Hawk is in the garden with Ryuu, and his devoted following." Eryn laughed with pure joy in her voice. "Falon is his devoted servant, you know. He loves a chance to be an older brother. But I'm going on about what you already know, and you are here to see if I can help a little more, I hope."

    "Yes, I am," Satoshi said. There was a faint tremor of nervousness in his voice, and Sand reached out and held Satoshi's hand reassuringly. "I'm not sure how far I can open up, though. It's hard for me."

    Eryn kissed Satoshi's forehead with great affection and love. "I understand completely. I won't go further than you're comfortable with me going." She led them to a comfortable padded sofa, and pulled a bench up in front of them, sitting so that she faced Satoshi. "May I take your hand?"

    Eryn held one of Satoshi's hands while Sand held the other, one arm around Satoshi. Satoshi leaned into his husband's embrace, taking comfort in Sand's nearness. Eryn gently eased her way into Satoshi's mind, delighted to find that most of the pain she had lifted away yesterday had not come back. Only a few strands had crept back in, and they were weak and pitiful things compared to what she had teased away before. Eryn carefully lifted away a few thicker strands of pain, and then she fell into the rhythm of it, following the threads of pain and tugging them free where they were weakest, turning every so often to shed the pain into the brazier at her side, the healing blue of the flames letting her know that Corellon was lifting those burdens away.

    Satoshi was beginning to resist slightly, and Eryn paused for a moment, debating ending the healing session, but she had been working on a stubborn clump, and she nearly had one thick strand loose enough to tug free. Eryn had avoided opening any memories, but this one had almost a presence to it. It made her think of heat and smoke and great physical pain when she lifted it, and Eryn suddenly realized that this strand was tied to however Satoshi had received his burn scars. Eryn was healer enough to know how the scars were made, but she had never asked Satoshi, and truthfully, it was not something she would have asked so soon. It seemed a thing that would come with trust, and time, and she had more than enough time to wait until trust was there.

    Eryn worked a little harder on loosening that thick strand. It wanted to come away, and Eryn could feel that, but there was something else holding it there, something that felt almost like Satoshi had needed to hold onto that pain. It was then that it dawned on Eryn. She had gathered that Satoshi thought Yuji got sick while nursing him, perhaps when he was burned? She was not sure, but it did not matter as much as knowing that this piece was held by guilt. Eryn went to work, loosening the strand of guilt and lifting that away first. Once that was gone, the rest of the strand came away easily.

    By now, Satoshi was trembling a little, and Eryn knew she had gone as far as she could for now. There was time, years ahead of them, and Eryn could wait until Satoshi was ready to pry at the next layer. With the grace of the Seldarine, those layers would loosen a bit without the crushing weight of the other pain heaped on top. Eryn eased out as gently as she had entered, and leaned in to kiss Satoshi's forehead.

    "How does that feel, my dearest?" Eryn asked.

  23. BW grinned as Simi enjoyed a snack of Tzu in barbeque sauce, feeling a certain solidarity with the perky Goth teen. Pouring a fresh bourbon, BW stepped up next to Foe.

    "So, now what?" BW asked, sipping her bourbon. One thing she could say for Sanctuary, the liquor was top shelf.

    “Well, now-“

    “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU PEOPLE DO TO MY BAR?!?” Savitar demanded.

    “-now we run!” Foe finished. BW followed Foe, Savitar flinging bolts of energy after them. The notion of surviving a pack of Tzus only to be taken down by a pissed-off god in a loud Hawaiian shirt just did not bear thinking about, at least not tonight.

    "He's doing a fine job of finishing what we started," BW muttered, diving out the door and heading for a beat-up looking station wagon. She tumbled through the door after Foe and wound up on a meadow.

    "Interesting upholstery job," BW said, bemused. The silver dragon statue was not quite as disconcerting, even when it spoke, but when the world went sideways, BW began to rethink the advisability of jumping into strange station wagons.

    BW wound up next to Apollo and Astraea, her head spinning a little. "I can think of better ways to travel," BW said, looking to see if her friends were alright. That was when the sky broke, and a man in blue spandex and a red cape flew in, in hot pursuit of some sort of machine. Other outlandishly dressed figures followed, and BW just watched in amazement as she overheard Foe tell Apollo that he thought they were on Earth-1, and their garishly outfitted new friends were the Justice League.

    BW stood carefully and dusted off her drow leathers, examining a small scorch mark where Savitar had winged her. On the whole, though, she was unharmed, and she strolled over to join Foe and Apollo. They had wound up here for a reason, and it could prove to be an interesting stop, if a little distracting with all this spandex around.

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