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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. Sand and Satoshi stopped long enough to gather towels and a basket of food that Taren had sent over before heading to the Pond. It was well past the nooning, and the Pond was empty as Sand chose a comfortable spot with enough shade to keep the food cool while they swam. Sand stripped eagerly, and to Satoshi's surprise he flashed Satoshi a mischievous grin before running up the path and diving gracefully off the cliffs. Satoshi's breath caught in his throat as he watched Sand plummet in a smooth arc, diving cleanly into the water with hardly a ripple, and then breaking the surface again with an exuberant shout. Sand swam over to the shallows and caught Satoshi in a wet hug, sneaking in a quick nibble of Satoshi's lower lip while he was there.

    "Now, cormamin, I will not do what Hawk did to me, which was to toss me and urge me to swim to him." Sand kissed Satoshi when Satoshi looked a bit nervous. "But having a goal is good, and perhaps we can try something a bit later on that line. For now, why don't we just go in further until you need to stop. The Pond slopes very gradually here."

    Satoshi managed to get above his waist in the water, with Sand beside him. The water was warm and calm, and Satoshi relaxed enough to crouch a bit, although he stood quickly. Sand stayed very close, his smile radiant.

    "The first thing to master is floating, my heart, which is much easier than it sounds," Sand said. "You already know how to relax and let your mind drift, I think? When you meditate?"

    "Yes, I do," Satoshi confirmed. It had been part of the Zen training Satoshi had mastered with Kenji when he was still very young.

    "It is very like that. You simply relax and allow the water to do the job of lifting you." Sand's hand was resting on Satoshi's hip lightly and he leaned in for a kiss. Satoshi's arms went around Sand's neck, and Sand slid his arms around Satoshi's waist, delighting in Satoshi's relaxed mood. They spent a lazy few minutes kissing, just enjoying the sun and warm water. Satoshi finally broke the kiss, his smile so young and carefree that Sand's heart soared to see it.

    "I want to try that floating thing, poldoramin," Satoshi said.

    "Mm, let us get a bit closer to the shore," Sand said, and they moved in until Satoshi was only waist deep in the water. "Now, lean back and my arm will be there. I will not let you fall."

    Satoshi leaned backwards, feeling Sand's arm below him, and he lifted his legs and let himself relax. Much to Satoshi's delight, the water did lift him, and with Sand's arm not quite touching him, Satoshi floated for a couple of minutes, relaxing even more. Satoshi even let his eyes close for almost a minute, just listening to the birds and smelling the sweet fragrance of the flowers that seemed to be everywhere. When Satoshi opened his eyes, Sand was still right there, his arm not quite touching Satoshi.

    "Do you want to try something else?" Sand asked, as Satoshi stood back up, feeling surprisingly refreshed.

    "What were you thinking?" Satoshi asked.

    "This," Sand replied, laying down in the water, propped up on his elbows so that his face and shoulders were above the water. "Try to hold yourself up on the surface of the water, on your extended arms, and then glide to me."

    Satoshi laughed, but he did as Sand suggested, and when he managed to glide over the elf, he wound up straddling Sand and stealing a kiss as his reward. It was such a fine game that Satoshi tried again, each time moving a bit further from Sand before gliding toward him, even using his arms a bit and kicking his feet. The reward of being able to plunder Sand's mouth seemed a fine incentive to Satoshi, and as Satoshi gained confidence, the kisses grew more heated.

    Sand was very close to drawing Satoshi over to a submerged ledge for some further exploration when a small cannonball landed near them, and Ryuu's excited face popped up out of the water. Falon had entered the water beside Ryuu, and he hovered close to Ryuu as Ryuu swam over to his fathers with a giggle.

    "Did you see me? I jumped with Falon!" Ryuu flung himself into Satoshi's arms, a wriggling armful of happy wet boy, rubbing noses with Satoshi.

    Sand shot Falon an incredulous look,and Falon grinned a little. "It's alright, Uncle Sand. We held hands until the last moment, and I never took my eyes off him." Falon slicked his long brown hair back, his blue eyes merry. "Don't tell me you never talked Uncle Hawk into that yourself."

    Sand snorted a little. "Hardly. He required little persuasion." Sand looked up in time to see Erion and Kansas dive in, side by side, sleek and gorgeous as they slid into the water like young sea elves, utterly at home. "We were thinking of having a bite to eat," Sand said, and Falon waved them off.

    "Go, eat something. I'll be here with Ryuu," Falon insisted.

    Ryuu wriggled free and flung himself into a shallow dive, swimming out toward Erion and Kansas. "Catch me, Falon!" Ryuu called, and Falon hooted, swimming after Ryuu.

    "Let them play," Satoshi murmured, pulling Sand out of the Pond. They wrapped up in thick towels and helped themselves to some of Taren's excellent sandwiches, as well as flasks of hot tea, and they settled together to watch Ryuu as he persuaded Falon to toss him into the air a few times.

  2. There was a small noise as Sand seated himself beside Satoshi, his arms going around his husband protectively. "Oh, my love" Sand opened his bond wide, pouring out his love for Satoshi in an endless wave. "Let atara help, cormamin. I am right here, beside you, where I will always be."

    "Are you sure, my dear?" Eryn asked, looking into Satoshi's eyes. "How foolish of me to ask. Of course you are sure."

    Eryn placed her slim hands on either side of Satoshi's face. Her hands felt cool and soft, her skin silky, and she reached out with the sure touch of a healer, as Satoshi allowed her in, Sand's arms around him. Eryn teased her way through Satoshi's memories, lifting away the emotions that were so tangled within him, reaching for the very core. Satoshi was blocking those memories, though, and Eryn was reluctant to increase his pain by pushing. Instead she paused, and withdrew a bit.

    "Satoshi, my dear, I do not need to see the memories to lift away the pain that is wrapped around them." Eryn smiled gently. "I am only seeking to lift away the pain, to untangle it like a weed in a garden."

    Satoshi looked at Eryn, his eyes still brimming. "I don't know... Please, just take some of it away, for his sake."

    Eryn looked over at Sand, who nodded before pressing a kiss to Satoshi's temple. Then Eryn took a deep breath, touching Satoshi's mind much more gently this time, only dipping into the surface pain, teasing away the new growth and absorbing it into herself. She looked over at Ryuu, and she could see his small body relaxing as some of the pain stopped leaking from Satoshi. For every bit she was able to absorb, though, there was so much more remaining, and Eryn grieved a bit as she pruned away more of the pain. Each strand seemed to lead to four more, and Eryn patiently tugged those loose until she simply could hold no more.

    Eryn eased out of Satoshi's mind as gently as a breeze, slightly paler, and she turned to a small brazier burning nearby. She focused on the flame intently, casting the pain she had absorbed into the flames, watching as they flared slightly and burned a cool blue. She could hear Sand murmuring endearments behind her, and Satoshi's answering whisper, astonishment in his voice as he realized that he did feel stronger and less anguished. Ryuu, too, was smiling from his heart once again, his sweet brown eyes clear and bright as he felt his chichi's pain lessen.

  3. Eryn put her arms around Satoshi, and with a small silent prayer, she stretched out her own empathic skills and eased away some of Satoshi's pain. "We are a pushy lot, we of House Iradil, have you noticed that? I did not mean to cause more pain, my dear." Eryn stroked Satoshi's thick hair, each stroke seeming to wipe away a little more pain and sorrow. "Such pretty hair, but you are so like Sand and Hawk." Eryn's voice was loving and kind, the voice of a mother comforting her child. "Bright plumage and all, pretty little birds that you all are. How lucky I am to have such beautiful sons and daughters, hmm?"

    Eryn lifted Satoshi's face, wiping at his tears with a soft linen cloth. "Your pain comes out as rage, my sweet Satoshi, because you are angry, but what angers you is so long ago that it is easy to brush it aside. It is the root of your pain. But Satoshi, my dearest child, you can look forward to a long life now, at least five hundred years before you, if my Sand stops being an idiot. You do not need to heal all of it today, nor do you need to feel guilty. None of your pain was your doing. I know that, not just because you are my son now, but because I am an empath myself. It is how I recognized you and Ryuu, after all. So do this for me, my dear. Give over some of that pain to me, and let me cast it off where it belongs. And when you are ready, I will teach you how to cast it off yourself, to shed that which is poison to your soul."

  4. Vale curled up on the couch next to Yuji, sipping the last of his whiskey, his gold and green head resting on Yuji's shoulder. "Yuji? Can we talk a bit?" Vale sat up and turned to face Yuji, but his eyes were clear and calm, and Yuji relaxed a bit.

    "Of course we can talk, love," Yuji assured Vale, reaching out to take one slim hand in his.

    "What Sora hibaba told us tonight, about Sand, and what he did," Vale said, his voice sounding more confused than angry. "I know what he did. It's the kind of magic only he'd be crazy enough to do alone. I could have helped him, though, and I still don't know what to think about his not taking me."

    Yuji looked at his elf, and he pulled him into a hug, glad that Vale was actually talking and not just brooding. "I don't think he meant it to hurt you, Vale. I think, if anything, he was protecting you. That's what I would have done."

    Vale nuzzled into Yuji's neck. "You're a lot alike, you and Sand. You both do what you think is best for your family."

    Yuji chuckled a little, his hand moving to stroke Vale's back. "I suppose we do. We both sometimes act without discussing things, too, and I can see how that might be hard to understand, but I think we have the right intentions."

    "I do, too." Vale snuggled in a bit closer. "I realized I was furious with Sand. Maybe it was the way we argued before he left, and then thinking that he took risks to prove me wrong. I felt a bit guilty, that I provoked him to even greater acts of stupidity than he'd normally be capable of." Vale sighed a little. "Do you think I did that?"

    Yuji tilted Vale's face up, stealing a nibbling kiss from those plump lips. "I think Sand did what he thought best when he saw what he was up against. I don't think he took extra risks just to prove to you that he could do something."

    Yuji could feel Vale relaxing, the tension leaving his lean body. They sat in silence for a moment, Vale untangling himself and reaching for his whiskey. "I was planning on yelling at him when he came back." Vale gave a rueful chuckle, swirling the last of the whiskey in his glass. "Maybe I'm just a little jealous that I can't pull off something like that. High magic is not something I can use." Vale tossed back the last of his whiskey. "In any event, I'm just going to be glad that he's alright, and Hawk is alright, and everyone is alright." Vale leaned in and kissed Yuji sweetly. "I'm going to rinse my glass and put it in the dishwasher. Should I take yours?"

    There was a sultry note in Vale's voice, and Yuji smiled as he handed Vale his glass after drinking the last of his whiskey. "Why don't you just refill those and bring them up with you?" Yuji stood and started to walk up the stairs, his hips swaying in exactly the way that Yuji knew Vale found most enticing. He had to bite back a chuckle when he heard Vale's breath hitch, and then the clink of the whiskey bottle against a glass.

    Eryn stroked Satoshi's face, the loving touch of a mother stroking a dear child. "It matters, Satoshi, because you matter. I'm a parent as well, and I understand what a gift it is to be able to take away your child's pain. I am also a healer, a priestess of our foremost god." Eryn tugged Satoshi gently over to a low padded bench, where Ryuu was clearly in sight, but out of earshot. "As a parent, it pains me to see how little you ask for yourself, Satoshi. You have given my Sand everything he has ever wanted, and the love between the two of you shines as brightly as the moon. Lean on Sand, my dear. You are an empath yourself, and you only harm yourself by holding all that pain within." She nodded at Ryuu. "He feels your pain, even when it is merely the pain you have lifted from his shoulders. And he learns from watching you."

  5. Vale kissed Yuji tenderly, his bond wide open as he let Yuji feel how completely Vale loved him. "Amin mela lle, ten'oio, yassen ilya tanya amin naa, coiamin," Vale whispered. "I love you, forever, with all that I am, my life." Vale felt a deep soaring peace as he held Yuji, feeling their hearts beating together, and Vale resolved to grab Satoshi for a quiet talk when he got back to Tokyo. There was so much he wanted to ask Satoshi, and so much he wanted to explore with Yuji before Vale would feel comfortable with Yuji's expression of utter trust. But there was time now, so much time, and Vale nuzzled Yuji and nibbled at his lips, seeking another kiss.

    "I like when we love like this, too," Vale murmured into the kiss, his arms wrapped around Yuji. "I'm so sorry I scared you, a'maelamin. No more stupid brooding, I promise. Do you think we have time for a shower before Willow and the babies are up?"

    Yuji looked at Vale tenderly. "Don't you want to rest? You were up all night, love."

    Vale shook his head. "It's okay. I've gone for several days without taking full reverie. I'll be fine for today, and I actually feel so much better now that we talked and loved." He gave Yuji a radiant smile, his green eyes back to their normal brilliance and sparkle. "I'll put up more tea and start the rice, and we can shower really quickly."

    Yuji stole a last kiss before they got up, content to have his elf back to normal once again. Now all Yuji needed was the rest of his family back home safely.

    Eryn looked at Hawk, her face wreathed in a radiant smile. "I can't believe how well you're healing, utinuamin. There will be some scarring, but you are so much stronger already."

    Hawk was sitting up, propped against an extravagant pile of pillows, the linen sheets snowy against his skin as Eryn checked the healing wounds on his chest. He smiled back at his mother as she sat beside him on the bed, smoothing his hair as though he were still an elfling. "I feel much better, ataramin. It would be lovely to get up for a bit."

    "Later, I think," Eryn agreed. "Your hair is so long, Hawk. You and Sand both, such foolish little birds flaunting your bright plumage. At least Sand is settled down now, and married."

    "How many times was that again?" Hawk laughed, and Eryn gave his hair a gentle tug. "I'll settle down one day, I promise." Hawk's eyes grew slightly unfocused as he thought about Sora. He had admitted to loving her, and he wondered if she still had any feelings left for him after all she had done and lived, so far away on that other Prime. She had loved there, and married, and borne a child. She had worked hard, and cared for her family, and seen her son marry, held grandchildren and then great-grandchildren. It had been a lifetime compressed into so few years, and then she had found her way home, and back into his heart as though she had never left. It was too much to hope that she could find it in her heart to love him, though. Hawk had heard the old hurt in her voice when she told him how the small glass flower had gotten chipped, when he had sent her away for reasons he still was shamed to recall.

    Eryn watched as Hawk was lost in thought, wondering if he would reach out to Sora. She had seen the quick glances, the small touches and hidden blushes between Hawk and Sora, both trying not to let the other see anything, and forgetting that Eryn was there. In her heart, Eryn could only offer a small prayer to Hanali Celanil that love would grow if it was meant to be. Sora would be a fine daughter, if she and Hawk ever found their way back to each other. But that was in hands other than hers right now, and Eryn gave Hawk's hair a last stroke before standing.

    "I need to see to a few things. I'll be back shortly, utinuamin, and we'll get you out of bed for a bit." Eryn pressed a kiss to her eldest's brow and left, hoping to find Satoshi.

    Kansas stood bathed in the dawn light, his arms raised to the new sun, Erion wrapped around his back with his hand firmly closed around Kansas's cock and stroking languidly. Erion's own hard cock was pressed firmly against Kansas's ass, and he buried his face in Kansas's thick hair and breathed in the scent of his lover, his heart light. Erion could feel the sun's first rays replenishing Kansas, restoring his beloved's strength and he offered his own prayers of thanks to Corellon Larethian for his grace, and to Rillifane Rallathil for the glories of the world around them, and to Aerdrie Faenya for the gentle breeze that caressed them as they each worshiped in their own way. When the sun was fully over the horizon, Kansas turned and pulled Erion into a heated kiss, guiding him back to their bed to complete their worship, their bodies already twining together in the familiar way as they made love, Erion crying out in bliss as he rode Kansas's cock, Kansas stroking Erion's cock lovingly, until they spilled together, their souls one.

    Satoshi woke when Ryuu pounced on the bed, his beautiful brown eyes bright as he launched himself into his chichi. Sand was pressed against Satoshi's back, and Ryuu peered over Satoshi's shoulder at his tousan as Sand's blue eyes blinked and then focused on Ryuu, his lips immediately curving into a smile. Sand shifted, and Satoshi rolled over with Ryuu in his arms, and they made a small warm place between them for Ryuu to nestle as the room brightened in the growing sunlight. Ryuu was happy to snuggle quietly for a few minutes, and then his stomach growled very loudly.

    "Now I know you are a dragon," Sand laughed. "You have a mighty roar already," he teased gently, nuzzling Ryuu's hair.

    Satoshi laughed as well, kissing Ryuu. "Go find Taren and have some breakfast, watashi no ryu. Tousan and I will be right down."

    "You better hurry, because I think buronzudoragon might eat everything up today," Ryuu giggled as he slid out of bed and ran down to the kitchen for hugs and food from Taren.

    Sand pulled Satoshi into a tender kiss once Ryuu had left, his fingers stroking through Satoshi's amethyst hair. "Good morning, cormamin. I do not think I will ever get enough of waking beside you, and seeing you bathed in the light like this."

    Satoshi blushed furiously, but he returned the kiss. "Keep telling me that, and one day my head will blow up from being so swollen," Satoshi mumbled, but he gave Sand such a perfectly beautiful smile, just grateful to have Sand safely beside him. "We should hurry downstairs. Ryuu will want to see Hawk, I'm sure, and we all have to bathe first."

    "Mmm, yes," Sand agreed, his fingers straying down to toy with Satoshi's nipple rings as he nibbled on Satoshi's pierced lower lip. "We should hurry." Sand pressed his hips forward, his thick cock pressing against Satoshi's groin.

    Satoshi moaned and reached down to grab Sand's ass, strong fingers gripping the cheeks firmly as Satoshi ground back into Sand, his cock just as hard as he wrapped his leg over Sand's hip. Satoshi moaned as Sand's fingers breached his ass, coaxing his tight little pucker to loosen. Sand kissed Satoshi, plundering his mouth as he he groped for lube, slicking his cock before pressing it against Satoshi's pucker. Satoshi mewled as Sand pressed in, slowly and steadily, working his thick cock into Satoshi's sweet ass with loving care and giving Satoshi a moment to adjust before Sand began to move. Satoshi's cock lay between them, and Sand let one hand drift down to stroke Satoshi, watching as Satoshi flushed in arousal. Sand was tender but relentless, his cock gliding over Satoshi's prostate with every thrust, his fingers deft on Satoshi's cock, and Satoshi felt his balls tighten and draw up. Satoshi moaned into Sand's mouth as they kissed, and then he came, painting their bellies with cum as Sand let out a soft cry and filled Satoshi's ass, both of them reveling in the sweet bliss of their release.

    "So much for hurrying," Satoshi managed to get out, his breathing still a bit ragged.

    "Oh? I thought that was practically hasty, for us," Sand replied, and he kissed Satoshi with all his love, celebrating another day with his beloved husband.

    When they got to the temple, Ryuu made a beeline for Hawk, who was sitting in a comfortable chair near an open window, enjoying the scented breezes. Hawk's face lit up when he saw Ryuu, and he made room for Ryuu on his lap, letting Ryuu check his wound and plant several healing kisses on Hawk's clean white bandages.

    Eryn came up behind Satoshi and laid a slim hand on his shoulder. "Ryuu has quite a gift for healing, you know."

    Satoshi turned and looked at Eryn, a little wide-eyed. "He's only three, Eryn. Who knows what he'll be when he grows up?" But Satoshi felt a huge surge of pride as he looked at Ryuu, his fingers surprisingly gentle as he peered at one of Hawk's smaller unbandaged wounds.

    Eryn chuckled a little. "I know, it seems so young an age to me as well. But Satoshi, my dear son by marriage, Ryuu reached out and connected with Hawk, and held him back from fading by speaking to him. He kept it up for so long, and that is why he nearly faded away himself afterward. He gave far too much of himself, but he never faltered. That is a healer's gift, and I only mention it because if he is interested in being a healer, I think he'd be extraordinary at it. His empathy and compassion are boundless."

    "Are you thinking he should be trained here?" Satoshi was both elated and terrified of the answer. He loved Evereska, with its kind people and its easy acceptance, but his heart was Japanese, and he knew he would never be able to give up his life in Japan so easily.

    "Oh, my dear, only if that was his wish, and not until he is grown." Eryn looked at Satoshi with great love for this man who loved her son so well, and who had brought such joy into her life. "Ryuu could train in your world as well, you know." Eryn patted his arm lightly. "Ryuu is an empath, and I suspect you are as well. Ryuu senses what people feel and need, and he takes their pain into himself, doesn't he? As you take the pain from him in turn. But tell me, Satoshi, who takes your pain?"

  6. Vale threw his arms around Yuji, burying his face in Yuji's thick hair. "Oh, a'maelamin, I am still yours, and I'm not ashamed of that, and I don't want to take off my collar. I'm proud to be yours." Vale sat back and covered Yuji's lips and cheeks with a wild flurry of kisses. "Oh, Seldarine, Yuji, I don't want to leave you."

    Vale rubbed at his eyes again. "I just... I wasn't thinking, or at least I wasn't thinking about the right things. I know Sand. He's not the kind to walk away from something because it's risky. And you're right, we would have heard if something went wrong. But what he did, Yuji... it wasn't just risky. It was fucking insane. It's hard to explain when you've never been a magic user, but what he did takes at least ten High Mages working together, linked mind to mind. And even then, the one that winds up as part of the Weave usually dies."

    "Oh, fuck, Vale," Yuji said, pulling his elf close. "I'd have been fucking terrified, too, but why didn't you tell me?"

    "Because," Vale murmured. "I wasn't sure after what he said. We were angry and we weren't watching what we said, but sometimes that's when it's most honest, when you're not thinking about what you say. And because it was right after the onsen..."

    Vale took Yuji's face between his hands, his green eyes locked on Yuji's perfect eyes. "Sometimes, the line between Vale and Akira blurs when I'm with you, and that's fine. It doesn't matter. But I don't want to be Akira for anyone else, at least not yet, not until I figure out how this works and learn to talk to you when I should. It was good that they witnessed my collaring, and I really did like the sex. Don't think I regret anything, because I don't. I just don't always know how it's supposed to work, and I'll be better about asking, even if I have to stop the game to ask."

    Yuji looked into Vale's eyes, seeing nothing but love and trust shining back at him, and he realized that he could feel more of Vale through his bond, the shields slowly coming down.

    "There's just one more thing, Yuji. When Sand was a part of the Weave? He made a new telkiira, and some of what he saw or touched in the Weave is in that telkiira. He's not just a High Mage or even an archmage anymore." Vale looked very serious for a moment. "For a few brief seconds, he was a fucking god."

  7. Vale looked at Yuji, startled, his green eyes wide. "I was trying to find stars. It's so hard to see the stars here." Vale looked around and seemed to finally realize that it was light out. "Hikaru! Oh, no," Vale moaned, starting to get up. His green eyes grew even wider when Yuji grabbed him and held him down.

    "Willow's got the babies this morning. We need to talk, Vale. You've been out here all night in the cold with practically nothing on. You're like fucking ice," Yuji said, choking back a sob.

    Vale reached out and touched Yuji's tears, his fingers icy. "I'm sorry." His own eyes welled and he threw his arms around Yuji. "You're cold, we should go in."

    "I'm cold? You're fucking frozen!" Yuji clung to Vale, his heart pounding. "Talk to me, Vale. No more bullshit."

    "Can we go get some tea?" Vale asked plaintively. "I promise, Yuji. I'll talk to you."

    Yuji led Vale back into the house, sitting him down and bringing him a cup of hot tea. Vale wrapped his long fingers around the mug and looked at Yuji, his green eyes dark.

    "I told you about the Weave, right? That's the source of all magic, and I can feel it, all the time, even here." Vale took a sip of tea. "I felt Sand when he was pulling on the Weave, doing whatever it was that he was doing yesterday."

    Yuji reached out and put a hand on Vale's arm.

    Vale took a deep breath. "Then, for just a few seconds, I could feel Sand in the Weave. Not just using it, but part of it. Yuji, that's not something a mortal being can handle. Only the gods can touch the Weave like that." Tears slid down Vale's cheeks. "I don't know if he made it out fast enough, whatever he was doing."

    "I think we would have heard if something was wrong," Yuji said gently, trying to reassure his elf.

    "That's not it!" Vale shook his head, his fingers tightening around his cup. "Why didn't he take me? I'm a fucking archmage, too, or did he forget that? He said I was acting like a Dockside trollop, he called me a great fuck." Vale dashed the back of his hand across his eyes. "Did he forget what I am, now that he found out I can take two cocks at once?"

  8. Sand had seen the way Ryuu's eyes lit up when Kansas mentioned swimming. He caught Satoshi's eye and lifted an elegant eyebrow, already becoming quite fluent in the sort of silent communication that parents used across the Multiverse. Satoshi responded with a quick nod, and scooped Ryuu up, reminding the small dragon that he needed a bath, and suggesting that perhaps the Pond would be quiet enough for a swim as well.

    Ryuu was suddenly more than eager for a bath, and Sand and Satoshi were able to get him bathed and dressed in record time. Ryuu insisted on walking between his fathers, holding hands and chattering non-stop about the Pond and Hawk and the joke he had played on Eryn that morning in his usual mixture of English, Japanese and elven. Almost everyone who passed had to smile at Ryuu's obvious joy, and the quiet looks of pride on his fathers' faces.

    When they reached the Pond, it was nearly empty, only one couple lazing at the far end, and Sand quickly stripped and helped Ryuu to undress as well. Satoshi was a little slower to undress fully, and he did slip into the water very quickly, but he beamed as Ryuu jumped in eagerly, swimming like a little fish as Sand dove after Ryuu, cutting cleanly through the water and coming up beside the delighted boy. Ryuu quickly pounced on Sand, and they fell into a game of water tag, giggling and splashing merrily. Satoshi had found a comfortable spot to sit, submerged to just above his waist, laughing at the antics of his husband and son. A few times Ryuu got a mouthful of water, but when Sand showed him how to make a whale's spout, even that became part of the game.

    The couple at the far end had left while Sand and Ryuu were playing, smiling and waving farewell, and Ryuu challenged Sand to a race to see who could reach Satoshi first. Ryuu tried to dunk Sand, and Sand scooped Ryuu up and Tossed him into the air, letting him come down with a wonderful splash while Sand made sure he did not go too deep under the water. They finally did make it over to Satoshi, and Sand gave his husband a breathless kiss, his face radiant.

    "Will you come swim with us, cormamin?" Sand asked, sluicing back his streaming mane of hair.

    Satoshi just smiled a little. "I'm not really a swimmer."

    Sand just leaned in and kissed Satoshi again. "Just float with me a bit, right here, where it is not so deep. It is quite like your Zen meditation, you know. You just relax and let everything float away as the water lifts you."

    Satoshi let Sand lead him in a few more steps, and then he leaned back as Sand directed, feeling Sand's strong arm beneath his shoulders. Satoshi reached for his inner calm, taking deep breath and letting it out, and he felt the water begin to lift him up a little. Sand floated beside him, one arm still beneath Satoshi in a silent gesture of support, and they floated in the shallow water in perfect harmony for a few minutes, until Ryuu decided that there had been enough tranquility. Ryuu pounced on Sand with a shriek of glee, pointing up at the cliffs.

    "I can jump from there!" Ryuu squinted up at the cliffs, his eyes glowing. Satoshi was standing again, and he looked up with trepidation.

    "Well, then, come with me, sochi-chan. We will see if you are tall enough yet." Sand scooped Ryuu up and made his way out of the Pond, stopping by a beautiful blue-green column of stone. There was a shimmering blaze of crystals that traveled horizontally across the stone, and Sand set Ryuu down so that his back was against the column. "Stand very tall, now."

    Ryuu stood as tall as he could, and Sand placed the side of his hand against the stone. Ryuu jumped back to look, and his face fell. Sand's hand was well below the line of crystal.

    "Very soon, my dragon," Sand said. "You are growing so fast, and you will be that tall quite soon."

    Ryuu looked a little mutinous, and Sand scooped him up again and took him up the path to the tops of the cliffs. When Ryuu looked over the edge, the water seemed very, very far away, and his grip on Sand's neck tightened just a little.

    "It is a long way down, is it not? Those crystals are how we tell when an elfling is ready to jump off the cliffs and into the Pond. Your sobo measured me there, when I was an elfling." Sand nuzzled Ryuu. "But I do know some very nice rocks that make a good place to dive off. Hawk showed me these rocks when I was not quite tall enough to reach the crystals myself."

    "I can jump there!" Ryuu decided with glee, and Sand took him back down the path and over to some flat rocks that were perfect for diving off if one was a small dragon. Ryuu shrieked and dove and swam some more, until even he was too exhausted to swim any longer. Satoshi dried him off and helped him to dress, and Sand and Satoshi followed suit. Ryuu wanted Satoshi to carry him, nuzzling into Satoshi's neck with a barely hidden yawn as he announced, "When I am bigger, I will dive off the cliffs. I am one-third elf so I can do it."

    Sand and Satoshi managed not to laugh, not even a giggle.

    Sora had packed quickly, not needing much beyond a few dresses, some small toiletries and her favorite brush. Santhiel walked her to the Academy of Magic, hugging her as she prepared to go through the portal to Neverwinter. So many of Sora's life changes had come about because of portals, and it seemed only fitting that another portal heralded change. Sora smiled a little to herself, confounding the mage who waited patiently for her to step into the shimmering opening. Lifting her chin. Sora stepped through.

    Sora emerged in the Cloaktower, blinking a little at the brighter room. Nathe was standing there, and bowed respectfully.

    "My lady Sora, how very nice to meet you. I am Nathe, Vale's second. I'd be delighted to escort you to the house here in Neverwinter, and from there, you can access the portal to Tokyo at your leisure." Nathe offered his arm, and Sora took it with a bemused smile as Nathe continued. "My wife asked Beredir, proprietor of The Greymist, to have a meal waiting for you at the house should you wish to eat. Beredir grew up with Master Sand."

    Sora looked at the moon elf. "Oh, that seems a lot of trouble to go to."

    "Beredir was delighted to help. If you are ever here in Neverwinter, Beredir looks after the house when everyone is away. He has a key for you to keep, since you a part of the family." Nathe led Sora down the stairs and out into the busy afternoon streets of Neverwinter, so many more people that she had become accustomed to seeing in Evereska, but still far less than Tokyo. Sora smiled a little, both excited and nervous about returning to the place where she had spent more than half her years thus far.

    Sora blinked a little when Nathe stopped in front of a large house with extensive gardens. "This is the little place in Neverwinter?" Sora asked, using Sand's casual description with more than a touch of sarcasm. Granted, Eryn's home was larger, but that was an ancestral home, and Eryn barely used half of it most of the time. Sora could not imagine rattling around this place by herself.

    Nathe opened the door and handed Sora the key with another smile. Then he showed Sora where the portal was, and how to use the portal key to open it, and departed. Sora wandered into the kitchen, and found the meal Beredir had left for her. Her habit of not wasting things led her to sit and eat, although she was so deep in thought that she barely tasted a bite. So many changes, and perhaps new challenges lay on the other side of the portal, and Sora was ready for whatever awaited her.

    Yuji woke, surprised to find himself alone in bed. Vale had been in bed when Yuji fell asleep, but although it was still dark, the elf was gone and the bed was cold. Yuji reached for his pajama pants and a t-shirt, and padded off in search of his elf. Vale's reaction to Sand's decision to go without him had worried Yuji, but he had thought Vale was feeling better.

    Yuji found Vale in the garden, wearing only his pajama bottoms, oblivious to the chill in the air. Vale was smoking a cigarette, and he looked up with a small smile when Yuji sat beside him, reaching for the cigarettes and lighting one.

    "What's wrong, a'maelamin?" Yuji asked, blowing out a plume of smoke. "Did you have trouble reaching reverie?" He reached out through their bond, but Vale felt curiously muted, as though Vale had raised his shields a bit. Yuji knew Vale had felt his probing, but the elf did not lower his shields as he normally would have done. Yuji looked down at the ashtray, even more uneasy when he saw the number of spent cigarettes crushed out in it. He laid a hand on Vale's shoulder, shocked to find that the elf felt ice cold.

    "How long have you been out here?" Yuji asked, putting his arms around Vale.

    Vale's small smile did not waver. "I don't know, really. I couldn't reverie just yet, so I thought I would stargaze a bit." Vale stubbed out his cigarette. He immediately lit another, to Yuji's chagrin.

    "Something is wrong," Yuji insisted. "You're freezing, and you're smoking worse than I do."

    "I'm alright, really. I just needed a few minutes to think, I suppose." Vale inhaled deeply, holding the smoke in his lungs before exhaling. "Go back to bed, love. I'll be there in a bit."

    "Are you sure?" Yuji ran his hand along Vale's cheek, looking into Vale's eyes, but the gloom of the night made them unreadable.

    "I'm sure." Vale pressed a kiss into the palm of Yuji's hand. Yuji looked at Vale for a moment longer, but the elf had turned his face back to the sky, searching for stars.

    But in the morning, Yuji was still alone in the bed, and when he looked out the window, Vale was still in the garden, his face turned up to the sky.

  9. Eryn woke as Ryuu padded off, and she smiled a little as she watched him go. Here, in Corellon's temple, no harm would come to him, and anyone who met him would treat him with gentle respect and kindness. There was no need to fear, and Eryn tossed back the quilts, giggling at little as the remnants of Ryuu's awakening drifted up to her. Eryn found it oddly comforting to realize that small boys were no different from small elflings in most respects.

    Eryn bathed quickly, brushed her sensibly shoulder-length hair briskly and dressed in her robes of office. She knew Hawk had to be doing better, or she would have been roused from her reverie, and she was fairly sure Ryuu was on his way to find Hawk. He had the soul of a healer, and was as devoted as any of her clerics when it came to caring for his charge. She smiled as she headed out to find breakfast and relieve Sora, offering a quick prayer of thanks to Hanali for her devoted child. Sora was a dear and trusted friend, and her help was both welcomed and deeply cherished.

    Eryn broke her fast with her customary brisk efficiency, tea and some bread with honey sufficient to restore Eryn's energy. She made her way to Hawk's room, running into Kansas and Erion on the way.

    "Good morning, my darlings." Eryn hugged and kissed them both, and then looked at Kansas with a small frown. "Sochi-chan, forgive me but you look like rothe shit. Did you sleep at all?"

    Kansas flushed a little, and gave Eryn a sheepish grin. "I'm a little tired, jitsubo, that's all. It was hard to unwind enough to sleep."

    Eryn arched a delicate eyebrow. "Then Erion's falling down on the job, yes?" She laid a hand on Kansas's forehead, and the headache eased a bit. Eryn then gave Erion a small swat on the arm. "Wear him out tonight, would you? In fact, why don't you eat, take a peek at Hawk, and then go swim? It'll do you both good. Food is through that door, and then follow this hall to the end and turn left. Hawk is in the first room."

    Erion and Kansas headed in to find breakfast, Erion's stomach growling at the smells of food. He all but moaned with happiness as he inhaled, smelling fried celarta with browned-honey sauce, and secirna porridge with ram berries and sweet cream. Kansas was feeling well enough to eat something after Eryn's quick healing, and he let Erion talk him into some grilled trout with rice and some of the salty red dakesi that Kansas liked so much. Erion fetched them both tea and large glasses of chilled juice. Kansas ate a bit, watching Erion devour his meal with the appetite reserved for young elves, and he even tried some of Erion's celarta, which tasted a lot like apple. After Erion had polished off a second bowl of porridge and two sweet rolls, they headed down the hall in search of Hawk's room, Kansas still quiet and subdued, and Erion watching him carefully.

    Hawk's eyes focused a bit, losing the dreaminess that marked reverie, and he shifted a little in the bed. A very subdued shriek greeted his movement, and Hawk turned his head to see a beaming Ryuu, and Hawk smiled, his face lighting up.

    "Hawk otooji!" Ryuu managed not to quite pounce on Hawk, but he did wriggle closer, his sweet hand resting on Hawk's forehead for a moment.

    "I see you're still watching out for me," Hawk said. "Thank you, my little dragon."

    Ryuu's face got very stern for a moment. "You scared us, otooji. I was very worried, and so was chichi and tousan and both my oniisan and sobo and Sora hibaba. It's good that gifu and keifu and mama and imouto and otoutu didn't come to be worried too."

    Hawk exchanged a very quick look with Sora and then arranged his face in a suitably repentant manner. "I am very sorry, Ryuu, for worrying so many people. I promise I won't be so silly anymore."

    Ryuu broke into a sunny grin, flinging his arms around Hawk. "It's okay, otooji. I saved you some breakfast."

    Eryn walked in as Sora and Ryuu were helping Hawk to sit up, Ryuu fluffing the pillows with a vigor and enthusiasm that was most impressive. Eryn's smile was radiant as she looked at her firstborn, his color so much better and his face not nearly as drawn as it had been. The sheets had slipped down, and the wounds on his chest still looked tender, but there was no sign of infection, and Hawk's breathing was steady and not strained. Sora looked surprisingly alert as well, the night sitting up with Hawk seeming to have done her no harm. Eryn looked at Sora for a moment, and then shook her head, sure she was just imagining the slightly pink tinge to Sora's cheeks, and the way Hawk's eyes seemed drawn to Sora. All those weddings had addled her, Eryn decided briskly.

    "You look much better, utinuamin," Eryn said, leaning in to kiss Hawk's cheek. She gently probed his wounds, well pleased with the healing thus far. "I'd prefer to let this heal a bit naturally, and then perhaps the springs to deal with any scarring."

    Hawk kissed Eryn's cheek in his turn. "And anything that keeps me in bed and off patrol for a while works for you, atara." Hawk's eyes were bright. "I have a new personal healer, though, don't I, Ryuu?"

    "Has your brother been by yet?" Eryn asked, her busy fingers teasing through Hawk's hair, coaxing out a few tangles from the raven silk.

    Hawk chuckled a bit. "Sand? Up before mid-morning? Atara, he's a slug before the nooning, you know that."

    "So's Satoshi," Sora said lightly. "They're well suited that way as well."

    "Chichi and tousan always try to stay in bed. I wake them up every morning," Ryuu confirmed brightly.

    Hawk chuckled again, pulling Ryuu into a hug. "So, atara, I know you well enough to know you've already been plotting where I should recuperate, since you want me to heal gradually."

    Eryn smiled at Hawk. "Always cheeky, you and Sand both. But yes, I have been thinking about that very thing. Evereska is not the place for you to rest. You'll be pestering Santhiel for news and being restless and irritable at not being allowed to return to patrols."

    Sora looked a little surprised. The Hawk she remembered would have been more upset at not being able to flit from tavern to tavern, making conquests among the younger elves without effort. Still, it had been a long time that she was away, and even Hawk could have changed, a little.

    "I've been thinking about asking Sand to take you to Tokyo. I think that's far enough away from the Anauroch for my comfort." Eryn waited for the explosion she was sure would follow. Instead, Hawk looked thoughtful.

    "I'm not sure that's such a bad idea," Hawk admitted. "Even in Neverwinter, I'd hear what was going on in Evereska. And to tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind putting some distance between me and the Anauroch for a time."

    "I wouldn't mind going with Hawk, to keep an eye on his healing." Sora could not believe those words had actually left her lips, but she continued gamely. "I know the language and the city. I lived more of my life there than here, after all. I could be a lot more useful than someone who didn't know their way around."

    Eryn looked at Sora, mildly surprised. "That is very true, my dear, but are you sure? You still have family there, and not all of them know you are still alive."

    Sora made a dismissive gesture. "I'd love to see Hideko and Tsutomo, and Tomio and little Sora. And I do miss Yuji and Willow and the children. The rest don't need to know a thing."

    "I think it is a marvelous idea, atara." Sand stood in the doorway, his arm around Satoshi, looking remarkably well rested and refreshed. "Do you agree, cormamin?"

    Satoshi smiled at Sora. "I think it's perfect. Yuji and Willow and Vale will be so happy, Sora hibaba, and I know we have more than enough room for you and for Hawk."

    Ryuu gave a happy yelp of agreement and flung himself into Satoshi's arms, pulling Sand over for a hug as well. "Otooji can share my room!"

    Eryn gave Sand and Satoshi a radiant smile. "Wonderful! I think Hawk will need a couple more days before he can travel back, if you can stay."

    Kansas and Erion walked in, and Erion looked delighted to see Hawk sitting up. The young elf bounded over to his uncle and hugged him carefully.

    "You will love Tokyo, Uncle Hawk! Oh, wait until you see my bike," Erion grinned. "I don't have a license yet, but Satoshi has a bike, too, and it's amazingly..." Erion stopped, blushed, and started to laugh. "It's fast!"

    Kansas smiled a little, still looking tired and pale. "I think I could use a couple of days here myself."

    Erion turned around, looking instantly concerned. "Are you still having a headache, 'lokiamin? Atararim, is there anything you can do for Kansas?"

    Eryn looked at Kansas, holding out her arms. "Oh, sochi-chan. Drink this, my dearest." She offered Kansas a healing potion as she pulled him into a loving hug, reaching up to kiss his forehead. "Then go swim a bit with Erion. It helps to soak a bit in the warm water."

    Kansas returned the hug, reveling for a moment in the feeling of being so thoroughly loved and of belonging so completely to a family. He did not think he would ever get so used to this that he would take it for granted, but it was just as good as being in Erion's arms every night.

    "Thank you, jitsubo," Kansas said, hugging Eryn back tightly. "I will. I'm feeling better already." He looked at Eryn, his smile a little stronger this time, and then he took his turn in giving Hawk a hug. "It's good to see you in one piece."

    "Thank you." Hawk pulled Kansas in for a tight hug. "You pulled me out, and I owe you so much, toror'amin, my brother. I love you."

  10. Sand and Satoshi wandered off to the room Eryn had told them to use, Sand's good arm around Satoshi. Eryn was utterly beyond healing anyone at this point, and Sand had insisted on a healing potion instead of waking another cleric, but the wound had been deep enough that even with the potion, it would leave some new scars. Sand seemed utterly unconcerned, but Satoshi shivered a bit when he remembered how deeply the phaerimm had torn into Sand.

    It was over, though, and Sand had managed to pull off whatever it was he had pulled off. Satoshi was still not entirely sure about what he had seen, other than watching Sand battle the phaerimm with sword and spells. The rest, well, Satoshi did not quite understand what had happened, other than thinking he had lost Sand for a few minutes, when the column of light had seemed to consume Sand. The only thing that had kept Satoshi from losing his mind entirely was that Sand's body was warm and breathing steadily in his arms the entire time.

    "So," Sand murmured, amused. "I am a bat shit crazy idiot mage, am I?"

    Satoshi blushed a little, but his arm tightened around Sand. "That's my bat shit crazy idiot mage. Get it right," he said with a small giggle.

    Sand laughed, such a bright sound that Satoshi's heart soared. "I am actually quite surprised that went as well as it did. I had a few small concerns about getting back out of the telkiira, and it seems Santhiel was right after all."

    "What?" Satoshi stopped walking for a moment, looking at Sand with a mixture of indignation and horror. "What was Santhiel right about? What concerns?"

    Sand stroked Satoshi's cheek gently, his blue eyes full of love. "I was, for a brief moment, a living mythal. A most peculiar sensation, actually, to be a part of the Weave itself. I do not know how it appeared to you, though."

    Satoshi actually could not speak for a moment, and he tugged Sand forward again, leading him into the room. Sand was still in just his breeches and boots, and Satoshi was wearing only his cargos and boxers, so undressing took moments. Sand pulled back the quilts and fluffed the pillows, sliding onto the bed with a sigh of contentment.

    Satoshi sat crosslegged on the bed, looking at Sand while he tried to find the words he needed. "You fought the phaerimm, and you were magnificent, poldoramin. I only saw your defense before, never when you were on the attack. It was incredible. But then you split the telkiira and you crushed it, and there was a column of white light and you were gone. All I could do was ask you to come home." Satoshi's eyes welled, and the tears spilled down his cheeks.

    Sand sat up, wrapping his arms around Satoshi, kissing away the tears. "I felt you the entire time, cormamin. I felt your love around me like the strongest shield imaginable. As incredible as it was to be part of the Weave, it was not home, and it was not you. I shed all that with joy, knowing you were waiting for me."

    Satoshi sobbed, his mouth finding Sand's mouth, and he kissed Sand with all the love he had for his elf. Sand opened into the kiss eagerly, letting Satoshi plunder his mouth, his long fingers buried in Satoshi's amethyst hair and his tongue teasing the piercings of Satoshi's lower lip. Satoshi ran his hands along Sand's back, over the thick and faded scars, feeling the silken heat of Sand against him, and his cock ached with the need to be buried in Sand.

    Sand fell back onto the bed, pulling Satoshi on top of him, his own cock just as hard and needy as he parted his thighs, letting Satoshi grind against him as he arched into Satoshi. "Love me?" Sand asked, breathless from their kiss, his bond wide open and Satoshi moaned, rubbing his cock against Sand's cock. He could feel Sand's weariness through the bond, but most of all Satoshi felt that burning love, and Sand's desire to be taken by his husband.

    Satoshi nibbled the shell of Sand's ear, letting his pierced lip scrap along the sensitive edge, and Sand moaned in delight, his cock jumping a little where it pressed against Satoshi. Sand's head fell back, and Satoshi quickly turned his attention to the pale skin under Sand's jaw, licking the spot where his pulse beat steadily under translucent skin. Satoshi seized the spot in his teeth, worrying it and sucking hard, until he tasted the faint tang of Sand's blood, Sand purring in delight as he was claimed and marked.

    Sand's fingers had found Satoshi's nipple rings, and Sand tugged and twisted until he had guided Satoshi over him, Sand's mouth covering one tender nipple and sucking as his tongue toyed with the nipple ring. Satoshi mewled in pleasure when Sand caught the ring between his teeth and tugged sharply, the sensation running straight to Satoshi's cock, and a small amount of precum spilled onto Sand's belly. Sand switched his attention to the other nipple, teasing it to hardness.

    Satoshi moved higher, his cock pressing against Sand's lips and demanding entrance, and Sand parted his lips, his tongue dancing out to swipe at the head of Satoshi's cock, the tongue stud teasing at the slit as Sand laved away the precum. Sand slid his mouth over Satoshi's cock, his tongue flattening as his tongue stud pressed against the tender cleft first, and then along the underside of Satoshi's cock as he slicked his husband. At the same time, Sand reached behind himself, pressing two long fingers into his own ass, loosening himself a bit.

    Satoshi reluctantly pulled out of Sand's mouth, knowing that both of them were far too exhausted for prolonged play and wanting to love Sand before they both fell into much needed rest. Satoshi pressed a little on the base of his cock, feeling the urgency recede a bit, and he moved between Sand's legs after retrieving a tube of lube from the pocket of his cargoes. Satoshi slicked his cock quickly, and hooked his arms beneath Sand's knees, bringing the elf's legs up and back, parting his thighs and leaving him wide open. Sand moaned a little as Satoshi pressed the head of his cock against Sand's tight pucker, and Sand bucked his hips a bit to urge Satoshi on. Satoshi pressed forward, the head of his cock stretching Sand open as Satoshi pressed into the heat of Sand's ass with a groan of utter bliss.

    Sand was tight, and eager, his hips bucking to take Satoshi in to the very hilt, and Sand wriggled as Satoshi's balls snugged up against his ass. Satoshi looked down at the flushed cheeks of his husband, Sand's ear tips rosy with his arousal, and his lips parted in a wanton little moan, and Satoshi withdrew a little before slamming home, hitting Sand's prostate dead on and making Sand gasp and arch beneath him. It was not often that Sand was this yielding, and Satoshi found that he enjoyed the chance to plunder his elf. Satoshi set a steady pace, not pounding Sand through the mattress, but fast enough to have Sand writhing beneath him, Sand's cock weeping precum liberally onto his own belly.

    "Touch yourself for me," Satoshi murmured, watching Sand's face and reveling in the joy he saw there. Satoshi was close, his belly already tight with heat, and he watched as Sand wrapped long fingers around his own cock, stroking it firmly, his blue eyes fixed on Satoshi's gorgeous brown eyes. Through their bond, Satoshi could feel how close Sand was, his balls tight and heavy, and then he was flooded with the ecstasy of Sand's orgasm as Sand gasped, thick ropes of cum splattering both their chests and stomachs liberally. Sand's ass, already tight, closed around Satoshi's cock even more, and Satoshi moaned loudly as his balls drew up sharply. Satoshi shuddered as he spilled, spurt after spurt of cum filling Sand's ass, Sand clamped around Satoshi's cock like a velvet vise.

    Satoshi slumped forward, releasing Sand's legs and letting himself rest on that strong chest, feeling their hearts hammering into each other. Sand nudged Satoshi's head up, kissing Satoshi with fierce passion, breaking the kiss only long enough to murmur, "Amin mela lle, ten'oio, cormamin, iluveamin."

    "Amin mela lle, ten'oio, poldoramin, coiamin," Satoshi replied, feeling all the tension gone and the sweet urge to sleep stealing over him. Satoshi waited, though, until Sand had slipped into reverie, a blissful smile on his lips and his arms around Satoshi. Satoshi watched for a few moments until his eyes closed, and he slept curled tightly against Sand.

    Ryuu barely stirred as Eryn scooped him up, heading to the bedroom she kept at the temple. She slipped behind a screen and put on a nightshift, and then carefully eased Ryuu's shirt and pants off, letting him curl up beneath the quilts in his t-shirt and underpants. Eryn slipped in beside him and gathered her beloved grandson close, holding the small warm body tenderly and pressing a kiss to his thick hair. He had been so brave and so strong, her Ryuu, and Eryn made a mental note to speak to Satoshi in the morning about Ryuu's abilities. But Eryn knew, in her heart, that Hawk would have been lost to them if Ryuu had not reached out and touched his soul, and she held this most precious child close as she fell into reverie, smiling as she heard the sound of a small bronze dragon sucking the tip of his tail in his sleep.

    Sora sat beside Hawk, looking at the sharp planes of his face, so familiar even after all the years that had passed. Reverie had smoothed some of the lines of pain away, and Eryn's healing prayers had closed the worst of the wounds, but Hawk would be weak for some time to come. Sora wondered if Hawk would stay here in Evereska to recuperate, or if he would head to Neverwinter, or even to Tokyo. The thought of Hawk leaving made Sora's throat tighten a bit, and her cheeks flushed as she imagined Eryn's reaction if she asked to go with Hawk. Sora shook her head a little, amused at the turn her thoughts were taking, and she gently wiped Hawk's forehead with the cool water, scented with the healing herbs that had been infused in it. Hawk stirred slightly, and smiled a little, his reverie taking him to better places than where he had been so recently, and for that Sora was grateful.

    Her thoughts turned to Satoshi, and how magnificently he had supported Sand as Sand fought the phaerimm for his brother's soul. Satoshi had changed, even since the wedding, and he was stronger and much more confident than he had been since she left Tokyo. He was as much hers as Yuji or Hideko, and to see him like this made her heart soar. Eryn's youngest had always been kind, and she had remembered him with affection for his friendship when she was young. What made her happy was how well Sand loved her Satoshi, and how happy Satoshi was with Sand.

    On that pleasant thought, Sora settled in with a cup of hot tea, and prepared to watch over Hawk as he lay in his reverie. When Hawk's hand crept across the bed, she reached out without thinking and held it, feeling an unexpected surge of emotion as his fingers closed gently around her hand.

  11. Hawk stirred again, hearing Kansas's anguished cry about Ryuu. It took a moment for the exhausted elf to recollect who Ryuu was, and then he remembered that small hand in his, and the sweet pure voice like a silver bell that had guided him back from the void. Hawk could not open his eyes, but he shifted a little and felt the small body curled up next to him. Hawk's fingers twitched, and the small hand was still there.

    Hawk reached out and realized he could touch Ryuu's mind still, that the sweet boy had never closed his link to Hawk. Hawk smiled and gently coaxed Ryuu into his reverie, delighted when the small boy looked up at him, their soul-selves holding hands and walking in the gardens of Evereska.

    "Hello, Ryuu," Hawk said, smiling at the small boy and leading him to a bench. They seated themselves, and Hawk reached for a picnic basket that was waiting for them on the bench. "You tell wonderful stories, do you know that?"

    Ryuu beamed at Hawk. "I like stories, Hawk otooji." He accepted a plump juicy strawberry and nibbled on it happily. "Do you tell stories too?"

    Hawk laughed, delighted. "Your atar Sand would say that I tell too many stories. Shall I tell you some stories, Ryuu?"

    Ryuu nodded eagerly and curled up next to Hawk, his eyes bright. "Are they stories about tousan?"

    "Would you like them to be?" Hawk laughed again as Ryuu clapped. "Let me see. Ah, this one you will like. When tousan was still an elfling, he already showed a talent for magic, and he decided that he wanted to summon a companion. Wizards can do that, you know. They keep magical pets that help them with their magic. Your tousan decided that he wanted a faerie dragon."

    Because this was reverie, and things worked that way, a picture book appeared, and Hawk opened it to a picture of a faerie dragon, its delicate wings and elegant whiskers and shimmering scales beautifully drawn. Ryuu squealed happily as he held the book.

    "Did tousan get one?" Ryuu asked, enchanted.

    "Well, tousan read many books, and studied spells, and he was very sure he could do it." Hawk started to laugh again. "He got everything he was supposed to have, and he set himself up and he began his spell. He read the words very carefully, and he used all the things in the right order. There was a big puff of smoke, and when it cleared, sitting in the middle of the table, was a very fat little frog with butterfly wings."

    Ryuu looked at Hawk somewhat dubiously, even though he was giggling. He sipped sweet fruit juice and nibbled on a lovely sandwich as he listened.

    "You can ask atararim if you don't believe me. And this frog was positively awful. He croaked all the time, and it was such a screechy croak that he would get hiccups." Hawk was smiling as he remembered. "And when he hiccuped, sparkles would come out of his nose. He was too fat to fly, so he would flap his wings and hop, which made the sparkles go everywhere. I think atararim was hoping he would run away, but he didn't."

    Ryuu was belly laughing at this point, trying to picture his tousan with this fat silly frog. "What happened?"

    "There was an older wizard that was visiting, and he saw this silly frog. He was most impressed and curious, and so he asked if he could take the frog and study him." Hawk carefully wiped Ryuu's face and scooped him up into his arms. "Tousan wanted to say no, but atararim convinced him it was a good thing to do, so the wizard could learn from tousan and his magic."

    Ryuu yawned as Hawk lifted him up, smiling as Ryuu nuzzled into his neck. "It's been a long day. Shall we go home and take a nap? When we wake up, I bet Taren will have some goodies for us."

    "I like that, otooji," Ryuu murmured.

    Hawk walked through the gardens until he was sure that Ryuu was in a proper sleep, and then he gently eased them out of the communing, letting himself slip into reverie and keeping his link to Ryuu open.

    When Kansas screamed, Satoshi sat up, his beautiful eyes wide with fear. Santhiel moaned in anguish, seeing the little bronze dragon that was Ryuu's soul light fading, as Satoshi all but flew to Ryuu's side, Sand right behind him, all exhaustion forgotten. Satoshi went to pick Ryuu up, until he saw Hawk's hand twitch, and close very gently around Ryuu's hand.

    "What's happening?" Satoshi asked, his voice low and filled with fear. Sand wrapped his arms around Satoshi, tears filling his eyes.

    "Wait," Eryn said. "Hawk is linking to Ryuu. Their souls have been touching all this time. Ryuu was talking to Hawk, and telling him stories." Eryn looked at Santhiel. "Watch for his soul light. I think Hawk is trying to commune with Ryuu."

    Satoshi sobbed, the beginnings of hope stirring in his chest, and Sand stroked his amethyst hair tenderly. "I will go in if I need to," Sand whispered.

    "You're half dead with exhaustion," Satoshi murmured back. "You'll kill yourself."

    "He's our son, cormamin," Sand said, his eyes never leaving Ryuu.

    Satoshi just glared at Sand. "Put me in there with him. I'll find him."

    Sand nodded in agreement, to Satoshi's surprise. "Let Hawk try, and if he cannot reach Ryuu, I will put you in, with Santhiel."

    "Wait," Santhiel said, his expression brightening. "I think I see... yes! There is a small bronze dragon, faint but it is getting clearer. It looks... sleepy?" Santhiel sounded a bit surprised, and then he smiled.

    "What?" Satoshi demanded.

    "The dragon is curling up on Ryuu's chest and going to sleep, and I will swear by all the Seldarine that it is sucking its tail in its sleep," Santhiel replied, his face lighting up. "The dragon is very clear."

    Eryn nodded as well, her own face radiant. "Ryuu's sleeping, but he's here, and Hawk is in reverie, and the healing prayer is holding."

  12. Sand could feel the Weave coursing through him, burning its way through his veins, beautiful and terrible and far too much for any mortal to bear, and his mind latched on to that thought as he watched power dance to his will. I am mortal, an elf of Evereska. Sand focused his mind, pushing aside the dazzling strands of power that were so enticing. I can feel Satoshi. A stray strand rippled past and Sand pushed it almost casually into place before he willed himself to leave the heart of the Weave.

    Tatsuya stepped aside and Sand tumbled through the portal, his robes burned away by the Weave, his skin still glowing slightly. His blue eyes focused on Hawk, and his face lit up in a radiant smile as the portal winked out.

    "Toror'amin!" Sand threw his arms around Hawk, embracing his brother with a sob of pure joy. "Seldarine, I am glad to see you. Come, let me take you home." Sand turned to Tatsuya and bowed slightly. "Thank you, Tatsuya, for your help. We will leave your world, young god."

    As Sand brushed past Migime, the dragon let his tongue flicker out, catching a drop of Sand's blood on his tongue, golden eyes widening slightly. From behind him Nim'Cath rumbled, having shifted to his humanoid form, his blunt-fingered hands stroking Erion's shoulders as his tongue rasped the young elf's ear. Sand turned his head, his blue eyes amused as he regarded Migime, utterly unafraid as he strode to the edge of the obsidian slab and stepped off it into the waking world, Hawk's hand in his.

    Eryn knelt by Kansas, her fingers above the jagged wounds to his collarbone, a healing prayer spilling from her lips. Beloved as she was of Corellon, Eryn's spells were especially potent, and the flesh knit cleanly, no scarring left behind, but she could feel the heaviness in Kansas's lungs. Again she prayed, and Kansas leaned forward and coughed, the blood slipping forth and clearing his lungs. Eryn looked at Santhiel and nodded, letting him step forward and take the job of wiping the blood from his sons' skin.

    As Eryn hurried over to Ryuu's side again, she heard Satoshi scream, and she spun, her heart beating with painful slowness. She could see nothing wrong with Sand's body, and his breathing was still deep and even, his skin no paler than was normal for him. Satoshi regained his calm almost immediately, and Eryn nodded, unable to see what he saw, but knowing there was little she could do except care for those Sand loved. As Eryn settled next to Ryuu, she could have sworn she saw Hawk twitch. Ryuu shrieked in joy, and Eryn saw the movement again, and she let out a small scream of her own, her arms around Ryuu.

    Satoshi screamed as well, as Sand stiffened and then went limp in his arms, the elf's arm suddenly running with blood as three bone-deep gouges appeared in his pale flesh. Satoshi cradled Sand, tears running down his face as the elf's eyes fluttered open. Sand looked at Satoshi with the most radiant smile imaginable.

    "Cormamin, here I am, home to you as I said I would be. Amin mela lle, coiamin, iluveamin. I love you, my life, my everything." Sand pulled Satoshi into a kiss, his love flooding out to wrap Satoshi in its endless warmth.

  13. Hawk looked at Erion, still shaken by what he had witnessed between Tatsuya and Migime. Erion watched his uncle for a moment, his eyes fierce, and then he turned to the massive tiger beside him. "Nim'Cath, go. I will permit this."

    Hawk watched as the tiger moved, liquid grace, and began to lap at the blood that still trickled from beneath Tatsuya's collar. Tatsuya did not acknowledge the tiger in any way, but he permitted the touch, and Hawk shivered a little. He turned to look at what Tatsuya was so focused on and his blood ran cold as he saw Sand facing off against the phaerimm, alone. Sand was no longer toying with the phaerimm, his face set as he focused on whatever it was he was planning. Hawk turned back to Erion, distraught.

    "What is he planning?" Hawk asked, his eyes wide.

    Erion turned his fierce gaze on Hawk, his voice hard. "Be still. All will be explained later, but for now, I stand with my god."

    Within the telkiira, Sand had dropped all pretense of play. His face had hardened, and his dance shifted to a brutal offense, his runesword moving with deadly precision as he forced the phaerimm into the center of the grove, between the rooted arms. His free hand flickered,and the arms seized the phaerimm, vines erupting from the ground and wrapping around the conical body, immune to its life-devouring power.

    Sand looked at the phaerimm as he sheathed his runesword, his blue eyes like flames. "You were a fool to follow me here, and you will pay the price for your deeds." The air around Sand seemed to come alive, shimmering as he gathered all the magical energy that was the telkiira, his body glowing brighter and brighter. His hands flickered, and the entire grove warped and shifted, seeming smaller when it was done. Another flicker of those long fingers, and the grove groaned and shrank further, the phaerimm's screech almost drowned by the crackling of the magic all around Sand, magic that he was pulling into himself, his body growing almost painfully bright.

    Sand's back arched and he raised his hands above his head, his whole body taut, the movement tearing open the wound on his arm. The grove warped and shifted a final time, this time seeming to pull apart, becoming two separate groves, one holding the trapped phaerimm and one holding Sand, his body blazing with the raw energy of the Weave. Blood ran, crimson against the brilliant light of the elf's lean form, and the telkiira grove holding the phaerimm began to dwindle and shrink, growing progressively smaller, until it hung in the air, a bright pendant once again.

    Sand stretched out one hand slowly, fighting the tidal pull of the Weave, and called the small gem to him. As it fell into his hand, it exploded, violet light bursting out in all directions, and Sand was gone, nothing but a column of pure white light in his place.

    Tatsuya watched, impassive, as the elf disappeared. Behind him, Erion stood, stern and proud, one slim hand resting on Tatsuya's shoulder, all his attention focused on Tatsuya and the portal, which had begun to waver and weaken.

  14. Ok.. this one is not fic or review lated but I just have to share it.

    BronxWench and I were chatting on AIM the other day, the evening after Asraea killed Bob the shark and served him up as dinner in the ShoutBox.

    I had just eaten dinner, and BronxWench greets me back to the computer with...

    "Bob appetite."

    Made me giggle for days.

    But Bob was quite tasty... :rofl:

  15. Sand faced the phaerimm, the small secretive smile back on his face. As the phaerimm bled, small green plants grew where its blood fell. Try as it might, the phaerimm could not drain those plants of their life energy, and the enraged creature turned on Sand again.

    "Come, soul-thief. Our dance has only just begun. Surely you cannot be tired so soon?" Sand conjured another energy blade and sent it dancing toward the phaerimm. This time the phaerimm ignored the blade and launched itself through the air at Sand. As it hit Sand's shield, ripples of energy ran up its body and tore into the shield, devouring the arcane magic hungrily. Sand gestured with his free hand, and the energy blade bit into the phaerimm, while his runesword shimmered and flashed in a terrible arc, carving off another arm.

    The phaerimm let out a grating screech, its body writhing and bending in ways that did not seem possible, and its blood carved a smoking ruin across Sand's shield as the energy blade was absorbed into the monstrous creature. The ground beneath it was thick with new growth, more small green plants springing up, and Hawk's form grew more substantial.

    Sand let the shield dissipate altogether, and he loosed a bolt of glacial cold at the phaerimm, coating its body thickly with rime. Sand's runesword wove in front of him, keeping the creature at bay long enough for Sand to conjure a third blade that he sent spinning at the phaerimm. While the phaerimm dodged that blade, Sand gestured again and the phaerimm's severed arms rooted themselves in the ground, reaching up and sprouting bright green leaves. Each bit of new growth seemed to make Sand burn brighter, and the phaerimm's blood spawned more growth that could not sustain it, even as it devoured more and more of the plant life that it could use.

    Sand threw his head back and laughed, the sound surprisingly lighthearted, his raven hair floating around him in the air that fairly crackled with arcane power. The phaerimm screeched again, venom beginning to drip from its barbed tail, and it threw its conical body into a spiraling roll and launched at Sand.

    The new growth beneath Sand's feet was thicker, and the elf needed more caution as he danced across it, directing the energy blade to attack even as his runesword spun and parried. Sand spun past one of the rooted arms, his robe catching on it, and for a moment it looked as though the elf would stumble. The phaerimm drove toward Sand, its barbed tail stabbing at the elf, and Sand simply was not there. The rooted arm fastened itself around the phaerimm and clung, and several of the small green plants spawned from its blood erupted into a flurry of vines, fastening around the phaerimm. The energy blade drove into the phaerimm, and its screams of rage and pain tore at the air as it devoured that blade, gaining enough energy to wrench itself free.

    The phaerimm was mindless with rage now, and it never paused as it launched at Sand again and again, the elf moving nonstop as he danced out of range, sending small bolts of cold against the phaerimm and slowing it. At one point the phaerimm managed to catch Sand's free arm, its wicked talons scoring him to the bone, but Sand ignored the wound and pressed into an attack, the runesword shining brightly as it plunged into the phaerimm.

    Hawk was solid now, the phaerimm unable to maintain its hold on his soul, and Sand grinned fiercely, his shout exultant. "Tatsuya, now!"

  16. Sand stood in a clear space in the room, Hawk in front of him, waiting until Kansas and Erion were ready and waiting in their world. He could feel Satoshi, calm and centered and prepared, and Santhiel was curled against the wall, coiled and watchful. Sand watched for the signal from Kansas, and when he saw it, Sand took a last deep breath and opened the telkiira, holding the gem aloft by its chain, a soft violet glow enveloping him as he linked his entry portal to Kansas's world.

    As Sand stepped into the telkiira, his body swayed a little, and Satoshi wrapped his arms around Sand, easing him to the floor, and carefully removing Sand's long robe and tunic, holding Sand to him, skin to skin. Sand was warm, and Satoshi breathed in the scent of his moon elf, reassured by the strong and steady heartbeat, and the deep and easy breathing. It was slightly disconcerting to see the telkiira hanging in the air, revolving slowly, and even more disconcerting not to know what was occurring within the telkiira, but Satoshi shoved that aside and focused his mind on Sand's heartbeat and breathing, watching for any signs of distress. Much to his surprise, Satoshi realized that he could indeed see what was happening inside the telkiira, despite barely being able to see the telkiira without his glasses. A soft touch in his mind signaled Sand's presence, and Satoshi let the scene unfold, grateful not to have to guess.

    Inside the telkiira, it was still and warm and green, a lush grove with a gentle stream running through it. Sand had sculpted the environment carefully, wanting something that would act as an additional lure to the phaerimm while also providing more visual anchors for his own fea. Sand could feel Tatsuya's presence, and behind him the unmistakable scent of Erion, and he knew that they could see what transpired in this world within the loregem. Sand stretched out his mind, feeling the magic all around him, dipping into it until his soul-self was glowing with pure arcane energy. Sand stood in the center of his grove, his eyes blazing like blue flames, and he issued his challenge.

    "Osvith, faessi! Austrat ekess onureth edar," Sand snarled, the words harsh and sibilant. "*Levethix versvesh* vur wux loreat, virlymmalsivir."

    Tatsuya stiffened slightly, watching the glowing mage through the portal, recognizing the language on a visceral level. Migime snarled beside him, translating the Draconic for his master. "Flee, coward! Fly to the underground. I am a stronger wizard, and you will die, evil thief." Migime's tongue flickered out to swipe along Tatsuya's shoulder. "He is strong there, stronger than he was here. I wish I had tasted him then."

    Tatsuya snarled wordlessly, and Migime subsided, waiting and watching beside his master as Nim'Cath growled deep in his chest, his claws flexing against Erion's shoulder.

    Sand drew his longsword, the runes on the blade burning like white flames, and he waited for the phaerimm to arrive, the lure of the arcane power and the challenge a combination that the foul creature could not resist. Sand felt it more than anything else when the phaerimm breached the telkiira, the sensation of creeping evil one that raised his hackles.

    "I feel you, soul-thief. Can you feel me? Do you know what you have woken?" Sand gestured and the phaerimm appeared, its stealth ripped away by a casual wave of the elf's hand. "Return that which you have stolen, and I will give you a clean and merciful death."

    The phaerimm reared up, its circular mouth working. Its speech appeared to be projected, strange energy rippling along its conical body. "You taste same but not same. I taste you next."

    "Well, now that we have the negotiations over and done with, shall we dance?" Sand drawled, his sword rippling with energy in his hand. He fell into a ready stance that Satoshi had not seen him use before, his lips curled in a secretive smile. The phaerimm launched itself into the air, its barbed tip end curling around to strike at Sand, and the elf moved, graceful and precise, his blade following as he began his dance, the runes on his sword weaving a shield around him and his free hand glowing with dire energy.

    Sand remained fully focused as the phaerimm flew at him, but Satoshi could see the small deaths beginning, plants and flowers wilting as the phaerimm devoured their life energy to fuel itself. Sand seemed unconcerned, even though he appeared to have created a battleground that favored the phaerimm. He moved lightly through the steps of his bladedance, his runesword almost a living thing, and he conjured a black blade of raw energy and set it to mirror his dance behind the phaerimm. The phaerimm turned to feast on the raw magic, and Sand switched from his defensive posture to an offensive posture almost faster than the eye could register, scoring a vicious slash along the conical body and severing one of the phaerimm's four arms. Before the phaerimm could complete its midair turn, Sand had resumed his defensive posture, his shields in place and his eyes bright.

    Near the stream, on a small patch of grassy ground, a faint shimmer began, and slowly took the shape of a moon elf, his face pale and still, and Tatsuya's nostrils flared as Migime whined and writhed beside him, Hidarime licking at Tatsuya's hip.

  17. BW poured herself some more bourbon, taking a sip as she surveyed the remaining Tzus. One bitch was tagging Foe, but since he had warned BW that they could only be defeated in a one-on-one duel, she could not interfere unless Foe was out of the fight. There was one bitch wielding a halberd who looked easy enough. BW knew the Tzus learned fast and what worked before would not work a second time. Still, BW always had a trick up her sleeve.

    BW drew a piwafwi around her and stalked silently up to the Tzu holding the halberd. As she stalked, she snatched up a pepper shaker, sprinkled a little in her hand, and sneezed, a gout of flame enveloping the halberd. The Tzu was unharmed, something that did not surprise BW at all. Foe had said they were nigh impervious to most attacks, magical or otherwise. BW was gambling that an unarmed Tzu was slightly more vulnerable, period.

    The Tzu shrieked in outrage, looking around to see who had burned her weapon, and BW threw back the piwafwi, appearing suddenly in front of the Tzu. "Hello, darling. What's your name?"

    "Um, Gennyfyr?" The Tzu ended her statement on an up note, and BW resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

    "What brings you here, darling?" There was no way in all the Nine Hells that BW was saying that name, no matter how normally it was pronounced. As an Author, BW saw words, and the sheer atrocity of the spelling was enough to make her want to wash her eyes with bleach.

    "Um, Mary sent us? To take care of that Foe guy?" The Tzu narrowed her eyes a bit as she looked at BW suspiciously.

    "Really," BW purred. "That must be the guy over there, I guess." BW tossed her silver-maned head in Foe's direction, just as his Tzu disappeared after palming his cock. BW cocked an eyebrow, reminding herself to ask Foe about that particular tactic later.

    "Um, I think so?" The Tzu giggled a little.

    BW snapped her fingers and a full glass of bourbon appeared in her hand. "You're not doing a terribly god job of getting rid of him." BW sipped the bourbon with a happy sigh.

    "Um, how'd you do that?" the Tzu asked.

    "Do what, darling?" BW responded, her tone mild.

    "Um, make a drink appear? Out of nowhere? Are you, like, a wizard?" The Tzu narrowed her turquoise eyes suspiciously.

    "Oh, darling, do I look like a wizard?" BW ran a hand over her form-hugging leathers.

    "Well, no?" the Tzu replied.

    BW suppressed a sigh. The Tzu's habit of turning everything into a sentence was truly beginning to annoy her. Still, she needed to put up with it just a moment longer.

    "Um, are you with that Foe guy?" the Tzu asked suddenly.

    The question, a real one at that, stopped BW for just a moment, before she countered, "What exactly do you mean by 'with', darling?" BW sipped her bourbon, an expectant smile on her face.

    "Um, well, I mean 'with', like you know... 'with'." The Tzu looked at BW as though that should have answered her question.

    BW let herself look slightly puzzled. "Well, you see, we are all here, so in a sense we're all with each other. And then, there's the fact that I was actually enjoying a little snuggle time with Fang and Fury over there, until you all showed up, so if Foe is annoyed to see you, I suppose I am 'with' him in the sense of feeling some solidarity, my evening's plans having been so rudely interrupted. Unless of course, you mean it in the sexual sense, in which case, the answer would be no, since I was very busy with Fang and Fury and hadn't stopped to consider a foursome. Although, now that you mention it..."

    BW let her voice trail off, snapping her fingers in front of the Tzu's face. The Tzu did not even blink, having been thoroughly stupefied by the flow of words. BW sighed a little, pulled out her dagger, and slammed it up between the Tzu's ribs, piercing the pericardium and twisting the blade just to make sure.

    "Stupid fucking bitch," BW muttered, summoning another bourbon as she cleaned her dagger off on the Tzu's little schoolgirl outfit. "She bled pink. I fucking hate pink!"

  18. Sand caught Satoshi's face between his hands, kissing away Satoshi's tears tenderly. "I am counting on you being there, cormamin." Sand looked over at Santhiel, leaning on the doorway, his muscles coiled and tense. "Despite the usual need for more than one High Mage, I am more than just a High Mage. I can do this, but I will still need help remaining anchored here. When I enter the telkiira, it is only my soul, my fea that enters. My body remains here, and it must be waiting for me to return to it."

    Satoshi nodded, not really understanding, but wanting to help. "What do I do?"

    "What you do best, my heart. Hold me." Sand's smile was beautiful as he kissed Satoshi's lips. "Hold me and do not let me go. Our bond is one of both body and soul, and feeling you beside my body will draw me back more surely than anything else, for you are the one who completes me in every way."

    Santhiel straightened up. "I ran a bath for the two of you, and Taren has a quick meal ready. I'm going to the temple. I'll see you there." He strode away, graceful and grim.

    Sand led Satoshi to the bath, and they slipped in gratefully, washing each others' backs. "Santhiel and Hawk were ever close friends, even before Santhiel fell in love with Mist. He is taking this very hard," Sand said, rinsing off Satoshi's hair with fresh hot water from a bucket. They dried off quickly and hurried back to their room to dress.

    "This is hard for you as well, poldoramin," Satoshi said. He watched Sand rummage in his wardrobe, pulling out clothing Satoshi had never seen him wear before.

    "Hawk was old enough when I was born to view me as an amusing addition, rather than an annoyance." Sand pulled on a pair of thin leather breeches, lacing them deftly. "As soon as I was old enough to follow him about, he encouraged me to do so. He discussed his studies with me, although I was but an elfling." Sand smiled a little and pulled a thin silk tunic over his head, a pale pearly grey that made his eyes look stormy. "I believe I was just twenty when he shared his wine with me for the first time, taking great care not to let me have too much. I worshiped him."

    "I didn't get to know him all that well, but I liked him," Satoshi said quietly, pulling on clean clothing from his wardrobe, glad that he had left some of his clothing here as well. He found cargo pants, clean boxers, socks, a t-shirt and a plaid button-down shirt, dressing quickly.

    Sand pulled on a long robe, a deep blue wool with silver thread forming a delicate pattern along the edges. "Hawk had known our father, as I did not, and I think he thought to take his place, so that I would not lack for a male influence. We wound up becoming fast friends as well as brothers." Sand tugged on tall leather boots, and slipped along dagger into one boot. He belted on an elven longsword that glowed faintly, runes shimmering all along the scabbard. "Are you ready, my heart?"

    "I think so," Satoshi replied.

    Sand stopped in the library before they went to the kitchen, rummaging on his messy desk for a moment before locating a small leather-bound journal. The they headed to the ktichen, where Taren greeted them with hugs and plied them with bowls of soup, fresh baked bread, fruit and honey as well as steaming mugs of tea. Satoshi ate quietly, watching Sand leaf through his journal until he found what he was looking for, one long finger tracing the espruar thoughtfully as he read. Satoshi tried to be patient, but he was close to bursting by the time Sand closed the journal.

    "Well?" Satoshi asked, putting down the bread he had been toying with and looking at his husband.

    Sand looked at his empty bowl in surprise, and then reached for a strawberry, nibbling it. "It can be done. My notes are quite clear, and the sooner we do this, the better. I will explain properly when we get to the temple, but I can make this work, with help from you and Kansas."

    "Then we should hurry, poldoramin. You can count on my help," Satoshi said firmly. "You're not getting me out of there until this is over."

    When Sand and Satoshi arrived at the temple, Santhiel was already there, his arms around his sons. Eryn was sitting beside Ryuu, who was still holding Hawk's hand tightly, murmuring to his otooji in his sweet mixture of English and elven. Eryn was holding a cup of sweet juice, giving Ryuu sips when he paused to think of something else to tell Hawk. Satoshi was not sure, but he thought that Hawk was possibly less pale than when they had first arrived, and he tightened his own grasp on Sand's hand.

    Eryn looked up, her blue eyes dry, and although she looked tired, her smile was radiant. "He is listening to Ryuu. He hears him, I know it." It was a healer's confidence that rang in her voice, not just a mother's hope, and Satoshi gave a small sob of gratitude. Then Eryn saw the telkiira, glowing softly against Sand's tunic, and her eyes widened. "What are you thinking, utinuamin?" Her voice was sharp. "We cannot bring any more mages here."

    "We will not need them, atara." Sand bent and kissed Eryn's cheek. "Your children are a talented group. With the help of Kansas and Satoshi, I will suffice."

    Santhiel's arms tightened around Kansas and Erion. "I want to hear this, all of it. These are my sons you risk. Erion is as surely linked to Kansas, in this world and beyond, as if they were one soul. What affects one of my sons affects the other. They may be men grown, but I am still a father, and have a father's fears."

    Sand nodded. "Of course. This is what I propose. I can draw the phaerimm into the telkiira, and meet it there in battle. I know this telkiira, and it is mine entirely. Nothing within it may be used against me. This is a battleground that I control." Sand looked at Satoshi, his eyes full of love. "I have already told Satoshi that I will need to leave my body behind, in his care, while I enter the telkiira."

    "I'm going in with you," Kansas said flatly. Erion lifted his chin, mute agreement in his stubborn expression.

    "No, my young god, you are not." Sand looked at Kansas.

    "The fuck I'm not!" Kansas snarled. "Hawk's my brother, too!"

    "I need you, but not within the telkiira. I need you to stand ready at the edge of your world, where we walked together once before, where I met a young god and saw his power unleashed." Sand's voice was firm. "You will watch from your world, and you will see the battle as it is waged. Do not interfere. I will need to remain perfectly focused on what I am doing. As the phaerimm is weakened, its grip on Hawk's soul will try to tighten. When Hawk appears to you, pull him into your world and guard him there."

    "That's when you will try your foolhardy stunt." Santhiel's voice was rough with anguish.

    "I will transmute the telkiira, transform it into a prison, and crush the phaerimm within it," Sand said calmly.

    "No!" Eryn looked at him in horror. "You will be within as well. I will not lose one son to gain another!"

    "I have no intentions of dying within the telkiira, atara. I found my old notes on telkiira and their properties." Sand looked utterly calm. "As soon as the trap is closed, and the phaerimm is destroyed, I will use the energy released by its destruct to form a second telkiira, where I will remain in safety."

    "It will not be a second telkiira," Santhiel said sharply. "You will become a mythal."

    "And if I do, I will shed the power and fling myself into Kansas's world. Satoshi's contact with my body will call me back, and Kansas and Erion can guide Hawk back." Sand was radiating utter confidence. "It will work."

    "And if you don't shed the energy fast enough? Sand, no mortal body can hold that much of the Weave!" Santhiel looked stricken.

    Sand smiled. "But I will not be alone, and a young god stands ready to help me. Do you think a young god could hold more of the Weave than a mere elf?"

    Kansas's eyes were wonderfully dark and stormy as he looked at Sand. "I'm in."

    Santhiel turned to Erion, his expression desperate, but Erion shook his head at his father. "Kansas will need me. Tatsuya will need his loved by his side, to share strength with him. I claimed power in his world, and this is part of what I have to do, to deserve my place at his side." He looked at Sand, his eyes silver and bright. "We're ready."

    Sand turned last to Ryuu, who had not understood most of the conversation, but who understood very clearly that his tousan was very brave and was going to get Hawk otooji out of the dark and scary place. "Sochi-chan, take a nice big drink of juice. Can you hold otooji's hand for a little while longer?"

    Ryuu nodded firmly. "I told him I would. I told him you were coming, tousan, and oniisan, too."

    "You can close your eyes if you need to," Sand said. "And sobo is here if you see something that scares you a little, although you are really a very brave dragon already."

    Sand looked around, and then ran a gentle hand over Hawk's brow. "I am coming, toror'amin."

  19. Sand wrapped his arms around Satoshi, letting himself fall back on the bed and pulling Satoshi down on top of him as he kissed his husband, opening his own bond to welcome the love that poured over him, returning it with equal abandon. The kiss was tender and yearning, and Sand let Satoshi take the lead for a bit, the ache in his heart easing as Satoshi's strength bolstered him.

    When they finally broke, driven by the need to breathe, Sand looked into Satoshi's bottomless brown eyes, his own blue eyes shining with love. "Ah, cormamin, I could not do this without you. I love you, without enough words to convey how much and only this poor flesh to show you. Love me, give me the strength I need for us all."

    Satoshi sobbed a little, his eyes damp with tears, and he rolled off Sand as they both undressed quickly, needing the touch of skin on skin. Sand pulled Satoshi back to him, his arms around Satoshi, pressing the length of his body against Satoshi, his pale skin and Satoshi's golden skin touching everywhere possible. Satoshi's cock was hard against Sand's thigh, and Sand moaned, his mouth finding Satoshi's again, and they kissed with a lingering sweetness that was balm to the elf's heart.

    Sand let his head fall back, and Satoshi pressed his lips to the tender skin under Sand's jaw, finding the pulse point where it trembled under translucent skin, and he nibbled and sucked until he had raised a vivid mark, claiming Sand in the way Sand loved best. Then Satoshi let his lips trail down, nibbling lightly along Sand's collarbone and down to one pebbled nipple, licking and sucking as Sand arched beneath him. Satoshi tasted his way down the lean length of Sand, his tongue tracing the intricate web of pale scars that twisted across Sand's belly, until he reached the raven nest of curls and Sand's thick cock.

    Satoshi paused for a moment, looking up at Sand, seeing the bright love in those blue eyes, and he smiled up, so sweetly that Sand's breath hitched at the purity of that smile. Sand's faintly scarred fingers slid into Satoshi's amethyst hair, twining gently in the thick locks, and Sand gasped as Satoshi's mouth closed over his cock, his nimble tongue swiping over the head of his cock and teasing at the cleft beneath it. Sand moaned, his back arching again at the sensation of that tight little mouth engulfing him so eagerly, the pierced lower lip teasing against his skin as Satoshi worked the length of Sand's cock into his mouth. When Sand's cock hit the back of his throat, Satoshi moaned a little and relaxed his throat, letting Sand slide in as he buried his nose in raven curls with a purr of pleasure.

    Satoshi sucked hard as he drew back, Sand's gasp of pleasure pleasing him as he used his tongue stud to tease along the underside of Sand's cock, tickling the cleft at the underside of the head before sliding his lips back down, swallowing Sand again and purring again, loudly enough to make Sand arch yet again, his fingers tightening in Satoshi's hair. Satoshi could feel Sand's arousal through their wide open bond, could feel the pleasure of his mouth on Sand's cock as clearly as if it was happening to him, and Satoshi moaned as he drew back and fell down along that thick cock again and again, until the heat in Sand's belly demanded release. Satoshi pulled back, teasing with his tongue stud as Sand wailed softly, his balls tightening as he came, filling Satoshi's mouth with thick spurts that Satoshi swallowed with eager moans of his own.

    When Satoshi finally released Sand's cock, having milked his husband dry, Sand pulled him up and kissed him, tasting himself on Satoshi and pressing himself against Satoshi's hard cock with a soft moan. Satoshi mewled as Sand swiped his tongue across Satoshi's pierced lip, nibbling his own trail down Satoshi, closing his mouth over Satoshi's cock with urgent need. Sand slid his own tongue stud over the head of Satoshi's cock, teasing the weeping slit, and then he dipped down, slicking Satoshi's cock and drawing back to release him with a soft pop.

    Sand laid back on the bed, his thighs parted, and he tugged at Satoshi, his blue eyes still filled with that burning love. "Make love to me, cormamin. Take me and love me," Sand pleaded, and Satoshi moaned a little at the need in Sand's voice.

    Satoshi knelt between Sand's thighs, pulling the pale legs over his own muscular golden thighs and lining his cock up with the pucker between the firm white globes of Sand's ass. He pressed the head of his cock in, knowing that Sand was ready and needed no preparation, and the pleasure that surged through Satoshi as he breached Sand's tight ass combined with the feeling of Sand around his cock made Satoshi mewl. Sand's hips bucked a little, and Satoshi took his hips firmly in his strong hands and thrust in with a single push, burying himself fully in the heat of Sand's ass, howling at the tightness around his cock.

    Satoshi set a steady pace, not frantic but quick enough to make Sand writhe in pleasure beneath him, his thick cock hardening as Satoshi probed his prostate with every thrust. Sand's black hair was spread out beneath him, and as his head whipped in pleasure, the sunlight streaming through the window illuminated the amethyst that ran through the raven mane. Sand's long fingers found Satoshi's nipple rings, and Sand tugged and twisted them, coaxing a wanton moan from Satoshi as he plundered his elven husband with long strokes until the heat and tightness was more than he could bear. Satoshi felt his balls convulse, and he let out a howl as he exploded, his cum erupting in powerful spurts and filling Sand's ass. Sand grabbed Satoshi's shoulders, heaving himself upright and wrapping his arms around Satoshi, holding him tightly as he shuddered through his orgasm, biting down on the back of Satoshi's left shoulder where it met his neck and sucking a dark mark into his golden skin, lavign it tenderly with his tongue when he was finished.

    Sand eased himself off Satoshi and laid Satoshi back on the bed, his blue eyes bright with tears of joy. "Cormamin, how I love you," Sand murmured, kissing Satoshi with great tenderness.

    Sand fished a tube of lube from the nightstand, and moved between Satoshi's legs, lifting his thighs and parting them, kissing the tender flesh along the inside of his thighs as one lubed finger stroked Satoshi's tight little pucker. Sand took his time, gently opening and loosening Satoshi, stroking his prostate lightly and making Satoshi mewl, until the imp was nearly boneless with the need to be filled. Only then did Sand move over him, smearing lube over his thick cock and easing the head into Satoshi's ass, watching as Satoshi's eyes fluttered closed with the pleasure.

    Sand leaned in and kissed Satoshi, nibbling his pierced lower lip as he pressed in slowly, gradually filling Satoshi with his cock, and then pulling back out until only the head remained inside Satoshi. Sand set a languid pace, enjoying the feeling of Satoshi's tight little ass around his cock, watching every tiny change in Satoshi's expression as though he were memorizing the map of Satoshi's pleasure, Satoshi's strong legs wrapped around his hips.

    "Lle naa coiamin, iluveamin," Sand told him, and then said it again. "You are my life, my everything." Sand leaned in and kissed Satoshi, his hips still moving in that languid pace, his blue eyes shining with unshed tears. "I have never known such love as I have known with you."

    Sand's back arched, and he moaned as he felt his balls tighten, and he let himself go, spilling into Satoshi's tight ass, a single tear tracing its way down one cheek as he let himself fall into the vast love that was Satoshi's heart. Satoshi felt his own balls draw up, and he painted his belly and Sand's with cum, his howl ending in a sob. As he shivered through his release, Satoshi reached up and pulled Sand down, wondering as he held his husband tightly why this felt so much like a farewell.

    It was dark, and the further he felt into the dark, the less it hurt. This was good, then, an end to the sucking ache that tore at his soul, the sorrow at all he left behind, everything. Just darkness, and an ending. Easier this way, no more struggling. He had tried to reach the dragons. The dragons would have helped, or at the very least would have made a quicker end of it than this, but he was not strong enough, not fast enough, never quite enough, not like atar whose lifeblood fed the Anauroch before him, the corpses of a dozen phaerimm around him.

    And then, distant but as pure as a silver bell, a voice... "Is alright now, otooji, I'm here." He knew that voice, knew the delicate purity of it, the love and compassion a beacon. It hurt, oh, Seldarine, how it hurt, but he reached out a tendril of his fading consciousness and stretched toward that voice.

    "I'll hold your hand so you don't get scared."

    He looked down, and he knew he should see nothing but there was a small hand in his, trusting and perfect, shining with a faintly golden glow in the devouring dark.

    "I know it's scary but I'm here."

    He sobbed then, the sound swallowed by the void, and the hurt no longer mattered. Nothing mattered, except the feel of one small hand in his, and a voice like a pure silver bell. He fought the pull, the fierceness wakening in his heart once again. Nothing else mattered, as long as he could hold on to that sweet hand.

    Kansas moaned a little, aching from his visions as Eryn tended the wounds that had followed him back from that dark place. Erion watched, his silver eyes dark with shared pain, his thigh pressed against Kansas's thigh as Eryn healed the wounds in Kansas's palms. The young elf whined a little as Kansas stiffened.

    "Can you feel it, jitsubo?" Kansas whispered, his eyes darkening a little with hope. "He's fighting it again, but I think he's winning a little this time."

    Eryn looked over at the bed, a sob catching in her throat as she saw Hawk's hand close a fraction around Ryuu's small hand. "Oh, sweet Seldarine," Eryn breathed, her heart giving a ragged leap. "Oh, sochi-chan, I think you reached him, you and Ryuu." Hope filled her eyes as she pulled Kansas to her, sobbing her joy into her son's shoulder, Erion wrapping around her back as his own tears fell.

    Erion's eyes fell on the parchment, and Kansas's quick drawing. "I'm going to bring this to Sand, 'lokiamin. I'll run like the wind, and I'll be right back." Erion managed a smile for Kansas, and he was gone like a moonbeam, racing through the streets of Evereska.

    Erion burst into the house, and ran straight into Mist's arm, his heart pounding like thunder. "Atara, where is Uncle Sand? I need to show him this."

    Mist kissed her son, marveling at Erion and how beautiful he looked. "He's in his room with Satoshi, utinuamin. How is Hawk?"

    Erion looked at her, and it was not a child Mist saw before her. "He's bad, atara. He faced a phaerimm, and it was an ambush. He never had a chance. I need to go back to the temple. Kansas and Ryuu are helping, but we need Uncle Sand. The phaerimm had a mage in thrall."

    Mist nodded, her heart filled with pride as she looked at her eldest son. "Go, then, my moonbeam."

    Erion tore upstairs, flinging open the door to Sand and Satoshi's room, heedless of the way they lay wrapped in each others' arms, fingers tracing each others' faces.

    "Kansas went in, and this is what he saw," Erion said, his face pale beneath the tan. He handed Sand the parchment, his hand steady, and watched as Sand's eyes darkened. "There was a mage as well, a thrall. Kansas thinks the mage was used to distract Hawk, and then the phaerimm struck."

    Satoshi looked at the drawing, his eyes wide in horror. "What is that thing?" he moaned.

    Sand pulled Satoshi into a hug. "A phaerimm, my heart. A being of great evil, a magic user from beneath the Anauroch. The Netherese woke them, playing with the magics they learned from the elves of Illefarn, and they have been a bane ever since. They are powerful, and cruel, and if one has enough of Hawk, it will not relent until it has devoured every scrap of his life, his soul." The horror in Sand's voice made Satoshi hold Sand tighter. "He will never pass to Arvandor if the phaerimm has his soul."

    "What do we do?" Erion's voice was firm.

    Sand looked at his nephew. "Go back to the temple. I will be there shortly. I need to check some of my old notes, but there is a chance. It is risky, but I think the risk worthwhile."

    Erion nodded and fled, moving with swift grace as he tore back through the streets of Evereska.

    Sand turned to Satoshi. "Do you trust me?"

    "Of course, poldoramin. You're scaring the hell out of me, though," Satoshi replied.

    Sand stroked Satoshi's cheek. "There is a way, but it means I must face the phaerimm myself."

    "No!" Satoshi yelled. "After what it did to Hawk? Are you crazy?"

    "I will not fight that thing on its terms, cormamin. I am a High Mage, a wielder of the ancient elven magics." Sand touched the skin along his breastbone, and Satoshi watched the violet glow appear. This time, however, a gem emerged from the glow, resting against Sand's pale skin, its facets dancing with violet light. "It will come when my telkiira calls, and I will pull it within the telkiira itself. In there, I can face it, and I can win."

    Satoshi looked at Sand, the confidence in Sand's voice not calming him in the least. "You said it was risky."

    "It is." Sand leaned in and kissed Satoshi very tenderly. "I will not lie to you. Once I have us both within the telkiira, I can use the telkiira itself as a weapon. It holds more than just magic, my heart. It is magic, and I can transmute the telkiira and use it to utterly destroy the phaerimm and free Hawk's soul."

    "And you're inside with that thing," Satoshi breathed. "How do you get out?" He looked at Sand's face, and paled. "How do you get out?" Satoshi demanded again, his voice breaking a little.

    "If I am strong enough, I will be able to transmute myself at the same time." Sand's voice was still confident. "As the telkiira devours the phaerimm, I will use the energy released to become a second telkiira, separating and protecting myself."

    "Not a telkiira." Santhiel spoke from the doorway, his silver eyes dark. "The star elves know of this ritual. For the briefest of time, for a few scant seconds, you will become a living mythal."

    Satoshi looked at Santhiel. "Tell me all of it," he said, his voice flat.

    "When Sand becomes this living mythal, he will hold more of the Weave within him than any mortal could bear. If he does not end it quickly, if he does not not release the Weave, he will die." Santhiel looked back at Sand. "That is why this is never done by one alone."

    "Hawk will not permit the other High Mages near him," Sand replied. "I am the only one who can do this, and I will not fail." He turned back to Satoshi. "I will not leave you, cormamin. I can do this, and I will not die."

    Satoshi moaned, his eyes welling, and he grabbed the quilt from the bed and wrapped it around himself as he tried to flee. Sand caught him and held him tightly.

    "Satoshi, listen to me." Sand held Satoshi's face between his hands. "Kansas can anchor me. His world can be a bridge for me, a place I can flee to as I shed the Weave, and from there he can bring me home. He found Hawk once already. I know he can reach the Planes themselves from his world."

    Satoshi trembled as Sand stroked his back and nuzzled Sotoshi's amethyst locks. "And if you die?"

    "Then we meet in Arvandor, my heart. Not even death will part us, but Satoshi, I swear this to you, I will not die." Sand kissed Satoshi, fierce and wild and loving. "I will not die, not now, not when I have just found you again."

  20. Sand held on to Yuji tightly, feeling his husband's love and concern. "As soon as I know, I will get word to you, I promise. Thank you, Yuji."

    Willow held Sand as tenderly, whispering her love in his ear, and Sand fought back tears as he cradled his wife close to him. "I love you so, vanimaer. I will miss you every moment I am away." He kissed her tenderly, knowing how much hre heart ached for Eryn as well as for him.

    Kansas and Erion were there, subdued and solemn, their hands tightly linked, and Satoshi waited with his sweet mouth twisted with sorrow. Ryuu was fast in Sand's arms, his small face buried in Sand's raven hair, and Sand took a moment to just focus on holding that perfect small body close to him, inhaling the scent of small boy, and loving Ryuu with a fierceness he never knew was possible. At that very moment, Sand knew exactly what Eryn was going through, and how much Willow could empathize, and the surge of grief that ran through him was like a hot knife. Satoshi reached out and placed a hand on Sand's arm, and Sand felt a wave of strength from his beloved husband. Sand, Satoshi and Ryuu stepped through the portal, Kansas and Erion on their heels, and the portal winked shut.

    Yuji led Vale into the living room, pulling the distraught elf onto the couch with him and pouring generous whiskeys for them both. Yuji cradled Vale closely, feeling the tension in his elf, and he murmured reassurances in Vale's ear, stroking Vale's silky hair, until Vale shuddered and buried his face in Yuji's shoulder. Yuji could feel some of the awful tightness in Vale's muscles ease away, Vale nuzzling a bit into Yuji's neck.

    "What was all that about, eh, love?" Yuji asked, once Vale had collected himself enough to sit up and sip his whiskey. "I've never heard you like that."

    Vale looked at Yuji, his cheeks darkening a little. "Yes, well, I have a bad temper, sometimes. Mostly it's the Cloaktower politics that set me off, but sometimes Sand manages it nicely. I know he's right, but I feel so helpless being here, Yuji."

    "We just got settled back in here, and it would be hard to yank us all back so quickly," Yuji said, cupping Vale's face with one hand, his long fingers tracing Vale's cheekbone. "Willow needs time to get things ready with the babies, and I have the school now."

    "The school!" Vale looked dismayed. "Oh, Yuji, I wasn't thinking! I can help. In fact, it would help me to help you. Tell me what I can do."

    Yuji smiled at Vale, pleased to see that the wide emerald eyes were darkening back to their usual brilliant green. "I could use some help with the paperwork for the staff."

    Vale nodded eagerly. "I can do that. I do it all the time at the Cloaktower. Actually, it'll be a treat to deal with a smaller staff. I've got a hundred Tower mages and another hundred Guards to deal with normally. Willow gave me the regulations on employees and benefits and taxes and things, and I've been reading them."

    Yuji held up a hand, chuckling. "You lost me the moment you said regulations. I know music, and I know how to teach. I'll leave the rest to you and Willow."

    "And I can help Willow with getting everything ready in case we need to go," Vale said, looking much more like himself. "You're right, it's so hard with the babies, and Hikaru is growing so fast that nothing fits him anymore. I really need to get him some new clothing."

    As if the mention of his name had called him, Hikaru let out a happy shriek from upstairs, and Vale was off the couch like a shot, racing up to Willow's room. Willow met him at the door, and Vale slipped his arm around her waist as they went in together. Hikaru was bright eyed and cooing as they approached the crib, and Vale's eyes widened as he saw Ryuu's wooden dragon in the crib. Vale and Willow looked at each other, a little surprised, and then Vale scooped Hikaru up and nuzzled the giggling little half-elf.

    "What's this?" Vale laughed as Hikaru reached for Willow. "I think this young man needs his mama, lirimaer."

    "I think someone is hungry," Willow agreed, and settled in to feed Hikaru. "Go peek at Aika, will you, sweets?"

    Vale headed into Aika's room, and his breath hitched when he saw Kuma-kuma tucked in with her. He knew how Ryuu cherished that bear, and only Ryuu could have left Kuma-kuma in Aika's bed. Vale felt a rush of love for Ryuu and his generous heart, so very much like Satoshi. He took a deep breath. offering a quick prayer to all the Seldarine that Hawk would recover, and Sand and Satoshi would be alright. Then he bent over to wake Aika, so she would sleep that night.

    Sand and Satoshi walked out of the portal into the Cloaktower, much to Satoshi's surprise. He had expected to emerge in the house in Neverwinter, but Vale had apparently arranged otherwise. Nathe, the moon elf who served as Vale's second, hurried up as Kansas and Erion joined them.

    "Master Sand, Master Satoshi, please come this way. After a small amount of negotiating, the Academy of Magic in Evereska has agreed to a portal between our Tower and theirs." Nathe smiled a little, and Sand arched an eyebrow, knowing full well that Nathe was seriously understating things. Having studied at the Academy, Sand knew that the Masters were about as unyielding as adamantine. Nathe smiled a little wider at Sand's expression. "Trust me, it was a negotiation that I enjoyed."

    "You have been spending way too much time with Vale," Sand said dryly, letting Nathe lead them to a second portal. They all hurried through that portal as well, arriving in the elven tower to a flustered reception.

    "My Lords Iradil, we bid you welcome, although this is highly unorthodox." One Master bowed slightly, appearing ancient even by elven standards, his face not terribly lined, but his body frail and his hair stark white.

    "Young Iradil here was always unorthodox," a second Master opined, gesturing at Sand.

    The third Master chuckled. "Unorthodox, yes, but he is a High Mage and you are not. In any event, this is not a social engagement. Lady Iradil awaits you in the healing chambers of her temple. I will teleport us all there at once."

    Eryn looked up with a grateful sob when they appeared in the healing chamber, hurrying over to take Sand and Satoshi's hands in her own. "Oh, my dears, thank you so much for coming so quickly. I've tried everything I know, and although Hawk improves for a short time, he begins to fail again far too quickly. He won't let any of the High Mages near him, but I fear it is something arcane." Eryn shook her head a little. "But my Ryuu is here as well, my sweet magomusuko." Eryn held out her arms, and Ryuu wriggled until Sand handed him to Eryn.

    "Sobo? Can I see otooji Hawk?" Ryuu asked, his little face solemn.

    Sand nodded. "Please, atara, Ryuu's been distraught all day and wanting to get to Vale while he was at the Cloaktower. It cannot hurt for him to see Hawk."

    Eryn kissed Ryuu's cheek. "Come then, my dearest. Uncle Hawk is in here." Eryn carried Ryuu into a smaller room, where Hawk lay in the bed, his face nearly as pale as the snowy linen sheets beneath him. Ryuu wriggled down and went over to Hawk, laying a small hand on his uncle's cool forehead. He pulled his hand back and turned to Sand.

    "Tousan, what hurted otooji?" Ryuu said, his small face crumpling as Eryn gathered him up, her face bleak.

    "Atara, forgive me, but we will go and get settled, and I will be back shortly." Sand took Ryuu from Eryn, his heart aching as he looked at his brother, so alien and still where he was always so vibrant and bold. "Ryuu, we do not know yet, but we will help him."

    "Go, my darlings, and hurry back." Eryn managed a smile. "I know there is little I can do, but I just can't bring myself to leave Hawk yet."

  21. Sand was kneeling beside Ryuu, doing his best to soothe the nearly hysterical boy as he pounded on the wall.

    "Ryuu, you are going to hurt yourself, sochi-chan," Sand declared, his voice full of love and concern. He managed to gather the struggling boy in his arms just as Satoshi came in the door.

    Ryuu turned his face towards his father, tears streaming from his eyes. "Chichi! It's keifu, and tousan and mama won't listen!"

    Satoshi looked at Sand, utterly confused, and was met with an equally confused look.

    "He said nothing earlier about Vale, and this is where the portal opens," Sand said thoughtfully. "Cormamin, do you have your portal key handy?"

    Satoshi shook his head, reaching out to take the sobbing Ryuu. "It's in our room."

    Sand stood and embraced both Satoshi and the sobbing Ryuu. "Hush, Ryuu-chan. We shall get the portal key and see how keifu is, alright? Will that make you feel better?"

    Ryuu looked up at Sand, his eyes red from crying so hard. "We can go? Can we hurry?"

    "We'll hurry, watashi no ryu," Satoshi assured him as he and Sand made for the stairs.

    "No, chichi, stay down here with me," Ryuu pleaded, hiccuping a little. "Tousan can get the key."

    Sand nodded and ran up the stairs as Satoshi walked back over to the wall.

    Vale was sitting at his desk, frowning slightly as he read through a lengthy document. His chair was pushed back a bit, and his booted feet were resting on the edge of the desk, in what Nathe referred to as Vale's "ready to jump up and kill someone" position. A sizable stack of parchments that had been read, initialed and signed attested to Vale's diligence so far.

    Nathe wandered in to collect the stack that Vale had completed, smiling at the sight off the sun elf, feet up and brow furrowed, ploughing through what Nathe recognized as Lord Nevalle's latest brainstorm. So far this morning, Vale had been remarkably even tempered, and had not threatened to shove a fireball up anyone's ass, nor had he suggested that anyone bugger a handy balor. Nathe made a mental note to find an approriate method of conveying his thanks to Master Yuji.

    Vale's feet left the desk and hit the floor with a sound thud. "Is Nevalle smoking lotus again?" Vale demanded, looking up at Nathe.

    "No, but I do believe I saw him escorting a balor to dinner last tenday," Nathe replied calmly. "I take it the Lord of Neverwinter's proposal does not meet with your approval?"

    Vale growled, and reached for a blank sheet of parchment. "The Lord of Neverwinter can shove his proposal up his ass with a heated poker. Does he understand that we are a mercenary Guild? If he wants us to bolster the City Watch, then he needs to pay for that service. We're not at his beck and call."

    Nathe peered over Vale's shoulder. "I've no idea what script that is, Vale, but I'm quite sure Lord Nevalle won't be able to read a word of your no doubt highly colorful invective," Nathe observed.

    Vale looked at the neat lines of kanji on the parchment. "Oh, fuck a pit fiend!" he swore, and crumpled the parchment irritably before tossing it at the wall.

    Nathe chuckled. "It's good to have you back, Vale. I've so missed our paperwork sessions."

    A slim human hurried in, holding a scrying mirror in one hand. "Captain, I hate to interrupt, but you need to take this message. It's Evereska, and it's urgent."

    Vale took the mirror, surprised to see Eryn's face. "Eryn, what is it?"

    "Vale, is Sand with you?" Eryn asked, her expression grim.

    "No, he's back in Tokyo," Vale replied, his own expression one of concern. "What's wrong?" Nathe laid a hand on Vale's shoulder, equally concerned.

    Eryn took a shuddering breath. "It's Hawk. I need Sand here, as fast as he can get home. I don't know if we can save him." A tear slid down Eryn's face, her beautiful blue eyes shadowed.

    Vale jumped to his feet. "I'm on my way to him. Try to hold on, Eryn. We'll be there as fast as possible." Nathe nodded and began calling the portal back to Tokyo while beckoning the messenger and gesturing for another mirror.

    Vale looked at Nathe, listening as Nathe arranged a portal from the Cloaktower to the Academy of Magic in Evereska. "I don't care how unusual this is. The Captain-Councilor of the Many Starred Cloaks is requesting this portal, and you will make it happen," Nathe snapped, and ended the connection. "I'll have it up by the time you return, Vale."

    "Thank you, old friend," Vale replied, and hurried through the portal to Tokyo.

    Satoshi jumped a little as the portal opened, and Vale dashed through, looking at Satoshi standing there with a sobbing Ryuu in his arms.

    "Keifu," Ryuu wailed, and Vale reached out and gathered Ryuu in his arms simply out of instinct, kissing the sweat-damp forehead.

    "Where's Sand?" Vale asked, his voice low and urgent. "I need to talk to him immediately."

    "He's upstairs, getting the portal key," Satoshi replied, even more worried by Vale's odd behavior. "Ryuu's been insisting that something was wrong with you."

    By now, Yuji had hurried over as well, and Sand came flying down the stairs with reckless speed.

    "Anoramin, what is wrong?" Sand asked, looking at Vale, Ryuu clinging to Vale's neck.

    "We need to go to Evereska. It's Hawk." Vale looked grim. "Eryn got a message through to me at the Cloaktower. Hawk's ill or injured, and they can't seem to heal him. Eryn wants you home."

    Sand paled. "Hawk?" he repeated. Sand closed his eyes for a moment, and then opened them. "Satoshi, I want you to come with me. Kansas and Erion as well. Vale, you need to stay here with Yuji and Willow and the children."

    Vale looked at Sand for a long moment, his green eyes suddenly very stormy. "I think not, ithilamin. I'm coming with you."

    Sand turned to Satoshi for a moment. "Cormamin, will you pack for us and get the young ones as well?"

    "I'm going, too!" Ryuu insisted.

    "Yes, yes, you are, sochi-chan," Sand said, leaning in to kiss his son. "Sobo will need you."

    Satoshi took one look at Vale's face, and nodded. "I'll take care of everything, poldoramin. We don't need much." Satoshi took Ryuu from Vale and hurried upstairs.

    Sand turned back to Vale. "I do not think we need to disrupt the entire family for this."

    "I see." Vale glared at Sand. "So you're going to decide who counts as family and who doesn't? As far as I can tell, we're all one fucking family, or did that change while I was gone?"

    "I do not need your dramatics," Sand snapped. "This is my brother, and I will handle it. If the rest of the family needs to be here, I will send for you."

    "No! Not good enough!" Vale slammed his hand against a beam. "Don't go all fucking moon elf on me, you bastard! I'm not some chit from Evermeet that you can ignore. I'm your fucking husband, and that makes Hawk my fucking brother, too!"

    Sand drew himself up a little, his eyes blue ice. "Did it ever occur to you that this is exactly why I wish you to remain behind? This will not help Hawk and it will not help atara to have you slamming about and swearing like a Dockside trollop. If I thought it possible for you to restrain yourself and perhaps be useful, I might have chosen otherwise."

    Vale threw his head back and just screamed wordlessly. Then he looked at Sand, his eyes blazing, and he grabbed Sand by the shoulders, long fingers digging in hard enough to bruise. "I fucking hate it when you're fucking right. I warn you, though. The minute you think we're all needed, you get us, do you hear me?" Hot tears spilled from Vale's eyes. "You tell Hawk that he'd better not fucking die, or I'll Planewalk to Arvandor and drag his sorry ass home myself." Vale pulled Sand into an embrace, Sand's arms going around Vale and holding him tightly. "Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au', istilamin." Vale's voice broke a bit on the elven.

    Satoshi came back down, Ryuu beside him, and Kansas and Erion hot on his heels. Sand turned to Yuji, his blue eyes dark with pain. "Take care of them all. I will be in contact as soon as I know more."

    * Elven: My heart shall weep until it sees thee again, my moon.

  22. Vale let his emerald eyes close as he focused on the sensation of having two cocks slide into his ass at the same time, and then he opened his eyes again and looked at Satoshi in front of him. Satoshi's gorgeous brown eyes were dark with desire as he nodded to Sand. Together, Sand and Satoshi pulled back a little, Sand following Satoshi, letting the imp lead him in this. Vale mewled softly, his wide green eyes shifting to Yuji as he crouched beside Sand, and then Satoshi and Sand were pressing back in, and Vale's back arched helplessly, his cock stiffening. Vale panted a bit, adjusting to the renewed intrusion, but there was so much pleasure mixed with the burn that he bucked a little, trying to get more of them in him.

    Yuji stroked Vale's cheek, watching his elf with pride as he writhed a little, his pierced nipples hard and pebbled, his ear tips rosy. The tip of Vale's tongue poked out, licking his lips, and one hand reached out to rest on Satoshi's shoulder. Vale's eyes never left Yuji, and that wicked tongue poked out again as Vale let his gaze drift to Yuji's jutting cock. Vale hitched a breath, licking his lips, and Yuji chuckled a little as he looked at his wanton elf.

    Yuji brought his cock to Vale's lips. "Is this what you want, my pet? You're not full enough, eh?" He fisted his hand in Vale's thick mane and Vale parted his lips eagerly, letting his tongue stud slide along the cleft under the head of Yuji's cock before he flattened his tongue and moaned softly, his greedy lips closing around Yuji's cock. Yuji moaned as well, Vale's hot little mouth demanding to be fucked even as Sand and Satoshi's cocks moved in unison in Vale's ass. "You're so pretty like this, my Akira. I'm proud of you, taking both those cocks at once. You are perfect when you obey me and please me in every way."

    Vale mewled happily, relaxing his throat as Yuji's cock hit the back of it, and letting Yuji slide in to the root, Vale's nose buried in Yuji's soft black curls as he swallowed hard. Vale's throat muscles rippled along Yuji's cock, and Yuji groaned loudly, his fist tightening in Vale's hair. Satoshi was howling as well, the incredible tightness of Vale's ass and the sensation of Sand's cock against his cock utterly intoxicating. Vale gripped Satoshi's shoulder a little tighter and tried to grind his ass down on the two cocks churning inside him, his own cock hard again and weeping just a little. Vale made a purring sound, and Yuji felt it ripple right up his cock and along his spine, and he stiffened a little as he growled, pulling back and thrusting forward, fucking Vale's swollen pink lips as he watched Sand and Satoshi's cocks slide in and out of Vale's impossibly stretched ass.

    The sight of Vale being so thoroughly fucked, and the feel of Vale's throat closing around his own cock had Yuji on the brink in no time, and he looked down at Vale to find those green eyes still fastened on him, glowing with love. "Akira. Can you take me?"

    Vale swallowed hard as his answer, and Yuji howled as that last ripple of muscle pushed him over the edge, his balls jumping up and his cum spilling down Vale's throat. Vale drank Yuji down eagerly, mewling happily as Yuji spilled, his green eyes bright. Yuji shuddered as he slowly let his cock slide out of Vale's mouth, and he leaned down to kiss the elf, tasting himself on Vale's tongue.

    Satoshi was the next to surrender to his orgasm, the sight of Vale sucking Yuji's cock driving the imp wild. Satoshi pushed in as deeply as he could, a scream erupting from his lips as his cum bathed Vale's ass and Sand's cock in liquid heat. Vale whined a little, his balls drawing up, and he looked at Yuji for permission.

    Yuji nodded, more than pleased with his elf. "Scream for me again. Let me hear you, Akira."

    Vale screamed, his eyes fluttering closed and tears spilling from the corners as he came, his cock jumping and spattering his chest with thick ropes of cum. Satoshi swiped some up on his finger and fed it to Sand, and Sand lapped it up as Vale's ass convulsed around him. Sand roared, his cum joining Satoshi's and Vale shuddered at the renewed heat within his ass as he subsided into a boneless collapse against Sand's strong chest.

    Yuji looked at his elf, utterly fucked out, his green eyes opening slowly as he came back to his senses. Vale's head turned, his eyes searching for Yuji, and when he saw Yuji, he broke out into a radiant, if exhausted smile.

  23. Sand looked at Vale for a long moment, his blue eyes unreadable, and then he smiled, a surprisingly sweet smile. "Oh, anoramin, have you ever been this beautiful before?" Sand slid one hand into Vale's hair and pulled him into a kiss, plundering Vale's mouth thoroughly, not relenting until Vale was breathless. Then Sand tugged Vale's hair, lifting his chin and latching on the the tender skin under his ear, biting and sucking a livid mark, marking Vale clearly.

    "You are Yuji's, anoramin, but first you were mine, and I remember that," Sand murmured. He guided Vale to the side of the onsen, and gestured for Vale to lie down on the bench. Sand moved between Vale's legs as Vale parted his thighs opening himself up to Sand as Sand breached him in a fluid thrust, his balls slapping up against Vale's ass. Vale's back arched, his mouth open in a silent scream, Sand's girth creating a burn despite Vale's being loosened up. Sand did not give Vale time to adjust, however. He pulled back and thrust home again, smiling sweetly as Vale's head whipped from side to side with the effort of not shrieking. Cum oozed out around Sand's cock as he thrust and thrust again, tears leaking from the corners of Vale's eyes as he forced himself to remain silent.

    Sand thrust in, and this time he did not withdraw. Instead, he reared up, his cock buried to the hilt in Vale's ass, and he reached down with long faintly scarred fingers to toy with Vale's nipple rings. "Such bright plumage you flaunt now, my little bird." Sand leaned forward, all liquid grace and took Vale's mouth in another searing kiss, one hand relinquishing the nipple ring to dance along the shell of Vale's ear, making the sun elf writhe beneath him. Sand broke the kiss, chuckling darkly, and then he pulled out of Vale altogether, ignoring the sun elf's widened eyes. "Back in the onsen, chest down on the bench, now."

    Vale moved quickly, sliding into the onsen without a splash, laying with his chest down against the bench, trembling a little as Sand slid in and moved behind him. Sand shoved his cock back into Vale's ass, once again driving in to the hilt in a single thrust, watching as Vale's back arched, his prostate thoroughly pounded and white light exploding behind his eyes. If Vale had not been wearing the cock ring, he would have exploded, cumming right then and there, but instead he fell forward again, sinking his sharp white teeth in own arm to stifle the scream that wanted out. Sand began his relentless assault on Vale's ass again, his thrusts long and hard and deep, Vale's prostate tender from the brutal pace. Sand's long fingers were wrapped around Vale's hips, deepening the bruises Yuji had placed there, and Sand moaned in appreciation of Vale's stamina and self-control.

    Sand could feel the heat growing in his belly, and he looked over at Yuji with a small nod. Yuji considered Sand for a moment. "Ready to cum, my love?"

    "Oh, indeed," Sand said, his voice a little hoarse, his cheeks faintly flushed. "I am quite close, I do believe."

    Yuji smiled and got out of the onsen, walking around the deck to move in front of Vale. "Akira. Look at me," he ordered, his tone stern.

    Sand paused in his thrusting, shuddering a little as he mastered himself, and Vale lifted his head, emerald eyes struggling to focus on Yuji. His lips were smeared a little with his own blood, from where he had bitten his arm. Yuji looked down at his beautiful elf, his face impassive.

    "How much do you want to scream, my pet?" Yuji asked conversationally.

    Vale managed to focus on Yuji, the words slowly sinking in past the lust and the ache in his cock and balls. He just barely remembered that he had been instructed to be silent, and instead gave Yuji a look of pleading that was as eloquent as words, his nostrils flaring slightly as he struggled to control his breathing.

    Yuji looked at Vale for a long moment, his face still impassive. Vale reached out, placing one hand lightly on Yuji's arm and laying his forehead against Yuji's hand, and Yuji chuckled a little. "That much, eh?" Yuji looked at Vale's arm, a little concerned by how deeply Vale had bitten into himself, but keeping that concern off his face. "Very well then, my pet." Yuji nodded to Sand, who began to thrust again, making Vale's back arch. "Scream for me, Akira. Let me hear your voice."

    Vale screamed, Sand's assault on his prostate maddening, and Yuji slipped back into the onsen, nodding to Sand who reached down and unfastened Vale's cock ring. Vale screamed again, louder, his voice breaking as his balls emptied in a convulsive spasm, his cum spilling out in great thick ropes. As Vale's ass tightened around Sand, the moon elf roared and came, his thick cock churning Vale's ass as he filled Vale with spurt after spurt of cum, shuddering with the intensity of his orgasm. Vale drew in a shaky breath and fell forward, collapsing onto the bench, trembling as Sand eased himself out of Vale's ass, falling back into Satoshi's arms.

  24. Sand leaned his head forward, his tongue tracing the shell of Yuji's ear, his breath hot in Yuji's ear. "Let Satoshi take him first. I find I have no desire for foreplay this evening, and I would prefer that Vale be prepared already when I take him." Sand ground his thick cock against Yuji's ass for emphasis, his chuckle dark and wicked.

    "What do you think, Satoshi?" Yuji said, his eyes dark with lust as he watched Satoshi tease Vale. "Do you want to play with my pet?"

    Satoshi looked over at Yuji, his face flushed with arousal, one hand still gripping Vale's ass tightly. "Oh, yes," Satoshi breathed, his thumb tracing Vale's quivering pucker.

    "I don't know," Yuji said thoughtfully. "Maybe you should make my pet beg for it. He's so pretty when he's begging to be fucked."

    Sand chuckled again, watching Satoshi with heated eyes. "Oh, I agree," he drawled, his voice heavy with lust. "His voice gets so sweetly ragged, and his ear tips are positively rosy when he is that needy. It is very enticing indeed."

    Vale ghosted a moan, bucking his ass back a little against Satoshi's thumb, and Satoshi turned back to the elf spread so pleasingly before him. Vale turned his head, giving Satoshi a sultry look, swaying his hips invitingly as he licked his lips slowly. Satoshi pulled his hand back a little, not letting his thumb slip into Vale's ass.

    "Oh, not yet," Satoshi told Vale, his own eyes dark. He bent his head back to Vale's ass, swiping his tongue stud over the tight pucker again, watching it twitch. One hand slipped up to grip the fabric collar around Vale's neck, a single finger slipping underneath and tightening it a little, and Vale whispered another throaty moan. Satoshi licked again, and then plunged his tongue in hard, pressing into Vale's ass and feeling the elf writhe in pleasure as his head came up, gold and green hair spilling across his smooth golden back.

    "That's right," Satoshi murmured. "Show me what a little cockwhore you are. You love to be fucked, don't you?"

    Vale sighed softly in agreement, Satoshi releasing the collar and using his thumbs to spread Vale's pucker apart, watching it gape a little. Vale's back arched, his cheeks flushed and he let a very soft mewl escape his lips. Satoshi let one thumb slide into that eager ass, his other hand returning to the fabric collar.

    "So nice and tight around my thumb," Satoshi said. "I bet that ass is going to feel good around my cock. I bet it will be hot and tight when I shove my cock so far into you that my balls try to join it. You want that, don't you, little cockwhore?"

    Vale shivered a little, Satoshi's words igniting a heat in his belly that made his cock twitch. He felt Satoshi's thumb grind in harder, and then withdraw to be replaced by two fingers, thrusting in abruptly, and Vale hissed a little as he pressed back against the intrusion eagerly. Vale felt Satoshi's grip on his fabric collar tighten, and he arched a little more to relieve the pressure.

    Satoshi added a third finger, careful not to probe Vale's prostate just yet, finger-fucking the elf vigorously for a moment, and watching as Vale's back arched even more, the long column of his throat exposed as Vale sought to ease the pressure of the collar that had tightened on his throat. Vale managed a sweet soft mewl, and Satoshi growled as he leaned forward to bite at one creamy shoulder. Vale's hips bucked again, his cock throbbing and weeping.

    "Satoshi, I don't think we should let my pet cum yet." Yuji's voice was clear and firm, and Satoshi nodded, releasing the collar long enough to snatch up a cock ring and fasten it securely around Vale's aching cock, earning a tiny whimper from the elf although he remained still while Satoshi worked.

    Satoshi then slicked a small amount of lube over his cock, gripping Vale's ass hand with both hands and spreading his cheeks to admire the nicely loosened pucker. Satoshi let the head of his cock rest against that eager hole for a moment, and Vale started to buck backwards until Satoshi stopped him with a sharp command.

    "Akira! No! I'll fuck you when I'm ready." Satoshi's admonishment was accompanied by a stinging slap that reddened Vale's ass nicely. Vale whimpered again, barely above a breath, but he held still, his sharp teeth worrying his lip a little. Satoshi made him wait for a few moments, and then he gripped the elf's hips tightly and slammed himself home, his balls slapping against Vale's ass as Satoshi groaned loudly. Vale's back arched sharply, and Satoshi fisted one hand in that gold and green mane and yanked, bringing Vale upright. The other hand reached around Vale to pull sharply on one nipple ring, and the elf gave a tiny gasp, his head falling back onto Satoshi's shoulder.

    Satoshi released the nipple ring in favor of sliding his finger under the fabric collar again, and the decrease in oxygen made Vale both lightheaded and even more aroused. Satoshi pulled back, and then slammed his cock into Vale again, this time hitting Vale's prostate dead on and making the elf jump a little, although Vale managed not to make more than a tiny whimper. Satoshi gripped the collar tightly, releasing Vale's hair to wrap an arm around Vale's waist and steady him as Satoshi pounded his ass with furious thrusts. Vale bucked his hips, pressing down on Satoshi's cock, soft whimpers escaping him as his prostate was was plundered.

    Satoshi could feel himself growing close to finishing, and he let go of the collar in favor of fisting his hand in Vale's hair again. Satoshi hammered a few more times into Vale's tight ass and then he felt his balls draw up. Satoshi howled, his balls emptying in a convulsive twitch, and he shot spurt after spurt of hot cum into Vale's ass, growling as he sank his teeth into Vale's shoulder. Vale let out a soft yelp as he was bitten, grinding back against Satoshi's cock as hard as he could, welcoming the hot flood that filled him as his ear tips turned rosy with need.

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