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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Oh, no, MuggleAngel, it wasn't you! You're fine! We just need to make sure that we don't become a site where people can pass around copies of stories, especially when an author has taken down their work and asked that it not be distributed if anyone has a copy. As an archive, we need to make sure authors trust us to respect their wishes, or we won't have any authors left for our readers to enjoy.
  2. Hi, I need to ask that you not offer to email copies of a story that isn't yours. We don't allow the distribution of downloaded copies of stories. Thanks!
  3. Hi, The AU/AR subcategory in the Harry Potter subdomain has yet to be sorted and additional levels created. While the main HP subcategory has been sorted to provide for pairings, the rest of the subdomain is not yet being sorted The reorganization of the archive has been an ongoing project for some time now. Given that database access is limited to our tech administrator to prevent any accidental corruption or disruption of the records, it's not a project that will be completed in the near future. We are an all-volunteer staff, and real life does need to take precedence for most of us - families, jobs, and other more urgent issues requiring our attention here at AFF. We'd love to be able to give a date for completion, but with a database approaching 9GB in size, that would be impossible right now.
  4. As you can see, I've moved your post to the correct thread. Now, if I'm reading your post correctly? Category name: Sons of Anarchy - cast members Section catagory to be in: Celebrity Do you have any stories for it?: One in the works
  5. Can't have katsu or takoyaki without my Bulldog sauce... but I'll share.
  6. Bulldog sauce. I take everything with a dash of Bulldog sauce.
  7. I'm going to assume that there was a noun lost somewhere after the adjectives "...cogent or intelligent..." One should be very careful not to let the nouns run rampant. Clarity might ensue. Slightly puzzled here as to the applicability of the following to the rest of the rant: Amendment X States' rights The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. As to Monsieur Voltaire, I'll assume you are referring to his actual philosophy and not the errant attribution to his credit of a line by a biographer. To wit: The most often cited quotation of Voltaire is actually totally apocryphal: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” was actually written by Evelyn Beatrice Hall in her 1906 biography of Voltaire and others, although it does capture the spirit of Voltaire’s attitude. I don't mind a good rant, but I do appreciate a little research.
  8. For anyone else who might be interested, the links for this story and author are: Wish Upon A Star by Lissy
  9. Hi, Donations are NEVER required. AFF is free to use, and while we always appreciate help, there is no requirement to donate. It sounds to me like you're not logged in properly. Did you log out and then log back in using the upper right fields? Those center fields only work once, at activation, and after that, will cause a login fault. I suggest you log out completely, and close the browser. Restart the browser, and then log back in using the upper right fields. That should allow you to move about the archive properly.
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