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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I'm dong my 5th NaNo. Yes, insane as that sounds, I need the discipline of that deadline. Last year's NaNo is being published in February 2015 by Torquere Press, and the really amusing thing is that I should be getting the first runs of edits somewhere around the middle to end of November. I'm probably going to do another likely Torquere submission. I'd started outlining a story, took a half-hearted poke at writing the beginning, and then got lost in research. Who knew Wales in the 4th Century CE was so damned fascinating? So, with a working title of "The Hawthorn Prince" and a prologue to inspire me, I'm ready.
  2. One thing I do want to point out is that there is the option, when registering for the forums, to make a "reader-only" account. However, the forums were always meant to serve primarily as a place where authors could find some community. I think every site approaches the issue of communication between authors and readers, or communication between members in general, on a different level. There are sites where the notion of community is non-existent, and other sites where members could engage in lively conversation right on a reply segment beneath the story. One factor that might affect how a site goes is moderation, and how the site chooses to approach things like negative reviews, trolls, flames, spammers, and so on. I do think the threads here on the AFF forums, where we could all find some common ground other than fandoms or genres, could be livelier. I'll have to plead guilty to getting caught up in things beyond chatting on the forums. (NaNo is coming, NaNo is coming!) So, if anyone out there, especially some of the newer folk, want to see if you can start some lively conversation going, I'm all for it. I'll do my best to chime in, and maybe we can make the forums as lively as they should be.
  3. You are absolutely understanding the rules correctly. Fictional characters can be under 18, but we do require that the story be tagged with Minor1 for anywhere from infancy up to age 13, and Minor2 for 14 up until they turn 18.
  4. Oh, gods, I think I'm in love! John Noble is brilliant, and I agree completely that he's a genius. The tiniest nuances of his expressions are just so fraught with impact, and he's so damned cheerfully insane, I'm smitten, entirely! And gods, yes, the higher functioning autistics and Aspies are very much what you'd expect if certain parts of the brain were tampered with, I agree. It requires a constant readjustment of point of view for the neurotypicals having to deal with them. But really, I'm so eager to see what you do with this!
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