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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. You need to remember to use the correct number of digits: YYYY-MM-DD, or for example, 2014-01-18, and then click the register button. DON'T use the enter key.
  2. Hi, We have two ways that you can add tags to a story. The first is to add them into the Summary Field. You can edit this field from your Control Panel. Select Control Panel, and go to the subdomain where your story resides. Click "Edit" under that subdomain, and you are taken to a new page. There are two dropdown fields. The first allows you to select the story title, and the second is where you choose what you need to do. In this case, it would be "Edit Details." The next page you are taken to shows you the fields again, much like when you published the story initially. There is one difference, however. We no longer have the tag dropdown available, so those tags need to be input manually. Use the arrow keys or other directional navigation to move to the very end of the Summary Field line. You will need to actually type in the tags, which is why we do specify those when we contact you about missing tags. The field also has a limitation at this time of 240 characters. If your tags won't fit, the second method may work better for you. The second method is to add the tags at the top of the first chapter. We recommend that you add a line called "Additional Warnings" or something to catch readers' eyes. Then you can type in the tags there. Once again, you use the Control Panel to access the story, but this time you want to "Edit Chapter." Choose the first chapter, and you can make changes in the Rich Text Editor window. This method might be the best for you in light of your question about characters. We don't have formal character tags, but if an author wants to include those, they most often do a separate disclaimer at the top of the first chapter. By using the second method, you could type in both the story tags and the character tags. I'm sorry the e-mail wasn't helpful enough. We do include links to the appropriate FAQs, in this case to: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/10218-how-do-i-edit-story-codes-disclaimer-or-other-story-properties/ The FAQs do list the steps to make the corrections, and even if a story has been hidden, the author of the story can ALWAYS access it via the Control Panel. It would be silly of us to hide the story and make it inaccessible, after all. I did see that you had tagged your other stories properly, and we'll get this sorted. If you're having problems making the fixes, please let me know, and we'll work through it together. Thanks!
  3. I hear you about the cats. The puppy prefers a playmate on her many walks... O.o
  4. The general subdomain for Justified would, as WillowDarkling points out, be Television: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php I'm not retrieving any stories with a search for the term Justified in story summaries, however. Posting a search request in the Television search thread might yield some results, however: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/646-television/ to restate the link above from WillowDarkling. (Thanks, Neko! )
  5. I am going to be making lists of what the lazy slugs in my house will be doing while I work. Because, yes, this is work. I have 2 teenagers and a daft one that are all quite capable of handling rudimentary tasks, like putting things in the damned dishwasher, or making a damned bed. Or even putting away their own clean laundry. They know where to FIND the clean clothing, so putting it where they usually find it shouldn't be too much of a stretch. And I have wine. If they piss me off enough, I'll order another case...
  6. The biggest hang-up people have is the inability to reply to reviews in the archive itself. I see so many grumbles about it in authors' notes in the stories, and I frequently have to issue warns to authors for posting to their own review boards in the archive. However, when authors do take the time to create review reply threads here on the forum, or use the Promote a Story thread, or otherwise make their presence known in some way, it helps readers connect with them. Case in point? Magusfang. His review reply thread is lively, he and his readers chat in the shoutbox, and you can see the interactions drawing in new people. Of course, you can't make people respond to a thread you create, but his personality comes through his posts, and that works for his readers. I think you get out of the forums what you put into the forums.
  7. Okay, because... My publisher moved my upcoming book to a new editor, and guess what? I'm getting the first round of edits on November 3. Yes, I will be doing NaNo while working on edits for my new book. This is because I am crazy. I am so crazy.
  8. Go to the search thingie, type in my user name, and click on my author name when it appears. Then click add as buddy.
  9. There's no downside. If you make the 50k words, you pat yourself on the back and have a first draft to work with. If not, you have what you'e written which can be cleaned up a bit and continued. I compromised with my inner Grammar Bitch . We can spellcheck, but we can't rewrite and tweak and polish until after November 30. I'd never finish otherwise, I assure you, but I have finished for the past four years, and I'll finish this year, too. And if you do decide to do it, and want to buddy, I'm MorwenNavarre.
  10. I don't see it as pressure. I see it as a form of discipline. I know I need 1,667 words a day to make the goal, but I also know that word count widgets can vary, and I hate last minute hysteria, so I shoot for more. 2,500 words a day, to be precise. I'm lucky enough to be able to work at home, which means that I can carve out time for writing. This lets me treat my writing like a proper job, and so it is. The more I publish, the more of a real job it becomes, so I need to be serious about it.
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