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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. It will also depend very much on where the AU college/university is located. If it exists in Kohona, then the story belongs in the Naruto subdomain. If you set it within another fandom, then the story would be placed in that fandom's subdomain and subcategory. As an example, if the university existed in the Bleach universe, the story would go in the Bleach subdomain, as a crossover, with all the other fandoms properly disclaimed. Hopefully, this is a bit clearer now.
  2. What fandom/'verse is the story set in for the majority of the story? That really governs placement of the story.
  3. 30348
  4. 30341
  5. Television > G through L > Gotham
  6. 30339
  7. 30337
  8. I'll update our records, but for future reference, as we state in the email, you can add the tags at the top of the first chapter if they don't fit in the summary field. That field has a limit of 240 characters, and we understand that you might not be able to add all the tags in. You also can't use the dropdown menu for tags after the initial publishing of the story. It's manual from there on, meaning you have to use the arrow keys to navigate through the summary field to the end, and type in the tags yourself. It's much easier than if you delete and repost. For example, you lost any ratings, hit count data and reviews you might have had on the original version. Once you delete the story, we can't recover that for you. Most of us on staff are also authors on the site, so we hate to see anyone lose reviews and ratings.
  9. Hi, The issue is that your story is missing tags. You were emailed by one of our moderators regarding the issue, and how to correct it. If you haven't gotten that email, check your Spam or Junk folder and see if it wound up there. If not, we can resend the email to you. Thanks!
  10. BronxWench


    Hi, We have a thread for that: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/733-archive-category-requests/ Make sure to use the correct format: Category name: Section catagory to be in: Do you have any stories for it?:
  11. I'll bite. This is my fifth year of doing the National Novel writers Month challenge -- 30 days, 50,000 words, and then polish that rough first draft into a novel. So why is it so hard all of a sudden for my family to grasp that the "NaNoWriMo - Fuck Off" sign on my desk means them?
  12. 30331
  13. 30329
  14. 30327
  15. 30322
  16. 30319
  17. 30316
  18. BronxWench

    shikaneji lemon?

    I'm posting a link to that pairing in our Naruto subdomain: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?list=1464
  19. Just because we like things to be orderly... Can you complete the request in the format below? Category name: Section catagory to be in: Do you have any stories for it?:
  20. That one is at a total of 312 characters, so that would be why it won't let you add the tag. You'd have to greatly truncate the summary to add it, or move all the tags to the top of the first chapter.
  21. GrayNeko, which story is it?
  22. It's a very common start to many HP fan fictions. Lissa's quite right. There's not enough there to narrow the field down.
  23. Ah, you aren't logged in, or so it appears from that screenshot. Try logging out, and then logging back in using the fields in the upper right hand corner. Be sure that you enter your password correctly, since it's case sensitive. If you used a capital letter anywhere when creating the password, you always need to use that capital letter. That should clear the problem for you, and let you reach the proper page to add your story. If not, let me know what's happened. We'll get it sorted out.
  24. 30306
  25. 30304
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