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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Ah, too bad, then. Besides, it'd be hard explaining an adopted child who's older than you are.
  2. The first thing I'd do is look for a dental college/school. I know at least here, the senior students need actual patients to work with, and their work is supervised by their professors, who are accredited dentists. The cost can be a fraction of what you'd have to pay otherwise. It might also be possible to find a dental clinic at a hospital that offers lower cost work. The sad truth is that even if you're lucky enough to have dental coverage as part of your insurance, it rarely pays enough to cover the cost of a single root canal. My plan has a cap of $1500 a year for dental. NOT hard to burn through that, even at the plan's allowance for dental procedures. I'm just lucky I have a dentist that accepts what the plan pays and doesn't ask for more.
  3. I have a feeling that the pop-up interrupted the posting process. Your questions certainly aren't stupid - it always takes a bit to learn how a new site works. You can find Les Miserables in Books > Titles in the Public Domain > Les Miserables. That link will take you right to the section where the stories exist on the archive. I don't see your story there, which is why I'm presuming the pop-up short circuited things. I'd suggest trying again, and seeing if you can get through the process without Microsoft being shirty again.
  4. We don't need the company or creator names, simply the name of the actual fandom. The way you have it works for me.
  5. You can certainly have a cross over between video games and anime, since often they do have a symbiotic relationship, as you say. But we are going to need at least one fandom listed in the initial disclaimer, with a note that additional fandoms will be disclaimed in the chapters in which they occur. So, for example, let's say you use Devil May Cry as the "main" fandom. That lives in the Games subdomain, so that's where you post the story. The initial disclaimer looks like this: "I do not own Devil May Cry and the other fandoms listed in each chapter, and I make no money from this story." Then, since Hatake Kakashi shows up in chapter 1, at the top, you add an additional disclaimer: "I do not own Naruto and I make no money from this story." Those additional disclaimers don't count as Author's notes, and you can easily add multiple fandoms there: "I do not own Naruto, Bleach, or Death Note and I make no money from this story."
  6. It will also depend very much on where the AU college/university is located. If it exists in Kohona, then the story belongs in the Naruto subdomain. If you set it within another fandom, then the story would be placed in that fandom's subdomain and subcategory. As an example, if the university existed in the Bleach universe, the story would go in the Bleach subdomain, as a crossover, with all the other fandoms properly disclaimed. Hopefully, this is a bit clearer now.
  7. What fandom/'verse is the story set in for the majority of the story? That really governs placement of the story.
  8. Television > G through L > Gotham
  9. I'll update our records, but for future reference, as we state in the email, you can add the tags at the top of the first chapter if they don't fit in the summary field. That field has a limit of 240 characters, and we understand that you might not be able to add all the tags in. You also can't use the dropdown menu for tags after the initial publishing of the story. It's manual from there on, meaning you have to use the arrow keys to navigate through the summary field to the end, and type in the tags yourself. It's much easier than if you delete and repost. For example, you lost any ratings, hit count data and reviews you might have had on the original version. Once you delete the story, we can't recover that for you. Most of us on staff are also authors on the site, so we hate to see anyone lose reviews and ratings.
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