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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hi, If you can email us to confirm the pen name and email address used to create the account, we can process that for you. Please send that information to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org Thanks!
  2. And I'm not targeting any particular age, gender or orientation. Based on what you've said, we're not that far apart. But I will tell you this. You don't have to like what I have to say, but you will damned well accord me the right to say it. THAT'S what "being past it" means. I also think it's naive to think we're past the old battles because a small percentage of younger people believe in gay marriage. Read history. Read history voraciously. We repeat it over and over. Read Aristophanes. Read Socrates. Read Marcus Aurelius. Read Dante Alighieri and Machiavelli and Chaucer. Nothing is new. And the correct spelling of eunuchs is indeed "eunuchs."
  3. "He tripped and fell seven times. Clumsy kid."
  4. I'll give this one last try, and then I'm done. The intent of the thread was to share things that irritate or anger us, or, in magus's metaphor, burns our ass. You shared that you were angry, wanted us to light our farts (which ceases to be amusing somewhere around age 10), and then tossed out some more descriptions of how angry you were. You never said WHY you were angry, though, which really does defeat the purpose of a "share WHY you're angry" thread. There. Done. Can't get clearer than that. Walking away now.
  5. Actually, pak, you were raging, as opposed to sharing what made you rage. Entirely different thing. And not a whole lot of funny, either.
  6. I came of age in the 70s, and honestly, the term feminism has been abused, mutated, morphed, and Photoshopped into something Gloria Steinem and Bella Abzug would poke gingerly with a stick before calling for a tactical strike (delivered by a completely kick-ass woman fighter pilot). I have no use for the SJW terrorists who run rampant waving plagiarized banners and trying to earn their metaphoric balls on the back of someone else's sacrifice. You want cred with me? Grow up and become Rosa Parks, or Marie Curie, or Hedy Lamarr. BUILD it up, don't tear it down and think you deserve praise, because you don't, not until you contribute something more than being a cyber-bully.
  7. Technically, the first is correct. VERY technically. I agree it looks awkward, though, and honestly? I'd rewrite the sentence, or use italics for the saying, rather than single quotes.
  8. Or perhaps, "What the fuck did you say about a cure?" and then the switch. The word "cure" should remind readers of the earlier explanation.
  9. Too much exposition alienates readers. If you've already explained the nature of his energy, and what is needed to "cure" the women, then I'd advise you to just make a brief mention to remind readers. They will remember what was already explained.
  10. oraldeviant pulled all stories from the site. I really have no idea why, sorry!
  11. Madcow appears to have removed all stories. I'm sorry!
  12. What that means, Slayer, is that you need to have gone through the process outlined in the Adopt a Story thread. I see you have asked to adopt a few stories, but you need that original author to accept and agree, and DG needs to hear from you both in that story thread that you agree to the adoption. Just saying you want to adopt the story doesn't mean you've adopted it. You should also start a separate thread when you ask a question here, rather than add onto an unrelated thread. You're asking about story adoption on a thread a user made to ask about his archive profile. NOT at all related. Now, if you'd lost your author profile, I could see adding on here, but this did need its own thread. Normally, I'd just have deleted the query as misplaced, since I can't move only a part of a thread.
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