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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Links for above: There Be Dragons, Harry by Scioneeris
  2. BronxWench

    lost story

    Madcow seems to have removed all stories from the site. Sorry!
  3. It would help if we knew what parts of the process were hard for you to use. On the whole, it's a pretty straightforward process. I've posted fics elsewhere myself, and AFF is no harder than most. I actually found FFN to be the largest pain in the nethers, because I had to upload my story to their editor and then fix everything their editor did to my formatting. I haven't posted there in years but I can't imagine it's much better.
  4. My most evil plot bunny (currently locked in the closet) was spawned while driving with my mother. I was passed by a tanker carrying jet fuel, and moments later, a truck loaded with industrial lubricant passed me. I blame my mother for pointing out the truck of lube.
  5. You do realize that plot bunnies are impossible to actually kill, don't you? They just respawn, and you never know what they'll pick up on their way back. Trust me on this.
  6. A "union of immortal hearts" is fine. But decide if you're going for concubinage or for this take on Mormon polygamy.
  7. ::grins:: Contro is used for anything so over the top that we haven't already listed a tag for it. An example might be that you would use "Violence" when A beats the everliving daylights out of B, but you might add "Contro" if A rips B's arm off and uses B's arm to beat the everliving daylights of of B. It's also useful if we haven't covered something, such as before we added a tag for "Vore." Most people find that controversial. Does that help?
  8. You need to keep in mind that the Japanese culture already has rich associations, and as long as you're playing in a fandom that is at heart Japanese, you need to remember that. The readers don't want to see something entirely new. Adapt the traditional and add a small twist, but don't try and marry tribal ritual to Japanese concubinage. It's impossibly contradictory.
  9. Welcome to AFF! Enjoy reading, and try to leave a few reviews for some of our wonderful authors.
  10. http://hubpages.com/hub/Women-in-the-Heian-Court http://hubpages.com/topics/education-and-science/history-and-archaeology/history-of-asia/history-of-japan/7320 Research, SGS, is the lifeblood of a writer. If you can't research, then stick to what you know firsthand. Readers are turned off by lack of knowledge, especially otaku readers who delve into Japanese history and culture because they love the Naruto fandom.
  11. Links for above: Waiting in the Throes by MaddoxGrey
  12. Here, we call that constructive criticism, and I for one adore it. We define flaming as an attack that is not related to the story, but becomes a personal assault on the author. Pretty much what the hardcore fans in your example would be doing, and we don't tolerate that here.
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