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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 30974
  2. 30971
  3. 30968
  4. 30966
  5. 30963
  6. 30959
  7. 30956
  8. If you have a story for this manhwa, you can request that a category be made right here. Please read the how-to post, and follow the format, and it will be done.
  9. Oraldeviant removed all stories from the Internet.
  10. 30943
  11. 30941
  12. 30939
  13. 30935
  14. 30931
  15. 30929
  16. 30924
  17. Just a reminder... if you see gibberish, don't click the links, and DO report the post or member. It's spambot season.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      Yeah, but the side effects are: Sense of guilt, need to delete history and, I'm told, stiffness in socks. It's a sick world.

    3. BronxWench


      It's the socks that does me in.

    4. Kurahieiritr


      Thanks for letting us know about the spambots problem. Just getting my computer to working right again after I got hit with a virus, so I really don't want any more troulbe with this machine.

  18. BronxWench

    Doctor m/m

    Glad to help! It's an amazing story, if a bit dark.
  19. BronxWench

    Doctor m/m

    The author is 19 and the story is called Schadenfreude. It has been published, and although the author had made the first three chapters available on AFF, the rest of the story needed to be purchased to be seen. Teasers like this are not permitted per our Terms of Service, and so the teaser chapters were removed.
  20. 30922
  21. 30910
  22. 30908
  23. In my case, it's ONLY the Harry Potter subdomain that doesn't want me posting as myself. I'm sure it's some bizarre little spell devised by Voldemort, which means he's not invited to the next barbeque.
  24. 30903
  25. I'm having issues with an overly attached account, so don't mind my review in "work clothes." I've cleared my cache and closed and restarted my browser a dozen times, but the HP subdomain has decided I can't be BronxWench today. It's a strange place, HP...
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