I'd call "space elves" a fan theory/joke and leave it there, since nothing in canon supports it. Klingon culture was far closer to Viking than biker, to be honest, since they did have a very well defined code of ethics. It might not match ours perfectly, but they understood and respected strong warriors and bravery. Like the Viking culture, females were not confined to purely domestic roles, and could fight alongside men as equals. There was a nod toward Mongol culture in the first series, however, when the "Imperial" Klingons were presented as more chaotic and almost entirely male. Being a history geek as well, the obvious cultural ties are evident.
And you didn't lose me as far as comprehension. I followed what you said just fine. I just don't much care for stories where the main job of the male protag is to impregnate all the women. I've been pregnant. I don't need to read someone else's take on it, especially when it's being done for the sexual gratification of it, and not because it's a true biological imperative, or simply a consequence of sexual activity. It's not my fetish of choice, that's all.