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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 31038
  2. Hi, Thanks for taking care of the correction. The story is visible once more in the archive. I'm not sure where that email address in your post originated, but the email address we use is tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. But this worked, too!
  3. 31036
  4. Anxiety: noun; a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Otherwise known as the feeling I get when I receive a galley proof of my book...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kurahieiritr


      Turn it into excitement if at all possible, Dear Heart. Stressful as it is, not everyone gets to live such a wonderful dream as to become a published writer. Besides, you are a wonderful writer who deserves to be noticed.

    3. pittwitch


      You're gonna be FABULOUS!

    4. BronxWench


      You are all the best! <3

  5. One of the things lists like that don't take into account is author voice. For creative writing, as opposed to blogging or writing textbooks/technical manuals, every author has a voice, a personal style. Stephen King abhors adverbs. George RR Martin takes delight in killing off as many characters as possible in as short a span as can be managed. Ray Bradbury strings together words until they become music. But all of those differences are why readers love them. It's their voice. I think a writer needs to care about good grammar in the narrative portions of a story, while dialogue can be looser. I think worrying about repetitive use of certain phrases is fine, and looking for alternatives to the more common action phrases (he looked, she smiled) is wonderful. But I also think that worrying too much about conforming to a checklist runs the risk of ruining that voice. If you've ever done that little test to see who you write like, it's our quirks that make us sound like one of the "name" authors, not how well we pare out the forbidden words of the moment.
  6. 31029
  7. Oh, if you have a WIP, we will add the category in advance.
  8. We have a thread for category requests, right here. Be sure to use the correct format: Category name: Section catagory to be in: Do you have any stories for it?: Things have been hectic, but it will get added.
  9. 31026
  10. 31022
  11. 31019
  12. Glad you're up and running again!
  13. I'm showing you as pending, which usually means that you haven't activated under the new archive code. If you did start that process, you may have missed the validation email that's sent to you to complete the activation. It sometimes winds up in the Spam or Junk folder. If you need a new activation email sent, you can use this link. If you haven't yet registered under the updated archive code, you can use this link for instructions.
  14. Okay. We can fix this. If you reset the password to the same thing, it blanks the field, so make sure you reset using a brand new password, at least 8 letter or numbers long. But that might not be the issue. What I find helps is to clear your browser's cache, log out of AFF, close the browser entirely, restart the browser, and log in to AFF using the upper right hand fields only. The center field don't work and can cause the error you're getting. Try that, and see if it works. If not, let us know and tell us exactly what happens, and we'll sort this out.
  15. 31004
  16. 31002
  17. Okay, just in case you all missed this note at the top of the search thread: The posts are hidden. DON'T repeat that offer, please.
  18. 31000
  19. Madcow has removed all their stories from the Internet. oraldeviant has likewise removed their stories. I feel obliged to remind folks that we do NOT allow passing around hard copies of stories that have been taken down on our forum. Please don't solicit or offer hard copies of deleted work. Respect the authors' choice.
  20. If no email is posted in the profile by the author, then you would need to try leaving an inquiry on the review board, with your contact information. You can refer them to this post, since this area does not require forum registration to use.
  21. 30987
  22. 30984
  23. I'd just like to point out that we have a site policy of not passing around hard copies of anything. If there is a legitimate website that also hosts the work, by all means. do link that, but we do not want to become a pirate site.
  24. 30978
  25. 30976
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