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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Yes, you can put up a challenge for a similar work.
  2. This is the author's account link: psyche_b_mused
  3. Hi, We've had quite a few requests to enhance the ability to search by tag. I know this is something that the coder is aware of, and hopefully will be able to address. While I have no updated information beyond that, we'll keep everyone posted whenever we're ready to implement a code change. Thanks!
  4. The very first thing I ever wrote was handwritten, because I just love dating myself here. I put it aside until I had time to type it, and never saw it again. In retrospect, I'm entirely sure it was a mercy killing by the universe as a whole.
  5. To be honest, I don't think we have any stories for that particular fandom.
  6. It's Release Day! Ghost's Dilemma is available on Torquere Press and on Amazon today. Don't forget the Release Party on Facebook tomorrow, complete with GIVEAWAYS. We're raffling off 5 free ebooks and a $25 Amazon gift card, so stop by. If you haven't entered the giveaway yet, go do it!
  7. Hi, That story was hidden due to a poll in Chapter 4. You were emailed on 1/25/15 regarding the poll, and what was needed to correct the issue. If you didn't receive the email, please check your Spam or Junk folder to see if it was sent there. Otherwise, I can resend the original email to you. Thanks!
  8. Is this a category request?
  9. It depends largely on how you're inputting the stories. If you are writing in Word, you can use the No Spacing style to remove those extra lines between paragraphs in your document. It will look impossibly awkward without spaces between paragraphs, but when you post the story by pasting it into the Rich Text Editor, it should come out fine. The other option is to manually delete them in the Rich Text Editor. They will show up there when you paste the story initially. It's a bit time consuming to remove them like that, but again, once you have the text looking the way you want in the RTE, it should appear that way in the archive as well. If you write in LibreOffice or OpenOffice, I believe you can emulate the No Spacing style that Word uses.
  10. You're in the right place, but we ask that you post the request in the proper format: Category name: Section catagory to be in: Do you have any stories for it?:
  11. Yes, we do have two accounts for you, and I've sent you the details via PM.
  12. There shouldn't be a delay to log in, if you're using the correct email address and password. Just make sure to use the upper right fields only, and keep in mind that our passwords are case sensitive, so if you used a capital letter anywhere when creating the password, you must always use that capital letter.
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