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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 31499
  2. 31497
  3. MY EYES!!!!! 31492 ::wanders off to contemplate sporking out her own eyeballs::
  4. 31489
  5. 31487
  6. 31482
  7. 31480
  8. 31478
  9. 31475
  10. 31473
  11. 31471
  12. 31469
  13. 31464
  14. 31459
  15. 31457
  16. 31455
  17. 31453
  18. 31448
  19. 31446
  20. 31444
  21. 31436
  22. I look at old summaries and die inside while laughing at myself, because I am that bad. I gave up after a while and just chickened out with : "Response to AFF Challenge Prompt [whatever] and then tags. VERY creative of me.
  23. 31432
  24. My epic mess of a fan fiction is in a very obscure fandom as well, so I can sympathize entirely. I have one fan fiction set in the Dragon Age: Origins world, which some gamers know, but no one remembers Neverwinter Nights 2, let alone the Forgotten Realms lore that my geeky little heart adores. And I write the worst summaries known to mankind. I'm beginning to take pride in how awful they are.
  25. 31430
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