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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I have the screen capture, so you can delete that piece of nastiness. I'm sure you've tried this already, but you might want to report them to Yahoo for cyberbullying/stalking. I can send you my screen captures from AFF if you need them for Yahoo.
  2. Weighing in, I prefer to be indirect with details mostly because I know how I react to certain descriptors. I've put a book down and walked away from it if it doesn't leave me any room for imagination. There are times when I do need to state a character's height, or something specific about their appearance, and of course eye color, hair color, and other descriptors are great. But I'm perplexed by very specific measurements, to wit: "He was 6 foot 3-1/2 inches tall, 6 foot 4 if he stretched." It makes me stop and ponder the need for that half-inch more of height, since I'm a mere 5 foot 5 inches tall and would get a neck crick either way.
  3. I can never understand that insistence some people have on reading things that they don't like. I have one person who emails me from time to time to report fictions in the HP subdomain that have underage characters having sex. Mind you, these stories are clearly marked with the Minor1 and/or Minor2 tags, so it's not like this was a mystery or they were taken unawares. I've sent this person our standard email on why we don't censor as long as it's tagged so many times that I'm beginning to want to scream. Sadly, there is no cure for stupid.
  4. Profile for Fallen I'm not seeing any record of staff action, so Fallen removed the stories herself, sorry!
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