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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 31387
  2. 31385
  3. 31380
  4. I still tend to flinch when I get breast descriptions via cup size thrown at me, and cock measurements that are specific. Give me, "He was generous enough that her hand barely wrapped around his girth." Don't toss out, "His cock was a generous ten inches in length, with a girth of nearly three inches." My legs will be crossing as I click on by. That sort of detailed description leaves my imagination no room to play, and a bored imagination leads to all sorts of things that are unpleasant. And if we're going to get a little pedantic here, we women have to measure our breasts to buy bras. So, you've a bit of an apples versus oranges comparison there, Ark. Just saying...
  5. Hi, I'd definitely include anal and fingering in the codes for the cavity searches. I would not think rape applies at all, although in my ever humble opinion, sexual gratification for either party isn't required for the rape tag. In this case, though, it's not rape. I would probably add contro to be safe, since you're not using rape. This is full of triggers and I tend to be very conservative in tagging anything that contains elements that can cause flashbacks, distress, or emotional trauma. So, yes to cock and ball torture, yes to violence, and yes to contro. Throw in anal and fingering, but M/M doesn't apply since it's not a sexual encounter. As far as rating this, I'd go with Adult+ as a minimum, and probably Adult++ to be safe.
  6. Spent the night in the emergency department with my mom, who apparently has pneumonia.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BronxWench


      Thank you, everyone! Mom is responding to the antibiotics for her pneumonia, and her atrial fibrillation is back under control. Hopefully, she comes home in a day or two.

    3. Melrick


      Glad she's doing better.

    4. Krulos


      Well, best wishes on her health, and I hope she has a speedy and successful recovery.

  7. 31369
  8. 31367
  9. 31365
  10. May he be welcomed into the next world. Goodbye, Sir Terry...
  11. They are the holders of the sacred flame, privy to the secret of the One True Pairing, don't you know? And these are the selfsame people (and I use the term very loosely here) who will squeal with glee no matter what indignity, aberration, or abuse is heaped on their beloved characters as long as the pairing is correct. There isn't enough in the entirety of the DSM-V to explain these people.
  12. Mmm... That's what I used to call lunch. Management material (aka newly-minted MBAs) on toast, with a little wasabi mayonnaise. But seriously, I'd love to see it happen. The fan poodles do little to endear anyone to fan fiction, and strip the genre of any hope of respectability. And then there's the gormless like EL James who hammer in that final nail in the coffin.
  13. 31360
  14. 31358
  15. 31354
  16. 31351
  17. 31349
  18. 31346
  19. There's another old account. Nariza... We're going to need to merge that one as well.
  20. Did you use the procedure for activating an existing account? It's slightly different from the new account method: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29595-existing-users-logging-in-for-the-1st-time-in-the-new-system/ We have the account pen name as GamerChick, and the email address is the blackpanther address at gmail If you've done that already, what you may need to do is clear the deck a bit. Log out of AFF, even if you don't think you're logged in. Then clear your browser's history, close the browser all the way, restart the browser, and then try logging in to AFF. Sometimes you need to refresh and reset a bit.
  21. 31344
  22. 31339
  23. I'm not showing any record of staff action regarding this story, so I can only presume it was removed by the author.
  24. Care by SaitouLover
  25. 31337
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