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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Right now, we do not have that capability. What we suggest is that you add the author and/or story to your own author profile. Open the Control Panel, and you can add to the Recommended Reading and Recommended Author sections. This will at least give you a fast link to get back to the story or the author profile.
  2. I think I survived Round One of editing. O.o

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BronxWench


      I see dead writers... O.O ::runs off giggling::

    3. pittwitch


      You've got this, BW!

    4. pittwitch


      You've got this, BW!

  3. And from a couple of the boys from Pentatonix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcwRLoszsOA&list=UU9yXFuNnghsUHU6OpGg_MGA
  4. I'm going to go out on a limb here and hazard a guess that you're not a writer. The thing is, we learn from our mistakes. As a writer, I get more from well thought out constructive criticism such as Anonymous offered than I do from being told how awesome I am. I'm good enough to have gotten a couple of things picked up by a publisher, but it was listening to readers telling me what I got wrong that helped me improve. My editor doesn't care about my delicate feelings. Editors are brutal, but if I listen to them, and keep my whining to a minimum, I wind up with a truly outstanding book. That's because there's no room for the thin-skinned when it comes to writing. And if Jashley13 isn't complaining to me about being flamed, then I think you can rest easy and not castigate Anonymous for doing what every writer hopes for.
  5. JayDee is right on the money, and we also have subcats for a couple of bands, as well as a subcat specifically for Jrock/Jpop/Kpop fics. We have a specific form of disclaimer that must be used for any story involving real persons, and all celebrities MUST be 18 years of age or older. We delete any stories involving real persons under that age of 18 with no warning. Now, the burning question... what do people think of them? Well. People are writing them, so I expect they do like them. The site permits them, and as an archive moderator, I will read them to ensure compliance with site rules, and leave my opinion at the door. But since you asked... I keep thinking about these real people, and their very real families and friends, and how all of those real people would feel if they read some of what's been written about them. My personal opinion, which in no way reflects site policy, is that it's a Very Bad Idea to write about real people. No matter how much I turn this one around in my head, I just find it nearly impossible to equate "I adore Famous Guy" with what was just done to the poor bastard by the adoring fan/author. À chacun son goût, however.
  6. There's no private messaging system for the archive, although we do have one for registered forum members. However, as DemonGoddess noted above, unless the author has put the story up for adoption, we'd need the author's permission sent to us by the author directly. We've had people trying to adopt stories that haven't been updated in years, but without author consent, we can't allow that. If this is an AFF author, we can forward a request and give them your contact information, depending on whether or not we can reach the author, of course. You can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the author's pen name, the story title, and your request, and I'd be happy to try to forward that for you.
  7. However, if you DON'T skin certain characters alive, you're equally pilloried.
  8. I'm not sure when that will be rolled out. Once we have a better idea of timing, we'll be sure to let everyone know.
  9. http://www.superheronation.com/2009/10/01/sharpening-your-concept-with-a-two-sentence-synopsis/ http://blog.nathanbransford.com/2010/05/one-sentence-one-paragraph-and-two.html
  10. These stories appear to have been deleted. Without a title or author name, I can't look into any possible staff action.
  11. We walk a fine line between the needs of the authors and the needs of the readers. While your intention was simply to be honest about your desire for reviews, and while you would probably not have posted chapters without reviews even if you hadn't stated it, the very crux was equating publishing chapters with receiving reviews. We've had authors who demand a certain number of reviews before they will post the next chapter. We've had authors ask for a certain type of review. We've had authors use polls, or question/answer formats to generate reviews. That's because a larger number of reviews attracts more readers. However, readers also don't want to be told that they MUST review to see content. They view that as a form of blackmail, and we get extremely incensed emails from irate readers. Some readers don't want to take the time to log in to leave a review, or can't log in because their college or university won't grant access to an adult site. Some readers are afraid to review because they've gotten a bad reaction from another author. We don't mind an author asking for reviews. In fact, at the bottom of every monthly newsletter, we remind readers to review. Feel free to ask for reviews. What we won't permit is the second half of what you did. It's not an informed choice when the actions of others affects the outcome, since Reader A might review, but if no one else reviews, no new chapter is posted. Don't make it a trade: reviews for chapters. That's not a request any longer. It's a demand, and no matter how we turn that one around and look at it, the coercion is simply not something we can permit. I hope this clarifies our position, and our reasoning behind the rule.
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