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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. To get this thread back on topic, somewhat, many readers who won't leave a review will come and chat here on the forum. The Promote a Story! thread and the review reply threads are excellent places to let your readers get to know you. The OP is looking to promote a story, and that would be why I made the initial comment that I did. Reviews aren't really the issue here.
  2. There are reviewers who will leave some great, detailed reviews. It depends on the individual reader, and how they feel, really.
  3. We have an amazing thread called Promote a Story! where you can post information about your stories, and post update notices. A lot of our author use it regularly, and if readers are forum members, they can follow that thread, which can then serve as an update notice.
  4. It's big only if he has an understanding of what it is he's been missing, so to speak. It's bigger to you, as the author, than it is to the character, if you think about it. I know you want him to have one of those perfect first times, but I'm going to be fairly direct. I'm from a large urban area, and came of age before HIV, herpes, Hep C, and all those lovely things that make sex a crapshoot nowadays. The worst thing we had to deal with was a bit of clap, and antibiotics along with a bunch of embarrassing phone calls dealt with that nicely. So, we were largely uninhibited when it came to sex. I have not ever encountered anyone who had two women suck him off as a first time. It sounds like they at least have some clue of what to do, which makes it even less probable. I'm pretty certain that most first times, for a guy, are over far faster than he'd have liked, and are fairly messy, inelegant, downright giggle-worthy affairs. So two women with a clue aren't going to be "playing" with him. They will know with certainty that he's going to blow his load fast, and refractory periods being what they are, even his youthful enthusiasm won't make a second time happen instantly. And "something large left his body" sounds like he either gave birth or had the bowel movement from the hells. Or possibly he has balls the size of an African elephant. Most men's testicles aren't going to hold enough fluids to give that sensation. We're talking generally a teaspoon or two of fluid, maybe less. Go look at what a teaspoon or two of a liquid looks like. It's not something large at all, in terms of accuracy.
  5. Word_Slave took all her works down, and has asked that any saved copies not be shared around. We support her request, and ask that you do as well.
  6. Honestly, the mechanics of release are the same. I think the key lies in whether or not the person giving the blow job has any experience at all. If not, then while he might not have anything to compare it to, other than his own hand, it might be a bit clumsy. Does she perhaps have trouble going past the head, and will she use her hand a bit? Might the actual ejaculation surprise them both? It doesn't need to be like a cannon going off to startle a girl giving her first blow job, not to mention the taste of semen for the first time. As far as he's concerned, not having anything to compare, he won't notice that a mouth can be looser than a vagina, even with a bit of pressure from the tongue, and there's teeth in there to watch out for. These are the things to work out in your on head before you even start writing. And keep in mind that what goes on in your readers' heads is almost ALWAYS smuttier than anything you can write, so give them the framework and let them fill in the squishy bits.
  7. So, to try and use the format provided, you're asking for: Subdomain: Television Fandom: Black Sails Do you have a story for it? Yes, I'm working on one. That about right?
  8. Aaww, good dad, then! Seriously, my step-sis lives in Brooklyn, and it's always an adventure going there. I also wind up doing business in downtown Brooklyn, but I have at least 3 getaway routes mapped out after I say goodbye to the boys at HQ.
  9. First of all, once you're past the age of two, there is no accidental grabbing of tits unless you're Mr Bean. Second, this is YOUR story, and YOUR character. He will respond the way you see him responding. If you need to test every single sex scene for accuracy, probability, or sexual titillation. then you are in the wrong genre of writing. Writing erotica, or smut if you prefer, is as much about using what works for you as it is trying to entice and arouse readers. For example, I write sexual encounters between two men. One of the two may or may not be a virgin. I can't use personal experience since I'm not, in fact, a man, but I CAN use what I know of how men have responded during sex with me. I don't need to describe every thrust, every sensation in exhaustive detail to set a mood. Hells, I can make a reader squirm happily without actually saying anything explicit at all, but that's because I'm getting more into WHY my characters are having sex, and what's going on in their heads as well as their bodies. Here is an example, part of which I used elsewhere on the forum. It is not slash, in deference to your tender sensibilities, and it is NOT up for grabs. I don't share my work, even if it's only fan fiction. This is to show how to write sex without actually writing sex: I don't think most readers will have a great deal of trouble figuring out that they had sex, and are about to do it again. And they get to fill in the blanks as to exactly what my two got up to, and I'm pretty sure my readers' imaginations are not only up to the task, but probably a damned sight better than my poor words would be.
  10. I'm telling you, Brooklyn is NOT the place to be. And Park Slope is way overrated, and overpriced these days. On the other hand, at least it's not a hipster hangout. Or full of strollers.
  11. I have this image in my head, of trolls playing Stratego. This is not a good thing.
  12. BronxWench


    If the only thing in the chapter is the tease, it's actually a violation of the Content Guidelines portion of the Terms of Service. We don't allow teaser chapters here at AFF, which may be what's setting off your reviewers. I'd strongly suggest you make sure that you have no teaser chapters. We sweep the archive weekly, and we do issue warnings and follow up on them quite diligently. That would be the "This is a moderated archive" part of DG's news releases.
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