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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Our tech admin can go in and remove that email address for you, if you give us the information. The story ID and review ID are what we'd need. You can email us with that information, or post it here, although emailing us is more private. The email is tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. For future reference, you can simply input the word "private" in that field if you wish to keep your email address hidden.
  2. Absolutely yes. You can edit chapters within the story and replace them one by one as you fix them.
  3. Or the really bad things that happen when you rely on Norton's Symantec to protect your computer...
  4. The story was posted before the author was 18, and was accordingly deleted.
  5. Exactly. What I keep in mind is that most of these authors who can't take concrit have never been through a professional editing. An editor is not there to make you feel good about your work. An editor is there to make you clean up your grammar, and make your work presentable. They don't hold your hand and tell you that you're wonderful. They tell you what needs fixing, and then YOU get to fix it. You might get a chapter or two marked up to show you what to do, but you're on your own for the rest, You find it, you fix it. And you know what? If you have half a brain in your skull, the next time you're doing that last round of proofreading before you submit something to a publisher, you LOOK for that stuff your editor made you fix, and you fix it before you submit the manuscript. You learn from the experience, and it makes you a better writer. You won't get pats on the back, and you won't be told how clever and wonderful you are, but you might not have to work quite as hard on the edits for that new manuscript. And even as online authors, we owe it to ourselves and to our readers to be as professional as possible. That includes using proper grammar, running spell checks, and paying attention to the story line. It also includes wanting to improve, and accepting honest concrit gracefully. No one is saying you have to put up with flames, but learn to tell the difference between a flame and concrit. Simple litmus test? If it involves the story, or its mechanics, it's concrit. If it's about you as a person, and it's negative, it's a flame.
  6. Okay. I'm going to stand right up and stay this loud and proud... I love good concrit. There. I said it. Now, what do I mean by good concrit? Tell me where I screw up, by all means. If I have run-on sentences (a major problem of mine), tell me. If I messed up the chronology of a story, or have a dangling thread, tell me. If my vocabulary for a character is quite frankly OOC, tell me. All of these things are things I need to know to improve as a writer, and I know I can improve. I'll keep trying to do better until they pry the keyboard (or whatever it's become in future) from my cold, dead fingers. But I also need to know that I did some things right. Tell me what worked, what you loved, what made you stick with me long enough to want to review. I'm going to quote a review I got here, on AFF: I haven't made it back to fix the issues, but can I tell you how awesome a review this is? And this detail was for a 1,000 word flash fic. I LOVE reviews like this. Don't get me wrong. I won't turn away a short and sweet, "Loved it!" review, because that's always fun. I don't even mind hearing, "I just didn't get into it." That's fair enough, and I'm not silly enough to expect everyone to always love my work. But to take the time to give a thoughtful review like this is just so damned flattering to me as a writer. Now, why don't we see more of this? Authors like the one you encountered, who only want to hear how marvelous they are. Me, I learned a long time ago that we only learn by making mistakes. So, I play with words, and put them together, and I really, really want someone to tell me what they think. I do try to give concrit when I can, but I have to admit, it's harder as a staff member. I'm always mindful that I am an archive mod here, and even though I only leave concrit reviews as just another member, I do run the risk of someone thinking it's an official sort of thing. Trust me, it's not, and I am making a conscious effort to review more when I read for pleasure. And so far, no one has hated my concrit, so let's hope that continues.
  7. This really isn't the right place for this, but I'll respond anyway. The system allows for longer reviews. If the review window is small, you may not see what's there after the text scrolls up, but it's not erased. We have members who leave reviews that are a page long, so I know it can be done. I leave reviews that are one or two paragraphs myself. As far as plagiarism, which is what you're talking about, it is illegal. ILLEGAL, not just immoral or unethical. People can, have, and will continue to go to jail, pay huge fines, and forever bear the stigma of being a thief and liar. No one likes a liar or a thief. However, some ideas are common enough that they can't be considered the property of any one author. For example, a very common plot device is to have the main character kidnapped. That has been used by countless authors, and no one can claim that idea. But if your have your main character kidnapped by a spaceship piloted by small chartreuse creatures that speak Esperanto and live on a planet called Pfzbyzk, and someone else writes a story using those creatures, or that planet, then you might have a case to holler, "Plagiarist." That is purely an example, by the way, and not something that was actually written (as far as I know, and I deeply hope this is not taken as a prompt).
  8. That email is not returning an account. However, I was able to find an account with the pen name of Angelic_Chaos: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296785009 That account is indeed inactive, and does need to validate. The issue is that the account was not created under the email address you've given me. You do need to use and have access to the original email address used to make the account, and that is where the issue lies. I will send you a PM with the email address I have on record, since I prefer not to disclose email addresses on a public venue like this. If you no longer have access to that email address, let me know, and we can proceed by updating that email address for you. Once we've done that, the validation process will work.
  9. We only count stories posted here at AFF. You need five or more stories posted here for a pairing.
  10. http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?list=2257
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