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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. We dragons are like that, you know. Exploiting the masses, coveting the shinies, snacking on the unwary (although I really prefer a nice tarragon mayonnaise to ketchup).
  2. Oh, my dear, dear 24CaratCoal, we're not feeding you to Bob. We're going to make you write many literate, intelligent, terrifying, wonderful stories for our enjoyment.
  3. Pfft. We never tremble. We just feed authors to Bob. As far as the ABO thing, I've seen a great many Mpreg fics written without resorting to that nonsense (and I personally find ABO dynamics to be unspeakably silly from any standpoint). I also know just how good dafdes is at this sort of thing, and I have a feeling she's found a partner in 24CaratCoal. The trick to writing anything like this, and to capture the true horror, is to NOT fall into the use of silly tropes. The more realistic, the more terrifying. This isn't meant to be romance, or even particularly enjoyable, unless you like nightmares. Which I rather do.
  4. Okay. First of all, there are two kinds of marketing blurbs when you publish. There is a short, two to three sentence blurb that needs to be very catchy, and then there's the back of the book type summary. What you have now fits the first category. What you propose is the second sort. Of the three examples you have there, the first is the one that catches the attention best, with some judicious tweaking: "Lauchlan lead led a simple life, a happy one, and all things considered, he was quite lucky. He had a steady job, a roof over his head, and food on his plate, a family who loved him, if from a distance, and good company to surround himself by. All it took was one night and a few too many pints for it to come crashing down around his head. He didn’t know what drove him to it, didn’t know what he’d do, didn’t know what he’d done. All he knew was that he'd woken up in a strangers bed, with a stranger man curled against his side, with bruises like handprints on his hips, and the sinking realization that what he’d done could never be taken back, never undone. He never thought he was the sort of man who would do such a thing. Never thought himself capable. Then again, he'd never thought he’d come to like it. Never would have believed he’d come to love the stranger him. It turned out that there were a lot of things he’d never thought before." Try that on for size. My editor tells me I'm getting better at these.
  5. BronxWench


    If it's a link to another fiction archive where the story is published, that's fine. We don't permit links to sites that serve as download portals, or host fiction without the author's consent, however.
  6. Ah, if we're getting new LotR yumminess, I won't complain!
  7. I've added a chapter to a story this week using the Paste to Word option, and had no loss of formatting. What is the program you used to create the chapter?
  8. I think, if anyone can truly do justice to the horror that is mpreg, it would be either dafdes or JayDee. (And I say this as a dedicated slash writer, who has never embarked on the journey to the Hells that is mpreg.)
  9. If the story is not set in the Vocaloid world, and the character and plot are original, then what we ask is that you place it in the Original subdomain, with the standard disclaimer for an Original story, and add a fandom disclaimer for the Vocaloid fandom to cover the cosplay mention. Sort of like this: "This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is unintentional. I do not own or profit from Vocaloids."
  10. ::dies from giggles:: Dadfes, have I said how much I adore you?
  11. Chapter 47 is up, in which the young genasi learns that with responsibilitty comes a great deal more responsibility. And rubble.
  12. The like button isn't working right now, but considered this liked by me.
  13. Non-human characters are a whole new ball of wax, and in those cases. one can safely presume that the readers are going to be familiar enough with the fandom to know better. I'd not tag either Kes or a jem'hadar character as Minor1 because it's understood that the aging principle operates differently. But everyone has a different take on vampires and the like, with everything from Nosferatu to Twilight as the examples of how widely they can vary. So in those cases, unless the author is very clear from the get-go that this particular character is a vampire/immortal/undead, but has the appearance of a child, then it's safer to tag if the character is going to be involved in sexual activity. Clear as mud yet?
  14. As one of the folks who gets to read all content for tagging, I'm always reluctant to add tags. We've been asked about tags for when the minor child is initiating the sexual content, and to our thinking, there is no difference in who initiates the contact. Sex with a person under 18 is still sex with a person under 18, and there is no law that I'm aware of that states anyone under 13 can give legal consent to anything, much less sex. Having said that, I think what we have works, and the author needs to be mindful of the readers when tagging. I've tagged for Rape even when it happens offstage and is only mentioned in passing, since I know it can profoundly disturb people to encounter even a mention of that. And this being AFF, there are people for whom a Minor1 or Minor2 tag is what they look for. We're not here to judge anyone's interests, but we do try to make sure no one is sandbagged with a nasty surprise.
  15. It's quite possible. Me, I just have small moments of panic when I open a page here, and the font is so much smaller than it was the day before. Originals shrank on me! It's the only one currently displaying smaller for me on the Latest Stories page, since Movies returned to normal.
  16. That's actually an interesting question, and to be honest, as a reader, I think I'm with CL on this one. I'm not at all fond of children in sexual situations, and prefer being forewarned. I can get past a Minor2, but Minor1 makes me exceedingly uncomfortable. However, the tags refer to actual chronological age, and not appearance, so if the character is actually 100+ years old, I could not, in all fairness, warn for a missing tag on the basis of appearance, as long as the character's chronological age was clearly stated. If I see the first three chapters showing an apparent child, with no reason for the reader to believe that the character is actually ancient, then I would ask for the tag to avoid having to deal with irate email reports.
  17. I totally get not wanting to mess with readers, and maintain ease of access across platforms. The browser zoom it is, then, when I find myself squinting at the mysteriously shrinking front pages and review windows.
  18. Can it be true? Will spring be early this year?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      rain yesterday, snow tonight. bipolar weather.

    3. JayDee


      It'll never be spring again. This forecast brought to you by Jadis industries.

    4. BronxWench
  19. Sadly, that function seems to have disappeared. It's still around in the Latest Stories pages, but increasing the font there doesn't carry over into the stories themselves. My old eyes miss it, too.
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