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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. staar, you need to be patient. AFF is staffed entirely by volunteers, which means we need to have RL jobs to keep roofs over our heads, and pay for Internet access, and vital stuff like that. DG lost a day's work already, money she won't recoup, and she spent 16 straight hours reading code. manta spent 14 straight hours reading and writing code to get the stories visible again. I'm an author here as well as a moderator. I became a mod to help the site I love. So please, try to do your bit by being patient and not complaining about things we know need to be fixed, and that you know we're working on. Pointing out a new glitch is good. Restating the old stuff doesn't help and is actually frustrating and outright demoralizing, because it makes us all feel like we're supposed to be bots and not people, which is not very pleasant.
  2. I'll quote DG from earlier in this topic: "The odd characters are from the database language upgrade, which means that the database is now utf-8 for charset. This means I have to convert each and every table from latin1_swedish (the old charset from earlier versions of mysql) to utf-8. In the meantime, you can easily fix this by selecting the character set within your browser. Set it to utf8 and the odd images will disappear."
  3. I'll quote the awesome DG, who along with manta spent all Tuesday sorting this as best they could: The "Next Chapter" button and Review functions will be restored, once DG and manta have a chance to catch up on the RL stuff they dropped to get us up again, and their eyes uncross.
  4. Again, those weren't a priority yesterday, since just getting stories to display at all took precedence. The ability to review stories will be fixed as soon as DG and manta have a chance.
  5. Hi! We expect there might be some issues with the language change and how our much older archive code displays. Some of this will no doubt be resolved as DG and manta finish their work, but they do have some other RL things that they need to do, especially since they both spent all day and night yesterday getting this far. Believe me, we're all just as eager to get things back to a nice, smooth state, and we do appreciate all the kind words! Thank YOU for being awesome readers and authors!
  6. The review button is temporarily disabled, but it should be back very shortly. DG and manta needed to get things done fast, and they still need to tweak.
  7. Well, we always knew the chapter layout would change as the new code was rolled out. There's more tweaking to be done, but as I understand it (and I'm NOT a coder), DG and manta needed to get something written quickly, and I for one am hugely impressed.
  8. All of the chapters should have been displayed. Can you link me to the story with the missing chapters, please?
  9. It's being addressed today. DG and manta were on the job getting the new code written and running to at least let people SEE chapters all day and well into the wee hours of the night. Letting them get some sleep was a bit of a priority, too, since they're not bots.
  10. @ Guest_morningstorm70: Look up at the posts above your post. They explain what's been going on all day and night. Honest, we know about the issue, and we're working on it.
  11. I feel your pain, trust me. But bear with us. We'll be back and as good as ever.
  12. Hi, We're aware of that issue, DG is working on it, and it WILL be resolved as soon as possible. (We've been saying this ALL day, I know, but we mean it.)
  13. I'll quote the awesome DG on this topic:
  14. We're working on correcting the issue. Please be patient, and we'll try to have everything up and running as soon as we can.
  15. I can't give you an estimate, but believe me, it's being worked on as fast as possible. It's kind of hard to have a fiction site without fiction, so we're motivated.
  16. The problem is being addressed, and we hope to have it resolved soon. Please bear with us.
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