staar, you need to be patient. AFF is staffed entirely by volunteers, which means we need to have RL jobs to keep roofs over our heads, and pay for Internet access, and vital stuff like that. DG lost a day's work already, money she won't recoup, and she spent 16 straight hours reading code. manta spent 14 straight hours reading and writing code to get the stories visible again.
I'm an author here as well as a moderator. I became a mod to help the site I love. So please, try to do your bit by being patient and not complaining about things we know need to be fixed, and that you know we're working on. Pointing out a new glitch is good. Restating the old stuff doesn't help and is actually frustrating and outright demoralizing, because it makes us all feel like we're supposed to be bots and not people, which is not very pleasant.