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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. BronxWench


    Link for above: Au Revoir by Fallen_Delilah
  2. It's always a pleasure! Happy New Year, and may 2016 be a sight better for you!
  3. @DaFossil: Honestly, I haven't priced the software because I'm not knowledgeable enough to know which package would work. But I can tell you that it's not a small amount. Believe me, if it was a simple matter of $500 or so, I'd have tweaked the budget and badgered the daft one to get it for the site myself. Of course, any donations are helpful, and we have a link here for those. But we always appreciate a vote of confidence! Thank you!
  4. For the moment, Chrome works. The issue is a change in the software that requires eliminating a previously accepted shorthand in the coding. It now needs to be spelled out, and DG is doing that as we speak. It's a lot of files, and database access is restricted to DG and manta, our coders and database gurus, to prevent bigger issues. We know Chrome works. IE has always had issues, to be honest. Users had issues with Firefox, and I couldn't get Edge working, either, but Chrome has been fine. So, until the last corrections are made, go Chrome.
  5. @ejqHorseLady: DG bears the brunt of the workload in matters like this. She and manta are our sole coders, and the only ones allowed to access the database, to preserve the integrity of the 9 gigabytes of data we host. I will tell you very honestly that without DG, there would not be an AFF. None of us could babysit the ratpatch of old code and new fixes that she has to deal with because we are not bringing in the sort of revenue to allow us to buy shiny new code packages. She's made due with very little in the way of help and a great deal of work to do to keep this place functional, and I for one am both grateful to her, and honored to work with her. I am old enough to be allowed to label myself a cranky old thing, and I'm not known for mincing words. I can get equally testy, believe me, but that's because I do know what goes on behind the scenes. I wish I could do more, but I'm not a coder, just a long term keyboard jockey. That's why I had the less than productive task of trying to respond to posts today, in between my own real life obligations. I've been recommending Chrome to people all day, and I came close to doing a large font, bright red shout myself. I have never been fond of having to repeat myself.
  6. Actually, it's very frustrating from my perspective as a moderator to see the exact same thing posted over and over. If one of us has responded that we are aware of the issue and working on it, that should be sufficient. Volume of complaints isn't going to make anything move faster, and in fact, takes away from time spent making the corrections when we have to respond to the many posts saying the same thing. Now, bear in mind that none of us who are staff get paid a red penny for what we do. We volunteer our time because we care about AFF and what it stands for - fiction without censorship. We don't ask for pats on the back, or applause, or kudos of any sort, but it would be nice if people remembered that we are human, and can sometimes vent a little when all we hear is the sort of remark you've just made. Quite frankly, you haven't demonstrated anything close to the sort of attitude you seem to think we should maintain, and brought nothing to the conversation except a rude comment of your own.
  7. I can attest that Chrome lets you access stories. I was able to read a story earlier and leave a review myself. So, if you have Chrome, use it until DG has this sorted. If you don't have Chrome, you should. It's very stable and reliable, even if you only keep it around for times like these. And thank you for understanding!
  8. :bash: Please look at the message above your message. Read it. Please, for the love of Mike, READ the posts from DG. She knows what she's doing, and she will edit the command, but... It. Takes. Time.
  9. Please read the post before yours. It's been explained, and nothing's changed in the 19 minutes since I posted that.
  10. Please, please, for the love of all that's written, read DG's posts. We know there is an issue, and it will be addressed later today when DG gets home from work. Until then, I can assure you that Chrome is NOT having this issue. Both Firefox and IE are having issues. IE has been abandoned by Microsoft in favor of Edge because it was always a poor excuse for a browser, and Firefox hasn't been all that stable during many of its updates. So, you can try Chrome, or you can try deleting all your AFF cookies, logging off your browser completely to finish the cookie deletion, log back into your browser, and try AFF again. It may or may not work, but we will take care of it. You can always check the status of the updates on the news post here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/61765-server-upgrade-is-complete/
  11. Slayer of evil, you can change your email yourself, for both the archive and the forum. For the archive, go to your Control Panel. Under "Edit Profile" you will see a clickable link marked "Email." Click that and you can update your own email. For the forum, click on your name in the upper right corner when logged in to the forum. You will see a dropdown menu. Go to My Settings. The third clickable link down on the left is Email and Password. Click that and you can change your email. If you're not getting mail, try adding our email address to your address book for the new email. Otherwise, your service provider might decide we're spam and send our emails to your Spam or Junk folder. We can't do anything about how your service provider determines what's spam and what's not, nor can we adjust your email filters for you. Sorry!
  12. The age verification page is supposed to be gone, if I remember correctly. For Anonymous Tigress, sherlocked17, and ladynightvamp, the issue may lie with the Apache setting as DG noted above. Chrome users seem to be able to access the stories without a problem. You can try clearing your AFF cookies, closing Firefox completely and restarting it, but it may not work. DG, however, DOES need to work, since AFF is a volunteer gig for us all, and she'll update us all later today. Until then, try deleting cookies, or try using Chrome.
  13. Clear your cache, close the browser and restart it, and you should be fine. The redirects are all corrected.
  14. It's been fixed, so clear your cache and restart your browser, and you should be good.
  15. The archive is just splendidly fast now, so THANK YOU!
  16. That story was removed from the archive for ToS violations.
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