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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Folks, I’m going to ask that we take any political discussions to the appropriate section of the forums. I’m also going to remind everyone, although you’ve all been pretty polite and respectful, that we take a hugely dim view of bashing, flaming, name-calling, and in general conduct unbecoming. While I think we can all be adults here, I’m not going to hesitate to step in if I see anything I think is crossing that line. So, here’s the place to take further discussion: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/forum/503-political-discussion/ Any further posts here with political content will be removed. Thanks!
  2. I’ve never had an issue with fantasy, and after a lifetime of seeing people get my religious beliefs breathtakingly wrong. I don’t get bothered by that, either. I write what I write, and while I do research because I prefer being accurate, I don’t expect everything I read to come with an extensive bibliography of source materials. However, if you take something so far out of the realm of probability without explanation, it is likely to jar me out of the story, and then you’ve lost me. The whole point of telling stories is to probe the sore spots. We expose what’s wrong (at least in our estimation) with society, and put it out there. If we offend, well, then, think about WHY we offended you. I think if you find yourself being frequently offended, my question to you is why are you looking for things which will offend you? Why not go find something you’d like and give being angry a vacation? The world is so much more than the sum of one person’s experience. Chris enjoys Japanese culture and food, and if sometimes his portrayals verge on being anime tropes, that’s not a bad thing. It was the Japanese themselves who created those tropes, after all. He’s still working within the cultural parameters, and maybe one day, he’ll travel to Japan and see it all firsthand. I like ancient history, so it might be a bit harder for me, but hey, I can see what’s left, right? It’s called fiction for a reason...
  3. Well, of course it will be dark, and of course they aren’t nice. And I expect no less than for you to explore all the ways in which they are not pretty, noble elves swanning about and playing music, or reciting poems. Not every elf was a paragon of light, after all…
  4. Dear gods, the world is a mad place. We will survive this, but at what cost?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. pippychick


      CL… :hug: For what it’s worth, I agree with you both.

      I’d be wary of underestimating him though. What Scotland’s experience shows is that he will do anything to change the facts on the ground to take away the argument. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t keep his promise to the local authority, they can’t take back their planning permission and get the forest back. Hundreds of years of habitat gone forever. He’s an extremely aggressive individual. I think he won’t just make cuts in social services and social security, he’ll reclassify the whole thing for good, automatically locking large swathes of people out of governmental assistance, effectively destroying them as any kind of political force for protest, especially since the senate and the house of representatives are full of republicans too. 

    3. BronxWench


      The first order of business is to see that ALL his interests are put into a proper blind trust, and not an entity controlled by his children, as he proposed. That is NOT a blind trust, and he knows it full well. It is a conflict of interest at the very least, and must not be permitted. All his business interests must be sequestered.

    4. DemonGoddess


      He will do what he wants.  White supremacists and hate won.  Yes, we need to be vigilant, but with his own party in control of all three branches, we’re screwed.

  5. That would be because YuGiOh! has its very own subdomain. http://ygo.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php
  6. I haven’t used Firefox in ages, but I believe it is an add-on for Firefox. The addon allows you to whitelist sites. Avira should not be an issue, since I’ve never had Avira flip out over AFF.
  7. You might want to see if your antivirus or browser is blocking us. You can whitelist the url for the main page, and it should solve the issue.
  8. I’ll submit the request to our admins, who are the ones who can delete the accounts. I’m assuming you want both the archive and forums profiles deleted?
  9. BronxWench

    M/M Werewolf

    I’m not finding it here, sorry.
  10. I’m still not having any luck finding this in our archive. Is it possible they used those characters in a fandom setting?
  11. Some of the names are sadly not unique enough for us to pin this down. I’m not getting any hits on the name “Pelo” which is unique. Is there anything else which could help me narrow this down?
  12. Very well said. As much as I dislike the Celebrity subdomain here (and I’ve never been shy about saying so or why), I will concede that it does belong here, under the very appropriate real-person fiction limits we have. I’m not and never want to be the arbiter of what is permissible from a creative standpoint.
  13. Links for above: Mika’s Pack by AriieObsession
  14. ::takes daft one’s car to be inspected::

    Daft one (calls on cell phone): How’s the car?

    BW: Almost done, but babe, they need to replace the muffler. It’s all banged up and loose, like you backed into something, or someone backed into you…

    Daft one: Oh, yeah. I backed into something.

    BW: :bash:

    This is why I love our mechanic, who takes the daft one in stride.

    1. pippychick


      *giggles* “How’s the car?” Man code for: “Did I damage it?”

    2. BronxWench


      Exactly! Honestly, I love my daft bugger, but he can be a trial sometimes. :lol:


  15. Links for above: Welcome to the Mile High Club by SapphirexKat2
  16. I’ve heard agents can be incredibly rude unless you’re a “name.” I’ve also heard that increasingly, authors are managing to get published without an agent, and can also publicize their books, and go on blog tours, and reach out to readers all without that pesky agent, and the hand in the pocket. Just sayin’…
  17. I will say I’m dreading Melkor paying any attention at all to Maglor. The elf has endured so much, and that might, finally, destroy what he’s managed to cling to all these long years.
  18. I expect it’s a link that needs to be fixed. Our tech admin and coder will do this as soon as they can, and thank you for letting us know!
  19. The stories were reposted: theswapper
  20. I know that feeling, believe me! (Says the wench on her way to spend the rest of the morning trawling the archive… )
  21. Wait, there are “jobs you really enjoy” and you get paid for them too??? I knew I was doing this all wrong. On the other hand, my jobs that I don’t get paid for, for the most part, are pretty damned enjoyable, so… Glad to see you again, JD!
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