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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I’m a native speaker of American English, with fluency in British English, and the remnants of the French I once spoke (although I’m crushing it in Duolingo). I read a smattering of Latin, and can muddle my way through reading basic things in Spanish, Italian, and German. Then again, I’m old enough to remember when a foreign language was taught as early as elementary school, along with music. (Never show me one of those plastic recorders—I still have flashbacks.)
  2. *grins* You get fast-tracked to becoming staff.
  3. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links which should work.
  4. Yes, that’s the correct thing. And you’ll find a few typos in the archive. One of these days, when manta doesn’t have any hellacious security fixes or codes updates going on, I’ll point them out to her for correction. In the meantime, I’m treating them like Easter eggs, to see who actually notices the misspelled words.
  5. Why not have her call him a little virgin?
  6. It’s not a lot of work for me to add a tag, honestly. As far as not getting the review emails, check your profile. There’s green button that reads “Review Notify” and if you click that, at the bottom of the page (scroll down) you’ll see the option to say yes or no via a dropdown to getting review emails. Then click the green “Update” button at the bottom to save your choice.
  7. I’ve email you a new link for the password reset. It should work this time—the password reset links are being somewhat temperamental, rather like the disapproving corgi frowning at me from her favorite recliner.
  8. I’m emailing you the links to activate the account and reset the password. Yahoo.com blocked a large number of our emails about the activation, thinking we were spammers, and I had no way to tell who actually received the email or not. I’ve been quite busily sending out links as members reach out to me, as I’m doing for you now.
  9. I generally don’t mind surprises in stories, but I will say, there are certain kinks I avoid diligently when reading for pleasure because, well, they’re not pleasant for me. So, while I wholeheartedly endorse not spoiling a good surprise, I do like to see trigger tags because those sorts of surprises are not enjoyable in the slightest.
  10. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links—I’m not seeing a good activation, so it’s better to do it again.
  11. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links.
  12. BronxWench


    I’ve emailed you the links to activate your account and reset the password.
  13. As far as I’m aware, there should be no issues with editing stories, other than with story information such as tags and summaries. Story information is still not working properly, but it should be possible to edit the text of a chapter. Can you tell me what it is you want to do? I can see if we can resolve the issue.
  14. If you email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org from the email address used for the account, I should be able to locate your account, and send you the links necessary to reactivate it and reset the password. When we sent out the activation emails initially, Yahoo decided we were spamming their clients, and either delayed or completely blocked emails from us. It’s frustrating, but I can see how it can happen, when thousands of emails from one source descend on your clients. But it’s never too late to activate an account, and we’re happy to help!
  15. What is your pen name? I’ll send you working links.
  16. I think the build-up versus straight porn might vary depending on fandom, or on the individual author. Me, I like a lot of plot with my sex, so I look for build-up, and an actual storyline when I’m reading. Even when I’m writing, I prefer there to be a plot, and some build-up to any sex. From the perspective as a woman, she won’t necessarily get tired after the first orgasm, but the next orgasms will cause increasing sensitivity and eventually literal discomfort can occur. So, if she is having sex with multiple partners at the same time, she might not have an orgasm with each partner, or she may very well reach the point of snarling at the hapless partner who triggers that discomfort threshold. Realistically speaking, that is...
  17. I would, but then again, I am a die-hard Trekkie.
  18. I’ve emailed you new links to reactivate your account.
  19. I’ve emailed you activation and password reset links.
  20. What is your pen name? I can check and see if the account was validated.
  21. I am still being told that the email is blocked. I tried sending the information as plain text, but that did not help. I can’t send you a PM if you don’t have a forum account. The only other thing I could try would be to reach you on another site. I do maintain accounts on FFN and AO3, and could PM you on either of those sites.
  22. Your archive account has been deleted as you’ve requested.
  23. You have one story listed under the account. It will be deleted as well, so do you need time to retrieve that story?
  24. I received your email, but again, my email to you was returned, this time with a message that my email to you was blocked.
  25. Please email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the correct email address for your account. I have a yahoo.com account in the database, but the email with the links you need was returned to me as a disabled account.
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