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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Forgotten by traxie
  2. Do NOT invoke that which you cannot banish! Sweet merciful gods of my fathers…
  3. Therein lies the issue for me in my role as moderator. It’s not the work of the posting author, no matter how you spin it, and therefore it’s not allowed on AFF per our Terms of Service. Other fiction archives might have a different opinion, but because we are an age-restricted site, we are likely to come under closer scrutiny in general, and there’s no sense in compounding things by letting people post work they didn’t actually write themselves. Maybe someone needs to start a fiction archive/website for AI-generated fiction? Bring a little transparency to the matter, so to speak?
  4. I’ve emailed you new links to activate your account and reset your password.
  5. Apologies for the paywall thing. I forget about that all the damned time, probably because I’m on the far side of middle aged.
  6. The above is exactly why I don’t think AI has a place in actual writing, even if it’s fan fiction. The New York Times did a comparison of AI-generated essays/writing prompts versus those written by actual children. (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/26/upshot/chatgpt-child-essays.html ) Judy Blume, the author, participated. Give it a try, and see how well you do.
  7. An AI will never provide the insight of a human editor, who can identify what human readers will want to read. It’s pretty basic, actually. Spell checkers and grammar checkers, no matter how sophisticated, can’t read for content like a human. What you’re thinking about is the proofreading stage, which comes at the very end of the process, after the editor and author have beaten that gruesome draft into something resembling a real book. (And even then, the author can overrule the proofreader because conversation is not grammatically perfect, after all.)
  8. I’m not entirely sure AI could ever replace editors. Until I went through the editorial process, I had only a rudimentary understanding of what was involved. There’s a huge amount of work beyond the simple grammar and spelling check, and looking for overuse of common words. A really great editor gets into your character’s heads, and will question you about why a character did something, when it seems like they might have been more inclined to do this other thing. Or they will spot chronological issues, or perhaps they just want to comment that they found a particular bit you wrote to be emotionally powerful. Whatever it is, AI can’t do that for you because it requires sentience and emotional involvement, neither of which AI possesses at present. And the mice would like you to know that it took sentience in their test subjects to arrive at that answer. And fjords.
  9. I have to say that I’m not a fan of throwing copyright out the window, which is really what deep fake is. If Grimes wants to explicitly allow deep fakes of her voice, that’s her privilege, but I don’t think it’s even remotely alright to assume everyone who creates art, music, or written work is fine with being deep faked. Since I write for publication, I tend to focus on that, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable that someone would feel entitled to profit off what I’ve created. The majority of writers don’t earn enough to support themselves exclusively by writing. We’re not all NYTimes bestseller listed, or snapped up by the increasingly small number of large presses. We get a small enough slice of the pie as it is without having to worry about someone deciding to use AI to write a book using our characters, or settings, and taking our sliver of market share away from us. It also begs the question of why anyone would prefer to have AI write for them. For me, much of the joy and satisfaction of writing is putting the words together and creating a phrase, or a sentence, or a paragraph that resonates. I like to find cadence, and play with language. Why would I give that over to an AI program? I’d be ashamed to call myself a writer if I didn’t actually write what I put out there, either for sale of for free on a site like AFF.
  10. There are still a few functions that remain disabled, and this appears to be one of them. It will be addressed, I promise!
  11. I’ve emailed you new activation and password reset links.
  12. I’ve emailed you the activation and passwords rest links, which should get you access to your account again.
  13. I’ve emailed you new activation and password reset links, which should clear up the problem.
  14. I’ve emailed you new links to activate your account and reset the password.
  15. The happiest of birthdays to the amazing @Melrick!  :bday: :wish: :party: 

    I’m still trying to find a way to ship you some of that Key Lime pie… :lol: 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melrick


      Mmm key lime pie… :drool2:

      And thanks, everyone, I appreciate it :)

    3. Wilde_Guess
    4. Melrick
  16. Hi, and welcome back! On the archive home page, if you click the three bars on the upper left corner, it opens a dropdown menu. Click on your name, and you should see two options: Edit Profile and Logout. Click on Edit Profile and it opens your profile. We have a FAQ that explains it. The Story How-To’s FAQ has been updated for the new software as well, but we’re always happy to answer any questions you have. The Member Directory lives in the Site option of the menu on the archive home page. Click the three bars, click on Site, and then click the little magnifying glass icon to the right of the Member Directory link to search for a specific pen name, or just click Member Directory to go to the A-Z listings.
  17. The forum does have the option to change themes. There is a dropdown at the very bottom of the forum page. Black Chrome is a dark mode theme, which might help. The archive, however, does not have a dark mode option at this time.
  18. I’m not seeing a category in either Games or Manga. I’m also not seeing any stories for that fandom on a general search of those subdomains.
  19. Link for anyone else who might want to read this: Good Intentions by Samson
  20. I’ve emailed you the links to activate your account and reset your password.
  21. I’m glad it’s working, and it’s never a waste of time to check. The new archive software is something we’re al getting used to, so I’m happy to help where I can. And welcome to AFF!
  22. I’m showing you in the database as activated and registered. Have you tried logging in?
  23. I think there’s an enormous difference between using AI in the background to help you flesh out a setting or character, and using AI to actually write content. The nature of AI, as most of us non-coders will experience it, is a commercial program that uses the Internet to source its output. AI is not capable (at least not yet) of thinking creatively. It responds to a series of parameters, and it isn’t concerned with where it gets its response as much as with the level of conformity to the parameters. Eight million years ago, before we all had an inkling that the Internet would exist and when we still typed on manual typewriters, in a freshman writing class, we were asked to write an essay. The professor had made a point of mentioning a book he wrote (several times) in the course of the discussion on what we were expected to write. So, I went to the library and took out his book, read it, and wrote my essay in his voice. I used the same sentence compositions, vocabulary, and style of presentation. I did not use any of his actual writing, merely copied his style of writing. And as a result, I got an A+ for the semester, and was recommended to work on the school paper in lieu of having to take his class. Had I been an AI, i would most likely have included actual sentences or sentence fragments cribbed from his book, but as a human, I knew better. Do I think AI could finish GRR’s book? Absolutely not. AI isn’t capable of the human touch. It doesn’t understand emotions, or even physicality. It’s not a “real” writer despite its alleged sophistication. It’s a good tool if used in the background, but not more than that.
  24. I’ve emailed you new links. You need to activate the account and then reset the password.
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