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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. The correct format is YYYY-MM-DD. If a month or day is a single digit, add a “0” in front.
  2. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links.
  3. Category added: https://books.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2348
  4. It’s been around for a while, but it’s easier now to use it.
  5. The number reflects how many people have added the story to their Currently Reading field. So, unless or until they remove it, their number will remain.
  6. If you could provide your pen name or archive profle url, I’d be happy to look into it and send you the necessary links to get you into your account.
  7. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links.
  8. I’m flagging @manta2g on this issue.
  9. The category has been created and I moved the posted story to the new category.
  10. https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/profile/29684-sullyhogs/ From Tosmail: Account deletion From Sullyhogs To tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org Date Today 11:16 Summary Headers Plain text Hello! I'd like to delete my account please. Here's my page: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/profile/29684-sullyhogs/
  11. You only have one account registered for this email address, but it looks like you tried to reset the password again. The link on your profile isn’t working properly. I’ll email you a new set of links.
  12. I moved the story to the correct category for you. (I also fixed the disclaimer and added story tags as well while I was there.)
  13. I’ll email you a fresh password reset link.
  14. The account and stories have been deleted.
  15. Just to be sure, you have stories posted under the account. Do you want those deleted as well?
  16. I’m not finding an account for you with a pen name to match your guest name. It would help if I could see the account, and maybe figure out the issue. However, as a general rule: Password rules recap: Between 12-18 letters and/or numbers long, case sensitive. NO punctuation, spaces, or special characters allowed. Do NOT use your old password, or let Google make a strong password full of forbidden characters for you.
  17. Most of my characters are based on either books or CRPGs, so I don’t get a lot of real person reference points, but I can see it as a valid way to flesh out the character.
  18. Wishing the very happiest of birthdays to my dear pippychick, with love and hugs! :wub::wish::hug:

    1. Desiderius Price
    2. WillowDarkling


      Happy birthday, Pippychick! Hope you had a wonderful day :hug: :bday:

  19. The email service you use is no longer being supported by the original ISP/carrier, which might be part of the problem. And, as we’re seeing play out here, it is critical for maintain a valid working email address so we can reach you to troubleshoot issues or communicate information. If you have another email address that works, I can actually update the email address for your existing account, so you don’t lose your posted stories, although I’m not sure saved reading lists were imported into the new archive code. (My recommended authors did carry over, but not my recommended reading or current reading lists on my own profile.) You would retain all your reviews on your stories, reviews you’ve posted, hit count data, and so on.
  20. That’s the sad truth, isn’t it? “Take this position for minimum wage, and we’ll move you up when there’s an opening.” But the opening never comes, or the manager’s kid gets tapped for it, and you get stuck at minimum wage, doing the work of two people because the manager’s kid isn’t actually going to do anything. Or you look at job listings, and they want five or more years experience for an entry level position that was advertised as no experience required. (My Elderspawn is beating their head against that wall at present.) And writing? If you’re talking fiction writing, the generally accepted wisdom is that most writers need a day job to pay the bills. You’ll never make a living as a writer of fiction unless you get very, very lucky. What you’re likely to find is those situation you referenced: Write us a few pieces for free, and we’ll get you a post where you get paid. Possibly. Unless we can figure out a way to get you to keep writing for free…
  21. Because I’m evil and I like to drag people into the darkest bowels of AFF?
  22. I’m a native speaker of American English, with fluency in British English, and the remnants of the French I once spoke (although I’m crushing it in Duolingo). I read a smattering of Latin, and can muddle my way through reading basic things in Spanish, Italian, and German. Then again, I’m old enough to remember when a foreign language was taught as early as elementary school, along with music. (Never show me one of those plastic recorders—I still have flashbacks.)
  23. *grins* You get fast-tracked to becoming staff.
  24. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links which should work.
  25. Yes, that’s the correct thing. And you’ll find a few typos in the archive. One of these days, when manta doesn’t have any hellacious security fixes or codes updates going on, I’ll point them out to her for correction. In the meantime, I’m treating them like Easter eggs, to see who actually notices the misspelled words.
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