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  1. Should say that on the flip side, I think my sending hits spam filters too, because I’ll send w/o replies. Depends on whatever “features” the mail provider’s got enabled (and maybe you can’t disable). (Basically, I co-run the family mail server, so that’s why I know I don’t have spam filters. But it also leads to gmail or other providers liking to mark us “spam” because we didn’t pay the latest “please we’re not spam” extortion racket.)
    2 points
  2. BronxWench

    New Review Emails

    The “MIME-Version 1.0” portion shouldn’t appear. The emails should come from just “noreply@adult-fanfiction.org” so perhaps that’s something in the code that needs tweaking?
    1 point
  3. My AFF reviews always end up in the spam folder. For me, the issue seems to be that review emails don’t come from “noreply@adult-fanfiction.org”; they come from “noreply@adult-fanfiction.orgMIME-Version: 1.0.” I’ve tried adding this address to my contacts list, but Hotmail tells me that it isn’t a valid email address and therefore won’t let me make a contact for it.
    1 point
  4. From Nytefyre on November 28, 2023 Thank you! I put a lot of thought into this story; in fact, I probably did more outlining for it than for any other story I’ve written. At this point, I don’t really have a plan for further stories set in this world. The final chapter implies that there won’t be another crisis like the Possessed invasion until Marco and the brides’ kids are teenagers. Thanks for reading and reviewing...again!
    1 point
  5. My story is in progress! I’m not sure how long it will take to finish, but I will definitely do it before 12/25.
    1 point
  6. BronxWench

    New Review Emails

    Some email clients, like Microsoft and Yahoo, have filters in place that can erroneously mark incoming mail as spam. When we sent out the emails to our members about the recent reactivation, Yahoo delayed or simply rejected an enormous number of our emails. There were also issues with the Microsoft email clients, particularly Outlook and Hotmail. So not receiving review emails, when that feature is up and running properly again, might require tweaking your email settings.
    1 point
  7. WillowDarkling

    New Review Emails

    Guys, let’s not use this particular thread to chat about somewhat unrelated subject, please.
    1 point
  8. Deadman

    New Review Emails

    Well it’s funny, for this site I use Yahoo mail but for another site I use a different one and I get emails from this forum but not the main archive. For other sites, I don’t get any emails at all. Although occasionally I can get them, but then it stops again.
    1 point
  9. It’s so refreshing to meet people who remember dial-up, and the joys of being able to say you had a 2400 baud modem when your friends only had 1200 baud. Once we finish debugging the last bits of the updated code, members will be able to add tags manually, in addition to the tags available in the dropdown. We pared our tag list down in an effort to make it manageable, but I don’t recall boob sex or cleavage sex being a tag even before the culling of the tags. We would have no problem with your adding the tag manually, at the top of the chapter if you like, or I can add it into the tag field for you. As far as the age-related tags, we want there to be no ambiguity about the content because it can be extremely triggering for readers. If someone sees mf as a tag, given that the newsgroups aren’t the main source of written smut, it is highly likely the reader will not understand it denotes adolescents under the age of 18 because it is written in lower case, and bg won’t be interpreted as “boy/girl” as intended by the newsgroup usage. Most readers don’t keep the tag list open, so we want to make it as clear and transparent as possible. The word “Minor” is unambiguous enough to make a reader stop dead if they don’t want to read that sort of content.
    1 point
  10. Oooh maybe I do need to read all the other stories in this series to read this one. Well…let’s see how fast I can do that. 😅
    1 point
  11. The problem I’ve noticed, is even when a user white lists our mail server, we STILL get marked as spam. Not always, but often enough for it to be an ongoing issue.
    1 point
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