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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2023 in all areas

  1. Using AI to edit your smut can be so wild. ProWritingAid decided that this sentence… …needs this correction: I mean, sure, I’m as passionate about fucking as anyone, but that isn’t quite what I was going for there. I can only assume the algorithm assumed Kai’e’ie is a name rather than an emotion and that I was trying to make small talk instead of comparing two different emotional states—Kai’e’ie versus mi’lee’veez—related to intimacy. (Kai’e’ie’: combined from syllables from words meaning love, say, life, and bond; combined, the meaning is, literally love said, life-bound, or figuratively, without you, I die. The fictional people who created this word are apparently as dramatic as I can write them. Mi’lee’veez: the root words in their entirety and proper order mean my dream heart. Sappity-sap-sop, someone get a mop.) This is what I get for creating a fictional language for my novel. 🙄 J.R.R., you’re a horrible influence.
    5 points
  2. First off, I also like this new feature of being able to see that people have recommended their story. And yes, I’d be glad to be able to see who recommended my stories. But I think readers would like that, too, because if they can see who recommended a story they like, they can look and see what other stories that reader recommends. Just throwing that out there. I’ll understand if there are reasons why it’s technically difficult or inadvisable security-wise.
    3 points
  3. I’m liking the new format of the archive and how you see people are recommending your story. However, one of the things I was wondering was whether I can see who has recommended me. It doesn’t have to be a publicly available thing, but maybe the author’s could know who is recommending them. I can imagine that there are still things to fix because of how the archive was attacked, so maybe it’s not something to do right away. But maybe something for the future. Does any other author want this?
    2 points
  4. Sounds interesting. Well, did you hear that ChatGPT apparently shut down around the world? That doesn’t sound anything like an AI thinking for itself, does it?
    1 point
  5. Properly designed AI software would revolt, insist I do my own thinking. And my world-building software is worse, way way worse… writing the web server too. Dynamically scanning my data files (ie characters, places, events, etc), caching it via SQLite, and doing dynamic HTML (in C++), have some dynamic associations, like a family tree graph. At least, that’s the goal once it’s all fully 100%, but it’s already doing most of that and I can point my web browser at it.
    1 point
  6. Sadly, I don’t have access to such a transplant option and most of my fandom examples would be terrible ideas. Could you input your knowledge into an AI software of some kind so it can do it for itself? Like you, I have some knowledge of HTML and website building but my focus is too much on writing.
    1 point
  7. Strangely enough, I do have the skill-set to build something like AFF if I wanted to, but I prefer to write stories and my own story/world-building DB software in my spare time. Thus, I need more hands… know any good cloners out there? Maybe if I can transfer my consciousness/brain into one of them, because a body transplant would be swell (cut away some fat, better physique, etc).
    1 point
  8. One of the many. I think it probably does exist that some domain registrars probably offer the option, but it would cost a monthly fee or something. Unless you build it entirely yourself. Naturally, building it from the ground up would take up much more of Manta’s time. I would prefer for them not to have more effort than is necessary.
    1 point
  9. I can imagine that it would be difficult to implement. They’d have to create an automated system that would involve linking to other people’s profiles. That might take some doing or it might cost them something to purchase it if it exists. Which it probably does.
    1 point
  10. Okay, I thought I might have had a previous account although I don’t think I posted anything for that account. It was mainly used for reviews, if I did that. I will try and update my profile for the detail.
    1 point
  11. Started yesterday. Happy SPRING everybody.
    1 point
  12. I think what happened is that we merged duplicate accounts for you, when we were cleaning the archive during the lockdown. Your correct archive url is https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296980093 You should be able to update that in your forum profile.
    1 point
  13. We’re definitely able to have new stories uploaded. We’ve updated the FAQ for the process as well. The Rich Text Editor is still missing a few features as far as text formatting, but we’re hoping to have that back as soon as we can.
    1 point
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