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  1. Desiderius Price

    My mistake

    If you can edit the story itself… put the tags in at the top. (That’ll warn your readers before you can edit the summary)
    3 points
  2. Hallelujah, the site is working again! I've just posted Chapter 10. I'll post Chapter 11 towards the end of next week and I'm about half way through writing Chapter 12. Thanks to everyone who's been patient and stuck around.
    3 points
  3. Story manager unlocked for posting new stories and chapters. (this is a test run so make sure you have backups of what you post.)
    3 points
  4. One of the stories I just posted “Morty’s Fun Time” doesn’t have any tags. I didn’t do this intentionally. There was a hiccup posting it when I didn’t put in a chapter tittle it refused to post, I added a chapter title but didn’t realize it had reset the tags I had selected. I tried to add tags and tried to delete it to repost with tags but neither worked. I will add tags as soon as I am able but didn’t want you thinking I purposely violated the TOS.
    2 points
  5. IIRC… there are three points you can put the tags. 1) Summary, 2) Top of the story, 3) Top of the relevant chapter(s).
    2 points
  6. We’re having a few hiccups with the fields, it seems, and it doesn’t appear to be possible to delete a story or a chapter, either. Trust me, I’m aware that there are issues, and I’m not going to be growling at anyone while we’re doing the rollout and reopening. Of course, once we’re back to as normal as we ever get, I’ll be dining on miscreants once more.
    2 points
  7. I’ve updated some of the FAQs for adding a new story or chapter, and editing chapters and story information. If the FAQs aren’t clear, please let me know!
    2 points
  8. And it’s now posted! Author: Desiderius Price Title: Demon Summary: Young Lana’s extra soul surprise in the Haunted House. Feedback: Yes Warnings: NoSex, Preg
    2 points
  9. I’d suggest also listing tags at the start of the story itself, to CYA.
    1 point
  10. Oh, the research I had to do into pregnancy tests and why they may fail! 1) Age of the test itself, being old stock from before Lana was born, 2) Too late in the pregnancy, 3) Rose having irregular periods and a tendency to miss periods due to her nature of work (framing carpentry, for houses, buildings, etc). And I needed the reasons into why Rose would dismiss the symptoms; A) belief that she was infertile due to her pastor’s prior assertions, B) the negative test, and C) locking onto the conclusion that she’s “possessed” by a demon to explain away the inevitable kicking that she’d feel. This, of course, leads to the development I needed for Lana… no warning, “poof” there’s a little intruder in her world, the shift in attention – I’m saving her FULL reaction for another story, to setup her influence on Toby’s character.
    1 point
  11. If you replace the chapter it will fall into the newer formatting, so it will look like chapter 34
    1 point
  12. The font type and size are controlled by the site style sheets so that users don't accidentally break page layouts.
    1 point
  13. Alright. Because you’ve all been amazingly patient, I’m post here to let you know that @manta2g has unlocked story/chapter posting. FAIR WARNING: This is a test, so make sure you have back-ups of anything you post in case we need to do a lockdown and restore again. But—I’d say cross everything except I know this crowd won’t—let’s hope it goes smoothly! And again, thank you for your patience. I have to say, as frustrating as this whole ordeal has been, you’ve been such a supportive group of people, and it’s just been a treat for me to know you were supporting our little site.
    1 point
  14. Here’s a preview from Chapter 34. ‘Fuck my life again!’ I thought to myself. I never completely stopped loving Stacy Cook even if I would never completely trust her ever again. And I was beginning to think that Uncle Rick was okay even if he fucked up badly a few times around when I was conceived and born. But, their current take on ‘civility’ left me beyond speechless. I had to intervene, and rather dramatically seeing who I was to the pair of them biologically, to keep them from destroying each other’s lives along with my five siblings and me on my own front lawn. I only asked them for civility. Yet somehow, the two of them decided that while civility was nice, that fucking like rabbits was even better? And Stacy Cook couldn’t possibly have forgotten how light a sleeper Paul was in the months since she last shagged Kopchek, could she? And if she hadn’t started taking her “vitamin stork-killer” again, her last period ended fifteen days before Wednesday night. My body remembered her menstrual cycles because I never caught an even break when she was on them.
    1 point
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