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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2023 in all areas

  1. Well, it seems I was too optimistic in hoping to have chapter 11 of Depravity Falls finished by this weekend. Not that I haven't made good progress; it's just that there's more left to write than I'd realized. So now I’m hoping to have it beta-ready by this time next week. Progress on the final story of “The Power Arcane” is slow but steady. I can’t say yet when that will be ready, but it WILL be ready eventually. I have a short story that should soon be ready for prime time titled “What Counts as Incest?” Its about two older-teen siblings who use some increasingly questionable logic to talk themselves into having a night of sexy fun together.
    1 point
  2. We are still in read-only mode while we finish doing all the things we need to do to secure the site properly. Stay tuned for more announcements!
    1 point
  3. I adore you all, but it’s after midnight here, and I need to sleep so I can be up again at 6am. 🛏️
    1 point
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