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  1. Wilde_Guess

    No email

    Of course, @Dagian. Your teenagers are real, and thus vulnerable to loss-of privileges, loss of income, or other coercion if they don’t toe the line. Mine are imaginary fictional characters, riding their plot-jackelopes with lances and skewering me at every turn, or so it seems. Cheers!
    3 points
  2. Dagian

    No email

    No worries. My ex did a lot of coding for his job, anything from repairing other’s work to building from scratch for a government agency. And I remembered all the seemingly countless scenarios he’d gripe about that delayed the various rollouts on things he would be working on and simply wondered if the coders here had run into a similar snag. The tech support here is awesome. As for teens, I’m just hoping mine gets the dishes done tonight. 🤣
    3 points
  3. Wilde_Guess

    No email

    Hi, Daglan and all. Of course, and I apologize if you thought I was implying anything undesired about your attitude, which has honestly been nicer than mine! _I_ am being impatient! But, since I’ve been on the other side of the console more than a time or two, I’m not expressing that impatience. Frankly, if the paid tech support at [fill in the blanks of your tech service provider of choice] were as attentive or as good as the tech support we receive here for free, we’d have an extra ten percent or so more GDP. Really. And even relatively “small” sites like this one aren’t even close to being small. AFF has more “significant named users” than I had of users grand total when I ran a BBS in the 1990s. We’ll get there, Daglan. Hopefully, before my teen-age band stuffs even more songs down my throat for a wedding reception. Cheers!
    3 points
  4. Not all is doom and gloom. My validation and password reset email came in a few minutes ago. The validation link already had “password” stripped out, and worked on the first try. Likewise, the password reset link, which I used after the validation link, also worked on the first attempt. Thanks.
    2 points
  5. I’ve reached out to the author, and included a link to this thread.
    2 points
  6. Dagian

    No email

    I am being patient, considering I have no idea how many accounts there are currently (accounts merged/deleted/etc) I didn’t know exactly how long this was going to take, or if some of the previously mentioned glitches that others who have received the emails have experienced had derailed the process. Please do not infer impatience into my query, it was not impatience that prompted the question but rather interest if there had been a glitch that had slowed or even interrupted the process. Thank you for the reply though.
    2 points
  7. Okay everyone, if the password reset doesn’t work, we simply have to wait for the script to finish sending out all the mail. At that point, we can manually resend you that link. It’s not happening for everyone, and has to do with how our email services are parsing the mail to begin with.
    2 points
  8. thanks for the suggesting Bronx! if you take password out on the end it works. im already got my new Password and cant wait to get back on!!
    2 points
  9. I left this post in Hall of Shame because I thought it was a good place where people would actually see it, clicking on it out of curiosity. But it’s moved now. Hope this is a more appropriate place for it. So, that’s on me, not on George.
    2 points
  10. Manta said that the emails are getting sent out based on registration date, so if you’re new-ish you’d be near the bottom of the list, but hopefully you’ll get it soon and won’t have a problem with activating and resetting. Just read the instructions BronxWench has been posting in response to users having a problem, but let us know here if the instructions don’t work for you.
    1 point
  11. I don’t know if all the emails have gone out yet. As of this morning, we were only 75% done.
    1 point
  12. I’m not going to be able to locate you without a pen name, a user ID, or an email (which I wouldn’t recommend posting here on an open forum). We’ve been in read-only mode for about 4 months, and we’ve not gone dark other than to enter that mode to protect our members from malicious redirects casued by an sql injection attack. (I’m also going to hope everyone here is older than 4 months of age...)
    1 point
  13. Bear with us. I can’t do anything from my end until all the validation emails have gone out. Once that is done, we can address all the accounts with issues manually.
    1 point
  14. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to delete the account for you until the emails for account validations have all gone out. But bear with us—we will get there!
    1 point
  15. BronxWench

    Email validation

    Hi, Yes, we are emailing all our authors and asking that they revalidate their email addresses, and then reset their passwords once they have validated. This is part of our response to an attack on the site in September 2022, and also part of the roll-out of our updated archive code. Some of our members have been having trouble with the validation and password links. The validation link has the word “password” at the end, which was an error in the script that generated the emails. If you copy and paste that link into a new tab in your browser, and just backspace out the word “password” at the very end, the link should work fine. If the password reset link does not work, we’ll have to wait until the script is done generating all its emails before we can begin manually issuing new links. So, try the link, once you’ve gotten a successful activation message, and hopefully it will work for you. If not, let us know so we include you in the manual link list.
    1 point
  16. TBH, it felt like JKR was “burned out” to some degree when she wrote HBP. I mean, at the start of OotP, Harry’s not handling the death of Cedric very well. But at the start of HBP, it was more “meh...bad shit happens, so what?” Guess that’s the beauty of what started speculative is now AU… I’ve got my own narrative where I can totally ignore HBP and go with a much more twisted narrative. Ask my Ron what happened after he turned his hair black for a night… guess
    1 point
  17. Got the email, the validation link worked, but the password reset didn’t. Awaiting further instructions/suggestions/fix. Anyway, bedtime for me for now. 😴 Can’t wait til everything is up and running again.
    1 point
  18. Hi, Guest-MudbloodMalfoy and all. Not a admin or moderator here, but I might be able to help. If your account reports a successful validation, but the password reset link in the email has expired, have you tried generating a password reset link yourself? If your account actually validated, you should be able to reset your password. Thanks, and good luck.
    1 point
  19. hey @Wilde_Guessyou was supposed to do 41502 41503
    1 point
  20. Wilde_Guess

    No email

    Hi, @Dagian and all. Look at manta2g’s post above, quoting a processing rate of ten accounts per minute, or six hundred per hour. Remember that there are multiple thousands of user accounts on the system. Watch carefully, but patiently. Thanks.
    1 point
  21. This is the right spot, yes. HoS is for those we’ve found and banned from here.
    1 point
  22. I’m showing you as fully validated. I’m going to suggest trying the password reset link from the original email again, since it *should* work on a validated account. If not, try logging out and in again, to see if that triggers the password reset.
    1 point
  23. Oh I wasn’t using my old password in the reset. I haven’t received an email requesting that I reset my password yet. I was trying your suggestion that if you login, that might trigger your password reset. I tried to do the reset by logging in as you suggested above, and it didn’t work. At least as far as I can see. So, you’re not allowed to use punctuation, spaces or special characters? That’s something I don’t see a lot.
    1 point
  24. I attempted to do this and it doesn’t seem to be working. Or perhaps I forgot my password, which is possible. It didn’t allow me to login at all on the site. Which is probably a product of what’s happening.
    1 point
  25. I think trying to log in might trigger the password reset if it hasn’t been done yet. I can’t verify that, because I tried clicking the links to see if I could duplicate the errors that everyone is experiencing, and managed to not have any errors.
    1 point
  26. Unfortunately, all I can see is that you aren’t validated. I can’t tell why the link didn’t work for you. I thought I might have had an inkling, but upon looking into more accounts that can’t validate, my theory didn’t pan out, so let’s just say non-coders shouldn’t try to second-guess the people who know what they’re doing.
    1 point
  27. No worries, do your best. Should I be concerned that I didn’t get an email at all as far as I can tell? Maybe it’s because this problem was caught before I got my email. Happy to wait.
    1 point
  28. Sorry, everyone! I’m waiting to hear back from @manta2g as to why neither link is working, and why I can’t generate an activation link. The problem is that the password reset won’t work until the account is properly validated, and since that link isn’t working, either in the email or in my link generator, we’re stuck. I don’t have the coding background to do more than yell for help, unfortunately.
    1 point
  29. Sorry, everyone! I’m waiting to hear back from @manta2g as to why neither link is working, and why I can’t generate an activation link. The problem is that the password reset won’t work until the account is properly validated, and since that link isn’t working, either in the email or in my link generator, we’re stuck. I don’t have the coding background to do more than yell for help, unfortunately.
    1 point
  30. That link just goes to the front page of the Archives, we need the URL to your members profile, please.
    1 point
  31. OH! I’m obviously working off some very old memory then Or was it Story ID’s that aren’t unique across the Archives?
    1 point
  32. https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296877009 Neither Link worked in the email
    1 point
  33. ARGH… I should be able to generate either a validation link or a password reset link, but given that everything’s in flux, I have no way of telling if there’s an issue with my validation link generator. Hopefully @manta2g can check that for me. The reset link definitely won’t work until the account is properly validated, that much I do know.
    1 point
  34. I’ve sent out the password reset link to your email.
    1 point
  35. I’m not seeing your account as validated yet, so I’ve sent you a new validation link. Please validate, and you should be able to then reset the password.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Actually, user IDs are unique, so just the number is fine.
    1 point
  39. We need the url to your profile url in the Archive, the user IDs are not unique across the Archive if I remember correctly.
    1 point
  40. It appears that: The word “Password” is appended at the end of the activation link. If you remove that, you should be able to properly verify the account; and The password reset link does seem to have a limited period in which it can be used. If you leave your profile url for me, I can send you a password reset link. Hopefully, it won’t expire before you get it, but if it does, we’ll try again.
    1 point
  41. Episode TV, or episodic fiction in general, is actually one of the few places where a fanfic author isn’t automatically writing “alternative universe.” Before the Harry Potter series got big, and made fanfiction bigger, the two “biggies” were the Star Wars and Star Trek series. With all the “extra” stories Lucas licensed pre-Disney, and with Star Trek being episode TV, you couldn’t tell a lot of the best “fanfiction” from authorized and truly canon stories.
    1 point
  42. Verification & password reset e-mails are rolling out.
    1 point
  43. I’m not finding any record of staff action with respect to that member or with regard to that story title. It’s entirely likely that the author removed the content themselves, since we document any instance where a story is removed for Terms of Service violations, or because the author has asked that we remove an account and all associated stories.. I know that’s not the answer you were hoping for, but if the story was removed by the author, we do respect that choice.
    1 point
  44. If a story has been deleted by the author or by the staff, it is not retrievable. We have not actually lost any stories due to the sql injection attacks, thankfully, and we did the clean-up of duplicate accounts manually, to ensure all content was properly merged into the surviving account. If you can supply the author name and/or story titles, I can look into our records and see if there was any staff action related to the story.
    1 point
  45. We’ve completed the background cleanup, which was necessary for the first phase o the unlocking to be rolled out. Our coder will be starting the unlocking process in the next few days, and we’ll ne announcing that here on the forum, and on the archive home page as well.
    1 point
  46. The archive profile is deleted.
    1 point
  47. I’ve deleted the archive profile for you. @Melrick can take care of the forum profile.
    1 point
  48. Sent you a private message. Thank you so much.
    1 point
  49. Right now, while the site is still in read-only mode, reviews can’t be removed. If you leave a link to the review url, I’d be happy to remove the review once the site is back up and running again.
    1 point
  50. When posting your support request, please for the archive: list the archive affected (i.e. books.adult-fanfiction.org) tell us specifically what the error is (if the program kicks an error code) if the program behaves unexpectedly, please give us a detailed explanation for the forum: list the error generated by the forum if the program behaves unexpectedly, please give us a detailed explanation if the board behaves in an unexpected manner, please give me details to the behavior. These are two very different programs, so it will kick different kinds of errors. As the archive "lives" across different subdomains, it's important to know which subdomain, exactly, you were in when an error occurred. The more information you provide, the easier it is for us to solve any problems which may occur. Thanks!
    1 point
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