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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2023 in all areas

  1. Verification & password reset e-mails are rolling out.
    6 points
  2. **Quietly unlocks a few site functions.** Work has been hellish, been barely able to stay awake long enough to eat dinner most days...
    5 points
  3. manta2g

    No email

    It’s going by user ID, oldest to newest. Keeping track of any oddities and will address those by the end of the week.
    3 points
  4. manta2g

    No email

    Doing 10 at a time every minute. It's barely a quarter done as I type.
    2 points
  5. Melrick

    Check your email!

    Note: If you didn’t get an email, make sure you also check your spam folder, because that’s where mine went to.
    2 points
  6. Deadman

    Writing an orgy

    This is generally a good way to do it. Having written a few scenes like this so far, it’s been easier to know what I’m planning ahead of time in some detail. Although as I’ve gotten better at it, I get into more “without a plan” writing process. I have the participants figured out but then let the story take me where it wants to go. I even have come to different conclusions about what the story is about and how it plays out. In one story that I haven’t posted yet, I originally had it as an AU story. When I finally got down to writing, I decided that I had to integrate more canon into it. Another one involved basing it on a throw away line the character said. For the one I’m writing now, I will come up with an idea for something that happens later, write out a one sentence description, then detail it out when I get to that part. I also mapped out a series of events where different characters would get it on, had one or two lines of dialogue, then did the next one. Eventually going back and filling in the details.
    2 points
  7. Well that can be taken in many different ways… oops.
    2 points
  8. Our amazing manta2g has begun to roll out the emails to all our members, asking everyone to verify their email address and reset their password. This is the first phase of unlocking the site, and I'm pretty excited about it! Please keep an eye out for our email, and follow the directions to verify your email address and reset your password. As always, if you run into any issues, you can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org or give us a shout over on the forums. EDIT: Okay. I just got MY email, and I copied and pasted the validation link (first link) into a new browser tab. I backed out the “password” at the end, hit enter, and it worked. I then clicked the password reset link in the email, and I was immediately taken to the password reset page, where I successfully updated my password. I have NO clue why it worked for me when it’s not working for other members, but there we are.
    1 point
  9. thanks for the suggesting Bronx! if you take password out on the end it works. im already got my new Password and cant wait to get back on!!
    1 point
  10. I’m showing you as fully validated. I’m going to suggest trying the password reset link from the original email again, since it *should* work on a validated account. If not, try logging out and in again, to see if that triggers the password reset.
    1 point
  11. You shouldn’t need to know your old password for the reset. BUT, and this is a biggie, you can’t reuse your old password. It blanks the field and forces another reset. Password rules recap: Between 12-18 letters and/or numbers long, case sensitive. NO punctuation, spaces, or special characters allowed. Do NOT use your old password, or let Google make a strong password full of forbidden characters for you.
    1 point
  12. looks like I need to adjust some perms…..this doesn’t belong in HoS
    1 point
  13. It appears that: The word “Password” is appended at the end of the activation link. If you remove that, you should be able to properly verify the account; and The password reset link does seem to have a limited period in which it can be used. If you leave your profile url for me, I can send you a password reset link. Hopefully, it won’t expire before you get it, but if it does, we’ll try again.
    1 point
  14. It appears that: The word “Password” is appended at the end of the activation link. If you remove that, you should be able to properly verify the account; and The password reset link does seem to have a limited period in which it can be used. If you leave your profile url for me, I can send you a password reset link. Hopefully, it won’t expire before you get it, but if it does, we’ll try again.
    1 point
  15. Hi, Desiderius Price and all. Definitely so. More than a few “Harry/Hermione shippers” believe that JKR had laid the groundwork out for that ship in canon. I didn’t see it in the books, and the movie actually hinted at the Ron/Hermione dating relationship that ultimately took place. And, like you said, we the reader never really saw that much of Ginny building a relationship with Harry until it showed up mostly formed. JKR gave us all a brilliant sandbox to play in, but she did leave a splinter or two in the edge boards. And, don’t get me started about Hermione being white growing up and having kids, then suddenly turning Black because JKR liked Norma Dumezweni’s acting. JKR never said what race Hermione was in the books. But in the movies, which are also canon, and where JKR had veto power over all casting decisions, she chose the decidedly anglo Emma Watson to play Hermione. I have a “two or three shot” I might post about Hermione turning herself Black a-la John Howard Griffin for semi-political purposes with a combination of potions and ritual without telling or asking anyone first, only to accidentally turn her children and parents Black too, and also get thoroughly lambasted by her sister-in-law Angelina, who actually was born Black before she sets things back to right with a lot of help from Ron. It’s JKR’s sandbox, and she can do what she wants with it. I, in turn, can politely express the opinion that she made a silly and needless blunder. As for people speculating in error where the seven-book series was going to go, that was actually more or less good mystery writing, since part of the overall story type for the seven-book series was mystery. She left the clues where she needed to leave them, and once you got to the point where “new revelations” happened, you could see her laying the groundwork. And Alan Rickman deserves more than a little credit for not ‘blabbing’ where the story was going. Remember, he insisted on knowing the entire series, “spoilers” and all, before agreeing to play Severus Snape. Cheers!
    1 point
  16. And some fanfiction can be better written than canon. Prior to HBP, the worst of the Harry/Ginny hookups read way, way, better than the “sudden urge” of the books… unless you think she used a love potion on Harry. Also, prior to book 5, there was a lot of speculative/predictive fanfics that were taking a guess to where canon was headed, many got abandoned when they became “AU” with the book’s release. (Ditto for books 6, likely 7 too)
    1 point
  17. Episode TV, or episodic fiction in general, is actually one of the few places where a fanfic author isn’t automatically writing “alternative universe.” Before the Harry Potter series got big, and made fanfiction bigger, the two “biggies” were the Star Wars and Star Trek series. With all the “extra” stories Lucas licensed pre-Disney, and with Star Trek being episode TV, you couldn’t tell a lot of the best “fanfiction” from authorized and truly canon stories.
    1 point
  18. Sessakag

    No email

    Gotcha, as I thought, probably hasn’t reached me yet. I shall wait patiently. Thanks for answering!
    1 point
  19. @Deadman’s recent post brought this question to mind: What do you consider the best way to write an orgy scene? My usual approach is this: After I make a list of the participants and who will be getting it on with whom, I describe the action in round-robin fashion, writing a few paragraphs about what each pair or group is doing and then moving on to the next until I’ve come full circle and then starting at the top again. I feel like this approach provides the reader some sense that the action is all going on simultaneously. However, I’m also concerned that the constant jumps from one group to the next are too disruptive for at least some readers. Thoughts?
    1 point
  20. It certainly comes across that way. Only been a member of the forums for a few months at this point.
    1 point
  21. A couple of updates: --Chapter 2 of “Out of Hand” is in beta. --I’m hoping to have a complete draft of the final chapter of “Depravity Falls” ready for beta by the end of the week.
    1 point
  22. That these types of questions can be asked and answered in serious fashion makes AFF forums a good place
    1 point
  23. Yes but that only just reinforces the claim you originally made. It would be a very opening thing.
    1 point
  24. I left myself open for that, didn’t I?
    1 point
  25. This is part of where I ran into a problem. Because I have a few situations where it’s a single female in a group of other women. Many of the women are getting it on with each other. Yet they’re very much focused on a single female who is at the centre of attention. I have one that I posted where one woman is at the centre of both men and women who are focused on her.
    1 point
  26. le sigh... Love me some good and well done magical realism… Decided to give the show “Raising Dion” a chance. Got into it, like it, actually quite like it… then watch seven year old with superpowers break into super secret lab to find a bunch of animals that would be exotic in the eyes of a little black kid in the middle of Atlanta, and he goes ”Wow, where do all these animals come from?” Godfather-mentor-sidekick: “They come from Iceland...” while staring at a pair of sheep in a glass cage. Me…: “OOooh, yeah, no, they don’t, buddy, those are not Icelandic, and that horse sure as shit ain’t either.” Magical realism utterly shattered...
    0 points
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