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  1. I’ve generally felt the opposite. I started writing fanfic because I read a fanfic that was AU to the canon. The only real criticism I had was that it wasn’t canon, so I wrote an in canon version of the story. Also, I prefer live action stuff to animated stuff. I’m too emotionally detached from animated characters to really get into anything. Especially if it’s sexual in nature. It helps to have a visual reference for the characters. Several of the actors involved in my fandoms (mainly Buffy, Riverdale, etc.) have done sexy photoshoots either with their fellow actors from the show or just generally. So that gets me thinking about stuff they could do together.
    2 points
  2. So, when you write these, you’ll let me know, yes? Because either of these might be the only way to get me to read anything in those fandoms.
    2 points
  3. For me, it was simply impatience… i was impatient for JKR to release book 5 (at the time), and impatience for a potter fanfic author to continue their story. I had a list of ideas that brewed on how that fanfic should continue, and I decided to play with those ideas, a narrative formed, and I was hooked on creative writing. I’m still working on my sequel (the million word one), one that’s so different from the above, that I’d have to rename one main character to bring it here to this archive (but alas, it felt wrong when I attempted that). Otherwise, I prefer playing in my originals… so many things to play with.
    2 points
  4. I find that there are a lot of fandoms that I enjoy, but only so many that I want to write in, porn-wise. My criteria are more or less these: The fandom has to present a lot of opportunity for turning situations porny. Any show where there’s mad science, magic, or characters from other worlds with totally different cultures is good. If it’s TV, it has to be animated. I feel weird writing about characters who are physically portrayed by real actors. If the characters are young, they need to be precocious in some way. I think this explains why I write lots of stories about fandoms like The Loud House and Phineas and Ferb but not, say, Milo Murphy’s law or Person of Interest. How about y’all?
    1 point
  5. I came across this tidbit whilst surfing: https://www.themarysue.com/publishing-house-plush-books-accused-of-stealing-dozens-of-fanfiction-works/ It looks like the alleged publisher is scraping stories from FFN and AO3, but since many of our authors also publish on those sites, I thought it might be worth posting this. It’s astonishing how low some folks will go.
    1 point
  6. Pretty much everything I write has gone off the rails. My first story I just started writing and couldn’t stop until there was a trilogy. One that I have recently turned into a quadrilogy and will probably have future sequels as well. In part because to finish off my obsession with the story, I wrote an epilogue set 10 years after the events of the third story. Then I started writing a completely unconnected story… until I realized that I wanted to connect it to the original trilogy, and the new story became a 5 part story in order to make that work. Some of the stuff I’ve posted here also were intended to be one shots, only to decide that I should write it as a series of one shots featuring various characters. Now I’m working on similar one shot series for other fandoms as well (Riverdale, TVD, PLL). Plus, I am in the middle of writing a one shot for the main fandom (Buffy) and being towards the end, I had the idea to do a “spinoff” one shot. I’m also debating another “spinoff” of sorts based on one that I’ve already finished. I debated adding a fun little comment at the end of one of them which would allow for new one shots connected to this other one shot in the same fandom. Ultimately I decided to not include the comment but every so often while writing other stuff it comes into my head and I want to add it. Mainly because I haven’t posted it here thanks to the site being read only. So… yeah… I tend to go off the rails.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. InvidiaRed

    Count To Infinity

    41427 Forty one thousand, four hundred and twenty seven! like the spanish inquisition I am unexpected Behold tis I speaker of numeric sigils of odd!
    1 point
  9. What makes me write some fanfiction in some genres but not others? In the end, whether the story I write is NC-17+ or SFW, I have to be able to find a story to tell in that genre. But how do I get there? I have to like the fandom(s) involved, and understand the canon of the fandom(s) enough so that my “changes” make some degree of sense in that universe. Or, I need to loathe the fandom(s) so completely that I will gladly write a story to destroy it. If I’m writing a crack/parody story, I need to understand the trope, genre, or fandom enough to lambaste it properly, and have fun while I’m doing it. After all, you’re probably winning no friends writing Mickey Spillane’s Sponge Bob Square-Pants on the Docks or My Little Pony Vacation—All Knackered Out at Pete’s in Todmorden, so you’d better at least be having a good time with all the enemies you’ll make. In some cases, you can write a “crack” fic, a porn-fest, and a true drama in the same fiction universe at the same time. An example in the School Days fandom would be The Nice-Boating News, Yuuki Shows the Girls How, and Subete no Eikō wa Hakanai Mono. Cheers!
    1 point
  10. Have I ever have a fanfic “go off the rails...”? Yes, but that would be telling. I’ve also had a “one-shot” original work “go off the rails” here or there...
    1 point
  11. WillowDarkling

    Add Story?

    No, the Archives are still in read only mode so users cannot upload their stories at this time. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
    1 point
  12. Desiderius Price


    Unfortunately it’s been a bit of a battle with the attacker… the two times I’m aware of the coder *trying* to bring the code live, the attacker repeats their attack and we’re left with our website redirecting visitors to unsavory locations on the internet. Crossing my fingers the third time’s the charm for our coder.
    1 point
  13. BronxWench


    The clean-up is very nearly done (7 pages left of what was 109 pages of duplicate/triplicate/multiple accounts under a single email). Once we’ve finished that, manta can move to the next step. I absolutely appreciate the offers of help—you all are wonderful! It’s been a long road, but knowing that AFF has the best members of any fiction archive makes it easier, so a rousing thank you to you all!
    1 point
  14. WillowDarkling


    Thank you both for that, we do appreciate it a lot. As for helping out, I think @manta2g is the only one who can really answer that question, since she takes care of our code.
    1 point
  15. While the Archives are in Read Only mode the Head Archive mod is unable to delete any accounts. Therefore, if you do wish to have your account deleted please leave a post on this thread, linked here: Wish To Delete Account Thread This is in order to keep all of the deletion requests in one place, to try and make things a little easier on our Head Archive mod when we get back up and running. We will need your username in the archive, and a link to your profile would be awesome. Also, if you have a forum profile that will need to be deleted too, so a forum username and link would be brilliant as well. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
    1 point
  16. Right now, given that the site is in read-only mode after a series of sql injection attacks, it’s impossible for me to update email addresses for anyone. We’re hoping our coder and my admin can close any vulnerabilities and the site can go live again. Once that’s done, I’ll be very happy to help you regain access to your account. (I’m pinning this topic so I don’t lose it or forget.)
    1 point
  17. BronxWench


    We’re still in read-only mode, but as soon as we’re back to normal, we’ll be sure to post notices for everyone. We greatly appreciate everyone’s patience.
    1 point
  18. I find short fiction to e actually harder to write. When the challenge prompts were more active here, I’d always wind up writing a 1,000 word flash fic, and then going back over it a few times to make something clearer, which meant trimming words elsewhere, and the next thing you know, I’d be sobbing in my coffee and longing for a cigarette. BUT flash fiction made me hone my writing. You have to grab someone’s attention, hook them, and satisfy them in 1,000 words. There’s no room for verbal clutter, and that’s not a bad thing at all.
    1 point
  19. Its either a single sentence, or a few thousand words no inbetween.
    1 point
  20. So the plan, still working on it, is that the party ends up in the room, because of the sleep stuff they get captured by …… someone, and must deal with either escaping or being diplomatic etc. I am leaning more towards escaping and fighting their way out of the place and so on. But I thank all of you for your thoughts and ideas, gives me more ideas to work with.
    1 point
  21. Alright, too much youtube, it was mentioning poisonous gas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnkwxKHVLeU Phosphine can be had by heating white phosphorus in aqueous solution of potash (potassium carbonate). While the pure is odorless, the technical grate can have a highly unpleasant order like rotting fish. Arsine can give off a slight garlic scent when it’s presence is above 0.5 ppm … it’ll destroy the kidneys (according to this video).
    1 point
  22. By lucky coincidence, a genetic mutation makes them impervious to garlic-infused holy water, it’s now a health tonic. They also use silver bolts for toothpicks, after all, dental hygiene is important for those perfect pearly whites! Anyways, make sure to get *ALL* their hearts to thwart the regeneration process. Yeah, mostly harmless, like the earth.
    1 point
  23. ::loads crossbow with silver bolts wrapped in wolfsbane soaked in garlic-infused holy water:: Mostly harmless, I’m sure.
    1 point
  24. Aw, so it was the mirror that possessed her! Well, you remembered enough so we can have fun with it, as easily forgetting things isn’t a great thing either. Now, if only I could eradicate this plot bunny of having Mary Sue dating Gary Stu, I’m sure their children would be mostly harmless.
    1 point
  25. The author never managed to actually make it clear what this MC’s eyes looked like, although the MC spent an inordinate amount of time staring at herself in a mirror. And changing clothes. And falling down and crawling. I swear, there is not enough brain bleach in the universe, sometimes.
    1 point
  26. Rainbow eyes? TBH, that’s not a super terrible idea, however, some description/justification would be needed. Suppose one could color the eyelashes, or eyebrows, or even the iris itself with concentrically colored rings. Iris/Whites could be done with a contact lens or a potion … in my potter fanfic, I’d simply chalk it up as a party gimmick from Fred & George. But yeah, the weapon thing would be understandable *IF* they’re military with years of special forces training, and is now a grandpa in a motorized wheelchair. Otherwise, less...credible. Guess that’s the crux of the Mary Sue/Gary Stu thing, it produces a character which is less realistic, less relatable.
    1 point
  27. RPGs as a whole, have the issue where the player is, effectively, a mary sue/gary stu in the storyline. Nobody can resolve anything, find anything, without you getting involved. And as you level up, your character gains strength/ability to the point you’re a tank, or master sniper, and can take on any opponent. Spoiler for Fallout-4 Automatron DLC… the mechanist had the best line when they’re telling the player, “I’m trying to stop the worst threat to the commonwealth, and that threat is YOU.” I had to admit when I first heard that, how true it was… the player character is, ultimately so overpowered, especially having the power of quick saves & loads to overcome any obstacle.
    1 point
  28. Back in the day, on the old Bioware forums, there was a thread called “The Shirtless Saga.” It birthed many a fanfic.
    1 point
  29. Compensating for what is lacking in a fandom seems to be a major source of inspiration for fanfic.
    1 point
  30. I started writing fan fiction for the CRPGs I play, mostly because the writers for the games absolutely suck at writing relationships. (Yes, David Gaider, I am talking to you.) Honestly, even with a ratings-required fade to black, the older games managed a great deal of heavy innuendo that the later games lacked. Well, until Dragon Age, thank the Maker! Then I sort of slipped into a bit of LotR fan fiction because I like elves, particularly Tolkien’s not-at-all-fluffy elves. But I will say, while I would never speak ill of Lee Pace’s portrayal of Thranduil Oropherion, I write based on the books and not the movies or actors. I have to really geek about a fandom to want to write for it.
    1 point
  31. For me it absolutely just depends on whatever idea something gives me and my ability to actually get it written down from my head. I’ve been happy to write in fandoms I know nothing about from requests because of that. My only real “won’t do” for a fandom now is real person fic. I’ve was doing more original stuff when I was writing last because I kept having thoughts about the same characters.
    1 point
  32. Yes. As a fellow “Moonie”, I have written SM fanfics for a long time. It got to a point where my characters were starting to be OOC and the plot lines were becoming more intense that I stepped back and decided I needed to charge the direction of my work. While I enjoy working with the canons I grew to love, sometimes it’s nice to leave the nest and fly. If you’re still around, I’d love to know how your development continued and if you’re going to start a magic girl series.
    1 point
  33. I’d like to add a ++ on what said Guest evaBrick. Thank you so much for this website where I go in those moments of life. Thanks for your hard work. Thanks to the writers too.
    1 point
  34. Oh wow! This made my day!!
    1 point
  35. As one of the archive moderators for the past few years, thank you for your support and your wonderful post! As one of the writers on the site, albeit sporadically these days, AFF’s been a haven for me as well, and I’m grateful for it every day.
    1 point
  36. As the forum moderator, I want to thank you, very much for your kind words, and I am so happy that the sites have been a help in troubled times. I decided to pin your post for the time being, so it will remain at the top of the forum, so our hardworking archive moderators, our admin and the rest of the crew can see it. Thank you, again, for such lovely words. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
    1 point
  37. That was completely brilliant, actually.
    1 point
  38. https://fanlore.org/wiki/The_Sparklypoo_Comic
    1 point
  39. Courtesy of the brilliant and extraordinary Dafdes: Dear God, grant me the serenity to accept those things that are not TOS violations, the courage to read through fiction that probably has missing tags somewhere, and the wisdom to know I'm here because I write shocking and socially unacceptable pornography too.
    1 point
  40. eh, don't worry about socially unacceptable. Look at me and yet people still bring me their children so that I may mold their innocent little minds into whatever twisted shape strikes my fancy..mwahahahaha...ahhh, did I type that last part out loud?
    1 point
  41. LOL, we need the like button for that
    1 point
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