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  1. Good Lord. I love long chapters but I think I’d be struggling with a 109k chapter. That is so awesome and so intimidating, lol.
    3 points
  2. I get it. When I first started writing I didn’t have any idea how I was going to end the story. My first story was done by the seat of my pants and ended up, as I mentioned just above, over 100 chapters and 150k words not counting the sequels which also weren’t planned. By the end of the trilogy (which has since become a quadrilogy… for now) I was writing with a plan in mind but nothing written down. With the stuff that I’m posting here, it’s sort of a mix. I had one piece that’s currently up on the site which was intended to be a one shot that I wrote in a 48 hour time frame. Then I did some editing and adding, which lead to a second chapter and an idea for a third chapter but have decided not to write (for now). But I’ve also written stories that have a specific end point when I first started writing it. Also, I wrote a story a while ago with a specific ending but then ended up creating an alternate ending where the story could continue.
    2 points
  3. Maybe… the remaining word count is quite high TBH. To the original point, Thucycides and lots of early works didn’t have paragraphs/pages, those were mostly added in later.
    2 points
  4. Hopefully this decade, I’m rooting for ya.
    2 points
  5. Extra line breaks had gotten lost, so no scene separators, thus 109k wall of text. Know I’d occasionally get one determined reader here or there, but yeah, intimidating. Even FF.net gave the hint, because they updated their word counter to max each chapter’s word count out at 65k (ie, they’d simply not count anything more to story’s total). Thus, my first action when I started the current rewrite was to simply break those chapters in two (ie parts A & B), though I’ve now totally yanked them until I get the revision bit done (due to confusion with how their alert notifications worked) – maybe this decade?
    2 points
  6. At long last, the final chapter of “Into the Third Dimension” has gone to beta. It’s more than 11k words long, though, so it could be in beta for a while. In the meantime, I will press on with the other stuff; I hope to have chapter 4 of “Augmented” off to beta tomorrow.
    2 points
  7. I envy you, lol. I get an idea and just start writing hoping I come with a ending later down the line. I’ve gotten a little more organized in the years of writing, but I still have that reckless, “let me just start all over the place” mentality that bites me later on.
    2 points
  8. Alas, we both kinda agree 109kwords (about the same length as JKR’s third NOVEL) is generally excessive for a single chapter? Current rewrite has 170 chapters where there used to be 44ish of those older 108, so it’s definitely way more detailed and enjoyable now, with 6-7k averages, and I’m having to mix the two versions as there were some good ideas in that previous rewrite. So, 50 might’ve been better, but I agree the execution was dumb. Hey, making mistakes is how we get better at writing, right?
    2 points
  9. Yeah, could be fun to get the feedback if you do. I’m planning on posting a single chapter of a story that I wrote that I wanted to be multi chapter but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Probably going to be writing a different story in the same fandom before I finish the one I’m thinking of.
    1 point
  10. Cool. Having stories that breed plot bunnies is how the adventure grows. Half debating to simply post my Halloween story as the first chapter to a longer story, myself.
    1 point
  11. Well maybe the problem was how much you rewrote it from 108 chapters to 11. If you had instead separated it into 50 chapters, it could’ve been something people wouldn’t be intimidated by.
    1 point
  12. I can’t give you a ballpark yet. I’ll have a better idea once we finish up this phase of the clean-up, which at the moment involves merging duplicate (or more) accounts for over 5,000 members. That’s a fairly time consuming job, but the moderating staff is able to help with this portion, which takes some of the load off @manta2g. Believe me, as a writer myself, I’ve been itching to be able to post things again, so I’m highly motivated.
    1 point
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