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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2022 in all areas

  1. You’re getting reviews? Oh, wow! (ie, my stories tend to not get reviews, so I figure people are cringing in the opening paragraph and moving onto somebody else’s story.)
    1 point
  2. You can’t edit anything in your profile right now, which is why you can’t turn off anon reviews. No one can make a new account. No one can delete an account. That’s why it’s called read-only mode. As far as renaming review.php, Manta and DG have enough work to do without making more for themselves. So, let’s allow them to concentrate on stopping the hacker’s access so we can get back to normal. I’m not a coder, but I’m guessing that at the very least, it would mean renaming that bit of code in 22 discrete databases, as well as any cross-references elsewhere. And after the site is fixed, they’ll have to go back and find all those renamed bits and change them back, and hope none get missed because if I have to listen to anyone complaining about not getting reviews in whatever subdomain, after watching Manta and DG sweat for nearly 2 months to get things working again, I will absolutely lose my shit with said complainant.
    1 point
  3. I’m pleased to say that both chapter 2 of “Augmented” and chapter 16 of “Smooshed” have gone off to beta. Chapter 8 of “Depravity Falls” should be ready soon, too.
    1 point
  4. Hi, The site is in read-only mode at the moment, which is why you can’t create an account. We were subjected to a barrage of sql injection attacks, and currently our coder and my admin are combing through the site’s code, line by line, to identify vulnerabilities and to secure the site. Until they’re finished, and the site is taken out of read-only mode, it’s not going to be possible to make a new account. Bear with us—everyone is working as fast as they can!
    1 point
  5. Might I suggest Manta/DG rename “review.php” to something else so at least it becomes a “file-not-found” error? That’d keep people from leaving reviews that never make it.
    1 point
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