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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2022 in all areas

  1. Thank you kindly for your patience, and we will make an announcement as soon as the site is back up and running. According to what DG and Manta have told us, this attacker is beyond persistent, and they are working on this every moment they have to do so.
    2 points
  2. I figured that. No worries, I’m happy to wait. It’s helpful though because it’s given me time to write more stuff that can get posted when it’s back up.
    2 points
  3. We’re seeing this same thing with reviews. You can write a review, and post it, and the site will say that it uploaded, but the review is not there. If you add a chapter, it will appear to work but the chapter will not actually be posted.
    2 points
  4. IMPORTANT: If you try to leave a review on one of my stories in the archive right now, the system will tell you that your review has been posted, BUT IT HASN’T. So please, if you want to review one of my stories, do it in my review response threads: Originals Some of my cartoon fanfics
    2 points
  5. Okay, just making sure the site is still under read only mode? Curious because I see there’s all kind of discussion on this thread I don’t know I’m going to go through it all. Also, I checked the main archive and it seems like I can go through the main process of adding a new chapter if I wanted to. I assume it’s still in read only mode?
    1 point
  6. No, you are constantly posting irrelevant post in a thread that has to do with Tech support for the Archive. So, I am hiding the posts that have NOTHING to do with the thread. For example, the last post I hid from you, you were discussing my gender and pronouns, which are of absolutely NO concern either for you, nor for this thread. This is not abuse, this is staff trying to keep control of a thread that has to do with an ongoing issue with our archive. Simple as that. We are not bullying you, we are not abusing you, we are simply trying to maintain order. And if you continue to post irrelevant posts on this thread, I will continue to hide them.
    1 point
  7. One test that could be done: try to upload the piece or chapter; and if it works: it works, if it doesn’t: it doesn’t… either way you find out the answer to your question.
    1 point
  8. I reiterate: This thread is for discussing the issues ongoing with the Archive, NOT for arguing about the merits or lack thereof of our competitor’s site. The previous posts (following warnings from staff members) have therefore been hidden (pending further action), and any further discussion on the matter here could result in moderation action. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
    1 point
  9. I just went and left a test review on one of GrayNeko’s stories. The archive told me that my review was posted successfully, but when I looked, it hadn’t been. So indeed people are leaving reviews, but they don’t stick. Is there a way to shut off reviews so that would-be reviewers aren’t wasting their time?
    1 point
  10. Happy Halloween everybody! Happy Samhain and All Saints Day! We wish you safe tidings as the unseen and seen brush together this year. For today is the day where monsters and men intersection and one may be the other and none shall be what it seems. So have fun y’all spirits benign and malign and ghoulies! <3
    1 point
  11. We are making progress on that end, by the way. So, hopefully, we will have this resolved sooner rather than later.
    1 point
  12. Anybody considered talking to the feds on this hacker? This hacker is suppressing *OUR* free speech rights, and it’s technically a federal crime. (Sorry, had to vent here, cause it’s frustrating especially to the authors unable to post, unable to get feedback on what they posted.)
    1 point
  13. The archive is back in read-only mode at the moment. Our attacker has been quite persistent, and our coder and tech admin are working as quickly as possible to close off all vulnerabilities so we can once again operate normally. Unfortunately, our coder has had to use back-up data to restore the archive even in the read-only mode, which may be why the new chapter is lost despite your having gotten reviews on the story. Bear with us, please. Our coder and admin are working on this as fast as they can, given the time constraints of their actual employment and other obligations.
    1 point
  14. Tomb of Horrors Is the only reason to have Red-Shirt Syndrome. Ah! Memories! Hahahaaha!
    1 point
  15. The trouble with killing off the characters is you’ll need some more to replace the first party, do it too often and you’ll have red-shirt syndrome.
    1 point
  16. I do enjoy when characters pick on it a little too late. It helps blunt the blow a bit when they do fall to traps. Bard: Does this room smell like chloroform to you? The sorceress sniffed the air for a bit. “Why am I not surprised with you?”The rest of the party’s faces paled in recognition as the sorceress suddenly bolted towards the door that had quietly bolted itself behind them.
    1 point
  17. Oh, definitely keep them out of the beauty aisle!!! I had the misfortune to read a fan fic years ago with a PC/MC who had… wait for it… rainbow eyes. Now I ask you, what in the holy fuck are rainbow eyes? Oh, and she was proficient with every weapon in creation despite being unable to manage walking most of the time. I wish I was making this up, I really do.
    1 point
  18. “Twist the tropes” can be quite fun to do at times. Of course, @SirGeneralSir will need to decide if the adventurers live or die, and work from there.
    1 point
  19. Inexperienced, pressured, and the occasional “oops” are likely reasons too. An overpowered narcissist protected by plot armor (good stuff, highly recommend it, better than bullet-proof vests) isn’t terribly interesting to read TBH. However, Mary Sue and Gary Stu are not forces to be taken lightly, got one trying to weasel his way into my potter fanfic – started as a foil to Harry helping out Oliver Wood to teaching first years their intro flying lesson, I’ve had to keep tempering his character down to avoid plot inconsistencies. Classically, the mary/gary character will take training to become more proficient—don’t let them! Above all else, cancel their scholarship! Oh, keep them out of the beauty isle too.
    1 point
  20. I have standards; and at least this site, unlike AO3, doesn’t bully anyone- at least as far as I’ve encountered.
    0 points
  21. Here’s the thing: only you can shame you; because only you select what you do and what you go for- nobody else does… same with me, same with everyone else: same rules for everyone.
    0 points
  22. Because some of them are not filthy at all. And it is those that I choose to focus on. AO3 is really run by bullies, and so it is worthless.
    0 points
  23. Hey, let’s not shame somebody for not being into naked teenage mud wrestling.
    0 points
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