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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2022 in all areas

  1. Access to the database itself is strictly controlled. Only DemonGoddess and manta2g have direct access. My moderating staff is exceedingly small, and doesn’t have the limited abilities that I have as lead moderator. I’ve met most of them in person, and I am entirely sure that none of my moderators are responsible for this series of attacks. Further, I myself run Malwarebytes Premium daily on my computer, and take every precaution when I have occasion to visit other sites in the course of my moderating duties. I know it’s easy to point a finger at human beings, and wonder if they are the proximate cause of the issues, but in this case, you’re way off base. The idea of using immoral means to achieve what a person believes is a moral end is neither improbable or unheard of, in my experience. Hypocrisy is as much a common human trait as any other, and the same people who email me demanding that I remove a story they dislike would scream the loudest if I removed a story they did like. It’s naïve to think otherwise.
    3 points
  2. Actually working on finding the what, the why, and how right now, the both of us. Manta is taking a break while I do my part of the deep dive.
    3 points
  3. Argh. Maybe we need to enlist that fellow on YouTube who hacks phone spammers…
    3 points
  4. I’m prone to speculation when trying to figure out the motivation behind our attacker, and the “crusader” crossed my mind as one possibility—somebody who thinks the ends justify the means. Hypocrisy is great in fiction, not so wonderful in real life.
    2 points
  5. The Wicker Man is way more fun anyway….
    2 points
  6. Sorry, I should’ve mentioned that was hyperbole on my part, not trying to imply that we need to resort to firearms.
    2 points
  7. AFAICT, the content here is legal, even if it’s of dubious quality/morals, and would thus be protected by the first amendment. I don’t know if we have any agents amongst us willing to take up the cause. I guess I’m frustrated, because this hacker appears determined to hijack our website for their own dubious means, and it’s mean/rude and denies us the ability to post/publish/review. While Manta’s doing her level best to overhaul/patch, we’re not Google or Microsoft or Facebook with an army of coders, so I fear this cycle may repeat itself, ad nauseum.
    2 points
  8. It will depend on what kind of documentation we can put together, but I’d be more than happy to deal with IC3 and their endless bureaucracy. I’m used to Federal agencies and paperwork.
    2 points
  9. I wonder if we could combine it with roman sentiments?
    1 point
  10. Episode eight here I come. A finale shouldn’t cause a pit of dread.
    1 point
  11. I don’t think we need to escalate to the point of firearms. However, we are not the only site that hosts adult fiction, and I don’t think the attack is because of our content. I do think we need to secure the site as much as is possible against this sort of incursion, and I do think we need to, at the very least, report the attacker to his/her ISP if not to the Federal authorities who investigate cybercrimes. There’s no financial gain to be had from attacking us, and the attacks appear to be intended to disrupt the normal operations of the site. The attacks redirect our members to sites of dubious provenance and probable malware, which is my concern. We value our members, and don’t want to have our site used to harm them. So, once again, NEVER CLICK ON LINKS THAT YOU DON’T KNOW and make sure your antivirus/malware protections are up to date. Secure yourself with two-factor authentication, and change your passwords regularly if you’re not using two-factor authentication. This is something we all need to do to protect ourselves.
    1 point
  12. I’m actually getting data together to find the times and other things. But, the question here, is if we do that, does that open us up to possible closure due to the nature of the content?
    1 point
  13. Anybody considered talking to the feds on this hacker? This hacker is suppressing *OUR* free speech rights, and it’s technically a federal crime. (Sorry, had to vent here, cause it’s frustrating especially to the authors unable to post, unable to get feedback on what they posted.)
    1 point
  14. The archive is back in read-only mode at the moment. Our attacker has been quite persistent, and our coder and tech admin are working as quickly as possible to close off all vulnerabilities so we can once again operate normally. Unfortunately, our coder has had to use back-up data to restore the archive even in the read-only mode, which may be why the new chapter is lost despite your having gotten reviews on the story. Bear with us, please. Our coder and admin are working on this as fast as they can, given the time constraints of their actual employment and other obligations.
    1 point
  15. Rest in peace, Robbie Coltrane...
    0 points
  16. DemonGoddess

    I need to spork out my eyes!

    I need to spork out my eyes!
    0 points
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