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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2022 in all areas

  1. Partial ready-only mode, story manager unlocked. Profile editing will unlock in a couple of hours. Trying to figure out where exactly our hacker is getting in.
    3 points
  2. With the site revamp (thank you, Manta!), a lot of things seem to work differently now. I can’t figure out how to post a chapter, and the old instructions for doing so appear to be obsolete. Can someone update the FAQs on adding, editing, and deleting chapters? (And probably a bunch of other archive-related things?) Edit: I just read the announcement on the news page about how to get to the Story Manager. But the FAQ still ought to be updated.
    1 point
  3. Profile editing, registration, activation, and password reset unlocked. Next unlock and backup in a few hours.
    1 point
  4. InvidiaRed

    Halloween 2022

    So would this be a good time to ask about winter holiday 2022? =P
    1 point
  5. Thank you, manta2g for all your hard work!
    1 point
  6. @manta2g Thank you for the Birthday present! haha! I kid I kid. Sincerely thank you as rest of the mods as well. Going to enjoy my birthday <3
    1 point
  7. manta2g

    Story Manager is now Live!!!!

    Story Manager is now Live!!!!
    1 point
  8. GeorgeGlass

    Halloween 2022

    I have, but Western, not English. And very not-recently.
    1 point
  9. Sitting in read only again for a bit, Ass hat hacker attacked again. I need to get a couple of hours sleep before I look at the code. Had to roll back 24 hours
    0 points
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