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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2022 in all areas

  1. On this day 3 years ago, I was climbing up the Statue of Liberty. Good times.
    3 points
  2. I think you need more characterization to this MC, because you shouldn’t be struggling like this. However, lets divide & conquer. Suppose HE wakes up first, and “pulls” out/away enough before she wakes so she won’t know it occurred – how does he react? What does he say to her? “Good morning?” and move on? Confess? Switch it, suppose SHE wakes up first, and she could move away fast enough so he wouldn’t know it occurred. How does she react? What does she say to him? “You’re welcome?” or “How dare you?” What I do while shaping a character is I try to list out some personality traits, (hobbies/allergies) and this tends to give me something to start with. You can also do the classic, “lawful/neutral/chaotic” and “good/neutral/evil” way of pinning the character. Also, some history… has this happened before with the MC (& another girl), a spell that he might’ve said while drunk? That’d come out more as… “Not again!” the wizard stammered. Now back to my research on life insurance terms & conditions (needed for my story, turns out suicide’s not always a disqualifier).
    2 points
  3. 60% done with the revamp. Had to rewrite and shove things into book 2 and three lol So there’s that.
    2 points
  4. The more the merrier I say, Hiro deserves to get it on with as many as possible for all the work he’s done.
    1 point
  5. It can work, With the major players no longer on the board so to speak and only lesser factions. Its the perfect time for a changing of the guard and new powers to rise But… Here’s the devil in the details. What kind of setting is it? What happens if the hero is wrong? It’s these intrinsic questions you have to answer to be faithful and consistent to the lore and setting. If it’s a dark fantasy/grim dark vs. more light hearted fantasy. Does she make the most of the admittedly embarrassing situation or does she automatically accuse him of sexual assault? Does he do his best about the situation? Or does he fall apart from the lapse of control and skewed judgement. It’s going to be a big decision for the both of them. He’s going to have to deal with the fact he just potentially undermined his own beliefs and values with this indiscretion one way or another as did she. Not every character has to be romantic some people really do just antiromantically do it/ make the most of the situation and jointly decide they’re a thing now. Even if the beginning situation is embarrassing for both of them. They both have agency and on some level they connected enough to do it even if they don’t remember much of it. The Rubicon has been crossed and the genie is out of the bottle.
    1 point
  6. TBH, how the characters actually react/respond IS the meat & potatoes of most any story – that’s definitely an exercise best left to the writer. Your first question, when they wake up in the compromising position. If there’s been a mutual pent up secret lust for each other, well, that’ll end fine and dandy. Anything else and you’re talking fireworks, with many twisted outcomes available (more than I can count). For extra flavor, you could have one party *think* its worse than it is/was, leaving the other dumbfounded on the response. Extra spicy is to have a third party setting it up and/or taking advantage of it. Second question… could use a game of truth or dare for the expose, or similar. For twins, mixups are very common, so having the guy profess his love (or similar) to the wrong twin? As to reactions? Depends on the personalities/trusts/fears. Maybe the sisters get along and decide to share him. Maybe it becomes a love triangle, with the other sneaking in to interject herself? Maybe the sisters have a falling out over this and don’t speak for a dozen years until forced to (ie family funeral). The better question is where do you want to take the story?
    1 point
  7. Ummm...waking up while still within inside would imply he stayed hard for the whole night and they slept without moving. This sounds more like parody material for a cartoon than anything that could happen in reality. If you want to make it look like they had sex I suggest they could be covered in the dried remains of cum or something similar. As for reaction it totally depends on what you want to happen later. Everything from “We never mention this again! We must have been drunk” to “Bloody rapist!” are possible. It is your characters so only you can tell the contents of their emotional backpack.
    1 point
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