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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2021 in all areas

  1. Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2022 will be what we all hoped 2021 would be. And now, the news. One of the next things I'll post will be that one-shot story I mentioned a while back called "Can't Resist Her." It's a first-person story told alternately by a young teenage girl and her mother, about the day when their relationship changed from conventional to sexual. Other things I plan to post in the next two months or so: The rest of "Stallion" (2 chapters and an epilogue) The first chapters of "Smooshed" The one-shot sequel to "Little Rose" The next Power Arcane story My Helluva Boss fic, "Heaven Help You" There may be other things, too, but this seems like a sufficiently ambitious list for now. In other news, I’ve been helping with the fight against spambots here on the AFF forum. The spambots have been VERY active, both posting their nonsense in existing threads (this one included) and creating new ones. As a group, the mods have been reporting and hiding literally dozens of spam posts a day. I hope the ‘bots lose interest in this site soon. Also, yesterday I decided that I wanted every story of mine that has a sequel to include a link to the sequel at the end. Adding those links to every such story on every site where it’s posted (potentially including AFF, AO3, Inkbunny, Lolicit, and the Palcomix Forum) took a while, but I’m glad I did it. Within a few hours afterward, some of my old stories got new comments on Lolicit because adding the links moved them to the front page, where they were read by people who hadn’t encountered those stories back when they were first posted.
    1 point
  2. As a frequent player of CRPGs in the sword-and-sorcery genre, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say a wine skin would not serve as much of a warning to me. Well, not unless you are looking to warn visitors to the tavern against bringing in their own beverages, which would be completely antithetical to the whole idea of going to a tavern in the first place and would make the tavern owner surly, to say the least. Because I am largely bloodthirsty, I’d say a scalp or perhaps a body part like a hand would serve as a better warning against touching the tavern girls. Anything else just seems to border on farce. “Oohh, see that sock on the wall? Stupid git touched one of the girls, and she walloped him so hard, he lost his sock, he did! So take my word for it, mate, unless you want your sock, or maybe even your breechclout hanging there for everyone to gawk at, no touching!”
    1 point
  3. My first thought was “this completes the set.” (of whatever).
    1 point
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