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  1. Small voice from the back: “Couple of large jugs…. of wine please.” As a disgusting pornographer with almost no fictional morals I say ‘No problem! Go with whatever makes ya happy Porn boobily and make the breast of it!” but I feel like reddit’s MenWritingWomen subreddit and possibly wider groups would react to the above with much the same level of hospitality showed by the maenads to Orpheus. You could alway counterbalance it with description of the man, “The sot’s undersized cock twitched in his breaches like a distressed otter, spraying his fear from a tiny slit shaped strangely like the dry lips of the old preacher. An jagged scar near the base told of the time he’d tried urinating in a Pike filled river, meanwhile his alcohol-damaged testicles hung loosely in a hairy sack that grew damp in the voided trickle.”
    2 points
  2. “Fuck you, you cunts!” “Gosh Harry, you’re talking like a local already.” “CUNTS!” “Yes, you are too Luna.”
    2 points
  3. I figured a full multi-chapter rewrite wouldn’t be great in a forum post, so didn’t portray the douche-bag’s blood reduction process before his perpetual eternal BBQ. Otherwise, I agree it’s best to not perpetuate the stereotypes (though, while writing fiction, I don’t mind plastering offender’s brains on the ceilings….)
    2 points
  4. We just have the one, plus DG. Honestly, this site operates exceedingly well, considering the fact that we are a volunteer operation. Probably The Rise of the Drakens, (Dragon Prints : 752724) but honestly, there might be one or two with more hits.
    2 points
  5. As somebody who prefers to write my characters as being naked…. I will frequently add a bit of description to the state of the breasts/dick; might be sag, swaying with the gait, so cold the balls are non-existent, maybe its pubic hair, etc. I do this because it’s a reminder that the character is naked w/o having to repeatedly write “naked”. Also, I typically avoid absolute measurements, because I don’t really need to know it’s “K-cup”, and TBH, that’s less informative IMO than simply stating “big” vs “small”. If two are standing side-by-side, that’s where the relative comparisons might come in, especially if it’s from the POV male who’ll check. It’s fairly limited when I’ll write an absolute (a bio, a ruler, a dispute to clothes sizing, etc) and needed for the story. Now, the original question was in regards to introductions, I suppose a bit more is okay, if it’s relevant, to help introduce, but the reader typically doesn’t need a full bio there either. “Helga was a big, busty, blonde woman who staffed the kitchen.” And you can get more details later in the scene as she’s complaining about her constant back pain, or twenty fifth pregnancy.
    2 points
  6. I think much depends on why details are presented to the reader. Somebody looking into a mirror or a certain characters looking and remembering are good narrative tricks to give visuals...giving an info dump about females that happen to be at the location but does not feature in any action or plot is quite the opposite. The equivalent of movies where the camera crew go hunting for camera views that make the babes look sexy instead of things that advance the plot. Trying to balance the scale afterward by “objectify” a male lead character is like digging deeper into the hole. Those who think the description of the female jumped at them, won’t be less irritated because it is done again for another character. In short I think you should listen to your wife…
    1 point
  7. Maybe Janina is a people person, likes the conversations that one can only get from being a barkeeper. Maybe she likes the free beer. It’d be a good spot to know who’s coming through town. Or, there’s a recession so serial killing doesn’t pay like it used to and she simply needs the money? I took the bait and speculated, I love to brainstorm
    1 point
  8. So, let me ask this. If she were more typically elven, to wit slender and small-breasted, how would that affect her magical abilities? And why, if she’s so proficient a magic user, is she serving drinks at a tavern? If I’d gone through the training inherent in mastering arcane abilities, I certainly wouldn’t head out and get a job serving ale to a group of potential rapists unless I was secretly a serial killer with a passion for murdering rapists (which is not at all a bad thing, mind you). I’m not sure having the other two women also viewed as mobile pieces of meat available for the first lust-addled male in their vicinity improves anything. It just shows that the males are seriously developmentally challenged, having been unable to muster even the slightest pretext of self control in the presence of females of any race who have curves. This is the antithesis of good writing, because it relies on the tired old trope of “I couldn’t help myself because her tits bounced so nicely in that corset, and besides, she was asking for it because she was female and in a bar and not wearing armor covered in spikes which might possibly have made me think twice about pursuing her.” The characters become caricatures, and the reader is not going to make any sort of connection with them unless the sole purpose for reading your story is to give them something to picture while they wank. Look, I get it. You’re writing for male readers, and you’re writing what you find stimulating. But if you’re confused by why your wife and I aren’t squeeing and begging to beta read for you, it’s because you’re objectifying the female characters, and treating the males as spineless cum-fountains looking for the nearest onahole.
    1 point
  9. @BronxWench I agree that it is unfair for people/characters to be labeled just because they look like A or B, big Brest women = bimbos, most of all blond ones, Big mussel bound guys = dumb as a door nail and so on and so on. My goal in this instance was more of flip on that, yes she is top heavy but to be able to use magic means she is clearly not some typical bimbo that can just be whisked off into a back room after a few nice words or the drop of a few coins, It will likely be the end of you if you try. That said, the reason we keep beating this dead horse is that I would rather have multiple people enjoy my story as best I can instead of just throwing a bunch of words and having people roll their eyes at it., I want to become a good writer and not just a typical fiction writer that writes about 12in cocks that would never fit inside a actual body, large bouncing breasts that could be classed as a dangerous weapon and all that …… painful stuff. The two other women, very different from Janina do have moments like that too. A human girl goes full berserker on a noble and almost kills him with his own sword and a Dark elf throws daggers at a guy trying for force another girl (customer) at the tavern to go with him. The tavern owner, a Dwarf doesn't need bouncers when he has the girls, but if someone does step well out of line, he has his axe under the table and has used it.
    1 point
  10. It wasn’t you, @Desiderius Price. This has been an ongoing discussion with SGS about breasts, size, and descriptors over the years. The kneejerk assumption that curvy women are all potential bimbos is just outdated and utterly irritating because it perpetuates the whole “she was asking for it” culture. We should be better than that.
    1 point
  11. BronxWench

    Introducing characters

    I find the idea of people associating larger breasts with some woman being a bimbo to be truly offensive, actually. It’s not a matter of choice. We are all the sum of our genetic inheritance, and whether or not you have generous physical attributes, or fall below some generic notion of what’s considered attractive at the moment is not something that should EVER influence how we see people. Frankly, if I was your poor elf lass, I’d fireball the lot of them, get some breast reduction magic, and move on with my life far away from humans.
    1 point
  12. Any idea what the most read story is here? Or at least the most dragon prints you’ve seen on one story?
    1 point
  13. Lemme turn this snippet into a full, multi-chaptered, backstory! TBH, that’s not quite my style, I’d write something more like: Obviously, I didn’t capture all the details, but you get the hint. I try to lure in the reader with a bit of action intermingled with the description, leveraging the flashback you’re alluding to. This lets you spread your info-dumping over multiple paragraphs/actions, and adding in a random patron.
    1 point
  14. More of the mythical fleet of coders everybody else seems to think we have…
    1 point
  15. Our coder isn’t quite mythical, but like everyone else, she has a RL job that pays the bills. We can’t afford to pay the going rate for a coder, so she works for us for a pittance, but it means we can’t demand a lot of her time.
    1 point
  16. Have to admit having the statistics at the granular level of FF.net’s would be nice, or the ability to sort the search results on AO3 as such. Don’t see what’d be gained by manipulation, but rationality has never stopped trolls. The database does have the data, it’d be a matter of adding the options for searching/viewing using that mythical developer’s time
    1 point
  17. We actually have never tracked hit count data on individual stories, but I think you are correct in thinking it would get ruined by manipulation if we did.
    1 point
  18. I know some authors seem to like to dwell like the reader is bringing a ruler to every person the see? “Excuse me ma’am, Federal Boobie Inspector, please step this way for measurements.” ZZ-Cup? But unless the breasts are unusual, I typically don’t go out of my way to describe them, let the reader’s imagination (likely as perverted as yours) go to work with whatever they fancy. Generally, I prefer to stick to “larger” or “smaller” plus quality. Not everybody is “large”, should have modest/small ones around too (unless there’s a universal law requiring everybody to get breast-augmentation surgery or something). Also, large breasts need good support & can give back pain (as far as I know, not that gender). And, there’s more than size to consider, there’s firmness, sag, etc, again, if significant or another character is playing with them. For male characters, similar thing – circumcision or not is the first thing I’ll establish. Size, if unusual/important, might be mentioned. However, comparisons might happen more often, so you have two characters together and the difference is noticeable, then you might establish that one character’s todger is longer/thinner than the other. My $0.02 worth.
    1 point
  19. Could be worse. Them: Can you write a Harry Potter/Game of Thrones crossover? Me: No. Them: Can you write a Harry Potter/Game of Thrones crossover? Me: No Them: Can you write a Harry Potter/Game of Thrones crossover? It’s like, can’t they read the first response?
    1 point
  20. Heh. None of that yet. More like, “Hey, could you write an alternative scenario wherethe hero ends up with X instead?” Of course, being new and desperate for readers, I’ll do whatever anyone wants. As soon as I’m done with the project I’m working on, that is. Looks like it’ll wrap up at about 50 chapters.
    1 point
  21. Eyecandy should be unisex in my opinion. Not every man has to be a bodybuilding adonis of course nor every women a perfect voluptuous sex goddess Give him a broad shoulders, or great legs or a big booty or a nice bulge or even those nice full jawlines. Her experiences sound like she got them early/ they were bigger than the other women around her. And she was not treated well because of this sudden puberty driven endowment.
    1 point
  22. Offering Sorrow is complete and it’ll be awhile before I return to this particular verse.
    1 point
  23. I think it depends heavily on the audience you want to write this for: like mainstream, men’s adventure, YA, or capital ‘L’ literature. I know the romance genres I read wouldn’t put the emphasis on her appearance instead of her experiences and agency. Dwelling on her appearance/not his is a concern of adolescent lack of confidence. I know my brother (a human) didn’t settle into his appearance until nearly twenty. Men’s adventure would glowingly dwell on her bust size regardless of her skill. Literature might bait and switch by having her be trans or aggressively asexual. YA would make it a lesson that there is no lack in the hero or curse in the different sizes for the three women. Unless there’s a particular reason why being a busty elf adds to the story, that being an important aspect of her personality would be off-putting. Mine has changed as I rolled through lifestages, but I doubt and hope whatever size it was, was not even in the top ten things that people think is important about me. (I allow exceptions for medical like back damage or professionals like actors) There might even be an element of fairness, if the women are to be described for eyecandy viewpoints, describe the men as well. Like the Mandolorean actor looks real good under that beskar. Not sure if I explained it right, but comparing bust sizes would probably get me to ditch the story if nothing else softened the bad taste. Good luck!
    1 point
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