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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2021 in all areas

  1. When the youtube video is “HOW TO MAKE YOUR BOOBS LOOK BIGGER | How To Contour Your Boobs”, I definitely had to watch that in full for research to make sure my character is properly accenting out hers in my story.
    3 points
  2. Wishing the very happiest birthday ever to my sweet Neko-baby, WillowDarkling! I hope this year brings dreams come true, love!
    2 points
  3. The 10th and final chapter of “Just One Rule” is posted! I’ve also posted some author notes in the review response thread.
    1 point
  4. Instead the source of inspiration is Twilight… Maybe she is also spending demonic energy on gathering fans to read her works so that it is hard for people to be suspicious. Ah...that explains it. It seemed so much like fantasy name that failed to think about that explanation. Precisely my thought. She pretends to be nice since she see opportunity atthe comic-cone. I think it would be great entertainment to have her at the Con shapeshifting into different forms to get sex and fans. I intend to review the rest of chapters also in due time, but there are other stuff also in the pipeline to be read so you get the rest of the reviews.
    1 point
  5. Obviously there is too little Jadis fanfiction around. Especially such without minors involved. No worries...there are quite a number of words. It is not like chapter 10 will be done any time soon...other stuff might be in the pipeline.
    1 point
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